• Development of spiritual strength. Spiritual powers of man What powers does a person need?


    Our Christian and secular understanding of spiritual power are completely different.

    The spiritual strength of worldly people is based on self-confidence, arrogance, self-affirmation - pride.

    This power, often enormous, can really do great things, transforming human life, changing social and international relations for the benefit. Before our eyes, she is building the kingdom of earth with unprecedented success.

    But the basis of this spiritual power is pride, the rejection of all God’s help, self-assertion, unconditional faith in one’s own human strength. But God opposes the proud and gives grace only to the humble.

    They didn't hear it, and if they had heard it, they would have laughed at it.

    And we are deeply struck by the words of St. Prophet Isaiah: “...thus says the High and Exalted One, who lives forever—Holy is His name: I dwell in the high place of heaven and in the sanctuary, and also with those who are contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the hearts of the contrite” (Is. 57 , 15).

    And in another place the same prophet says: “But this is the one I will look to: the humble and contrite in spirit, and the one who trembles at My word” (Isa. 66:2).

    Oh, how great these words are for us! Don't you want God Himself to live in your heart?

    And He says that He lives in those hearts that are humble and contrite.

    God Himself lives in the human heart...

    And only when God, who hates pride and exaltation, dwells in a heart that is humble, contrite and trembling before His word, then the great power of God is accomplished in this weak heart - and only in such a heart, not in any other.

    What is spiritual poverty, which God sets as a necessary condition for His Divine power to act in us, what is it?

    That's where the poor beggars stand in the vestibule. They do not exalt themselves above anyone; they stand with trembling knees, with their heads bowed, considering themselves lower than everyone else. They have nothing of their own and recognize themselves as having nothing. They eat the alms that you give them, they dress in the rags that they receive from you. These are the physically poor.

    And this is how the poor in spirit should be. They, like the physical beggars, must recognize themselves as having nothing good that depends on them.

    They recognize themselves as completely poor in virtues.

    They think sincerely and say that everything good that they do is done not by their own strength, not by their own virtues, but by God’s grace.

    They dress and cover themselves not with precious garments, but with the shelter of the wings of the Most High.

    They are only looking for this clothing, only under the roof of the wings of the Almighty do they want to live, and not in luxurious houses - they do not need this.

    They humbly recognize themselves as inferior to everyone else. And the more righteous a person is, the deeper the awareness of his sinfulness in him.

    This will seem strange to you. You say, what is it, how is it possible for the saints to consider themselves the most sinful of all?

    Believe, believe that it is possible that the saints quite sincerely considered themselves to be the sinners of all.

    How is this possible? Here's how.

    If a bright ray of sunlight falls into a room through a window, you will see in this ray millions of specks of dust flying around. While there was no light, no dust was seen; They saw it only when the sun illuminated the dust.

    The spiritual vision of the saints is sharpened to the extreme; they see what ordinary people, the people of this world, do not see.

    Their heart and mind are illuminated by the bright light of Christ, and in this light of Christ, with their sharpened vision, they see in their hearts all the small and minute sins, and there are many of them in our hearts.

    And then the holy man is horrified and says: “Oh Lord, Lord! How many sins I have!”

    This humility is the basis of all righteousness, for without humility all righteous deeds have no value in the eyes of God.

    It is possible, when doing good deeds, to do them with pride and vanity. This is not righteousness before God - it is an abomination before Him. God waits only for genuine spiritual poverty, God speaks through the mouth of St. Apostle Paul: “My power is made perfect in weakness.”

    Only in the hearts of the contrite and humble does the great mystery of God’s power take place.

    To do anything good, truly good, we must be humble. Our Lord and God Jesus Christ teaches us humility. Don’t you remember His words: “Learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart.”

    Who was as humble as He? Remember what St. Paul said about Him in his letter to the Philippians: “... let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: He, being in the image of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God - He was equal with God, He He could and dared to consider and declare Himself God. He did not do this; but He humbled Himself, taking the form of a servant, becoming in the likeness of men; He humbled Himself, becoming obedient even to the point of death, and therefore He exalted Himself. And He gave Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth...” (Phil. 2:5-11).

    This is what we must imitate—the humility of Christ, the humility of the saints. Never forget the terrible words of the Apostle Peter: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

    Let us be humble, let us be spiritually poor, let us be weak, and then the power of God will be perfected in us - only then.

    Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, and He will exalt you in due time.
    St. Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky)

    Today, many people attach great importance to the cult of the body: they play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, and eat right. This allows you to be energetic and physically strong. But in order for the mind and consciousness to also develop, it is necessary to take care of spiritual forces.

    Before you can begin to nourish your spiritual power, you need to understand what it is. This is fortitude. In any religion, a person is considered a unity of spirit, soul and physical shell. The Lord, creating man, intended that the spirit would dominate in him. The hierarchical chain is as follows: the spirit is the main thing, the soul is subordinate to it, and the body can be called subordinate to the subordinate. Acquiring spiritual power is equal to allowing the spirit to enter into its rights and dictate to the soul and flesh how to live and act.

    Strength of spirit is impossible without awareness of inner freedom. This means that the feeling of guilt must be abandoned, because it destroys a person and does not give any chance of progress. Instead of living with guilt, a person must accept responsibility for his life and begin to manage it.

    To control your actions, you should learn to control what you do not do: give up bad habits, judgment of people around you, and negative thinking. In any situation, you need to maintain the ability to stick to the chosen path, doing it without fear, but with full responsibility. The antonym of spiritual strength is weakness of spirit. To become strong, you need to reject everything that accompanies spiritual weakness.

    Spiritual weakness

    By nature, man is weak. This is described in most religious treatises. For example, according to the Bible, the flesh had an effect on man: he sinned, for which he was expelled from paradise.

    As a result of a person’s spiritual weakness, not only he himself suffers. Those who are connected with him in any way have to experience mental and physical torment: family, love, industrial ties.

    Weakness of spirit can include anything that harms a person and interferes with his internal development. For example, a state of irritation is a common reason for making wrong decisions. An irritated person judges other people more often than usual, is dissatisfied with circumstances and does not think about his true state, which prompts him to such behavior. As a result, he first walks in a circle and then falls down.

    Developing Spiritual Power

    It is necessary to learn to notice conditions that characterize weakness of spirit. For example, fear, anger and a feeling of disappointment, engulfing a person, deprive him of spiritual strength. Under the influence of these emotions, people blame others or circumstances for personal failures.

    In such a situation, you should stop transferring your negative emotions to others. Everything that happens to us is, in one way or another, our own fault. Having realized this, we are forced to take the next step: try to get out of an unfavorable situation on our own.

    Another important rule is to stop judging. The subject of accusation may be constantly before one's eyes, but a person should not judge others, because he himself is not without sin. By acting as a contemplative, you can calm your emotions and consider the situation from new perspectives.

    Additionally, by being constantly open to the world, we can better understand the reasons why we combust internally. This will allow you to learn to control yourself, since only those who have found and recognized it in themselves can eliminate internal weakness.

    When fear is defeated and the need to control the actions and desires of others disappears, you can move on to further movement on the path to spiritual strength. It includes eight important points:

    1. Development of self-expression. A person will be able to express personal beliefs and aspirations, freely tell others about them, because he is responsible for what comes out of it all.
    2. Application of forces in real life. In order for the spirit to be healthy and strong, and the body to exude light, you need to take certain actions, which can be expressed in proper nutrition, physical activity, and attending religious events.
    3. Communication. When interacting with other people, we exchange with them not only our views on life, but also our energy. If it is positive, it charges us for action, helping to make desires come true.
    4. Constant inspiration and self-motivation. At the beginning of any action lies an idea, a dream. For it to arise, the ability to be inspired is required.
    5. Readiness for manifestation means the need to translate the energy of inspiration into action, transferring it into the real dimension.
    6. The ability to discriminate - to know when you need to express yourself, and when it is better to remain inactive and silent. At this time, other people gain the strength to find and voice their opinions. But a spiritually developed person understands that he is responsible only for his own spiritual growth, and considers it right to teach others, showing them an example.
    7. Maintaining balance. One should always adhere to the middle path, which manifests itself in moderation in everything. This makes it possible to truly enjoy life without going to extremes and radiating harmony and peace.
    8. The need to go beyond. After mastering the seven aspects of spiritual power, you will develop the ability to move beyond the boundaries of old rigid beliefs, exploring life and gaining new skills.

    To be a spiritually strong person means to follow a path that is inaccessible to ordinary people who do not dare to overcome their weaknesses. Having become enlightened, a person will be able to explore the unknown, because he will feel in himself all the skills and resources necessary for this. But this will not happen until he curbs his own ego, becomes harmonious, full of happiness, beauty and peace. Then not only the spiritual, but also the material world will open to him.

    Having spiritual strength also means letting God into you. And God is a synonym for joy, delight, happiness. A constantly dissatisfied, sad, problem-laden person can never be close to the divine.

    Why do people need spiritual powers?

    Willpower and fortitude are close in meaning and expression. To put it simply, the spirit manifests itself where a person analyzes the desires of his soul and gives them a value assessment: is this desire good, good or not? The Spirit knows what is right and what is harmful. Therefore, willpower is close to the power of spirit - it teaches people to do what they should.

    A person with spiritual strength can be called one who has patience and perseverance. He finds the strength and courage to be cheerful even in moments of grief and sadness. Therefore, where there is spirit, there is usually willpower. Man is like a reed. When the weather is calm, all the reeds stand straight, but as soon as the wind blows, some of them bend and break under its pressure. A person who is strong in spirit remains firm and unshakable. Thanks to this, he can conquer those around him, because strength is attractive. Then they will begin to look closely at him, listen to his advice, become better, and reach up after him.

    All people should strive to be strong, because weakness does not lead to goodness, it drives you into despondency and sadness. Internal comfort gives rise to external comfort; any opposition destroys it.

    The action of the power of thought

    It is very difficult to control feelings. But a person endowed with fortitude can easily take control of his thoughts. Thoughts have very great power over our lives. They can attract positive and negative situations to us. If you learn to control your consciousness, your dreams and desires will easily come true.

    Positive thoughts attract good experiences to us, negative thoughts attract negative ones. They often say: what you fear will definitely happen to you. As a rule, this is what happens. We set ourselves up for one or another outcome of the situation, program it, and life recreates it for us.

    But, while dreaming about something, you should be active in life. In addition, you will need to change your way of thinking: instead of “I can’t” and “I don’t want,” you need to say in your mind “I can” and “I want.”

    By getting rid of gloomy thoughts and having a good attitude, we help ourselves maintain health. Our body reflects what is happening in our inner world. Therefore, we can definitely conclude that a person’s mental health shapes his physical condition. To be healthy and harmonious on the outside, you need to achieve health and harmony on the inside.

    We all know people who have lived unhappy lives, blaming bad times, bad surroundings and chance. But at any time, even during wars, there were those who knew how to live happily and make those around them happy. The whole point is that you need to pull yourself together in time and work on your soul as well as on your body. Success is largely determined by our inner strength, which can also be called fortitude. The people who have developed presence of mind are strong.

    A symbol of the constant transformation of the human spirit, it was used to strengthen and concentrate all the spiritual internal forces of a person necessary for creative work for the benefit of the descendants of his ancient family or his great people.

    The basis of the symbol is the salted Kolovrat, the purpose of which is to create something new. This arrangement symbolizes the strengthened embodiment of the spirit in man, and his desire from the material to the spiritual. For those who have embarked on the path of spiritual development, he gradually removes all the obstacles that prevent them from receiving help in penetrating the higher essence of the existence of the worlds and their inhabiting creatures.

    The Spiritual Power symbol will help those who wish to understand the laws of the Universe and the World of Spirit, distract from a complete fall into the world of material pleasures, help awaken the memory of the family, and promote awareness of their purpose in the Explicit World and in the World of Rule. The Spiritual Strength amulet is recommended for those who want to maintain self-control and clarity of thought under any life circumstances.

    For a person who respects his culture and his Gods, the symbol of Spiritual Power will provide a connection with the world of his ancestors, thanks to which it will be possible to use their strength and abilities in our Explicit World. This will help remove obstacles and achieve your goal faster. Perhaps, like the ancient Magi, a mystical ability to control not only the course of one’s life, but also natural phenomena will manifest itself. All this is possible by revealing internal spiritual reserves, when a person begins to live not at the expense of muscular strength, but at the expense of internal spiritual fire.

    Spiritual strength is a narrowly focused sign that acts on the disclosure of internal reserves. This strength helps us overcome any adversity in life, find strength in ourselves during the inevitable departure of beloved family and friends from our lives, survive separation and maintain clarity of thought and self-control during any trials.

    It helps restore harmony between mind and body. Thanks to this, those who wear this symbol as a talisman are not afraid of any accident. Spiritual power will connect a person with his guardians and with benevolent entities of other worlds.

    Spiritual strength is useful for people with a shaken nervous system, those who often break into shouting, accusations, lose self-control, and, as a rule, lose to a calmer opponent. Public people, who often give interviews and speak in public, note the amazing calm that comes from this symbol.

    When wearing this symbol, the analytical abilities of our brain are powerfully manifested, and it becomes easier to concentrate on the task at hand. The best solution to a problem often comes from outside and turns out to be optimal.

    The symbol shows its qualities very interestingly among military people and people in dangerous professions. The warrior's clarity of mind, composure and ability to control his body significantly increases.

    For people living together, the help of the symbol will also be considerable. After all, by balancing reason and emotions, he makes the union strong. Random betrayal, as a destroyer of sacred feelings, will no longer come to this couple.

    Like any swastika, this symbol minimizes the consequences of negative energy and stabilizes a person’s subtle body and its internal state, literally patching up holes formed from black thoughts and actions. This symbol will also reliably protect against psycho-emotional attacks from ill-wishers.

    Slavic symbol Spiritual strength is a reliable remedy for fears and depression, since the help and protection of Higher powers bestow positive thoughts and confidence in the future.

    But it is worth remembering and not forgetting that there are universal amulets and those that are intended for people who have chosen the spiritual path. Spiritual strength is one of these symbols, mainly intended for people who have chosen the thorny spiritual path of development.

    And it is better to use it by those who know their goal, recognize the existence of a spiritual path, but are confused in the world of desires. Amulet Spiritual power will gradually dispel illusions, establishing a connection with the ancestral memory, the world of Rule and will lead a person to the right spiritual path, breaking the shackles of the material world.

    Amulet Spiritual strength is a powerful moral weapon!

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    The spiritual swastika (Uzhich-Borich) received the greatest attention from magicians, magicians, and sorcerers. It symbolized the harmony and unity of bodies, soul, spirit and conscience. The Magi used the symbol to control natural elements.

    Many people have thought about what is the strength of man, internal, physical and spiritual, but could not find the answer to this question. Force a person needs it not only for protection, but also to acquire happiness, joy, meaning in life, communication with nature, the world and the Higher Mind.

    Psychologists have studied this issue and today in this article they will provide you with information proven in practice, not only about what is the strength of man, but also about how to develop this power in yourself.

    The strength of a person is in himself

    The wisest people will tell you that force human nature is inherent in him, this is true. But a person’s physical, internal and spiritual strength can develop throughout life. When a person has a desire to be stronger and does something for this, then he becomes what he wanted.

    When we talk about human strength, it is mainly internal strength, since without it a person cannot be confident in himself, his capabilities and loses the meaning of life. Anyone who does not have inner strength cannot develop physical force, become more successful, happier and better. The main problem why many people lose their inner strength is the fears that appear in the life of every person. The only sure way to overcome fear and begin to develop your inner strength is to start doing what you fear most. There are no magical methods or methods.

    Develop self-confidence

    To gain inner strength, you need to develop your confidence. Once you overcome your fears, it will be much easier to do. By overcoming fears and self-doubts, you will open your mind to new, useful information and begin your self-development. Since it is very important if you decide to find out what human strength and how to develop it.

    Also, most people want to develop exactly physical strength. It is actually much easier and simpler than developing inner strength. You just need to start playing your favorite sport, or develop those muscle groups that interest you. The main thing in sports is regular and proper exercise and nutrition.

    It makes the most sense to enroll in special sports schools, since the coaches know more about how and what you need to do. Also, in addition to muscle development, many also want to have the art of self-defense, since protection is also important for a person. To do this, you need to find a hand-to-hand combat, boxing or karate trainer who has extensive experience in these arts. If you want to exercise on your own, feel free to do so, but if you are going to do heavy exercise, it is better to consult a doctor.

    We must not forget about our spiritual strength, since without it we lose faith in ourselves and our capabilities. Man by nature can do incredible things, but people often set limits for themselves. Discover your possibilities, show yourself spiritual strength. To do this, you don’t have to force yourself to go to church. You need to communicate with God in your mind, with faith and desire. Nowadays there are many spiritual schools, but before you go there you need to realize with faith are you going there or not. If you think that by going to church or theological school, you will dramatically develop spiritual strength, then this is not so, development begins in our mind.

    Live happily, with joy and smile

    Developing strength, of course, is good, but we must not forget that time passes and we have only one life. Therefore, stop doing what you don’t like, find your favorite job, hobby, hobby or business that will bring you not only money, but also joy. Combine business with pleasure and then your life will be filled with joy and happiness and you won’t always have to wait for Friday to take a break from your unloved job. Nobody forces or scares you to do anything, since every person has their own choice and the right to a happy, successful life.

    LIVING WITHOUT STRAIN (The Inner Meaning of the Book of Job) by Joseph Murphy, 2003.

    © 1959 by Joseph Murphy

    © Translation. Edition. Decor. Potpourri LLC, 2014

    Live with hope in your heart

    The Book of Job is one of the most important and insightful books of the Bible, with deep meaning - both obvious and hidden. For centuries it has been the subject of constant debate among theologians and philosophers. The main theme of this book is human suffering; it describes the story of a just and blameless man who, as is clearly seen, without knowing any guilt, is constantly exposed to all kinds of misfortunes and disasters; but in the end he is rewarded for all his torment and he again finds peace of mind, happiness and material wealth.

    This book's sublime character, spiritual depth, vivid imagery, beauty of metaphorical style and exceptional expressiveness make it a constant source of inspiration for readers. The depth and penetration of the feelings embedded in it touch the most subtle strings of the human soul, extracting from it an eternal song of triumph, victory and strength that can overcome any obstacles.

    The great truths contained in the Book of Job are truly a temple to which each of us can come to receive advice and guidance regarding our problems, for this temple is built as a treasury of the Eternal Light. The Book of Job opens the door to true faith and understanding. She embodies the Great Law of Life.

    The book consists of five parts.

    1. Prologue, written as an introduction to the main text - in prose (Chapter 1).

    2. Conversations between Job and his friends (chapters 3-31).

    3. Speeches of Elihu (chapters 32–37).

    4. Jehovah's Voice from the Storm with Job's Brief Answers (chapters 38-42).

    5. Epilogue (chapter 42:7-17).

    The Book of Job uses two literary styles: narrative (prose) and didactic (poetic); both are presented in a refined, sophisticated form.

    The content of the Book of Job is, in essence, a thoughtful discussion on the topic of the mystery of existence and those eternal questions that are associated with it. Scholars do not know who wrote this book, but nevertheless they include it among the greatest books of mankind, books containing eternal wisdom - and among them, it is undoubtedly one of the greatest. This dramatic story has the character of a legend, but, in fact, it is applicable to the life of every person.

    If we speak from a spiritual point of view, then each of us is also a kind of Job, since we all emerge from the darkness of ignorance and are spiritually reborn, illuminated by the Inner Light, when we begin to realize that God is guiding us from the depths of our subconscious, prompting us to open expression our true essence, so that we can get out of the captivity of adversity and suffering and find the True Vision!

    Comments on Chapter 1

    1 There was a man in the land of Uz, his name was Job; and this man was blameless, just and God-fearing and shunned evil.

    2 And seven sons and three daughters were born to him.

    3 He had property: seven thousand small cattle, three thousand camels, five hundred pairs of oxen and five hundred donkeys and a lot of servants; and this man was more famous than all the sons of the East.

    4 His sons came together, each making feasts in his own house on his own day, and they sent and invited their three sisters to eat and drink with them.

    5 When the circle of feast days was completed, Job sent for them and sanctified them and, rising early in the morning, offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all.

    For Job said: Perhaps my sons have sinned and blasphemed God in their hearts. This is what Job did on all such days.

    6 And there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord; Satan also came among them.

    Verse 1 says that we are all born in this world, which is conventionally called the land of Uz, that is, it is some conventional place on Earth. We are born into a long-established environment, and our behavior is predetermined - it is determined by our environment, the influence of our parents, and is also subject to the influence of social rules and prejudices. In essence, each individual person is a system of beliefs, views and images, which “clothes” true Being. The word "man" in Sanskrit means "meter". Consequently, a person is a mind that measures, that is, evaluates everything that is around him. You are in the land of Uz, in a world that is a kingdom of restrictions, prohibitions and dependence, and you remain in it until the “awakening comes” and you begin to use the potential capabilities inherent in you. Every child born in this world is a manifestation of the Infinite Presence, which has taken on a material shell.

    You come into this world to experience the joy of discovering your abilities. But if your inner powers functioned automatically, you would never be able to discover yourself. You have the ability to use your life forces both positively and negatively, otherwise you would not be able to grow at all, expand your horizons, or comprehend the laws of the Universe. We all remain captive to the concepts we have inherited, the religious teachings that were drilled into our heads in early childhood, and the beliefs based on a certain doctrine - and so on until we learn about the creative ability of our mind to change conditions, in which we live, and to fulfill our most cherished desires, cherished in the depths of our hearts. When you discover the mental and spiritual laws of life, you will throw off the yoke of slavery and cease to be subject to the hypnotic changing of opinions and false beliefs of this world.

    However, in order to awaken to the awareness of your higher inner powers, you must stop being a child and find the strength to destroy the image of yourself instilled in you in childhood, to stop identifying yourself exclusively with the material, carnal form of being. You must prove that you are not just flesh that functions due to the need to support certain life processes. All your thoughts, feelings, emotions, images and dreams are invisible to the eye; and I cannot see your mind or soul or touch your faith, hopes, trust, love, joy, affection, thoughts, desires, passion, aversion, likes and dislikes - all these are invisible things. But they are what make up your essence! You are much more than your body; the latter is simply your mind in material form or Spirit in its visible manifestation.

    Verse 1 says, “The man was blameless, just, and fearing God, and shunned evil.” Any child born in love is free from fear, disease and all kinds of deviations... For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control. As a child, you were in excellent health, energy, joy, and enthusiasm were bubbling and bubbling inside you; you were full of vitality. You had not the slightest idea of ​​wars and crimes, of sickness and disease, of the cruelty and inhumanity of one person to another, of opposing religious theories or confused dogmas, or of the superstitions, prejudices and fears of the crowd. When you lay in the cradle, you were innocent and in your childhood imagination you were probably playing with angels.

    Verse 2. Seven your sons- these are vision, touch, taste, hearing, smell, representation and reproduction. Early in life, we naturally use these qualities in a positive, active, mostly good way. When these properties become passive, receptive and subject to external negative influences and false concepts, they begin to symbolize the seven daughters. In Egypt, Moses meets... seven daughters(Exodus 2:16).

    Of the three daughters mentioned in the Book of Job, there are two in each of us. And these two give rise to the third, so that there arises a trinity, or the creative ability present in every person, which makes it possible to realize our ideas, expressing them in material form, or in the form of accumulated experience, or certain actions. Long before Christianity, there were religious doctrines based on the dogma of the Trinity. The doctrine of the Trinity or triune God was taught in Ancient India, Babylon, China, Egypt and all northern countries. In China, the Trinity symbolized father, mother and child, or idea, feeling and their manifestation. In other words, the idea was that in order to create a third part, two parts were first required. Clear and definite thought plus warmth of feeling results in the appearance of what becomes the answer to your prayer.

    The ancient Jews used a system of numerical symbolism, and if we add the number three to the number seven, we get ten, and this last number symbolizes the action of God in our lives. Zero is a symbol of the feminine principle, and unit- a symbol of masculinity. In the Book of Job we are told in simple terms about the relationship between the masculine and feminine principles inherent in each of us, or the interaction of our conscious and subconscious minds. Each letter in the Hebrew language stands for a certain number, and if we add up the numerical values ​​of the Hebrew letters of Job's name, we get ten, or the perfect man.

    The subconscious mind could be called the wife, and the conscious mind the husband. Our body is just a tool that our mind uses. Consciousness and subconsciousness are in constant interaction, and from this union all our experiences are born, the conditions and circumstances of our life are formed - both positive and negative. The harmonious and balanced relationship between these two principles of our mind creates health, success and a joyful life. Your masculine element should be seen as a thought, idea, plan, image or goal; and the feminine element is your emotions, feelings, enthusiasm, faith and receptivity. The principle of masculine and feminine principles is present in each of us and serves as an explanation for why we have a creative power capable of realizing everything that is contained in the depths of our being, everything that we clothe with emotions and internally recognize as true. And when idea and feeling become one, that is God in action, as your Divine Creative Power now manifests itself either as guidance, or as healing, or as finding your true place in life.

    There is only one Creative Power in the whole world, and that Creative Power is God. When you begin to realize the power of your thoughts and feelings, it means that you have discovered the Divine Power within yourself. All the trials, tribulations, suffering and troubles of our troubled age occur due to the widespread inharmonious interaction of the human consciousness and subconscious. But if you begin to exalt the right concepts and ideas in your conscious mind, they are sure to create a corresponding right feeling; and then the mind and the heart, or the masculine and feminine principle, will work together as one. If your thoughts are negative, then your feelings will be negative because emotions follow thoughts. If your thoughts are full of fear, anger, or any other destructive force, you begin to develop powerful negative emotions that find shelter in the secluded corners of your subconscious. These negative emotions create chaos, and since emotions must have an outlet, it is clear that sooner or later they will spill out in the form of some kind of illness or mental disorder.

    Verses 5, 6, and 7. The first thing you should do when you wake up is to talk quietly with God and ask His blessing on all your undertakings for the coming day. First of all, let God into your life. sons The ones we are talking about here are ideas, thoughts, plans, images. They need to be “sacrificed”, perceiving them as something separate from you. Take this approach: All your thoughts, ideas, and goals must strictly conform to the divine standard of whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is lovely, and whatever is honorable. Don't blame yourself if your sons(thoughts) are negative or sometimes out of control, but instead occupy your mind with eternal divine truths and be renewed spiritually. Sometimes a negative feeling, such as depression, can arise from the vast ocean of thoughts and feelings that surrounds us. Fear, hatred, jealousy, doubt and the machinations of other people are all derivatives of the delusions of the crowd around us, and at some point, when you lose control of yourself, these negative vibrations can enter your mind, and then you become gloomy, despondent and sad. The negative mental and emotional atmosphere of a place can penetrate your mind and fill your spirit with despondency, suppress your enthusiasm and generally restrain the bright impulse of your passionate desire for everything better. When this happens, look inside yourself and, with the help of the sword of truth and spirituality, dispel the darkness and false thoughts, and then begin to affirm in yourself faith and conviction in the rightness of the love and generosity of God.

    Verse 6. Sons of God symbolize goodness, constructive ideas that come from the depths of your being in the form of inspiration and righteous desires. Satan represents opposition to these principles or your internal enemy.

    The Bible says that a man’s enemies are his household, that is, his mind. You must look within yourself and first look for a hostile or negative thought in your mind. The supposed dialogue between Lord And Satan, which is described in verse 7, simply means the debate or spiritual reasoning that takes place in your own mind, whereby you cast out negative, contradictory thoughts and replace them with ideal ones.

    Lord- this is your desire that dominates all other desires; an idea that dominates your mind; it could be a desire related to your health, your position in life, or the inner guidance you are seeking. You already know that your thoughts come in pairs. You desire health - which is an affirmative and positive concept - but then the opposite negative concept arises and challenges the first. You desire wealth, but immediately the opposite thought comes into your mind, reminding you, say, that you are broke and that everything is lost for you and there is no way out. Remember: there is no devil who roams the earth planting negative thoughts in our minds; It’s just that for every “yes” there is always some “no” in your mind. The so-called devil is a belief in a force opposed to God, which creates contradiction in the mind, causing indecision and doubt. The enemy, destroyer, adversary or devil is a belief in lack, limitation, failure, illness and an indication of powerlessness and feelings of inferiority that you allow to creep into your mind. The devils that torment you are hatred, jealousy, fear, anxiety and tension.

    The word “Satan” means “to make mistakes,” that is, to make mistakes, to turn away from God and Truth and faith in the One Power. Satan It also symbolizes the prejudices of society, which invade the consciousness of each of us and cause a feeling of need, limitation and suffering. Satan is nothing trying to become something. You reject Satan when you completely, decisively, and irrevocably banish from your mind the very idea that you cannot achieve something or realize your plans. You must firmly refuse to allow any kind of fears and doubts into your mind because it is contrary to the Almighty God within you. The thought of failure is only an illusion of strength; in fact, failure is powerless.

    7 And the Lord said to Satan: Where did you come from? And Satan answered the Lord and said: I walked on the earth and walked around it.

    Verse 7 tells us that Satan- this is a myth, since there is no such creature that would walk on the earth and walk around it. An old acquaintance of mine blindly trusted his partner, but he betrayed his trust and disappeared, taking with him all the money that was in my friend’s bank account. And he succumbed to the usual irresistible temptation - he was filled with indignation and hatred and began to wish his former partner all sorts of troubles. Pouring out his soul to me, he said: “I took this man into my business, treated him like a friend, gave him fifty percent of the profits from the business.” His feeling of frustration grew more and more until I pointed out to him the dangerous consequences of destructive anger, hatred and enmity. And he suddenly realized that the enemy (the devil) was not another person, but his own, hate-filled thoughts, on which he chose and which would ultimately destroy his physical and mental health. But he pulled himself together in time, once and for all refused the temptation to give shelter in his mind to evil and destructive thoughts in relation to another person - and began to systematically call on the Holy Spirit, declaring Divine guidance and His Love. He changed the direction of his thoughts and saw to it that they were in accordance with the Divine Law of Love and Benevolence. He prayed and blessed his former partner, who had disappeared without a trace. Every time my friend remembered this treacherous man, he said: “May the Lord be with you.” Eventually, he was able to meet his former partner in his mind and was indeed able to send him a wave of divine peace. The great and decisive test of true forgiveness is the question you must ask yourself: “How will I meet this person in my mind?” Will you radiate goodwill and divine blessings? If a wave of peace and inner goodwill rises from the depths of your heart, then you can be sure that you have already cleansed both your conscious and subconscious mind.

    8 And the Lord said to Satan: Have you paid attention to my servant Job? for there is no one like him on earth: a blameless, just, fearing God and shunning evil.

    9 And Satan answered the Lord and said: Does Job fear God for nothing?

    10 Haven't you fenced him around, and his house, and all that he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his flocks are spread over the earth;

    11 But stretch out Your hand and touch everything that he has, will he bless You?

    This describes Satan's response to the Lord: “Oh yes, Job is devoted to You while everything is going well with him. But if some misfortune happens, will he bless you? Job's lament is an expression of the thoughts of every person passing through the earth. Who I am and who I want to be are always arguing with each other in my mind. And only through spiritual awareness can a person solve this problem.

    Every person has an inner desire to grow, expand their horizons, achieve something, achieve a goal and move forward. Each of us has a Divine or Cosmic Urge to release our God-given strengths and abilities and move forward, overcoming difficulties and gaining victories. However, external conditions, circumstances, the opinions of other people and our own thoughts, full of fear and doubt, hold back our movement forward. We believe that material factors block our path and interfere with the fulfillment of our desires.

    Let's say a person longs for healing, but he is told that his illness is incurable. He listens to the opinions of doctors and friends and completely succumbs to the influence of their suggestions, begins to believe in the barriers erected by them, and ultimately becomes a victim of despair. This is the ongoing dispute between the base and spiritual principles inherent in every person; between you and your ideal or desire; external factors; the beliefs and prejudices of the crowd, challenging the high ideals and good intentions contained within you.

    Your personal Lord is your dominant idea or desire. Whatever you focus on can be considered your Lord, as it controls your thoughts and emotions. If you are sick, but not focused on physical pain, symptoms of illness and suffering, it means that you begin to focus on the Healing Presence within you, knowing that your whole body is being transformed by His Healing Light, feeling and realizing that if you call on Him , then you will receive the answer, which will be perfect health and harmony. By focusing on God and His Healing Energy, you are with your Lord (mind).

    Satan (negative thoughts) challenges you when you pray for healing. This means that fear, doubt, worry are rising in your mind, trying to dissuade you from believing in the power of God. These thoughts and prejudices of the crowd sometimes seem to mock you, saying: “Whatever! This is simply impossible,” “I realized it too late,” “Everything has already gone too far,” “The situation is hopeless.” When such a debate arises in your mind or when you begin to suffer due to any limitation, lack of something or due to a feeling of inadequacy, know that it is Satan, or the so-called devil, who is walking side by side with your goal or ambition. aspiration.

    Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, the creator and "pioneer" of mental and spiritual healing in the United States, often used the discussion method of healing in the treatment of diseases that he encountered in his practice. Now this method has become very popular. Quimby told his patient: “Consider that I am your lawyer in the face of the Almighty. Give me all the materials of your case, and I will be able to defend you in court before the final verdict is made in Heaven and prove your innocence.” And he achieved amazing, truly incredible results. The situation changed radically - thanks to the realization that the disease or illness arose as a result of an erroneous idea, a distorted image or a wrong direction of thought of the patient.

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