• How to properly file your fingernails at home. Secrets of proper filing of nail plates

    by Notes of the Wild Mistress

    Every second woman, doing her own manicure, does not know how to file nails correctly. The consequences of this are brittle nails, their sloppy form. It seems that it is better to do a manicure not at home, but in a salon. But in fact, it is enough to learn your mistakes once and never repeat them.

    Ten mistakes involving a nail file

    1. Use nail files to artificial nails, of questionable quality and even diamond-coated

    Any file with a “rough” surface causes microcracks to appear at the tip of the nail. When you do everyday activities, these cracks become larger (when moisture gets into them, from light blows or pressure on the nail).

    Right choice - ceramic or glass nail file. A more economical option is a plastic-based file, specially designed for natural nails.

    "After filing, be sure to polish the nail with a polishing file."

    2. File painted nails

    By filing both your nails and the polish on them at the same time, you can provoke delamination of the nail plate. If one of the painted nails is broken, you can smooth out its uneven tip with one or two movements of the nail file. This will help avoid unpleasant situations throughout the day (for example, accidentally catching tights with a broken nail).

    3. File your nails out of boredom

    To maintain a neat nail shape, it is enough to use a nail file once a week.

    4. Watch TV, talk with a friend, etc. while doing your own manicure

    There is no need to completely isolate yourself from the outside world. But if you continue to file your nail and periodically take your eyes off your hands, you can injure your nail. After you have finished filing your nails, carefully inspect each nail, especially its edges, to be sure there are no cracks or delamination problems.

    5. Sawing “back and forth”

    The correct course of the file is from one edge of the nail to the other, only in one direction (in reverse side the nail file “doesn’t go well”). Some find it difficult to create a round or oval shape using similar movements with a nail file. Then make it a rule to first move the file from one edge of the nail to its middle, then from the other edge to the middle. Even this option eliminates back and forth movements.

    6. Remove the length of the nail with a nail file

    It is believed that it is safe for the health of the nail to make no more than 10 movements with a nail file. If you need to radically change the length of the nail, you should first use scissors or a nail clipper. The latter can be used if the width of its blades is not less than the width of the “bitten off” tip of the nail.

    7. File wet nails

    Moreover, you can only file a completely dry nail plate. Often the entire manicure is ruined by first soaking the nails in a bath and immediately, without allowing them to dry well, they begin to process their edges with a nail file. Remember, a wet nail is much more susceptible to the formation of microcracks than a completely dry one.

    8. File the nail deeply on the sides

    When you try to treat the side edges of the nail as deeply as possible, you risk causing not only a crack on the side, but also a bleeding wound.

    9. Hold the nail file “as comfortably as possible”

    You need to hold the tool “correctly”: thumb supports the nail file from below, the other four are on the surface.

    10. Use a nail file for purposes other than its intended purpose.

    A file with a pointed tip is not at all intended for picking out dirt from under nails. Remove dirt with water and soap! Using a file, you can deform the natural outline of the white “smile” of the nail, as well as injure the skin underneath it.

    Ideal shape

    The manicure technique was performed correctly, but for some reason the result is far from ideal? Perhaps the created shape of the tips of your nails simply does not suit you. Such a mistake can ruin all the beauty of a woman’s brush. With the help of professional recommendations, you can create a nail shape that will look harmonious, natural and give well-groomed appearance fingers.

    Round form

    The round shape requires the tip of the nail to protrude no more than 3 mm beyond the edge of the finger. It is suitable for those with fairly large fingers and wide palms.

    Square shape

    The length of the tip of the nail can be any, but this shape is only relevant for girls with narrow hands and thin fingers. It is strictly contraindicated to create square shape On short nails there are enough plump fingers.

    Oval shape

    A universal option that can visually lengthen your fingers. It will be easy to create such a shape if you first file the edges of the nail, stopping 2 or 2.5 mm from the middle point of the nail plate, and then round off the resulting tip in the center of the nail.

    Pointed tip

    Not the most practical shape, as a rule, is given to long extended nails. Nails of this shape look unnatural, but are great for holiday designs and decoration with piercings.

    “A simple trick with paper will help you make your personal choice on one of the indicated forms. Cut out the options for nail shapes from paper and attach them to your fingers. Such clarity will definitely dispel all doubts.”

    Anastasia Bochina

    Few girls know how to properly file their nails so that they look perfect. Using a nail file that is not intended for this purpose can cause damage to the nail plates. Instead of showing off original manicure, you will have to spend time and money on.

    There are a number of rules on how to properly file your nails. Here are individually selected tools, correct application, perfect nail shape. By applying all the recommendations in practice, you can achieve excellent results with your own hands.

    Varieties of nail shapes

    Before you start processing your nails, you need to decide what kind of shape you need. There are not so many of them, but each requires a careful and thorough approach:

    1. sharp end of the nail;
    2. oval;
    3. square;
    4. circle.

    If you can’t decide which manicure is most suitable for the shape of your fingers, try cutting out all four types of nails from paper and applying them to the nail plates one by one. This will help you choose the most ideal one.

    Round nails are perfect for girls with large, wide palms and thick, short fingers. In this case, making the form too long is not recommended. Most the best option- no more than 5 mm in length, while any length is allowed in a square one.

    With a square shape, the length of the nail does not matter, but the girl’s hands and fingers should be graceful and thin. This manicure is not allowed on chubby fingers with short, wide nail plates. First, the middle of the nail is filed evenly, then the edges are beautifully processed.

    An oval manicure will make your fingers longer and more graceful. Allowed on hands of any shape. This is the most popular and simplest type, suitable for the most different styles clothes. Ideal for attending any events. Make it with a nail file required amount movements from the edges nail plates to the middle, maintaining symmetry. The combination of square and oval shapes is suitable for decoration.

    Sharp tips of nails usually only appear on extended nails. Natural ones are difficult to process and often break or get injured. Most often, this shape is given if you need to decorate your manicure with piercings or for the evening. For this shape, first the nails are cut into an oval, then the side edges are sharpened with a file, gradually making a beautiful sharpness.

    The perfect nail file

    At home, you can use professional nail files. To do this, you need to know how to saw correctly and which file to choose:

    1. for grinding;
    2. for working on artificial fabric;
    3. for working with natural nails.

    Often for processing in beauty salons they use a fabric-based nail file. They are designed for one use and cannot be cleaned or disinfected. After the procedure, they must be thrown away. Such files are convenient because they prevent the nail tissue from becoming infected by previous visitors to the nail technician.

    A special impregnation is applied to the paper base (cardboard or paper), after which a layer of abrasive is sprayed. This layer can be granite or Teflon. The cost of the nail file depends on this coating.

    If you don’t want to get injured and want to treat your nail plates delicately, it’s better to buy a file with a plastic base. These tools are recommended for processing thin, fragile fabric. Caring for them is simple - just wash under running water and wipe dry.

    The most popular, durable, cheap nail files are made from metal. If your nails are very fragile, using such a tool may encourage splitting. You can get rid of this risk by using strengthening baths with essential oils every day.

    Cannot be used on natural fabric diamond coated tools. This will inevitably lead to injury. They are designed to work with artificial nail extensions.

    Proper processing

    The quality of the manicure depends on how to file your nails correctly. The processing tool is easy to hold without straining. The thumb should be on one side, the rest on the other.

    Having tried to follow all the recommendations and advice, every girl can be convinced that it is quite possible to do a manicure on her own. The main thing is to know how to file nails, what tool and shape to choose, and also what is strictly prohibited when processing nail plates. Now you can make a beautiful stylish design, spending a minimum of time and effort on this, and your hands will always look beautiful and well-groomed.

    Owners of a beautiful manicure should know how to properly file their fingernails. This will help keep your manicure in good condition for a long time.

    Is it possible to file nails with gel polish?

    Gel polish coating is a rather expensive procedure, which is usually performed by a specialist (in a beauty salon or at home). Therefore, many women believe that such a coating is highly resistant to external influences. In fact, this is not so: gel polish, like any other varnish, can:

    • flake off;
    • deform;
    • change color over time;
    • change its texture;
    • collapse.

    In this regard, you should not subject your nails coated with gel polish to filing or cleaning. These procedures must be carried out strictly before applying base and varnish. Moreover, for three days after applying gel polish, you should not wash your hands in hot water or visit a steam room or sauna. Under the influence high temperature The gel coating loses its shine and quickly becomes dull.

    If you need to use household chemicals(for example, to clean the stove or wash dishes), this should only be done while wearing protective rubber gloves. IN otherwise the gel will react with the chemicals, and the coating will begin to rapidly deteriorate.

    Which nail file is better to choose?

    Before choosing a file, you need to decide what exactly it is needed for. All nail files can be divided into four groups, depending on the main function:

    • tools that give the required form nails made of artificial materials (for example, acrylic);
    • files intended for the care of natural nails;
    • files used to seal the edge of the nail;
    • grinding tools.

    Files also differ in hardness. The toughest ones are used for working with artificial nail plates. Experts say that the most durable and easiest to use files are glass ones. They are inexpensive and are often used at home. However, they are fragile and often break.

    Professionals most often use nail files with ceramic coating. With their help, you can not only give shape, but also seal the edge of the nail. Using this tool you can carefully remove the cuticle. The only disadvantage of ceramic nail files is their high price. When working with artificial materials(for example, with acrylic), professionals most often use diamond-coated files.

    How to use a nail file

    In order for your manicure to always look perfect, you should follow the basic rules for using a nail file:

    1. The procedure can only be carried out if the nail plate is completely dry. If you ignore this rule, you can easily break your nails, as water makes them fragile, brittle, and vulnerable.
    2. The tool should only be moved in one direction (for example, right to left or left to right).
    3. If your nails are fragile and break easily, the direction of movement of the file can be changed.
    4. When choosing a shape, you should not blindly chase fashion. It is necessary to focus on the condition of the nail plate, as well as the shape and length of the fingers.

    To those who lead active image life and often does housework, the classic oval shape is best. The main advantage of this form is that it is very easy to restore the shape of a broken nail at home. The square shape doesn't suit everyone.

    It can only be recommended to owners of long and thin fingers. It should be borne in mind: if a square nail breaks, you will have to contact a specialist to correct the shape. In addition to a variety of files, you can use a special tetrahedral polishing tool.

    How to hold a file correctly

    Under no circumstances should you hold the instrument in your fist, otherwise your fingers and wrist will quickly get tired. Professionals with extensive experience working in beauty salons hold a nail file like a spoon or like a fountain pen. In this case, the first finger presses on the surface with the right force. This grip can be used at home.

    Attention! If you hold the file incorrectly, you can easily break your nail. Therefore, if you do not have the skills to work with this tool, it is better to turn to a professional by visiting a beauty salon.

    Manicurists who take part in professional competitions know another way to hold a nail file. From the outside, this method looks especially impressive. The tool is clamped at both ends. The file is clamped with the thumb and index finger at one end, and the ring and middle finger at the other end. This capture method allows a short time treat a large area of ​​the nail plate.

    You cannot hold the file so that four fingers are at the top and the thumb is at the bottom. With this gripping method, the arm muscles quickly become overstrained, which negatively affects the quality of work.

    When filing the nail sinuses, the working tool should be held at an angle of 45 - 50 degrees so as not to touch the skin of the finger, otherwise you may get injured.

    In order not to injure the delicate and sensitive cuticle, you need to hold the tool in such a way as to make movements from top to bottom.

    Preparing the nail plate for filing

    Before starting the procedure, the nail plate needs to be prepared. First of all, you need to carefully push back the cuticle and remove hangnails, if any.


    1. Completely remove any remaining old varnish.
    2. Degrease the nail plates. If they are dry and brittle, skip this step.
    3. Trim your nails using nail clippers to make cutting easier.
    4. Select a tool of suitable rigidity. For natural nail plates you should choose soft files, for artificial ones - the hardest ones.

    After this, you can begin the procedure. Sawing begins with the fifth finger and ends with the first. This sequence is strictly observed on both hands.

    How to cut nail shapes correctly

    Before applying to the nail plate desired shape, you need to decide on the length. After this, the shape is outlined in general terms and the nail is polished. To give the classic oval shape, the ends must be carefully rounded. To achieve a square shape, the ends are carefully cut in a straight line.

    The selected shape is corrected using a file, which should move from the center of the nail plate to its edge. The irregularities are gradually removed, and the plate takes on the desired shape. After this, be sure to wash your hands and wipe with a towel, then apply a coating to the dry nails.

    How to file your fingernails correctly: a step-by-step guide

    Before you start filing your nails at home, it is important to understand and understand the sequence of actions:

    • clean and degrease nails, dry them thoroughly;
    • give the required length using scissors or nippers;
    • shape using a nail file;
    • polish the edges.

    Now you can choose a varnish.

    How to file your nails without a file

    If you don’t have a file at hand, you can give the desired shape to the nail plate without it. It won't take much time or effort.

    In such cases, instead of a file, you can use the ribbed surface of a copper coin. As an alternative professional tool A metal file or sandpaper will do, as will any metal object with a ribbed surface.

    Care after filing

    After filing, you should regularly apply nourishing agents to the nail surface or use cuticle oil. The skin near the nail hole should also be lubricated with a moisturizer, especially in cold and windy weather, when the skin dries out quickly. If possible, avoid gardening and any other household work that contaminates your nails. To prevent fragility and brittleness, it is recommended to take vitamins and calcium supplements.


    Having done beautiful manicure in the salon, you should consult a specialist in advance on how to properly file your fingernails. If you follow these rules, your nails will always look beautiful and healthy.

    Nails are an important component of the image of a man or woman, because hands are often called business card person. The neatness of your nails primarily depends on correct form, which can be created using a file.

    In order to efficiently file the overgrown part of the nail plate, you need to know the basic rules of filing and use the most effective and harmless tools when carrying out processing. We will talk about this in the article.

    Cut or file: which is better?

    For such a procedure Only nippers or a nail file are suitable, together these two instruments also go well together. First, you should remove the excess section of the nail with clippers, and then use a rounded nail file to give the desired shape to the edges of the plate.

    It will be better if you individually select clippers with blade lengths equal to the width of your nails.

    Using clippers, do not completely cut off the entire free edge of the nail. First you need to get rid of the side parts and only then remove the central area.

    You also need to be careful with nail files. The abrasive surface allows you to cut only in one direction, otherwise the edges will begin to delaminate. A fairly crude instrument can lead to such consequences.

    Getting ready for filing

    Firstly, filing should be done on dry hands, and secondly, you must decide in advance on the length of the nail plate.

    Before manicure, nails and tools should be wiped with an antiseptic.

    You can file the ends no more than once a week and at least once every two weeks. This way you can keep your nails healthy and attractive.

    What tools can you use to shorten your nails?

    To correct your nails, you can use a whole arsenal of manicure tools:

    When doing a manicure at home, tools must be disinfected after each treatment. To do this, just wipe them with alcohol and place them in a disinfecting solution.

    Selecting a file

    For natural nails, you should not buy a metal file. No matter what good metal it is made of, it will still scratch the surface of the plate, which will subsequently cause delamination.

    Perfect option - glass file(this is exactly the tool professional manicurists use) with diamond or sapphire coating.

    If we talk about the level of abrasiveness, then for natural nails you should choose a softer surface, and for extended nails - a rougher one.

    For weak and flaking tips, the optimal choice is 320-400 grit, for thin nails– 180-280 grit, files with an index of 80 grit are used only for extended plates.

    The most popular are rectangular abrasive plates, but to properly remove the corners and give a rounded shape, use a banana file.

    Men should file the free edges of the plates with coarser files, since the thickness of their nails is much higher than that of women. Children are not recommended to file their nails with any nail files, since in any case the surface will be damaged; it is better to cut off the corners with nail scissors or nail clippers.

    Nail filing technique

    How to hold and move a file correctly

    There are three basic saw grips.

    • When correcting the edge of a nail, the file is taken from above: four fingers are on the outside, and the thumb is on the inside.
    • When processing plates from the sides, the file is held like a pointer and placed edgewise, with the index finger directing its movement.
    • When cutting gel or acrylic, the file is held like a spoon and controlled with your thumb.

    Spil should only be done in one direction, from edge to center. Any chaotic movements, which will certainly lead to delamination, are completely prohibited.

    The angle between the nail tip and the tool should be no more than 90º. The smaller it is, the less harm you can cause to your nails.

    After cutting, sharp corners are removed with a buff, and hands are covered with nourishing cream.

    How not to file your nails

    • You can only file dry nails; it is strictly forbidden to do this after baths.
    • The surface of the nail must be completely free of varnish.
    • Do not move the file in different sides and hold the file perpendicular to the nail plate.

    How to polish your nails with a file

    Polishing should be done with an abrasive file 400 grit and above. The tool can be plastic, ceramic or flint. You need to start processing with the less abrasive side, placing the tool perpendicular to the growth of the nail.

    Movements are made from left to right and right to left. For polishing it will be enough 10 movements. Next, the surface of the file or buff is replaced with a softer one. Finish polishing with the smooth side, this will give a glossy surface.

    Filing nails with a manicure machine

    In hardware manicure, a cylindrical attachment is used to cut nails, and discs with different levels of abrasiveness are used to give the desired shape.

    When treating nails with a manicure machine, the same rules of one-way movement are observed and hardware manicure and pedicure are carried out only on dry nails.

    How to give the desired shape


    First, the center is filed in a straight line, which should become parallel to the end of the finger itself. Then we file the corners, softening them only a little, but leaving them straight.

    Square with rounded edges

    We perform the same manipulation as with a square shape: we cut off the center straight, and process the sides with slight rounding.


    The plate is given a square shape, then the sides are filed until an elongated trapezoid is obtained.


    The movements should resemble the work of a pendulum. Starting from the inner corners, the edges are filed towards the center, but should create a completely natural, rounded look. Next - from the corner to the opposite side and with a soft file we remove all the sharp points.


    First, a square shape is given, then the sides are filed in the form of an elongated trapezoid, and the corners are removed with a soft file, giving the nails an elongated almond shape.


    The plate is given an oval shape, then the file is applied to the center of the edge and the side parts are cut down using movements from top to bottom. We repeat the same procedure on the other side.


    The sides are cut parallel to each other. To correct the free edge, the nail file should be held at an angle of 45º relative to the side lines.

    How to decide on the shape of your nails and how to shape your nails various shapes- look at the video in the master class:

    Special cases of nail filing

    How to file false nails

    Already glued parts may crack when cut, since the natural nail does not allow the free edge to bend and take the desired shape when moving.

    How to file your nails for playing the guitar

    To play the guitar, the nails are filed parabolically (the edge must be absolutely smooth, without any points).

    If your nails are very thin, you should not hit the strings with them; it is better to use a pick - a plastic plate in the shape of a petal.

    Properly treating toenails

    Such a simple and mundane procedure as filing nails is actually a complex and responsible process. If cut incorrectly, your nails will never look healthy, and following basic rules will help get rid of delamination and cracks on the plates. To form the desired shape for the nail, it is enough to know the directions and sequence of filing.

    Proper filing of the nail plate is not only about their beauty, but also about their health. Taking advantage useful tips In this article, you can always do a neat and perfect manicure at home.

    While some women prefer to get their nails done in salons, most still try to take care of their nails at home. Some people succeed in this highest degree professionally, and someone suffers by making a huge number of mistakes.

    The most common mistakes women make when filing their nails:

    • Most women use low quality nail files and therefore they are not always pleased with the result of the work done with their own hands. The choice in modern stores is quite large and most often ladies buy a nail file without thinking at all about what it can do to their nails. You should know that the rougher the file, no matter how advertised it may be, the more likely that it will leave microcracks on the surface of the plate. Microcracks subsequently become the beginning of nail breakage. In everyday life, when moisture gets on the nail or it hits the surface, it is quite possible to get a break. Preference should be given to glass and ceramic nail files. Of course they are more expensive, but in the end, they will be able to please you positive result. Also try to always use a nail polishing file, which effectively smoothes all the edges of the nail, rubbing out cracks.
    • Another mistake - filing nails with a layer of varnish. Such an activity can quite realistically provoke delamination of the nail plate. If the need for filing is very great, then this should be done with several gentle movements, just removing the sharp tip. This filing will help the nail not to cling to clothes, hair and tights, solving many of your problems and getting rid of unpleasant situations
    • Gross mistake - filing nails just out of boredom. Too frequent impacts on the nail, vibration of the file and micro cracks will lead the nail to a deplorable state. Remember that high-quality nail filing should only be done once a week.
    • Significant damage can be caused to the nail if constantly be distracted from filing it. Of course, this way you will make the process more interesting, but while watching TV, talking with loved ones and simply taking your eyes off your hands, you risk injuring your nail, which will lead to its delamination and breakage
    • Of great importance sawing technology, after all, ordinary movements “back and forth” are unnatural to the very structure of the nail plate. If you want not to harm the nail, movements should be made from the edge to the center
    • Do not file wet nails since in this state they are more susceptible than dry ones to injuries caused by a nail file. Especially blunder considered to be the initial soaking of the hands in the bath and subsequent filing
    • Other errors include the following: using a file as a tool not only for nails(it can only cut the nail plate, other surfaces spoil it), deep filing of the sides of the nail plate(such filing leaves cracks on the nail that has not yet grown and dooms it to break), improper holding of the nail file
    How should you file your nails correctly?

    How to properly file nails on oval-shaped hands?

    There is probably no woman who has never filed her nails to give them a more aesthetic appearance, neatness and practicality. But in addition to the fact that you need to be able to file, it is also important to know the features of files, techniques and methods.

    There are certain generally accepted nail shapes that women try to maintain: square, oval, almond-shaped. Modern nails- These are natural nail plates and extensions with special material. In any case, they require attention and care.

    basic nail shapes

    An oval nail shape is very feminine. This classic version giving shape to the nail plate. This shape can even effectively visually lengthen the fingers.

    Giving your nail an oval shape is not difficult:

    • Take a file and first, with smooth movements in one direction, file the edges of the nail plate from the sides to the center
    • It is important to know that the movement of the file should be stopped approximately two (maybe a little more) millimeters before the middle of the nail
    • If there remains a fairly sharp tip in the center of the nail plate, round it off with horizontal movements as a final result.
    • Using a polishing file, rub the edges to make them soft and sloping, and also to avoid microcracks.

    Video: " How to change the shape of OVAL nails?

    How to file almond-shaped nails?

    The almond shape is not just a pretty nail shape, it is the most feminine, fashionable and popular way to highlight your hands. This shape visually lengthens the fingers, making them refined, “cat-like,” playful and beautiful.

    In some ways, the almond shape resembles a claw. This claw adds charm to a woman and makes her nature more passionate. Currently very popular French manicure on almond-shaped nails and a solid red or black base color.

    This form can safely be called classic, because it has existed for a very long time, but has never lost its relevance. It is worth noting that almond-shaped nails should not have any sharp corners, as is observed in the almond nut itself. However, the edges of such a nail and the tip are narrower when compared to the hole of the plate.

    It would be quite difficult for a non-professional to model such a shape on nails. Precision is required in this matter, so you will gain beautiful shape and you won't make the plate too sharp. The most difficult thing, according to women, is to make absolutely all nails the same.

    almond shaped nails

    Another feature of this form is the presence of sufficient length at the nail. Too much short nails cannot be simulated. The ideal length of such a nail should be comparable to the bed itself.

    Technology for giving almond-shaped nails:

    • First of all, perform a thorough manicure, removing all dirt from the nail, varnish, cuticles and hangnails.
    • Giving an almond shape involves the initial formation of a square nail. Using nail scissors, trim the tips of your nails into a straight line.
    • Use a nail file to file down the sharp corners on both sides. This way the nail will take the shape of an extended trapezoid.
    • A softer file should soften the edges of the plate and give the nails a more final shape by squeezing the corners. The nail will gradually take on an almond shape

    Video: “Almond nail shape”

    How to file square nails correctly?

    Along with the almond shape, the square shape remains one of the most popular. Such nails suit almost all fingers, thin and full. Both French manicure and any other design look great on these nails. Shape into a square natural nails much more difficult than with extensions, but it is quite possible.

    square nails

    Technology for creating square nails:

    • Get a quality manicure: remove polish from the surface of the plate, clean the nail, remove cuticles and hangnails
    • The length of the nail should be shortened to the desired size, while trying to make the line as even as possible and along the longitudinal axis of the finger
    • You should start filing your nail, holding the file parallel to your finger so that the side is as even as possible.
    • This type of sawdust is repeated on the opposite side of the finger.
    • Make a horizontal file on the nail, giving it a square shape.
    • There are three types of square nails: sharp square, soft square, round square. Each shape depends on how smoothly you cut the sharp corners on the sides

    Video: " How to make square nails? How to file your nails correctly?

    Is it possible and how to file extended nails?

    Women who get their nails done in salons have many questions about filing. Such nails are also not immune to the fact that at any moment they can break, crack or form a sharp tip that can cling to hair and clothes.

    You can avoid these troubles if you carefully file your extended nails. This can be done, but very carefully. The fact is that being too rough with your nails and filing them with a low-quality tool can lead to delamination, when the material literally tears off the layer of the plate to which it is attached.

    It is important to know that such nails should only be filed with a special file. To do this, you will need an abrasive nail file, which is sold in nail art and manicure departments. Such a file can have several sides of different hardness.

    filing extended nails

    How to properly file nails with gel polish and shellac?

    You can file nails with varnish or shellac, but this should be done with a fairly soft file. You cannot use hard abrasive, large or metal files because they can simply tear off the coating layer and lead to peeling of the nail.

    The damaged nail will be much thinner and will be prone to frequent breaks and microcracks. File such nails very slowly and carefully, because if you do it in a hurry and ineptly, you risk ruining the entire manicure.

    nail file with different hardness and polishing

    How to file your nails if you don’t have a file?

    There are situations when a nail breaks suddenly, and there is simply no special file at hand. If you still have a lot of work ahead, you should find a suitable object that can smooth the edges of a broken nail instead of a file. For this you may find it useful:

    • An ordinary coin, the side of which (edge) has a ribbed surface
    • A brick wall is a gentle nail file, but it can cause your nails to turn red.
    • Asphalt is a harder surface, but it is just as effective at eliminating sharp tips on the nail.

    Take care of your nails on time, always monitor their shape and listen to the recommendations for filing at home. If you take care of the beauty of your nails, they will also delight you with their health and strength in any situation.

    Video: " Selecting the shape of the free edge of the nail"

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