• Beauty secrets of oriental women! Secrets of oriental beauties


    Hello, dear visitors of my blog. Have you noticed how oriental women look? They have cute faces, perfect skin, no wrinkles! Let's find out the secrets oriental beauty and apply them to your beauty!

    Recipes that come from ancient times

    The mysterious beauty of Eastern women is based on ancient recipes that they used a thousand years ago.

    For Arab beauties, the first place is argan tree oil. It is rubbed into the skin to make it smooth and elastic.

    For hair, the miraculous extract of amla or Indian gooseberry is used. Amla powder can also be found in Russia. Add in, then your hair will also be thick and shiny.

    Not a single day of the oriental beauty is complete without rose water, which has a captivating aroma. It relieves redness, inflammation, and perfectly soothes.

    Rose water recipe:

    • collect rose or rose petals in a saucepan, pour water;
    • put on fire, bring to a boil;
    • reduce the gas, hold for about 30 minutes until the pink petals lose color;
    • squeeze the petals, pour water into ice cube trays, freeze in the refrigerator, wipe your face.

    Their first priority when it comes to caring for their face is turmeric mask.

    We can also prepare a miraculous composition:

    • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour,
    • pinch,
    • 2 tbsp. l. rose water and milk.

    Maybe one milk. Mix everything, apply to face for 20 minutes, wash with warm water.

    Watch a video on how to make a turmeric mask at home

    Here are more secrets of the youth of oriental beauties: they wipe their faces with the soft side of a lemon peel. This is great. And if you rub mustard seed oil into your hair, you can grow your braid to your waist, like theirs.

    Let's find out some more women's secrets of eastern countries.

    Beauty secrets of Japanese women

    Japanese women have been using it for centuries, maybe that's why they maintain beautiful skin until old age.

    Have you seen geishas with white porcelain faces in the movies?

    If they washed this mask using normal methods, they would cause such injury to the skin! But this doesn't happen, and here's why!

    Japanese women first apply oils to their faces, exclusively with their fingers and patting movements, without using any napkins. The applied oil dissolves makeup.

    Then comes washing with special foams. The foam is also applied by patting the fingers. The main thing is to rub less delicate skin faces, only light patting touches.

    Then the foam is washed off with water. Even Japanese women apply the cream using patting movements.

    Ayurveda - Indian health system

    Ayurvedic beauty secrets, which have come to us from time immemorial, have not lost their significance in our time.

    Among them: cinnamon, cloves, sage, jasmine, chicory, mint, nettle.

    They can be brewed with hot water, about 80 degrees, but not with boiling water, and drink the infusion.

    Have an excellent rejuvenating effect simple masks from natural products.

    Oily epidermis must be lubricated with orange juice. After several procedures, the skin will acquire a pleasant matte appearance.

    Aloe juice is suitable for problematic dermis. Just lubricate your face, and after 10-12 procedures you will see how ugly acne will disappear.

    I invite you to the practical training “I want to be beautiful”, which is conducted by the Academy of Ayurveda. You can find out all the details here

    Secrets of Korean stars

    Korean stars look beautiful even without makeup.

    How do they achieve this? The main place in their facial care is occupied by the magic formula - 4-2-4.

    This is a cleansing that lasts 10 minutes and is performed as follows:

    • The first 4 minutes involve a skin massage with cleansing oil.
    • - then wash for 2 minutes with special facial soap.

    You can prepare it yourself: add 2 tbsp to 0.5 liters of filtered water. hydrogen peroxide and 2 tbsp. laundry soap, grated into shavings.

    This foam solution is suitable for problematic epidermis, as it has antiseptic properties. For dry epidermis, take fat milk and baby soap. If you take this morning philosophy into account, you will look like oriental movie stars.

    • the next 4 minutes - washing with contrasting water, and exactly 4 minutes.

    Korean women never dry their skin with a towel; they press their palms to their face for as long as possible until the water is absorbed.

    Recipes from India

    Do you admire the beauty of Indian women?

    Of course, especially with their thick, lush hair.

    Indian beauty recipes do not tolerate chemicals; all cosmetics are made from natural products.

    To keep their hair so thick, since childhood they massage their heads with heated olive, almond, and coconut oil.

    Their skin looks so smooth and well-groomed because Indian beauties make a variety of masks with lemon, for example, from cottage cheese and lemon juice.

    And again, their facial care is not complete without a procedure with turmeric. You need 1 tbsp. Mix turmeric with yogurt, cover your face with this mixture, leave for 20 minutes, then wash with water. Turmeric improves complexion and helps fight acne.

    Secret tricks of Chinese women

    Chinese women are active and young until old age.

    Their delicate porcelain faces surprise and delight. Let's find out the secrets of Chinese women!

    Tea . This drink helps Chinese women to be healthy and beautiful.

    For many millennia, the Eastern world has accumulated its knowledge and experience. ethnoscience and cosmetics. And even today, oriental beauties give preference natural cosmetics for face, body and hair care.

    Eastern women very skillfully use the gifts of nature. Oriental fruits filled with warmth work wonders. - This many recipes that preserve youth and beauty. We will learn something together with the site for moms!

    We will turn to oriental fruits, spices and herbs for help: coconut, lemon, turmeric, avocado, mango and aloe.

    Secret of oriental beauties No. 1: Coconut

    Many cosmetic products include this overseas nut. The juicy fruit will give your skin unforgettable freshness, will warm your skin with the warmth of the sun and give feeling of tenderness and softness. Its pulp and milk are excellent emollients. Coconut contains a large number of vitamin E and mineral salts. Coconut has nourishing and moisturizing properties.

    Coconut oil, which is obtained from its pulp, is used in the preparation of cosmetic creams. Cosmetical tools based coconut oil moisturize and protect the skin from moisture loss and cracking. Try a few coconut-based masks and you will feel how quickly Dryness, itching and flaking of the skin will disappear.

    We'll offer you a few to try. effective masks coconut based:

    Coconut peeling mask

    This needs to be done periodically so that the skin is smooth, well-groomed and silky.

    To do this, you need to take a coconut and grate its pulp, add 2 tbsp. spoons of rice ground in a coffee grinder. Mix it all. The mixture should look like thick sour cream. Apply to skin with massaging movements. In order for the mask to be absorbed, wrap yourself in terry towel for about 10 minutes. Then take a shower. After the shower, you will feel the smoothness and softness of your skin.

    Advice: Coconut pulp is great for inflamed skin. It will relieve inflammation and give the skin matte shade. To do this, you can wipe your face with a small slice of coconut. After 15-20 minutes, rinse and you will feel how soft and velvety your skin has become again.

    Coconut hair mask

    Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil with coconut milk, add the yolk there, mix and apply on wet hair, before washing them. One procedure will be enough for you to purchase the old one. shine and vitality.

    Secret of oriental beauties No. 2: lemon

    Ripe lemon very useful for our body. It not only enriches it with vitamin C, but also prevents our skin from aging. The tropical fruit contains large amount of vitamins, antioxidants. Lemon juice whitens and adds elasticity skin. The super antioxidant slows down the formation of free radicals, which are the main cause of cell aging.

    Lemon moisturizes, cleanses, softens, refreshes the skin, restores the acid-base balance and reduces the number of fat cells. Lemon is one of the helpers in the fight with acne. Lemon juice will strengthen the hair roots and give them shine.

    Mask for oily skin with lemon

    Take 1 egg, lemon juice, 5 drops olive oil, mix and add a little flour. Apply to face and wash off with warm water after 15 minutes. Such a mask tones and cleanses the skin.

    Lemon hair mask

    Sometimes the secrets of oriental beauties are quite simple, because lemon can add shine and strength to any hair! The mask is simple to make: add one spoon of honey and the juice of one aloe leaf to the juice of one lemon. Let's mix. Distribute evenly throughout hair. Wrap your head in plastic and a towel. After 30 minutes, you need to wash your hair with shampoo.

    Lemon foot bath

    You need to put pieces of lemon or lime in a bowl of hot water and let the water brew. This bath will do to relieve tired legs and will help you relax. You can add chamomile flowers, roses or other herbs there, a few drops essential oil. All this will have a tonic and relaxing effect.

    Secret of oriental beauties No. 3: Turmeric

    Turmeric- it is an antiseptic. It will help you get rid of it very well for skin redness. This seasoning can be added to a cosmetic mask.

    with turmeric

    To do this, you need to grind the turmeric roots. 2 tbsp is enough. spoons mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons of soy sprouts and add a spoon of honey. Apply the mask to your face and after 15 minutes wipe your face with a damp towel. This mask will have an anti-inflammatory effect and give the skin healthy color and shine.

    Secret of oriental beauties No. 4: Avocado

    Avocado will bring a lot of benefits to your skin, protecting its beauty day after day. Avocado is rich in an active complex of biological substances that neutralize toxic substances. Avocado is great moisturizes skin.

    Avocado mask

    You need to mash the pulp and add a few drops of olive oil to it, then apply it to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse off. This mask is very good moisturizes, smoothes your skin, will give elasticity.

    Avocado mask for dry skin

    Mash half an avocado and mix with the yolk. Apply to cleansed skin and rinse after 20 minutes. The mask will moisturize your skin. This is a very good mask for the prevention of expression wrinkles.

    Avocado body mask cocktail

    Ripe avocado fruits must be peeled and a few drops of tangerine or cedarwood essential oil added. Mix all this with 2 tbsp. spoons of medicinal mud, adding aloe pulp. Apply to the body and rinse after 30 minutes. Such a mask will have refreshing effect, and the pores of the body will be filled with oxygen.

    Secret of oriental beauties No. 5: Aloe

    This plant is a miraculous treasure for every woman. Aloe juice, getting into the skin, stimulates blood circulation. As a result Collagen is produced, which prevents skin aging. Aloe is very good moisturizes skin, improves metabolism, is a healing and anti-inflammatory agent.

    Aloe mask

    1 tbsp. A spoonful of aloe pulp should be mixed with thick cream. Apply the resulting mass to your face for about 15 minutes. Then rinse it off. Such a mask softens and rejuvenates skin.

    Aloe mask for sensitive skin

    An ancient secret of oriental beauties: you need to mix aloe pulp with two teaspoons of chamomile or rose flowers. Pour boiling water over all this. Let cool. Soak gauze in the broth and place it on your face. After 10-15 minutes, wash your face with still water. mineral water Thus, you will enrich your skin with vitamins and cleanse the pores of your face.

    Herbal mask with aloe

    Herbal mask with aloe nourishes and cleanses skin, saturating it useful substances. For this mask, you need to mix aloe pulp with fresh mint leaves. Before applying, you need to spread the cream on your face and apply the mask on top for 20 minutes.

    Secret of oriental beauties No. 6: Mango

    Mango will allow your skin to regain its shine and silkiness. Mango has active substances that are beneficial for skin cells: vitamins A, B, C, proteins, minerals. Mango moisturizes, nourishes, tones, softens skin and provides its protection.

    Mango peeling

    For peeling you will need mango seed. Using a coffee grinder, grind the fruit seed to a powder. Then add a teaspoon of thick cream, mix and apply to the skin with massage movements. After 2-3 minutes, rinse off.

    Mango hair mask

    Squeeze the juice from the fruit and rub it into the ends of your hair. After 10 minutes, rinse and wash your hair with shampoo. The mask will help get rid of split ends and will give life-giving shine your hair.

    So you found out! Now all that’s left to do is choose the most suitable recipe for yourself, buy everything you need and set up a beauty salon at home 😉

    Oriental beauty is based on ancient recipes, the relevance of which continues unabated: we learned all the most important things about self-care a thousand years ago! Of course, various oils and natural products, spicy aromas and, of course, bath culture are used.

    Argan oil

    Valuable argan oil - number one beauty product Arab women. It has been used since ancient times, but to this day argan oil does not lose its position. Girls use it in pure form without cosmetic additives and not only for hair (we have all heard about this method), but also as a product for the face and body. Argan oil is rubbed into the skin not only for smoothness and elasticity, but also for its aroma - the product has a very pleasant spicy smell.

    Amla extract


    Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is very popular in the Middle East and India as a miracle hair remedy. Amla extract can be in powder or in the form of oil (by the way, it can also be found in Russia): the product is simply applied as a mask. Amla acts especially well on the scalp, perhaps oriental beauties have such Thick hair not only due to genetics, but also due to proper care! If we are talking about amla powder, then it can be added to shampoo and conditioner to enhance the effect.

    Pink water

    Rose water is a wonderful facial toner with a mesmerizing aroma. Previously women We used it as our main care, but today this product can replace micellar water for you. Besides, pink water has a calming effect, relieves redness and inflammation. And another secret of oriental beauty is that it is best to keep rose water in the refrigerator to further refresh the skin.


    Masks made from turmeric powder are ingrained in Indian and Pakistani traditions as part of a ritual to prepare a bride for her wedding. Fortunately, you can buy turmeric at any market, which means you can easily make an Indian bride’s mask at home yourself! For this you need 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of rose water and the same amount of milk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed with warm water. This is the beauty secret of oriental women in facial care.


    You've probably heard a lot about the coloring properties of henna powder and, perhaps, even experienced it yourself. For example, mehendi, henna tattoos, have long gone beyond the Middle East, India and Africa. Unlike artificial dyes, henna is completely harmless and even beneficial. We do not encourage you to dye your hair (however, colorless henna is suitable as a strengthening mask) or get a tattoo, but henna is just perfect as an eyebrow dye!


    Lemon acid- This is a natural skin brightener, which is also very refreshing. We most often strive for a tan, but Eastern girls, on the contrary, try to whiten their skin by rubbing their faces with lemon juice. Yes, life is unfair! By the way, there is another common beauty trick for oriental women: the soft side of a lemon peel can become an excellent scrub if you wipe it on your face.

    Mustard seed oil

    The history of mustard seed oil is quite controversial: until 2012, food was prepared with this oil in India and the Middle East, but then it was banned from food products due to its high content of harmful erucic acid. But hair is a completely different matter! For centuries, girls have rubbed mustard seed oil for growth, conditioning and shine. And it really works! If you want to quickly grow your “braid down to your waist,” then this product will definitely come in handy.

    Natural wax Halawa

    Halawa wax is incredibly popular in eastern countries. It consists of a mixture of natural oils, paraffin and beeswax, and smells of sandalwood. This product is universal: for example, wax can be rubbed into your nails to make them strong and shiny, and you can even use it as a deodorant! Yes, yes, the girls of the East figured out that sweat can be dealt with in this very way a very, very long time ago. What’s most interesting is that natural wax is beginning to gain popularity in other countries, displacing the products we are used to.


    It is difficult to imagine Eastern culture without a hammam or, as it is also called, a Turkish bath. In fact, hammams originated from Roman baths and are widespread to this day in the Middle East. Doctors are sure that these wet baths are indeed very beneficial for health, and beauties do not miss the opportunity to take a steam bath once again. Thanks to this, all excess “dirt” is removed from the body through the pores, forgive the bluntness, and the skin becomes perfectly smooth. In addition, you always take with you to the bathhouse natural scrub for the body, so there is no question of any cellulite!

    Natural perfumes

    Of course, Arab women have access to all perfumes, even the most expensive ones, but natural perfumes based on essential oils with pronounced oriental spicy aromas do not lose their position. Jasmine, musk, vanilla, rose, sandalwood - how else to charm an eastern prince, if not with such a flair? Arabic perfumes are created on an oil basis without the use of alcohol, so they are very long-lasting.

    "A well-groomed woman is beautiful" (c)

    Somehow I came across an interesting article in Turkish about how in Ottoman times women preserved their beauty, how they took care of themselves and what they used in those days. One of the most well-groomed women of that period was considered... who do you think?)
    Hurrem Sultan, or Roksolana, the Slavic wife of the Great Sultan Suleiman, but this is not about her!

    Let's plunge into the atmosphere of the mysterious Ottoman era, when the women of the harem competed with each other in beauty and attractiveness in order to attract the attention of the one and only. In the harem, life seemed sweet and monotonous, but all the happiness and luck of the concubine was built on only one thing - the desire of the Sultan, whether he would notice another beautiful, smart woman, or not, whether he would be able to spend the night with him or not, for this it was necessary to always look clean , well-groomed and beautiful! It was impossible to predict who the padishah would call tonight?

    The article I read is not just a set of fictitious proposals, it is serious Scientific research based on ancient works and records from the library of the Topkapi Palace, which was conducted by Ayten Altıntaş, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at Istanbul Cerrahpaşa University.
    I collected some various information, literally bit by bit, from the Internet and this is what happened in the end.


    One of the very first steps in self-care, the women of the harem (she does not consider the rest) began with a trip to the hammam. Cleanliness is the key to health not only in Soviet times, but, as we see, in Ottoman times. The water, which was infused with violet flowers and hibiscus petals, was both a flavoring agent and a softener for the skin and hair.
    Another softening agent was mud or clay, which was mixed in silver plates (this is a palace!) with the same water, filtered, and the hair and body were rinsed with this solution.

    Removing unwanted hair.

    Before the hammam, the girls every time and mandatory condition procedures were carried out to remove all hair from all parts of the body, without fear of using even a mixture of arsenic and sulfur! But, basically, depilation was carried out using various compositions of honey, eggs, and lemon juice.
    Peeling for women replaced kese- the best invention for the weaker half of humanity in skin care and one of the most important traditions in the Turkish hammam culture.
    A special mitten made of different silk fibers was carefully passed over the steamed and slightly dried skin, so it was freed from dead cells, began to breathe and shine, and became smooth and soft.

    One of the most important means for maintaining body cleanliness was good soap . In those days, the industrial production of various soaps reached unprecedented heights, and the palaces, of course, were supplied with the best samples, which were given various shapes flowers and fruits. They were definitely flavorful.

    Since hair became hard when washed with soap, Ottoman beauties knew the secret of preparing a softening agent. hair cream: He was occupied with a thick infusion of mallow flowers and hibiscus petals! Isn't it true how elegant it is! IN small quantity The flowers were boiled with water for a long time until a jelly-like paste formed, and then the ends of the hair were smeared with the resulting product. Needless to say, kilograms of these flowers were sent to the palace!

    For better growth and hair beauty henna powder was used in a composition with ground walnut shells and dry fig leaves.

    One of the most popular skin and hair care products was special clay, which was diluted with various infusions of herbs and flowers, as well as oils, and used as masks on the face and entire body.

    A lot of soap, a lot of foam, and water, and the concubine’s steamed body was ready for a massage: specially trained servants acted as massagers, relaxing the body and muscles in anticipation of a stormy night.

    Since clean and steamed skin can quickly harden and “shrink” when dry, the most the best remedy to avoid this was the application, or, as they said then, anointing, it various oils and creams based on them. They prepared on the day of acceptance water procedures. They were usually based on olive or sesame oil. In the morning, they dipped into them the plant whose effect this or that concubine wanted to see on herself.

    One of the popular plants was the rose flower, which was delivered to the palace in incredible quantities: almost 88 tons per year!


    Preferences varied depending on the time of year: in summer, violet was popular due to its cooling properties, in winter - cinnamon and cloves. By mixing them with oils and beeswax, the beauties of the harem received their nourishing and caring creams.
    Before going to bed, I washed my face with rose water,

    and then cream was applied to it. Teeth were cleaned using a miswaki - a special brush made from fibrous wooden stick, split at the end.

    After cleaning, the mouth was rinsed with saline solution - apparently they already knew about its antiseptic effect.
    To prevent caries, wash the mouth with a mixture of honey and vinegar every day.

    For problem skin It was advised, after washing, to wipe the face with a mild solution of lemon juice and half-and-half water - to reduce pores and greasiness, and in advanced cases, for example, acne, it was recommended to leave purple plum juice on the face overnight. Lemon was the same in those days important means, like rose water, with its help concubines whitened the skin of their faces and hands and saved themselves with it as a natural antiseptic for wounds (*I wonder how? Does it sting?)

    Did you like beauty secrets? Do they really have something in common with modern care?
    Would you like to be a concubine to some handsome padishah in a past life?))

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