• Russians and Americans: comparison of national characters. How are Russians different from Americans and why?


    Russian and American teenagers
    Some American sociologists say: Russian teenagers have a stronger character and an inner core. American teenagers - financially spoiled social group. By the age of 12-13 they have everything: a car, a computer, money. Nevertheless, they grumble at their parents: they say, the neighbor has a Porsche in his garage, but I don’t have one. Russian teenagers, faced with a large number of material difficulties, learn to overcome them, thereby strengthening their character.
    However, not all scientists agree with them. Some Russian sociologists believe that Americans have a stronger character and have an inner core, while Russian teenagers have nothing like that. They refer to the fact that excessively difficult material conditions do not strengthen, but suppress character, and that American culture has long had traditions of achieving success, individualism, survival and victory in any situation, focus on strong moral principles.
    What do you think about this? You need to write a short essay (2 pages) and prove your point of view. Please!!! I urgently need it!

    Russian and American teenagers have different attitudes towards education. Russian teenagers take their studies easier than American teenagers. For them school years- time of carelessness. Whereas the American one approaches the education process with all responsibility.

    Most likely, this is due to the fact that most Americans decide in advance about their future profession and admission to the desired university. At the same time, Russian teenagers cannot realize their future calling for a long time. In addition, parents often make the choice for them.

    American teenagers love to study. They spend a huge amount of time on educational activities and actively participate in school or student life. From an early age they learn to plan their time. In America, it’s simply a shame not to study, because either sponsors or parents pay a lot of money for studying. At the same time, children understand that the invested funds need to be worked off.

    In American schools you cannot see anyone cheating from someone else. They strictly monitor this. Even classmates, having noticed someone cheating, can give him away. Russian schoolchildren not only cheat themselves, but also willingly let others cheat.

    From early childhood, it is customary for the United States to participate in charity events and perform one or another. They strive to be perceived as individuals. Russian schoolchildren are unlikely to take part in such events. Although in Russia there are many ideological personalities.


    American teenagers do not attach any importance to their appearance. Even those who are overweight have absolutely no complexes. Clothing is very often simple and casual. The boys wear T-shirts and shorts. Girls - the same T-shirts and skirts.

    Russian girls from high school will never come in washed and unironed clothes. For American women this is quite possible. In addition, their clothes rarely match each other. Can't say they don't care appearance and they don’t want to be beautiful, they just have their own ideas about beauty.

    In many states, there is no difference in the cost or quality of clothing among teenagers. They do not focus on the presence or absence of a particular car. In this regard, there is no differentiation according to social status or the number of the family. More precisely, it exists, people just don’t advertise it to each other.

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    When asked “Describe an Englishman”, many of you would answer: “Prime, polite, love tea and always talk about the weather.” The opinion of most readers would be based on well-known stereotypes, which are not always true.

    An important role in the creation of such stereotypes is played by literary works famous Russian and English writers: bright artistic image heroes leaves a mark on our memory for a long time and shapes our attitude towards a particular nation. Let us give an example from the novel “Orlando” by the English writer Virginia Woolf:

    But Sasha was from Russia, where the sunsets are longer, the dawns less sudden and sentences are often left unfinished from doubt as how to best end them

    But Sasha was born in Russia, where sunsets linger, where dawns do not shock you with their suddenness, and a phrase often remains unfinished due to the speaker’s doubts about how best to finish it.

    ~Virginia Woolf

    We decided to conduct our own small study, the purpose of which is to consider and show the main differences between the national English and Russian character, his behavior, manners and culture of communication.

    Unique character traits of English people and Russians

    Prince Charles kisses his mother's hand after she presented him with the Victorian Horticultural Society's Medal of Honor during a visit to the Chelsea Flower Show in 2009

    Politeness and restraint

    Restraint and politeness are one of the main features of the English style of communication. The British, in our eyes, are sometimes even overly polite. They say "Thank you", "Please" and "I'm sorry" very often. They don't talk loudly on the street. They don't jostle on buses to occupy free place, they buy tickets indicating their place in queues at bus stops. Residents of England do not shake hands when meeting each other; they do not show their emotions even in tragic situations.

    Some people believe that the British are cold, insensitive, phlegmatic people. The famous English restraint, the desire to hide emotions and save face is a consequence of strict upbringing.

    There aren't many things that can set an Englishman off. In those cases when a representative of the sentimental Latin race or the spiritual Slavic race weeps with tears of admiration or tenderness, the Englishman will say “lovely” (“cute”), and this will be equivalent in the strength of the expression of feelings. In the article, we outlined a number of topics that should be avoided when communicating with residents of Foggy Albion, so as not to run into hypocritical “nice”.

    In the understanding of the British, Russians are not very polite and are more emotional, but good-natured and very hospitable. In ancient times, a Russian person, leaving his house, left the door open and food ready for the wanderer, which is why there were legends about the breadth of the Russian soul. Due to their greater emotionality, Russians are characterized by openness, responsiveness and sincerity in communication.

    English snobbery and Russian curiosity

    There is a deep belief that all English people are a little snobby and sincerity is not their main feature. The British find these accusations unfair and unfounded.

    However, it should be noted that The British are terribly proud of the fact that they are noticeably different from every other nation in the world. Old customs, such as driving on the left or playing cricket, speak to this. The British very reluctantly switched to the decimal system of measures, changing their beloved pints to liters, and inches to centimeters, and still calculate their route in miles.

    Moreover The British occupy almost the last place in Europe in terms of the number of people who know a foreign language. Their reluctance to speak the language of foreigners can be simply explained: why make the effort to learn another language if everyone is learning English?

    For Russians, the British are one of the most respected nations. The Russian national character is characterized by increased interest, curiosity and goodwill both towards foreigners in general and towards the British in particular. Perhaps this is due to the positive image of the British from literature and films. And even after personal contact, despite all the oddities of the British, Russians still perceive them positively.

    On a note

    The English words foreign and foreigner are used, as a rule, in negative contexts. In the illustrative phraseology of English dictionaries, foreigner (foreigner) appears in a clearly condescending light.

    Differences in the behavior of Russian people and residents of Foggy Albion

    Personal space

    It is very important for English people in the elevator that their behavior is not interpreted as threatening, strange or in any way ambiguous. The easiest way to do this is to avoid eye contact.

    The British have more claims to temporary possession of the territory than the Russians. An Englishman who rents a room in a hotel considers it his temporary property, and he is very surprised that hotel employees, without warning or with minimal warning, enter the room and perform some kind of work (like medical staff in a hospital). As a result, Englishmen are often found undressed in their hotel room.

    In public transport, it is considered normal to refrain from sitting next to anyone; as noted above, if a separate seat becomes available on a transport, an Englishman usually gets up and moves to it if he was sitting with another passenger.

    English children have every right to free space. For example, no one can enter their room without their consent, not even their parents. In Russia, even if children have the good fortune of living in a separate room and even one with a door, then any relative can enter there without even knocking.


    The British use a handshake much less often than the Russians. A handshake can be used during introductions, first meetings and farewells; in other cases, it is less popular than in Russian culture. There is an opinion that the British can shake hands when meeting each other, and then never shake hands with this person again in their lives.

    Physical touch of different sexes on the hand, elbow, shoulder is possible in English communication; it is neutral. The Englishman makes his way through the crowd, touching the arm, elbow, shoulder of the people blocking his path. In Russian communication this is excluded; touching someone unfamiliar is considered rude and uncultured. The British don't like being touched all over their bodies.– this is what they consider interference and intimacy. The communication distance of the British is much greater than that of the Russians. Approximately, the distance of English communication is 1.5 times greater than that of Russian.

    “Physical integrity” among the British is formed early - the British stop touching children at 7-8 years old; Russians - much later, they touch and stroke even teenagers on the head. At the same time, in Russia it is permissible to touch not only your own, but also other people’s children. English children do not allow this - they feel like adults.

    The comfortable distance between interlocutors for the British is considered to be approximately 83-85 cm. For communication between friends in an informal setting, the distance is 45-120 cm, and the social distance among the British (at the dinner table, in the office, etc.) varies from 1 to 3. 5-4 meters.

    Tolerant attitude towards others

    In England you can't openly hate someone or something., you can go to jail for this. You can express your hatred in a narrow circle of people or like-minded people, but if you dare to talk about the subject of your hatred in front of a stranger who does not like it, then do not be surprised if you receive a subpoena.

    It is better not to remember such painful topics as feminism, gays and blacks. Don't forget that in England even walls have ears. In Russia, you can even hate your interlocutor and boldly declare it to his face. The worst outcome of such statements is an uncontrolled fight and that’s it.

    The queue for the British is a sacred thing!

    A queue in England at a bus stop: you don’t have to line up behind each other, but everyone knows who they should get on the bus after.

    In England, the very concept of a queue is sacred. Probably, for most Britons, she is the personification of social justice, and breaking the queue causes a storm of indignation in their souls.

    A remark made to a person trying to jump the queue is considered a worthy act, as an action aimed at preventing and condemning public rudeness. There are special rows for queues, and there are own systems. In Russia, everyone has to be first and, armed with the phrase “I just have to ask,” everyone everywhere tries to jump the queue.

    On a note

    To denote a queue, the British use the word “queue”, the Americans use “line”; accordingly, phrases with the meaning of “jump the queue” differ: “to jump the queue” is the British version, “to cut in the line” is the American one.

    Thrift and economy

    Most Englishmen still do not heat their homes, or only do so very conditionally. On the one hand, they save money. On the other hand, we got used to it. The logic of the residents of Albion is ironclad: why turn on the heating at night when everyone is lying under warm blankets? Why raise the temperature in the house to summer if the calendar says winter? Pair warm sweaters- here is the solution. And when they crawl under the blanket, they take a heating pad with hot water with them - everything turns out cheaper than heating.

    Attitudes towards water resources also vary. In England you can't waste a lot of water, although this is not officially prohibited, residents always save it. For example, washbasins in Britain are not equipped with mixers. The English wash their faces by running a basin full of water and then flushing away the used water. In Russia, people have recently begun to use water more carefully because of water meters, that is, for pragmatic purposes, but we are still far from the British.

    The British save on clothes, but in a peculiar way - they buy very high-quality expensive things and try to ignore the cheap consumer goods that spread out after the first wash. Thus, they have few things, but they all last a long time and look great.

    Instead of a conclusion: are we different or not?

    By and large, no matter how much you compare the British and Russians, there will still be too many differences, from linguistic characteristics to mentality. The main thing for interaction different cultures– is to understand and accept a person or an entire nation.

    And we’ll talk about those that will help us do this next time.

    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the differences between Russians and Americans are gradually disappearing. In both countries, children wear fashionable clothes, which vaguely resembles the eighties, they listen to very loud music (and perhaps not as good as “nowadays”), and they all strive to live in a freer country that could be more responsive to their wishes.

    But despite the superficial similarities between the rising generations in the United States and Russia, the cultural differences between the countries run deep. Of course, the presidents of both countries may be great friends, but that doesn't mean teenagers will copy them. Cultural differences remain. Let's note some of them.

    1. Schools in Russia are more formal than in America.

    These days, most high schools give students a lot of freedom. For example, very often teachers do not prohibit teenagers from having drinks in class as long as they do not violate discipline and behave normally. In Russia, the atmosphere in schools is more businesslike; not only is it prohibited to bring food and drinks into classes, but students cannot even choose their own curriculum. In public schools, all students follow the same curriculum.

    2. Respect for teachers is on another level.

    In Russia, children stand up when the teacher enters the classroom, as if when a commander appears. Teachers are encouraged to maintain an emphatically formal relationship with students. In the USA, a teacher can exchange a few phrases with students on abstract topics or tell a story from life. This is not allowed in Russia.

    3. Russian teenagers are not happy with their American peers

    It's not that they don't like Americans, but rather just the American government. They were raised that way (they are a bit xenophobic). American teenagers, on the contrary, are generally not at all interested in what is happening outside their country. So, yes, some Russian teenagers don't like America, but at least they have their own opinions on international relations, is that bad?

    4. In America EVERYONE goes to school

    Nowadays, the number of students in an average American school can reach 2,300 people and even exceed this figure, which can shock their Russian peers. In Russia, the average number of students in a class is 18 (in the USA - 23).

    5. American school bells no longer ring.

    Several years ago, the traditional bell in American schools was replaced by an electronic sound signal transmitted over an intercom system. Russian schools still use the sound of a bell.

    6. Schools don't have lockers.

    In America, this is so common that children even hide things they don’t want to keep at home in their school lockers. Russian schoolchildren cannot afford a little personal space in their schools.

    7. Different attitudes towards the past

    When an American parent wants to tell his child something about his life, he usually feels as if he is talking to a brick wall. American teenagers no matter what happened before they were born. In Russia, teenagers are interested in the history of their country, regret the collapse of the great state, but (according to the author of the article) do not recognize the difficulties with which life was full at that time.

    8. Different attitudes towards human rights

    In modern American society, children are taught to demonstrate kindness to others in any way possible, including in relation to gender differences. It is allowed to love a peer of the same sex, to question the gender of friends, it is believed that in this way, through play, the child learns to be honest (after all, it is so good to be honest). In this regard (as the author of the article puts it), Russia's reputation is very low, so Russian teenagers prefer not to even think about it, much less protest.

    9. Teenagers in Russia have the right to vote

    In the 2016 US presidential election, of the 138 million voters who turned out to vote, only 24 million were under the age of 30. In other words, voting is not a priority for young people in America. They are much more interested in participating in open-air protests on Wall Street. In Russia, young people have the right to vote. As one teenager I talked to said, “The only real help we can give to our country is to go vote in elections.”

    I'm Scott Elliott from Wisconsin, USA. I am twenty six years old. And I'm practically a "Foca-of-all-trades-doc." I enjoy life, I learn from my own experience - although sometimes this experience comes in the form of lessons that I could have completely done without if I had thought in advance and properly. But what can I say? I have several in Omsk various works: I give private English lessons, earn extra money as a freelance graphic designer and moderate online forums, plunging more and more into the abyss of programming. I’m also a fiercely self-taught musician: I play the drums, guitar, and write my own music. I'm a rather boring guy - I'm interested in history, politics and languages, and I study music. I recently started a family.

    Why did you decide to come to Omsk? Was this the right step?

    Simply put, I came to Omsk because my wife is from here. She didn’t want to live in America, but I didn’t stir up the conflict and came to Omsk. I can’t say that I didn’t like this idea at all, because I myself wasn’t averse to leaving America. I had to adapt to life in Omsk and in Russia in general, but I don’t regret anything and I’ll say that it was definitely the right step. In general, once you get used to it, life here is pretty ok. I have made friends and I must say, I am quite happy and thoughts of returning to the USA have not yet entered my mind.

    What do they think about Russian girls in America?

    An American would answer you that Russians are very attractive, but they often grow mustaches! Apart from this, they know nothing, unless, of course, they have deliberately studied Russian realities. Eastern Europe is like a black hole for Americans. I mean, other than hundred-year-old stamps, little is known about these places. Another of the main stereotypes about Russian girls is that they are very expensive “mail order brides,” and if suddenly you were lucky enough to get a Russian girlfriend in America, then the question “how much did you pay?” you will hear very often.

    What's the difference between dating in the States and Russia?

    First of all, American women have been massively (and intensely) brainwashed by feminism for almost a century. As a result, courtship in the traditional sense became virtually impossible. Now this means that you take the girl out to dinner or wherever else she wants, pay for this entertainment and listen to her complaints about men, the reasons for her hatred of them and other complaints. Then you say goodbye in a restaurant, where she leaves, or you take her home, where you may (or may not) receive a kiss and even a hug. That's all. (Occasionally, you can meet a girl who will share your bed on the first night. She will check it off on her list of trophies, you on yours. Since it is truly frivolous and purely for pleasure, this is not a candidate for courtship and long-term relationships). If you make any hints that the girl doesn't like, she may regard them as "aggressive" or sexual, and then you will spend the evening alone. In other words, women hold all the cards, and if you play rashly or hit the wrong note, you're in for trouble.

    A Russian girl, on the contrary, listens to your opinion and expects you to plan and lead. She will give you a strange look if you do not place the order yourself, if you do not help her sit down by pulling out a chair, if you do not take off her coat (in winter) and in general, if you are not just a man. A sense of humor is welcome, and some fashion sense or the ability to wear something other than sports sneakers and jeans doesn't hurt. Also, don't expect any admiration if you foolishly decide to impress her with foul language. Here, to this day, it is not customary to swear dirty in the presence of women. And when you see a damn attractive Russian woman next to a so-so guy, you know - at the very least, in him she found the qualities she needed.

    Even when I visited a girl in Russia by invitation, I had the feeling that she was constantly waiting for my wishes: what I would eat, drink, how I would like to spend my time. And this is their striking difference from the American “I’m-so-independent-you-don’t-need-a bit” women. Of course, I must make a reservation that these are all generalizations, albeit without exaggeration. But any generalization is worthless, so things may turn out completely differently for you.

    What is it like to be married to a Russian? What are the pros and cons?

    Yes, I'm married to a Russian. To put it in one word, it’s interesting. It doesn’t happen from day to day - it can be “good interesting”, but maybe “bad”. What I definitely didn’t know about Russian women until I encountered them was their stubbornness, emotional and aggressive. However, those feminine qualities that I was looking for neutralize problems in relationships.

    In America, when I awoke from blissful ignorance, it dawned on me that the reason for my misfortunes was that American women were no longer women. Now it's a walking sex trap that steals money from man's pocket, but she is well savvy and knows how to report a man to the police if he does catch her hand. Who would want to be with an American woman if they file for divorce without any particular reason, take away their husband’s house, car, money, custody of their children, and leave him with nothing, even if he did nothing wrong? That’s when I decided to look at other cultures to find the “true embodiment of femininity.”

    It seems to me that my wife could not be more of a woman than she already is. She is homely, an excellent cook, refuses any help around the house, a very good housewife. She takes care of herself, doesn’t smoke, drinks very rarely, and before me she had only one boyfriend. In addition, she is a very caring mother. Her incredible stubbornness and aggression in situations when something goes against “her plans” upsets me. She constantly plans everything, she needs to think through and schedule every day down to the smallest detail. The first thing I hear in the morning after she wakes me up screaming (“SCOTT, GET UP! YOU’RE LATE!”) is the words: “So, Scott, my plan for the day is…”. And if something interferes with the implementation of this plan, then her day is hopelessly ruined and pray for those people who will experience the wrath of this woman.

    What do you think about Western feminism? Does it make women happier?

    The answer is loud and clear: NO! Feminism has such a destructive effect on the relationship between men and women that one can only be amazed at what kind of liberating idea women find in it. Perhaps I would say this: feminism is when women complain 24/7 about how scoundrels and scoundrels men are, how women have exactly the same abilities and can do everything themselves just as well and even better, and how disrespectful society treats women. And all this madness is aggravated by the idea that if women ruled the world, all problems would be solved more effectively and without bloodshed. Who cares that one of the US presidential candidates who vehemently advocated war in the Middle East was a woman: Hillary Clinton. Anyone who has had to deal with a woman’s insult will confirm that there is no more vengeful creature on earth than a woman. Two guys can get ready to go fishing five minutes after an argument, but for women it’s different. The woman will open the wound for thirty-seven years, and will do everything to make the life of her offender turn into hell during her lifetime.

    The point is that there is no equality in nature. Man and woman were not designed to compete with each other. They are created for admiration, love and mutual complementation. Gender differences are vital to the health and safety of society, and even to personal development and motivation. Feminism is brutal extermination truly feminine qualities, as a result, women end up losing all their bearings. Feminism turns into hatred of everything feminine. This is an attack on our survival, on our chances of finding happiness as a couple. This is some kind of extreme, disorderly attraction in which a woman hates men, fights hard for her career, does not have children, and at the age of forty suddenly realizes that she did everything wrong, but at the same time has the audacity to ask: “Are there more normal men?” No?".

    Different purposes, equal honors.

    Why do you think some Russian women prefer foreigners?

    Perhaps they follow the simple logic that “it’s good where we are not”? Although I must say that many of the girls with whom I discussed this topic do not think so. In general, Russian women are really not averse to complaining about their male compatriots. There are so many incredibly attractive women around that Russian men have no trouble tearing themselves away from the sofa to keep their woman by their side, since they don’t have to strain at all to find new girlfriend, no worse than the previous one.

    Perhaps it can also be said that Western men are generally considered to be more responsive in relation to household and family matters. As for our case, my wife had absolutely no plans to find a foreign husband, it just happened that way. So I really can’t say that every Russian girl makes a conscious choice and purposefully looks for a guy from the West. Usually they just feel the desire to “leave Russia” and “go to America”, where “everything is better”, and, in principle, this is a realistic view of things.

    Could you compare the way women dress in Russia and in the USA?

    Good question. I think it's quite obvious that women in Russia prefer more feminine style in clothes. An American woman will put on jeans and a T-shirt and be happy. A Russian woman, even going to the grocery store, will put on a skirt, heels and a blouse. In addition, I would like to warn you that Americans often run the risk of dressing too casually, which may be inappropriate in some cases. If you are going out to dinner or visiting a restaurant, dress decently. All I'm talking about right now is slacks, a button-down shirt, and polished boots. Don't be the guy in jeans and sneakers.

    Do you think they are changing? gender stereotypes in Russia? Is it good or bad?
    No, I don't have that feeling. Let's say I don't see women in military uniform or fighting fires. I also have not met women who claim that they are able to do heavy lifting equally or better than men. physical work and practice traditionally men's affairs. (In fact, it is considered polite here to offer to help a woman carry a heavy bag, etc.). But I detect some changes in the structure of society as a whole. Women build their careers for a long time and are in no hurry to give birth. By the age of thirty, they realize that they want to have children, then they start dating some guys, choose a suitable candidate for the role of father, get pregnant, and then raise the child alone or with their mother. Men are too busy - either achieving the coveted status “out of call of duty” or, having put on something pink and trying to pick up someone in the nearest nightclub. All this is equally destructive and harmful to modern family. I see a lot of Americanism in the attitude of the young people here, and it worries me very much.

    Is public pressure on marriage stronger in Russia than in America? Is there a need for marriage?

    Yes, marriage plays a very important role in the lives of Russians, and this is quite expected and justified. Young people increasingly find this idea old-fashioned. To me, as an American, marriage is like a prison sentence because the American justice system almost always sides with women regardless of the facts. The concept of marriage itself is quite normal, but it is terribly formalized, and the American government has too much power. I'm not even talking about the fact that if it occurs to a wife to leave her husband, even for delusional reasons, then the guy risks being left with nothing. The wife will take everything that the husband has earned. I once thought that marriage was really necessary, but then I saw enough, and my position changed dramatically. Now I don't really like this idea.

    Are there any similarities between American and Russian families?

    No. Okay, let's put it this way: Today's American families are classic examples of dysfunctional and broken ones. Families like those in “Beaver’s Tricks”* have not existed for sixty years. But still, one of the main traditions of American culture is dependence on the idea of ​​independence. In America they believe that people should be independent, that everyone should go their own way, and all that. At eighteen, you are obliged to leave your parents' home one way or another: go to college, find a job, join the army or somewhere else to find your own path. If you are twenty-five and still live with your parents, then your reputation as a retard or a virgin is guaranteed. However, the bitter irony is that most American teenagers at eighteen years old were happy to go to independent travel throughout life, but then there was a collapse in the financial world and the labor market. The “college-work-promotion” life plan gave way to a long life.

    As for Russia, here people are indeed often very closely connected family ties(which, however, is not an obstacle to battles and dramas of approximately the same nature as ours). Children over twenty often live here with their parents. Often their grandmother lives in the same apartment. Apparently, this is considered commonplace here. Still, I must say that both Russians and Americans do not care enough about the elderly. Older Americans are fiercely independent, but their situation is very vulnerable, and older people in Russia seem to all walk around in invisible hats - no one cares about them.

    *American family series 1997

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