• Geisha behavior. Intimate secrets of geishas: bring unearthly sexual pleasure to your partner



    Initially, a geisha is... a male profession. Until the 18th century, when it officially became female, the task of the servants of this craft was to entertain guests. The role of “toastmaster” was usually played by representatives of the stronger sex.

    Women brought much more nuances to this art, although their scheme was, at first glance, extremely simple: to attract a man, entertain him and keep him close to her with the help of beauty, intelligence and charm. Could Japanese men (and not only Japanese ones) resist such a temptation?

    By the way, sex is not at all a natural result of a relationship with a real geisha, it is the result of her desire. Just like an ordinary woman, a man must win a geisha before she opens her bedroom door for him. Therefore, do not rush to invite your lover to bed... Or rather, hurry up, but first take into account the advice that WomanJournal.ru gives you in this article.
    To make it easier for you to transform into a geisha for your man, understand how these ladies lived, who in no case should be confused with courtesans (yujo) and the so-called resort geisha (onsen geisha). In the art of geishas, ​​the main thing is service to a man: sex comes last here - sexual play is considered first

    turn, from the point of view of aesthetics.

    The main secret of a geisha is the ability to gracefully indulge men's weaknesses, unobtrusively stroke men's pride and quietly help them relax. It was not for nothing that in Japan all government officials had geishas as mistresses, with whom they discussed the interests of the country before moving on to sex. Why don't you try this sexual foreplay? It is ideal for business-weary men who prefer Viagra to a calm conversation.

    Dancing, playing musical instruments, conversations about high things, reading poems and demonstrating theatrical sketches - what is this, if not an eternal, like the world, women's game of seduction: I will bewitch you, and then decide whether I need it or not. This is exactly how a geisha works. She seduces not with the help of revealing lingerie from the latest collection of fashion gurus and a fresh assortment from a sex shop. A geisha's trump card is perfect posture, chiseled figure

    , smooth movements, exciting gait, wrapped in a cocoon of oriental fabrics (which are not so easy to untie). for a geisha, the aura she exudes. Simply put, a geisha must be a charismatic person. Therefore, finally, forget about cellulite and two extra pounds somewhere there. There is none of them. There is a luxurious kimono and all-consuming tenderness for the man who is next to you.

    If you want to play geisha, you will need to do more than just high oriental hairstyle, but also appropriate makeup: half-moon eyebrows, a whitened face, thickly lined black eyes (geisha eyelashes are not painted), a neat, bright mouth.

    Next is the voice. Everyone knows how sexually attractive he can be. But geisha have elevated this knowledge to a cult - the voice must be sensual, bewitching, promising. So practice - for example, make several recordings of your voice (its variations) on a voice recorder, and then choose which one is better.

    Finally, remember: a real geisha understands a man from half a word, from half a glance, she knows body language perfectly and knows how to use it. With this modern girls the hardest thing. Where should we listen and look closely? We live at a frantic pace and are not used to waiting, and therefore we ask questions head-on: “How long can you go to a cafe? Maybe you’re just asking me

    Don’t you want to?” Do as you please, of course, but we warned you!

    Let's assume that the foreplay was successful. It's time to get down to business. Here are a few tricks of true geishas that allow them to remain queens in bed.

    1. The art of kissing and caressing with the tongue.

    In a kiss, just like in sex, fantasy and the ability to feel your partner’s response are important. Does he like a light nibble on the tip of his tongue? Do it!

    Sasha loves to be licked diligently and for a long time, like a cat licking a newborn kitten. Andrey gets a kick out of lightly running his tongue all over his body, and Vasya gets tickled and funny from it. Therefore, our everything is an individual approach. Listen to your intuition!

    2. The ability to quickly bring a man to a powerful orgasm.

    A geisha has excellent control over her intimate muscles. Ordinary girls will be helped with this by Kegel exercises and other wumbling options.

    3. The ability to remain in a state of excitement for a long time or to portray it talentedly.

    Yes, yes, what did you want? Everyone does it. And geishas too. But it’s not impossible to really feel aroused for a long time. You just need to study your body, take your time and give your man tactful tips on the topic “what, how and when.”

    4. Knowledge of various positions and ways of obtaining mutual pleasure.

    Information ( women's magazines, books about sex, "Kama Sutra") and experiment - these are the two keys to success.

    5. Erotic massage.

    For lazy people: an ordinary non-professional massage becomes erotic if it is easy to stimulate the erogenous zones; involve lips, tongue and chest in the process.

    And if you do Erotic massage in a silk kimono, then it’s not far from a geisha. The main thing is that it unobtrusively opens up before your partner’s eyes... For perfectionists: you can take special courses.

    6. Knowledge of techniques and means of increasing male potency.

    I think you know that after a shot of vodka and Ukrainian borscht with donuts, a man's sexual maximum is a sweet dream. But things like correct mode nutrition, aphrodisiacs, pheromones and techniques for prolonging sexual intercourse only work if “everything is fine” in your relationship.

    Geisha and scandal are incompatible concepts. Maybe that’s why men were so drawn to them? After all, it is not just Eastern aesthetics that keeps sexual potential alive.

    In fact, if you do not take into account national delights, the art of a geisha is based on ordinary female wisdom. It’s just that this natural skill of each of us, regardless of skin color and language, was once put on stream in Japan, as it was in great demand by the male half of the population.

    The Land of the Rising Sun has a great cultural heritage. Geisha have been its guardians for several centuries.

    In the original language, this word sounds like “geisha”, where “gei” means art, and “xia” means a person. Combining this, we get a “man of art.” The main task of a geisha is to entertain her clients by dancing, singing, conducting a tea ceremony, talking and other programs necessary for a cultural and interesting pastime.

    "Geisha" means "person of art"

    Japanese men especially value them for their ability to conduct a relaxed conversation, natural communication with them and the ability to flatter men’s pride, which women of other social classes, bound by traditional conventions that formed, or rather, shackled, could never afford. national character. ban on intimate relationships there was no relationship between a geisha and a man and everything depended on the compliance of the girls, but this was already part of personal life, not a profession.


    Originally, geisha were men. These were the ringleaders, combining the functions of a mass entertainer, toastmaster and song accompanist. In 1751, the first female ringleader appeared in the Shimabara quarter of Kyoto. In 1761, the first professional female geisha appeared in Yoshiwara. Soon, geisha women became so popular that they completely displaced men from this work. By the beginning of the 19th century, the term “geisha” (or geisha, as it is customary to write in Russia) became a designation of an exclusively female profession.

    A geisha is a work of art, however, she can be booked on an hourly basis. And although she spends an evening with a man, and often this is a whole company of men, such time rarely ends sexual relations. You don't see this in other cultures. This is not uncommon in other countries, but not in Japan. A man who goes to a geisha house knows that everything he says or does there will never go beyond those walls. It is the strict adherence to the code of silence, according to which a geisha has no right to talk about what is happening, that has allowed geisha houses to exist for four hundred years.

    Most often, girls from poor families became geishas.

    Most often, geisha became girls from poor families, sold to okiya (geisha houses), daughters of the owners of such houses, or daughters of the geisha themselves. Mostly girls were sold to such communities by their families, due to their inability to even feed them, let alone provide any education. This is a fairly traditional path for cute and smart children from very poor or dysfunctional families. Only those who were pretty, smart and capable of learning were selected. In addition, they were taught, fed, and provided with clothing. So that service would not seem like honey to them, they were assigned all the housework, starting with the most menial and thankless.


    In ancient times, the education of a geisha began at the age of 10, today strictly at the age of 16. During the training, the future geisha needs to master many skills, such as singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, the ability to conduct tea ceremonies according to all the rules, maintain a conversation, and stay informed. latest trends, subtleties appearance As a rule, for the first 2-4 years, girls have the status of a student - “maiko” and receive a new name, which, in the vast majority of cases, includes part of the name of their older sister. From now on, the aspiring geisha must be dressed and combed appropriately. You can distinguish a maiko from her “older sister” by their clothes: the sleeves of the younger one’s kimono are much shorter, and the lower collar is painted bright red.

    The initiation ceremony to become a geisha involves changing your collar.

    The initiation ceremony to become a geisha involves changing this collar to a white one embroidered with gold threads. It is believed that young girls attract clients with bright colors. appearance, and real modern geishas - with talents and skills. During this period, the older sister’s task is to introduce the aspiring geisha to her clients. This is why the experience of an older sister is so important: the more popular she is, the more chances an aspiring geisha will have to find a good client base. Exactly elder sister will hold a kind of auction among its wealthiest and most voluptuous clients with the goal of selling the virginity of an aspiring geisha as dearly as possible. It should be made clear that until a maiko loses her virginity and becomes a woman, she is not considered a geisha. But this was the only moment in the life of a geisha when she provided sexual services to a client without fail. In the future, whether or not to sleep with a man depended only on her.


    This procedure took place almost like a ritual, it was called mizu-age, and it was performed by one of the elderly and respected clients of Hanamichi. The attitude towards virginity in geisha culture was reverent: maiko had no idea about this side of relationships with men, so the right to the first night was very expensive and the client was selected for this purpose with special care. At the end of the procedure, the maiko ceased to be a student and became a full-fledged geisha, having from that moment the right to a special hairstyle.

    Maiko changes her hairstyle five times before becoming a geisha

    Maiko changes her hairstyle five times, symbolizing each step leading to becoming a geisha. In the mizuage ceremony, the tuft of hair at the top of the head is symbolically cut to create a more mature hairstyle to mark the transition from a girl to a young woman. From now on, she wears her hair with a red silk bow at the base of the bun.


    Applying makeup is a kind of whole ritual. Crimson lipstick is applied to half of the lips, giving them a seductive shape. A strip of unbleached skin remains along the hairline; geisha were able to turn this to their advantage by creating the illusion that they were wearing a mask. A piece of unpainted skin, where it peeks out from under the kimono on the back, emphasizes the sensuality of the naked neck.

    She spends about 4-5 hours every day to get herself in order.
    A geisha's most valuable possession has always been her kimono. A first-class geisha must have at least 22 of them. Made from the finest silk, each of them costs several thousand dollars. In reality, a kimono is not a dress or a robe, but a single piece of fabric that is wrapped around the body in a special way and secured with several belts. There are several types of kimono: formal, semi-formal and even sports (it is used during rehearsals). In winter and autumn they wear kimonos with a warm lining, in the spring they are made of cotton, and in the summer (from May to September) they are made of thin silk.

    Geisha and men

    The life of geishas was not as easy and carefree as it seemed at first glance. In one evening, geishas managed to attend a dozen different parties, earning money for their communities. And it was not easy work: after all, they had to look fresh and irresistible, although by the end of their working day they almost collapsed.

    By the end of their working day, the geisha almost collapsed

    Having passed the initiation rite, the geisha began to work independently. Clients paid for the time spent in the company of the beauty. From the very beginning of their careers, geisha built a reputation for themselves that needed to be maintained. Very often, a geisha had a patron - a “danna”, with whom she spent most of her working time.

    Danna must support the girl (which is a very difficult burden - the prices for kimonos alone are very exorbitant), and also contribute to the growth of her popularity. Often the patron has children from her, whom he also takes care of.
    The only thing she has no right to do is marry her geisha. After all, geisha had no right to get married without “getting out of business.” Only “mothers” had this right.
    Naturally, communities were interested in geishas having such patrons. Firstly, because the danna was not at all exempt from regular payments and did not even enjoy discounts when he invited his enchantress to parties and receptions, and secondly, this status repeatedly increased the hourly rate of the geisha herself when other men invited her.

    Men also had their own reason for becoming dannu. For the male elite, having a geisha in their employ means a significant increase in their own prestige. And not only because of the exceptionally high cost of such a “hobby,” since it can cost up to 300 thousand dollars a year or even more to support a woman. Danna status indicates that a man has impeccable taste and is a keen connoisseur and true connoisseur of Japanese ideals of beauty. Being the patron of a geisha has always been considered the height of prestige and prosperity.
    The art of Japanese beauties experienced the most serious crisis after World War II, when the country became impoverished and there were simply almost no wealthy people left. And those who remained did not want to spend money on entertainment at all. Japan was overrun by Americans who did not consider it necessary to respect the ancient culture of this country. They called geisha all the women who, out of desperation and obvious need, showed them the attention they so lacked in a foreign land.

    But at that time of poverty and devastation, real geishas needed to somehow survive and maintain their business. Some did not disdain connections with the Americans, but most still managed to survive these difficult times and convey to this day the unchangeable traditions and cultural heritage of the entire country.

    In the Land of the Rising Sun, geishas are a special kind of woman. If men say about an ordinary Japanese woman - yujo - that they feel like a male with her, then when a geisha is nearby, a man feels like a samurai.

    Nowadays, there are not many representatives of this profession left, but they still preserve and honor their traditions. If you want to “tame” or seduce a man, take note secret tricks geisha

    Before meeting a man, a geisha studies all his characteristics, all his interests and activities. Thus emphasizing the importance of a man. They will also learn love preferences and not be afraid of experiments. A favorite technique of geishas is the butterfly kiss. His technique involves tickling his partner's face with his eyelashes. Very tender and touching.

    The sexiest body parts for eastern men are the wrist, ankle and neck. That is why the necks of the priestesses of love were always open. And their smooth movements during the tea ceremony were so neat that only the wrist could be seen. But women managed to show their chosen one much more with special movements...

    Geisha philosophy says: body language can say much more than passionate moans and screams. After all, exclamations can be imitated, but a man will immediately notice sincere behavior.

    In addition, geisha and the emperor's concubines knew about the contraction of the vaginal muscles. These exercises helped maintain tone and had a beneficial effect on women Health and gave the man special pleasure. But the most important weapon of a geisha is her attitude towards a man. The way she values ​​and respects him, admires and bows before him.

    The traditional geisha dress is significantly different from the outfit women lung behavior. The geisha's kimono is wrapped with a belt so that it is tied at the back and this makes it not so easy to take off, and the geisha will not be able to take off her outfit on her own. Therefore, the process of undressing is very tedious and the male imagination is very excited by this. However, the geisha herself decides whether she wants a man or not, i.e. does THIS of his own free will.

    A geisha is in no hurry to bring a man to a quick orgasm. On the contrary, it stretches out the pleasure as long as possible, allowing the man to relax.

    Erotic massage one of best options, it starts from the navel and slowly rises up the body. By paying attention to the chest, you can relieve emotional stress, and in order to relieve tension you need to different sides stretch the skin in the lower abdomen, while the dialogue does not stop until the geisha understands that the man has relaxed and does not want to talk anymore. And only then does the geisha begin to influence the more sensual erogenous zones. And the longer you don’t touch your genitals, the longer the pleasure will last. The main thing is not to rush.

    Where she stepped, grass rose and roses, anemones, violets, daffodils, lilies blossomed... At first glance, she captivated with the chaste beauty of perfectly regular facial features, enchanted with clear calmness and poetic spirituality, gave birth to a feeling of bright harmony, suggested what purity and moral perfection can be achieved by a person. Wherever the goddess Venus appeared, everyone worshiped her beauty: gods, people, and even animals. In 1820, her statue was discovered quite by accident on the island of Milos - an ideal embodied in marble for centuries. female beauty and femininity. But on the other side of the earth, in the Land of the Rising Sun, they knew nothing about this. There the geisha was and remains the embodiment of the ideal.

    No matter what you have heard about geishas before, judging by the works of Japanese philosophers and poets, these white-faced nymphs are mythical creatures hiding in the kingdom of beautiful flowers, among the fragile and delicate sakura buds and touching chrysanthemum petals. They represent the dreams and fantasies of noble Japanese warriors. Graceful, like porcelain figurines, flirtatious, witty and incredibly erotic geishas seem to be specially created for a man to emphasize his own exclusivity, his significance and uniqueness. What is this, a clever deception? Or is it still ideal women exist?

    Isn't this a woman's business?

    In medieval Japan, separate areas were identified - Yoshiwara (cheerful quarter), where any bored Japanese, walking, could choose a girl. In fact, however, the need to choose rarely arose. Changing girls was not encouraged; it was recommended that once you had chosen a girl, yujo, you “stick” to her. The choice was formalized by a semi-formal agreement, and in order to eventually replace the yujo with her colleague, it was necessary to obtain the consent of both. The girl became, as it were, the client’s second, or “temporary” wife. Contracts were concluded and the actual “service” took place in the tea houses.

    But still, men spent most of their time in Yoshiwara not having sex, but drinking cups of sake, dancing, singing and having fun. Actually, this is exactly what they lacked at home, where relations between spouses were strictly codified, and excessive gaiety could affect authority. Therefore, in addition to the yujo, male “ringleaders” worked in the Yoshiwara quarters, combining the functions of a mass entertainer, toastmaster and accompanist of drunken songs. They were called geisha - “a man of art, a skilled master of entertainment”, and also hoken - “jesters”. These were young, lively youths with beautiful appearance. They were also invited to merry celebrations in rich houses, where they played various musical instruments, danced national dances, and told stories funny jokes and fairy tales...

    But there is no male profession that a woman cannot master! And in 1761, the first professional female geisha appeared on the scene. Her name is Kasen-san from the Okiya house, and she began her career, oddly enough, as a yujo. She had an extraordinary talent for singing and dancing. And the girl decided to achieve more than satisfying male lust - to pay for food and food. Achieving independence and a strong position in society requires fortitude and perseverance. The former priestess of love had all this, and she proved that a woman could succeed even in medieval society.

    By the beginning of the 19th century, the term “geisha” had become a designation for an exclusively female profession. From the very beginning, the main advantage of geisha women was to attract clients with their wit and ability to support any topic of conversation. It is unlikely that rich clients expected this from male geishas: to talk with an intelligent and cheerful woman it was much more interesting, and most importantly, it was new, unusual and... excited the imagination!

    Do I recognize you from a thousand?

    The geishas were led by “mothers” (oka-san), and they themselves called each other sisters. Seniors were considered not those geishas who were older in age, but those who had been doing this work longer. The areas where geisha communities lived were called hanamachi - “flower streets”. For the inhabitants of hanamachi, first of all, it was important to have a flexible body, a sober mind and a strong character in order to learn everything that was necessary. Having a beautiful appearance, but lacking ability and intelligence, a geisha could not succeed. That is why raising girls within a “flower” environment always brought the desired results: by the age of twelve one could understand whether the girl would become a geisha or her lot would be cleaning and serving.

    Apprentice geishas were called maiko. They studied using the “minarai” method - “observation and participation”. First of all, maiko learned how to properly put on makeup, dress, walk, dance, play and sing, spending twelve hours a day in lessons.

    Maiko's makeup deserves special attention, because every stroke of the brush and the range of colors used was supposed to not only emphasize the beauty of the Japanese goddess, but also symbolize all the aspirations and dreams of a man tired of gray everyday life. Maiko usually borrowed the art and technique of applying makeup from a geisha, who took her in younger sisters. The makeup was heavy and covered the entire face, hiding imperfections and making the geisha look like porcelain. Porcelain whiteness was achieved through great effort: first a layer of cream was applied to the face, then wax had to be rubbed in to make it matte, and then the face had to be sprinkled with powder made from lead and nightingale droppings. And already on top of the resulting white mask the famous face of the geisha was “painted”.

    Considering that the eyes are the most expressive part of a woman’s face, the geisha and maiko paid special attention to them, not highlighting the eyelashes at all. Instead, the emphasis was on eyeliner to give the look depth and definition. The more experienced the geisha was, the more modest she looked in appearance: the makeup became simpler and more natural, the kimono became in calmer tones. Nothing should have distracted attention from her art!

    A distinctive feature of a geisha's appearance was her eyebrows. The face was given a special spirituality by completely plucking the eyebrows and drawing them above their natural position on the face. The shape of the eyebrows was so important that if she made a mistake, the geisha had to wash off all her makeup and start all over again.

    An equally important role in geisha makeup is played by the lips, so they were covered with an intense shade of scarlet-red or crimson. Lipsticks were made from rose petals and saffron. Crystal sugar, melted and added to lipstick, gave the lips a luscious shine. A small mouth with lips pursed as if for a kiss was considered ideal. It was strictly forbidden to cry, sweat from excitement, or become covered in nervous sweat with such makeup - the doll's beauty could simply flow!..

    Beautiful and smart

    Although geisha dressed much more modestly than courtesans, they were considered fashion trendsetters. To prevent geishas from being confused with yujo, flower women developed their own special image and style. The traditional obi (belt) of a geisha was tied with a beautiful knot on the back, but for a yujo it was tied in front - a woman who takes off her kimono several times a day had no need to waste time tying the belt at the back. A geisha should never be seen wearing the same kimono several times in a row. The color, “model” and style of the kimono depended on the time of year and the situation. It took up to three years to make due to the complex embroidery. The kimono itself was not cut or sewn; it was and is a single piece of fabric that is wrapped around the body and secured with several belts. For maiko, like geisha, the collar of the kimono was traditionally lowered at the back, exposing the back of the head - the most erogenous zone, according to the Japanese.

    The transition from maiko to geisha usually involved the loss of virginity. This procedure took place almost like a ritual, it was called mizu-age, and it was performed by one of the elderly and respected clients of hanamachi. After the ceremony, intimate meetings were not included in the price list of geisha services. To do this, there were enough inhabitants of the “fun quarters”, teeming with all kinds of corrupt love, and the geisha did not have a government license for this. If a geisha gave herself to someone, it happened solely by her will and was part of her personal life, and not her profession.

    Unlike yujo, geisha worked not only and not so much in the “fun quarters”. They came on call wherever men gathered for friendly parties: they joked, read poetry, sang songs, danced, accompanied men’s singing, and organized simple but fun group games. Geisha had the talent to create an atmosphere in which the words “time”, “no time”, “hurry” ceased to exist. Time stopped, there was no need to run anywhere, and there was no need to decide anything either. Just enjoy. The geisha could carry on a conversation on any topic that the client wanted to talk about, be it medieval poetry or trade deals, she was well versed in literature, poetry, history, public life of your country. At the same time, she was a keeper of secrets. In her presence, financiers and politicians calmly discussed secret information, knowing that the geisha was as good at being silent as she was at speaking.

    Concrete jungle flower

    The phenomenon of geishas is that, unlike, for example, hetaeras, they are still part of the present. Their secret, most likely, lies in harmony - the harmony of gestures, voice and space - all that with the help of which a geisha becomes the direct opposite of a man. With the emergence of such harmony, the relationship between a woman and a man is transformed, returning to its origins, when He personified strength and courage, and She represented tenderness and support. Meek, pliable and at the same time full of ingenuity and consideration, the geisha is unsurpassed in the art of elevating a man. She has the power to show a man his talent, individuality, to emphasize his rare qualities, which neither his wife nor his colleagues most likely notice, and if they do notice, they do not highlight them. They give exactly what is so necessary, what a person needs on his difficult life path. No relaxation center, no psychotherapy and no Tibetan methods will give such confidence in oneself and one’s strengths that a man gains after the desired communication with a woman.

    A man is born to love a woman, and a woman is born to give her love. Thousands of years ago everything was so simple and simple. Time passed and simplicity in human relationships disappeared. And people are forced to resort to all sorts of tricks and tricks in order to return the bygone simplicity. Geishas are also a trick, a beautiful, desirable, expensive and necessary trick. Little tricks of little women grew into big and profitable business. The wisdom of Japanese beauties was manifested in the fact that they not only received the right to earn huge amounts of money, earned honor, respect and admiration from the whole world, but also avoided the gender conflicts that invariably accompany all women who step into the world of big capital and investment.

    From this angle of looking at a foreign culture, you must admit, you just want to transform yourself into a “trick” that dissolves life in harmony with itself and the surrounding reality. It would seem that not much is needed for this...

    1. Pay attention to your appearance.

    In fact, attraction to attractive people is built into our psychology and does not depend on cultural roots, so it is very simple, knowing the main points, to adjust something. In order to woman's face could be called charming, there is a classic indisputable formula - it must be childish. According to geisha makeup, it is important to highlight the eyes, eyebrows and lips. For several thousand years in different cultures the lipstick was red. In a state of sexual arousal, the lips become filled with blood. This phenomenon is called "genital echo". It sends a powerful sexual signal to a man, literally drawing attention to their owner. Lipstick only emphasizes the effect of the genital echo.

    Eye makeup visually enlarges them, giving the look again a childish expression. If a woman's eyes look larger than the lower part of her face, the man subconsciously seeks to protect her. But if a makeup artist can teach you makeup, good hairdresser will do “your” hairstyle, and in the clothing store consultants will select stylish sets, then make you interesting interlocutor only you can do it yourself.

    2. Pay attention to your personal qualities.

    Become a truly interesting person, and no one will pay attention to your physical flaws. How long have you... re-read the collection of stories by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov? For example, "Pink Stocking". Instructive and... a great opportunity to unobtrusively show off your erudition. In general, we should be immensely grateful to Anton Pavlovich for the huge number of things he described. life situations. Read, share your observations - men need an interlocutor. And listen. Listening skills - great talent. For modern women This ability is sorely missed. We always have no time, some problems are always being solved, something is happening, we share news on the go or, on the contrary, we remain silent due to fatigue at a time when the man finally wanted to speak out. Like a geisha, like experienced psychologist, for each guest he finds a suitable topic for conversation, offers music to his taste, a dance that only he can like, and so you will learn to show a man his importance.

    Have you read in books that a geisha with her whitened face and scarlet lips is a living work of art, the embodiment of femininity? In fact, this is a woman - intelligent, talkative, talented and sexy, concealing within herself the charm that attracts men so much. And it’s not at all difficult to become one...

    Text: Yulia Glebova

    Have you ever thought about how to drive a man crazy? Or they thought about how to settle in his heart and make him think about himself constantly. If the answer to these questions is “Yes,” then you would probably like to know the secrets of a geisha, the psychology of men and various techniques that will help him “fall in.”

    They have talked about this and continue to talk about it, this topic is being discussed, and it will never become irrelevant. Many books are dedicated to her. And we’ll talk about how to drive a man crazy in this article.

    Marie Forleo is an author, entrepreneur, and coach (personal development). For representatives of the fair half of humanity, she is known as the author of the book “You are a goddess! Or how to drive men crazy.” This work is a real storehouse of advice, a women’s bible, which every girl is recommended to read.

    Reading this book is not difficult, it is written in a lively and easy language, it simply and logically reveals the most complex secrets. Many girls, having bought the book “You are a goddess!” by chance, they called it one of the most important in their lives. The section of the work is psychology.

    The book, which is easy and fun to read, describes various methods and techniques that will help answer the question of how to drive a man crazy and stay in his heart for a long time. “You Are a Goddess” by Marie Forleo is a work that allows you to believe in your own strength and yourself. After all, many women greatly underestimate themselves, do not like their appearance, and do not know how to enjoy life. And this is exactly what Marie Forleo helps to cope with.

    The book should also be read by those women who are successful and beautiful, have built a career and are happy with life, but are unhappy in love. “You are a goddess” by Marie Forleo helps to overcome the problem of loneliness, remove incorrect attitudes, and become the kind of girl who can drive a man crazy. Moreover, not only in bed, but also outside of it. Makeup, hairstyle, perfume - all this is important, as is how you feel.

    Women's and male psychology The book describes them in sufficient detail, but at the same time simply, which allows you to read the book in one go.

    Marie Forleo in her book “You Are a Goddess” believes that a woman truly dreams only of love, and the realization of this dream is the primary task of every representative of the fair half of humanity.

    If you feel the same way, then You Are a Goddess by Marie Forleo is your must-read book. If you are ready to drive representatives of the stronger half of humanity crazy, then “You are a Goddess” will help you with this, revealing all the secrets and mysteries of relationships. This is one of the best works in the “Psychology for Women” category.

    Geisha secrets

    For many, the word "geisha" is filled with mystery and something sexy. Perhaps this is why modern girls are so interested in this topic and want to learn much more about the secrets of the Japanese geisha. After all, her skills and talents are legendary. Many people mistakenly believe that geisha are Japanese women. prostitute. This is not true. These ladies are women of art. They are well educated, smart, and their main task is to maintain a comfortable atmosphere when communicating with a man.

    Basic rules of a geisha:

    Secrets in sex

    How to be remembered by a man in bed? How to conquer him and learn to drive him crazy during sex? The secrets of a geisha will tell you about this. These women, who drive millions of men crazy, know everything about sex, they are considered real masters.

    Kisses. Special attention should be given to kissing. They should turn on, drive you crazy, fascinate. A prerequisite is to feel your partner.

    Caress with tongue. In bed, tongue caresses are very important. They will make you worry with excitement and dream of a continuation. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of playing with your tongue on your lover’s body.

    Control of the vaginal muscles. Geisha are able to completely control themselves and know how to use the contraction of the vaginal muscles to bring a man to a quick orgasm. For ordinary girls, special exercises will help with this.

    Excitation. You must learn to get aroused quickly and strongly. To do this, you should help a man find the most exciting points on your body and show him how to use them.

    Variation of poses. The more various poses you will know then more likely please your partner and get it yourself.

    Following these simple rules oriental beauties, you will drive your man crazy and settle in his heart for a long time.

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