• American teenagers: psychology and interesting facts. How do Russian girls differ from American girls?


    I continue the story about American teenage girls. If anyone doesn’t know, then the beginning is here: . Thank you for your comments, which gave me direction for the story!

    Again quite a lot of books. You know, when I was in Holland, they only scraped together three or four books for the whole house. Something like an atlas, a cookbook and something else. Although several children lived in the house.

    It's good to see young American girls reading books. This is a discovery for me myself. I will also note a rather old TV - thick and square. Now these cost about a dollar at a discount.

    But her slippers are cool. In any case, they were cool about a year ago. Now they have already fallen in price. Cast slippers, original, recognizable form. There are the same ones with fur inside.

    Someone wrote about minimalism there. Please, here is a photo. True, there is even asceticism here. Which goes oddly with the bear tattoo that runs all over his forearm. Maybe it's Russian? The cross is also upside down. No, the Russians won't do that.

    This is probably a “photographer”. Well, it’s good when the ability, or at least the desire to do something specific, manifests itself so early.

    Again tattoos, and real ones. I didn't see any stickers with words. The pink collar is a symbol that it is this girl who is caring for the dog.

    Americans let their dogs roam anywhere. However, the dogs are clean and are bathed often. Although I'm still not a fan of letting dogs sleep anywhere.

    Teen pregnancy is a huge problem in the United States. Who was not sent to fight this phenomenon! Oprah Winfrey ate all the baldness in her program. But even her authority was not enough.

    Millions, if not billions, have been spent promoting Britney Spears as a symbol of the cool teenage virgin. But the result is disastrous, as we see in the picture.

    Overall, an average girl's room. I can only note the flowers on the wall. There are a lot of these stickers for sale. Many people use them to give a room a unique look.

    The table is also pink, girly. In addition, pink is generally in fashion, as I already wrote. Americans often go barefoot at home, and wear beach frogs when outside, even in cities.

    By the way, dresses and skirts are now back in fashion in the USA. Even in television programs, girls and women are not entirely in jeans. Who else would teach them how to sit down in dresses correctly! 🙂

    Clothes with hoods are quite popular in America. This is practical, because if you are cold, you can put on a hood. The photo is 5 years old, as we can see from the homemade calendar.

    There is a special board hanging across the entire wall, in this case something soft, like a rug, to hang all sorts of leaves on. This thing is popular in the USA not only in offices, but also at home.

    It's called a Bulletin Board or bulletin board. Often made from cork so that something can be pinned there. In the USA there is generally a terrible amount of all kinds of office bells and whistles.

    Until now, I myself am simply lost in office stores, because I have no idea what this or that squiggle is for. However, in the “kitchen goods” departments it is no easier.

    Let's start on the left here. Dresser for junk - in the USA there are quite a lot of them in every home, because there are clearly not enough built-in wardrobes for clothes. There is some kind of tacky star on the wall.

    In America, an incredible amount of home decoration is sold. Just look closely at the walls, almost all the photos have them! Not counting the ones that just sit on tables.

    I haven’t seen it here yet, but small Eiffel towers in rooms are very popular among teenagers. Many Americans, young and not so young, dream of visiting Paris, this is a fixed idea!

    Electronic double bass. It's convenient in purely practical terms. You play and listen to yourself on headphones so as not to bother your parents and neighbors. There are even electronic drums.

    There is a special hanger on the door, which everyone hangs here to save space. I already talked about this. Sometimes, instead of hangers, they use organizers for shoes and various small items.

    There is a ventilation grill above the same door. All rooms, even the smallest ones, including built-in wardrobes, must be ventilated. At the same time, they are heated, because the heating here is air.

    Obligatory posters on the walls. There's an American flag there. Americans are terrible patriots. Notice that when the anthem is sung, almost everyone sings along. Flags are also hung everywhere here.

    Under the posters is a box of tissues. These napkins are everywhere: at home and in offices. In addition, special sanitary napkins are sold, slightly damp. Mainly for travel.

    Even in offices, they often hang bottles of solution right on the wall to wipe their hands if they need to go to the toilet and just wash them. Americans are obsessed with cleanliness, I love it!

    Even many homeless people smell something pleasant here. Any shelter must have a shower, soap, towels and everything like that. In the USA there are almost no people who are dirty and still hungry. This is not advertising, this is just how people live.

    A lot is already happening. Well, one more photo, just for the record.

    I'll start with the glasses. There is a constant surge in retro fashion in the United States. As you can see, people wore glasses like these that hang on their purses in the 60s. And now about the main thing.

    If you don’t know what you will do in the USA, then take a manicure-pedicure course. This pleasure costs 2-3 thousand, study for about 7-8 months.

    If you have a small income, then you can study for free! By the way, this happens all the time in the USA. If a person or family has a small income, then many things can be obtained this way.

    How much do they get? One of our friends, after the course, got a job in Chicago, in a health club (health club - exercise equipment, swimming pools, etc.), doing manicures and pedicures for American clients.

    Her official income per year is 38 thousand. This does not include tips from clients. And what else she did at home, little by little. But this is, in general, quite a lot.

    Usually the numbers are lower, but you can still live. Among the disadvantages of the profession, one can note frequent back pain, because one often has to work bent over.

    And one more moment. If the clients are American, then you can charge more. You can't really get away with Russian clients. This is an important conclusion. It’s better to make money from the Americans, and go to the Russians yourself. This applies to everything - manicures, repairs, doctors, dentists, etc.

    That's all for today, but I still have a lot of photos. You ask if something seems unclear.

    In Europe, more than 300 young people die every day from preventable causes. One in 10 18-year-olds in the European region suffers from depression. The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a large international study to find out how adolescents' health is affected by their behavior, environment and family wealth. Scientists from 43 countries, including Russia, took part in it. It turned out that in our country, overweight children are much less common than in the USA, they fight less often in Russia than in Belgium, Spain and Armenia, and they smoke less than in Greenland.

    At the recently concluded XVII Congress of Pediatricians of Russia, the WHO Regional Office for Europe introduced doctors and the media to the international report “Children’s Behavior school age in relation to health" - "Social determinants of health and well-being of adolescents." During the study, which scientists conducted in 43 countries, including Russia, adolescents were asked more than 80 questions about relationships with family members, friends, physical activity, diet, as well as the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and sexual behavior, fights and bullying. The study took into account age, gender, socio-economic status of families and place of residence.

    Adolescents aged 11, 13 and 15 years were randomly selected for the survey. In Russia, the study was conducted in 24 large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Krasnodar, Izhevsk, Belgorod, Vladivostok, Kaluga, Voronezh, etc. 10 thousand respondents answered the questionnaires. Boys more often than girls spoke about the difficulty of tasks at school, dissatisfaction with success, indicated cases of fights, and also became victims of insults. Almost 40% of adolescents in Russia responded that during the year they received more than one injury that required medical intervention. More than 40% do not eat breakfast every day, 30% do not get fruit every day, 40% of teenagers brush their teeth less than once a day (30% at 15 years old), more than 60% of Russian teenagers spend more than two hours a day watching TV .

    According to the report, children's consumption of alcohol and tobacco in the Russian Federation has begun to decline somewhat, although in Russia children aged 11 are the most active in smoking and drinking. But among 15-year-old teenagers in Russia, 11% of boys and 6% of girls have used cannabis. In Canada, a third of boys and girls managed to try “weed”, in the Czech Republic - 31% of boys and 30% of girls, in the USA - 30% of boys and 26% of girls, in Spain and France - 30% of boys and a quarter of all girls. In many other positions, Russia also ranks far from the worst in a number of countries that took part in the study (see reference).

    The study showed that in nine countries, including the Russian Federation, teenage smoking is associated with low income in families. Children in poor families are more prone to risky behavior, they are dissatisfied with their lives and peers, and they get sick more often. In most countries, researchers have also documented a connection between high family wealth and the presence of large quantity friends. Behavioral patterns of adolescents can predict the development of health measures and the well-being of the population as a whole, said the head of the WHO office in Russian Dr. Luigi Migliorini. When a person gets older, he physical activity will decrease further, possible risks from using tobacco, alcohol or drugs will affect.

    I'm Scott Elliott from Wisconsin, USA. I am twenty six years old. And I'm practically a "Foca-of-all-trades-doc." I enjoy life, I learn from my own experience - although sometimes this experience comes in the form of lessons that I could have completely done without if I had thought in advance and properly. But what can I say? I have several in Omsk various works: I give private English lessons, earn extra money as a freelance graphic designer and moderate online forums, plunging more and more into the abyss of programming. I’m also a fiercely self-taught musician: I play the drums, guitar, and write my own music. I'm a rather boring guy - I'm interested in history, politics and languages, and I study music. I recently started a family.

    Why did you decide to come to Omsk? Was this the right step?

    Simply put, I came to Omsk because my wife is from here. She didn’t want to live in America, but I didn’t stir up the conflict and came to Omsk. I can’t say that I didn’t like this idea at all, because I myself was not averse to leaving America. I had to adapt to life in Omsk and in Russia in general, but I don’t regret anything and I’ll say that it was definitely the right step. In general, once you get used to it, life here is pretty ok. I have made friends and I must say, I am quite happy and thoughts of returning to the USA have not yet entered my mind.

    What do they think about Russian girls in America?

    An American would answer you that Russians are very attractive, but they often grow mustaches! Apart from this, they know nothing, unless, of course, they have deliberately studied Russian realities. Eastern Europe is like a black hole for Americans. I mean, other than hundred-year-old stamps, little is known about these places. Another of the main stereotypes about Russian girls is that they are very expensive “mail order brides,” and if suddenly you were lucky enough to get a Russian girlfriend in America, then the question “how much did you pay?” you will hear very often.

    What's the difference between dating in the States and Russia?

    First of all, American women have been massively (and intensely) brainwashed by feminism for almost a century. As a result, courtship in the traditional sense became virtually impossible. Now this means that you take the girl out to dinner or wherever else she wants, pay for this entertainment and listen to her complaints about men, the reasons for her hatred of them and other complaints. Then you say goodbye in a restaurant, where she leaves, or you take her home, where you may (or may not) receive a kiss and even a hug. That's all. (Occasionally, you can meet a girl who will share your bed on the first night. She will check it off on her list of trophies, you on yours. Since it is truly frivolous and purely for pleasure, this is not a candidate for courtship and long-term relationships). If you make any hints that the girl doesn't like, she may regard them as "aggressive" or sexual, and then you will spend the evening alone. In other words, women hold all the cards, and if you play rashly or hit the wrong note, you're in for trouble.

    A Russian girl, on the contrary, listens to your opinion and expects you to plan and lead. She will give you a strange look if you do not place the order yourself, if you do not help her sit down by pulling out a chair, if you do not take off her coat (in winter) and in general, if you are not just a man. A sense of humor is welcome, and some fashion sense or the ability to wear something other than sports sneakers and jeans doesn't hurt. Also, don't expect any admiration if you foolishly decide to impress her with foul language. Here, to this day, it is not customary to swear dirty in the presence of women. And when you see a damn attractive Russian woman next to a so-so guy, you know - at the very least, in him she found the qualities she needed.

    Even when I visited a girl in Russia by invitation, I had the feeling that she was constantly waiting for my wishes: what I would eat, drink, how I would like to spend my time. And this is their striking difference from the American “I’m-so-independent-you-don’t-need-a bit” women. Of course, I must make a reservation that these are all generalizations, albeit without exaggeration. But any generalization is worthless, so things may turn out completely differently for you.

    What is it like to be married to a Russian? What are the pros and cons?

    Yes, I'm married to a Russian. To put it in one word, it’s interesting. It doesn’t happen from day to day - it can be “good interesting”, but maybe “bad”. What I definitely didn’t know about Russian women until I encountered them was their stubbornness, emotional and aggressive. However, those feminine qualities that I was looking for neutralize problems in relationships.

    In America, when I awoke from blissful ignorance, it dawned on me that the reason for my misfortunes was that American women had ceased to be women. Now it's a walking sex trap that steals money from man's pocket, but she is well savvy and knows how to report a man to the police if he does catch her hand. Who would want to be with an American woman if they file for divorce without any particular reason, take away their husband’s house, car, money, custody of their children, and leave him with nothing, even if he did nothing wrong? That’s when I decided to look at other cultures to find the “true embodiment of femininity.”

    It seems to me that my wife could not be more of a woman than she already is. She is homely, an excellent cook, refuses any help around the house, a very good housewife. She takes care of herself, doesn’t smoke, drinks very rarely, and before me she had only one boyfriend. In addition, she is a very caring mother. Her incredible stubbornness and aggression in situations when something goes against “her plans” upsets me. She constantly plans everything, she needs to think through and schedule every day down to the smallest detail. The first thing I hear in the morning after she wakes me up screaming (“SCOTT, GET UP! YOU’RE LATE!”) is the words: “So, Scott, my plan for the day is…”. And if something interferes with the implementation of this plan, then her day is hopelessly ruined and pray for those people who will experience the wrath of this woman.

    What do you think about Western feminism? Does it make women happier?

    The answer is loud and clear: NO! Feminism has such a destructive effect on the relationship between men and women that one can only be amazed at what kind of liberating idea women find in it. Perhaps I would say this: feminism is when women complain 24/7 about how scoundrels and scoundrels men are, how women have exactly the same abilities and can do everything themselves just as well and even better, and how disrespectful society treats women. And all this madness is aggravated by the idea that if women ruled the world, all problems would be solved more effectively and without bloodshed. Who cares that one of the US presidential candidates who vehemently advocated war in the Middle East was a woman: Hillary Clinton. Anyone who has had to deal with a woman’s insult will confirm that there is no more vengeful creature on earth than a woman. Two guys can get ready to go fishing five minutes after an argument, but for women it’s different. The woman will open the wound for thirty-seven years, and will do everything to make the life of her offender turn into hell during her lifetime.

    The point is that there is no equality in nature. Man and woman were not designed to compete with each other. They are created for admiration, love and mutual complementation. Gender differences are vital to the health and safety of society, and even to personal development and motivation. Feminism is brutal extermination truly feminine qualities, as a result, women end up losing all their bearings. Feminism turns into hatred of everything feminine. This is an attack on our survival, on our chances of finding happiness as a couple. This is some kind of extreme, disorderly attraction in which a woman hates men, fights hard for her career, does not have children, and at the age of forty suddenly realizes that she did everything wrong, but at the same time has the audacity to ask: “Are there more normal men?” No?".

    Different purposes, equal honors.

    Why do you think some Russian women prefer foreigners?

    Perhaps they follow the simple logic that “it’s good where we are not”? Although I must say that many of the girls with whom I discussed this topic do not think so. In general, Russian women are really not averse to complaining about their male compatriots. There are so many incredibly attractive women around that Russian men have no trouble tearing themselves away from the sofa to keep their woman by their side, since they don’t have to strain at all to find new girlfriend, no worse than the previous one.

    Perhaps it can also be said that Western men are generally considered to be more responsive in relation to household and family matters. As for our case, my wife had absolutely no plans to find a foreign husband, it just happened that way. So I really can’t say that every Russian girl makes a conscious choice and purposefully looks for a guy from the West. Usually they just feel the desire to “leave Russia” and “go to America”, where “everything is better”, and, in principle, this is a realistic view of things.

    Could you compare the way women dress in Russia and in the USA?

    Good question. I think it's quite obvious that women in Russia prefer more feminine style in clothes. An American woman will put on jeans and a T-shirt and be happy. A Russian woman, even going to the grocery store, will put on a skirt, heels and a blouse. In addition, I would like to warn you that Americans often run the risk of dressing too casually, which may be inappropriate in some cases. If you are going out to dinner or visiting a restaurant, dress decently. All I'm talking about right now is slacks, a button-down shirt, and polished boots. Don't be the guy in jeans and sneakers.

    Do you think they are changing? gender stereotypes in Russia? Is it good or bad?
    No, I don't have that feeling. Let's say I don't see women in military uniform or fighting fires. I also have not met women who claim that they are able to do heavy lifting equally or better than men. physical work and practice traditionally men's affairs. (In fact, it is considered polite here to offer to help a woman carry a heavy bag, etc.). But I detect some changes in the structure of society as a whole. Women build their careers for a long time and are in no hurry to give birth. By the age of thirty, they realize that they want to have children, then they start dating some guys, choose a suitable candidate for the role of father, get pregnant, and then raise the child alone or with their mother. Men are too busy - either achieving the coveted status “out of call of duty” or, having put on something pink and trying to pick up someone in the nearest nightclub. All this is equally destructive and harmful to modern family. I see a lot of Americanism in the attitude of the young people here, and it worries me very much.

    Is public pressure on marriage stronger in Russia than in America? Is there a need for marriage?

    Yes, marriage plays a very important role in the lives of Russians, and this is quite expected and justified. Young people increasingly find this idea old-fashioned. To me, as an American, marriage is like a prison sentence because the American justice system almost always sides with women regardless of the facts. The concept of marriage itself is quite normal, but it is terribly formalized, and the American government has too much power. I'm not even talking about the fact that if it occurs to a wife to leave her husband, even for delusional reasons, then the guy risks being left with nothing. The wife will take everything that the husband has earned. I once thought that marriage was really necessary, but then I saw enough, and my position changed dramatically. Now I don't really like this idea.

    Are there any similarities between American and Russian families?

    No. Okay, let's put it this way: Today's American families are classic examples of dysfunctional and broken ones. Families like those in “Beaver’s Tricks”* have not existed for sixty years. But still, one of the main traditions of American culture is dependence on the idea of ​​independence. In America they believe that people should be independent, that everyone should go their own way, and all that. At eighteen, you are obliged to leave your parents' home one way or another: go to college, find a job, join the army or somewhere else to find your own path. If you are twenty-five and still live with your parents, then your reputation as a retard or a virgin is guaranteed. However, the bitter irony is that most American teenagers at eighteen years old were happy to go to independent travel throughout life, but then there was a collapse in the financial world and the labor market. The “college-work-promotion” life plan gave way to a long life.

    As for Russia, here people are indeed often very closely connected family ties(which, however, is not an obstacle to battles and dramas of approximately the same nature as ours). Children over twenty often live here with their parents. Often their grandmother lives in the same apartment. Apparently, this is considered commonplace here. Still, I must say that both Russians and Americans do not care enough about the elderly. Older Americans are fiercely independent, but their situation is very vulnerable, and older people in Russia seem to all walk around in invisible hats - no one cares about them.

    *American family series 1997

    Russians and Americans are both attracted and repelled from each other. This paradox is explained by the internal contradictions characteristic of our countries.

    Russians and Americans are both attracted and repelled from each other. This paradox is explained by the internal contradictions characteristic of our countries.

    Perhaps, for us, some pairs of oppositions will not seem paradoxical (for example, a person may well be proud and shy), but it cannot be denied that rather contradictory traits coexist in the Russian character. Americans are no less paradoxical.

    But let's see how we are similar and how we differ from each other. By the way, the very presence of so many paradoxes among Russians and Americans testifies to the common character of the two nations.

    TO general characteristics The following can be included:

    1. Both powers are multi-ethnic and unite many nationalities living on their territories.

    2. America and Russia are historical expansionists: the United States moved west, and Russia moved east.

    3. Both countries are nuclear powers, which cannot but affect their attitude towards other members of the world community.

    4. Vast territories contributed to the development of large-scale thinking among our peoples. Americans love everything big: their houses are big, their cars are big, their ranches number hundreds of hectares of land. Russians were always interested in what was beyond the horizon, and we did not pay attention to the little things.

    5. Our peoples are distinguished by a direct, somewhat rude style of communication. Both nations disapprove of the officialdom characteristic of many Western European countries.

    6. Both Russians and Americans show hospitality when meeting foreign guests.

    7. Both countries have a messianic spirit. Americans see their destiny in establishing democracy (in their understanding) throughout the world. Russians have always strived to unite Europe and Asia, preserving and developing spiritual values ​​as opposed to Western pragmatism.

    8. Russians and Americans love technical innovations and inventions.

    9. There is no aristocratic class in both countries.

    Does the existence of significant differences in our personalities mean that Russians and Americans are doomed to fail in cooperation? Yes and no! Yes, if we do not take these differences into account. Not if we know and use them. In principle, this is obvious, and it would not even be worth writing about it if we knew how to take them into account. How to make our differences national characters not only did they not interfere, but also helped us in business cooperation?

    First of all, it must be remembered that cross-cultural cooperation is a two-way street, where both parties must move towards each other, and where it is necessary to know road rules. Of course, there are international rules for doing business, but there are also differences resulting from cultural differences. In his book “Russian Parkinson's Laws,” Yuri Luzhkov, with his characteristic irony, drew attention to the need to take into account such differences and the price one has to pay for neglecting them.

    Pointing to one of the reasons for the failure of Russian reforms, the mayor of Moscow writes: “There is no single template for a “normal economy.” There is no universal recipe suitable for all countries. The same principles and programs lead to very different results in Japan, Germany, Korea, Indonesia and Latin America. What can we say about Russia! Here, everyone is throwing up their hands. Our brave radical reformers proceeded from the postulate that “there is no need to invent anything,” that “twice two makes four both here and in Paris,” as one young prime minister liked to repeat. With reckless persistence, these zealous young people copied one for one everything that was alien to the local economic tradition and historically established skills of economic thinking and behavior. And here is the result...”

    What do we know about the Americans, and what do they know about us? Interesting data is provided by P. N. Shikhirev, based on the results of a survey of Russian and American businessmen. Russian and American specialists were asked to characterize the business qualities of themselves and each other. Russians evaluate themselves as individualists and collectivists in equal measure, and their foreign colleagues as pronounced individualists. Americans consider Russians to be collectivists. When we talk about business culture, we usually mean a certain generalized model of behavior. In each specific case, one has to deal with an individual whose personal qualities may differ significantly from those generally accepted in a given culture. But, firstly, such cases are not numerous, and secondly, basic national values ​​will manifest themselves in any situation, since they sit so deeply in us that it is almost impossible to get rid of them, at least within the life of one generation.

    Taking into account the above, we can conclude that the most effective algorithm for communication between Russian and American managers will be the one that each of the participants in the communication will build himself, having studied and compared the values ​​of our cultures and seeing how they manifest themselves in specific business situations, i.e. on practice.

    Beginning businessmen who have little experience communicating with Americans would do well to learn a number of rules that will allow them to quickly adapt to working with overseas partners:

    1. Use humor when communicating with Americans.

    2. When negotiating, lay all your cards on the table and invite them to do the same.

    3. Get straight to the point and determine who is responsible for what.

    4. Be persistent in achieving results.

    5. Americans are not inclined to go into details of a transaction until they are sure of the reality of the contract. Keep this in mind.

    6. Americans are irritated by avoidable complications. Try to keep joint projects simple.

    7. It is useful to explain to Americans your peculiarities of perception of reality. Otherwise they will judge them by their own standards.

    8. Remember the favorite American expression: “Time is money.”

    9. They are willing to take risks, so don't be too careful.

    10. During negotiations, they often talk out loud. Do the same. This will help you quickly develop a common point of view and will be evidence that you have nothing to hide.

    11. Americans do not like to follow protocol at business meetings. If you have something to say, do not be afraid to express your opinion, even if you are lower in status than many other negotiators.

    12. They love clichéd expressions. Be sure that you are familiar with their meaning.

    13. Don't be offended by sarcasm, irony and banter from Americans.

    14. Show your toughness – Americans respect strength. At the same time, make it clear that you are ready to make concessions.

    15. Show confidence in the quality of the product you offer and be persistent.

    16. Don't forget that Americans are workaholics. They do not respect the slow pace of work and long rests.

    17. Be creative – Americans are open to innovation.

    18. Americans are more interested in their future than your past. There is no point in wasting time on examples from the past, no matter how heroic it may be.

    19. Americans act tough, but they can be naive. When negotiating with them, you need to constantly change tactics, speaking both in their language and in your own.

    20. When negotiating with Americans, it is advisable to have someone on your team who knows the peculiarities of their business communication well.

    Sometimes it seems to me that Russians are prone to self-abasement and low self-esteem. We love to criticize ourselves and mock our own shortcomings. Often such actions are not entirely sincere. Scolding ourselves, we seem to be waiting for someone to tell us: “What are you talking about! You are not so bad, you are much better!

    Comparing Russians with foreigners, I am increasingly convinced of the deep spirituality and internal decency of our compatriots. For many, this statement will cause an ironic smile, but such people are in the minority. Yes, we rank low on the investment attractiveness index. Yes, according to the corruption index, Russia is in 74th place out of a hundred countries. But this is judged by a relatively small group of people occupying the middle and upper levels of the executive and legislative branches.

    The bulk of Russians are honest, kind, sympathetic, hospitable, modest, emotional and intelligent people. The time will come, and everything will fall into place. In the words of A.I. Solzhenitsyn: “We will get back on our feet when conscience prevails over the economy.” In the meantime, we need to learn to communicate with other cultures, demonstrating the best features of the Russian national character.

    However, this will be very difficult to do. We can achieve mutual understanding with a foreign partner only by understanding how uniquely we see foreigners, thanks to the glasses of our own cultural environment.

    Children all over the world have a lot in common; they develop according to a similar scenario. But during adolescence, some differences begin to emerge. Considering that the USA and Russia are always opposed to each other, it will be interesting to know how Russian and American teenagers differ.

    Attitude to study

    American teenagers approach the educational process with all responsibility. Moreover, they love to learn. They actively participate in public life schools and universities spend a huge amount of time on developing some projects. Moreover, in the USA it is shameful not to study, because parents or sponsorship organizations pay for studies, and the invested funds need to be earned back. For Russian teenagers, the learning period is a fun and carefree time. Free school education is taken for granted. In this way, individual responsibility is developed.

    American teenagers for the most part know which university they will go to and who they will become in the future. Sometimes their parents make this choice for them. This forces teenagers to learn to plan their time and life ahead. Most Russian schoolchildren, unfortunately, may not know which university they will study at until the last moment.

    Another interesting point is cheating and cheat sheets. American teenagers never do this on exams. Moreover, if they see someone cheating, they will certainly hand it over to the teacher. But for Russian guys it’s something like a sport. They not only manage to cheat on exams, but actively help each other.

    WITH early age American children and adolescents are being introduced to active social activities. They take part in charity events and other events. All this so that they are perceived as individuals. There are also many activists among Russian schoolchildren and students, but so far this practice is not so widespread.


    American teenagers are not obsessed with their appearance. As a rule, they do not have complexes about excess weight or some other shortcomings. Not trying to fit in fashion trends, both boys and girls wear loose T-shirts and jeans. Thus, there are no complexes about social status, the cost of clothing or affiliation with a brand.

    Among Russian teenagers, things are completely different. If guys for the most part take their lives lightly appearance, then this is a sore subject for girls. They carefully choose outfits, competing with each other.

    Relations with the older generation

    What do we know about American teenagers? It is quite difficult to formulate any specific impression from youth films and news reports. But one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that they enjoy respect and support from the older generation. In America, it is believed that the future belongs to young people, and therefore if a person has a chance to give a teenager a job or help realize an idea, he will certainly do it. Even if this means ousting an experienced employee and sending him to retirement, the boss will prefer to open the way for the young man.

    Unfortunately, it is much more difficult for Russian youth to realize themselves. The older generation treats teenagers with distrust and even condemnation. All initiatives or attempts at self-expression are met with hostility by conservatives. Often, in some institutions, certain positions are occupied by pensioners, while young people cannot find work.

    First job

    Surely many are interested in the life of American teenagers and the peculiarities of their life. Work is an integral part of it. Already from the age of 13, a teenager has the legal right to independently obtain funds for himself. pocket money, having received permission from the school and parents. This could be delivering mail, walking pets, babysitting, and much more. Around the age of 16, young people strive to get a job in catering establishments or gas stations. And this does not interfere with your studies at all, because employers are willing to make concessions. Thus, teenagers from an early age get used to earning money on their own and begin to save for their future.

    This is where Russian and American teenagers differ greatly. Our children have neither legal grounds nor the opportunity to work, for example, from the age of 13, and therefore they remain dependent on their parents longer. It’s unlikely that anyone would trust a 13-year-old to watch a neighbor’s child or deliver mail. In addition, in our area, for some reason, it is believed that it is impossible to effectively combine work and study.

    Intimate relationships

    The secret life of an American teenager is inextricably linked with intimate relationships. According to statistical studies, most young people acquire their first sexual experience no later than 17 years of age. At the same time, there are frequent cases of forced intimacy (this is especially true for girls). Thus, surveys showed the following:

    As for Russian teenagers, unfortunately, we see approximately the same picture. Every year young people join intimate relationships all earlier, which is associated with sexual illiteracy. Neither the institution of family nor educational institutions do not pay enough attention to this issue.


    Russian and American teenagers seem very different. However, their lifestyles today are very similar. Young people strive to learn information faster by using digital technologies rather than focusing on voluminous book material. Having access to almost all the data, teenagers around the world do not know only one thing - what to devote their lives to, how to realize themselves. The only difference is that in American society young people have more opportunities for self-development and earning money.

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