• Stepanenko is depriving Petrosyan of his most precious possessions. Cheerful family. The love story of Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko When the lilacs bloomed


    It turned out that not all square meters of luxury housing belong to both comedian spouses, who recently announced a divorce and are dividing property. As realtors found out, some of the apartments are registered exclusively in the name of Evgeniy Petrosyan, while Elena Stepanenko’s housing is shared only with her husband.

    According to realtor Konstantin Ivanov, in the capital’s house on Sechenovsky Lane, Stepanenko and Petrosyan have not two, as previously reported, but three apartments. Moreover, they belong to the spouses in shared ownership - fifty to fifty.


    “The first has a total area of ​​138.7 square meters and can cost up to 65 million rubles. The couple’s second apartment covers an area of ​​92 square meters and can cost up to 36 million rubles. The third, with a total area of ​​64 square meters, costs 28 million rubles,” – the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the expert.

    Petrosyan owns the rest of Moscow square meters solely. These are two apartments on Plyushchikha Street, which he combined into one, housing on Arbat and an apartment on Prechistensky Lane. By the way, the latter contains the comedian’s collection of antiques, which his wife now does not allow him to see.

    Also, according to Konstantin Ivanov, the satirist also has housing on Oleko Dundich Street. As a result, if you calculate the cost of these square meters, then you can add another 156 million rubles to the one and a half billion fortune of Stepanenko and Petrosyan.

    Let us remind you that the first court hearing on the main divorce of the year is scheduled for September 6. It will be held behind closed doors to preserve the artists’ right to “privacy.”

    They were considered one of the strongest and most harmonious couples in domestic show business. Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko lived together for 33 years, without giving anyone a reason to doubt their feelings.

    They were always nearby: at home, at work, during going out. However, it recently became clear that comedians are getting divorced. What could have caused the collapse of the family and creative union?

    How it all began

    Evgeny Petrosyan in his youth.

    In 1979, a fragile girl came to audition for the Variety Theater. Evgeny Petrosyan was just looking for an actress for his new play “ Good word and it’s nice for the cat.” Thin and very artistic, Elena Stepanenko was ideal for the role: she could sing and dance, and also had an excellent sense of humor.

    Elena Stepanenko in the play “A kind word pleases a cat.”

    The actress was approved for the role and her work began at the Variety Theater. However, it was not about feelings at all. Each of them already had a family at that time.

    Evgeny Petrosyan with his daughter Victorina.

    Yevgeny Petrosyan was married for the third time. Petrosyan's first marriage with younger sister the famous ballerina Victorina Krieger gave the artist a daughter, Victorina. But he was still very young at that time, and therefore he soon fell in love again and left for his new wife, Anna Kozlovskaya. However, six months later Anna left her husband, falling in love with Kostas Varnalis. The artist’s third marriage to St. Petersburg art critic Lyudmila ended due to his wife’s dissatisfaction with the actor’s endless busyness.

    Elena Stepanenko in her youth.

    Elena Stepanenko was also married. The actress’s husband was the rather famous pianist Alexander Vasiliev, in whose pop ensemble Elena worked at the Mosconcert. However, soon after her transfer to the Variety Theater, the marriage broke up.

    Nuclear love bomb

    Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko in their youth.

    After meeting, Elena Stepanenko and Evgeny Petrosyan did not think about feelings at all. Their joint work undoubtedly brought them closer, but their relationship could be called more friendly. Until fate threw them on tour to Semipalatinsk.

    Evgeny Petrosyan with Elena Stepanenko and Vyacheslav Voinarovsky, 1980.

    At that time, underground tests of new weapons were taking place at the test site, and subsequently the actors compared the appearance of their feelings to the explosion of a nuclear bomb. Certainly, mutual sympathy and respect appeared much earlier, because six years passed from the moment of their first meeting to the fateful tour.

    Evgeny Petrosyan, Elena Stepanenko and Galina Sazonova in the play “How are you?”, 1986.

    A little later, they, happy and in love, were driving by car to Crimea, where they were supposed to perform. Having stopped, he got out of the car and returned with a huge bouquet lilac, which he bought from a woman standing on the side of the road. Since then, Elena Stepanenko has preferred lilac of all flowers, which she associated with spring, Crimea and, of course, love.

    Family and creativity

    Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko, 1997.

    After the wedding, they were together everywhere, trying never to separate. At first, the actress decided to devote herself entirely to her family. She tirelessly created comfort wherever she was: at home, on tour, during a joint vacation. Elena was an excellent cook, treating her beloved to her culinary masterpieces. At the dacha, she grew vegetables with her own hands and made preparations for the winter.

    Elena Stepanenko.

    However, over time, she became aware of the increasing need for creativity. While doing housework, Elena gained a little weight, but quickly got into shape, intending to go on stage again. She returned to the stage and began performing at first only with her husband, and then with solo numbers.

    Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko, 1990s.

    They never got tired of each other, they were never bored together. Joint creativity was one of the components of their happy marriage. Her husband’s passion for work never irritated Elena Stepanenko, because she herself managed to achieve high level professional skill.

    Evgeny Petrosyan with his wife, daughter and grandchildren Andrey and Mark, 2010.

    Evgeny Petrosyan and his wife were also brought together by a common passion for antiquity. The couple often attended auctions together, where they often replenished their collection of antiques.

    Elena Stepanenko literally transformed not long ago, having lost a lot of weight.

    Periodically, information appeared about the possible separation of the spouses, but comedians called them ridiculous rumors and continued to work and live together.

    Divorce or Divorce?

    However, this time the report of divorce can hardly be called rumors. Elena Stepanenko’s claim for the division of jointly acquired property was registered in the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow.

    Evgeny Petrosyan.

    For colleagues and friends of the couple, this news came as a surprise. Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko never shared details of their personal lives with strangers. They still refuse to comment today, rightly believing that everything that does not concern them professional activity, is beyond the interests of the public.

    Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko.

    Evgeny Vaganovich refuses to comment on the divorce, inviting journalists to ask questions only about creative plans and upcoming performances. Elena Grigorievna prefers to remain silent. However, the media is actively disseminating information about Petrosyan’s affair with his director, 29-year-old Tatyana Brukhunova, who accompanies the comedian everywhere. Many fans note the girl’s amazing similarity with Elena Stepanenko in her youth.

    Tatiana Brukhunova.

    Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko.

    But colleagues and friends of the couple hope that their divorce is just another PR stunt designed to draw attention to the family duo and increase their fading popularity.

    Which, it turns out, with the right skill, you can turn the laughter of grateful spectators into. And also apartments, of which there are either five or ten, and a house in the Moscow region, and a collection of antiques. And Polenov's original. They also discuss rare, very expensive vases that Elena Grigorievna loves so much. And what hasn’t been going well for them for a long time. In general, the texture is fatty, gluttonous, to discuss - do not re-discuss. Other people's famous lives help brighten up the gray days of many people. The main thing is more details.

    Talk shows usually came to the rescue. These will be called, and these will be shouted at, morals will be voiced, they will be asked not to switch. And then somehow everything goes wrong. During the week, only the Vesti program gave a dry commentary from Evgeniy Vaganovich, who believes that the main thing is to get a divorce in such a way as not to damage the creative union. And days later, Stepanenko spoke out. “It’s an everyday matter,” he says. Are they kidding me or what? They should be beaten away from each other - so what, in front of the camera, but they are intelligent. During this time, ten programs about Dzhigarkhanyan have already been released. The daughter of Spartak Mishulina, who either recognizes her brother or rejects her, came to the second season.

    Of course, we have real sharks working on our talk shows, but they are professionals - they can make a scandal, a rating and a discussion out of nothing. And with Petrosyan’s introductory notes, they’re just a piece of cake. Here's the scale. Divorce of the year. Aeschylus silently envies from the kingdom of the dead.

    But this scandal turned out to be too much for them. Malakhov with fallen face forced to talk about the star baby boom. Dmitry Borisov imitates agitation with all his might, telling the story of children confused in the maternity hospital. While nearby such wealth disappears.

    And why all? Because Petrosyan and Stepanenko, knowing full well how entertainment television works, cynically declare that they will not tell anything and will not go on any talk shows. And the trial will be closed. Well, so be it, the fact of divorce will be reported. After.

    They ask you to show them respect, just think about it.

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    Petrosyan and Stepanenko are getting divorced: what is the reason? Pitt and Jolie. Cord and Matilda. And now Petrosyan and Stepanenko are also getting divorced. How can we continue to believe in love?

    Talk show editors - these superhumans who are excellent at twisting their arms on the phone and will persuade even the devil to be frank - are probably crying in batches right now. From powerlessness. Because these two are not like Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, Anastasia Volochkova and Diana Shurygina. Offering them money, like all other program heroes, is pointless. And, it seems, it’s not just a matter of one and a half billion, meaningless the measly hundreds of thousands of rubles that celebrities usually receive in exchange for intimate details of their personal lives.

    During the court hearing, Elena Stepanenko demanded copyrights for all creative works jointly with Yevgeny Petrosyan. And it consists of several two-hour concert programs.

    In addition, Evgeny Vaganovich is the scriptwriter and director of two large solo concerts by Elena Stepanenko - “Women, Go!” and "Turn on, let's laugh!". The parties tried to agree on the rights for six months, but apparently it didn’t work out, notes the Mash Telegram channel.

    Journalists were not allowed into the meeting; they would only be invited to the announcement of the decision. This was decided in the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow at the first hearing in the divorce case of Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko.

    The meeting is being held behind closed doors, RIA Novosti reports. That is, the petition filed by Stepanenko’s lawyer Elena Zabralova and supported by Petrosyan’s lawyer Sergei Zhorin was granted.

    A little earlier it became known that the defense sought to change judge Natalya Shevyeva. One of the lawyers said that she was not impartial because she did not offer to resolve everything peacefully.

    The judge "groundlessly granted the request to request a registration case in relation to an apartment located in the city of Moscow, Trubetskaya Street." Meanwhile, according to Zhorin, “there is no evidence in the case file confirming that this apartment is related to the essence of the case under consideration.”

    Shevyeva herself announced at today’s meeting: “To refuse to challenge the judge,” a RIA Novosti correspondent reported this.

    Petrosyan suggested that Elena Stepanenko take a large apartment during the divorce - it “probably constitutes half of the total property,” the artist’s lawyer noted. Only Stepanenko demands more - she wants to receive 80% of the property acquired during the marriage.

    The comedian disagrees with this. “For Evgeny Vaganovich this is simply humiliating,” Zhorin explained. Therefore, the artist had to file a counterclaim against his wife, which indicated the option for dividing property that suited him.

    At today's court hearing, celebrity lawyers defended the positions of their clients. At the same time, Zhorin does not hide the fact that Petrosyan and Stepanenko have not lived together for 15 years, although they have not filed for divorce. According to him, Evgeniy Vaganovich has been proposing to divide everything equally for the last six months, allowing his wife to choose the better half.

    The hearing ended quickly. A new meeting is scheduled for August 13, Zhorin said. Since Petrosyan and Stepanenko did not sign marriage contract According to the law, the property is divided exactly in half, the lawyer emphasized.

    Lawyer Sergei Zhorin, who defends the interests of Yevgeny Petrosyan in divorce proceedings, previously divorced figure skater Marina Anisina and actor Nikita Dzhigurda. And lawyer Elena Zabralova, representing Elena Stepanenko, defended Russian President Vladimir Putin, Patriarch Kirill and head of Rosneft Igor Sechin.

    For about 30 years, Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko amused fans with their jokes, successfully touring throughout the country. During this time, they managed to gain the status of one of the strongest couples in domestic show business, simultaneously earning about 1.5 billion rubles from funny numbers and concerts. And so, when it seemed that no circumstances would disrupt their family well-being, the boat of love unexpectedly ran aground of mutual claims.

    Of course, fans immediately remembered the rumors about Yevgeny Vaganovich’s infidelities, as well as the fact that the artists began to suspiciously rarely appear together at social events. How did events actually develop, and why did the comedians decide to part with the scandal?

    Decades of betrayal

    “Two creative people in one house are difficult,” humorist Sergei Drobotenko once noted, answering a question about the discord in the relationship between Petrosyan and Stepanenko. And indeed, on stage the star couple looked much more harmonious than behind the scenes. Rumors about their conflicts have been circulating for a long time, but fans seem to have paid no attention to them.

    The first alarm bell rang in the Petrosyan and Stepanenko family in 2008. Then the public savored the details of Petrosyan’s alleged infidelities, which were allegedly systematic.

    Yevgeny Vaganovich’s wife stubbornly remained silent, only occasionally noting that everything was fine in their family. Of course, at that time they had been married for more than twenty years, and their creative success largely depended on their appearance happy marriage. But Petrosyan was a little more verbose, and during that period he never tired of emphasizing how much he loved Stepanenko.

    “These idiotic rumors were spread by someone intentionally - I don’t understand who or why! Elena and I did not give any reason. We can only assume that this was a purely paid order. Lena and I didn’t even quarrel. (...) I can only say one thing: lies! And today Lena is not here with us because tomorrow we are leaving and she needs to get ready for the trip, and also do many important things that she cannot cancel,” Petrosyan shared.

    Perhaps the fans would have believed Petrosyan, but he was seen every now and then mysterious strangers, while legal spouse was on tour or at home. Fans also recalled that before meeting Elena, the comedian was married three times. Each time, his marriages fell apart suspiciously quickly, but Stepanenko preferred not to pay attention to the rumors.

    “An active artist doesn’t really need PR. Especially like this. Zhenya and I often perform on stage together. And the audience writes notes to us, and sometimes they just shout out from the audience: is it true that you are getting a divorce? And, having received our negative answer, they sigh with relief and applaud gratefully. (...) We are happily married, and our viewer feels it, wants it to always be like this. (...) I don’t understand why the truth needs to be destroyed by lies!” - said the wife of Evgeniy Vaganovich.

    1.5 billion rubles

    "A certain stage life together completed, but mutual respect, correctness, mutual assistance and creative cooperation between me and Elena Grigorievna, I really hope, will continue,” this is how Petrosyan reacted to the news of the impending divorce.

    The scandal that broke out in early August found the artist on tour. At the same time, Evgeniy Vaganovich learned that his wife not only wanted to leave, but also dreamed of getting most of the fabulous fortune. Luxury real estate, vehicles, huge sums in bank accounts - all this was estimated at a whopping 1.5 billion rubles.

    The money issue turned out to be the most pressing and pressing. Moreover, by the time of the divorce, Petrosyan and Stepanenko had long forgotten what spiritual intimacy and family understanding. Evgeniy Vaganovich’s lawyer Sergei Zhorin confirmed to StarHit that the couple had been heading towards a final break for a long time.

    “They haven’t lived together for 15 years. My ward Evgeniy Vaganovich suggested that Stepanenko divide everything equally, despite the fact that Petrosyan has been and is the main source of income throughout their entire life together. But for some reason Elena Grigorievna believes that she should get the majority of it. Our main goal is to ensure that the court divides the acquired property equally,” the lawyer said.

    Evgeniy Vaganovich hoped that he could save friendly relations with his wife, and Stepanenko insisted that not only the objects registered in the name of both of them, but also those apartments that were purchased for certain third parties should be subject to division. It was then that a certain Tatyana Brukhunova came to the fore, who has been considered Petrosyan’s new muse for many years.

    Third wheel?

    How could a 29-year-old girl from Tula become the owner of two luxury apartments in Moscow? Many fans of Petrosyan and Stepanenko are confident that the answer to this question was the main reason for the loud divorce proceedings.

    Tatyana Brukhunova has been working as Evgeniy Vaganovich’s personal assistant for several years. The girl goes on tour with the artist, helps him organize creative events and, according to rumors, is Petrosyan’s new muse, which categorically does not suit his wife.

    Perhaps her husband really was not faithful to Stepanenko, but she was ready to put up with it for the sake of her career and a calm future. But buying real estate for a secret lover is a different matter. There is an opinion that upon learning about Brukhunova’s elite apartments, Petrosyan’s wife flared up and filed an application for division of property.

    Later, another important fact was revealed: Tatyana’s Tula neighbors began to claim that the girl was allegedly pregnant. If this is so, then in a few months another heir may appear, claiming the same 1.5 billion rubles.

    However, friends of the artists have a completely different opinion about the reasons for their separation. Allegedly, Petrosyan and Stepanenko were simply tired of each other, because their personal lives were always interfered with by work.

    “Once I asked: “Elena Grigorievna, don’t you want to do a number yourself?” “Oh, Natasha, I’m so tired of touring. Now I’m taking care of the house, growing flowers, and I like it that way.” I understood the meaning of what was said only many years later - being the wife of a creative person is very difficult, not everyone will understand his quirks. There could be no talk of any normal family. Stepanenko endured until the last. I remember we were traveling around the south with concerts, Petrosyan never even got to the sea - he wrote all the time,” said a colleague of the comedians, Natalya Korysteleva, hinting that Elena Grigorievna constantly lived in the shadow of the glory of Evgeniy Vaganovich.

    Infidelity, mistresses and disputes over real estate - all this is still considered only possible reasons, perhaps the most high-profile divorce case. Star couple It only further creates intrigue by refusing to delve into the nuances of their separation. One way or another, fans can be sure of one thing: one of the brightest duets in Russian show business broke up, leaving behind only memories and countless numbers of joint performances.

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