• What kind words to call a guy. Words you shouldn't say to guys. Video: affectionate nicknames for a guy


    Every couple develops cute nicknames. How to affectionately call your beloved guy so that he likes it? It depends on how old your man is, what type of character he is and where you use this nickname. In our article we have collected the most common male nicknames. In addition, you will learn how men like to be called and what nicknames it is better to never use.

    The chosen one with a good sense of humor and easy disposition will accept both a standard “bunny” and an extraordinary “crocodile”. Don't limit yourself to anything:

    • Orange (for redheads!)
    • Eggplant
    • Bon Bon
    • Barmaley
    • Bogatyr
    • Vitamin
    • Teen Wolf
    • Magic
    • Darling
    • Big guy
    • Cowboy
    • Thorn
    • Curly
    • Favorite
    • Pet
    • Teddy Bear
    • Romantic
    • Sweet
    • Treasure
    • Sexbomb
    • Smart girl

    Feel free to use derivatives of names, but watch your partner’s reaction.

    Such men are rare! Don't take advantage of his kindness.

    Your chosen one - classic man? He will definitely not approve of your “Lapulya” and other too sweet names. Try to use small, affectionate abbreviations of the name. For example, Vovochka, Pashenka.

    If your soul still asks for some kind of nickname, take the standard “native” and change it into “darling”. This is the maximum he will allow you. Here are more options:

    • Angel
    • Apollo
    • Atlant
    • Dear
    • Dear
    • Native
    • Rodimenky
    • Genius
    • Hercules
    • Hercules
    • Hero

    Does your lover have strict rules and is generally extremely serious? If a man turns up his nose at melodramas and comedies, and prefers fishing to restaurants, or is simply a very serious person, you should not irritate him with affectionate but overly sweet treatment. After all, the goal is to please both.

    But the nicknames from positive energy he might like:

    • The best
    • My happiness
    • My joy
    • My winner (sets you up for success!)
    • Gold (attracts money)
    • The only one
    • My heart

    Don't misrepresent his name. He won't appreciate it.

    Suitable for all men without exception:

    • Full name (for example, Vladimir)
    • Short name without syushu suffixes (for example, Volodya, Volodya; antiexample, Volodyusechka)
    • Dear, beloved, dear.

    What should you not call the man you like?

    You should NEVER use the following nicknames:

    1. A pet name should not insult or belittle a partner. If a young man is embarrassed about his fatness or short, you should not call him “Hippo” and “Baby” or, conversely, “Slender” and “Giant”. Even if your partner doesn’t seem to mind, deep down it can offend and demotivate him. Not to mention “Loshariki” and “Klopiki”. Forget about "Men", "Men" and "Baldheads".
    2. Should not contain a negative message. Words have their own energy and associations. “Bunny” can run to the left, “Baby” can lose self-confidence, “Devil” can betray.
    3. Don't use nicknames from his childhood. Let them remain the prerogative of bosom friends.
    4. Don't rephrase his last name. A surname is a man’s pride, it denotes his family, and he will pass it on by inheritance. You shouldn't joke about her.

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    In what situations should you not call your loved one by an affectionate nickname:

    1. In public places. Whether you call him “Masik” or the exotic “Cactus” in the line for bread, it is not appropriate. A similar rule applies when shouting on the street and in a restaurant in front of a waiter. Use a short name without shu-shu suffixes or the “you can always” list from our article. Exception: alone in a taxi with the driver.
    2. In front of his friends. No merry fellow would find it funny if he was called “Pussik” in front of his childhood friend. Use the list from the previous paragraph.
    3. In front of his or your parents. Maybe your mother will be touched when she hears “Kitty” or “Bunny” in relation to your chosen one, but his dad will not appreciate it. He raised his son, a Man with a capital M. It is most appropriate to call your loved one by their short name.
    4. With mutual friends / with your friends. It’s better to limit yourself to a set of “you can always”, but if your lover doesn’t mind, and the rest of the company too (!), call each other as you would in private. The only taboo: the very words from which your nicknames are derived must be appropriate to pronounce in public.

    Affectionate nicknames are best used when you are alone. Let him be yours intimate secret for two. This will make both your loved one and those around you feel comfortable.

    If you want to always remain the only one for him,... This will refresh your relationship.

    Do you want to diversify your relationships and add color to your family life? in a new article on our website.

    Do you want to please all guys without exception? To do this, you need to know and consistently develop all the qualities that they value most.

    In this article we have put together. They will help preserve feelings for many years.

    To make a man feel like he's the only one affectionate name not enough. It is necessary, from time to time. All the secrets the right compliment in our article.

    Look for a nickname for your loved one in your heart, and then it will only bring joy. And if you have a lot of imagination, re-read our article!

    Just yesterday I heard a girl call her 3-year-old son ten times in the space of five minutes a bunny, a baby, a chick. This is an example of the mother's influence on what kind of person he is.

    It's also pointless to deny female influence on the present and future of the man with whom she is in a relationship.

    I agree that what will be discussed below are trifles, and there are topics that are much more important. But if you apply my recommendations, you will be able to witness how “little things” can take a relationship with a man to a new level.

    Is it pleasant for a man to be called diminutive words? Yes, it's nice.

    Is it pleasant for a man in a period of despair for a woman to feel sorry for him? Yes, it's nice.

    Is it wise to do this from the point of view of the psychology of relationships?

    "Why? After all, it’s nice for a man. Feminine tenderness, warmth, affection.”

    Do you really think that pleasant = competent?

    Well, for example, I remember my first relationship, I complained to my girlfriend about life, about my parents, I cried about what an insecure guy I was, how difficult it was with work now. She felt sorry for me. I felt VERY pleased and calmed down. And I told everyone how cool she is, she supports me.

    What then? Nothing. Did this make me more confident? No. Did my relationship with my parents improve? No. Was I able to start earning normal money? No. But it was SO NICE when they felt sorry for me. I don't blame the girl in any way. I’m just giving an example of when a man is pleased, but in fact it’s only degradation.


    The situation is similar with diminutive words... the man is pleased. What EFFECT do these words have? Have you ever thought about it? I propose to replace it with equally pleasant, but strong appeals.

    Example with my friends

    When a friend or good acquaintance calls me, I often answer in the style:

    Yes, Winner

    I'm listening, God

    Hello, world champion in [friend's field of activity]

    Why am I doing this? It makes me happy to inspire another person. It doesn't cost me anything, just a few words. But EVERY TIME I hear HOW MUCH such treatment energizes my surroundings.

    Contact us

    We often address each other as you. It looks funny in public places.

    In this way we express respect, admiration and are inspired to new achievements.

    “Paul, you are simply the best. An example to follow". Yes, we smile at the same time, we understand that this is like a game. But this does not change the fact of inspiration.

    And women who understand this cannot but be respected.

    For wise women, ready-made phrases on how to call a man:

    Name (full). Yaroslav (not Yarik, Yarichka, Yarichek, etc.)

    By patronymic name (Yaroslav Andreevich)

    A real man

    My hero

    My Lord

    My Winner

    My Lord

    My champion

    My king

    My Best

    My teacher

    Your option?

    For those who feel an unpleasant pain inside at the mere thought that you should call your man THAT, I dare to ask: have you definitely attracted/chosen/created/developed a relationship that brings joy and not heaviness?

    You can even explain that you are pleased to call him that way. For example, Alexander.

    I agree that not all men deserve to be called that. So surround yourself with worthy people.

    Therefore, the task is for you, first for a month, and if you like the results, then use it for the rest of your life:

    Gradually (if abruptly, then men may suspect some kind of trick and take it with hostility) eradicate from the lexicon diminutive addresses to the male part of the population.

    Love, affection, tenderness, and care towards a man can be shown in many other ways. I'll suggest a few:

    Happy to greet a man from work

    Cook delicious dishes

    ALL OF YOU, your tone of communication with a man, manner of speaking, gestures

    Even “Dear” - you can say it with SUCH tenderness that a man will shine from your warmth

    Ask yourself this question often:

    “HOW does a man feel next to me?”

    Is he the way you want him to be: strong, confident, purposeful, loving, caring?..

    Or a mask, a cat, a puppy?

    What you sow is what you reap. The choice is yours.

    How does your man feel when you call him My Master? Write in the comments.

    Do you want to know the secrets of unnoticeably influencing men?

    Come to the free master class “Man: Honest Instructions” – 5 days, 3 trainers, secret techniques from experts.

    Read the top materials on my blog:

    A romantic relationship between a guy and a girl cannot be compared with any other type of relationship, because we cannot experience the same feelings and emotions that we experience next to a guy, when meeting relatives or friends. Infatuation and love connect two people in a special way, making them unique to each other. One of the cutest features of relationships between a guy and a girl is touching nicknames. If you don’t know how to affectionately address your boyfriend, our article will help you solve this problem.

    There is an opinion that girls love with their ears, while male representatives do not pay attention to compliments. To some extent this is true. Women, regardless of their character and age, are very sensitive to gentle speech and love kind words. However, guys also very rarely remain indifferent to praise.

    Affectionate nicknames for your boyfriend You can express your admiration for a guy without resorting to elaborate compliments - just come up with a cute nickname for your loved one. Don’t be afraid that your nickname may seem banal or unoriginal to someone, the main thing is the meaning that you put into the praise.
      The most popular nicknames for guys are words such as:
    “Cat” “Hare” “Raccoon” “Hedgehog” “Elephant” “Sunny” “Squirrel” “Dolphin”

    However, when choosing a touching nickname, just in case, you should not take into account feminine words, such as “Bead”, “Bubochka” or “Lapulya”. If you want to preserve the meaning of the nickname, come up with a more masculine version, replace “Bird” with “Chick”, “Bead” with “Beady”, etc.

    What's an unusual name for a guy you really like? The nicknames mentioned in the previous paragraph will not suit you if you want to contact a guy you only like and with whom you do not yet have any relationship. Of course, this does not mean that you don’t need to somehow sweetly address the object of your sympathy. On the contrary, such behavior can endear him to you. He will definitely note for himself that there really is some kind of connection between you, since you consider it appropriate to address him like that. Perhaps this is what will help develop the relationship between you. Alternatively, try to mark it positive traits
      (you can add the prefix “My”):
    “Strongman” “Handsome” “Smart Guy” “Genius” “Champion” “Hero”

    How to affectionately call a man at the beginning of a relationship so that he likes it

    When choosing tender words for your lover, it is important to consider how long you have been in a relationship with him. When you are just starting out, you need to be especially careful in this matter. It’s unlikely that you want to apologize for your own outburst of tenderness, so try to take into account all the characteristics of your lover’s character. It will be best if you choose something neutral:
      “Dragon” “Dandelion” “Tiger Cub” “Eaglet” “Charming” “Sugar”

    It's also important to know that you shouldn't always use nicknames when addressing a guy when you're in a group. Even if your crush likes what you call him, the situation may change if this becomes a reason for banter from his friends. This is important to remember not only at the initial stage of a relationship, but also in the future. You should also not use nicknames in the presence of his or your relatives, otherwise you risk finding yourself in a stupid situation. In addition, public expressions of affection, such as endearments, kisses, etc., often embarrass others. Even if you don't care what others think, try to refrain from doing such things out of respect. Additionally, to make endearing names seem even more unique and special, it is best to use them when you are alone with your boyfriend. This adds romance and intimacy to the relationship. It is important to remember that, even when you are alone, you should not always call your loved one something affectionate if the moment is inappropriate, for example, during a conversation on serious topic. Of course, a pet nickname may not offend your partner, but there is a chance that he will consider you too frivolous, especially if the relationship is on initial stages, and this will definitely not benefit the relationship.

    Cute nicknames for a guy, how to choose them, what to rely on

    Girls, despite all their love for praise, often underestimate the influence of compliments on men. Unfortunately, representatives of the fair sex often skimp on pleasant words. Yes, they try to look seductive and smell delicious, but not only are they important. external factors. In any relationship there should be pleasant communication. To encourage your lover you need to admire him, his appearance, character, talents and abilities. The phrases “there is no one better than you”, “you are so romantic”, “I think about you all the time”, “I just go crazy from your touch”, “you are the most tender” will perfectly help you show your attitude towards the guy. Try to say such things as often as possible, make it natural for your relationship. This is especially important if your chosen one doubts himself and his abilities. Such treatment will increase his confidence. It will change a lot right before your eyes, and you, like those around you, simply cannot help but notice the difference. When choosing a nickname for your loved one, be guided by its characteristics. Of course, you should only mention positive traits. You should not point out any shortcomings of your partner, it is better to emphasize his individuality. Do not be afraid that your ideas are banal, simplicity and sincerity in communication cannot adversely affect the relationship, the main thing is to speak with love and from the bottom of your heart. The fact is that, in pursuit of originality, girls become so sophisticated that the nickname turns out to be quite stupid. Agree that your boyfriend is unlikely to like it if you call him “dude”, “poke” or “bob”.

    Not a banal “zai”: how to call your beloved man affectionately and unusually

    List of affectionate nicknames for men

    Many girls do not like nicknames such as “dear”, “dear”, “bunny”, “cat”, etc. This is due to the fact that these nicknames are very popular, redundant and now do not evoke in guys the reaction expected by girls. In this case, you can use the words “prince”, “Romeo”, “bar”, “pirate”, “spider”, “nut”. Also, try to change your frequently used nickname from time to time, otherwise your boyfriend will simply get used to it, and this address, despite all its unusualness and affection, will simply lose its charm. As for the preferences of guys, they, of course, like the following nicknames:
      "Superhero" "Macho" "Beast" "Cowboy" "Rogue"
    That is, we are talking about nicknames that emphasize masculinity. Also, many young people like names that are as gentle as possible; they experience real delight. For example, even if your lover is very brutal, he may like the following names:
      “Cupcake” “Vedina” “Fox”
    To call a guy something unusual and affectionate, it is not at all necessary to remember animals or food. You might just need to use words like this:
      “Peerless” “Cute” “Wonderful” “Affectionate” “Sweet” “The One”
    If you add the word “my” to all these names, it will turn out even more touching. Try to notice your lover's reactions to nicknames and use those that please him the most.

    Diminutive words-nicknames on his behalf

    Some girls don't like to compare their lover to animals, objects, etc. Despite this, they still have options on how to call their lover cutely. To achieve your goal, you just need to soften his name a little. Sasha can be called Sashenka, Sanya, Shunya, Sanyushka, Sashko. Dima should like the address Dimochka, Di, Mityusha, Mitechka. Nick, Nikitulya, Nikitoshka will suit Nikita. Vlad can be called Vladik, Vladyusha, Vladusik. In addition, come up with cute, but not too strange or offensive rhymes for his name. For example, “Andrey is the love of my dreams,” “Andryushka is a darling,” “Kostik is a ponytail.” Another option: “Sergey is the light of my eyes”, “Sergey – there is no one dearer than you.” The rhymes “Sashka is a kisser”, “Sanek is a moth”, “Sashok is a sweetheart”, “Sanek is a light” will suit the name Sasha. To Maxim you can add “necessary”, “irreplaceable”. “Matvey is a sparrow”, “Matvey is the meaning of my life”, “Matvey - come back soon” also sound cute. Of course, these words are best used when the couple is in a good mood, a cheerful mood. It goes without saying that it’s better not to mention rhymes on your first name in front of your colleagues or friends. It’s unlikely that you dream that everyone you know behind your back will call your lover “Konstantin - my magical serpentine” or “Andryushka - a cute pig.”

    How to call your husband affectionately and tenderly so that he is pleased

    In marriage, people already know each other very well, which presupposes a special relationship between the couple. Means what affectionate nicknames may be more interesting than just “ball - smesharik”. Since husband and wife are especially close, there must be things between them that are known only to both of them, something unique, secret. It is best to come up with a nickname for your spouse that only the two of you will understand. There is a cute story about an ordinary married couple. Whenever husband and wife had to be separated for a long time, they corresponded. The couple signed each letter “Mr. R” and “Mrs. R.” The most interesting thing is that the couple’s real last name sounds like “Lee”, that is, there is no letter “R” in it. Once upon a time, the daughter who told this story to the world saw how her parents’ letters were signed, and she desperately wanted to know what the letter “R” at the end of each message meant. Much to the girl’s surprise, the parents flatly refused to reveal their secret to their daughter. They said it was their little secret that no one else would ever know. Of course, young Li would not be satisfied with such an answer, but even after many years, she still did not know the meaning of the letter “R” for her parents. Now Mr. and Mrs. R are dead, and their secret will forever remain unsolved. This story can serve as an example for many couples. The fact is that spouses underestimate the importance of something secret, intimate between them. Very often it happens that girlfriends know all the conversations between husband and wife, and very personal moments in their family life. In fact, it shouldn't be this way. If you have the above-mentioned problem in your marriage, don't despair before it's too late to change things. Start small - think of a nickname that only your husband will understand. You can somehow connect this with the place of your meeting, with the characteristics of his character. And most importantly, let no one else know your secret.

    How to call a guy funny - when such nicknames are appropriate

    A nickname for your boyfriend can be not only affectionate, but also funny. It is important to understand when such nicknames should be used and when not. First of all, take into account the character traits of your lover. If he is very introverted or insecure, he is unlikely to like silly names that sound like a curse. In this case, it is better to never call a guy names as a joke, so as not to offend your chosen one. In addition, when you give your partner a nickname, ask again if it offends him. This is worth doing even if your loved one has a strong character. Perhaps a nickname that seems harmless to you seems humiliating in his eyes. You should also remember that a humorous nickname should not make fun of some character trait or appearance. For example, if your chosen one has protruding ears, under no circumstances call him “Cheburashka,” but if he has any vision problems, you should not mention “Cross-Eye.” A slightly overweight guy does not need to be reminded of his features by the nickname “fatty,” “donut,” etc. And most importantly: never call a guy Flash when talking about the intimate sphere of your relationship. Of course, each couple has its own characteristics. There are lovers who constantly laugh at each other and love to tease their other half. In such relationships there are rarely resentments over nicknames, but you still need to be careful in such moments.

    The way to a man is through his stomach, but a woman loves with her ears. This has long been considered to be the case. But the fact that men are the stronger sex, our rear and defenders, does not mean that they do not like praise, compliments and affectionate statements. Even the most serious and desperate guys are by no means primitive creatures, they also have a soul, feelings, and they probably crave your attention and manifestations of love. Therefore, dear women, give up existing stereotypes and stop just waiting for beautiful words, it’s time to learn and choose and use pleasant words for the man you love. Think about how you can characterize or what or who you associate your soulmate with when choosing what you can call a guy in an affectionate, unusual way. If you lack imagination or courage, this article is for you.

    Endearing words for a man

    To pick up the right words, you need to be familiar with the character and temperament of a person so that they are correctly perceived and beautiful words for a man do not mean excessive lisp or cause a funny reaction. If you have never (or very rarely) used affectionate address to a man before, you can start by including the following in your vocabulary:

    • sensitive;
    • attentive;
    • significant;
    • the only one;
    • special;
    • caring;
    • handyman;
    • Beautiful;
    • charming;
    • brave;
    • native.

    So, when the beginning has been made, and the man is already prepared, the time has come to fight on the spot, to bring additional emotions, warmth and tenderness into your relationship. You can combine single words into phrases and expressions. Heavy artillery of words:

    • refined;
    • brutal;
    • ideal;
    • with an impeccable sense of humor;
    • purposeful;
    • sexual;
    • wonderful lover;
    • real and sincere;
    • best.

    The most favorite compliments and expressions for men’s ears:

    1. You're driving me crazy!
    2. No one will ever compare to you.
    3. You are the only one in the world.
    4. You are the smartest and most insightful.
    5. What impeccable taste you have.
    6. Every woman dreams of someone like you, but you are mine!
    7. You are the meaning of my life…

    This is only the smallest part of the abundance of options available. It is important to use gentle, beautiful words for your beloved man for a specific circumstance.

    1. What gentle hands you have!
    2. Your laughter is very contagious.
    3. I had no idea you were such a risk taker.
    4. You are simply magical in bed!

    All available compliments can be divided into several subgroups:

    • about his sexuality;
    • about his strength, masculinity and status;
    • individually selected, that is, based on his personal qualities, merits or talents;
    • Well, funny, causing laughter and a smile.

    It is best if you select pleasant words for a man from different categories.

    Basic mistakes that should not be made

    It would seem that there is nothing easier than coming up with kind words to your beloved guy. But still, there are some tips and tricks to prevent your significant other from feeling awkward.

    1. Tell your man only the truth. Your statements must come from the depths of your soul. After all, lies and flattery are very visible and such compliments most likely will not cheer up your lover. Praise the guy for his specific actions.
    2. Speak kindly and sincerely. Of course, if kind words are spoken indifferently to a beloved man, they will not only not give him pleasure, but will most likely upset him or make him wary. You yourself should enjoy what you say, your eyes should light up, and at least a smile should shine on your lips. If you're in a bad mood or feeling bad, this shouldn't affect your compliments; it's better to save them for when you're in a better mood.
    3. Know when to stop.
    4. It is absolutely right that you have introduced a tradition of praising and encouraging your lover, but you should understand that if you say nothing but good, pleasant words to your beloved guy all day long, this can become too intrusive and begin to irritate him. Or worse, he will get so used to them that he will stop listening and paying attention to them. Be original. Try to avoid banal, hackneyed phrases. After all, your man is special and deserves the most best words
    5. ! Don't disappoint him.

    Try to say beautiful words for your beloved guy when you are alone with him. After all, for most guys, your tenderness is a very personal, even intimate moment. But you can express your admiration and feelings anywhere: in nature, on the street, at home, at a party, the main thing is that your revelations are not heard by strangers, there is no need to embarrass your loved one. You can say it in a whisper in your ear...

    After all the nuances are taken into account, you can continue to experiment and come up with affectionate nicknames for the guy.

    How to affectionately call a guy

    • When you fantasize about what to affectionately call your beloved man, you should take into account his temperament and habits. It will be easy for you to come up with a pleasant, affectionate nickname, because most likely in your couple, like in others, there are features that can be played on. If your relationship is in the nascent stage, then it is better to introduce diminutive derivatives of his name into use, for example, Dimochka, Sashenka, Maksimka, Kolenka, and the like. A man loves when his name is spoken often. You can incline it in different ways, and it won’t hurt to add additional tenderness to it, like dear, dear, beloved. If you are an experienced couple, then all horizons open up here. Don't limit yourself to a bunny and a cat, appear more openly. To make it easier to understand, we will offer you some options:
    • tiger cub;
    • lapula;
    • lion cub;
    • my treasure;
    • lampumpusechka;
    • baby dragon;
    • pepper;
    • prickly thorn;

    In fact, the list of words has no end; the main thing is to find an individual approach. It is important to monitor your reaction young man, and if the kind words you came up with for your beloved guy seemed offensive, incomprehensible to him, as a result he frowned or changed his face, just turn it all into a joke, kiss him and don’t use such expressions anymore.

    Dear girls, women, wives, now you have an idea of ​​what you can say nice things to a guy. Don’t be shy or embarrassed, please and pamper your loved one! There are an insane number of options for how to affectionately call a man, but the most win-win would be to simply say the most priceless words again: “Darling, I love you very much!” Love each other, be happy!

    Any relationship, no matter what it is, friendly or romantic, requires a large vocabulary in communication. Below you will find some tips for girls on how to affectionately call a boyfriend, a guy you like or just a friend so that he likes it.

    Couples who were recently created especially need beautiful words, because they are just beginning their journey in communication. You can express your love not only through deeds, but also in beautiful words. It is very important to choose Right words when you address a boyfriend or friend. This New Creative Language Helps Create a Unique Connection and Lets You Down closer friend to friend.

    Let's divide all possible words into several categories

    1. Comparison with the beast. The most common option is to compare your loved one in an affectionate tone with some animal. Although some animals look unusual and funny, some people like to be called, for example, a bear cub, a crocodile, a bunny, a kitten, a tiger cub, and so on. These words are quite pleasant to hear and are perfect as an option for your beloved guy.

    2. Compare it to a planet. The word "Sun" is often used as an affectionate nickname. It is especially appropriate when this person makes your life happier and brighter. You can also tell him with love - “You are my Planet” or “My Universe”. For a guy, this will be unusual and pleasant to hear.

    3. Better to avoid the word that hurt him short stature. Not everyone likes nicknames - manyusik, pupsik, lapusik or something similar in the same style. Guys may have complexes, and some may simply be hurt.

    4. If a man has a beautiful athletic body, you can safely call him sex boy or Hercules. This nickname is suitable for a beloved guy or just a friend.

    5. You don’t have to choose a nickname, just call him with gentle words , for example, my dear, you are my happiness, my dear boy, my lover, my treasure, etc.

    6. Call him by name just change the sound in more gentle tones. For example, Dmitry can be called Dimasik, Dimulya, Dimochka; Alexandra - Sashunya, Sashulka, Sanechka and so on.

    Let's look at a few interesting words in English:

    • Luv (love) . Regularly used in everyday speech, many partners refer to their loved one using it, usually at the end of a sentence "How was your day, Luv?"
    • Hun (honey) . This word is often used to compare a loved one to sweet food. For example, as a term of endearment - my sugar, honey, sweet. These words can be used to call guys: Sasha, Vlad, Sergei, Artem, Lesha and others.
    • Deyrling (dear) . This word has several meanings - precious, valuable, dear, beloved.
    • Babes (baby) . The most common word that is used as a term of endearment by a toddler and is seen as a playful option for a loved one.
    • In other foreign languages, you can use the following affectionate words: Mi Amor (My love is Spanish) Mon Cher (My dear - French) Inamorato (Lover - Italian).

    Here are a few more options for affectionate words (some can be used for a guy you like)

    • little angel;
    • friend;
    • button;
    • Casanova, Romeo;
    • chick;
    • handsome, darling;
    • ladies' man, heartthrob;
    • lamb;
    • peach, hot guy;
    • funny guy, humorist, comedian;
    • Tarzan, Mr. Universe, tough guy;
    • seducer;
    • sunlight;
    • sugar lips;
    • love of my life;
    • the guy of my dreams;
    • the one and only.

    You can also use romantic phrases in communication to please your man.

    1. God created you just for me.

    2. I feel completely safe when you are around.

    3. I will give you all of me - my heart, my body and my soul.

    4. I will go crazy if anything happens to you.

    5. Your warm hugs and tender kisses are more valuable than gold.

    6. Words are not enough to express how much I love you.

    7. You are the music that makes my heart sing.

    8. You make me feel like a woman.

    9. You treat me like a princess and I love you with all my heart.

    Try a couple of different cute words and nicknames for your guy, find the perfect nickname and make him feel special and loved.


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