• Breeding cats. Breeding purebred cats as a profitable business with minimal investment


    Before you start breeding cats and become a breeder, you should decide on the choice of a suitable breed. Each of them has their own individual characteristics and care requirements. Raising a pet that meets all the parameters is not an easy task. It is necessary to ensure that the cat has an attractive appearance, better than that of its competitors. The pet must be strong, healthy, and have a calm disposition. The business idea of ​​cat breeding has its pros and cons.

    Where to start breeding cats?

    The very first advice on breeding cats for the purpose of subsequent sales of offspring would be a comprehensive study of the issue. It is more practical to plan everything in advance and prepare the site for future business. Assess the pros and cons, costs and time to achieve payback.

    Based on the advice of leading breeders, the primary thing is to determine the size of the nursery based on financial capabilities. By type, nurseries are conventionally divided into large ones with several pairs of sires and different breeds, or small ones consisting of only one cat. Take courses in felinology, veterinary medicine, or ensure constant contact with a professional felinologist and veterinarian.

    The business of breeding purebred animals has its own characteristics, pros, cons, and pitfalls.


    • combines positive communication with pets and financial profit;
    • possibility of stable profit.


    • many competitors;
    • impressive costs for the purchase and equipment of everything necessary, this includes monitoring pets at the veterinarian, the cost of vaccinations and vaccinations;
    • It is necessary to wait a long time before the animal matures, raising a kitten.

    Underwater rocks:

    • a hidden defect or deficiency cannot be immediately detected by visually examining the animal;
    • Neither the breeder nor the club assumes or compensates for hidden defects;
    • for reasons beyond anyone’s control as a result of death during childbirth, or death due to a mismatch in the blood types of mom and dad, or similar factors, you can lose the animal and have to start over;
    • inability to find out the characteristic features, presence of rare diseases, allergies in the breed;
    • It takes a long time to understand the characteristics in order to determine the breed suitable for breeding.

    Unique and consistently popular are:

    • Scottish Folds, or Scottish Folds;
    • British Shorthair;
    • Russian blue;
    • Canadian Sphynxes;
    • Siamese oriental.

    If you don’t have experience, you shouldn’t risk buying more exclusive breeds. The costs for them will be more impressive.

    Complete information about the breed will help with some important nuances:

    • Find out what and how to feed is preferable.
    • Basics proper care grooming and nail trimming.
    • Timing of vaccinations and vaccinations.
    • Ways to identify defects.

    Animals with defects are not suitable for breeding.

    Hidden defects are considered defects and are not allowed for breeding:

    • Curvature of the tail is sometimes invisible visually, if it is only slightly expressed. It is more noticeable if the tail is curved in the form of a crease or hook.
    • Defective color - presence of medallions.

    You can insure yourself by stipulating a warranty period in the contract to identify possible defects. Next follow the organizational stages, which can be roughly divided into paperwork and the purchase of all necessary equipment for equipping the nursery.

    Important Steps

    It is necessary to prepare documents and go through a number of important steps:

    • Join the club and register as a breeder.
    • Reserve a pre-selected kitten.
    • Check the presence of all relevant documents (passport, birth certificate, pedigree, including age-appropriate vaccination records).
    • Conclude an agreement, obtain veterinary and other documents for the animal.
    • Be sure to participate in exhibitions. Grade - necessary condition to obtain permission for the animal to be bred.
    • Find a suitable partner for mating through your club in advance.
    • Carry out prophylaxis with anthelmintic drugs before mating.
    • Make sure your partner is healthy.
    • Experienced breeders can help you draw up a competent mating agreement. The contract will help to avoid many possible unpleasant situations associated with paying for mating services, or guaranteeing a free re-mating in case of failure (mating without pregnancy).
    • Provide good paid advertising with high-quality photographs and text through clubs, newspapers, and websites. You can get it for free through your family, friends, familiar breeders, neighbors, acquaintances and colleagues.
    • Prepare all the documents necessary for subsequent sale (passport, pedigree, veterinary passport, etc.), if you need to brand or chip your pet.

    An important stage is organizing the place of residence of the future manufacturer. It all depends on the available space and the planned number of pets, meaning whether it will be one mother with offspring or several pairs. For several animals, separate enclosures are needed, separated by opaque walls.

    Equipment and costs

    The best option is considered to be the presence of premises in a cottage, your own home. In the city, an area consisting of two or three vacant rooms. There should be a separate enclosure for kittens, preferably with partial or full partitions and windows. The premises should be as comfortable as possible for both adult animals and young animals, equipped with heating and ventilation that provides warmth, and good lighting. The floor of the premises should be convenient for cleaning.

    Inventory necessary for the full development and residence of the animal:

    • litter tray (preferably with a grill);
    • toilet filler: wood, corn, clumping, zeolite, mineral or silica gel;
    • dishes for food and water;
    • a carrier (in the form of a cage or a carrier-bag);
    • a house (preferably in combination with shelves or ladders) or a bed;
    • scratching post;
    • hanging and small toys such as balls, mice, fish;
    • grooming combs and lint brush;
    • nail clippers, guillotines or electric nail clippers;
    • shampoos suitable for the pet’s breed;
    • rugs

    The approximate amount for keeping one (medium breed) adult for food, litter and veterinary services will cost five thousand rubles. For a more complete picture of the financial side, experienced breeders recommend familiarizing yourself with the approximate cost amounts. They include the approximate cost of materials and maintenance (based on 15 animals, including offspring):

    • paperwork – 15,000;
    • equipment for the enclosure – 150,000;
    • technical equipment and inventory - 128 thousand rubles;
    • purchase of animals – 600 rubles;
    • other expenses - 47 tr.

    In total, you can start a business with at least 940 thousand rubles.

    As for the annual maintenance of a cat breeding business, the list of expenses will consist of the following items:

    • utility bills - 72 tr.;
    • maintenance of the animal parent fund - 1.2 million rubles;
    • taxes – 135 thousand rubles;
    • other (unplanned) costs – 198 thousand rubles.

    Annual costs will be about 1.605 million rubles. If we talk about profit, then each of the 15 cats will bring an average of 4 kittens per year. By selling them for 40 thousand rubles, you manage to get 2.4 million rubles. The profit will be equal to 795 tr.


    With so many attractive small business ideas to choose from, you can always find something you like. Pet lovers can start distributing elite and rare breeds of cats. Breeding a popular species guarantees that the babies will be in demand. First you need to get acquainted with the rating of the most popular breeds, and collect as much information as possible about the most attractive one.

    Breeding cats as a business will only be possible once you are thoroughly familiar with the physical characteristics of the breed and any potential health problems associated with the species. Ideas for breeding purebred animals work well with the following species: Siamese Orientals, Bengals, Bobtails, Sphynxes, Scottish Folds. The list, of course, does not end there. If you decide to breed cats, the choice of breed can be made based on own preferences, as well as difficulties in care and breeding.

    Very rare breeds, which are highly valued, most likely will not find their buyers. There is little information about exotic animals, so how to properly care for them and what to feed them remains a mystery.

    Ideas for breeding, for example, Bengal cats can be brought to life by studying the genetics and history of the breed, and organizing the right conditions for animal development. Find out everything about the species you are going to work with. Make sure you know what the ideal ones should be physical characteristics breed and are aware of all potential health problems associated with this species. Be sure to talk to experts.

    Thus, the Bengal cat is distinguished by spotted fur and big sizes. The breed was obtained by crossing an Asian leopard and a domestic shorthair. Such cats are active and intelligent animals capable of coping with complex tasks. They are friendly creatures who love to play and are easy to train. When choosing this breed, you should pay attention to the type of head, strong and powerful body and the beauty of spotting. In some countries, there are national programs for breeding Bengal cats; the ideas of such a business are supported at the state level.

    Such an animal needs to be combed and stroked daily, do oral hygiene, wipe the eyes with a soft damp cloth, and check the ears. These agile and graceful cats need room to move.

    Nursery equipment

    For a comfortable existence of purebred animals, a separate room will be required. This business is more suitable for residents of the private sector, with free territory for an enclosure. You will need a room of two or three rooms. The enclosure can be divided into compartments with transparent or opaque walls.

    The room must be well ventilated and insulated with access fresh air. If the walls are solid, it is necessary to provide lighting and make small windows. Animals must be in comfortable conditions. The premises should have drinking bowls, feeders and trays; all this equipment can be purchased in special stores.

    As is clear from the information described above, to work with purebred cats, one idea is not enough; you will definitely need:

    • cat litter boxes with bars;
    • scratching posts;
    • fillers (give preference to wood fillers, they absorb odor better than sand ones);
    • food (the health of pets depends on the choice), special food is produced for kittens and adults;
    • houses for animals (cats need a dark corner for proper rest);
    • special toys, combs, shampoos.

    Hygiene products and the type of comb are selected depending on the breed.

    Buying cats for breeding

    The idea of ​​making a profit by breeding cats is only feasible if you purchase purebred kittens from elite nurseries. Babies must have a veterinary passport and pedigree documents. When purchasing, it is worth enlisting the opinion of an independent expert, this will eliminate the possibility of error. When purchasing show-class animals, you will be able to attend exhibitions. Medals, cups and certificates will help raise the price of future kittens.

    If the purchased animals have almost invisible defects, they belong to the breeding class; such defects are not hereditary and cannot affect the health of future kittens.

    But individuals with hereditary defects (pet class) cannot be purchased. Flaws can appear even after several generations.

    Cat advertising

    So, the enclosures are ready, the animals have reached childbearing age... It's time to start advertising your business. This can be done on a special website, where it is advisable to place photographs of your pets, scans of their pedigrees, and create interesting description with the parameters of cats. For those who do not use the Internet, it is realistic to place an ad in a newspaper, indicating contact information.

    Animals can produce offspring 3 times a year, so you can make money selling cats several times. U different breeds The duration of pregnancy varies, and is approximately 55-65 days. A pregnant animal must be well fed and provided comfortable conditions. Good care will ensure healthy offspring.

    Mating cats

    Advertising can help you find an animal of the same breed for mating. The idea of ​​breeding cats requires searching for animals of the same species with a good pedigree. If you have a cat, you can make a separate isolated room in the enclosure. And if the female will most likely have to lead her to the “groom’s” home, the cats feel more confident in their territory.

    Let's calculate the possible profit

    Remember, breeding purebred cats requires a significant investment of time, money and preparation.

    If you still like the idea of ​​​​opening your own cat business, and love animals, of course, you will ask yourself how such serious troubles will provide income? Profit depends on many factors, for example, on the elite quality of the animals produced, their type, and the price for which you agree to sell the kitten.

    For example, show class Bengal breed babies with pedigree and documents are valued at $950 – $2,000 and more depending on the beauty of their coat and physical characteristics. And the number of kittens can be more than two. From this we can conclude that ideas for breeding cats for sale are viable!

    How to start breeding cats if you are not a felinologist and until now you have had cats as pets for your child? Recently, with the increased interest of people in cats and dogs of small breeds, you can make a good business in furry pets. Where to start and how to achieve success?

    Why did this idea arise?

    Answer this question for yourself, and then you will clearly know how to build a successful business plan.

    • “I decided to breed cats because it would bring me a lot of money.” In fact, this is a big misconception that newbies in business fall for. This idea most often comes to mind after purchasing a kitten for yourself. This business plan will not generate income. Unfortunately, for a small furry baby to appear in the house to become a gold mine, a lot of time must pass. First you need to invest in him, regularly participate in exhibitions, earning him a name, and only after a while you can try to make money on his offspring.
    • “I love my cat, so I’ll give her the opportunity to give birth to keep her healthy.” This is what they thought before, but today it has been proven that an animal can be sterilized before pregnancy. This allows you to preserve not only the physical, but also the mental health of the animal, because having become a mother once, a stable maternal instinct awakens in him.
    • “I already have experience in breeding four-legged animals, so I can switch from dogs to cats, since they are more popular lately.”
    • Each animal has its own characteristics and genetics, so you shouldn’t suddenly change your area of ​​interest. A person who breeds cats must first become a breeder himself, learn all the characteristics of this animal, and only after that enter the market.“I want to breed a new breed.”

    This idea is not for business, but for the soul. This type of breeding is carried out by breeders.

    • Popular breeds
    • Sphinxes. Very kind and affectionate, they do not have such a quality of character as independence. Sphinxes become attached to humans, like dogs. In nurseries, a kitten costs 25-30 thousand rubles, and for a rare specimen, some pay 50-60 thousand.
    • Scottish lop-eared. A very popular breed, it is loved for its quiet nature and ease of care. The cost of a Scottish Fold averages 15-25 thousand rubles, depending on color and physiology.
    • Bengal breed. It looks like a small leopard. By nature, he is an affectionate purr who adores children and is extremely devoted to his owner. The cost of Bengal cats in nurseries is 15-25 thousand rubles, but in order to breed Bengal cats in the future, you will have to pay many times more for a kitten ($1000-4000). Maine Coon. A breed with natural roots. It's pretty big cat
    • with thick hair. In our country, small cats cost 25-30 thousand, and males - 45-50 thousand. In Europe, they pay 1.5-2 thousand dollars for this breed.

    Abyssinian breed. She has an easy-going character; the Abyssinian is also called a companion cat. She is always close to her owner, loves him and demands the same love for herself. Commercial colors are “wild” and “sorrel”. The cost of such a kitten is 25-30 thousand rubles. Rare colors - blue and fawn.

    If you are wondering whether it is profitable to breed cats, then the main goal of this event is to make money. In this regard, Bengals, Scots and Maine Coons are most suitable for beginners. But the Russian Blue breed, popular today, is considered non-commercial; it is practiced more for the soul.

    The main mistake of inexperienced breeders is starting a business after the pet is pregnant. Anyone who really wants to create a cattery must draw up a business plan before purchasing a kitten for breeding.

    • When contacting a nursery to purchase a kitten, make sure that the contract clearly states the animal’s right to be used to produce offspring.
    • Kittens for breeding require careful testing for genetic diseases. The examination is carried out in the nursery. New owners must undergo a veterinary examination and vaccinations with their cat in a timely manner. There will be three vaccination periods per year.
    • Proper nutrition- a guarantee of health. The food must be balanced in terms of mineral and vitamin complex. For example, if a cat is deficient in taurine, its reproductive functions may be affected. Ready-made food will fully provide the animal with everything it needs, but veterinarians do not recommend using only them. It is also necessary to include “homemade” food in the diet. For example, the same taurine is found in fish and beef heart.
    • Pedigree is a plus for future offspring. It is written down in the documents when the animal is transferred to the owner from the nursery. It indicates three generations on the mother and father's side.
    • You must become a member of a club or system (WCF, FIFE, AFC, MFA, TICA, etc.). In the future, this will make it possible to obtain permission for mating, register titles, and make documents on pedigrees and metrics. European clubs unite hobbyists, and American clubs coordinate the work of nurseries. In the club you can register your own nursery, the name of which will subsequently become the surname of the kittens born in it.
    • Participation in exhibitions - required condition to obtain breeding rights. Depending on the club or system in which the animal is registered, the cat must have at least an “excellent” rating, and the cat participating in breeding must be a champion under European conditions, and confirm the breed standard under American conditions.

    • A person who breeds cats must be an expert in his field. It is necessary to take a felinology course. This will help you learn to understand the genetics and physiology of the animal.
    • The crucial moment is mating. It is strictly forbidden to breed a cat during her first heat. Veterinarians also advise skipping the second, but the third, which occurs at the age of 12 months, is just suitable for obtaining the first offspring. Cats are bred for the first time at 14 months. For those who do not want to wait, it is beneficial to breed cats with “ early maturation" These are Siamese, Peterbalds, Cornish Rex. You must obtain permission from the club for breeding, otherwise the kittens will not be registered. Another point is the exclusion of kinship to avoid genetic diseases in the offspring.
    • Birth of kittens. You need to be prepared for the fact that the first birth can be difficult. An experienced veterinarian, with whom you must conclude a contract in advance, will help you avoid problems.
    • Kittens can be sold 3 months after their birth. Before this, the owner registers them with the club, draws up a pedigree and obtains a veterinary passport, having previously carried out at least one vaccination.
    • Money will not immediately flow like a river into your pocket. A new nursery (breeder) will have to earn a name for itself. Often the first offspring is sold at a loss.

    If for some reason you find yourself without a job and forced to be in creative search, then why not consider breeding cats of popular breeds as an independent business? There are known cases where, having sold one litter, for example, a Bengal cat, the owner bought herself a decent foreign car. How to organize a cat breeding business from scratch?

    It is worth remembering that doing something will only bring success when you love this very thing, understand it, and you like the process that is taking place. Therefore, if you decide to start breeding cats, you must, at a minimum, love cats. It's even better if you already have experience with and caring for cats.

    At the beginning of the journey itself, you must weigh everything and decide for yourself that neither cats marking everything in the house, nor cats crying at night during heat will be able to stop you on the path to improving the breed.

    Choosing a cat breed

    The first important step is to decide what specific material you will work with. Which cat breed should I choose for breeding?

    You can go 2 ways:

    1) carefully study photographs of cats of various breeds and select a few that you liked visually. Because if you don’t like the way your pet looks, then it’s difficult to expect a correct and proper attitude towards it. Next, you need to read the characteristics of the breeds you have chosen. It happens that a person himself is very calm, melancholic or phlegmatic in temperament, and it is difficult to imagine how he will cope with cats of “reactive” breeds. And the last step: from the list reduced to 2-3 breeds, you will need to select a breed whose representatives you can financially afford to purchase.

    2) initially, despite all the “buts” and enemies out of spite, choose a breed based on the maximum “exhaust” after selling the litter.

    There are a huge variety of cat breeds at the moment. The vast majority of them are “legalized” by various cat federations and allow you to breed them completely calmly (with the right approach). There are some newly bred breeds, or controversial species, which are recognized by some and not recognized by others, but we will not remember them now.

    So, an approximate list of cat breeds that are in high consumer demand:

    1) Maine Coons (people love these cats for their huge size. An adult Maine Coon looks like a small lynx and always impresses those who look at it);

    2) oriental cats (graceful cats with a dog's face and ears in the form of bat wings);

    3) Scottish folds (plush fat dogs with curled ears);

    4) sphinxes (several types of “hairless” cats);

    5) British shorthairs (just plush fatties);

    6) Russian Blues (cats with only one color - blue, green eyes and an aristocratic character);

    7) Persian (cats with flat faces and increased shaggyness);

    8) Kurilian bobtails (cats with short tails, look like lynxes);

    9) Abyssinian (graceful cats with bright colors and crazy temperament);

    10) Siberian (originally Russian furry cats);

    11) Bengal (cats similar in color and posture to leopards).

    Of course, you must take into account the purchasing power of the population of your place of residence and the popularity of the breed in your region.

    The next step is educational program. Don't go to bookstores for cat books. They sell either reprints of old books in beautiful covers, or uninformative but expensive photo albums of cats with beautiful photos. Publishers are people too, and they want to make money. Therefore, go online, register on “cat lovers” forums, go to the section on your breed and start reading and reading. The forums contain the most valuable and lively information. You will gain more knowledge there than anywhere else. Before rushing with your questions into the seething communication of breeders (people involved in breeding cats) and not looking like a black sheep against their background, you need to learn the breed standards so as not to screw up in the first round. And don’t even think about asking questions like “How much do kittens of my breed cost?” and “Where is the best place to sell kittens?” You don't want to be thrown into the abyss, do you? And in this case you will simply be torn apart. After all, not a single breeder admits that he breeds cats for money either. Only in the name of high ideals and improvement of the breed!

    To approach practice, you need to learn the theory. That is, in order for you to become a real breeder, so that later you will be recognized by your own people, you must undergo training in felinologist courses, which last on average 3 months, with mandatory exams and obtaining a diploma for the right to engage in felinological activities. Without this diploma, you will not be able to register the nursery where you intend to breed. And without a cattery, you will not have serious applications for serious work, and “your” kittens will not be able to be registered. And unregistered kittens fall sharply in price, otherwise they wouldn’t have to be adopted for free by friends and acquaintances.

    Preparation of equipment and clarification of technical issues

    The ideal cat breeding facility looks grand. It is better to dedicate an entire barn-type room for it (if you live on your own property) and completely remodel it to suit the demanding needs of cats.

    In an apartment it’s like that in an apartment... If there is no separate house that you could give to your gold-bearing cats, then you will have to huddle in your own apartment, giving the best corners and sections in the house to your favorite animals. Do not forget that a cat is not a dog, it will not lie where you tell it to (God forbid!), it will choose a place where it is comfortable. This could be your favorite fur cape or an expensive chair brought from Indonesia. Just wait and see!

    Next, at the pet store you buy everything you need: food, a scratching post (the cat can ignore it, scratching the sofa is easier and more interesting), bowls for food and water, a toilet tray (preferably without any accessories, throw away the grate right away), litter for the toilet, toys (very get bored quickly), comb (depending on the breed of cat), cosmetical tools(but this can be done later). The breeder from whom you will buy animals for yourself will enlighten you on what exactly to buy. You don't want to just throw money away.

    Buying pets

    In a city apartment, at the initial stage you will be able to keep one or two adult animals. The minimum is that it must be a cat that will make money for you by supplying kittens for sale. But we also need a blacksmith - a cat. This is where the problems begin. The fact is that a normal healthy cat almost always wants a cat and for a normal good health A cat is recommended to have up to 9 matings per year, that is, every month and a half. A cat of such a pace will not only not be able to withstand it psychologically, but also physically. The cat bears kittens for 2-2.5 months. That is, there is a clear discrepancy between the schedules of one and the other (and we are not even talking about rehabilitation period). What should a cat do in " free time"? That's right, mark things in the house and scream at night.

    Therefore, the most the right option you will have the purchase of 1-2 cats and an iron-clad agreement with the cat. You are looking for a cat on the forums. This is not a simple matter. In order for a cat to agree to accept a bride, to put it simply, you have to be cool bride. If your animal has nothing interesting (in terms of breeding), then you will be ignored. Therefore, breeding work should be carried out in several directions at once.


    The cat is sent to the cat for mating, since the cat feels much more confident in its own territory. It is necessary to have all veterinary documents on vaccinations on both sides of the newlyweds. You don't want your business to fail on the first date. Diseases incompatible with breeding also occur in animals.

    Business advertising

    Business has started, here they are, the first kittens. You have already delivered babies, fed these troublemakers, played with them when they wanted, cuddled them, communicated with them, in general, worked on their strong psyche and taught them social manners. Only after 3 months (!) of age, kittens can be given (sold) to new families. With documents, with vaccinations, with tears in my eyes and promises to write and call.

    Where to sell kittens? First you need to know that kittens grow into cats. Some people like boys, some girls. This is fine. The first place where you need to advertise is local bulletin boards on the Internet, sites selling everything, such as “Avito”, “From Hand to Hand”. It's very nice to have your own website about the nursery.

    When your cattery is fully operational, your best advertising will be your visits to cat shows and word of mouth. In addition, if your kittens are interested in further breeding, then other breeders will contact you, and this is already worth a lot!


    Once you fall in love with cats, you will no longer be able to deny yourself the pleasure of living with them. Will they bring you money? With the right approach - yes!

    The idea of ​​breeding cats is interesting because of the payback. The price for purebred pets is measured in thousands of dollars. Does not require special premises; at the initial stages of running a business, personal living space is suitable. But it is advisable to carefully consider all the nuances so as not to work at a loss. This will require not only the ability to calculate income and expenses, but also knowledge about breeds.

    Where to start breeding cats: creating conditions and choosing a breed.

    Each animal requires a separate territory. Therefore, at the initial stages it is better to have several animals that can be located in the apartment. In the process of increasing the number of cats, you can build a nursery or enclosure. For further accommodation, it is necessary to provide food, care products, preventative medications, a toilet and toys.
    You can buy animals for breeding with kittens - small or grown-up, or take adult cats, then pay for mating.
    Not all expensive breeds are popular; check the demand for cats before purchasing. There are:

    • British,
    • Scottish Fold,
    • Maine Coon,
    • sphinxes,
    • Persian,
    • bengali,
    • Abyssinian,
    • Siberian

    It is worth paying attention to the Bengal breeds, british cats and Maine Coons. They are in great demand and are not too demanding to care for. Long-haired Maine Coons are brushed a couple of times a week to keep their hair tangled.

    For further high-quality offspring, a choice of cats and female cats without defects in genetics and health is required. The animal must be vaccinated and have a veterinary passport. Kittens are bought from nurseries, only there you can get a birth certificate. Without a pedigree, animals are sold for little money. Be sure to study all the materials on the care and development of a particular cat breed. It is worth joining clubs and taking part in exhibitions. Money will be required to purchase the carrier and for participation. But at such events you can get additional information, experience, choose a cat for mating, advertise offspring for sale

    Implementation - how to make money by breeding cats

    The main income comes from the sale of kittens and male matings. The price of kittens decreases with age, optimal time sales 3 months. You can sell animals through advertisements, forums, markets, and exhibitions. To further conduct business, it is worth creating a personal website. Photos and descriptions of the breed and the parents of the kittens are posted there. Left Contact Information. Selling price depends on pedigree, successful exhibitions and successful litters.

    Disadvantages and advantages of breeding cats

    The good thing is that

    • It is possible to combine work and your favorite hobby; with the correct calculation of the business plan, a high income is possible.
    • quick payback,
    • Anyone can build a business by learning the intricacies of cat breeding.

    The bad thing is that

    • competition is very high,
    • training is required to properly care for cats.

    To avoid losing your investment, it is better to try a couple of animals. If the cats are in private living space, then you can register the activity later. The main thing is love, a competent approach and a hobby will begin to generate income.

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