• The harm of alcohol for women. The first signs of female alcoholism and ways to combat them. Where alcohol has passed, there is nothing for beauty to do, or Why do alcoholics' faces change?


    Good day! Have you ever wondered why alcoholics' faces change? How does alcohol affect a person's appearance? No one will argue what influences it.

    People are curious. We often look at the glowing windows with keen interest, trying to guess what kind of life is in full swing behind them, we look at the details of the clothes of the passengers sitting in the same cabin as us, and we constantly pay attention to passers-by in the crowd. Naturally, we draw our own conclusions: this person is completely harmless, but this one is an alcoholic, you need to stay away from him. How can you understand this if you can’t smell the alcohol? Elementary. People who are looking for the meaning of life at the bottom of a bottle have this literally written on their foreheads.

    You need to know the enemy by sight

    Alcoholism is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of our time, the scale of which defies the understanding of any sane person. Hundreds of books and articles have been written about the speed at which this unfortunate phenomenon is spreading throughout the planet. Doctors, researchers, biologists cite indestructible facts about the dangers of alcohol for mental, mental, and finally physical health... But the green serpent strictly takes over, winning the race to defeat the body against other harmful addictions.

    Let's be honest, there are not many people on Earth who have never tried alcoholic beverages. But not everyone “awakens” a craving for them and the need to constantly “replenish” the reserves of fluid that poisons the body. Let's not figure out why people drink at all. Among possible reasons there will be:

    • stress;
    • nervous and mental stress;
    • “for company”;
    • “doctors recommend”;
    • “to relax”...

    By and large, latent alcoholics do not need a justification for drinking.

    Remember the movie “Love and Doves”? One of the characters gave an excellent justification for his craving for the bottle: “I didn’t drink. I didn't drink! Although (looks at the calendar) there is a reason: the day of the storming of the Bastille has passed without a trace.”

    Drinking? You will recognize him from a thousand

    Neatness, youth, attractiveness and alcohol are polar concepts.

    What is the effect of alcohol on a person’s appearance?

    People with alcoholism look much older than their years, have skin problems, sparse hair, black circles under the eyes, swelling, swollen nose and lips. Appearance reflects not only the quantity and regularity of alcohol consumed, but also its quality and the time at which it was drunk. For example, beer and wine (both white and red) are beneficial in doses not exceeding 50 ml per day. But just 2 glasses of these drinks drunk before going to bed at night will result in a headache, somewhat inhibited reaction in the morning, bruises or bags under the eyes, and a “bruised” face.

    If a person drinks “rarely, but accurately,” he will end up with severely inflamed eyes and swelling. Such signs pass relatively quickly if you do not “add fuel to the fire.” But the same cannot be said about changes in the appearance of heavy alcoholics. With regular visits of the green serpent, a person with alcoholism begins to quickly gain weight (beer alcoholism) or quickly dries out, young people develop premature wrinkles, the skin on the face becomes flabby, the nose and lips increase in size and turn red, the whites of the eyes may acquire a jaundiced tint, capillaries often burst.

    Both women and men are subject to the “stigma” of alcoholism, and in terms of negative changes in appearance the weaker sex suffers more. It is important for everyone to know how alcohol affects a woman’s appearance.

    When you judge a book by its cover

    It is almost impossible to win, especially difficult to do without qualified outside help. And it results not only in problems with internal organs, but also in a weakened nervous system and a noticeably deteriorated outer shell.

    Love for a bottle is a problem that does not distinguish people by gender, social status, age and income. At one time, the unsurpassed “king of horror” Stephen King, the star of the Back to the Future trilogy Michael J. Fox, the eternal Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe, the singer – who was once offered a million dollars a night – Britney Spears, and a whole string of others were treated for alcohol addiction stars walking the red carpet. Soviet and Russian public figures also willingly downed a glass, setting a not very good example for their admirers. Among them are not only men (Andrey Krasko, Vladislav Galkin, Vladimir Vysotsky), but also

    For example, quite recently in every Soviet home there was a lively discussion about the daughter of the Secretary General, Galina Brezhneva. Her rich personal life, spectacular outfits, and unacceptable (for Soviet women) frivolous antics never left her lips... Those who were closely acquainted with the one and only princess of the Soviet Union, Galina Leonidovna, spoke of her with respect. According to the recollections of old friends, this extraordinary woman was an exceptionally kind person with an open heart... But she died alone, left by her only daughter and numerous husbands, practically forgotten by these friends.

    Protracted, severe alcoholism led her straight to the insane asylum. And here, with disheveled gray hair, tightly clenched cheekbones, swollen, wrinkled dark circles under the eyes, a wandering and almost meaningless gaze of senile eyes, in last days Throughout her life, she frightened the orderlies and the patients around her.

    Alcoholic metamorphoses

    Fatigue and dehydration of the skin

    Any drinker knows what “sushnyak” is. This phenomenon is absolutely normal, given the dehydration of the body due to alcohol abuse. But few people think about the fact that the skin suffers from this dehydration: it becomes dry, cracks, flakes, loses its healthy glow, acquiring a pink-red tint or painful grayness.


    Frequent rushes of blood to the head provoke the appearance of a pronounced red vascular network on the skin of the face, the so-called “stars”. Pores expand. Pigmentation appears.

    Early aging

    Skin aging, accompanied by the appearance of wrinkles, is a natural and gradual process. But drinking people nasolabial folds deepen much earlier and faster than in non-drinkers. Expression wrinkles become deep and clear, blur from the eyes to the nose, and appear on the neck and forehead. After 1-2 years of systematic alcohol consumption, the eyelids become heavier and the eyebrow arches sag.

    Baldness, hair loss

    Poor blood circulation in the scalp leads to deterioration of the hair structure, thinning, loss healthy shine, richness of pigmentation, acquisition of fragility. Almost always, men who drink alcohol develop early bald spots, bald spots, and early baldness.

    Brittle nails

    “Washing out” vital vitamins and minerals from the body contributes to the deterioration of not only hair, but also nails. Nail plates delaminate and become brittle. Hangnails often appear on the fingers.

    The appearance of edema

    Swelling is one of the first visible changes in the appearance of a drinker. It can be global (cover the entire face) or local (appears as bags under the eyes). It is most often observed in people who look at the bottom of a bottle late in the evening, and persists for quite a long time.

    Swelling also accelerates the appearance of wrinkles, contributes to the loss of firmness, elasticity and the ability of the skin to regenerate processes.

    “Leakage” of the facial contour

    Women take much more care of their own appearance more men, so they know how difficult it is to prolong the youth of the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and keep the contour of the face toned and “fresh” for a long time. In people who drink alcohol, the oval of the face is always “blurred”, swollen, and not clear. Such a deficiency can no longer be corrected traditional methods, nor expensive creams.

    Against the background of alcoholism, the effect of such “smearing” will appear earlier if there is a hereditary predisposition to “bulldog cheeks.”

    Even having “tied up” with the green serpent, it is impossible to tighten the contour without special operations. A striking example to that is the “Soviet Brigitte Bardot”, film star Natalya Kustinskaya, who is overly addicted to alcohol after a series of tragic events in the family. In her latest interviews, the actress said that she had long gotten rid of a severe addiction and could not even stand drugs for alcohol based. But she never managed to recover from the rapid “floating away” of the contour. The drinking woman's face remains forever.

    Eyes “a la panda”

    Swollen, flabby eyelids, narrowed, often watery eyes, painfully red even with slight strain, and deep black-violet circles in the area of ​​the organs of vision are not the most pleasant and integral signs that a person is friendly with the bottle.

    Fitness problem

    Famous boxer Michael Tyson personal experience I was convinced how sharply high-proof drinks turn steel muscles into flabby bodies. Often this metamorphosis is associated with the high calorie content of the poisonous liquid, which leads to the appearance excess weight. For example, beer contains large quantities of phytoestrogens and easily digestible carbohydrates, which contribute to weight gain. extra pounds. Therefore, the figure of beer alcoholics takes on the features of a female silhouette:

    1. Breasts appear.
    2. The buttocks are rounded.
    3. Hair growth on the arms and legs is reduced.
    4. The muscles become decrepit.

    The “crown feature” of lovers of the intoxicating drink is a large, rounded, protruding belly.

    At the same time, alcohol disrupts the entire daily routine, results in a loss of control over nutrition, and reduces physical activity, leads to apathy, reluctance to improve oneself and maintain physical fitness in good shape.

    Less often, the opposite effect occurs, and the person loses significant weight.

    “Food set”: nose – potatoes, lips – dumplings

    The classic red nose (so skillfully “played out” by Nikulin’s hero in Soviet comedy films) is by no means fiction and a terrifying fairy tale for drinkers. This part of the face actually takes on an unhealthy red or brown tint due to dilation of the capillaries. This problem rarely lasts long. Coloring can appear or significantly intensify only with prolonged exposure to cold and hypothermia, or against the background of newly consumed alcohol. If you do not take it on your chest and stay warm, the redness may disappear quickly.

    But besides this, deformation of the nose and lips occurs. They swell, become “fleshy”, and add roughness. general appearance. This pathology is especially noticeable in the fair sex.

    Stooping, gait and coordination problems

    It would be naive to assume that alcohol, which disfigures one’s appearance, leaves the musculoskeletal system intact. Under the influence of this liquid poison, the very manner of moving, gesticulating, moving around changes. The basics disappear: “correct posture is the key to health,” and along with it the desire to keep your back straight disappears. A stoop appears, steps lose stability, gestures and gait seem angular and uncertain.

    The image of a man with a cocktail seems attractive enough, but alcohol does not bring anything good: it causes even more harm than you might think. For many years experts debated the benefits and risks of drinking alcohol. Moderate consumption of alcohol will not bring immediate consequences, but then you will notice them - your appearance will especially suffer. According to scientists, alcohol causes more than sixty different diseases. Get acquainted with the list of common phenomena through which the effect of alcohol on your body is manifested with constant use. Perhaps it will make you reconsider your habits and become motivation to give up alcohol.

    Premature aging

    Alcohol has the most aggressive effect on the skin. If you want to grow old before your time, you don’t have to limit yourself. Excessive alcohol consumption deprives your body of fluids. You've probably noticed how thirsty you feel in the morning after a fun party. This happens because alcohol slows down the production of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin. As a result, the kidneys work twice as hard to get rid of excess fluid, and internal organs become dehydrated. The skin is the largest organ of the body. A regular state of dehydration has an extremely negative effect on it; over time, it will look wrinkled - others will think that you are much older than you really are. If you want to avoid this, stay away from alcoholic beverages.

    Loss of beautiful curls

    Dehydration affects not only the skin, but also the condition of the hair. Dry and lifeless hair breaks off faster and split ends appear. There are many cosmetic products to combat dryness and split ends. But what if the problem you're trying to solve with shampoo could be solved by giving up alcohol? Large amounts of alcohol cause a lack of zinc in the body. According to scientific data, almost fifty percent of alcoholics have low levels of zinc in their bodies, which can lead to hair loss. Other problematic factors may include low levels of vitamins B and C, as well as increased level estrogen. All this affects the hair extremely negatively and deprives it of its beauty.

    A red face doesn't just mean you're drunk

    When you drink alcohol, your face may turn red, but it's not because your skin is trying to look like a pink cocktail. This is a phenomenon called rosacea. It can cause permanent damage. Excess alcohol changes blood flow to the skin, causing an unhealthy appearance to the face. This is because under the influence of alcohol, small blood vessels in the skin dilate, causing more blood to flow to the surface. Sometimes as a result, blood vessels burst and capillaries are destroyed. It's not just the face that can become red - the blood vessels in the eyes can also become irritated. If this doesn't scare you, you should know that bloodshot eyes are just the beginning. Regular consumption of alcohol can lead to blindness. This occurs when alcohol gradually impairs the pupils' ability to dilate and destroys the connection between the eyes and the brain.

    Constant bloating

    The party hasn't started long, but your tight dress is already too tight on your waist? This is because the body, losing fluids and electrolytes due to alcohol, begins to store the water you drink. The more you drink, the more often you need to go to the toilet, and you start to sweat more. The body begins to compensate for these processes by accumulating the water that still remains - as a result, your stomach, arms, legs, face and other parts of the body will become swollen.

    Disruption of the usual routine

    After a long night with alcohol, you are unlikely to drink right decisions for your body - for example, you may want to eat a whole pizza alone. Some people return home exhausted or unwilling to wash their face or brush their teeth. If this happens once, the problem will not arise, but constant repetition of such a situation leads to the development of acne, caries, gum disease and other personal hygiene problems. Be sure to remove your makeup before going to bed every night. Proper care behind the face ensures that the skin is beautiful and moisturized.

    Liver damage can be fatal

    Liver diseases are accompanied by symptoms that seriously deteriorate your appearance, and they are also deadly. Don't ignore dark circles under bloodshot or even slightly yellowed eyes.
    In addition, you should pay attention to the rash on the body. Liver damage manifests itself through many signs, so keep an eye on your condition if you know you have been drinking alcohol in excessive quantities.

    Alcohol and body odor

    After a long night of alcohol, your body begins to emit bad smell. Yes, this is directly related to alcohol. According to research, ten percent of the alcohol consumed by a person leaves the body through sweat glands, breath and urine. Keep this in mind if you wake up after a party next to another person. The aroma of your body can make a powerful impression.

    Beer belly is a very real phenomenon.

    Research has shown that drinking alcohol can lead to weight gain, but this doesn't happen for everyone. People who occasionally drink a glass of wine will not suffer from excess weight. If you drink much more often, it is likely that you will gain weight solely due to alcohol. This is confirmed by scientific data.

    Constant fatigue creates problems

    Alcohol can affect how well you sleep. Eat obvious reasons, according to which the lack of sleep manifests itself in your appearance - your eyes seem tired, in addition, a lack of strength will not allow you to get ready and put yourself in order in the morning. In addition, many destructive processes will occur within you.
    According to research, lack of sleep leads to excess weight. It's important to get a good night's sleep - while you sleep, your body repairs your heart and blood vessels and strengthens your immune system. All this can also affect how you look and feel.

    What is important to know to maintain your appearance?

    Over the years, alcohol has become a widely accepted drink. If you celebrate something, you celebrate with a drink. If you are sad, you drink. If you want to forget someone after a breakup, you use alcohol. It doesn't matter if you're happy or sad, alcohol is something that's hard to escape. If you plan to drink, drink consciously. Studies have shown that to maintain appearance and health, you should always drink in moderation, in addition, consuming large number water before and after drinking alcohol.
    In addition, you need to choose the right drink - alcohol with a minimum of chemical additives is suitable for you. Eat something carbohydrate-rich before the party so you don't get drunk too quickly. Take care of your skin - wash off your makeup before going to bed. You can even take vitamins. Also, be sure to brush your teeth to prevent plaque from forming in your mouth overnight. If you take all the necessary measures, your appearance will not be affected by the alcohol you drink.

    Have you noticed how easy it is to identify a drinker by appearance? You look at him and often you can’t even say what exactly makes him an alcoholic, but at the same time his passionate love affair with alcohol is obvious to you. Why is this so? It's simple: alcohol abuse greatly affects the way you look - of course, not in in a good way; moreover, it is reflected in many details, which together add up to a kind of “alcoholic appearance”, clearly recognizable by everyone they meet.

    The degree of influence of alcohol depends on intensity and duration of use. For example, the consequences for the appearance of a short but intense binge - severe swelling, sore eyes - look frightening and eloquent, but quickly pass, especially if binge drinking happens extremely rarely to a person. The consequences for the appearance of chronic but moderate use are different: this is a gradual deterioration in the condition of the skin, a set, early wrinkles. The greatest and worst influence appearance is affected by chronic and intensive alcohol consumption, that is, in fact, alcoholism in its classical form.

    Despite the fact that women the consequences of alcoholism manifest themselves faster and are generally more noticeable; all the “signatures of alcoholism” are also characteristic of men. And if a woman’s face and hair suffer more, then a man’s body suffers more noticeable changes. Bad news for men who are convinced that their regular visits to the treasured beer racks in the supermarket will only add charm to their brutal beauty: beer is more effective than all other alcoholic drinks in killing your .

    Alcohol transformations

    Skin problems. Alcohol does all sorts of bad things to your skin. Firstly, the pores expand and appear more noticeable; in combination with the roughening of the skin, all this becomes like an attractive porous substance. Secondly, wrinkles appear and quickly multiply - first, mainly around the eyes, and then on the entire face and neck. Thirdly, the face takes on an unhealthy tint. Most often it is a pig shade of pink or feverish redness on the cheeks, a little less often - gray dull color face, giving a feeling of fatigue. Fourth, red ones appear spider veins and age spots, which makes the face look stale and unkempt.

    Edema. Edema is an indispensable companion for any alcohol lover. They are especially insidious in that they not only last quite a long time, but also accelerate the formation of wrinkles. The skin, which is often swollen, becomes dry, wrinkled and saggy. Edema can be local (bags under the eyes) or global, in which your entire face and body looks swollen, puffy, like a waterskin. An unattractive sight that gives you away - especially for those who like to drink alcohol late in the evening, on the eve of a working day.

    "Loss" of face. An unobvious but serious transformation: loss of clarity of the oval of the face. The person’s face seems to be spreading, the skin on the cheeks and jaw sags, the whole face “flows”, like a clock in the paintings of Salvador Dali. A face that has lost its elasticity and clarity of shape looks much older - and this defect is extremely difficult to eliminate (only a circular lift will help). If a person is genetically prone to certain age-related changes(for example, all relatives develop “bulldog cheeks” over the years), then this defect, with the feasible help of alcohol, will appear in him much earlier.

    Deep wrinkles. Another sign of an “alcoholic appearance” is excessively deep and noticeable facial wrinkles and folds. For example, there is nothing unnatural about nasolabial folds, but over the years they gradually deepen and become more noticeable - and this makes your appearance more mature. If you are, the nasolabial folds will deepen much earlier, after just 1-2 years of drinking. The same applies to heavy eyelids, overhanging eyebrow arches, wrinkles on the forehead and neck. All this would become noticeable on your face at 50-60 years old, but if you drink, you get the same picture at 30-40.

    "Panda eyes" No offense to the pandas, but some similarities do appear - due to dark circles around the eyes, flabby eyelids, swollen lower eyelids (a consequence of frequent swelling). The eyes themselves also suffer: alcoholics often have narrowed eyes, watery eyes and easily turn red from the slightest strain. Taken together, all this significantly worsens appearance the upper part of the face, which looks tired and sore.

    Deformation of the nose and lips. The alcoholic red or blue nose glorified in urban legends is not a myth, but a cruel reality: due to problems with blood vessels, the nose of a person who abuses alcohol often takes on an unhealthy tint. Sometimes this color lasts permanently, and sometimes it appears when a person is cold or has just taken to the chest. In addition, the nose often becomes deformed - it becomes more fleshy, shapeless, and even increases in size. Much the same thing happens to lips, especially women’s: they lose their shape, look swollen, puffy, and have an unhealthy tint. These deformations make the face coarser and very loudly indicate your addiction.

    Hair thinning. Due to poor circulation, hair often suffers - it becomes dull, thins, breaks, and thins. Alcoholism can also speed up the process of hair loss in genetic alopecia. Abuse alcohol for a long time and at the same time maintain good thick shiny hair- an almost impossible task.

    Weight problems. In principle, weight problems can go in the opposite direction: experienced alcoholics often lose their appetite and cravings for food, after which alcohol becomes almost the only source of calories for them. The result is skin and bones. But more often, when you abuse alcohol, you gain weight, on the contrary, both because of its high calorie content and because of the loss of control over your diet, physical activity.

    Poor posture, gait, and coordination of movements. Alcoholism is reflected in the entire figure of a person, his body, the way he moves and gestures. A person has less control over his body, which is why he moves awkwardly, angularly or uncertainly, sometimes too aggressively, sharply. Or, on the contrary, he may be overly inhibited. The gait does not seem smooth and confident, the person does not maintain his posture, he may stoop heavily or look generally sideways - without having any diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    The main direction in which alcohol acts, affecting a person’s appearance, is acceleration of aging. All alcoholics, without exception, and people in general who are excessively addicted to alcohol, look older, decrepit, worse than their years.

    Excessive consumption of alcohol, as one of the main attributes of a pleasant holiday, is the most common phenomenon among young people.

    It is among young people that there is an opinion that alcoholic drinks are “harmless”. This is often due to quite fast recovery young body after alcohol intoxication and a relatively mild hangover. However, even if it seems to a person that a stroke, cirrhosis of the liver or gastritis will bypass him, the negative effect of alcohol on the appearance of the drinker becomes noticeable almost immediately - first of all, our skin suffers from toxic substances.

    Why is alcohol dangerous for the skin?

    Our body perceives alcohol exclusively as poison, trying to quickly get rid of it. What you drink is sent to the liver, which actively processes toxic substances. Then the breakdown products of alcohol pass through the kidneys and are excreted from the body. This is why alcoholic drinks have a pronounced diuretic effect.

    The danger of alcohol is that water leaves the subcutaneous tissue along with toxic substances. As a result, the skin becomes dehydrated, looks dry, flabby, ages quickly, loses elasticity, fine wrinkles, swelling, and “bags” appear under the eyes; the oval of the face becomes less clear. Alcohol removes vitamins C and E, which are important for our skin and are responsible for the beautiful appearance of our skin - it becomes rougher and difficult to correct cosmetically.

    In addition, after drinking alcohol, blood vessels dilate sharply, which is why many people develop a bright blush. However, with regular consumption of alcohol, this leads to serious disturbances in blood circulation: processes of red blood cells gluing together, blocking the patency of blood vessels. The skin not only begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen, but there is also a high chance of a micro-stroke - a capillary rupture. This leads to the appearance of a purple-red vascular network in places where there are especially many capillaries - on the face and, in particular, on the nose.

    What is the “alcoholic face”?

    There is a special term that denotes specific changes in the appearance of drinkers - “the face of an alcoholic.” In addition to a general dehydrated, flabby skin condition, such people experience forehead tension with relaxation and laxity of most other muscles, which makes the face visually elongated. The eyes of people who drink appear wide open, but at the same time sunken, which is caused by tension in the muscles that raise the upper eyelids with weakened orbicularis oculi muscles. The upper part of the fold between upper lip and the nose deepens, and the lower part is smoothed out. The lips become thicker, the nostrils widen.

    It is important to remember that even relief hangover syndrome various medications or vitamin supplements (for example, fresh juices) is not able to quickly rid your skin of the consequences of a stormy evening. AlcoSpas specialists recommend limiting yourself to alcoholic beverages if the health of your skin and body as a whole is important to you. Experienced doctors at our clinic are always ready to help you cope with addiction and return to a normal, joy-filled life.

    Wow, how should I start this post so as not to burn off the tediousness right from the first lines...)))

    Well, okay, let's start neutrally. A healthy lifestyle is now in fashion. Many people quit smoking, switch to electronic cigarettes, quit drinking and actively go to yoga and Pilates. There is another category of women: on the one hand - Botox, sports, diets, on the other - frequent drinking and smoking in the “I’m a locomotive” style. Let's put aside smoking, everything is clear with it :) The point of the post is to figure out how alcohol affects beauty or will genetics and Botox save everyone? I'm sure that most people will shrug their shoulders and say, "Well, it's obvious that drinking has a bad effect on your appearance, so why write about it?" Well, for me personally, for example, it’s obvious that I don’t scroll through Instagram or something. But.. If only it were that simple :)

    Firstly, many women drink often, but will never classify themselves in the “those who like to drink” section, assuring that they drink rarely and on purpose. And those who “drink a lot” are different, yes, they are drunks, but we are not. Many people think that drinking vodka is bad, but drinking a bottle of wine a day is only good)
    Secondly, there are girls who are sure that they can drink as much as they want, then all they have to do is take a beauty injection and go for a run in the park, and again the beauty will be unearthly. Well, this is a “wedge by wedge” psychology.
    Thirdly, there are simply ladies out of their minds who have lost touch with reality.

    Excerpts from articles:

    "Alcohol does all the bad things it can to the skin. Firstly, the pores expand and seem more noticeable; combined with the roughening of the skin, all this becomes like an attractive porous substance. Secondly, wrinkles appear and quickly multiply - at first mostly around the eyes, and then on the entire face, neck. Thirdly, the face takes on an unhealthy tint. Most often it is a pig-like shade of pink or feverish redness on the cheeks, a little less often - a gray dull complexion, giving a feeling of fatigue. red spider veins and pigment spots, which is why the face looks stale and unkempt.”

    "Swelling is an indispensable companion for any drinker. They are especially insidious in that they not only last for quite a long time, but also accelerate the formation of wrinkles. The skin, which is often subject to swelling, becomes dry, wrinkled and flabby. Edema can be local (bags under the eyes) and global, in which your entire face and body looks swollen, puffy, like a waterskin."

    "A non-obvious, but serious transformation: loss of clarity of the oval of the face. A person’s face seems to be spreading, the skin on the cheeks and jaw sags, the whole face “flows”, like a clock in the paintings of Salvador Dali. A face that has lost its elasticity and clarity of shape looks much older - and this The defect is extremely difficult to eliminate (only a circular lift will help). If a person is genetically prone to some age-related changes (for example, all relatives develop “bulldog cheeks” over the years), then this defect will appear much earlier with the feasible help of alcohol." .

    "Another sign of an “alcoholic appearance” is excessively deep and noticeable facial wrinkles and folds. For example, there is nothing unnatural in nasolabial folds, but over the years they gradually deepen and become more noticeable - and this makes your appearance more mature. If you abuse alcohol, nasolabial folds will deepen much earlier, after only 1-2 years of drinking. The same goes for heavier eyelids, drooping eyebrows, wrinkles on the forehead and neck. All this would become noticeable on your face at 50-60 years old, but if you drink. , you get the same picture at 30-40".

    "Due to poor circulation, hair often suffers - it becomes dull, thins, breaks, thins. Alcoholism can also accelerate the process of hair loss with genetic alopecia."

    Quotes from cosmetologist Olga Boryanskaya are taken from here

    “One glance is enough for the doctor to see the characteristic deepening of the upper part of the nasolabial fold with a decrease in depth and smoothing of its lower part...

    The effect of alcohol on a person is noticeable on the skin; it lies in the fact that the skin is nourished exclusively by capillaries (microscopic vessels) that penetrate the thickness of the epidermis. Alcohol poison has a strong toxic effect on blood vessels, blood supply is disrupted, the skin ages, “dries out”, becomes covered with age spots. Alcohol also “knocks down” the balance of redox processes and allows free radicals to destroy cells with impunity. And the synthesis of protein, the main building material from which our body “builds” new cells, including skin cells, is blocked. Regular consumption of alcohol leads to an imbalance in the water-salt balance (that’s why you feel so thirsty during a hangover), and the skin becomes dry “from the inside.” In my opinion, alcohol (and usually it goes together with smoking) - main enemy female beauty Today".

    Well, about Botox and alcohol.

    “What could be the consequences of the combination of Botox and alcohol?

    The day before the injection, drinking alcohol is prohibited - otherwise there may be consequences such as the appearance of hematomas and bruises. Drinking alcohol is also prohibited for 7-14 days after the injection - negative consequences arise due to the fact that alcohol can simply neutralize the effect that botulinum toxin has on the muscles. This is explained by the fact that alcohol, like visiting a bathhouse or sauna, increases blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. As a result, Botox may be absorbed into tissues, which weakens or nullifies the desired effect."

    A typical example of a star who combines tons of drink and tons of stuff pumped into her lips and forehead))

    Fast miss_tramell Woman and alcohol

    "Look at the faces of a couple of bloggers, whose posts sometimes fly to the top. One drinks recklessly, without embarrassment: her face is swollen, capillaries on the surface. The second is also all drunk and increasingly writes posts in alcoholic delirium. There is also everything on the face: Photoshop - It’s not photoshop, but you can’t help the alcoholic swelling, and your belly is already beer-skinned.

    Baba can't drink. Dot. This is the ultimate truth. Well, don’t forget: after drinking to the point of slight intoxication, you cancel out the whole workout. If you give in well on the weekend, you nullify a week of training. Having learned this, I gave up alcohol altogether. And here’s what I noticed: before, when I drank once or twice a week, the relief was visible only after drying. Now he's visible all year round: no low-carb, I eat normally, I also have simple carbohydrates for breakfast. For many ladies, in order to achieve a breakthrough in building their body, it is enough to give up glasses of wine. After a couple of months, the result will pleasantly surprise you. I guarantee it."

    Stars leading healthy image life

    Blake Lively.

    “I don't drink. I've never tried drugs. It’s just something that I have absolutely no desire for.”
    27 years old

    Kim Kardashian. “I don’t drink alcohol at all. My sisters drink, so when they start to get a little crazy, I’m always there to calm them down.”
    34 years old

    Christina Ricci. “You know, I went through the normal late teens, drinking in my 20s, but I made the choice because I didn't think it was good for my life.”
    34 years old

    Jennifer Lopez is sure that alcohol has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, so she only sips a glass if the situation requires it.
    45 years old

    Elle MacPherson: "I'm a pesceterian (a fish-eating vegetarian), I don't drink alcohol or drugs, I don't smoke, I take vitamins and nutritional supplements."
    50 years

    Christie Brinkley practically does not drink alcohol. She is also a vegetarian.
    60 years old

    Sofia Loren. 80 years old
    The actress does not smoke or drink alcohol, and follows her diet fanatically.

    Concluding the post, I would like to say that you shouldn’t judge everything categorically: although many stars flatly refuse to drink, I don’t think that rare drinking in moderation will immediately turn a beauty into an ugly one :) That is, the post does not call on everyone to urgently become teetotalers, oh my God forbid)))

    Tell me, do you notice from your friends that those who like to drink really look worse? Or vice versa, you have beautiful girlfriends who like to drink nicely?))

    Have you ever noticed how alcohol affects your appearance?

    Well, can we admit it, do you like to drink and how often and in what quantities do you do it?

    Interesting and male opinion: Do your women drink? How do you look at this?

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