• How to determine the mood of a domestic cat? What does a cat's tail tell you?


    The system by which cats try to communicate is very difficult to understand. These include unique gestures, the use of voice, and even sound signals, the meaning of which people cannot immediately and accurately determine. All of these signals help cats determine and reinforce social position within cat-cat, cat-people, and cat-dog relationships.

    This communication can be as subtle and subtle as a tail wagging slightly from side to side. Misunderstanding a cat's clear signal can lead to aggression or even worse - the animal may injure you or cause harm to other pets.

    Cat tail position

    This part of the animal’s body, or rather its position, can tell a lot about its mood. A high tail, pointing straight up, is something like a greeting, and the cat expects attention and communication from the person at this moment. But a dog’s tail in this position means quite the opposite. And it is worth considering this fact if you have cats and dogs in your household. They do not speak the same language and disagreements may arise between them.

    When a cat is relaxed, its tail bends and curls into a "y" shape. The more interest he feels, the higher his tail rises.

    Tail wagging

    Some signals sent by this part of the body warn you of danger, which means it's time to move away from the animal. The tail swaying from side to side tells you: “Back off!” And when the cat starts tapping it on the ground, it means that he is ready to attack. A strongly wagging tail usually indicates excitement of some kind. It may be excitement, fear, aggression, but the dog may mistakenly take this gesture as an invitation to play.

    Such dog tricks often mean: “Come closer, let's be friends.”

    If the tip of the tail moves back and forth, it usually indicates frustration or an outburst of emotion. In this case, it is better to retreat from the animal, and if the person ignores this signal, then everything can escalate into a real attack.

    Cat's bristly tails

    Look at what level the wool has risen to. Fur standing upright indicates strong arousal. A bristling tail standing straight indicates aggression. Beware! But if this part of the body looks like an inverted U, it shows fear or protective power. And if fear develops into something more, then the cat rises on its hind legs and releases its claws.

    A tucked tail between the paws indicates intense fear. This does not mean that the cat will not resort to using its claws and teeth, although if it is cornered, this will not happen. You will also typically hear hissing, growling, and other noises, and a frightened animal may crouch to the floor with its ears flattened and folded back. Or it can turn on its back, but not in submission, but in order to prepare all four paws with claws extended for defense. Again, this can be confusing for dogs (and owners) who misinterpret this action and mistakenly think it is a sign of submission. Cats never obey.

    Understanding First

    It is important that cat owners pay close attention to the animal's gestures and behavior, because almost all problems arise due to misunderstandings. Pets tell us how they feel and what they want, and they shouldn't think that people are incredibly stupid for not understanding this.

    If you love pets and have cats and dogs in your home, then you will sometimes need to act as a translator.

    It can take a while for dogs to understand what a cat is saying to them (and vice versa). Over time, this will help solve or prevent many potential pet problems.

    How understand cat tongue ? It’s very simple, of all the “foreign” languages, cat is the simplest, you just have to study the cat’s behavior in certain situations, and everything immediately becomes clear: is the cat happy, or are serious feline passions boiling in her “soul”. Cat behavior is worth studying if only because they can be trained like dogs. You just need to understand cat language. Cats are not stupid, but they are a little willful, but if you understand them, you can make a great friend. True, cats are not as attached to people as dogs, but they can become more attached to a person than to a house. A cat or tom may miss its owner during separation, not allowing strangers near it, even if the cat is on its own territory. From such separations, the cat may even get sick, for example. While cats themselves are able to relieve blood pressure in humans and normalize blood pressure, cats are so sensitive to any negative energy. It’s not for nothing that cats were considered sacred animals in ancient Egypt. And even now, both men and women love cats for their beauty, for their grace, for their playful character, and for many other reasons. But, unfortunately, we don’t always understand cats.

    Cat sign language

    As the cat Matroskin said from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”: “Whiskers, paws and tail - these are my documents.” And this statement is not far from the truth. These cat body parts can tell their owner a lot. You can tell a cat's mood by its whiskers (whiskers). When they are lowered, it means that the cat is upset about something.

    A cat takes a “milk step” with its paws when it is happy. This is how kittens stimulate the release of milk from the mother cat’s nipples. This action reminds her of moments of bliss, and the cat may “purr” with pleasure.

    If a cat has a “pipe” tail, this means that it greets its owner.

    To the main “cat documents” you can add a bunch of small, but very important certificates.

    For example, a cat's dry nose indicates that she may be sick. Or just woke up. Some time after the cat wakes up, you can check the nose again; if it is wet, then everything is fine. A cat's nose is very sensitive to odors. Cats do not like the smell of alcohol, and history describes a case where a cat relieved itself on the head of a drunken owner, and, in the end, weaned him off drunkenness.

    Cats are also sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure. If your pet hides his nose, it means there will be a cold snap soon. This can also be indicated by paws that are turned upside down. If the cat sleeps, stretched out to its full length, be warm.

    When a cat washes itself and rubs its ears vigorously, it means it’s about to rain. Or there is a popular saying: “the cat rake in the guests.”

    Cats have very sensitive hearing. They hear in the range from 55 Hz to 79 kHz (dogs - from 67 Hz to 44 kHz). The ability to hear ultrasound helps them hunt. This incredible sensitivity is enhanced by moving ears, and cats clearly know where the noise is coming from. It's no surprise that cats sit in front of front doors long before anyone rings the bell. This way they can greet the owner, or inform the owners that guests are coming.

    Compared to cats, people are blind and deaf. But the idea that cats see in complete darkness is wrong.

    Dialects of the cat language

    Each cat can show its joy or dissatisfaction in its own way. But cat language definitely has its subtleties.

    The same tail can say a lot: if a cat slowly shakes the tip of its tail, it means it is happy, an angry animal will beat its tail on the surface if it sees an enemy, while its ears will be pressed tightly back, and its body will be arched to visually appear larger . The mother cat will play with her tail with the kittens, imitating the game of cat and mouse.

    Some cats will expose their tummy to be stroked. But most cats demonstrate their complete trust to their owner in this way, and will immediately dig their teeth and claws into the hand, as soon as their belly is touched. Moreover, they will add active actions with the hind legs. The latter makes them similar to representatives of the cat family from the wild. Leopards, for example, use the same technique to gut their prey.

    By the way, a cat can bring a caught mouse to its owner. This is how she shows her owner her friendliness, considering him not a person, but a friend - a cat, or cat.

    Cats can be very picky when it comes to food. Cats, like people, can be lactose (milk sugar) intolerant. Due to lactase deficiency, such cats do not digest milk (manifests in the form of diarrhea). Cats don't like frozen foods and won't eat anything they don't like.
    They have a good memory. But after a tasty meal, cats lick their lips with pleasure. They also lick during stress, but this action looks completely different under stress.

    The vocal abilities of cats are simply inimitable. They can meow, purr, purr, snort, growl and even howl or chirp, giving their voice almost a hundred different intonations. Cats can imitate the cries of a hungry child, and then these sounds are especially difficult to ignore. Particularly talkative cats can make sounds reminiscent of human speech.

    For example, like in this cool video about the cat speaking the word"Mother".

    Cats can sit on our laps for hours, not because of money or any other self-interest, but simply out of boundless love.

    With their playful behavior, they can raise us up. This is how they are, these cats and cats.

    Cats and dogs have their own individual characteristics and character. Cats, especially, strive to express themselves by imitating humans. For this they have many possibilities - ears, eyes, paws, mustaches and of course. You can understand the language of cats by familiarizing yourself in detail and studying the signals that the pet tries to convey to its owner.

    In the course of research conducted by scientists from different countries, it became known that cats are capable of making over 60 different sounds. So, cats can vibrate in a variety of ways and also express their emotional condition using body language.

    The most powerful pointer in cats is the tail. Unlike a dog, a cat's tail is much more mobile and serves as a kind of balancer.

    In addition, the tail of cats is an indicator of mood. A sharply raised tail, pointing straight upward, means great enthusiasm, greeting and expression of joy. Such a signal can be intended not only for the owner who has returned from work, but also for his relatives whom the cat has met on the street. The greeting involves not only the tail, but also the bend of the body and a soft purr.

    The following states of a cat can be determined by the tail:

    • Tail drooping– the cat feels frightened or slightly displeased. In such cases, it is better to leave the animal alone.
    • Twitching or sudden flapping of the tail– indicate the degree of nervousness. The cat wants to be alone and it’s best not to disturb it. In this case, the animal does not intend to enter into a discussion with its owner.
    • Twitching the tip of the tail- a manifestation of strong concern. The animal understands human speech and may show dissatisfaction about this if it hears unflattering reviews about itself.

    • Raised hair on the tail- intense rage and undisguised anger. The cat is preparing to attack.
    • Tail tucked between hindquarters- feeling of fear.

    Communication using limbs

    If a pet gently moves its furry paws and at the same time releases its claws, then the animal is content and in a state of complete peace. Being in a good mood and feeling bliss, cats begin to mentally return to the period early age. As a small kitten, the animal sucked its mother's milk and kneaded her belly with its paws. In addition to moving its paws, the cat begins to purr gently and soothingly.

    Note! In such moments of bliss, the cat can forget itself and begin to release its claws, digging into the owner’s body. It is not recommended to scold or harshly pull your pet, as this can greatly offend an impressionable animal. It is best to carefully move the cat and pet it.

    Very often, cats show their love for their owner by gently hugging them with their paws. But if the paw is raised sharply upward, with its claws extended, it means that the cat is preparing to defend itself and is determined.

    Read also: Adult cat instead of a kitten: the agony of choice

    Often, a pet can ask for something, using not only the vocal cords and meowing invitingly, but also touching the owner with its paws. Sometimes claws are used for this purpose to attract attention. Thus, the cat may ask for food, favorite toys, or wants to cuddle, demanding attention.

    Expressing emotions using ears and eyes

    Cats' ears are excellent radars, designed to detect various sound waves. It is noteworthy that a cat in a state of wakefulness can detect the sound made by rodents at a distance of more than 20 meters. In search of a sound source, a cat can rotate its ear 180 degrees. More than 30 different muscles are involved in the ear's unique ability to bend, press, and rotate.

    There are a number of emotions expressed through the position of the ears:

    • A cat can express a good mood and positive attitude using its ears. In this case, they will be strictly in front at the top of the head.
    • Ear position different sides or flat - means that the cat is at a loss, not understanding what is happening.
    • Dropped or pinned ears are a signal to attack; the pet is ready to defend itself and it is better to leave it alone.
    • Ears turned and pressed back are a sign of rage and anger.
    • Twitching ears means that the cat is nervous and irritated. This movement is often observed when the pet is watching a potential victim.

    It’s not just a cat’s ears that can indicate the animal’s mood. The visual organ – the eyes, like people’s – can express a whole range of emotions. When a pet looks with an open, calm gaze, it means that she is happy with everything or is interested in the action taking place. There is an opinion among breeders and cat lovers that with the help of a look a cat can express its love for its owner. In this case, the animal looks straight into the eyes of its owner for a long time and devotedly, and then slowly closes its eyes.

    Read also: Monuments to cats and cats. Part one

    A cat’s non-blinking or flickering gaze means respect, but if the animal looks intently, it does not mean good intentions. Better stay away. A half-closed gaze means dormancy or caution. Fear, as well as fright, in a cat can be noticed if the pupils become large and round, and the gaze itself is detached. A clouded gaze speaks of peace and tranquility, and also signals trust and friendship.

    How to understand a cat by meowing

    By meowing you can understand the whole spectrum of emotions felt by a cat. Cats express most of their emotions through gestures or facial expressions. Cats and cats use sounds to emphasize their state or the emotions they are experiencing. In most cases, cats purr. This is a special sound created not by all vocal cords, but by vibrations in the upper register. The main purpose of purring is to express peace and love for the owner.

    Note! Some owners note that the cat begins to purr, expressing its dissatisfaction or resentment.

    A cat can not only purr, but also hiss, howl, chirp and make crackling sounds.

    • Short, coo-like sounds, cats emit after a hearty meal, as well as in the process of stroking their owner or in anticipation of a treat.
    • Hiss means that the animal does not want to make contact, is very frightened and is ready to attack.
    • Howl and grumble the pet can during the onset of hunting. The animal shows its condition and calls the opposite sex.
    • Meowing at high notes, a cat or cat is trying to attract its owner or a stranger.
    • Specific chirping sounds and crackling sounds can be made by cats calling their grown kittens.

    Cats are frank and straightforward animals, they do not know how to lie and do not hide their emotions, so every owner can learn to understand a cat’s mood by its tail. You just need to observe the position of the tail in a given situation.

    1. Direct gesture

    “I just feel good.”

    If a cat's tail is raised up and its tip “walks” back and forth, this is a sign that the pet is happy.

    He feels at ease, and the environment more than suits him.

    2. Hair standing on end

    “Oh, how angry I am!”

    If you see your pet's fur standing on end, it is either scared or about to attack someone or something.

    It is important at this moment to calm the cat down, to show her that there is no reason to be angry and on edge.

    3. Tail uphill

    “I feel tension!”

    If your pet moves his tail in a concave manner, it means he is tense.

    Most likely, this is a sign that someone has their own interests in the cat’s territory. Or there are a lot of strangers around.

    4. Third leg

    "I'm upset".

    If your pet curls its tail under its fluffy butt, it means that it is very sad.

    Perhaps this is temporary anxiety now, which may later develop into depression. Reassure your pet and let him know that everything is okay and he is not alone.

    5. Closer to the floor

    “I feel guilty.”

    If you periodically scold your pet for minor pranks, then pay attention that he will most likely move his tail closer to the floor.

    This is a completely normal reaction. Soon he will forget that he was scolded. If you notice this behavior out of nowhere, then this may be a signal that the cat is sick. It's better to consult a veterinarian.

    6. Long waves

    “What is there, what is there? I'm interested!"

    Long “tail” waves often signal that the pet is very interested in knowing what will happen next. Maybe he's looking at someone? Or is he planning something? In any case, this is a positive reaction and there is nothing wrong with it.

    7. Short waves

    “I feel uncomfortable.”

    This movement of the tail is similar to when a person begins to shake his leg. Either he is nervous or he is thinking hard about something.

    Your cat seems to be feeling out of place.

    8. Wipers

    “I feel confident.”

    If you notice that your pet is moving its paws and its tail is moving in time with it, it means that it feels confident.

    Your cat is on his territory, and here he is the King!

    9. Shake

    “Go away, old woman, I’m very angry.”

    Erratic and rapid movements of the tail indicate that your furry is not in the best mood.

    Give him personal space, try not to hug him yet.

    10. Focused Wave

    “I'm trying to concentrate.”

    Is the tail pointing upward, and its tip making random movements in its own rhythm?

    Your pet is lost in thought and trying to focus.

    11. Tail to the side

    If your cat is crouched and her tail is “walking” somewhere to the side back and forth, it means she is thoughtful.

    It's difficult to understand what a cat is thinking. Perhaps she's contemplating her next move? Or can't decide what to do first - eat or sleep?

    12. Sonya

    "I'm tired".

    Very often, cats wag their tail while sleeping, especially after a hard day.

    Some find a similar projection in human behavior. Have you noticed that you occasionally startle when falling asleep? This is observed when severe fatigue. And cats, in turn, move their tails.

    13. Kalachik

    "I'm scared…"

    If you pick up a cat and its tail moves towards its body, it means it is feeling excited.

    The stomach is a very sensitive place, so cats instinctively try to protect it with their tail. Change the position in which you hold your pet. This way he will calm down faster.

    14. Clock pendulum

    “I'm annoyed.”

    This behavior indicates that the pet is tired of being in your hands. “It’s time to let me go.”

    In humans, the tail atrophied as unnecessary millions of years ago. Therefore, it is difficult for us to understand how important this part of the body is for our four-legged friends. Few people think about the purpose of a cat's tail - it simply exists, and it cannot be otherwise. In fact, it brings a lot of benefits to the cat.

    Scientists debate how important its role is, given that tailless species exist. Even in the wild among big cats There is a short-tailed specimen - a lynx. Let's try to figure out what tails are for.

    A little about the structure of the tail

    The tail is an extension of the spinal column. True, only the first 5-7 vertebrae have a canal, then they lose the arch and only the vertebral body remains. In other words, there is no spinal cord in the tail.

    The first short and wide vertebrae are called the root of the tail. The next 10-15 are the stem; it consists of elongated “cylinders”. The tip is several thin small bones that become smaller as they approach the last caudal vertebra.

    The total number of vertebrae may vary depending on the breed, with an average of 20-27 pieces. Accordingly, the length varies from 20 to 40 cm. Between the bones there are elastic intervertebral discs, which makes the cat's tail extremely flexible.

    In cats, the tail is not as powerful as in animals for which it serves as a “fifth hand” (monkeys, opossums). But they have several tail muscles and ligaments that allow them to move in any direction, as well as bend their tail in different ways.

    The most long tails cats of this breed can boast. Orientals are also considered long-tailed. But the tail is short, this is main feature breeds Such cats have from 2 to 15 caudal vertebrae, which are also deformed.

    A tail may be completely absent as a result of a genetic mutation. This is typical rare breeds cats like Manx and Cymric.

    5 functions of a cat's tail


    When a person walks along a narrow plank, he instinctively spreads his arms to the sides. Professional tightrope walkers use a pole. Cats use their tail to maintain balance. When a cat walks along a tree branch or along the edge of a fence, the tail deviates in one direction or the other, changing the distribution of body weight.

    Steering wheel

    A sharp flick of the tail helps change the trajectory of the jump. This is especially important for cats in time - after all, the victim may rush to the side at the last moment. In addition to guiding the body during masterly jumps, the tail helps in case of a fall. Cats are known to try. If an animal falls backwards, it wriggles its whole body and rotates its tail, thus turning over.

    A steering wheel like this helps cats a lot when they turn from hunter to prey. Cats run slower and worse than dogs. However, it is very rare for a dog to catch up with a cat. The secret lies in the ability of cats to sharply change the trajectory of their run and avoid obstacles with lightning speed.


    The tail is not only a benefit, but also a nuisance

    It is known that inattentive owners often step on the tail of a lying cat, and even grumble at the same time. The tail is pulled by children, pinched by the door, and can be grabbed by the cat when the cat has almost managed to escape. In a word, the long process behind the body requires careful handling.

    Any injuries to the tail are very painful because there are a huge number of nerve endings located there. If the tail is broken, then neither a cast nor an operation is performed; the only way out is amputation. A cat can get a fracture or dislocation due to a sharp tug on its tail.

    Wounds in this area heal slowly because the cat will lick and even chew its own tail. You can’t do without a protective collar, but it’s almost impossible to put a bandage on your ponytail - it slips.

    Cats rarely allow their tails to be touched, and owners should not anger their cat by playing with this sensitive part of the body. But young kittens sometimes don’t mind chasing their own tail. In adult cats, increased attention to the tail may indicate nervousness, itching, pain, or numbness (impaired nerve supply) in that area.

    When there is no tail

    Any cat can lose its tail. For example, it is amputated due to serious injury or cancer. There are also genetic mutations that cause cats to be born with a short tail or no tail. People considered these characteristics attractive and fixed them in a number of breeds.

    Owners of such animals are convinced that their pets are full life. Although a cat who previously had a tail may need some time to adapt, she will eventually get used to doing without it.

    Scientists have confirmed that tailless cats can flip over in flight and land on their paws. They can also walk along a narrow branch or fence due to the ability to step with their front and hind paws in a trail. Bob-tailed cats remain excellent hunters. Perhaps only the signaling repertoire of such animals is very limited.


    Cats of any breed are perfect from an aesthetic point of view. With or without a tail. Some people are delighted with the fluffy fan of Maine Coons, others like the hare pompom of bobtails. Although the tail plays an important role in a cat's life, they can live without it - especially under the care of loving owners.

    For us, this amazing organ is another means to better understand the “cat’s language” in order to achieve mutual understanding with the pet.


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