• Why do British cats have watery eyes? Why do British cats have watery eyes?


    There are tears in the eyes, and only a veterinarian can prescribe the correct treatment. But it should be borne in mind that if the discharge from the eyes is small and mainly appears after sleep, you can consider it physiological norm. In these cases, there is no need to panic. Take care of the animal's hygiene - the eyes can be washed with cotton swabs by soaking them in boiled water at room temperature or using special drops.

    When lacrimation is observed frequently and in large quantities, and the cat tries to rub its eyes with its paws and squints, most likely the cause of the tears is illness. The veterinarian will help you determine this more precisely, so you don’t need to delay your visit to him.

    The main causes of lacrimation in domestic cats and cats

    Animals may have watery eyes due to infections - bacterial, viral. Because of them, the mucous membrane often becomes inflamed and conjunctivitis begins. To more accurately determine the cause of lacrimation, you will need to do tests. If inflammation is confirmed, the doctor will recommend anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

    Eyes may water due to allergies - to food, dust, pollen, chemicals. Even animal fur can act as an allergen if it hangs in your eyes. Another reason is worms. They can also cause discharge from the eyes.

    Often, cat eyes are not due to disease, but due to microtraumas, scratches, and sand. If the injury to the cornea is too deep, you can lose your vision, so you should consult a doctor immediately.

    In Persian dogs, lacrimation may occur because the structure of their tear ducts is not entirely normal. Owners need to be more attentive to the hygiene of their pets; they can wash their cats’ eyes using special wet wipes, cosmetic preparations for animals.

    One of the most common problems in pets is watery eyes. Both ordinary cats and purebred cats suffer from this equally. Therefore, the question arises, why does a British kitten have watery eyes? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, so you need to figure out what exactly the problem is with your baby, and only then do something.

    Causes of watery eyes

    This problem is very common among all pets, so don’t panic if you suddenly notice that your British kitten’s eyes are watering. First, let's try to find out the cause of this symptom.

    The first thing that veterinarians do if they are contacted because of tears in a British cat is to prescribe anti-worm medications to furry patients, even when it has not yet been established why the cat’s eyes began to leak. This measure helps in many cases, in addition, this therapy cannot harm if the cause of the Briton’s illness is different.

    2. Blocked tear ducts

    When asked why a British cat has watery eyes, you may be answered: your Brit has blocked tear ducts. This feature is characteristic of this breed, as well as of the Scottish cat. The special shape of the muzzle with a narrowing at the bridge of the nose can provoke the effect of watery eyes.

    If the problem is serious, you should seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible. Tearing may become more difficult as the tissue begins to fester. This problem is much more serious than just when a Briton’s eyes water after sleep.

    If you notice purulent discharge, fever, or lack of appetite in your pet, you should definitely seek help from a veterinarian.

    3. Allergic reaction

    The reasons why British people have watery eyes can actually be different, and one of them is allergies. Allergies are often caused by food. Remember on what day your kitten's eyes began to water, and this will help you determine the cause of the allergy.

    4. Poor nutrition

    The British are true aristocrats, so their body is very sensitive to bad things, including bad things. If you decide to get a kitten of this particular breed, ask the breeder or veterinarian what to feed your British pet.

    The first thing to do is consult a veterinarian. © shutterstock

    You can provide first aid yourself:

    During rinsing, you must wash your hands thoroughly, you can use both cotton wool and cotton pads; while rinsing, pass the cotton from one corner of the eye to the other, changing a piece of cotton after each time.


    Can you treat a kitten? folk remedies, but they are not always effective. Therefore, if you have not noticed a visible effect after a course of rinsing, try some proven medications.

    • At night, tetracycline ointment is placed behind the kittens' eyelids.
    • Lightly dissolve potassium permanganate or furatsilin in water and use for rinsing.
    • The product "Iris" contains chloramphenicol, so it perfectly fights irritation and allergies.
    • "Diamond Eyes" - excellent remedy for the treatment of watery eyes in a kitten based on taurine and succinic acid. Helps combat mucous membrane irritation in animals.
    • If your cat’s eyes are watery, herbal-based “Phytoelita” lotion can be substituted.

    British cat - artificially bred poro Yes. It contained the following external signs, like a powerful skeleton, a heavy body, a round muzzle with a slightly flattened profile and big eyes. The fur of such cats is short and full, and comes in a wide variety of colors.

    They are independent in nature and resemble a dog. However, they do not refuse affection, but they also do not bother with their presence. The temperament is calm, adults are balanced and serious. Possess high level intelligence, good instincts and the makings of a hunter.

    British cats live in houses, but even if they have the opportunity to walk outside, they miss the opportunity to catch a mouse or bird. They get along well with other pets.

    Caring for them is not difficult. With proper prevention and good heredity, cats live up to 15 years.

    Common diseases of British cats

    There are congenital and acquired diseases. Also, often the manifestations of one of them are a consequence of the other. It is difficult to independently determine the cause of the ailments of a British cat. Only a veterinarian can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

    Eye diseases

    The British are related to the Persians by family ties. The specific structure of the head makes their eyes vulnerable to injury and various types of inflammation. Additionally, congenital anomalies that occur in the British have an impact.

    Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye. This disease usually indicates that the cat has an infection. Therefore, it is important to find out the reason that may be hidden in the cat’s body. Comprehensive treatment is prescribed, and external signs of conjunctivitis are also removed.

    Epiphora is another common disease in british cats with many reasons. It manifests itself in profuse lacrimation; the discharge may become brown over time due to the breakdown of substances. The reasons are the abnormal structure of the lacrimal canal, its blockage, inflammation or entropion of the eyelids.

    Third eyelid prolapse shows that inflammatory processes are occurring in the pet’s body. This is facilitated by worms and intoxication from their waste products, infections, and injuries. Treatment involves eliminating the underlying cause and eliminating symptoms.

    Problems with the intestines and stomach

    Gastritis occurs most often. It can be identified by bad breath, dull fur, periodic vomiting, upset stomach, and depression.

    Gastritis can even occur in kittens whose mother did not eat properly during pregnancy. In adults, the disease is caused by unbalanced food and food from the master's table.

    To eliminate gastritis, a diet, medications and supplements are prescribed that support the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. If there is baldness or itching, then add local treatment in the form of ointments, lotions.

    Obesity is caused by improper metabolism. British breed cats are prone to weight gain; owners should monitor their diet and the amount of food consumed.

    Obesity also becomes a consequence of hormonal imbalances, diabetes mellitus. A moderate diet and feasible physical activity will help cope with the problem. At hormonal imbalances carry out a large-scale examination and prescribe appropriate medications.

    Important: Excess weight has a bad effect on the musculoskeletal system. Large loads on joints and ligaments contribute to increased hip dysplasia, the development of arthrosis, and cardiovascular failure.

    Kitten diseases

    In the British breed, rapid death of newborn kittens periodically occurs. This is due to the presence in cats and cats different groups blood.

    Kittens die when they eat milk from a mother with a different blood type. Pinnipedia manifests itself in inverted paws and other abnormalities. Such kittens most often recover without problems by 1 month.

    Symptoms are noticeable when they try to stand up and walk. The paws do not support the body, they turn out.

    From the first day, their legs are gently massaged to prevent muscle atrophy, and vitamins are added to the food of a nursing cat. In severe cases, pinniped kittens are euthanized. Such cats are unsuitable for procreation.

    Heart problems British cats are predisposed to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

    The work of the heart is disrupted, the volume of blood in it decreases due to an increase in the thickness of the wall of the heart ventricle.

    Complications are dangerous - cardiovascular failure, which is identified by shortness of breath, wheezing, fatigue, and the depressed state of the pet.

    Kidney diseases

    Urolithiasis occurs in various breeds of cats and is very common and dangerous. Due to metabolic disorders in the animal's body, kidney stones are formed. The pet is experiencing discomfort When he urinates, his coat changes and his appetite disappears.

    The animal looks unhappy and is urgently taken to the veterinarian. When the diagnosis is confirmed, therapy is carried out, sometimes surgery is performed, and drains are placed. A lifelong diet with medicated feed and support medications is required.

    Important: Research shows that natural-fed British cats suffer from urolithiasis just as often as those fed dry food.

    Worms in small quantity do not cause any particular problems, but can be eliminated through preventative measures. Vet pharmacies offer a lot of suspensions and tablets for cats and cats against helminths.

    Fleas are poisoned with drops, sprays, special collars or shampoos. The latter option is short-lived, so it is better to use long-acting drugs.

    Collars can cause allergies in British cats. Drops are used once every 3 months. They are also designed to eliminate subcutaneous mites.


    When breeding animal breeds with predetermined characteristics, genes that carry a predisposition to certain diseases are built into the hereditary code. The British cat breed is characterized by a tendency to eye pathologies, namely lacrimation. This article examines the most common ailments, methods of their treatment and prevention measures.

    Breed-specific eye diseases

    Eye pathologies are more common in children and adolescents. Short-faced, smooth-haired cats are predisposed to the following eye diseases:

    1. Prolapse of the third eyelid.

    Inflammation of the conjunctival sac is caused by the following reasons:

    • allergic reaction;
    • helminthic infestation;
    • infectious diseases.

    Allergic reaction

    The British, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the skull, react sharply to stimuli. Dust, perfumes, and tobacco smoke can cause lacrimation. But British cats react especially acutely to food allergens. If you feed an animal Whiskas, a hypersensitive reaction is more than likely. Replacing such food with premium hypoallergenic food helps.

    It is even more difficult for adherents of natural food. When a kitten experiences lacrimation in combination with skin rashes, it is difficult to determine which component is causing the hypersensitive response. Therefore, you will still have to switch to a low-allergenic diet.

    In addition to replacing food and eliminating the causes of an allergic response to inhaled irritants, the use of eye drops containing antimicrobial agents is indicated. The fact is that the inflamed conjunctiva is a nutrient substrate for secondary microflora. “Diamond Eyes” with Chlorhexidine, as well as “Iris”, which includes gentamicin, are in demand.

    Worm infestation

    The waste products of nematodes living in the intestines have allergenic properties that cause lacrimation and other pathological symptoms. The use of anthelmintic leads to the elimination of conjunctivitis. If the treatment does not help, then it will not harm - preventive deworming will be carried out. In such a situation, other means should be used.

    Contagious diseases

    Lacrimation is a symptom of the following contagious diseases of cats, not only British, but also other breeds:

    • panleukopenia;
    • rhinotracheitis;
    • calcivirosis;
    • chlamydia;
    • toxoplasmosis.

    Conjunctivitis can become purulent, and uveitis develops, ending in loss of vision. To eliminate inflammation of the periocular sac, you need to cure the underlying disease.

    Epiphora is characterized by copious continuous discharge, tears flood the face. British people are predisposed to the anomaly due to the peculiar structure of the lacrimal canal, which becomes clogged, or inflammation of the eyelids occurs - blepharitis. Treatment consists of washing the eyes and placing tetracycline ointment in the conjunctival sac for 5–7 days. If conservative treatment does not bring results, the pathology is eliminated by surgery.

    Third eyelid prolapse

    Britons are predisposed to diseases of the third eyelid - the nictitating membrane of the eye. Inflammation occurs in the following forms:

    • adenoma;
    • protrusion (loss);
    • abnormalities in the development of supporting cartilage.

    Damage to both eyes indicates a contagious disease. If the inflammation is one-sided, antiphlogistic ointments or drops are used. If there is no result, they resort to surgery.


    If a cat lover is going to buy a British cat, he must understand that each of the breeds bred by man has its own disadvantages, manifested in a predisposition to certain diseases. It is necessary to keep and feed the pet according to the recommendations of experienced breeders, be prepared for the occurrence of specific diseases, and be able to provide first aid.

    It sometimes happens that the cat was at home all the time, did not go out, but his eyes began to run or began to fester. Among breeders of British cats, the problem is not new, widespread and requiring immediate intervention from the owner. People often wonder “why do the British get watery eyes, what makes them watery, and for what reason.” I’ll tell you plenty of reasons, and now we’ll talk about them in order.

    First of all, let's note the fact that British cats can have watery eyes in many cases due to physiological feature head structure. This feature causes changes (shortening) in the nasolacrimal ducts. It is because of this feature that, as a rule, the eyes of British people at a young age become watery, and if the eyes are watery with a slight discharge from the mucous membrane, then there is nothing to worry about. Everything should go with the further development of the kitten.

    The next reason for the appearance of tears in your pet may be Worms. As it turned out, some types of worms can cause lacrimation in kittens. As a rule, when you contact a veterinary clinic, you will be advised to undergo tests and be given anti-helminth medication.

    Allergies can also be an important cause for inflammation of the mucous membrane. Call a kitten or an adult cat allergic reaction maybe your new perfume, household chemicals, dry food and, no matter how trivial it may seem, pollen.

    A much more serious cause could be infection or mechanical damage to the eye. Your pet could somehow injure his eye while playing, or some small speck could get into it. This type of injury can be very dangerous and in such cases it is best to contact a veterinarian immediately. Only a specialist can assess the extent of damage and prescribe the correct treatment. As for viral diseases, there are a lot of them, the etiology of which is expressed precisely in lacrimation, and now there is no point in listing all of them.

    We found out Why do British cats have watery eyes? and now let's find out what to do when a kitten's eyes start to run.

    Considering the main reasons, you can try to take measures to eliminate them.

    1. Brew on steam bath chamomile petals, cool and wash the kitten 2-3 times a day. You can also wipe your eyes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    2. If a British cat has conjunctivitis, then antimicrobial agents should help. You can put eye ointment under your eyelids at night.
    3. If a kitten has mechanical damage, breeders and owners often use “Iris” and Levomecithin drops, and “Diamond Eyes” and Albucid (human pharmacy) drops have also shown good results.
    4. In cases where purulent discharge appears in the eyes, it is worth trying a decoction of: calendula, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort. An industrial substitute for this decoction is the “PhytoElite” eye lotion, designed specifically for the care of cats with eye diseases.

    You should not experiment on your pet’s health, and if you are not sure about the cause of the disease, it is better to consult a specialist. The sooner proper treatment begins, the sooner your Briton will recover.

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