• Project: "Winter Fun". Pedagogical project "winter fun"


    On modern stage development of education, the work of a preschool educational institution is aimed at preparing the child for the next stage of education - primary education. In their work, each teacher is guided by the state order. In relation to a preschool institution, this is a child who is an independent, creative, active person with his own opinion, the ability to interact with others and the desire for knowledge. To achieve this goal, the efforts of just one educational institution are not enough. Efficiency and effectiveness will only occur if preschool and the family will work together towards the intended goal. To do this, it is necessary to establish such strong contact with the students’ parents that they become allies of the educational institution. To this end, it is necessary to captivate parents with the child’s life in kindergarten, his interests, and aspirations.



    I approve.

    Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rainbow"


    Teachers: Ilyina.I.V.

    urban settlement Aksubaevo

    Project topic: "Winter, winter fun."

    Relevance of the project

    At the present stage of development of education, the work of a preschool educational institution is aimed at preparing the child for the next stage of education - primary education. In their work, each teacher is guided by the state order. In relation to a preschool institution, this is a child who is an independent, creative, active person with his own opinion, the ability to interact with others and the desire for knowledge. To achieve this goal, the efforts of just one educational institution are not enough. Efficiency and effectiveness will only manifest themselves if the preschool institution and the family work together to achieve the intended goal. To do this, it is necessary to establish such strong contact with the students’ parents that they become allies of the educational institution. To this end, it is necessary to captivate parents with the child’s life in kindergarten, his interests, and aspirations.

    Project type: cognitive-creative, short-term.

    Project problem: 1. Children’s fragmentary knowledge about the season Winter 2. Insufficient knowledge about what kind of winter happens in different hemispheres of the globe.

    Objective of the project: Expand the introduction of children to winter as a time of year, and to winter sports. Communion parents to creating a unified educational space around the child.

    Project objectives: To form primary research and educational interest through experimentation with water and ice.

    Expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the characteristics of winter nature (cold, frost, snowfall, strong winds), the characteristics of people’s activities in the city and countryside; O safe behavior in winter.

    Introducing children to the winter landscape. Give children an idea of different types landscape (urban, rural, mountain, etc.)

    Develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imagination.

    Learn to see the beauty of nature, winter forest, native land.

    Create a desire to play winter games outside.

    Involve parents in the project.

    Strengthen the ability to express your knowledge and impressions in productive activities;

    Enrich children's vocabulary.-

    Give an idea about the wild animals of the forests of Russia, their way of life, food, housing, and how animals in the forest prepare for winter.

    Enrich your vocabulary with nouns (hollow, den, lair, hole); adjectives (prickly, shaggy, clumsy, cunning, angry, hungry); verbs (hide, hunt, hide, look out, etc.)

    Develop coherent speech through composing descriptive story about animals.

    Foster a desire to help animals.

    Expected results of the project

    Educational value:

    The children developed a feeling of admiration for the beauty of the winter landscape. There was a desire to help animals.

    Educational value:

    1. The percentage of parents showing interest in life has increased kindergarten.

    2.The percentage of children with average and high level cognitive development.

    3.Children’s vocabulary has become more active.

    Strengthening the resource provision of the group.

    Mental Value:

    The scope of children’s knowledge has expanded and systematized

    The most valuable project is that it forces children to think, create products of activity, select and enrich facts of acquired knowledge.

    Project participants: children-teachers-parents (society).

    Time frame for project development and implementation: December, 2014-15 academic year

    Project resources:

    Personnel potential: head, senior teacher, psychologist, physical education instructor, 3 teachers, one of them is a teacher Tatar language, nurse, 1st junior teacher.

    Material and technical base: music and physical education hall, nature corner in the group

    Multimedia projector, 1 computer, 2 music centers, 1 tape recorder.

    Didactic materials:

    Project planning:

    Project stages:

    Stage 1. Preparatory(5 days before the project implementation).

    Project development

    Discussion of the topic of the project and choice of form for its defense.

    Selection of materials for project implementation.

    Work with methodological material, literature on this topic.

    Production of visual aids.

    Conversations with parents.

    Stage 2. Main – practical stage:1st week of December

    project implementation

    Organization OOD

    • conducting thematic, comprehensive classes;
    • V Everyday life;
    • self-education work;
    • working with parents;
    • Discussion of the results and analysis of the work.

    Stage 3. Final.

    Project summary: joint design of an album on the theme: “Winter landscapes” (drawings)

    Project planning

    Educational areas



    Cognitive development


    Subject: Story from personal experience on the topic: “Games in winter”


    Subject: conversation on the topic: “How many interesting things happen in winter.”



    - “If you want to be healthy...”

    - “Rules of behavior on the ice slide”,

    - "Snowball fight without tears"

    - “When snow and ice are dangerous”,

    - “How to tame a hockey stick”,

    - “How to dress so as not to freeze”,

    Observation for seasonal phenomena in nature with the arrival of winter (the sky, the wind, for birds at the feeder, for winter phenomena: snow, consider ice)

    Solving a problem situation:

    “If there is no snow in winter. Is this good and bad?

    Target: teach children to compose a coherent story about an impression from personal experience.

    Target: to form a generalized idea of ​​children about winter.

    Target: clarify and expand knowledge about the rules of conduct in in public places in winter.

    Target: teach children to expressively recite a poem by heart.

    Logical thinking, evidence-based speech.

    Social and communicative development

    Situational conversations:

    • What do I like in winter?
    • Why is Winter needed?
    • If there were no Winter?
    • Why do people dress warmly in winter?
    • Why can't you scream loudly outside in winter?
    • What do they play in winter?
    • What happens only in winter?
    • Conversations about winter sports and the influence of sports

    on human health,


    “What new has appeared on our site with the arrival of Winter?”

    “If it weren’t for winter?”

    “Why do you need to clear the snow from the paths?”

    “How did people prepare for winter?”,

    "How do wild animals prepare for winter?"

    "How can we help birds"

    Conversations on life safety “Rules of conduct on the slide”, “Rules of conduct on slippery slopes» , “How to behave in the forest” (discussion based on illustrations

    Story games

    "For the health of the whole family"


    "Trip to the Theater"

    "Mail. Letter to Santa Claus"


    D\games and educational games:

    "What happens in winter?"

    "What for what"

    "Say kindly"

    "Pick up words - relatives»,

    “What about yesterday?”

    “Where is the bullfinch?”

    “Who needs what?”

    “When does this happen?”

    "Fold the picture"

    "Name the Cubs"


    Subject: Compiling a descriptive story on the topic: “Winter.”


    Topic: “In the forest in winter.”

    • "About wild animals"
    • “Loto”, “Domino” - with images of domestic and wild animals,
    • “What’s extra?”

    Work: pour food for birds, help the janitor.

    Help children develop safe life skills, key communication competencies (responsible attitude towards themselves and people, readiness to act ininappropriate situations). Promote the development of caution, attention, ingenuity. To promote a responsible attitude towards one’s life and health. Prevent possible negative situations for the child.

    To promote the development of caution, attention, and ingenuity.

    To promote the development of caution, attention, ingenuity. To promote a responsible attitude towards one’s life and health.

    learn to build a game plot, perform game actions, coordinate their actions with each other

    Show your own initiative and use substitute items and elements of mummery.

    Target: Develop attention, observation, continue to learn to play

    following certain rules. Exercise children in the formation of verbs in the past tense form, continue to teach children to select words.

    Target: teach children to indicate the time of action when describing events.

    Target: clarify and expand children's understanding of the lifestyle of wild animals

    Target: Develop attention logical thinking, observation, continue to teach how to play, following certain rules.

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Developmental environment:

    Introduce the paintingsI. Grabar “February Azure” and I. Levitan “Village in Winter”.

    Images "Winter sports"


    winter landscapes,

    Reading works about winter

    Proverbs and sayings about winter, winter months.

    Riddles about winter, about winter sports, about winter toys.

    Looking at the illustrations:

    winter landscapes, children's games in winter.


    Listening: “Like thin ice”, “You are frost, frost, frost...”, children's winter songs. Learning the polka dance “Good Beetle”. Music\game: “Guess the song” - practice guessing

    familiar songs about winter.

    Listening to music: P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. January”, Vivaldi album “Seasons. Winter".

    Learning the songs “Ice Girl”, “Winter-Winter”;

    New Year?" to the music of Chichkov, “- learning the pair dance “White Snowflakes”, the general dance “Winter”, round dances “What is the New Year”Year" music by Verizhnikov, "Dance of the Snow Maiden's girlfriends";

    Improvisation “Dance of Snow Flakes”.

    Musical leisure “Who is preparing for winter?”

    Listening and learning songs from the “Wild Animals” repertoire

    Artistic creativity:


    Subject : Winter sports activities.

    Modeling “Mushrooms and nuts for a squirrel”

    "Fox - Patrikeevna"


    applique “Forest dwellers”, “Hare” or “Squirrel”, “Hedgehog”.


    Topic: “Winter Forest”.

    Drawing with elements of the applique “The gray bunny turned white”

    Construction from natural material.

    Topic: Wild bird.

    « Teremok for all animals"

    Topic: Animal toy.

    Working with building materials “Building a house for a bunny”

    Developmental environment:

    • Pictures about winter, winter landscapes (rural, mountain, urban)
    • Pictures of wintering birds,
    • Images winter clothes and shoes,
    • Pictures “Winter fun” and people’s work in winter.
    • A collection of children's songs about winter.
    • Pictures of wild and domestic animals in winter conditions.

    Using musical works as a means of enriching children's ideas about nature.

    Summarize and consolidate children's knowledge about winter,Develop emotionality, musical memory, timbre hearing, modal sense, sense of rhythm. Promote the manifestationindependence and creative fulfillment of tasks. Practice pure singing of stepwise and spasmodicmovement melodies, in clear diction. Improveskill start singing after the musical introduction, rhythmically perform movements while singing. Improve musical and rhythmic movements. Cultivate activity, initiative, independence, and creativity in children.

    learn to convey the plot of winter sports entertainment in modeling.

    Learn to compose a simple plot composition from homogeneous objects that differ in size. Learn to analyze the structural features of animals, correlate parts by size and proportions. Develop your eye, synchronize the work of both hands.

    Teach children to convey in a drawing a picture of winter in a field, in a forest, in a village. Strengthen the ability to draw by combining in a drawing different materials: colored wax crayons, sanguine and white (gouache). Develop imaginative perception, imaginative ideas, creativity

    Target: teach children to make a bird according to the model and develop

    Goal: to teach how to create animal toys from natural materials and plasticine

    Call emotional attitude to nature.

    To develop children's artistic perception, the ability to see and feel the beauty of autumn nature, to awaken good and bright feelings in children.

    Invite children to examine a reproduction of the painting, paying attention to the variety of colors autumn leaves, admiring the play of color.

    Bring children to understand how the artist conveyed his mood with the help of color, pay attention to the features of the combination of warm and cold color tones.

    Create desire in children draw winter

    Physical development


    "Hunters and Hares"

    “Throw the snowball into the ring”, “Who is faster”.

    • Who is faster to the flag?
    • Don't stay on the ground.
    • Mousetrap.
    • Hunters and hares.
    • Shaggy dog.
    • Empty place.
    • Traps.

    Finger gymnastics:

    “We went for a walk in the yard,”

    "Two Birds"

    “I’m not afraid of frost”


    "Squirrel reserve"

    “A squirrel is sitting on a cart...”

    Physical education minute“Animal exercise” “Teddy bear”

    Walking competitions:

    "Who is faster to the flag"

    Formation of the need for motor activity and physical improvement.

    Our main task is the health and physical development of children. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin in kindergarten. In this area, conversations, games, and activities were held with children. The knowledge children gain in class must be reinforced in everyday life. A positive example of adults surrounding children and, first of all, parents is also necessary, and in order to achieve positive results parents were involved. Conducted parent meetings, participation of parents in sports competitions, leisure activities, presence of parents in classes.

    Develop agility and endurance.

    Speech development

    Reading fiction:

    Topic: Poems about winter.

    - V. Dal “Girl Snow Maiden”,

    V. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”,

    S. Marshak “Twelve months”,

    N. Sladkov “The Trial of December”,

    K. Balmont “Snowflake”,

    S. Cherny “On Skates”,

    S. Yesenin “Birch”, “Winter Sings”,

    Z. Alexandrova “Father Frost”,

    N. Sakonskaya “Winter Holiday”.

    GCD on the topic: “Reading the educational story by Sergei Ivanov “What snow is like.”

    Memorizing I. Surikov’s poem “Winter”

    “The Tale of the Brave Hare” D. Mamin – Siberian

    • Wild animals,

    "Loto", "Domino" - with image

    Target: learn to expressively read poetry by heart, practice skills

    use emotional expressiveness. Educatelove of books, caring, careful handling with it comes the active enrichment of the vocabulary of preschoolers, teaching them the culture of speech, the ability to express their thoughts accurately, competently and beautifully.

    Working with parents

    Together with parents, prepare a card index of poems about winter, proverbs, sayings, pictures on the theme “Winter Fun”. Joint design of an album with drawings on the theme “Winter Landscapes”.

    Design of the exhibition “Animals of the Forests”.

    Project presentations: “Rules of behavior in the forest”, “Wild animals in winter forest", "Wild animals of our forests."

    Making a mini-album “Wild Animals of the Forest”.

    Enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint creative activity.

    Parents are active and interested participants in the project, focused on developing the child’s need for knowledge, communication with adults and peers, through joint project activities.

    List of used literature:

    1. Education and training program in kindergarten “From birth to school” by N.E. Veraksa M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2014.
    2. "Socially - emotional development children 3-7 years old" T.D. Pashkevich. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.
    3. "Moral - patriotic education children preschool age» A.Ya. Vetokhina. Methodological manual for teachers - St. Petersburg: “LLC M.: “Childhood-press”, 2010.
    4. “Projects in working with families” Toolkit. O.I. Davydova, A.A. Mayer, L.G. Bogoslovets. LLC "TC Sfera", 2012 (Library of the journal “Preschool Education Management”)
    5. Children's and Parents' Club " Cheerful family» L.N. Popova, M.N. Gontorevskaya. Practical materials - M.: "TC Sfera" 2012.

    (Library of the journal “Preschool Education Management”)

    1. . Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in senior group kindergarten. Mosaic-Synthesis. M.:2014

    7. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Plot-role-playing games for preschool children. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2012.

    8. Sakhipova Z.G. We read to children. – Leningrad: Enlightenment, 1987.

    9. Baryaeva L.B. Gavrilushkina Games and activities with natural and man-made materials, St. Petersburg, 2005

    1. Kataeva A.A., Strebeleva E.A. Didactic games and exercises in teaching preschoolers. M, 2001
    2. Pozhilenko E.A. The world around us. St. Petersburg 2004

    12. Methodological literature: “ Environmental education in kindergarten" O.A. Solomennikova, Mosaika-Sintez, 2006;

    13. “Environmental education” by S.N. Nikolaev;

    14. “Organization of activities of a corner of nature” P.G. Fedoseeva;

    15. “Introducing preschoolers to the natural world” by E.I. Zolotov;

    16. “What can be made from natural materials” E.K. Gulyants, I.Ya. Bazik;

    17. “Four Seasons” by S.A. Veretennikova;


    Nowadays, most parents spend little time with their children, especially on weekends. They feel more comfortable that children sit in front of the TV or computer all day long. Thus, they themselves isolate children from their favorite activities. Children younger age They still cannot organize a game on the street - they have little experience - especially in winter, many do not have the necessary attributes (skates, skis, sleds). Children, with the help of adults, get the impression of winter as: cold, frosty, you can’t go outside, because... you'll get sick. But how beautifully this time of year is sung in poems, stories, songs, and folk art. The theme of the project was chosen with the aim of instilling a love for such a time of year as winter, for winter games, expand the concept of “winter entertainment” and that this concept is typical only for winter, the ability to organize games yourself while walking, at home, reflect in productive activities.

    The project is designed for 1 month.


    1. Expand and deepen children's knowledge about winter activities.
    2. Introduce folklore works, fiction, songs, games with a winter theme.
    3. Shape elementary representations about winter sports games, introduce Russians folk traditions- winter fun “sculpting a snow woman.”
    4. Develop speech, activate and enrich children's vocabulary.
    5. Shape cognitive activity, the ability to reflect in productive activities.
    6. To foster in children good feelings, the ability to admire the beauty of the winter landscape, and mutual understanding.
    7. Involve parents in the accumulation of knowledge, literature about winter fun.

    Stage 1 project - preparatory(1 Week)

    • Parent survey.
    • Discuss the goals and objectives of the project with parents.
    • Creation of conditions necessary for the implementation of the project.
    • Selection of the necessary material, clarity.

    Stage 2 of the project - main (2 weeks)

    Implementation of the main activities in the project areas.


    Stage 3 of the project - final (1 week)

    • The relationship between supplied and forecast materials and the results obtained.
    • Collection and processing of methodological and practical materials.
    • Summarizing project materials.

    Expected Result:

    - a formed idea of ​​winter sports games, winter fun;

    — children’s knowledge about winter activities is deepened and expanded.

    Developed ability to reflect cognitive activity in productive activities.

    Stage 1 – preparatory

    Kind of activity target deadlines Responsible
    1. Questioning parentsTo determine whether children have knowledge about winter games, the necessary attributes, how parents spend their weekends with their children1 WeekEducator
    2. Selection of visual teaching aids, sets of pictures, paintings, illustrations, art. literature, materials (for making crafts, toys), art. words - with the involvement of parents.Create conditions for the implementation of the project, attract parents (bring in a book about winter, pictures, postcards)1 WeekEducator
    3 Competition “Funny Snowman (among parents)”Continue to create a desire among parents and children to take part in the group’s activities. Involve parents in making a snowman toy from various scrap materials2nd weekEducator
    4 Album making
    "What we like in winter"
    Create visual aids for project implementation2nd weekEducator
    5. Consultations and conversations with parents, design of a corner for parentsDiscuss the goals and objectives of the project. Generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.2nd weekEducator

    Stage 2 – main

    Kind of activity target Deadlines
    1 Round dance "Winter fun"Learn a round dance with children, teach them to coordinate movements with the text2nd week
    2 Learning and singing songs “blue sleigh”, “sleigh rolled down”With the help of songs, expand knowledge about winter fun2nd week
    3 Guessing riddles about winter, winter games.Enrich children's vocabulary by introducing new words about winter and winter activities.2nd week
    4 Snowman appliqueContinue to learn how to cut a circle from a square, strengthen design skills (making circles)3rd week
    5 Modeling "Snowballs"Learn to sculpt round objects.3rd week
    6 Unconventional drawing
    "The Snowman and His Friends" - average
    Learn to draw objects from several parts, convey the structure of the object. Strengthen the skills of painting a round shape.3rd week
    7 EXAMINATION of paintings: “Sledding”, “Winter fun”, “Sasha and the Snowman”, “Walking in winter”.Expand children's vocabulary with new words, develop children's speech. Reinforce the concept that winter activities are only typical for winter.2nd-3rd week
    8 Integrated lesson “Let’s Help the Snowman.” Conversation “What we like in winter”Find out what children know about winter, what they like about winter. Strengthen your knowledge about winter.3rd week
    9 Finger games
    "boy with a thumb"
    “1,2,3,4,5 - we went for a walk in the yard..”
    Develop fine motor skills hands, develop children’s speech, consolidate knowledge about winter2nd-3rd week
    10 Massage "Snowman"Develop fine motor skills, develop children's speech.3rd week
    11 Memorizing a verse
    “Snow Bunny” by O. Vysotskaya
    Arouse interest in the verse, help remember and reproduce the verse. Cultivate interest in winter games3rd week
    12 Entertainment games: sledding, sliding along an ice pathLearn to play independently while walking, the ability to select appropriate games3rd week
    13 Board game
    "Collect a snow woman."
    Didactic game "snowman" 2 ml. gr.
    Learn to fold a figure out of three circles, selecting according to size. Develop design skills. Cultivate interest.3rd week
    14 Outdoor games
    "Snowballs", "Sledding"
    Develop agility, speed, interest in winter games2nd-3rd week
    15 Introduction to the Russian folk winter pastime “Sculpting a Snow Woman”Expand children's knowledge using ICT, watching episodes from familiar fairy tales and cartoons. Develop speech through the emergence of new words.3rd week
    16 Learning physical exercises “I skate”, “We dance with snowballs”Remember physical lessons about winter, learn to pronounce words, coordinate movements with the text3rd week
    17 Lesson on cognitive development"Winter Fun"Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about winter activities, activate and enrich their vocabulary, and develop cognitive activity.3rd week
    18 Making snow figures at the kindergarten siteInstill a love of winter, winter games, the ability to make simple buildings with the help of an adult, and play with them3rd week
    19 Reading fiction about winter fun.Introduce winter-themed fiction to enrich children's vocabulary.2nd-3rd week
    20 Speech development lesson “Visiting the Snowman”Expand knowledge about the world around us3rd week
    21 Project presentation. Entertainment "Winter Fun"To consolidate children’s acquired knowledge about winter fun, to instill a love for winter and winter games.3rd week

    Stage 3 – final

    Selection of thin words, pictures, illustrations.

    Project "Winter Fun"

    Target: Introduce children to folk traditions and customs.

    Continue to introduce winter sports

    Continue to introduce folk songs, dances, and games

    Enrich children's knowledge about safe behavior in winter


    "Winter fun"- expand children’s ideas about winter fun (sledding, snow scooters, ice skates, skiing, the ability to build and decorate a snowman, playing snowballs, playing hockey...), promote a healthy lifestyle, develop coherent speech, and evoke joy from reading a poem I. Demyanova “The Snow Woman”, positive aesthetic feelings and emotions when listening to P. Tchaikovsky’s play “January”.

    Book exhibition with illustrations “Winter fun for children”, winter sports for children to watch. Illustrated riddles and answers (sleds, skis, skates, hockey);

    Selection of story pictures on the topic. We learn to make sentences based on reference pictures.

    Children play in the snow. Children make snowballs, a snow woman, a fortress. Children ride downhill on sleds, ice skates, and skis.

    Children skate on ice, skate, sled, etc.

    Didactic game“Let’s help Dunno count the snowflakes.”

    Communication, the world

    Find extra fun.“Name it and tell me why it’s superfluous”? (like a third wheel)

    Collect a cut picture and name the athlete. (hockey player, skier, biathlete, speed skater, figure skater, etc.)

    Game "Sports Studio"“Dress an athlete” (selection of clothes for a figure skater, hockey player, etc.)

    Competition game“Who can assemble a snowman faster” (2 envelopes containing parts of snowmen: 3 circles of different sizes, a bucket, a broom; on one circle the snowman is smiling, on the second he is sad).

    Determine the mood, think: Why are the moods different?)

    Reading fiction

    Reviewing books about winter sports, encyclopedias with illustrations.

    Consideration of reproductions of paintings by artists on the topic “Winter Sports”.

    Series “Winter Fun” Series “Winter Sports”

    Reading works Creative storytelling story pictures“How the children went for a walk in the winter...” “Winter fun” with memorizing poems.

    Memorizing verse. R. Kudashova “Winter Song”

    Guessing and inventing riddles about the inhabitants of northern latitudes (deer, polar bear, walrus, seal).

    Exercise “Name the action” (with a “snowball”)

    Compiling a descriptive story on the topic: “Winter.”

    Reading a fairy tale by K.D. Ushinsky’s “Four Wishes” - continue to introduce children to works that talk about winter entertainment, expand knowledge about winter entertainment, cultivate attention, and strengthen listening skills.

    Reading the nursery rhyme “Like in the snow, in a blizzard...” Reading by N. Sladkov “In the Ice”, “Bird Bazaar”, G. Snegirev “Penguin Beach”, A. Chlenov “How Alyoshka lived in the North”, N. Emelyanova “Oksya - worker”, L. Charskaya “Winter”

    Artistic creativity

    Drawing: “I’m happily rolling downhill into a snowdrift” - learn to convey the plot using accessible graphic means. Show means of depicting the plot (semantic) connection between objects: highlighting the main and secondary, conveying interaction, changing the shape due to the nature of the movement (arms raised, bent, torso tilted, etc.). Expand the possibilities of using the cut-off appliqué technique. Develop compositional skills (draw across an entire sheet of paper, drawing a horizon line, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects).

    "Snowmen in hats and scarves" -

    arouse interest in the upcoming activity, attract the attention of children by reading Brodsky’s poem “The Snow Woman”;

    continue to develop children’s ability to draw objects in the shape of a ball, correlate parts by size, and correctly convey the location of parts; introduce the unconventional painting technique of “poking with a sponge”;

    Practice strokes and shading.

    “What did the artist forget to draw?” (finish drawings)

    Coloring pages. Winter Olympic themed emblems.

    “Adorn an athlete’s outfit.” Winter stencils sportswear: hockey player helmet; skier's, skater's cap; biathlete's jacket; skirt, figure skater leotard to decorate with winter symbols (tricolor Russian flag, Olympic rings, snowman, star, little penguin, etc.)


    Conversations."Why I like winter."

    “Winter and children. Winter fun" "If it weren't for winter...”

    "Winter sports"


    Labor activity outside: check the feeders, feed the birds. sprinkle the paths with sand, shovel the snow to the roots of the trees. Labor tasks at home: digging up soil in pots, watering plants.


    Musical works (listening) “Winter's Tale”

    · Staging the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” - consolidate knowledge of the fairy tale, develop interest in fairy tales, an emotional response to the content, and activate children’s speech during the staging process.

    · “Music/game: “Guess the song” - practice guessing familiar songs about winter. Listening: “Like thin ice”, “You are frost, frost, frost...”, children's winter songs.

    Physical Culture

    · Sports entertainment on fresh air“Winter sports” with the participation of all family members.

    · Didactic game “Winter Sports”.

    "Snowflakes and the Wind" - develop the ability to act on a signal, restrain oneself, and perform movements expressively; develop imagination

    Outdoor game “Two Frosts”, “Entertainers”, “Hit the target”, “Whose team will score more goals”, “Ice, wind and frost”, “Hit the goal” “Jumpers”, “Santa Claus”, “Fast sled” ", "Don't drop the snowballs." Relay "Counter" Sledding


    Viewing and reading literature. "Carefully! Winter injuries"

    Conversation “Be careful in winter”, “Rules of behavior on a slide”, “Rules of behavior on slippery paths”

    Conversation “Where vitamins live”


    Conversations. “How to take care of your health in winter.”

    Project activity product:

    Family photos “Winter fun”;

    Album with riddles and poems “Winter”;



    Oh yes winter - winter

    How you decorated your home!

    Whitewashed everything around

    There is white fluff on all the roofs.

    There will be slides in the yard,

    For fun for the kids.

    Didactic game “Yes and no”

    The adult offers the children phrases, and the children determine whether it happens in winter or not: It snows in winter. In winter, people swim in the river. In winter they ride a bicycle. In winter, people wear fur coats. And so on.

    Game “Say the Word.”

    In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow. Let's play with the word "snow".

    “Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, it falls to the ground. ( Snow.)

    Silvery fluffs keep sliding from the sky. ( Snowflakes.)

    Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play. ( Snowballs.)

    It’s like he’s dressed up in a white down jacket. ( Snowman.)

    Game “Name it kindly.”

    Winter froze and covered everything, but we love it and affectionately call it what? ( Zimushka).

    Freezing - ( frost).

    Ice - ( ice).

    Cold - ( chill).

    Snow - ( snowball).

    Snowflake - ( snowflake).

    Christmas tree - ( herringbone)

    Sled - ( sled)

    Slide - ( mound)

    Why do we love winter so much? Let's tell you what you can do in winter, how you can have fun.

    Poems on the topic:

    Like on a hill, on a mountain
    In the wide yard
    Who's on the sled?
    Who's skiing?
    Who is taller
    Who is shorter
    Who's quieter?
    Who will run away
    Who's on the ice?
    Who's in the snow?
    From the hill - wow,
    Up the hill - wow
    Breathtaking! A. Prokofiev

    I rush like the wind on skates
    Along the forest edge...
    Mittens on hands
    Hat on top... S. Black

    The whole earth is covered in snow,
    I'm skiing
    You're running after me.
    It's good in the forest in winter. A. Vvedensky

    We made a snowball
    The ears were made later
    And just instead of eyes
    We found some coals.
    The rabbit came out alive!
    He has a tail and a head! O. Vysotskaya

    Katya is lucky with her sleigh
    From porch to gate,
    And Seryozha is on the path
    Throws crumbs to the sparrows.

    3. Alexandrova

    Among our yard
    The snowman stood yesterday
    We made it ourselves
    He had a nose and hands.

    3. Alexandrova

    Riddles on the topic

    I was hit with a shovel
    They made me hunchbacked
    They beat me, they beat me!
    Ice water poured over
    And then they all rolled off
    From my hump in droves. (Slide)

    Guys, I have
    Two silver horses
    I drive both at once.
    What kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

    Running along the path
    Boards and legs. (Skis)

    I'm flying downhill,
    I’m dragging myself uphill. (Sled)

    Here is a silver meadow.
    No lamb in sight
    The bull does not moo on it,
    Chamomile does not bloom.
    Our meadow is good in winter,
    But you won’t find it in the spring.
    (Ice rink)
    V. Orlov

    Oh, it's snowing
    I'm bringing out my friend horse,
    For the rope-rein
    I lead my horse through the yard,
    I'm flying down the hill on it,
    And I drag him back.
    (Russian folk nursery rhyme)

    What a ridiculous person
    Made your way into the twenty-first century?
    Carrot - nose, broom in hand,
    Afraid of sun and heat.
    N. Stozhkova

    The tablecloth is white

    I dressed the whole world. (Snow)

    White bedspread

    It was lying on the ground.

    Summer has come,

    It's all gone. (Snow)

    There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow)

    There is one such flower.

    You can't weave it into a wreath.

    Blow on it lightly:

    There was a flower - and there is no flower. (Snowflake)

    Village in white velvet -

    And fences and trees.

    And when the wind attacks,

    This velvet will fall off. (Frost)

    White carrot

    It grew all winter.

    The sun has warmed up

    And he ate the carrot. (Icicle)

    She grows upside down

    It grows not in summer, but in winter.

    But the sun will bake her -

    She will cry and die. (Icicle)

    I live under the very roof,

    It's scary to even look down.

    I could live higher

    If only there were roofs there. (Icicle)

    Hanging outside the window

    Ice bag,

    It's full of drops

    And it smells like spring. (Icicle)

    No arms, no legs,

    And he can draw. (Freezing)

    At night, while I was sleeping,

    Came with a magic brush

    And I drew it on the window

    Sparkling leaves. (Freezing)

    Without hands, but draws,

    No teeth, but bites. (Freezing)

    No hands, no ax

    A bridge has been built. (Ice)

    In the new wall, in the round window

    During the day the glass is broken

    And overnight it was inserted again. (Ice hole)

    It flowed, it flowed

    And lay under the glass. (River under ice)

    Wooden horses

    They jump in the snow,

    And they don’t fall into the snow. (Skis)

    We stood all summer

    Winter was expected.

    The time has come -

    We rushed down the mountain. (Sled)

    The river flows - we lie,

    Ice on the river - we are running. (Skates)

    It's not easy to get there sometimes

    But it's easy and nice

    Take a ride back. (Snow Hill)

    I lived in the middle of the yard

    Where the kids play

    But from the sun's rays

    I turned into a stream. (Snowman)

    Finger gymnastics "We went for a walk in the yard."

    One two three four five, Bend your fingers.
    You and I made a snowball. Children "sculpt".
    Round, strong, very smooth They show a circle, clasp their palms, stroke one palm with the other.
    And not at all sweet. They shake their fingers.
    Once - we'll throw it up, "Tossed up."
    Two - we'll catch "They're catching me."
    Three - we'll drop it "They drop it."
    And... we'll break it. They stomp.
    N. Nishcheva

    Outdoor games

    "Winter fun" The goal is to develop coordination of speech with movement, general speech skills. Progress of the game:

    We're skiing with you Children pretend to ski.
    The cold snow licks your skis.
    And then - on skates, Children pretend to be skating.
    But we fell. Oh! "They are falling."
    And then they made snowballs, They stand, squeezing an imaginary snowball with their palms.
    And then they rolled snowballs, They roll an imaginary lump.
    And then they fell exhausted. "They are falling."
    And we ran home. They run in circles. N. Nishcheva

    Anna Gainutdinova
    Short term project for preschoolers “Winter fun”

    Short-term project for preschoolers« Winter fun»


    Currently, the problem of health and physical development children preschool age. Preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem. Behind last decades health status preschoolers has sharply deteriorated. Children's health problems require new approaches and trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents. The daily routine is filled with children's active activities, independent games, and sports entertainment.

    Target project: creating conditions for enriching children's knowledge about winter and winter fun, introducing children and parents to healthy image life through conducting winter fun, entertainment, games.

    Tasks: With children:

    Preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health;

    Formation of healthy lifestyle habits among students;

    Form motor abilities, expand children's horizons;

    Develop interest in sports games and the construction of snow structures.

    with teachers:

    Increasing the competence of teachers in matters of organization and conduct winter walk with kids;

    Providing methodological support for design and decoration of the winter area;

    To intensify the creative activity of preschool teachers.

    with parents:

    Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

    Increasing parental competence in organizational matters children's winter holidays;

    Involving families in the educational process based on collaborative pedagogy.

    Duration project: short-term from 04.12.2017 to 08.12.2017. G.

    Participants project: children of middle, senior and preparatory groups, teachers, instructor physical culture, music director.

    Type project: short.

    Detailed calendar plan work


    Forms of working with children:

    1. Introductory conversations "Zimushka - winter", "Winter and Children", "Winter in the Forest", "Sport and health";

    Creative workshop "Snowman"- Practice cutting round shapes from square and oval from rectangle by rounding the corners.

    Reading fiction literature: Reading Russians fairy tales: "Winter quarters of animals", "Mitten", "Zayushkina's hut".

    Reading and learning by heart poems: M. Rodinoy "Snowflakes", V. Egorova "Snowman", V. Orlova “Why does the bear sleep in winter?”. Reading stories by Yu. Kozlova "Winter", "Holiday"; V. Bianchi "Forest in Winter". Folklore (riddles, nursery rhymes winter theme) .

    DI "Snowman Postman", “When does this happen?”, "Fold the Snowman", "Call me kindly" desktop - printed games: "Find the extra one fun» . Name and Tell: Why is she superfluous? (For example, children make a Snowman, skate, swim in the river)“Collect a cut-out picture and name the athlete (hockey player, skier, figure skater, etc.) A game "Sports Atelier", "Dress the Athlete" (selection paper clothes figure skater, biathlete, etc.).

    Morning themed exercises.

    - Outdoor games: "Through snowballs in a circle", "Roll a Snowball", "Hit the hoop (or com)», "Snowballs".

    Looking at illustrations and paintings: « Winter fun» , « Winter holidays» , "Beasts in Winter", "Artists about winter".

    Musical works (hearing): « Winter's Tale» , "If only it weren't winter", "Grandfather", "Christmas tree", "Candy Song", "Wrappers", "About New Year".

    - Music game: "Father Frost".

    - Experiences and experiments: “What kind of snow is there?”, "Snow - water - ice", “How deep is the snowdrift?”. throughout


    2. Conducting educational activities in physical education « Winter fun» middle, senior, preparatory group. Monday

    3. View the presentation « Winter fun» senior, preparatory group. Tuesday

    4. Watching a cartoon “What can you play outside in winter?”

    middle group. Wednesday

    5. Winter competitions"Team meeting "Ice" And "Snowflake" middle, senior, preparatory groups. Friday

    Forms of work with parents:

    1. Conducting consultations.

    Design of moving folders. throughout


    2. Booklets, information leaflets.

    3. Exhibition of joint creative works with parents « Winter holiday»

    Expected Results:

    Establishing parent-child relationships through entertainment, fun, games. Enriching knowledge about winter and winter fun.

    Formation of motor skills.

    Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle.

    Formation in children of the ability to interact in a team and with parents, interest in entertainment, fun, physical education and sports.

    Development of friendly relationships in the family.

    Publications on the topic:

    Topic: “Winter and winter fun” Purpose: To expand and clarify children’s knowledge about the signs of winter, winter phenomena in nature; ideas about winter.

    Summary of educational activities for children of senior preschool age on speech development “Winter fun. Winter sports" Summary of direct educational activities with children of senior preschool age on speech development Topic: “Winter fun. Winter.

    Consultation for parents “Winter fun” Consultation for parents “Winter fun” Remember in childhood this joyful excitement when, waking up, you suddenly discover that everything is done.

    Project for children of the senior group “Winter fun in our kindergarten” Project: medium duration, group, creative. Main idea: Development of parent-child relationships through joint.

    Project on labor education in the middle group “Winter Fun” Project on labor education V middle group on the theme "Winter fun". Relevance of the project: Preschool age is the age of formation.

    Educational and playful creative project “Winter Fun” Type of project: educational-game, creative. Project participants: teachers, physical education instructor, music director.

    Municipal budget preschool educational institution

    "Kindergarten "Zhuravushka""

    Asbestovsky urban district

    Short term project

    "Winter Fun"

    (group 5 to 6 years old)

    25.01.2016 - 29.01.2016

    performer: teacher Bochkareva V.V.

    Project "Winter Fun"

    in senior group No. 10 “Yagodka”

    for children from 5 to 6 years old

    Project type: group, cognitive-creative, short-term.

    Relevance: Winter! The snow and frost tirelessly pour down, they work tirelessly on the skating rinks, build ice slides, and form unusually huge piles of snow. In the hallways, sleds, snow scooters, ice skates, and skis are waiting in the wings. The children who have poured out into the street seem to have something to entertain themselves with, and adults do not have to strain, rack their brains about what to do with their child, there is plenty of winter fun and joy. But is it? Let's think about it and remember at least a dozen things that won't let you get bored. What will we remember? Snowball fights, hockey, downhill skiing, tag on skis and skates (if, of course, everyone has both skis and skates). What do our children play in the garden and at home? Let's ask them and they will also tell you how they spend hour after hour chasing each other with snowballs, tirelessly sliding downhill, building snowmen or playing hockey. But winter is the time of the most interesting activities time for sledding, skiing, skating. Winter is not just one day, but three whole months! How to ensure that the hours allotted for a walk are filled with fun activities, exciting activities, would they fly more unnoticed and, most importantly, with greater benefit for children? There are a lot of wonderful folk games and amusements that have already been forgotten. Therefore, it was decided to make every effort to select all required material on this topic, involve parents in this and jointly make our winter unforgettable - winter with its frosts, winds, blizzards.

    Objective of the project: Creating optimal conditions for organizing physical activity and health-improving work with children in the winter.

    Project objectives: To form in children the habit of a healthy lifestyle and the need for a variety of independent motor activities in the air.

    To develop physical qualities in children: agility, speed, endurance during outdoor games, competitions, and entertainment.

    To instill in children moral and strong-willed qualities, communication skills and hard work during collective activity.

    To create in children an idea of ​​the Olympic Games as world competitions; introduce children to information accessible to this age from the history of the ancient and modern Olympic movement;

    Involve parents in active interaction with preschool teachers, in direct participation in most events, and in providing assistance to teachers.

    Equipment, materials: multimedia equipment, presentations about winter holidays and fun, audio recordings of songs, literature on the proposed topic, illustrations, postcards and posters.

    Project participants: children of middle preschool age, teacher, parents.

    Project duration: 1 Week.

    Expected result:

    Introduce children and attract parents to the historical and cultural heritage of their native land;

    Consolidating children's knowledge and ideas about winter sports;

    interest and active participation of parents in educational process kindergarten;

    Development of creative imagination, creative thinking

    Formation of prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative.

    Project implementation stages.



    Implementation form




    collecting information, working with methodological literature, drawing up a work plan for the project

    Formulating the problem;

    Choosing a solution method.


    Methodological literature,

    Activity planning

    implementation of the project.

    Carry out activities according to plan

    GCD. Joint and independent activities.

    Cooperation with parents.

    25.01 – 29.01.



    Evaluate the effectiveness of the work done.

    Fun with parents

    Project stages:







    Conversations with children about the holiday

    Informing parents about the project: discussing the topic of the project, identifying options for presenting the project.

    Selection of magazines and literature for individual work by parents on the topic “Winter fun”.

    Selection of fiction (stories and poems, riddles about winter fun)

    Preparation of materials for artistic creativity(watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, wax crayons, colored paper, glue, cardboard, plasticine, etc.).

    Prepare a presentation “Winter fun”

    creation of a development environment for the project

    Activity planning

    Independent and joint creative activity.

    Work on the project according to plan

    Carrying out joint activities according to plan.


    Presentation of photographs “Winter fun”.

    Creative work with kids

    Photo exhibition in a group.

    Fun with parents

    Project Implementation Plan


    Cooperative activity

    Independent / Free creative activity

    Collaboration between parents and children

    Educational activities in regime moments

    Directly – educational activities

    Looking at posters and paintings depicting winter activities (sledding, skiing, ice skating

    Presentation “Winter Fun”

    Plot - role-playing games:

    Articles for the parent corner “Winter Sports”

    Didactic games “What for what”, “Say kindly”, “Choose words - relatives”, “And what yesterday? »

    Drawing on the theme “Ooh down the hill”

    Drawing: Decorate the Athlete's Clothes

    Together with parents, find riddles about winter activities

    Looking at an album about winter sports

    Introducing children to proverbs and sayings about winter

    Modeling "Snowman on a sled"

    Make paraphernalia for the game "Knock the cap down with snowflakes"


    Reading the nursery rhyme “Like in the snow, in a blizzard”, Reading N. Sladkov “In the ice”

    Collective applique "Skier"

    Coloring pages on the theme "Winter Olympic emblems"

    Participation of parents in the final lesson - entertainment in the senior group “Winter Fun”;

    Game “Sports studio”, “Dress an athlete” (selection of clothes for a figure skater, hockey player, etc.)

    Compiling children's stories “about winter fun”

    Looking at pictures on the topic “Winter fun, Winter sports.”

    Game-competition “Who can assemble a snowman faster” (2 envelopes containing parts of snowmen: 3 circles of different sizes, a bucket, a broom; on one circle the snowman smiles, on the second he is sad).

    "Guessing riddles about winter sports"

    Music\game: “Guess the song” - practice guessing familiar songs about winter.

    Photo design “Winter fun”

    Project results: The children were very enthusiastic during the project implementation various types activities on the topic. . The work carried out united the children and created a friendly atmosphere in the team.

      Children have mastered a sufficient level of motor activity according to their age.

      The pupils were introduced to a variety of new games and exercises in the group and outdoors.

      The children mastered the technique of skiing and playing with a stick and puck.

      The acquired skills will help you become more self-sufficient and independent.

      The motor experience gained will help you avoid accidents.

      Motor independence and overall endurance will increase, and the incidence of illness in children will decrease.

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