• Rare wild cats. Breeds of wild cats: overview, features, types and interesting facts


    The diverse family of cats, numbering 37 species, is divided into two groups based on size: large and small. The classification is based not on the height of the animal at the withers, but on the features of its anatomical structure. Therefore, biologists classify both representatives of the subfamily of large and small cats as the largest wild cats.


    Of all the cats that inhabit European forests, the largest is the common lynx. The body weight of a male is about 29 kg, females are 4-6 kg lighter. The body length does not exceed 130 cm. Mammals live in Russia, Central Asia, Central and Northern Europe. At the beginning of the 20th century, the extermination of predators led to the threat of their extinction. Today, lynx fishing is prohibited everywhere.

    An animal with tasseled ears and short tail seems cute and harmless. But under the spotted thick coat hides a skillful and cunning hunter, capable of smelling prey at a distance of 2 km. Its victims include hares, foxes, birds, rodents and small ungulates: roe deer and musk deer. Lynx never attacks people. Even an adult caught by a person is easily tamed and becomes a pet.

    9. Snow Leopard

    To date, the number of snow leopards is unknown. The snow leopard, which lives far from people, is the most poorly studied representative of the feline tribe. The muscular wild cat is found in the mountainous regions of Central Asia and Southern Siberia at an altitude of 1.5–5 thousand m above sea level. Short, thick paws equipped with wide pads are adapted for walking on loose snow, and the ability to make 8-meter jumps helps to overcome deep crevasses.

    The four-legged inhabitant of mountain peaks resembles a leopard in posture and size. The height of the male reaches 65 cm, weight - 55 kg. Fluffy gray-beige fur reliably protects from cold and camouflages in snowy gorges. A distinctive feature of the exterior is a meter-long thick tail, which the snow leopard uses as a rudder when running and jumping.


    Despite the height at the withers, reaching 92 cm, and the weight of 65 kg, zoologists classify the cheetah as a subfamily of small cats. This is due to the peculiarities of the skeleton - the mammal has long thin limbs, a compact skull and an extremely flexible spine. This structure allows the animal to reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. Helps him in hunting a long tail, serving as a balancer and helping to quickly change the direction of movement.

    In appearance, the sprinter of the fauna world resembles graceful dog Russian greyhound breed. Like dogs, giant cats do not retract their claws, cannot climb trees, do not ambush hunt, and do not tend to eat carrion. The sounds they make resemble abrupt yelps. Unlike most of their relatives, cheetahs quickly get used to humans. In Iran, India and Kievan Rus tamed animals often helped people hunt.

    7. Leopard

    Muscular elongated body, strong legs and excellent eyesight make the leopard an ideal killer. Chasing prey, the powerful flexible cat accelerates to 58 km/h and makes jumps 7 m long. With a body weight of up to 66 kg, it is capable of killing prey 3 times its weight. The hunter always lifts the desired trophy up a tree for the subsequent meal.

    The size of the predator directly depends on the geographical features of the area. Thus, four-legged inhabitants of open spaces grow up to 75 cm, inhabitants of forests - up to 67 cm. Decorated with a spotted pattern, short, thick fur lies tightly to the body. The belly and inner side of the legs are light yellow, the rest of the body is golden brown. Individuals with a black color are called panthers.


    This representative of the cat family is a champion in the number of names. Residents of different countries know the puma as a Mexican lion, panther, mountain screamer, red tiger, cougar... In total, there are 83 definitions of an animal whose beauty and grace are combined with ruthlessness and composure.

    The puma's habitat is the forests and mountainous regions of America. The silhouette of the predator resembles a small lioness. The height of the golden beauty is 60–85 cm, weight is about 90 kg. A distinctive character trait of the puma is patience. Waiting for prey, it sits in ambush for a long time, without giving away its presence. Once caught in a trap, the mammal calmly tries to get out of the grip. In case of failure, he falls into melancholy and motionlessly awaits death.


    The golden skin of this massive predator, whose height at the withers varies from 69 to 79 cm, and weight from 68 to 135 kg, is painted with bright patterns - black spots and rings. Intricate colors help to perfectly camouflage among bushes and trees. The jaguar has no equal in pursuing prey. The hardy mammal covers tens of kilometers every day, it swims well and runs fast. The hunter kills with one leap - a blow from a powerful paw can break the victim's spine.

    The range of jaguars is Central and South America. The Olmec Indians inhabited these lands in the 2nd century BC. e., they believed that people and huge spotted cats had common ancestors. Today, the graceful animal, once revered by man, is in danger of extinction and is listed in the Red Book.

    4. Leo

    You cannot find two absolutely identical lions on the planet. The “facial” features of each animal are unique and belong to only one individual. The body length of the royal individuals of the fauna world is 1.7–2.5 m, height - up to 1.2 m, weight - 160–280 kg. The largest specimen lived in South Africa and weighed 313 kg.

    In hunting, the lion is helped by 7-centimeter claws and vision, the acuity of which is 6 times greater than that of a human. Running is not a predator's strong point. At short distances, the giant cat accelerates to 60 km/h, but after 200 m it gets tired and stops pursuing its prey. Lack of stamina forces the animal to get as close as possible to the victim and in a swift jump inflict a fatal blow. Lionesses are lighter and faster than males, and therefore more successful in hunting.


    The royal representative of the panther genus, the Bengal tiger, lives in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and China. In Russia its population is 5 individuals. The predatory mammal is one of the largest cats in the world. The height of the tropical forest resident reaches 115 cm, weight - 275 kg. A terrifying roar can be heard at a distance of 3 km. The deadly fangs grow up to 10 cm. The record weight of a male killed in an Indian forest in 1967 was 388.7 kg.

    Among the Bengal tigers there are amazing creatures whose snow-white fur is covered with brown stripes. All white individuals have one ancestor - the male Mohan, who was born in 1951 as a result of a gene mutation.


    The largest wild cat found in its natural habitat lives in Russia, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories and the mountainous regions of Sikhote-Alin. Outside the Russian Federation, the animal is found only in northeast China.

    The smallest representative of the tiger brotherhood has the following characteristics:

    • body length -1.7–2.8 m, tail - 1.1 m;
    • height at withers - 110–120 cm;
    • weight - 167–280 kg;
    • length of fangs - 8 cm.

    Like all cats (except lions), Amur tigers lead a solitary lifestyle, defending their territory from competitors. The animal hunts alone. He is an absolute predator - a huge hungry cat can even attack a bear.

    Now the number of animals does not exceed 800 individuals, half of which are kept in zoos. The endangered species is listed in the Red Book, and its extermination is punishable by law. In China, killing a striped animal is punishable by death.


    The result of the love between the tigress Isla and the lion Arthur, who shared a common enclosure at the American theme park Jungle Island, became a kitten, which was later destined to top the ranking of the largest cats on the planet. Having reached maturity, the liger Hercules surpassed his parents in size. His height is 186 cm, weight - 410 kg. Standing on his hind legs, the giant reaches the roof of a double-decker bus. The gaping mouth is as wide as the shoulder girdle of an adult man.

    Hercules is not the only representative of the hybrid genus. In 1973, the Guinness Book of Records added a record of a giant weighing 798 kg from a South African nature park. In 2004, a female was born at the Novosibirsk Zoo - the result of crossing an African lion and a Bengal tigress. It is impossible to meet a liger under natural conditions - tigers and lions have different places a habitat.

    The cat family is divided into 2 subfamilies (big and small cats), which, in turn, are divided into genera and species. In total there are 14 genera and 35-38 species in the family. The division into subfamilies of large and small cats occurs not by size, but by morphological characteristics, in particular by the structure of the hyoid bone. Because of this, to big cats do not include such big cats like puma and cheetah.

    Russia is home to 8 species of the cat family: leopard, tiger, snow leopard, common lynx, jungle cat, Far Eastern cat (a subspecies of the Bengal cat), manul and two subspecies of the European forest cat (Felis silvestris silvestris and Felis silvestris lybica). Wild cats are common on all continents and large islands, except Australia, Antarctica, the islands of New Guinea, Sulawesi, Greenland and Madagascar. In Europe and North America, most species of the cat family have now been exterminated. Many species of the cat family are in danger of extinction. All species of wild cats are listed in the International Red Book.

    a lion- one of the largest predators, rivaled only by the tiger. Leo is very strong. With a blow of his paw, he knocks down a heavy zebra or buffalo, and at the same time his flexible body easily soars to a three-meter height - the lion is capable of huge jumps, sometimes up to ten meters.

    The length of a lion is on average up to three meters, weight is about two hundred kilograms, lionesses are smaller, more graceful, slimmer. Unlike other cats, in a lion pair it is easy to distinguish the male from the female.

    Lions inhabit mainly savannas. Unlike other cats, they, as a rule, do not live alone, but in prides. A pride usually consists of related females, their offspring and 1-2 adult males. Lion cubs are born small, about 30 cm long. Only by the age of two do they become completely independent and able to feed themselves. The leader, as a rule, expels young lions that have matured from the pride and can live alone or in pairs for some time. Lionesses and elderly males can also lead a solitary lifestyle, having strayed from the pride for one reason or another.

    Lions hunt mainly large ungulates, such as wildebeest, zebra, buffalo and warthogs. They can attack elephants and hippos, as well as other predators - leopards, cheetahs, hyena dogs. Lions hunt in groups, and males, as a rule, almost do not participate in the hunt.

    The lioness is a seasoned and patient hunter, waiting for hours for her prey not far from a watering hole. In one leap, the predatory cat ends up on the back of the unlucky animal. Well, then it’s a matter of technique - sharp claws and fangs are used.


    Since the times of Ancient Egypt, the lion has been a symbol of power; its image adorned the coats of arms and banners of ancient Roman and European rulers. The highest praise for noble knights was comparison with a lion, and Richard the Lionheart became the embodiment best qualities medieval knighthood.

    The white lion, like the white tiger, has long been considered a mythological creature. Only at the end of the 20th century were scientists able to see white lions and monitor them in African national parks.

    Back in the Middle Ages, lions inhabited the entire territory of Africa, except for the Sahara and tropical forests, India, the Middle East, Iran, and southern Europe. In particular, lions could be found in southern Russia and Greece. In Europe, lions disappeared in the early Middle Ages. By the end of the 19th century, the lion was exterminated in Turkey and Northern India, and by the mid-20th century. - in Iran. Now in Africa the lion lives only south of the Sahara, its range looks like scattered islands. In 2002-2004, the number of African lions was estimated at 16-47 thousand individuals. The Asiatic lion survives only in the Gir forest in the Indian state of Gujarat (about 320 individuals).

    Tigers- the largest and most powerful wild cats. Of these, the Amur and Bengal tigers are especially powerful. The strength of a tiger is incredible - with a blow of his paw he knocks down a buffalo or an antelope, but he can also fight an elephant. Cases are described when tigers defeated large male elephants with huge fighting tusks.

    Tigers are very hardy and agile. They are able to travel great distances and reach high speeds. At a short distance, a tiger can show results of up to 70 km/h. And in the long jump he has few equals - almost 10 meters with virtually no run-up.

    The tiger is always recognizable. The vast majority of animals have characteristic black stripes on their skin on a reddish-red or yellow-rusty background. But in one litter, along with tiger cubs of normal color, a white or golden-pink tiger cub can be born. The fur of a tiger living in northern latitudes is noticeably longer and lighter than that of its southern counterpart. A rich orange color with a clear pattern is good in variegated tropical vegetation, but in the snowy taiga you need different equipment.


    Tiger hunting has been completely prohibited since the middle of the last century, but poachers continue their dirty work. In Eastern medicine, the organs and body parts of this magnificent beast are still used for medicinal purposes, and the skin is used as souvenirs.


    White tigers are not albinos, because... their eyes are blue, not red, and their fur is not radically white, but with clearly defined stripes of dark gray or light brown. White color interferes with hunting, because too noticeable, so white tigers rarely survive in the wild. They are specially bred for zoos and circuses by crossing the descendants of a white tiger caught in India in the last century.

    16. Golden Tiger (Siky Ranch Zoo)

    Jaguar lives in the territory from Mexico to Argentina. In terms of strength and power, the jaguar ranks third, after the lion and tiger, in the cat family. In the United States, the jaguar was practically exterminated by the beginning of the 20th century. The jaguar is the largest representative of the cat family on the American continent (tigers and lions are not found in America).

    Jaguars are sometimes confused with cheetahs and leopards. In cheetahs, the spots on the body do not form rosettes; the cheetah is thinner and more slender than the leopard. The jaguar is very similar in build and color to a leopard, but the jaguar is larger and has rosettes on its skin. dark spot in the middle.

    Jaguars go hunting at dusk, before sunrise or after sunset. Their prey is everything that moves, a variety of small and large animals. Few people manage to escape from its powerful paws and deadly teeth. The jaguar hunts mainly ungulates, but can also eat rodents, birds, monkeys, foxes, snakes, and turtles.

    Jaguar doesn't care where he lives. And impenetrable thickets, and steppes, and the sea coast - everywhere he feels great. An agile cat moves equally well on the ground, climbs trees, and swims well. It is impossible to hide from such an enemy.

    Leopard amazingly beautiful. Slender body, harmonious proportions, and most importantly - magnificent golden fur, covered with an original pattern of dark spots, rings and rosettes. The beautiful fur became the reason for the merciless hunting of animals.

    The leopard's habitat area is larger than that of any other member of the cat family. The leopard lives in forests, steppes and mountains throughout sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia. There are relatively many leopards in Africa and hunting them is allowed. In Asia, this species is under threat of extinction. In Russia, the leopard is found in the Primorsky Territory and is listed in the Red Book.

    The leopard feeds mainly on ungulates: antelopes, deer, roe deer, and can also eat rodents, monkeys, and birds. The leopard climbs trees well and often sleeps on branches in hot weather. He often drags the carcasses of killed ungulates into trees to protect them from hyenas and jackals.


    Black Panther- this is not a separate species of wild cats, but a leopard or, less commonly, a jaguar, in which melanism occurs - a hereditary change, as a result of which the fur acquires a dark color.


    Clouded leopard- not the result of a mutation of an ordinary leopard, which it looks a little like, but another species of the cat family. The size of a shepherd dog, it lives in the tropical forests of southeast Asia and Indonesia.

    Clouded leopards are excellent tree climbers. The structure of their hind legs allows them to descend from trees upside down. Among felines, except for clouded leopards, only long-tailed cats have this ability. Like long-tailed cats, clouded leopards can hang upside down from a tree, supported only by their hind legs. They feed on deer, monkeys, porcupines and birds. They track their prey, hiding in the branches of trees, and, seizing the moment, unexpectedly rush at their prey from above.


    The clouded leopard's fangs, in relation to body size, are the longest among all cats and can reach 5 cm, like those of a tiger.

    Kalimantan clouded leopard was previously considered a subspecies of the clouded leopard, but DNA studies conducted in 2006-2008 showed that they are two different species. The Kalimantan clouded lepard, like its close relative, the clouded leopard, is the smallest species among the big cats.

    The Kalimantan clouded leopard lives on the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra. On the island of Kalimantan, where there are no other large predators, it is more common. In general, this is a rare and poorly studied species.


    Puma, she is a mountain lion, she is a deer tiger, she is a cougar - many more names are given to this magnificent cat, a resident of the New World. Beauty and grace are combined in her with composure, prudence and mercilessness.

    The puma is a loner in the cat family. One hunts, one raises cubs. Lives away from people, in wild places with impenetrable forest thickets, moss-covered rocks and caves.

    The color of the puma varies depending on its habitat. Residents of tropical areas have reddish-sand colored fur, while northerners have gray tones. A special feature is the white fur on the face, as if the cat had just lapped milk.

    Farmers have declared war on the cougar over its devastating attacks on livestock. Once in a pen, a cougar kills many more animals than it eats, leaving behind a mountain of corpses.

    The puma kitten does not look at all like its mother, except for its white muzzle. The cubs are born spotted, but as they grow up they become monochromatic.

    Cheetah stands apart in the cat family, differing from the rest in body structure and behavior. But scientists have proven its close relationship with the North American puma, with which it had a common ancestor who lived three million years ago.

    The cheetah's body is designed for running. Lean torso long legs, flexible arched back, small head with high-set small ears - ideal characteristics for rushing like a bullet after prey.

    Cheetahs, unlike lions, hunt during daylight or early twilight. Thanks to their excellent vision, they can see the desired target from afar - an antelope, gazelle or hare. The cheetah first carefully creeps up to the prey, and then makes a swift dash. The cheetah does not continue its high-speed run for long, no more than twenty seconds. The heart and lungs of a fast-footed animal do not have time to fill the blood with oxygen, and if the prey is not overtaken during this time, the chase stops.


    Cheetahs raised among people become completely tame. In past centuries, hunting with cheetahs was common. They were led on a leash, and some animals sat on a horse behind the owner.


    Irbis- second name snow leopard, it is no less beautiful than the first one. Snow leopards live high in the mountains, hunting roe deer, mountain goats and other large ungulates. But they will not disdain a hare or other trifle that gets in their way.

    In nature, nothing is in vain. It would seem that the snow leopard does not need a long fluffy tail. But in severe frosts, the mother, like a warm blanket, covers the little kittens sleeping next to her with her tail.

    Snow leopards live up to their name. Their favorite pastime is to roll around in a deep snowdrift or slide down an ice slide on their back, managing to roll over at the last moment to fall on all four paws, as a cat should.

    Serval, or otherwise - a bush cat - belongs to the large cat family. Servals are found only on one continent - they are common in Africa, except for the Sahara Desert, extreme southern Africa and equatorial forests.

    There are 14 types of servals, they differ in geography and skin color. In Algeria and Morocco, these animals are extremely rare in our time. The largest number of bush cats live in Tanzania, in the Ngoro-Ngoro crater, where there are about 40 individuals per 100 square meters. kilometers.

    The closest relatives of the serval (if we take into account the peculiarities of morphology) are considered to be the caracal and the lynx, but in color it most closely resembles a cheetah. Of all the cats, the serval has the longest legs and the largest ears - when compared with the size of the entire body, but the head is very small.

    The body length of the bush cat reaches 90-135 centimeters, the height at the withers is up to 65 centimeters, and it weighs on average from 8 to 18 kilograms. The main color is yellowish-gray, with dark spots and stripes scattered on it. But, although the serval’s legs are long and strong, it cannot pursue its prey for a long time. Its hunting tactics are similar to those of the croak - it sneaks up on prey in the grass, guided by hearing, and can make high jumps of up to three meters, knocking down birds on takeoff.

    Thanks to large ears and excellent hearing, it is easy for them to track their prey at dusk, and their long legs make it easier to move in the savannah grass. Servals are loners and rarely conflict with each other. If they are in danger, they hide or flee, unexpectedly changing direction or jumping out of the grass, in extreme cases they escape in the trees.

    If the snow leopard is the highest mountain cat, then the ordinary lynx- the most northern. She feels normal in the winter taiga at temperatures below 50 degrees. Wonderful thick, long and warm fur, which no other cat has, saves it from any frost.

    The trademark of the lynx is the tufts on the ears formed by long hairs. Thanks to its tassels, it is easily recognizable among other wild cats. Like all its relatives, the lynx sees in the dark and climbs trees well, the branches of which serve as shelter for it during the hunt.

    Despite their relationship, the lynx and the domestic cat have many differences. Cats cannot walk in the snow - they fall through. Thanks to its wide paws with thick hair, the lynx runs through the snowdrifts like on skis.

    Eurasian lynx- the largest of all lynxes. Its body length is 80-130 cm, height at the withers is 70 cm. Males weigh 18-30 kg, females on average 18 kg. 90% of Eurasian lynxes live in the Siberian taiga. This type of lynx can also be found in Central and Eastern Asia (China, Mongolia, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Asian CIS republics).

    The range of the Eurasian lynx extends far to the north; lynxes live even beyond the Arctic Circle. Other species of the cat family prefer warmer climates.

    Canadian or North American lynx in appearance it is very similar to the Eurasian, only it lives in the North American taiga and is half the size of the Eurasian: its body length is 80-100 cm, height at the withers is 60-65 cm; weight 8-14 kg. The color is grayish-brown, the tips of the hairs are white. In summer, the fur fades under the sun and acquires a reddish tint.


    Iberian lynx(Iberian lynx, pardo lynx, Spanish lynx) is half the size of the Eurasian lynx and is unusually similar to it, previously considered its subspecies. The color of the Iberian lynx is more contrasting: there are clear dark spots on a light sandy background. The coat is shorter and not as thick - this type of lynx lives further south than the others.

    Due to its relatively small size, the Iberian lynx hunts mainly small game - hares and rodents. The Iberian lynx once inhabited the entire Iberian Peninsula. Now it is found only in southwestern Spain, mainly in the Coto Doñana National Park.

    Bobcat or red lynx- a species of lynx that, since ancient times, has developed on the American continent in parallel with our ordinary European lynx. The red lynx is the smallest of the four lynx species. Its body length is 60-90 cm, height at the withers is 30-50 cm, weight is 7-18 kg. The color is reddish, with small dark spots. There is a white marking on the inside of the tip of the tail, whereas other lynxes have a completely black tip.

    The color and size of the bobcat vary depending on its habitat. The red lynx lives throughout North America. She does not have as thick and warm fur as the European lynx, her tassels are shorter and she herself is smaller. But the habits and habits are the same as those of their European relatives.

    The red lynx climbs trees well and swims well, but still tries to avoid water. The main prey is the American rabbit; as well as mice, rats, gophers and porcupines, and sometimes birds, including chickens. A hungry bobcat can also attack a white-tailed deer.


    The bobcat is found in the far south of Canada, throughout the United States, and as far south as central Mexico. Unlike other lynxes, the bobcat lives not only in forests, but also in the swampy lowlands of Florida and the arid desert areas of Texas.

    Caracal, or steppe lynx- a separate genus of wild cats, as determined by geneticists. It has an external resemblance to a lynx, but the color of the caracal is similar to a puma. It has all the abilities of a cat and an extraordinary reaction speed - it manages to jump to grab a flying bird with its sharp claws.

    The caracal lives in savannas, deserts and foothills of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Asia Minor and Central Asia. In Africa, especially South Africa, there are many caracals. In the CIS, the caracal is occasionally found in the deserts of Southern Turkmenistan, along the coast of the Caspian Sea, and in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.


    The main prey of the caracal are rodents (gerbils, jerboas, gophers), hares, small antelopes, and in Turkmenistan - goitered gazelles. Like a leopard, the caracal drags its killed prey into trees to protect it from other predators.

    Caracals are easy to tame. In India and Persia, tame caracals were used to hunt hares, pheasants, peacocks and small antelopes.


    Asian golden cat, or the Temminka cat, compared to other representatives of the cat family, has medium sizes: body length 90 cm, tail 50 cm. Thus, it is approximately twice as large as an ordinary one domestic cat. The color is usually golden, but gray and black individuals are also found. Spots on the coat, depending on the region, may be more or less noticeable. The cat lives in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. The habitat extends from the Himalayas and southern China to the Indochina Peninsula and about. Sumatra. Temminck cats hunt mice, hares, fawns and birds.


    In China, the meat of the Temminck cat is considered a delicacy, and the bones are used in traditional Chinese medicine. In Thailand, there are many legends around the Temminck cat. It is believed that burning the fur of the Temminka cat drives tigers away from the surrounding area, and carrying at least one hair from its fur, according to local superstitions, protects against tiger attacks.

    On the American continent there live several species of small wild cats, very similar friends on a friend. Margay is like an oncilla, which is like Geoffroy's cat, and together they are like ocelot. The ocelot is approximately twice the size of a domestic cat.

    The ocelot is found in Central America and northern and central South America. The northernmost region inhabited by ocelots is the American state of Texas. The ocelot lives in tropical forests and avoids open spaces.

    Ocelots are great at climbing trees; during the heat of the day they like to hide in hollows, but they prefer to hunt on the ground. Ocelots eat small mammals and birds, but do not disdain snakes.


    In the 20th century Ocelots were hunted for their beautiful skins, and as a result, the ocelot became an extremely rare animal. In 1972-1996. ocelot hunting, as well as the sale of any products made from ocelots, were prohibited. Due to this, it was possible to slightly increase the number of this species.

    Agile and active margay lives in the tropical forests of South America. The arboreal forest cat hunts at night, its prey being everything it can handle - birds, lizards, monkeys and other small animals. Belongs to the genus Leopardus, whose representatives live only on the American continent.


    The margay jumps along branches like a squirrel, and can descend from a tree upside down due to the special structure of its hind legs. They can unfold at the joint, due to which the cat clings to the trunk with its claws and does not slip.

    And these are portraits of smaller wild cats))

    (more details about them - http://site/index-1358909265.php)

    71. Geoffroy's cat.

    72. Oncilla

    73. Asian fishing cat.

    74. African wild cat.

    75. British wild cat.

    76. Andean cat.

    77. Pampas cat.

    78. Norwegian forest cat.

    79. Manul.

    80. Dune (sand) cat.

    81. Black-footed cat.

    82. Jungle cat.

    83. European forest cat.

    It probably won’t be a mistake if I say that the most popular wild cat is the lion. It’s not for nothing that he is called the king of beasts.

    The lion lives in Africa and India. Few people know, but in India there is a nature reserve in the state of Gujarat called the Gir Forest. So, in this reserve a small population of Indian lions has been preserved.

    Lions are the only cats that permanently live in packs. For example, cheetahs can temporarily unite in small groups, for example three individuals. And lions constantly live in a group; a flock of lions is called a pride.

    Of all cats, and perhaps of all predators, lions are distinguished by their mane.

    These large cats have pronounced sexual dimorphism. What does it mean? In fact, everything is very simple; among lions, boys and girls are very different from each other, not only internally, but also externally. Lionesses do not have such a lush mane.

    Lionesses occupy a subordinate position in the pack. They mainly hunt and the flock depends on lionesses for food

    Servals also live in Africa. Although they are not large, they compete with cheetahs. And they could probably just be their prey.

    The serval is a cat with large ears. She loves to live in thickets of small vegetation, which is why she is called a bush cat.

    In the bushes of the serval, its color perfectly camouflages it.

    Like the cheetah, the serval is tamed. He is even kept in apartments as a pet.

    The caracal lives in the deserts of Africa and Asia. Therefore, the caracal is also called the desert lynx, and it looks like a lynx.

    The name caracal comes from the Turkish word karakulak, which means “black ear”. Caracals have really black ears.

    Despite its external resemblance to a lynx, the caracal is genetically closer to the serval. In captivity, these cats interbreed.

    Although the leopard is a large predator, it is inferior in size to lions and tigers. And it’s not a little inferior.

    The leopard's main habitat is Africa, although it can be found in Asia all the way to China. But only in Africa is its population in normal condition, if this is how one can write about an animal from the Red Book

    Photos of tigers

    So, moving closer to Asia, let’s pay attention to tigers - this is one of the symbols of Asia.

    The wild tiger is one of the most formidable predators. They live and hunt solitarily. Only during the mating season can the female and male hunt together.

    Now let's move to South America. The largest representative of the cat family here is the jaguar.

    The jaguar has a magnificent color, somewhat similar to the color of a leopard. Externally, these cats are very similar.

    Black jaguars are found in nature. This is not a separate species, but unusual option color

    The Indians created legends about these cats, endowing them with mystical abilities.

    Jaguarundi photo

    Another cat whose habitat is mainly in South America is the jaguarundi. This cat lives in savannahs and leads a rather hidden lifestyle.

    Jaguarundi is dark in color.

    Externally, the jaguarundi resembles a mixture of a cat and a weasel; the shape of the animal is very elegant and graceful. The jaguarundi hunts during the day.

    Puma photo

    America's other big wild cat is the puma. It lives in North America and is a very common predator there.

    Although its appearance is quite impressive, especially in winter when its thick winter coat makes it appear larger, it is about the size of a regular domestic cat.

    Pallas' cats are not tamed. They can live in an enclosure, but they will not become tame animals. Keeping them at home is generally illegal, since the species is endangered and is listed in the Red Book.

    Many wild cats are becoming increasingly rare due to population growth. People destroy habitats, food supplies, and simply engage in poaching.

    I've been introducing you to them all year. You admired them, calling each of them the most beautiful. But the time has come to decide. Who exactly do you think is the most beautiful? Let's choose the cat of 2017!

    There are 41 of them in total. All are beautiful, although perhaps some are not for everyone, but I am sure that each of them is worthy of attention and each has fans. Personally, I couldn’t clearly choose the best one. There are at least twenty candidates in my TOP 3.

    This article has been updated for the 5th time. Originally, I wanted to show you all the felines in one place. As it turned out, even the most avid “cat people” did not know everyone. This means my work was not in vain.

    Well, let's determine Miss Kitty 2017?

    If suddenly you are seeing this article for the first time, let’s first try to figure out what kind of pussies there are and how they differ from each other, but then vote anyway!!!

    All cats, without exception, are predators. And they belong to the order of predators, and then this order is divided into two suborders: canines and felines. Felidae include hyenas, mongooses, viverrids and felids. They are all very distant relatives, but cats are only those that are part of the feline family!

    And this is what this family looks like in the subfamily/genus/species projection:

    Subfamily Small cats (Felinae)

    - genus Cheetahs (Acinonyx)

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    I really count on you, my dear wildlife lovers!

    Original of this article ( full version) you can read.

    Keeping a wild cat at home is very difficult. Tigers, lions, and jaguars look harmless and cute as babies, but they grow up and become dangerous for their owners. Of course, if you are a circus trainer or an Arab sheikh, then in the first case you will have enough experience, and in the second - money for such a whim. But what if you just love wild cats? How not to expose animals to suffering and yourself to danger? It’s as if there are breeds of cats that look like their wild counterparts especially for this occasion.

    Toyger cat

    Can you imagine a small tame tiger? A sort of beautiful short-haired toy with a recognizable tiger-striped color. By using the word “toy”, we do not want to offend the beautiful animal. When developing the breed, Judy Sugden set out to create a mini-tiger from the genotype of a domestic cat crossed with a Bengal cat. The name of the breed is made up of two English words: “toy” and “tiger”.

    Toyger was introduced in 1993. Today the breed is recognized by several international associations, but the process is not yet complete. According to the breed standard, a cat should have an elongated, low body, dense, shiny fur with a clear striped pattern.

    The toyger's head should be decorated with circular markings, which the common ones do not have.

    There are special requirements for fur color. The background color should be brown, orange-brown or golden brown. Stripes must decorate not only the back, but also the stomach, chest, head, and even ears. Required condition is the absence of longitudinal stripes on the body of the animal. The toyger's fur should feel like plush to the touch. Ideally, the sides of the muzzle are decorated with sideburns. The shape of the ears of this breed is rounded, the eyes are medium-sized. They are slightly covered by drooping eyelids.

    Despite its wild appearance, the toyger is a very playful pet. He is sociable and non-aggressive, and at the same time he is strongly attached not only to the house in which he lives, but also to the owners.

    Marble cat

    Pardofelis marmorata, or marbled cat, is a wild breed. This feline resembles a clouded leopard in appearance, although it is slightly larger in size than a domestic cat. According to genetic examinations, direct relatives are the Kalimantan cat and the Asian golden cat. In 2002, it was listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.

    Description of appearance:

    • The marbled cat has a brown-gray color with a reddish tint. The wool is decorated with black stripes.
    • The head shape is round and short. The forehead is wide.
    • The cat has large brown eyes.
    • The legs are short, while the paw is quite wide.
    • The tail is very fluffy long length, sometimes it can exceed the size of the body and head.

    Ocicat breed

    Not all rare breeds of wild cats can boast of true predatory ancestors. For example, representatives of the Ocicat breed are incredibly similar to wild ocelots. But they do not have the genes of these predators. The breed was bred entirely on the basis of pets. In the long list of progenitors you can find the Siamese, Abyssinian, and American shorthair cat.

    Ocicats have a light brownish-gray coat with elongated dark spots. The base of the tail, neck and head are decorated with rings and stripes.

    Bengal cat

    This cat breed is amazingly beautiful. Not only does she resemble a little leopard appearance, but also in habits. They worked painstakingly to create this hybrid in America. The first attempt to cross a wild Bengal cat with a common domestic “Murchik” occurred in 1961. American Jeanne Mill brought a wild kitten from her trip to Bangkok. He gave birth to very beautiful offspring, but most of them died of leukemia. This happened in every litter. Around 1976, the University of California took up the issue of developing a new breed. Here they managed to achieve the emergence of a viable breed of wild cats for domestic keeping.

    The Bengal cat turned out to be slightly larger than the usual domestic breeds. She is agile, strong and graceful. But the most important quality for owners is an extraordinary mind. The animal is considered the smartest cat breed. The Bengal cat has rounded paws and a medium-length, smooth tail. The cat's muzzle is wide, and its large oval eyes are set wide apart. The eye color can be any, but if you are offered a colored cat with blue eyes, then it is not a Bengal breed. Blue eyes Only the snow bengal has them. This is the name for the silver color, which is the rarest and most expensive of this domestic breed of wild cats. The animal's ears are medium, but they are slightly tilted forward, which is also considered a sign of the breed.

    The Bengal cat's coat is dense and short. It shines like it's been rubbed special means. Regardless of the main color, there are clear spots or rosettes along the coat, the color of which can be either brown or black.


    This is another hybrid obtained by crossing a predatory shrub with domestic breeds. Savannah was introduced around 1986. The work was carried out by lovers of the breed of large wild cats, so the result is larger than ordinary pets in size. The first kittens were received by Patrick Kelly and Joyce Sroufe. The breed standards are approved by the international association, but they were recognized only in 2001.

    At the withers, the Savannah can exceed 60 cm, and the unique pet weighs up to 15 kg. And in this case we are not talking about overfed, beloved pets, but about active, lean animals. The body of these cats is elongated, the neck is elongated, and the legs are quite long. and round, because of them the head seems somewhat small. The coat is short, pleasant to the touch and very thick. Colors can be quite varied. There are brown, chocolate, golden and silver savannahs. The coat of the breed is covered with numerous spots.

    The wild domestic cat (Savannah breed) is a vivid representative of the struggle of opposites. She is both active and calm. The cat needs to move; it spends a lot of time outside. But at the same time, she is devoted to her owner like a dog. Savannahs are also not at all afraid of water.

    Usher cat

    In 2007, the wild Asher cat breed was introduced to specialists. She was positioned as a large hypoallergenic pet, bred on the genetic basis of African servals, Asian Bengal cats and domestic breeds. The price of a kitten reached 27 thousand dollars, an adult cat could be bought for 6 thousand.

    Later it turned out that the new breed was not so new after all. An enterprising swindler was simply trying to cash in on his love for unusual pets. Breeder Chris Shirk suggested that the wild breed of cats, whose name is Asherah, does not exist, and the presented specimens are savannah cats from his cattery. To prove his assumption, the breeder demanded a DNA test. An official examination exposed the swindler.


    Several hybrids have already been described, bred by crossing with other breeds. But it turns out that wild predatory servals can be kept at home in a pure form, not a hybrid one. If you take a Serval into your home as a kitten, it will become domesticated well. But you need to be careful with such a pet. Although the animal becomes a devoted and affectionate pet, it does not lose the reflexes and habits of its predatory ancestors. By the way, servals are excellent swimmers. They are not at all afraid of water.

    Dune cat

    We described breeds of domestic cats that are similar to wild ones. But our story was about large animals. Now imagine an adult furry animal that looks like a kitten all its life. This sand dune is the smallest representative of wild cats. The length of the baby's body including the tail is about 80 cm. The maximum weight of an adult male is 3.5 kg, females are slightly less.

    Dune cats are domesticated quite well. They turn out cute furry pets with curious wide muzzles. The animal's head seems slightly flattened, and beautiful whiskers grow on the sides. The dune cat's ears are large and slightly pointed. The animal has excellent hearing.

    Pixie bob

    Many wild cat breeds look funny rather than aggressive. These include the pixie bob, obtained by crossing domestic cats with a short-tailed forest cat. Externally, the pixie bob looks like a wild lynx. The breed is often confused with the Maine Coon and the domestic lynx, but there is a slight difference - a short tail and a special look. Cats' eyes are deep-set and their shape is similar to a closed triangle.

    Among the features of the breed are multi-toed paws. Animals with such a deviation are even allowed to exhibit.

    The Pixie Bob's personality is very similar to that of a dog. This is an intelligent and loyal animal that can be trained. He is attached to the owner's family and participates in its life, while making no special demands on maintenance.


    Remember the beautiful panther from the cartoon Mowgli? Would you like to have one like this at home? Of course, a large predatory cat is not very suitable for keeping at home, but a miniature Bombay is just right! Mickey Harner worked on creating the breed for almost 20 years, but the result was worth it. The Bombay mini panther looks amazing. The animal has blue-black shiny fur and bright orange eyes. The movements are smooth and graceful, like those of a real wild animal.

    Chausie cat

    Breeds of wild cats can be very different. But oddly enough, they most often make sociable, unpretentious, devoted pets. The Shawsie breed, obtained by crossing jungle cats with domestic cats, was no exception. The animal turned out to be large, tall and heavy. An adult cat can weigh more than 15 kg.

    The breed is characterized by an elongated triangular shape heads with a small muzzle. The ears are large, with a wide base and pointed ends. Tassels are often visible. According to the standard, the tips of the ears and tail should be black. Shawsie wool has a unique texture. She has a very dense undercoat, and each hair is decorated with two noticeable dark stripes. These stripes make up the pattern on the legs and tail, but it is almost invisible on the body. The color can be black, gold, brown, silver. The chest and belly are always lighter than the back.

    By nature, the breed is curious and energetic. Cats love to jump and gain heights.

    Every cat owner is sure that their pet is unique. But some animal breeds are actually unusual. If you like the feeling of having a tame predator living in your home, then get a cat breed that is similar to wild animals.

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