• Japanese party invitation templates. Original gift design in Japanese style. Step-by-step instructions with photos


    / 02.07.2019

    DIY Japanese style invitation templates. Japanese style birth script

    The host greets the guests, she offers to wear Japanese clothes and gives out cards with new names.

    While the guests are expected, the presenter offers to make origami on a piece of A4 paper; they will be needed during the evening.

    Leading: Konichiwa! (Hello ladies and gentlemen! Noble samurai, charming Japanese girls... Thank you for coming to our Japanese garden to spend this time together romantic evening. Today we celebrate the birthday of the charming Japanese woman Natati and the brave shogun Sakhi-san. Since it's evening here oriental style, therefore, we will now call everything accordingly, that is, in Japanese.

    Let me introduce the guests. Well, as I see, all the guests did not come empty-handed and now they will explain to us what their gifts symbolize (the guests stand up when their names are called)

    Welcome to the family

    1. Maksimudtse: Iriki and Zhehito-san(They give a gift (origami) and an explanation for it, for example Airplane - I wish you to travel to warm countries this year))

    2. Family Rumyantsekhun: Anzhemi and Dimako-san

    3. Family Sharpanodtsa Olesity and Ivanito-san

    4. Family Bogdanidtso Snezhaki and Mihun-san

    5. Family Sukharidtse Alesya Sereki-san

    6. Family Pimenzen Alemi and Zhendai-san

    7. Family Kunyatsu Tanyako and Makhei-san

    Well, now let's pour it and drink to Original gifts and beautiful congratulations.

    Many of you are familiar with Japanese cuisine, and some of you will try exotic dishes for the first time. That's why we provide you with a choice of cutlery - chopsticks for professionals and forks for amateurs! (The presenter distributes chopsticks and forks)

    Leading: Well, my dear “Tanjobi omedeto” (Happy birthday - guests standing 3 times)

    And now bon appetit – itadakimas!

    Leading Toast: We wish you with all our hearts
    Good health forever,
    Good endless love,
    Great hope, strong faith,
    And complete happiness without measure,
    In the work of lasting success,
    And in life - sincere laughter! (We're having a drink)


    (They dress up the guests, attach balloons to their bellies) Dima, Angela, Zhenya and Ira

    Leading: And now the Summo Wrestlers want to congratulate you. We meet (congratulate).

    Leading: Sakhi-san, you know the wrestlers have performances tomorrow, and one player was seriously ill and they asked me to find a replacement for him. You could help them and fight a tough fight tomorrow. The wrestlers will test the birthday boy's strength and agility. (We attach a balloon to the birthday boy’s stomach and the fight continues until the one whose balloon bursts wins.)

    Leading: We drink to the bottom for congratulations.


    Leading: You know, the Japanese are great aesthetes when it comes to food. And Japanese proverbs are as beautiful as Japanese dishes. And to get small prizes you need to find an analogue to famous Japanese proverbs.

    (Guests are given cards with Russian proverbs, read the proverbs, and give a prize to the one who correctly finds the analogue)

    List of Japanese proverbs and approximate analogues:

    1. You can’t catch a horsefly and a bee at the same time. - If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

    2. If you fall in love, then you will forget about ugliness. - Love is blind.

    3. Negotiate the price for an uncaught badger. - Share the skin of an unkilled bear.

    4. While we are alive, we do not appreciate him, but when he is dead, we regret him. “What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose it, we cry.”

    5. As if a bird suddenly flew out from under your feet. - Like a bolt from the blue.

    6. Better than a hundred tomorrow, fifty today. - A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

    7. A silent bug gnaws at the wall. - There are devils in still waters.

    8. Fear gives rise to black devils. - Fear has big eyes.

    9. Bitten by a snake, he is afraid of a rotten rope. - Having been burned by milk, they blow on the water.

    10. He who does not know is as happy as Buddha. - The less you know the better you sleep.

    11. It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's den. – If you are afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest.

    12. And you will wait for good weather for the sea voyage. “And there will be a holiday on our street.”

    13. A falling drop breaks through a stone. - Water wears away stones.

    14. If you are poisoned by poison, treat yourself with the same poison. - Fight fire with fire.

    Leading: Now let’s raise our sakazuki (take glasses in our hands) and drink to love and our beautiful birthday people! Kanpai (Drink to the bottom)!


    (We dress up the guests with a mustache, a robe Olesya, Vanya)

    Leading: Dear birthday people, the representative of the Japanese parliament himself came to visit us with congratulations.

    Let's meet

    Japanese congratulations for newlyweds
    Japanese: Dorogutsi state position!
    Translator: Dear ladies and gentlemen!
    Japanese: Nasa delegate, Honda Japan mother, prime minister.
    Translator: Our delegation arrived from the Land of the Rising Sun on behalf of the Prime Minister.

    Japanese: It’s hard to write satire.
    Translator: Our road was very difficult. We flew by plane for a long time.
    Japanese: Mitsubishi Toyota San is a pit or a ditch.
    Translator: Then we drove for a long time in a foreign car called “Zaporozhets”.
    Japanese: Dorogutsi Sahi-san. and Natachi-san!
    Translator: Dear birthday people!

    Japanese: Freebie gunda kishi - misi yahamaha.
    Translator: Thank you for the invitation to such a significant event.
    Japanese: Prime Minister Murakashi Palakasi.
    Translator: The Prime Minister regrets that he was unable to come and congratulate you personally.
    Japanese: Kyurono hawajimi two boorish Japanese mother.
    Translator: But he sent us - two of the best representatives of the Japanese people.

    Japanese: Shikenawa ikebana shuka sex.
    Translator: So many smiles, joy and love here!
    Japanese: Women - san is a little thin - a little plump.
    Translator: There are so many beautiful and slender girls here!
    Japanese: Suzuki kimonota cherovata yapona bitches.
    Translator: Unfortunately, our Japanese women are not so beautiful and charming.

    Japanese: Nasa japona kobelina macaques are stupid.
    Translator: And men cannot compare with your Russian heroes.
    Japanese: Hitachi shuki tena, rodaki mani dali.
    Translator: How richly the table is set. Apparently your parents are rich and take good care of their children.

    Japanese: Aren't you a bad Japanese mother?
    Translator: Have you ever been to Japan?
    Japanese: Hiro is your Japanese mother.
    Translator: We invite you to visit our homeland.
    Japanese: Desya hamond sun prime minister take out su him japan mother.
    Translator: On behalf of the Japanese people and their Prime Minister, we thank you for the invitation and look forward to a generous meal.

    Japanese: Quasimode amaury pavori cherubim shuka sex.
    Translator: We wish you a lot of happiness and love!
    Japanese: Primihi, it’s meager, it’s a bit of a poor life!
    Translator: Accept a gift from our people!

    Leading: Let's thank our guests for the gift, invite them to the table and raise a glass to Sakazuki for their congratulations. Kapnay (Drink to the bottom)


    (We dress up the guests Misha-geisha and Snezhanna-shogun, congratulate and give a gift).

    Leading: We all know that Japan has very smart and wise people. They love to solve Sudoku and various puzzles. So now we’ll try to solve a crossword puzzle, only Russian, let’s see how smart you are, dear guests. And the crossword puzzle contains an encrypted gift for birthday people, so they can only receive it with your help.

    1. Singing to a backing track - karaoke

    2. Raw fish - sushi

    3. Hitman - ninja

    4. Mistress – geisha

    5. Paper plastic - origami

    6. Suicide - kamikaze

    7. Suicide – hara-kiri

    8. Fate is karma

    9. Robe - kimono

    10. Vodka - sake

    11. Warrior - samurai

    12. Cartoon - anime

    13. Bouquet – ikebana

    14. Mustard – wasabi

    15. Military leader - shogun

    Leading: Well, here is the long-awaited gift: meet the beautiful geisha and the brave samurai with congratulations for the birthday people

    Today it is rare to meet young people who have not yet tried Japanese cuisine. Sushi and rolls continue to gain popularity. If you and your friends are regulars at oriental restaurants, organize a themed birthday party. The main goal of the event is to get acquainted with the culture of the land of the rising sun, and at the same time have fun in a new way.

    Preparing invitations

    There are characteristic symbols of Japan that can be used in the design of invitations: the Japanese flag, sakura, fan, hieroglyphs, geisha, samurai.

    You can use this template for invitations

    What to wear to a party

    To create the right atmosphere, girls should imitate a kimono, belting it with a wide strip of colorful fabric. Makeup Features: bright skin faces, clearly defined bright lips, eyes lined with arrows. Men can also wear a kimono, but in a plain color, or belt a silk shirt and wear wide trousers.

    We decorate the room for the holiday

    Japan has many of its own symbols: from an originally designed low table and ethnic music to a sakura branch and incense. All these attributes will help create a calm national atmosphere; you can hang a Japanese flag and a poster with a dragon. Select suitable melodies here and place a Japanese flute in the background. Arrange the god figures and light incense for the aroma.

    We're setting the table

    No party would be complete without traditional seafood, sushi and rolls. Check out the Japanese style menu and table setting rules.

    There is nothing in common between birthday celebrations in Russia and oriental celebrations, so our script has only focus and thematic attributes.

    Nuances of organizing a holiday

    Not only the organizer, but also the guests need to work on preparation. Prepare:

    • Congratulations in the style of Japanese wisdom
    • Postcard with wishes-hieroglyphs
    • A gift related to the culture of this country (table setting set, book by Haruki Murakami, interior items)

    The organizer needs to prepare small gifts for the guests in advance so that they have an item that reminds them of this evening: magnets with appropriate designs, fans, incense, or even a couple of original hashi.


    Learning hieroglyphs

    Divide the guests into two or three teams. Prepare sheets for the number of commands with images of hieroglyphs and separately with their decoding (of course, without numbering and interspersed), set the task: to match each hieroglyph. The team that finds the most correct pairs in two minutes wins.

    1 - love

    2 - sakura

    3 - samurai

    6 - beautiful snowflakes fall dancing

    7 - drawing

    8 - respect

    Japanese wrestling

    Everyone is well aware of such a martial art as sumo. So let the opponents meet in battle today and let the strongest win. Of course, we won’t dress the wrestlers as real sumo wrestlers - it’s too cruel, but we definitely need to give some resemblance. We inflate big ones Balloons, securely fix them on the bellies of the “fighters” and announce the start of the fight. Whose balloon bursts first is eliminated. You can look not only at men's, but also at women's wrestling, let everyone take part and the winners will be determined.

    Guess what I'm talking about

    One participant says a phrase in Japanese, and the rest try to guess what it means. The speaker’s task is to pronounce the phrase with intonation that conveys the meaning. The task is not as simple as it seems at first glance: the first reading will baffle you, it’s fun to see how the participants cope with the difficulties of the language. Here are sample cards:

    • O genki deska? - How are you doing
    • Hajimemashite. Before: zoyoroshiku - Nice to meet you
    • Otanjo: bi omedeto: gozaimas - Happy Birthday
    • Aishiteru yo! -I love you
    • anata no kotoga Suki des - I like you
    • Mosimosi - hello
    • Kampai! - to the dregs
    • Kore ga jinsei - such is life

    Do YOU ​​know everything about the land of the rising sun?

    For this competition, prepare a small glass and pour some sake into it. Each participant, when picking it up, must remember something about Japan (a word, a symbol, etc.), while adding a little sake and passing it to another. Anyone who stumbles or whose hands are full of a pile must immediately tip it over. Words that can be spoken: kamikaze, karaoke, Japanese mother, hara-kiri, origami, ikebana, sudoku, Japanese policeman, banzai, etc., including phrases studied today.

    Geisha dance

    Let the evening end with a competition for the best geisha dance to oriental music. Let all representatives of the fair sex demonstrate their capabilities, and the winner will be determined as a result of general voting. If I give a lot, then suggest such nominations.

    Japanese style party

    We're planning a party.

    The party will be Japanese-themed, but all cultural features will not be respected. We chose a humorous rather than a serious approach to the party. You can come up with any name, it is desirable that it be original.

    Japanese party decoration. In order for party guests to fully experience the atmosphere of Japan, decorate the room in an oriental style. You can take one symbol of Japan and design a party around it. For example, many people associate Japan with

    · dragons, anime, samurai, etc.

    · Ribbons for tree branches

    · Origami (Japanese cranes)

    You can decorate a room with fans, hanging them anywhere, on walls, curtains, furniture. You can make them using newspapers, magazines, pieces of wallpaper.

    When setting the table, use Japanese-style plates. These are not round plates, but rectangular ones. And, of course, what is a party without music? You can find and download music on the Internet.

    Dress code for the party.

    To create a unique image, use a kimono (surely, if not you, then someone close to you has one), but do not forget to remind the guest that as an expert in martial arts, he is simply obliged to demonstrate his skills! This can be a small, short performance consisting of several spectacular techniques.

    The female half of the “Japanese team” should pay close attention to their makeup and hairstyle. You should try to make your face as white as possible, line your eyes and eyebrows with a black pencil, and cover your lips with gloss in a single or peach shade. Gather your hair into a bun and secure it with 2 sticks.

    You can dress up as anyone for a Japanese party:

    · robot, sumo wrestler, dragon, samurai, kamikaze, etc.

    The main thing is that the clothing style is Japanese and preferably funny.
    Japanese party, scenario in full swing

    Use Japanese words and expressions.

    Greet guests with a formal "konichiwa" or friendly "Ohayu." Raise your sakazuki (glasses) and shout “kanpai.” Don't forget to talk "arigato" (thank you) And “itadakimas” (bon appetit). All these words must be said while bowing slightly.

    Happy Birthday お誕生日おめでとうございます Otanjo:bi ometo:gozaimas
    Thank you どうも Before:mo
    Nice to meet you 初めまして。どうぞよろしく Hajimemashite. Do:joyoroshiku
    How are you doing? おげんきですか O genki deska?
    Long time no see お久し振りですね O hisashiburi des ne
    Sit down please どうぞ。おかけください Do:zo okakekudasai
    After you お先へどうぞ Osaki e do:zo.
    here I am (back) ただいま Tadaima
    Please ください kudasai
    I love you 愛してるよ Aishiteru yo!
    好きだ SUKI DA SUKI YO!
    大好き Daiski (I love it very much)
    I like you (= I love you) 1.おまえのことが好きだ 1.omae no kotoga Suki da (male version)
    2. 2. anata no kotoga Suki des (polite, female version)
    that is life これが人生 kore ga jinsei
    to the dregs! かんぱい Kampai

    List short phrases that can help in the conversation:

    1. Yes_________ Hi
    2. No_________Ie
    3. I understand_________Vakarimas
    4. I don’t understand_________Wakarimasen
    5. Thank you_________Arigato
    6. Please_________Before you take it out
    7. Please (offer)_______Do:zo
    8. Please (request)_________Onegai shimas
    9. Sorry_________Sumimasen
    10. It’s okay________Give jobu des.
    11. Let's begin!_________SA: HAJIMEMASE:
    12. Good morning!_________OHAIE: GOZAIMAS
    13. Good afternoon!_________KONITI WA
    14. Good evening!_________KONBAN WA
    15. How is your health?_________OGENKI DES KA
    16. Thank you, okay_________ARIGATO: GENKI DES
    17. How are you?_________IKAGA DES KA
    18. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other!_________HISASHIBURI NE
    19. Please!_________TO: Subsidiary and affiliate
    20. Goodbye!_________SAE:A
    21. See you later!_________MATA OME NI
    22. See you!_________JYA: MATA
    23. See you tomorrow!_________ME: NICHI OME NI KAKARIMASE
    24. See you tomorrow!_________MATA ASYTA
    25. I beg your pardon_________GO MAN NASAI
    26. Can't you help me?________OH NEGAI ITASIMAS
    27. Sorry to bother you__ SUMIMASEN DESITA
    28. Can I come in?_________HAITTEMO Iy DES KA
    29. Thank you very much!_________BEFORE: MO ARIGATO: GOZAIMASYTA
    30. No need for gratitude_________BEFORE: ITASIMASITE
    31. Everything is okay!_________ARIGATO: GENKI DES
    32. Congratulations!_________OMEDETO:
    33. Thank you for your help!_GOKEREKU ARIGATO: GOZAIMAS
    34. Thanks for the invitation!_________GOSE: TAI ARIGATO: GOZAIMAS
    35. Thank you for everything!_______IROIRO TO DO: MO ARIGATO:
    36. Thank you for the wonderful gift!_________KEKKO NA: PUREDZENTO ARIGATO: GOZAIMAS
    37. Glad to meet you!_________HAJIMEMASITE DO: DZO EROSIKU
    38. My name is _________WATASHI NO NAMAE WA DES
    42. Let's get acquainted!_________DEVA SE:KAISIMAS
    45. Let me introduce you to Mr. _________SAN O GES:KAI ITASIMAS
    47. I don't speak Japanese_____Nigongo wa hanase-masen
    48. Please speak more slowly_______Mo: skoschi yukkurihanashite kudasai
    49. Goodbye_________Sayo:nara
    50. Good night_________O Yasumi Nasai
    52. And the same to you_________Kochir askance
    53. How do you use it?_________Kore o doyatte tsukaimaska?
    54. What is this?_________Kore wa nandeska?
    55. Where is the toilet?________O toire va dokodeska?
    57. What time is it?_________Nanji deska?
    58. I_________vatashi
    59. you (you)_________anata
    60. he_________karz
    62. she__________kanojo
    63. woman_________josei
    64. man_________dansei
    65. wife_________okusan
    66. husband_________shyujin
    67. daughter_________musume
    68. child_________kodomo
    69. son_________musuko

    Evening progress the Incas.

    The Japanese are no less hospitable people than us, so first invite guests to the table. Place chopsticks near the plates in advance, but before you start eating, when everyone is at the table, offer to “buy” spoons and forks for all guests, but you need to pay for them not with money, but with your wits. You say some Japanese proverb, and the guests must name a similar Russian proverb. Of course, some guests will want to try eating with chopsticks, so you shouldn't insist on this.

    A real samurai

    This competition is best done right at the table, so everyone present can participate. Participants are given several A4 sheets of paper (white or colored - optional) and are asked to fold them into any weapon using the origami technique in 3 minutes. Let the guests imagine themselves as ancient samurai guarding the peace of a powerful ruler. They can't do without powerful weapons!

    The winner is the one who completes it faster (more beautifully).

    Japan mom

    2-3 men are invited to participate in the competition, and large balloons are tied to their bellies. Their task is to collect beautiful sakura petals from the floor. Instead of sakura petals, we can have rose petals. (cut from paper)

    There should be enough of them to cover the floor. If a participant’s “stomach” bursts “during the collection” of petals, he is eliminated from the game. The one who collects the most petals wins.

    Japanese cook

    (details – pictures with hieroglyphs, pancakes, mayonnaise with a dispenser according to the number of participants)

    Those wishing to participate in the competition are given a sample picture of a hieroglyph (for fairness of the competition - the same), a pancake (you can use a cake or a slice of bread) and a pack of mayonnaise, preferably with a dispenser. The participants’ task is to copy a hieroglyph from a picture onto a pancake in 1 minute. The fastest one wins!

    7) Masaka, or It Can't Be! Guests are invited to compete for their wits. The presenter names a Japanese proverb, and the participants must choose the most suitable Russian equivalent.

    Japanese proverb Analogue in Russian Proverb in Japanese
    You can't catch a horsefly and a bee at the same time (you can't grab it) If you chase two hares, you won't catch either Abu hachi torazu
    Like a dragon in the clouds Feel like a fish in water Ryu no kumo o etaru ga gotoshi
    (Go) while it's light under your feet Strike while the iron is hot Ashimoto no akarui uchi ni
    Fifty today is better than a hundred tomorrow A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush Ashita (asu) no hyaku yori cube no goju
    A silent bug gnaws at the wall Still waters run deep Damarimushi kabe o sukasu (horu)
    Give the key to the thief for safekeeping Let the goat into the garden Dorobo ni kagi o azukeru
    Twisting the rope after the thief has already been caught After a fight they don’t wave their fists Dorobo o toraete nawa o nau
    The fortune teller does not know his own destiny Shoemaker without shoes Ekisha mi no ue shirazu
    Sticking a hoe into someone else's field Poking your nose into other people's affairs Hito no hatake ni kuwa o ireru
    Your own thing is more valuable than someone else's Your shirt is closer to your body Hito no mono yori jibun no mono

    8. The best samurai
    The following props are required for the competition: a bamboo or any other cane about a meter long, and at least 5-10 plastic rings with a diameter of 10 to 15 centimeters. We call several pairs of participants. In a pair, one plays the role of a samurai, and the other his faithful squire. We give the samurai a cane (his sword), and the squire a ring. We separate the samurai and the squire at a certain pre-marked distance. The samurai's task is to catch with his sword as many rings as possible that are thrown by his squire .

    One day in a restaurant

    Visited with the lady of my heart
    We are a Japanese restaurant.
    Foreigners bow,
    Like I'm some kind of sultan.

    Instantly they bring us to the table,
    They serve a menu... it seems...
    I looked through it. Slightly on edge -
    What kind of cuneiform is this?

    Deal with this matter
    It seems like I can't...
    But already above us in white
    The man has been standing for a long time.

    Don't think we're suckers
    Like a Japanese sensei
    I flashed my knowledge in front of the lady:
    - Sake for me, sepuku for her!

    The dog is a symbol of the hearth
    The Japanese have small ones.
    And in Russia - a poker
    And a scarlet flower.

    You can order sushi and rolls to your home in the restaurant. Also among the treats d.b. Lots of fish and seafood dishes. Japanese pancakes are very popular (we make the dough in water and add all kinds of finely chopped vegetables to it, then mix and bake like pancakes)

    The central place at a Japanese-style party should be given to sushi, which has already become traditional for us. Making sushi rolls yourself is not at all difficult.

    Women's Japanese name

    Azumi is a safe place to live
    A-indigo or love
    Ameya evening rain
    Ayame iris flower
    Akane is brilliant
    Akane diamond red
    Ayam means iris
    Arizu noble appearance
    Bunko educated child
    Janko is a pure child
    June is obedient
    Izumi fountain
    Yoko ocean child
    Yoshi means fragrant branch
    Yoshiko noble child
    Coe world
    Kiku chrysanthemum
    Marie beloved woman
    Mai dance
    Miwa translates to beautiful harmony
    Makoto is correct and faithful
    Mizuki beautiful moon
    Masami elegant beauty
    Minori is a wonderful harbor
    Madoka circle of flowers
    Mommo peach
    Naoki fair punishment
    Ray call, spirit, polite woman
    Ren water lily
    Rico child of jasmine
    Sake Cape
    Sekera means Japanese flourishing
    Uzeji rabbit
    Haruka distance

    Hotaru firefly
    Hitomi is a name for a girl with very beautiful eyes.
    Harumi spring beauty
    Hoshi translated as star
    Haruki spring tree
    Shinju pearl
    Yuka friendship blossoming
    Yuki happiness, snow
    Yasuko child of the world
    Yayoi means spring
    Yasu is a calm girl

    Japanese male names
    Akayo is a smart person
    Aki - the name has the meaning - autumn, bright
    Akira is a Japanese male name meaning bright, clear, dawn
    Akihiko - the bright prince
    Akihiro - smart, scientist, bright
    Aretha - the name matters - new
    Atsushi - warm-hearted, hardworking
    June - the name has a meaning - obedient
    Junichi - obedient, purity, first
    Deiki - of great value
    Daysyuk is a great helper
    Izamu - brave man, warrior
    Izao - honor, merit
    Izanaji - a man who invites
    Iori - the name matters - addiction
    Yoshayo - good man
    Yoshikezu - good and harmonious, fair, first (son)
    Yoshiro - name means good son
    Iooo - stone man
    Ichiro - first boy son
    Kayoshi - name means quiet
    Ken - healthy and strong
    Kenji - intellectual ruler
    Kenichi - first builder, governor
    Kenta - healthy, strong
    Kenshin - name means - humble truth
    Kero - ninth son
    Kiyoshi - name means pure, holy
    Kunayo - name means compatriot
    Kazuki - the beginning of a new generation, pleasant peace, or radiance
    Kezuo is a harmonious person
    Kazuhiko - the first, harmonious prince
    Kazuhiro - harmony, widespread
    Keitashi - name means hardness
    Makoto is a true man
    Madoka - name means calm
    Mazuio - increasing the world
    Mazeki - correct report, graceful tree
    Mazenory - correct principles, successful government
    Mazeru - intellectual, victorious
    Matheto is a proper, graceful person
    Mazahiko - fix the prince
    Menebu - name means diligent
    Maseyuki - proper happiness
    Nobuo is a loyal person
    Norayo is a man of principles
    Ozemu - male ruler
    Rio - excellent
    Ryota - strong, strong
    Raiden - name means thunder and lightning
    Ryuu - Japanese male name, meaning - dragon
    Suzumu - progressive
    Sedeo is the deciding man
    Setoru - name means enlightened
    Takashi is a filial official worthy of praise
    Taro - to the great son (this name is given only to the first son)
    Tetsuo - clear (thinking) man, iron man
    Toshiyuki - emergency and happy
    Tsuyoshi - name means strong
    Tsutomu - working man

    Tedashi - correct, loyal, fair
    Takao - a tall, noble man
    Temotsu - full, protective
    luxurious brightness
    Hizoka - name means -saved
    Hizeo - long-lasting man
    Hoteka - step by step
    Hedzheim - the name means - the beginning
    Haruo - the man of springtime
    Shin is a true man
    Shinichi - devoted, first (son)
    Shuji - excellent, second (son)
    Shuichi - excellent, manager, first (son)
    Yuichi - brave, friendly, first (son)
    Yukayo is a happy man

    Yuu - the name means - superior
    Yasushi - male name means honest and peaceful


    I’ll say right away that you need to choose candidates for the role of a Japanese woman and a translator wisely. These roles require serious people who are difficult to make laugh. In this congratulation, it is important that the guests laugh, and not those who perform. Another tip: if possible, let candidates read the texts.
    - a Japanese woman needs to be dressed (any wraparound robe will do) and made up so that she looks as similar as possible.
    - work on your voice (squeakier).
    - and most importantly, steps (mincing) and slight bends forward.
    - There is no need to change the interpreter's clothes.

    Phrases are spoken one by one. First a Japanese woman, then a translator, again a Japanese woman, and again a translator. etc. For convenience, I numbered them.

    Before the delegation leaves, the presenter says:

    Dear guests!!! Today, on this holiday, a Japanese delegation arrived to congratulate the hero of the day, which was passing through (name of city, village...). But I understand that we cannot do without a translator.

    (our guests come out here)


    1. Dorogutsa gospozytsa!!! (name) - san!
    2.Nasa delegate Honda Japan mother prime minister skiff.
    3.Herak TU - 100 write sartiri. Mitsubishi Toyota-san is either a pit or a ditch.
    4. Freebie mundi pussy misi for Kohama Honda.
    5. Dorogutsa gospozytsa!!! (name) - san!
    6. Kyuronu hwajima dvahama qin yang rubbish japan mother.
    7. Shiki nawa ikebana shuka sex.
    8. Mikuro lighthouses are a bit rude on the tenth birthday.
    9.Syuki soni miminda huli washi mochi quasimodo hemurovato moonshine.
    10. (name) - san Sakura is beautiful!!!
    11. Women - san rather thin and magnificent. Hitati syuki soni bilyati desya.
    12.But we are bullshit.
    13. Nasa japona kobelina macaques are stupid.
    14. Mow bitch hay yum-yum
    15. Tsuzuki kinonoto sucks! Tsuzuki macaque Honda Kobelina - san falasa Japan mother.
    16.Wee not hurato Japan's mother?
    17.Don’t be a jerk to you, mother Japan.
    18.Kalimati u mati turado matsue.
    19. Sakura Pokhov obihiro ise oak given.
    20. This crappy hacienda doesn’t fuck bahima.
    21.Desya hamondo paskuda sun hun tsai take out yourself dry manja ise Japan mother.
    22.Wajima omori pakote cherubima shuka sex.
    23.Thank you kamodo oh my.


    1.Dear gentlemen!!! Dear, (name).

    2. Our delegation arrived from the land of the rising sun on behalf of the Prime Minister.
    3. Our road was very difficult. We flew by plane for a long time.
    4. Then we drove in a car called a Zaporozhets.
    5. Dear gentlemen!!! Dear (name)!!!
    6. Thank you for the invitation to such a significant event! The Prime Minister regrets that he was unable to attend in person.
    7. But he sent me - the best representative of the Japanese people
    8. How wonderful is your celebration, dear ones!
    9. There are so many smiles, joy, love here
    10. (name), you are a beautiful flower with a stamen and pistil
    11. How many beautiful and slender women are there!
    12. Unfortunately, our women are not so beautiful and charming.
    13. And men cannot compare with your Pskov heroes.
    14.How richly your tables are set!
    15. In Japan, our tables are not set so richly and it often happens that there are only two eggs per man per year!
    16.Have you been to Japan???
    17. We invite you to visit our Motherland.
    18.We have wonderful nature and climate.
    19.But in Porkhov It's cool in winter and hot in summer, like in the Sahara.
    20.We really liked this banquet hall, and the estate looks impressive.
    21.On behalf of the Japanese people, we thank you for your warm welcome and look forward to a generous meal.
    22. We wish you a sea of ​​happiness, health and love!!
    23.Thank you and goodbye!!!

    Cool tongue twisters(you can drag them one by one and read them)

    Once upon a time there lived three Chinese - Yak, Yak-Tsidrak, Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni,
    And three more Chinese women - Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi.
    Yak got married to Tsypa, Yak-Tsidrak to Tsypa-Drip,
    Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni on Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi…
    Here they had children: Yak and Tsypa had Shah,
    at Yak-Tsidrak with Tsypa-Drypa - Shakh-Sharah,
    at Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidroni with Tsypo-Drypa-Lampoponi - Shah-Sharah-Sharoni.

    I sewed a fur coat - I sewed a skirt.
    I sewed a hat - I sewed a slipper.
    Natasha is a good seamstress!

    Fluttering fins, toothy and skinny.
    Looking for food for lunch, the pike walks around the bream.
    The pike tries in vain to drag away the bream.

    The snake was bitten by the snake.
    I can't get along with the snake.
    It has become narrower from horror.
    The snake will eat him for dinner.

    It's bad to fall on a hedgehog from the second floor.

    The bull was rampaging in front of the oak tree,
    Shaking his brown forelock under the oak tree.
    Oak grabbed him by the forelock.
    - Don't be a brawler! - exclaimed the oak tree.

    Cunning ferret, quick ferret,

    The cockerel whispers to the cat:
    - Do you see the lush comb?
    The cat whispers to the cockerel:
    - Take one step and I'll take a bite!

    The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse,
    Neck, skin on belly.
    And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
    "Won't you rub my back?"

    Shishiga walked along the highway,
    He walked, rustling his pants.
    The step will step, whisper: “Error”,
    Moves his ears.

    Near the pit there is a hill with sacks. I'll go up the hill and straighten the sack.

    I'm driving through a pothole, I won't get out of the pothole.

    A lilac jacket with a collar.

    Bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf

    The baker baked the dough early in the morning

    "The puppy squeaks pitifully,
    He's carrying a heavy shield"

    "Grandfather Danil shared the melon, a slice for Dima, a slice for Dina"

    “Rain, rain, don’t rain, Rain, rain, wait. Let gray-haired Grandfather get home.”

    "Not the same, comrades, comrade comrade,
    Who is a comrade with comrades,
    And he, comrades, comrade to a comrade,
    Who without comrades is a comrade"

    "Buy a pile of spades, buy a pile of fluff"

    "The quail swaddled, swaddled and swaddled"

    "I met a hedgehog in a thicket,

    How's the weather, hedgehog? - Fresh.

    And we went home, trembling,

    Hunching, cowering, two hedgehogs"

    Myla Mila teddy bear with soap,

    Mila dropped the soap.

    Mila dropped her soap

    I didn’t wash the bear with soap



    He thinks - a lot. He says it’s not enough. He does it right.


    He thinks about a lot. He says convincingly. He does it as best he can.

    Twins He thinks about himself. He says what he thinks. He does it and thinks it’s very good.

    He thinks - constantly. He says it's tempting. He does whatever they tell him to do.

    He thinks - exactly. He says it’s too much. He does something that he couldn’t get away from.


    He thinks one thing. He says something else. Does - the third, but well.


    He thinks it’s too much. He says honestly. Does it responsibly.


    He thinks - concentrated. He says exactly. He does what he likes.


    He thinks that it’s only him... He says that everyone except him... He does it with someone else’s hands.


    He thinks what comes to mind. He says what he came up with. He does what he can.


    He thinks, “What do you need?” He says, “well, if necessary.” He does it better than anyone else.


    He thinks that no one knows. He says he's being clever. Does it, depending on whether the work will be checked.

    Fortune telling on paper "Love Formula" will tell you what kind of relationship you have with your loved one, what awaits you in the future, what problems may arise between you, etc. The formula of love will reveal the secret of your relationship. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Answer the questions below and use the formula to calculate your pair's number.
    For this sheet fortune telling, you may also need a table that allows you to convert the letters into a numerical value. Here she is:

    1. How many letters are in your name?
    2. How many letters are in his name?
    3. If your name has the letter O? Which one? (if not, set it to 0)
    4. Is there an O in his name? Which one? (if not, set it to 0)
    5. What is the numerical value of the first letter of your name?
    6. What is the numerical value of the first letter of his name?
    7. How many letters L are in your names?
    Love formula: = (L - 7) x 2,
    where L (Love) = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 (sum of answers to all questions).
    For example Let's calculate the figure for the couple Julia and Vyacheslav:
    1. 4
    2. 8
    3. 0
    4. 0
    5. 5
    6. 3
    7. 2
    Next we find our result: L = 4 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 3 + 2 = 22
    = (22 – 7) x 2 = 30
    Don’t forget to convert the resulting number into a simple number from 1 to 9. In our case, 30: 3 + 0 = 3. Now you can find out what awaits the couple with the number 3, what kind of relationship these young people will have, will they be together?

    Digit 1– this is love at first sight, and on the part of both partners. If you are still not together, then think about why? Maybe some of you are afraid to take the first step? It's time to build relationships, and not trample each other's path...
    But if you are already together, then your relationship can be called ideal. Although there are quarrels and misunderstandings, these are trifles for you. After all, you quickly move towards reconciliation. Your relationship will be full of passion, adventure, and emotion. You will never be bored with each other.
    Both of you are full of ambition and stubbornness, often your couple can be called a battlefield. But this arrangement will not embarrass you, you both like this manifestation of feelings. You don't look like a couple who would sit quietly in front of the TV and crack sunflower seeds. You enjoy the intensity of passion in your relationship.
    The main danger in this couple may be the desire of both partners to subjugate themselves to each other. There is no need to turn your union into a pair of doves imprisoned in a cage. You can build a long and harmonious relationship if you live in the outside world and not focus on your partner. You need Fresh air, which gives you emotions and new knowledge. Don't be afraid to give your partner a little freedom, try to find fun outside of your relationship.
    Your couple has every chance to build a long and beautiful union.

    Digit 2- a very beautiful and deep union. In this relationship, both partners have kindred spirits, they are very similar. It’s as if they have known each other for 100 years, they feel and try to satisfy each other’s desires. They live by caring for each other and supporting each other in difficult times. In general, we can say that they exist only for themselves, they do not see anyone or anything. They enjoy living as their couple.
    This union will be like 2 cooing doves. They are not afraid of problems and obstacles, because they know that together they will overcome all difficulties.
    But some stumbling blocks may arise. Moreover, these stones will be created by you. Sometimes you will get tired of this calm and balanced life, because there must be some quarrels and conflicts? It is precisely because of the lack of emotional outbursts that you yourself will invent problems and conflicts, just to get the heat of passions. As soon as you receive them, both calm down and continue to coo.

    Digit 3– in your relationship there will always be equality and mutual respect. Such a union can be called beautiful. Your love story will be full of pleasant memories - flowers, gifts, seeing the dawn, the first night by candlelight, etc. The most important thing is that this beginning of your relationship does not go downhill. But you will try to do everything not to bring your relationship to the lowest level. If between you real love, then you will succeed!
    It will be easy for you to get along with each other, since you have common interests and a common worldview. But you cannot say that you are the same, on the contrary, you are different personalities, and that is why you are so drawn to each other. You are interested in learning something new about your partner.
    You will never have any arguments about whose opinion is more important and whose idea is better. You understand each other easily, and it will not be difficult for you to discuss everything and make a common decision. You understand perfectly well that you are both individuals with different opinions and imposing yours on anyone is stupid. It’s easier to come to an agreement and live in peace.
    You can easily build a harmonious and happy union, but everything can be ruined by the betrayal of one of the partners. Here such mistakes will not go unpunished. So keep in mind that infidelity can put a damper on your relationship.

    Digit 4– the expression “together is cramped, but apart is boring” suits your couple very well. Well, you are drawn to each other, and nothing can be done about it. But some kind of omissions and conflicts constantly arise between you. This is most likely due to the fact that you do not understand each other; it is difficult for you to find a common point of contact. You are like a swan, a crayfish and a pike. Because of this, stumbling blocks arise between you and drive you apart.
    But after a while you forget about your common quarrels and return to each other. But after harmony and idyll, problems begin again. And so on all the time. You are already so used to coming together and diverging that it has already become habitual for you.
    You can build a wonderful and friendly union, you just have to hear and understand your partner’s point of view. There is no need to “sculpt” your partner into the ideal of your fantasies; try to accept and adapt to your soul mate. Understand that for the sake of love, sometimes you have to make some sacrifices and give up your ambitions.
    You have every chance to be happy. The main thing is not to forget that you are a couple, and two people should live not only for themselves, but for two!

    Number 5- your relationship will be distinguished by special passion, and from the very beginning of your love story you will be so blinded by each other that you may not even notice all the shortcomings of your partner.
    Of course, initially you will not care about anything around you - only you two will exist for you and nothing else, you will look at the world with rose-colored glasses. And only over time you will see that everything seemed not quite as it really is.
    Slowly you will begin to notice that your partner is not ideal at all, that he also has his own “troubles”. And here it is no longer known whether your relationship will continue. If you can accept this reality and try to adapt to your partner, then you have every chance of being happy. And if your disappointment is so great that you don’t want to accept anything, then the ending of your relationship will be sad.
    So love, but don’t forget to look at the world soberly, try to find out more about your partner, find out in advance all his bad habits, so that later all this does not become a big surprise for you. And remember, ideal people do not exist!

    Digit 6- your couple will not be particularly passionate and trembling. This is rather friendly love: you are close and interesting to each other, your relationship is built on mutual understanding. You feel good together. Don't expect intense emotions and passions here.
    If you like a calm and balanced life, then this is the kind of relationship that will suit you. The most important thing is that you can easily find a common point of contact, and together you can solve any problem. Is this not enough for a happy life?
    This is a very beautiful and stable relationship; not all couples manage to achieve such harmony. But it is worth paying attention that in this union small problems will arise. Often this will be due to the jealousy of partners. Both idealize their couple too much, and the thought that the partner is unfaithful brings a lot of quarrels into this relationship.
    This couple has every chance of being happy, the main thing is that both partners not only understand each other, but also trust each other. After all, trust is one of the most important moments when building a family.

    Number 7– in such relationships, it is very often disastrous that one of the partners tries to show his leadership qualities more than the other. There will be no equality here. One person will lead the whole couple, but will the other partner, who gets a secondary role, be able to accept this relationship. If both are satisfied with this format of the relationship, then these 2 partners can form a happy couple.
    Speaking about the positive aspects of this compatibility, we note that both are sociable individuals, they need to receive new emotions, they need active image life, they are not used to sitting at home on quiet evenings. Therefore, in this regard, they will not have a collision. They will always find something to talk about and something to do. Both partners are devoted and faithful, they will never betray their soulmate. But even if this suddenly happens (most likely due to stupidity), then no one will hide their mistake. They live by the rule: “better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.” You can have complete confidence in your partner and in your relationship. In general, this couple has every chance of building a long and harmonious union. You just don’t need to live for yourself, live for the couple and try to understand and accept your partner for who he is. Don't forget to tell your partner how much you love him and how much you care about him. Don't skimp on compliments!
    Number 8- a difficult union, you can’t say anything. Maybe the beginning of your relationship will be beautiful and romantic, but in the future this romance will fade away. The period of falling in love is characterized by the fact that you completely dissolve in your soul mate, you do not see any shortcomings in your partner. But when time passes, you cool down, feelings are more reminiscent of attachment than passion and love, and that’s when problems and conflicts begin. You notice all the shortcomings of your partner, reproach him, criticize him. In general, a difficult period is coming in your relationship. A feeling of dissatisfaction arises in the relationship, you begin to look for other emotions, maybe even in another opposite field. Of course, you are more interested in starting a new relationship with romance, love and passion than in understanding the cause of your problems with your current partner. Don’t run from your conflicts, you don’t need to close yourself off from problems, it’s better to try to understand what’s going wrong with you. Understand your relationships.
    Such a couple has every chance to be happy. You can build a friendly and harmonious union. But for this you need to try: accept your partner for who he is, you don’t need to delve into him and look for flaws, rather look for all his positive qualities and appreciate him. Your union needs patience and mutual understanding on the part of both partners! Remember that everyone has shortcomings, you are not a gift either...

    Number 9- you are together? This is very

    There are 2 options to prepare dishes according to the theme of the evening:

    1. Order everything you need with home delivery. There are no problems with this; you just need to set the table correctly.
    2. Prepare all meals yourself. We will dwell on this option in more detail.

    It is much easier to organize a Japanese-style dinner for two than for 10 or more people. You can set a table for 2, 4 or even 6 people with your own hands. For a larger group, it will be easier to order Japanese food at home.

    What you need to have on the table for a Japanese-style holiday:

    • Wooden sticks - hase, for each separately
    • Large main course tray
    • Small bowls for soy sauce and ginger - preferably for each
    • Saucer for mixing wasabi and sauce
    • Salad bowls
    • Cups with lids for rice and soup
    • Large noodle bowls
    • A clay or porcelain jug for sake, small glasses for each person for pouring

    Objects can be different in shape: round, rectangular, and square. The Japanese love contrasts, so for those who want to maintain the atmosphere, dark dishes should be placed on a light table, and light ones on a dark one.

    If you decide to cook yourself, then special kits are sold for making sushi; they contain everything you need: a sushi mat, nori sheets, rice vinegar, rice, ginger, wasabi. The boxes also contain detailed information on preparation, with all the nuances. You only need to purchase the filling you prefer: cheese, cucumber, salmon, eel, crab meat, shrimp, avocado, etc. One set will be enough for 6 people; for more people you can buy the components separately. You can also additionally prepare miso soup, rice, noodles, salads - the ingredients for these dishes are also sold in the specialized section of any supermarket.

    Sample menu in Japanese style for a birthday:

    1. Rolls with red fish, shrimp, avocado

    To prepare the rolls, cook the rice according to the instructions and season it with vinegar. Nori sheets are cut in half and placed on a bamboo mat with a smooth surface. Next, lay the rice in a thin layer with your hands dipped in water and rice vinegar, slightly short of the edge of the sheet. The filling is laid out: raba, shrimp fried in soy sauce, avocado, cut into 1 cm bars. You can add soft cream cheese or wasabi at your discretion. The rolls are twisted so that the rice is wrapped around the filling, they are not wrapped in a snail, the edge free from rice holds the roll together. Then the mat is used to give the desired shape: a cylinder or a bar. Use a very sharp knife to cut into 4-6 pieces.

    2.Funcheza noodles

    Thin “glass” noodles are brewed with boiling water and vegetable oil. If the noodles are thicker than 0.5 mm, then they should be boiled for a couple of minutes. The noodles are then washed under running cold water. In a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry sweet peppers and ½ carrots, cut into strips for 2-3 minutes, add boiled shrimp, crushed garlic, a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce. Then add the previously boiled noodles and simmer a little. You can serve garnished with greens.

    3. Sashimi salad

    To prepare the salad, cut fish consisting of salmon, mackerel, tuna, scallop, and lakerda is used. Sliced ​​vegetables, cucumbers cut into strips, Tobiko flying fish caviar red or orange, greens, Sashimi dressing. Vegetables: cabbage, beets, carrots, after chopping, are washed and left to drain. It is important that they do not color other products and do not release excess juice. All ingredients are mixed carefully, dressing and lettuce are added and placed on separate plates.

    4. Sake or plum wine

    The dishes are served all at the same time, rice and soup should be hot, the rest should be served cold. The chopsticks are placed on a special tray for each participant, with sharp edges to the left. If you go to a restaurant, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior and eating in accordance with Japanese traditions. IN home environment everything is simpler and Japanese food can be treated as a new note on the holiday table menu.

    If Japanese food is part theme party, then you should make sure that every guest is aware of its rules. For example, print out colorful booklets with the rules of etiquette and behavior when eating national food. A large poster “How to use hasi” can be hung in the most prominent place; it will definitely attract a lot of attention.

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    Japanese style party scenario

    Children's menu

    If you master it :)... I copied this from the website of a Russian lady living in Japan.
    I have cooked Tonkatsu cutlets many times, deliciously with the sauce of the same name (available in Japanese online stores, where you can also buy briquettes of semi-finished Japanese curry sauce). By the way, tonkatsu is served with cabbage salad: finely chop the cabbage, mash with salt, season with lime juice, vegetable oil and sugar. You can also add finely chopped cucumber and dill (this is already a canteen gag :))

    Wasabimayo salad dressing.
    Table mayonnaise - 1/2 cup
    Wasabi (paste) - 1/2 teaspoon
    Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
    Mix everything together using a spoon, or fork, or an egg whisk. Until a homogeneous consistency! You need to be especially careful to ensure that all the wasabi is mixed. When eating a salad, a piece of wasabi that gets on the tongue can greatly spoil the sensation.
    The result is a dressing similar in consistency to mayonnaise, creamy in color.
    The proportions can be varied depending on your own tastes. Those who enjoy spicy, eye-popping foods may want to increase the wasabi dose to 1 teaspoon or more (depending on how fresh the wasabi paste you find). Soy sauce acts as salt, so there is NO NEED for additional salt. But if you prefer very salty food, you can add more salt. Just try it first.
    What salads can be dressed?

    Variations that I have personally tried:
    1. Primitive.
    Potatoes, boiled in their jackets - 2 medium-sized pieces
    Boiled egg (hard-boiled) - 1 piece
    Fresh cucumber - ...to be honest, I don’t remember what kind of cucumbers are found in Russia at this time of year. Assume that there should be approximately the same amount of cucumber as potatoes. Maybe a little less.
    Peel the potatoes and eggs. Cut everything and season it.
    2. Avocado and shrimp.
    Avocado - 1 piece
    Small shrimp - about 1 cup boiled (about the same volume as an avocado)
    Onion - to taste, 1-2 tablespoons very finely chopped.
    Shake the ripe avocado out of its skin and cut into cubes. Boil shrimp (peeled tails) in salted water. Cut the onion into thin half rings, lightly pour boiling water over it, or simply soak for 5 minutes in cold water (then, if the stump is clear, drain the water). Mix everything and season. You need to mix very carefully, because avocados have a nasty habit of “smearing.”
    To make it pretty, you can mix the shrimp with onions and dressing and a little avocado. Place this mixture in a salad bowl and sprinkle the remaining avocado on top.
    3. Avocado with potatoes.
    Boiled potatoes “in their jackets” - 1-2 pieces
    Avocado - 1 piece
    Fresh cucumber - 1 small
    Peel the potatoes and avocado, cut everything into cubes or whatever, season and mix. Likewise: stir carefully!
    4. Spinach with squid.
    I recommend a squid-spinach ratio of somewhere around 1 to 4 (squid weighs 4 times less than spinach). But the proportions can be changed depending on your tastes.
    Boil spinach, squeeze thoroughly. You can cook already chopped or chop already boiled. Frozen spinach will also work; thaw it and also squeeze out excess moisture well.
    Boil squid (carcass, peeled) in salted water. Cut into strips 2-3 centimeters long and about 5 millimeters wide.
    You can add thinly chopped and slightly soaked onions to “beat off” the bitterness.
    Season and mix.
    In general, this dressing goes well with products that have a weak or not pronounced taste. All kinds of seafood are going well. I also recommend potatoes, fresh cucumbers and boiled eggs. I wouldn’t recommend pickles and ham sausage, but if someone really wants it... 10/21/2014 10:02:39 AM, trisch

    Let's continue the conversation...
    Niku-jaga (niku - meat, jagaimo - ordinary potatoes)
    Basically, meat and potatoes stewed in soy sauce. Lots of variations are possible. I will give the classic version and possible additions, there is a lot of room for creativity.
    potatoes, say, 500 grams;
    meat, beef, 200 grams (no need to take tenderloin, the meat should be a little fatty, take it approximately as for stew or roast); There should be 2-3 times less meat than potatoes (you can have pork, but then it’s not very fatty; boneless chicken will also work). Bones and cartilage are not desirable.
    onion, one large head
    dashi broth (1 tbsp per 500 ml water)
    regular soy sauce (I don’t know what kind they have in Russia, take the simplest one, BUT NOT SOUR!), that. which is fine for sushi.
    sugar, maybe a little sake, salt
    Any vegetable oil, but refined (so that there are no foreign odors)
    green peas, canned or frozen. canned can be used as is, just drain the water; it’s better to lightly boil the ice cream (drain the water too, of course).
    Deep frying pan or wide saucepan with a thick bottom.
    Peel the potatoes and cut into tablespoon-sized pieces. Medium potatoes - about 8 pieces. Small new potatoes can be whole.
    Cut the meat into pieces approximately 2x2x2 cm. It is better if you can cut a large piece into very thin slices along the grain; the thinner the better. But pieces are also ok. You can also use minced meat.
    Cut the onion in half, and then chop the hemispheres lengthwise, not too carefully, about 5-10 mm wide.
    Everything seems to be ready. Let's get started!
    1. Place the frying pan on medium heat. At the bottom - a little vegetable oil, two tablespoons. Throw the onion into the heated oil, and then the meat. Fry until the meat completely changes color and begins to release juice. Here you can add 1/3 cup of sake, if you have it, and stir for another 5 minutes. If there is no sake, well, don’t. The meat should be easily pierced with a fork. If too tough, reduce heat and stir a little more. Throw potatoes in there too. For 5 minutes, stirring, fry everything together.
    2. Pour dashi broth over the meat and potatoes. If we use dry concentrate, then you can prepare the broth in advance or pour water over the potatoes and meat, and then pour in the dasha concentrate. The broth should only lightly cover the meat and potatoes. I think two glasses, no more. Follow the instructions on the concentrate packaging! Or try it on your tongue: the taste should be lightly salted.
    3. When it boils, add sugar. 2-3 tablespoons. Let’s try again: it’s distinctly sweet, but not cloying, the amount of sugar should not “clog” the taste of the dasha. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until the potatoes are half cooked, about 10 minutes. Keep in mind - the less you interfere, the better. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting mashed potatoes with meat.
    4. Add soy sauce. Here it tastes like salt. Added 2 tablespoons and tasted. It shouldn't be too sweet, it's such a nice combination of sweet and salty. But the overall taste should be quite intense. Those who prefer it sweeter can add less sauce, those who prefer it saltier can use a little more sauce and add a pinch of salt. Simmer for another ten minutes until done. After adding soy sauce, do not close the lid so that the water boils a little. Then the broth will be thicker and tastier.
    5. It is better if the frying pan sits for 20 minutes after turning off the heat to distribute the aroma. But here it’s better to cover it with a lid.
    6. Place on plates and sprinkle green peas on top, 1-2 tablespoons per serving.
    1. Add carrots, 1 medium size. Cut into large pieces, similar to meat, and add to the pan BEFORE the potatoes.
    2. After adding soy sauce, add coarsely chopped bell pepper of any color. Then green peas are optional.
    3. Add green beans after adding soy sauce. Also without peas.
    4. Peel one large tomato and chop coarsely. Add 5 minutes before readiness.
    5. Option without onions, but with ginger. You need a little ginger, no more than 1 tablespoon of finely chopped fresh ginger. The meat is fried in oil with ginger, then potatoes are thrown in and then as usual. 10/21/2014 10:03:48 am, trisch

    Well, actually, Tonkatsu
    Tonkatsu (pork fried in breadcrumbs)
    To make tonkatsu, you will need pork, a boneless piece of thigh, like a pork chop. This meat should be cut across the grain into slices about 1 cm thick.
    These slices should be lightly beaten with a hammer or the handle of a knife (lightly! Damn, you don’t need to do this!), add salt and pepper.
    Roll in flour. In order to roll something in flour that cannot fall apart (various meats, fish, shrimp, etc.), I usually use a plastic bag. Pour a couple of tablespoons of flour into the bag, add the meat there and shake everything together thoroughly.
    Dip the floured meat into a scrambled raw egg, and then carefully roll it in breadcrumbs.
    Pour refined vegetable oil into a deep frying pan in a layer of about 2-3 cm. Heat the oil to a temperature of about 170 degrees.
    If you have a culinary thermometer for high temperatures, then measuring is a piece of cake. If you don’t have a thermometer, then carefully drop one drop of raw egg into the pan with oil.
    If a drop fell to the bottom and lay there for some time before surfacing, the oil temperature is below 160.
    If the drop begins to hiss violently and bubble immediately on the surface of the oil, then the oil is overheated, above 180.
    If the drop sank into the oil to about half the depth, and then quickly flared up, releasing bubbles, then this is just close to 170 degrees, you can lower the prepared meat into the oil.
    It fries quite quickly, about 5 minutes for each cutlet. The finished tonkatsu takes on a delicious golden color. During the process, it is recommended to turn the cutlet a couple of times for even frying.
    Place the finished oil tonkatsu on a paper towel to remove excess oil.
    Using a similar technology, you can cook chicken, fish fillets, oysters and quite a lot of other things.
    Tonkatsu is often served as a type of donburi - rice covered with some kind of food on top.
    Donburi with tonkatsu is called katsudon.
    For a serving you will need freshly cooked rice, one raw egg, about a quarter of an onion and, of course, already prepared tonkatsu.
    Coarsely chop the onion crosswise.
    In a small frying pan or gravy boat, mix about half a cup of dashi, a couple of teaspoons of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce. If there is no dasha, then you can get by with water, then add a pinch of salt and a little more sugar. All proportions are absolutely arbitrary, be guided by your own taste. You can add a little sake or dry white wine (about a tablespoon).
    Bring the mixture to a boil and add chopped onion. Simmer over medium heat for 5-10 minutes until the onion is as soft as desired.
    While the onion is stewing, beat a raw egg in a separate bowl, cut the tonkatsu crosswise, and place the desired amount of hot rice in a bowl or on a plate.
    When the onions are ready, place the chopped tonkatsu on top of the onions in the pan. Warm up a little.
    Pour the scrambled raw egg on top:
    Turn the heat to maximum. As soon as the egg “sets”, turn off the heat. Don't overheat or the egg will become tough!

    A wedding invitation is the first thing that introduces guests and loved ones to the traditions of the future new family. For the bride and groom, drawing up wedding invitations involves many questions and decisions, just like all preparations for the celebration in general. In this article we will tell you howDesign invitations in popular wedding styles. Whatever your budget and number of guests, you will find solutions for creating stylish wedding invitations.

    Wedding invitations in classic style

    Let's start our guide with traditional classics - they are always relevant and always in trend. In the design of a classic wedding, white is considered the main color. Pastel shades are also allowed: beige, pink, soft blue, creamy, pearl. Soft accents of gold or silver are possible.

    For classic wedding invitations, choose simple, minimalist designs.

    A wedding invitation, even with a very simple design, will look stylish and expensive if you print it on designer paper and highlight the details with gold or silver embossing.

    Designer papers convey aesthetics through color and texture and evoke pleasant tactile sensations. In specialized stores you can find:

    • thick tracing paper and papers with glitter and mother-of-pearl;
    • papers with a velvety texture;
    • paper with the texture of linen, wood and even leather.

    This simple design will look very impressive on paper with a linen texture if the pattern is offset with gold:

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    Wedding invitations in Art Nouveau style

    A wedding in the Art Nouveau style is characterized by high-tech and urban motifs, simplicity and conciseness, contrast and sharpness. A distinctive feature of the Art Nouveau style is the use of metallic colors, but not traditional gold or silver, but industrial steel and bronze.

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    Advice: follow trends and don’t be afraid to experiment

    Modern is a modern, slightly daring and provocative style.You can look for inspiration when preparing a wedding in the Art Nouveau style in museums of modern art, in loft-style art spaces, and in shows of new haute couture collections. Take a closer look at fashion and design trends. For example, clear glass and acrylic are now trending. Invitations printed on transparent plexiglass will fit perfectly into the concept of the celebration.

    Photo source: nailartssravi.com

    Rustic Wedding Invitations

    Rustic (or country style) - one of the most famous wedding styles. This style refers to the naturalness and beauty of nature, it is characterized by natural materials and colors, the use of wild plants, rough textures, flax, cotton, burlap, hay in the design.

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    Tip: Make your own wedding invitations

    DIY wedding invitations are a great option if you are planning a modest celebration for small quantity guests. Use natural materials. Burlap and linen combined with kraft paper for rustic invitations are just what you need. In this style, slight negligence is acceptable, so you should not be afraid that the invitations will be slightly different from each other.

    Wedding invitations in Provence style

    A wedding in the Provence style is characterized by soft pastel shades: milky white, cream, sand, pale gray, olive, soft pink, blue. A wedding in Provence style should feature beautiful muted shades of purple and lilac.

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    An important detail in the presentation of a wedding invitation is the envelope.A regular craft envelope for an invitation in the Provence style can be decorated with a vignette with initials, tied with jute twine and a sprig of dried lavender added as decoration.

    Scandinavian style wedding invitations

    Scandinavian style is the ideal solution for winter wedding. It is characterized by minimalism, environmental friendliness and naturalness. The main colors of the Scandinavian style: gray, deep green, olive, terracotta, beige.

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    You can use pine needles, cones, bark and wood as decor for envelopes or to create wedding invitations with your own hands. Choose beautiful references to make your invitation look stylish and aesthetically pleasing.

    Photo source pintower.com

    Shabby Chic Wedding Invitations

    Shabby chic translated from English means “shabby chic” or “shabby glitter”. Wedding decoration in the shabby chic style is characterized by pastel colors, the use of aged materials: lace, beads, bows, a variety of elegant figurines and objects stylized as antiques. A shabby chic wedding invitation should resemble a vintage postcard.

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    A shabby chic invitation is somewhat reminiscent of an old letter from the family safe. The invitation paper can be artificially aged. It can be placed in an envelope with a wax seal or an imitation seal impression made from polymer clay. Another option is to roll the invitation into a scroll and tie it with linen twine or distressed braid.

    Wedding invitations in retro vintage style

    Retro vintage style involves an abundance of lace, soft, flowing fabrics, a minimum of sparkles and rhinestones. The wedding color scheme in retro vintage style is beige, sand yellow, grayish pink.

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    Wedding invitations look great with watercolor flowers, calligraphy and lettering. Both hand-drawn and stylized drawings and inscriptions are acceptable. When printing, it is better to give preference to thick designer papers with a texture that resembles watercolor paper, but thicker.

    Boho Wedding Invitations

    Boho style ( bohemian chic, boho-chic) ​​entered wedding fashion recently. Boho chic incorporates features of vintage and ethnic styles, and its ideological basis was the hippie culture. The decoration widely uses variations of the ancient Indian amulet, which gained popularity all over the world with the rise of the hippie dream catcher. The boho wedding palette is very multifaceted: bright shades(orange, blue, burgundy) are harmoniously combined with pastel and natural tones.

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    An obligatory element in the design of invitations in the boho style is decoration with feathers. Multi-colored light feathers can be tied to envelopes or placed in them.

    If you want to surprise your guests even more, you can make your own wedding invitations in the form of small dream catchers. The process is quite labor-intensive, but guests will definitely appreciate the result and will keep the invitations as a memorable souvenir.

    Tiffany style wedding invitations

    Turquoise-mint color has been one of the most popular colors for wedding decorations for several seasons now. The combination of classic, sophisticated style and the Tiffany blue palette creates unique style, associations with which wedding decorators successfully use.

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    Tiffany style color is self-sufficient and should be handled very carefully. To decorate the invitations in the envelope, one soft detail will be enough - a white ribbon. You can use additional decorations, but they should not be too large and accentuated.

    Wedding invitations in ivory color

    Discreet and aristocratic ivory color ( Ivory) is also popular in wedding event decorations. This color symbolizes purity and nobility. It is well complemented by muted shades of pink, lilac, and purple.

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    Selective embossing is appliedusing special forms in printing. The technology is quite labor-intensive and costly, but it justifies itself with large circulations. A worthy option if you are planning a magnificent celebration with more than 100 guests.Just look at how beautiful the selective embossing of the design on this invitation looks:

    Image source minted.com

    Wedding invitations in Chanel style

    Coco Chanel was an incredible woman who inspired dozens of designers and fashion designers and thousands of women around the world with her example. The main color scheme for a wedding in the Chanel style must be black and white classics. For accents in the design, choose soft pink, pearl and gold.

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    Coco Chanel proved to the whole world that black can be considered synonymous with elegance and chic. An envelope made of black designer paper, tied with gold thread on the outside and completely sealed with gold on the inside will impress every guest.

    Photo source the-wedding.ru

    Marsala Wedding Invitations

    The color Marsala is very popular in wedding decorations. This shade with a light brown undertone received its name in honor of one of the varieties of dessert wines from Sicily.

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    Tip: combine marsala color with gold or silver

    Do this very carefully. You can choose wine-colored designer paper and use foil to cover all images and text. But be sure to print the layout on paper first and make sure that all fonts will be readable.

    Woodland wedding invitations

    This style is suitable for lovers of the mysterious and romantic atmosphere of the forest. It is ideal for spring weddings as it involves the use of flowering tree branches, moss and other natural materials in the decoration.

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    Wood engraving looks very impressive and perfectly emphasizes the theme of the celebration in the Woodland style.

    Eco style wedding invitations

    The color scheme of eco style consists of natural, natural and muted tones: shades of green - the colors of moss, foliage, grass; blue and blue - the colors of the sky and sea; as well as shades of brown, gray and beige - the colors of stone, soil, branches, wood.

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    Tip: use natural materials and living plants

    To decorate and effectively present wedding invitations in eco style, use natural natural material: moss, green branches, flowers. This is suitable for presenting an invitation at a personal meeting, but not for sending by mail.

    Another great idea is to give your guests small potted succulents. This can be done during the presentation of the invitation or at the holiday itself.

    Photo source elo7.com.br

    Casual Wedding Invitations

    This style is characterized by simplicity, conciseness and deliberate negligence. Translated from English, “casual” means “ordinary”, “informal”, “everyday”. Casual weddings are a relatively new trend in the wedding industry. The color scheme of the casual style looks as natural and natural as possible. Priority shades: gray, green, purple, brown, blue, red, khaki, beige, terracotta.

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    Tip: Choose simple designs and color combinations

    A casual invitation should not be overloaded with details. It is better to give preference to printing in one color. An invitation on craft paper with white UV printing will look organic.

    Gatsby themed wedding invitations

    The boom in weddings in the style of the 20s of the 20th century rose after the release of the film “The Great Gatsby” based on the book of the same name by Fitzgerald. These years are considered the beginning of the golden age of American history, known as the Jazz Century. Chic, luxury, pearls, gold, feathers and sparkles - for a Gatsby-style wedding, the word “too much” does not seem to exist. But this is only at first glance. Not every wedding decorator is capable of maintaining such a style.

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    Another way to decorate wedding invitations and envelopes is shaped laser cutting. The method is quite labor-intensive and expensive, requires the work of a professional designer and is possible when producing large quantities, but the result is worth it.

    Hollywood style wedding invitations

    Many girls dream of a wedding “like in the movies.” You should not deny yourself the fulfillment of your dreams (especially since in an ideal life scenario such a chance should present itself only once). The style of a Hollywood wedding is similar to a wedding in a classic style. The main characters - the bride and groom - can conduct a photo shoot in advance in wedding dresses and place their photos on the invitations. This will become a kind of “teaser for the film.”

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    Tip: get inspired by cinema and create your own unique style

    Watching Hollywood comedies on weddings will help you find interesting details for decoration, and at the same time reduce the level of anxiety during preparation. Even if you're sure you remember every scene from"The Wedding Planner" and "Bride Wars", watch those films again. When you're getting ready for your wedding, these pictures open up in a whole new way.

    Rock style wedding invitations

    For modern young people, a wedding is not just a reason to gather all relatives and friends, but also an opportunity to reflect their tastes, interests and hobbies. A rock style wedding is a real celebration of freedom, unstoppable fun and energetic rock. A wedding invitation can be styled as a ticket to a private rock party.

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    If you have enough time for preparation, and your love for music is so strong that you cannot remain silent about it, record a wedding song and give the disc to future guests. And design the invitation as the cover of your debut album.

    Gothic Wedding Invitations

    It’s a rare couple who decides to have a wedding in a Gothic style. But if white lace, veil and ruffles are not your thing, perhaps you will be inspired by this theme, which amazes with its dark splendor and originality. The basic colors of a Gothic wedding are black, white, burgundy.

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    Gothic patterns in the design of wedding invitations look very impressive. For additional decoration, you can use burgundy or white velvet ribbons.

    Photo source svadbalist.ru

    Wedding invitations in a nautical style

    Wedding in nautical style ideal for the summer season,The marine theme implies romance, the spirit of freedom, adventurism and travel to warm countries. The palette for a wedding in a nautical style is blue, blue, turquoise, and aqua.

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    For nautical themed invitations, a blue color scheme is usually chosen using graphic elements such as knots, anchors, ships, lighthouses, shells, etc. An excellent addition to the invitation can be decor made from real shells, as well as elements made from twine, similar to a sea rope.

    Chalet style wedding invitations

    Chalet style is for those who cannot imagine life without conquering mountain peaks. For such a celebration it is impossible would be better suited cozy wooden house in the mountains. A wedding invitation with mountain views will not only inform guests about the upcoming celebration, but will also convey the right mood.

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    Decor details in the chalet style are close to those mentioned above in the woodland and eco styles. To emphasize the warm atmosphere of the upcoming holiday, the value of the guest and the special attitude towards him, you can design envelopes for invitations from felt and decorate them with natural materials.

    Photo source mospensstudio.com

    Hot Air Balloon Wedding Invitations

    This idea is for those who do not recognize restrictions when choosing a wedding theme. Organize a wedding hot air balloon flight for all guests? Great concept!

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    Tip: Place your invitation on balloons

    To further tie your invitation into your wedding theme, decorate it with a personalized balloon. How to do it:

    • inflate the balloon and close the hole with a paper clip;
    • write the date of the celebration, your names and details of the upcoming celebration on the ball with a marker;
    • wait until the ball dries and then deflate;
    • tie the ball to the base (invitation).

    When presenting an invitation, do not forget to warn the guest that he will have to inflate the balloon to find out all the details of the holiday.

    Theater style wedding invitations

    A theatrical wedding style may be preferred by actors and those whose history of the beginning of a romantic relationship is connected with going to the theater together. The invitation can be stylized as a poster for the premiere performance.

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    Watercolor spots and stains look impressive in the decor of invitations. But only an experienced artist or designer can make real watercolor stains beautiful. The best solution is to print invitations with a matching design on textured paper. To enhance the effect, you can slightly wet the sheet after printing without touching the text. There will be small streaks and the printing ink will bleed slightly. This way, no one will distinguish your typographic invitations from the author’s ones, made by hand. Use this template

    Tip: give souvenirs in stylized boxes

    As packaging for memorable gifts and sweets, you can prepare cardboard boxes, which in shape and design will resemble a circus tent.

    Where to start preparing for wedding invitations

    Calculate the budget and determine the number of guests

    The number of guests is the first thing you should consider when deciding on wedding invitations. The circulation of invitations will depend on it, and the production and decoration method, in turn, will depend on the circulation.

    For example, you are planning a modest holiday with a small budget for 30 guests. In this case, custom designed invitations with typographic embossing are most likely not your story.

    Or vice versa: if you are planning a large celebration for 300 guests, putting together three hundred wedding invitations with your own hands will be quite a task.

    Calculate production and delivery time

    It is customary to invite guests to a wedding approximately 8-10 weeks in advance. This means that you should think about arranging wedding invitations in advance - about 3 months before the celebration. Then you will have enough time to think through the details, agree on the layout, and send out invitations.

    Send out preliminary wedding invitations

    In Europe and America, there is a long-standing tradition of notifying guests in advance of the set wedding date - sending out Save The Date postcards, which translated means “book the date.” They are sent at an early stage of preparation, when the date is already clear, but the bride and groom have not yet decided on the place, time and other details of the celebration. IN last years This tradition is actively supported here too.

    Advance invitations allow guests to plan their time in advance and coordinate vacations if necessary.And feedback on them allows the bride and groom to clarify the number of guests.

    Preliminary invitations do not have to be printed: they can be sent out via instant messengers or social networks. There you can create a general chat for quick and convenient notification about the details of the upcoming celebration. If you are sure that the message will be clear to all guests, you can write a preliminary invitation with traditional wording.

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    Or send a picture with a short explanation:

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    Get into the holiday spirit with Canva. Happy wedding!

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    The first step is to organize a place where guests will sit. The good news is that you don’t have to worry about whether there will be enough chairs for everyone—you won’t need them at all. The Japanese party takes place on the floor - or rather, on the tatami. This is the Japanese analogue of our carpet - by the way, the latter can be used instead of the tatami itself, laying a beautiful blanket on top. The eating table should be low, just above the floor. Ikebana or, a simpler option, an artificial sakura branch in a vase would look great in the center. If you don’t like flowers, you can place a Japanese paper lantern in the center of the table instead, and decorate the entire room with the same lanterns: they will add not only ambiance, but also coziness. Or - for a more romantic setting - light small candles in bowls of water, adding rose petals on top. Since one of the symbols of Japan is paper fan, open fans will be an excellent wall decoration, as will Japanese miniature paintings, photographs of Japan and phrases from hieroglyphs. Incense will also help you tune into the oriental mood - incense sticks with the scent of sakura, Japanese cypress or sandalwood.

    Image: clothes, hairstyle, makeup

    Once the room is decorated, you can start decorating yourself. Perhaps, many girls in their dreams tried on the role of a geisha - a seductive but inaccessible beauty. For a Japanese party, the look of a geisha is perfect. If you cannot get a real kimono and pokkuri - geisha shoes, they can be completely replaced by an oriental-style silk robe and open clogs on a high platform. But clothes are only half the battle. The center of the geisha image is a whitened face with black eyebrows and bright red bow lips. For makeup you will need a white foundation, black eyeliner to draw long arrows, eyebrow pencil, pink blush on the cheekbones and bright red lipstick. The latter should be applied only to the center of the lips, without grabbing the corners, to create a “bow”. Geishas create high hairstyles on their heads with kanzashi stick hairpins - however, for a party you can get by with ordinary bobby pins and a generous amount of hairspray. A paper fan or umbrella will complement the look. There are other looks that are suitable for a party - for example, you can dress up as a Japanese schoolgirl. Leg warmers, a miniskirt, a white shirt, a tie and two ponytails on your head - and you look both Japanese and also very sexy (by the way, don’t forget to show your boyfriend this look).

    Food: sushi, tea and teriyaki sauce

    What is a party without food, and what is a Japanese party without rolls and sushi - more precisely, “sushi”, as they say in the Land of the Rising Sun itself. By the way, according to Japanese etiquette, you can eat them with your hands, so no chopsticks. True, it is better to refuse “California” and “Philadelphia”, because in Japan they have not even been heard of. Unlike ramen, a super popular Japanese dish that should also be included in the party menu. These are wheat noodles in broth and the Japanese eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The broth is scooped up with a spoon and the noodles are pulled out with chopsticks. Various ingredients are added to it - meat, vegetables, sauces... Speaking of sauces. A Japanese-style party is simply impossible without teriyaki sauce. This Japanese culinary invention has long taken over the world - now they even put it on pizza, and it turns out very tasty. Especially if you order Papa John's teriyaki pizza - it is prepared from fresh and natural ingredients, and the dough is baked according to original recipe. This pizza could well be a treat at a Japanese party. For dessert, you can enjoy banana tempura and fried ice cream, washed down with traditional matcha green tea. It is believed that it prolongs youth and improves skin condition. Maybe it's because of him that there are so many long-livers in Japan?

    Entertainment: karaoke, music, films

    The decor, appearance and menu have been decided - what about entertainment? Why not follow the example of the Japanese themselves and organize karaoke. In Japan, it has become almost a cult: in Tokyo there are entire neighborhoods with huge multi-story karaoke houses. True, the Japanese sing in Japanese - but, you see, you can step back from the surroundings once and sing your beloved Polina Gagarina. Well, if you don’t want to train your ligaments, but your soul requires music - and specifically Japanese music - here are a few names of Japanese performers: Gackt, Yui, Hatsune Miku. By the way, the latter is a singing hologram, which in Japan is more popular than many “living” stars. Just like anime characters - famous Japanese cartoons, watching which will fit perfectly into the party program. You can start with Hayao Miyazaki's feature-length anime, and then just move on to films about Japan - like Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation or Memoirs of a Geisha. For the most daring, there are crazy Japanese shows where participants try to either eat noodles inside a spinning washing machine or throw a cockroach into their opponent’s mouth. Well, for intellectual relaxation - reading haiku or even composing them with the whole group.

    We bring to your attention a master class on making original packaging for gifts in Japanese style using scrapbooking technique. With the help of such packaging, even the simplest gift will be bright and memorable, and step-by-step instructions with detailed description process will help you do everything quickly and correctly.

    Tools and materials Time: 1 hour Difficulty: 4/10

    • thick double-sided colored paper;
    • Double-sided tape;
    • black satin ribbon;
    • White paper;
    • printed template;
    • black marker;
    • scissors;
    • ruler.

    Congratulate your loved ones with a gift like this unusual design in Japanese style! They will definitely like it!

    To make the packaging, you only need double-sided colored paper, stationery and a printed template, which is presented below in the text. Just a few simple manipulations - and you will turn the most ordinary gift into a bright and memorable project!

    A variety of colors and shades can be used to make packaging. We took only 3 tones, since the person to whom the gift was given loves these colors very much. You can apply any other shades to your liking.


    Step-by-step instructions with photos

    So, let's start creating holiday packaging.

    Step 1: Print the Template

    Download and print the petal template on a piece of A4 paper. In this template, all the details for each flower are already completely arranged and in the sequence in which they need to be glued.

    To simplify your work, immediately print the template on double-sided colored paper. Of course, you can print it on plain paper, cut out the blanks and then transfer them to a colored sheet.

    Step 2: cut out the blanks

    • Cut out a blank with petals for one flower. Use a black marker to give the petals a darker outline. This will give the flowers shape and a finished look.
    • Number the petals from the wrong side from the left side to the right side.
    • Cut out the petals.

    Step 3: Glue the Flowers

    • From the wrong side, glue small pieces of double-sided tape to the petals.
    • Take the petal numbered “1”. Glue the petal numbered “2” on top of it and slightly to the side. Then glue on all the other petals from the kit to form a cute little flower.
    • Make the remaining 4 flowers in the same way. We repeat, all flowers in the template are fully formed and ready for flower making.
    • When the flowers are ready, glue them onto the gift wrap.

    Step 4: Draw the Leaves

    At the bottom of the flowers, use a black marker to draw geometric stems and leaves.

    At the top of the gift, glue two strips of black satin ribbon parallel to each other.

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