• How to hold a Mexican and other themed parties. African, Asian, Indian party - how to throw a themed party for teenagers

    Tarzan and Jane, lion, tiger, panther, elephant, monkey, cockatoo, caveman, natives, mother earth, wild tree, hunters

    Holiday table decor
    tablecloth, wooden dishes, tiger napkins, metal glasses with African print

    chocolate ants, banana fries, tropical fruits, South African yellow rice, spinach with Garbanzo beans, African meat, mango and banana chocolate ice cream, cake
    cocktails “Tiger Paw”, “Jungle Juice”, juices

    First, a few words about the dress code. This question is very relevant on the eve of an African party, both for your friends and for yourself. After all, I hope you are planning to show the best example in terms of festive costume to your guests? You will shine against the background of your own created jungle in Tarzan's loincloth, or in the outfit of the wild panther Bagheera... However, the costume base for an African safari is so wide that an hour is not enough to describe it in full breadth and depth. But, nevertheless, I will give you several directions for developing your imagination and searching for something of your own, corresponding to the mood and “call” of your inner, instinctive nature.

    So, we select a costume according to the main direction of the party

    If you plan to base your African party on the adventures of a nice fellow raised by monkeys by Edgar Burroughs (I’m talking about Tarzan now), then it would be quite appropriate if guests come to your party in the images of the main characters of the famous novel.

    Tarzan and Jane

    Suitable for Jane little dress khaki color, or a skirt and corset with lacing in the front. It will be nice if you manage to decorate your dress with leopard print. If your outfit is monochromatic, choose a hat and accessories (for example, bracelets, shoes) exactly to match the skin color of the jungle predators. This version of the outfit will “play” especially well if you are going to visit not yourself, but accompanied by your pet Tarzan, who will be dressed in a tunic made of tiger (leopard) skin. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to complement Tarzan’s image with some accessories. For example, you can tie a headband (made of the same material as the tunic) on your head, and you can put a cord with the fang of a wild animal on your neck. As for shoes, Tarzan (the real hero of the novel) is used to moving around the jungle barefoot. If this shape is unacceptable for you, wear soft leather moccasins. I think that E. Burroughs will forgive your Tarzan for some deviation from the law of the jungle.

    Wild animals

    However, it won’t be very interesting if there are 10 Tarzans and the same number of his girlfriends at your party. Therefore, initially distribute roles (as in nature) between the guests. Let's say that you (the hosts of the event) will get the main roles in the notorious multi-volume epic of the great author. What about the other guests? They can be asked to choose a costume of any African animal with which they identify themselves!

    Girls usually like to dress up in costumes wild cats jungle - panthers, lionesses, tigresses.

    The basis of such a suit is a jumpsuit or bodysuit of the appropriate color. You can add leggings to it (then the suit will more clearly emphasize your sexy shape), fur high boots or leg warmers (for a more tangible effect), ears and a tail.

    Very slender and tall girls can wear an elegant giraffe costume. It usually consists of tight two-tone trousers, a corset and a cute hat with horns.

    Men (by the way, they take a broader approach to the concept of wild animals) prefer to dress up in costumes of elephants, monkeys, birds and the first, cavemen.

    Why the latter fell into the category of “wild animals” is still unclear to me, but at an African party such types look simply incomparable! Someone needs to create a cheerful atmosphere and make guests smile!

    Completely different costumes will be needed if you plan to make the main philosophy of the holiday the theme of wild nature and the harmonious coexistence of humans with it. The primitive age, the jungle, a cave, a fire, spears, mammoth hunting and ritual dances give rise to new images for your guests.

    However, making such costumes will be as easy as shelling pears!

    Wild people of the wild continent

    Although, you can add a few more, designed in ethnic style decorations and, of course, African shields and spears! Even though you are at a party, you are warriors to the core! What if a mammoth runs somewhere nearby, and you are without a weapon?

    The image of a “cave” African girl also strives for minimalism in clothing, but requires an elaborate hairstyle and a lot of accessories. In particular - earrings, beads, hair jewelry.

    Mother Earth

    This image is also very revered among the African natives. The Fertile Earth, which gives food, protection, and wisely helps to sort out disputes, has always been deified. They made sacrifices to her, sang songs and danced ritual dances at sunset.

    However, the image of the Earth is epic, therefore, when preparing for a party, you can recreate it in a costume absolutely arbitrarily. Most likely, the outfit for the Mother is a dress in soothing green or peach tones, decorated with flowers, branches, and ribbons. But your imagination may tell you something completely different. Listen to her and become the goddess of the African ball!

    Living tree

    Also a unique and universal image for all options for an African party. In addition, such a costume will “work” perfectly if your goal is to be a detached observer at a festival and not participate in any competitions. The basis of the costume is a long robe made of fabric, which is put on the head and hangs freely to the floor. You can decorate the robe by trimming it with flowers, branches, and fruits.

    And finally, a few words about the costumes for white hunters who came to the black continent to take part in an African safari.

    Hunter costumes for African safari

    As a rule, both female and men's suit consists of a shirt (with buttons and a collar) and trousers (shorts). Color - camouflage green, or khaki. Another must-have costume item is thick wool socks paired with hiking boots. And, of course, weapons.

    Basically, if you're just going to an African safari themed party, you can ease up on the strict hunting dress code a little. For example, give up rough boots (especially for sophisticated girls) and woolen socks (if the holiday falls during the hot season).

    But you shouldn’t give up a cute accessory - a classic straw hat or a cork hunting helmet. As a rule, image recognition always arises precisely thanks to this headdress!

    And a few more words about interesting details that can be matched to a safari suit. As we have already mentioned, nowadays tourists go to Africa mainly to take part not in real hunting for wild animals, but in the so-called photo hunt. Therefore, for the sake of plausibility, when going to a party, you can hang binoculars or a camera around your neck.

    Also, take with you an interesting bag with an African print and large sunglasses.

    Perhaps your guests have received enough “food for thought.” It remains to have time to turn all our and our own ideas into real fabric and enter the image. And you and I, dear hosts of the holiday, still have a lot of things to do ahead! In particular, it is high time to discuss holiday menu! What are you going to serve to all the wild animals, natives and hunters who will soon gather in your house? After the safari, they will all probably be very hungry! Therefore - advice from the best chefs will help you!



    The festive table should not differ in the general style of composition from the formal hall where the main part of the event will take place. Therefore, I advise you to lay the tablecloth in black and white colors, you can choose a covering to match the “leopard skin”, and decorate the center of the table with a strip of shiny brown organza. It will be very beautiful and tasteful!

    Dishes. It is best to serve food on wooden flat plates, and pour drinks into tall, rough iron glasses (by the way, they can be decorated with a strip of fabric to match the tablecloth).

    The only sign of civilization that “white hunters” can leave at their holiday table is metal cutlery. When setting the table, they can also be wrapped in a napkin that matches the tone of the tablecloth.

    Decorations. You can decorate your holiday table with wooden figurines of jungle inhabitants, as well as cute pots with young tropical greens.

    Well, now let's talk about what will be nice to put on beautiful plates!


    Real hunters (and their “trophies” too) will not be able to pass up the fresh green banana fries. This dish comes from Kenya and tastes like potatoes, familiar to Europeans, dried in oil.

    Preparing this dish is not at all difficult. You just need to cut the not quite ripe bananas into strips and deep-fry them over medium heat, in large quantities oils Serve with fresh herbs and sauce, and, preferably, pickle after frying.

    You can also serve an original African delicacy - fried ants - as an appetizer. If there are gourmets among your guests, they will surely appreciate your dish! However, true connoisseurs of the taste of insects are very rare among Russians - that’s why I propose replacing real ants with chocolate ones. Or, at least, decorate tartlets with cream or green cheese spread with them!

    Also, throughout the evening, guests should have free access to dishes with exotic tropical fruits such as pineapple, bananas, mangoes and pomegranates.

    Only African party will give you a sea of ​​positive emotions and great mood. If you want to have a holiday without restrictions and conventions, we invite you to an African party. This is a great idea to celebrate a birthday in the summer.

    Unforgettable teen party attracts not only the bright clothes of the participants, but also the absence of strict requirements for the organization and form of clothing: simply active and free chunga-changa. A safari is a journey that allows you to see the natural and original conditions of the surrounding nature and wild animals. Once upon a time this was the purpose of a real hunt, but now it is just a photo hunt.

    Africa is a large continent, containing 61 countries and covering several climate zones. But many are interested in that part of the continent where uneducated people and hungry predators live. If you don't know how to throw a party in style Africa, you should know that the entire tribal population dresses in a similar way. Each one wears loincloths, animal bone beads, feather jewelry and painted faces.

    Indian party

    By contacting an event company, you get a professionally organized event. The role of the leader is played by the leader of the Redskins, who will come to Indian party for teens, will tell you about the secrets of his tribe and gather a group of like-minded people to search for missing animals or jewelry.

    This fabulous party is filled with romance, freedom and adventure. At the beginning of the event, you need to be initiated into Indians, get a new name, paint your body, and then show your courage and skills. If carried out latin party, then the animators will prepare an exciting and realistic holiday program.

    To friendly party It was memorable, the animator will be in a real Indian costume, he will have colored feathers, a bow and arrows. He will teach everyone how to shoot and recognize the tracks of wild animals. Entertaining competitions and games will make the event exciting and unforgettable.

    Asian party

    Unusual asian parties are also a great option for a holiday. Japan and China are two colorful countries, and each has its own impressive traditions. Clothes, makeup, fireworks - all this is unusual. Such amateur parties will allow you to find yourself in the forbidden country of the East and learn traditions and customs. If you are tired of Latin American parties, then feel free to immerse yourself in the Japanese atmosphere.

    A spacious room is suitable for this. You need to put a lot of effort into its design, so choose it according to the number of guests so as not to complicate the designers’ work. The menu should include rolls, sushi, noodles, and famous sauces. You can make fish sandwiches. The dress code is traditional: kimono, fans and bright makeup. Guys can draw a thin and slightly raised mustache. With traditional Japanese technology drawings were of trees, birds, sakura. Pink and green colors can be used in decoration.

    Sushi Lover will give you an unforgettable theme evening

    Our Sushi Lover specialists will offer you unusual party ideas V Japanese style. If you decide to celebrate a birthday or just get together with old friends, contact our Sushi Lover company. Japanese cuisine has in its arsenal exotic and popular dishes, which have recently gained a stir among Russian gourmets.

    If you also love sushi and rolls, then our company offers to order sushi catering and on-site master classes, thereby organizing a real sushi bar. Throughout the entire event, you will not leave the feeling that you are in an eastern country. Japanese cuisine with the participation of a creative sushi chef is not only rolls and sushi, but also other dishes: noodles, soups, salads, fish, side dishes, hot sauces. You will also see a unique sushi mosaic.

    Off-site group master classes are an ideal option for spending time together with friends and family. You will learn how to prepare Japanese delicacies and receive a certificate confirming your knowledge. We also offer a mobile sushi station, at which our chef will cook in real time. You will watch his deft skill and be able to take part in the process. If you are planning to organize graduation parties, the sushi station will create an enchanting show that will leave unforgettable experience and the feelings in the soul of every invitee.

    The material from this event can be used in general review lessons on the topic “Africa”, and how extracurricular activity during the subject week in geography. Main goal: to develop cognitive interest in the school geography course, creative thinking; consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in geography lessons. The game contains an element of success, a lot of positive emotions, and the joy of communication.


    • generalize and consolidate students’ knowledge on the topic “Africa”;
    • generalize and consolidate knowledge of geographical nomenclature on the topic;
    • broaden the horizons of students;
    • continue to develop the ability to work with atlas maps;
    • contribute to increasing interest in the subject,
    • develop the ability to work in a team, empathize, collaborate in general educational work;
    • apply knowledge and skills in a new non-standard situation;
    • continue to develop creative thinking, activity, initiative, and independence.


    1. form 4 teams from 7th grade students;
    2. familiarize students with the rules of the game;
    3. deepen the knowledge and skills acquired in lessons on the topic “Africa”;
    4. unleash the creative potential of students.


    1. Wall map: “Africa” (physiographic).
    2. Exhibition of children's works on the topic "Africa", additional literature.
    3. Handout.

    In organizing and conducting geographic KVN, we distinguish 3 stages:

    1. Preparatory:
      A) determination of knowledge and skills that are used in the game;
      B) development of game rules;
      B) writing a script.
    2. Organization and conduct of the game:
      A) training of presenters;
      B) determination of the composition of the jury;
      C) preparation of necessary equipment and literature;
      D) preparation of teams;
      D) playing the game.
    3. Analysis of results:
      A) survey and analysis of its results;
      B) analysis of the preparation and progress of the game;
      C) reporting the results of the game.

    Progress of the event

    1. Organizational moment.

    Check students' readiness for the lesson and psychological mood.

    2. Rules of the game.

    Each competition is scored with a different number of points, the team with the highest score wins, and the contribution of each team member is taken into account.

    1 presenter: Attention! Attention! Let's start our KVN. It is hardly possible to find a person who will remain indifferent to hot Africa, full of mysteries and exciting discoveries. This is a whole world with special natural conditions, numerous peoples, amazing story. Africa is endless deserts. Africa is an unforgettable savannah. Today we are all at the mercy of Africa. There are 4 teams participating in our competition: “Pharaohs”, “Ghanians”, “Ethiopians” and “Limpopo”.

    2 presenter:

    We are with you, friends,
    Today we will see a serious battle!
    The rivals will show each other
    Your resourcefulness and courage!

    1 presenter: The game is judged by our esteemed jury (introduced by the jury to the teams).

    2 presenter: so, we are starting the first competition - “BUSINESS CARD”. The teams are introduced: name, motto, emblem, greetings to the jury and opponents (10 points).

    1 presenter: Second competition “WARM-UP”

    Competition "Warm-up".

    Teams are asked 5 questions in turn, every 30 seconds. the answer is given and is worth 1 point. If there is no answer, then the answers of other teams are listened to and then 0.5 points are awarded to the team that answered correctly.

    Warm-up questions:

    1. The highest peak in Africa.( Kilimanjaro).
    2. Where do lemurs live? ( Madagascar).
    3. The largest island off the coast of Africa. ( Madagascar).
    4. Which part of Africa is rich in diamonds and gold? ( South).
    5. Name the shortest people on Earth.( pygmies)
    6. Plants in the equatorial forest, living on the trunks and branches of trees.( epiphytes)
    7. Waterfall on the Zambezi River. ( Victoria)
    8. The famous English explorer, who in the village. XIX century made several trips to South Africa. ( Livingston)
    9. Russian explorer of Central and Eastern Africa. (Junker)
    10. The westernmost point of the continent. ( Cape Almadi)
    11. Where do pygmies live? ( In the forests of central Africa).
    12. What is a wadi? ( Dry river beds).
    13. In which natural zone is it hot and humid throughout the year, like a steam room? ( In Hylaea).
    14. Where does the date palm grow? ( In the oases of the Sahara Desert).
    15. What is simoom and where is this phenomenon observed? ( Wind. In the Sahara).
    16. What are the moist multi-story forests in Africa called? ( Hylaea).
    17. Name a lake that changes its shape. ( Chad).
    18. What tree do elephants like? ( Baobab).
    19. Name the river that crosses the equator twice. ( Congo).
    20. Which tree is called the desert octopus? ( Velvichia).

    2 presenter: Let's ask the jury to announce the results of the first and second competitions.

    1 presenter: The third competition is announced, which is called “Higher and Higher...”

    A representative of each team chooses an envelope containing a task: to travel, describing the terrain and their impressions. (1 envelope - Atlas, 2 envelopes - Mount Kilimanjaro, 3 envelopes - Ethiopian Highlands, 4 envelopes - Drakensberg Mountains.) 3 minutes, 2 points, are allotted to complete the task.

    2 presenter: While the teams are climbing different parts Africa, fans have a chance to earn points for their teams.

    1 presenter: Announced competition-game" Who it? What's happened?"

    Congo River, basin, state;

    Sweet potato - sweet potato;

    Niger State, river;

    Okapi animal;

    Welwitschia plant;

    Tuaregs are desert dwellers;

    Atlas - mountains;

    Mozambique is a state;

    Madagascar is an island, a state;

    Tanganyika - lake;

    Almadi - cape, western point of the mainland;

    Somalia - peninsula;

    Nyasa - lake;

    Chad is a lake. State;

    Ahaggar - highland;

    Algeria – state, city, capital;

    Mango is a fruit with juicy pulp;

    Pygmies are the shortest people on Earth;

    Kalahari is a desert in southern Africa;

    Lemurs are animals that live on the island. Madagascar.

    2 presenter: While the jury is evaluating the children's travels around Africa, we have the next 4th competition --- "Orienteering."

    2 people per team are invited to the map to find geographical objects. For each correctly shown object, teams are awarded 1 point.

    Namib Desert, Oz. Tanganyika, Zambezi River, Congo River, Ethiopian Highlands, lake. Chad, Cape Almadi, Tripoli, Atlas, Gulf of Guinea, M. Ben-Secca, Vdp. Victoria, Mount Kilimanjaro, Tibesti Highlands, Mount Kenya, Drakensberg Mountains, Niger, Cairo City, Mediterranean Sea, Cape Mountains, Cape Ras Hafun, Tunisia City, Canary Islands, Red Sea, Mozambique Strait, Sahara, Strait of Gibraltar , Suez Canal, vdp. Livingston, Libyan Desert, Kalahari Desert, Lake Victoria, East African Plateau, Cameroon Volcano, Cape Agulhas, Lake Nyasa, Somalia Peninsula, Pretoria City, Madagascar Island, Nile River.

    1 presenter: Dear jury! State the results of previous competitions and the overall score.

    2 presenter: We are starting the fifth competition - “Why”.

    Each team is asked a question in turn. 15 seconds are allotted for discussion, the correctness and completeness of the answer is taken into account (2 points for each correct answer).


    1. Why is Africa the hottest continent on Earth? ( located on the equator and between the two tropics).
    2. Why does the Congo Basin experience rainfall every day? ( high temperatures, upward air movement, cloud formation and precipitation).
    3. Why does no precipitation fall on the Atlantic coast in the Namib Desert in southern Africa? ( cold current).
    4. Why is it always hot in the Congo Basin? ( uniform arrival of solar radiation, which is determined by the angle of incidence of solar rays).
    5. Why do pygmies take care of the raffia palm tree? ( The leaves of this palm reach a length of 10-12 meters. Pygmies build their homes from them. Their fibers are used to weave baskets and hats.)
    6. Why is it difficult for a person to breathe in a hyle? ( Rotting of leaves and other plant debris leads to an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the ground layer of air).
    7. Why do equatorial forests give way to savannas? ( The main reason is climate change. The amount of precipitation decreases and the temperature drops. There is seasonality in precipitation, the ratio of heat and moisture changes.)
    8. Why is the Congo River the deepest on the mainland? ( The river crosses the equator twice, collects water from vast areas and flows in the humid tropics, receiving abundant rainfall.).
    9. Why is Lake Tanganyika very deep and has steep slopes? ( The lake is located in a trough of an ancient crystalline section of the earth's crust).
    10. Why is Lake Chad shown as a dotted line on maps? ( This is a dry lake that fills with water only during the rainy season.).
    11. Why are the leaves of the trees of the upper tier small and leathery in the Hylea, while those of the trees of the lower tiers are large and tender? ( The leaves of the plants in the upper tier receive a lot of light, and they are the first to meet the force of the rain jets. And the leaves of the plants of the lower tier fight for light, and raindrops reach them already weakened).
    12. Why is it difficult or almost impossible for a jungle traveler to find fuel for a fire? ( With excess heat and moisture, fallen leaves and other plant debris decompose very quickly. Their decomposition under the influence of insects and fungi begins even before that. How they fall).

    1 presenter: Somewhere close to Captain Vrungel’s hands were notes, to our greatest regret, some things here are called into question. So, the next Captains Competition “Do you know Africa?”

    Captains are invited. They choose envelopes that contain a description of the continent. It is necessary to find errors and correct them. The jury takes into account the number of errors found and the correctness of their correction. (One mistake - one point). Execution time - 3 minutes.

    “Our ship sailed along the coast of Africa. This continent is located almost symmetrically on both sides of the northern tropic. We landed on the Madagascar peninsula. We were greeted by the pygmies of the Efe tribe, who offered us a delicious drink made from the juice of the strawberry tree. Walking around the outskirts of the pygmy village, we admired the humid equatorial forest, in which we were amazed by the metasequoia and rattan palms. The first animals we saw were lemurs, they were playing with a koala bear on the branches of a rattan palm tree.” (Errors: 1. Mainland Africa is located on both sides of the equator, not the northern tropic. 2. Madagascar is an island, not a peninsula. 3. The strawberry tree does not grow in the hyla. 4. Metasequoia is a plant characteristic of North America.5 The koala bear is not typical for Africa; it lives in Australia.)

    2 presenter: While the captains are correcting the letter, the rest of the team members are asked to guess the riddles (three riddles for each team, the correct answer is one point.) The presenters take turns reading the riddles, and the teams read the riddles after 30 seconds. give an answer.


    1. I am a bird, a champion runner.
      An athlete cannot overtake me. ( ostrich)
    2. Striped like a zebra
      And she's as cowardly as a hare.
      I don’t attack animals, I only eat carrion. ( hyena)
    3. Armed to the teeth:
      There is armor and a sword.
      I'm running, the earth is shaking
      It's like buckshot hitting. ( rhinoceros)
    4. The neck is arched
      Delicate coloring.
      Quietly dozing over the water
      Bird or fairy tale? ( flamingo)
    5. I am related to monkeys
      Look for me on the island of Madagascar! ( lemur)
    6. From red-haired "Europeans"
      Distinctive with ears,
      But I am a wonderful predator!
      I hunt great! ( fennec)
    7. All alone in the desert
      I look majestic
      That’s why they call me divine... ( Velvichia)
    8. He's afraid of everyone in the savannah,
      But even a lion has to share
      He always hides in the grass,
      Jumps, grabs a piece
      And he runs back. ( jackal)
    9. He blows like a locomotive
      Has a tail between the eyes.
      Through the thicket barrier
      A fat man walked through the jungle...( elephant)
    10. We don't have such trees
      A hundred times more oak.
      Makes sounds like a grandfather
      After all, he is five thousand years old. ( baobab)
    11. I catch poisonous snakes
      And I keep score for them.
      I wear a feather behind my ear
      And I don't need a bill. ( secretary bird)
    12. On the lawn for an hour
      Runs playfully
      Striped mattress
      With a ponytail and mane. ( zebra).

    1 presenter: Guys, today we once again made a trip to “Far and So Close Africa”, it’s time to put all our knowledge into system. I propose to write a book and call it “African Record Breakers.” This is what the eighth competition sounds like. Teams must remember and write down African records in 3 minutes (each record is worth 1 point).

    (Examples: Africa is the hottest continent, etc.)

    2 presenter: Word from the jury about past competitions and results.

    1 presenter: And finally, the last competition homework"One day in the life of the African people." 10 points.

    The jury announces the results and awards certificates to the most active players and fans.

    2 presenter:

    KVN went well,
    We are happy with it, friends,
    We all understood:
    Today it is impossible to live without humor.

    1 presenter:

    And saying goodbye for a while,
    We wish good luck to everyone,
    New meetings on the paths of knowledge
    Both in geography and in KVN.

    Summarizing. Thank all participants of this event and conduct a short questionnaire:

    1. Did you like KVN or not and why?
    2. What new things did you learn during preparation?
    3. What would you add to the next KVN?


    1. Baglaeva N.I. “Non-traditional study of geography.” Novosibirsk, 1992.
    2. Perepecheva N.N. "Non-standard geography lessons." Volgograd, “Teacher-AST”, 2004.
    3. Elkin G.N. " Workbook on the geography of continents and oceans." St. Petersburg, ed. House "MiM", 1998.
    4. Krylova O.V. "Geography lessons: 7th grade." M, "Enlightenment", 1990.
    5. Pyatunin V. B. “Test and test work in geography for grades 6-10.” M, "Bustard", 1996.
    6. "Test as a form of knowledge control." Compiled by Krasnovskaya V.A., MGIUU, 1992
    7. Nikitina N.A. “Lesson-based developments in geography” 7th grade Moscow “Waco” 2007.

    Invitations. Try to send out invitations in advance: you can make them yourself by cutting out “footprints” of various animals from paper and writing the text of the message on them.
    Atmosphere. In order to create the right mood, it is very important to maintain style in the festive interior. Lay a tablecloth with leopard print on the table, and place incense sticks with spicy scents around the house.

    It’s good if you have a disc with folk music of the tribes of the Dark Continent or with the sounds of wild nature. At the entrance, place a tray with a bottle of alcohol with the word “Firewater” written on it, and several glasses. Everyone who comes will have to take a sip of the drink, which, by the way, may turn out to be ordinary water. If you carefully consider all the details, then success is guaranteed. Exotic New Year will be remembered for a long time, your friends will probably demand a continuation of the “banquet” and will be waiting for new ideas for the next holidays.

    Food and drinks. On festive table There must be fruits (bananas, oranges, mangoes, etc.), an appetizing fried meat dish (leg of lamb, turkey or chicken), and several exotic snacks. If you are not afraid of experiments, you can not serve cutlery to your guests and eat like a savage, with your hands.
    Dress code. Warn all invitees in advance that entry to your holiday is allowed only in African attire: these can be bright and colorful clothes or even animal costumes.

    Entertainment. The cultural program of your evening can be quite extensive: when coming up with entertainment for guests, just add a little African flavor to it. For example, you can hold a competition to determine how fast you can eat a banana and solemnly award the winner the title of the fastest monkey. To diversify traditional conversations at the table, offer the following game: you need to remember as many songs about winter and summer as possible and sing them one line at a time. Let the guests take turns singing, and those
    Those who can no longer remember are eliminated from the game.

    The losers must complete some simple tasks: shout three times in the voices of different African animals, drink a glass of “fire water” in one gulp, pretend to be some kind of animal. If you have a very ordinary darts at home, then you can hold a competition for the title of the best hunter. Simply tape a picture of a lion to the target and invite guests to take turns using the dart to try to “kill” the predator. The most accurate one wins.

    Anna Belaya
    Scenario for a holiday or birthday "Safari". Africa. Animals of hot countries

    What's happened safari? Initially under safari meant hunting in the eastern Africa, but these days in a word « safari» are called travel, excursions, trips into the wild, most often - African.

    preparation for holiday

    1. Invitations. In invitations, of course, you need to indicate the theme holiday. Then the children will look forward to the day with even greater excitement. birth, yes and on holiday they will come prepared.

    It is better to choose or make your own invitations with images of the jungle, African animals, safari, etc.. n. You can take a photo of the hero of the occasion in a suit for safari and use this image for the front of the invitation card.

    Invitations can be issued as tickets to safari, which indicate the date, time and location of the event safari. In such an invitation, you can indicate what clothes children need to wear to the event. holiday(For example, "tourist costume" or "suit for safari» ).

    You can leave one side blank on your invitation ticket. Let the kids take their tickets to holiday. If possible, on holiday an adult will take a Polaroid or digital photo of each child holding hands with the birthday boy (in this case you will need a color printer). Ready-made Polaroids or printed images while the kids have fun on the holiday, one of the adults will paste it into personalized invitations. At the end holiday invitation tickets should be returned to children as souvenirs.

    2. Costumes. When signing invitations, you can ask guests to come to holiday in safari style clothes. However, costumes can be prepared on one's own: for example, make helmets out of paper safari. They can also be made from plastic deep plates with a rounded bottom and wide edges. After making the holes, tie ties - for example, from jute twine. If you don’t want to do handicrafts, buy simple and very inexpensive panama hats in the style of khaki safari.

    Also buy cheap plastic binoculars and hang them up for those who come. holiday for children. You can also make binoculars with your own hands together with your child, preparing for holiday. If you glue two plastic cups By cutting off the bottoms and gluing cellophane or tape in their place, you will get funny binoculars. Be sure to attach a string or lanyard to your homemade binoculars so that children can wear them around their necks. In addition, boys can be offered bandanas, and girls - scarves with predatory prints.

    3. Venue Decor holiday. Try to create an atmosphere African jungle and a tourist camp set up in it. It will turn out bright festive and cozy. For this you can use green fabric draperies, green Balloons, posters with images of the jungle, a couple of artificial palm trees, etc.

    Hang from the ceiling, on curtains and toy walls animals, masks animals and balloons of predatory colors. If you're not too lazy, make some signs and also attach them to wall: Zimbabwe – 4000 km, Sahara Desert – 5000 km, Ngorongoro Crater – 500 km.

    Traces can be glued to the floor using double-sided tape. animals, cut out of paper. Festive The interior decoration can be the following: items: compasses, binoculars, old suitcases, slingshots, backpacks, etc.

    To create a themed table setting, you can use "tarpaulin" tablecloth or tablecloth with a predatory print (zebra, leopard, etc.). Dishes can be "camping" or festive with African themed decor. Place fruit baskets and bowls of crackers in the form on the tables. animals.

    Download nature sounds from the Internet and use them as background - this will allow children to plunge into the atmosphere of the jungle.

    At the entrance to the birthday person’s house, hang a poster with images of the jungle and the inscription "Welcome to safari.

    children's day safari style birthday: holding holiday

    Children are allowed to safari presenting tickets (invitations). To everyone who arrived nurse(it could be brother, sister or the parent of the birthday boy in a medical cap) hands over a pill to prevent malaria. Buy lollipops and plastic bottles; put one lozenge in each bottle; attach a cool label. Instead of a bottle, you can wrap a lollipop in paper with the inscription "Antimalarin". Besides, "health worker" glues a colored sticker to each child on any part of the body, calling it "A patch to protect against yellow fever". When all the children have gathered, you can invite them to drink cocktails called "Snake bite vaccine".

    Presenter's opening speech:

    Brave and very smart young scientists went to Africa on safari. What is it safari? (children give answers) Safari– this is not only hunting, but also any trip, an excursion into the world of wild nature Africa. So, several brave and very smart young scientists went to Africa on safari to not only have fun, but also spend Scientific research. When the young scientists arrived in Africa, it turned out that today is their leader Vanya’s day birth. He turned 5... years old. Well, young scientists, do you want celebrate birthday?

    The children answer that they really want to. Leading continues:

    However, the known African folk wisdom reads: "Abraka kadabraka blablablaka", which translates as “Do the job - walk boldly”. You need to do your research first and then have fun. Here is the list of tasks (the presenter shows a sheet with tasks). After completing them, you can find the main gift for the birthday boy and a lot of goodies. Ready? Then let's begin.

    But for this we will need a lot of strength. To have them, I suggest having a snack and refreshment for the trail.

    The leader gives the children a list of tasks. For each completed task, children receive a magical totem from the leader.

    The totem is a piece of the puzzle. The puzzle should eventually form some kind of meaningful image, which will serve as a hint to children where to look for gifts and sweets. For example, all this can be hidden in the mezzanine, on the door of which a vinyl sticker depicting a hippopotamus is pasted. Accordingly, to make a puzzle you need to draw or find a picture of a hippopotamus, print it out and cut it into six pieces.

    List of tasks for children:

    1. Set up camp.

    2. Test your tourism knowledge.

    3. Go to the savannah.

    4. Identify animals.

    5. Study habits, lifestyle and other features African animals.

    6. Return to camp through the snake gorge.

    Completing tasks

    Exercise 1: Set up camp

    The game will require quite a lot of space. This game works great fresh air, but you can also play in the large room.


    You have just arrived in Africa by boat. You need to carry your things from the boat to the jungle where the camp will be set up. You need to transfer the cubes from your backpack to the camp, taking one cube at a time. And in Africa, you know, it happens dangerous: lions, crocodiles, snakes... I will observe the situation. As soon as I speak "A lion!" you squat and raise your arms above your head. When I say "Snake", you jump. If I say "Vultures", you lie down on the floor and close your eyes, and if I say "Monkey", you stand on one leg and wave your hand. The last person to complete the command is eliminated.

    Next, you need to repeat the commands several times so that the children remember. Two need to be noted lines: boat and camp. Children stand on the line "Boat" and at the command of the leader they begin to slowly walk to the side "camps". The leader suddenly pronounces a command, and the children must follow it. Whoever did it later than others is eliminated. Children constantly go back and forth from boat to camp and from camp to boat, along the way following commands and dropping out one by one. The one who remains last wins - he gets a prize. The team receives the first totem.

    Task 2: Test your knowledge


    Before we begin safari, you need to make sure that you are well versed in tourism topics. Are you experienced tourists? Now let's check how much.

    The quiz can be held among teams, dividing children into two groups. Or ask questions to everyone at once and let the one who raised their hand answer first.


    1. Name the cardinal directions (North South West East)

    2. From which side does the sun rise? (East)

    3. Which way does the sun set? (west)

    4. Is it possible to drink raw water from rivers and lakes? (no, the water needs to be filtered and boiled)

    5. What is the most convenient way to carry things if you go on a hike or safari? (in a backpack)

    6. Utensils for cooking over a fire (bowler)

    7. With the help of what object can you determine where is north, south, west or east? (compass)

    8. What is the name of an object that allows you to carefully examine objects that are even very far away? (binoculars)

    9. Is bamboo a tree or a grass? (grass)

    10. Do lions live in the jungle? (no, lions live in the savannah)

    This is a continuation script for children's birthday “SAFARI”. Start script here.

    Task 3. Go to the savannah


    The path to the savannah will not be easy. You will have to go through many obstacles. And you need to move faster, because there are still so many tasks to complete!

    You can play the game in the form of a group relay race, dividing the children into two teams, or arrange individual races. Needs to be organized obstacles:

    Lake with crocodiles (you can put the hoops on the floor)– you need to jump over it;

    Poisonous bush (stool covered with green cloth)– it should be walked around in a circle;

    Log bridge over a deep gorge (a long strip of paper the width of a child’s foot)– you need to walk along it carefully, without taking a single step past.

    All this time, while passing the obstacle, the child needs to hold something round in the spoon - for example, a walnut, a tangerine or a tennis ball.

    At the end of the race, distribute prizes to the winners and give the children another totem.

    Task 4: Identify animals

    This test can be carried out in two options:

    1. Find pictures African animals and cut out only small fragments that show the color of the skin animal and any part of his body. The presenter shows the picture to the children, and they guess what it is. animal. The game can be played among teams or in uniform "Who raised their hand first".

    Riddle picture:

    Guess picture:

    2. Download sounds animals. Turn on the sound and ask the children to guess which one the animal makes it. This game can also be played among teams or in uniform "Who raised their hand first".

    Children receive another totem.

    Task 5. Study habits, lifestyle and other features African animals

    A game "zoopantomime". Give children cards with names or pictures. animals, living in Africa. Let the children go to the center one by one and, without using sounds, depict animal body language. Other children guess.

    Which of the guys can guess their animal Having asked the least number of questions, he wins this game. Children receive the penultimate totem.

    Task 6. Return to camp through the snake gorge

    Children need to find hidden rubber bands around the room. (or sweet) snakes. There can be 10, 20 or 30 in total. When all the snakes have been collected, you need to count which of the guys found the most snakes. This winner receives a prize. The presenter gives the children the last totem and offers to assemble the puzzle.

    Children collect the picture and, following a clue, look for the place where the gift and sweets are hidden. Having found "treasure", the guys go to the table celebrate african birthday.

    Notes with wishes

    A beautiful ending to anyone holiday

    children's day safari style birthday: what to treat children

    Children will definitely love the pizza - striped like a skin. African animals. To make a zebra pizza, use finely chopped black olives and shredded white cheese to garnish the pizza. Top the pizza, alternating olives with cheese, creating a zebra-like pattern.

    For "tiger" For pizza decor, use grated cheese, carrots and black olives.

    You can cook chicken fingers and serve them as "Fingers of the Lion".

    Prepare for a snack "tiger cubs" with red caviar. This dish is being prepared So: pancakes are fried and cooled. Each pancake is coated with cream cheese and rolled up. Next, the pancake tubes are cut like rolls and placed horizontally on a dish. Red caviar is placed on top of the roll in a thin layer. The rolls are decorated with stripes of black olives (the bright orange color of the caviar and the dark stripes of the olives create a pattern reminiscent of the color of a tiger).

    Prepare for dessert "Monkey food"- banana boats. Take large bananas, peel them, cut them in half, and use a spoon to remove some of the pulp to make a hole in the banana. Prepare the filling - for example, curd cream (butter, well-pounded cottage cheese, condensed milk and vanilla, add the removed banana pulp to the filling and mix. Fill the banana boats with the filling, place on lettuce leaves, garnish with mint leaves.

    Buy shaped cookie cutters animals. Prepare the jelly by pouring a thin layer of it into a large dish, then cut and decorate dessert plates with these jelly figures.

    Notes with wishes

    A beautiful ending to anyone holiday. Go outside or onto the balcony balloons, inflated with helium. In advance, ask guests to write wishes and attach them to the ribbon. Let's launch wishes into the sky!

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