• Project in the preparatory group “Bright Easter” project (preparatory group) on the topic. Integrated lesson “Easter - Bright Sunday of Christ Lesson on the topic of Easter in the preparatory group


    Summary of the integrated lesson “Easter is coming!” - page No. 1/1

    Educational areas– Socialization, Cognition, Communication, Artistic creativity, Physical Culture, Music.

    Preparatory group

    Summary of the integrated lesson

    “Easter is coming!”

    Target: to provide knowledge about forgotten and lost, respected and significant rituals, traditions, and customs originating from ancient times.

    Education of moral feelings: kindness, love for one's neighbor, hard work.

    Material for the lesson: finished products of Easter eggs, silhouettes of eggs of different colors for children, paints, brushes, napkins, water in jars, audio recording “Easter Blagovest”

    Reading of A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Christ is Risen”:

    Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

    People are pouring out of all the churches

    The dawn is already looking from the sky...

    The snow has already been removed from the fields,

    And the rivers break from their shackles,

    And the nearby forest turns green...

    Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

    The earth is waking up

    And the fields are getting dressed.

    Spring is coming, full of miracles

    Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

    There are many holidays that Russians like to celebrate. But one of the main ones is the spring holiday - Easter. This bright and good holiday brings with it faith, hope and love.

    Eve of the strictest last week Lent - Passion, when spring renewal is already felt in the air - falls on Palm Sunday, the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

    The Orthodox Slavs had many customs dedicated to the days of the Great Week. Thus, Maundy Thursday is traditionally called “clean”, and not only because on this day every Orthodox person strives to cleanse himself spiritually, take communion, and accept the sacrament established by Christ .

    During services on this day, the most important gospel event is remembered: the Last Supper, at which Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples, thereby showing an example of brotherly love and humility. From this day until Sunday, church services in all Orthodox churches will be dedicated to the memory of the earthly suffering of the Savior.

    Maundy Thursday was widespread folk custom cleansing with water - swimming in an ice hole, river, lake or dousing in a bathhouse before sunrise.

    On this day they cleaned the hut, washed and cleaned everything. In the North and Central Russia, it was customary to collect and burn juniper branches to fumigate homes and barns. It was believed that the healing juniper smoke protected humans and animals from diseases.

    There was also a belief that eggs laid on Holy Thursday and eaten on Easter protected against illness, and the shells of eggs buried in the ground in a pasture reliably protected livestock from the evil eye and any misfortune.

    People cleaned the yards, scrubbed and cleaned the house, went to the bathhouse, bought provisions, prepared lush Easter cakes and cottage cheese Easter cakes.

    Starting from Maundy Thursday, we prepared for the festive table, painted and painted eggs. According to ancient tradition, colored eggs were placed on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes on soft green tiny leaves of watercress, which were specially sprouted in advance for the holiday. Used for dyeing eggs onion skins bright scraps of silk.

    From Thursday they prepared Easter, baked Easter cakes, pancakes, small products from the best wheat flour with images of crosses, lambs, cockerels, hens, doves, larks, as well as honey gingerbread. Easter gingerbread cookies differed from ordinary ones in that they had the silhouettes of a lamb, bunny, cockerel, dove, lark and egg. By how the hostess did the Easter cake, they judged the future: if

    risen, everything will be fine, but if the crust is cracked -

    misfortune will happen.

    Grandma went to church. Children tell.

    Pray at God's temple

    Under candles and censer

    Easter cakes were blessed there.

    Soon Easter, Sunday,

    The bells will ring.

    Spring holiday of resurrection,

    Eternal praise to life!

    Of course, everything preparatory work: cooking, painting eggs, must be completed before Easter Sunday. On Easter morning they wash themselves with water left over from Maundy Thursday. It’s good to put a silver thing or a spoon in it, or maybe a coin. This type of washing will bring beauty and wealth.

    On the evening before Easter, everyone went to the temple, where the whole night went on.

    great service. That’s what it’s called – general vigil.

    “Vigil” – from the verb “to watch”: to be attentive, not to sleep.

    Together with their parents, their children did not sleep on this sacred night.

    They also took even the little ones to the temple for the holiday.

    Everyone, without exception, begins the Easter holiday in the family with the words: “Christ is risen” and answers: “Truly he is risen.”

    The Resurrection of Christ symbolizes red - the color of life itself, its victory over death; in Rus' they called Easter red. Therefore, bouquets of red roses, carnations and tulips are very appropriate on this day. White color symbolizes all that is most sacred and bright. Bouquets of flowers white, for example, roses or lilies, can be given for all Christian holidays.

    The flowers that were used in preparing the festive celebration were called Easter in Rus'. These were spring flowers that bloom just at this time: daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, lilies of the valley, violets, snowdrops, dandelions, coltsfoot, as well as roses and carnations. Churches, homes, and festive tables were decorated with Easter flowers. It was believed that the colors of the Easter table - yellow and green - are the colors of the first spring flowers.

    Physical education minute
    Are you probably tired?

    Well, then everyone stood up together,

    They stomped their feet.

    Hands patted.

    Turned around, turned around

    They sat back down at the tables

    We close our eyes tightly.

    We count to five together.

    Open, blink

    And we begin to work.

    Educator: Guys, do you want to make Easter painted eggs for your family?

    Show finished products, egg samples and their examination.

    What do you like about the eggs on display? What pattern is on the eggs? What paints should you use to paint eggs?

    Children choose the silhouette of an egg and independently creative activity, individual assistance during work.

    Educator: We have everything prepared for work, I invite you to show your imagination and paint the silhouettes of eggs for the Easter holiday with an interesting pattern.

    Result – analysis:

    Your Easter eggs will have a bright, colorful pattern; your family will be happy with such a gift, because it was made from the heart.

    How I love Easter! On the bright holiday of Sunday

    Get ready for Thursday I'll give it to my friends

    Grandmother paints testicles One testicle with congratulations

    I'll help her too. And I’ll say: “I painted it myself!”

    On a fragile, thin shell

    For people, for beauty,

    I paint with a brush quietly:

    Cross, sun, flowers.

    In the old days, if they painted pine elements on an egg, it meant that they wished longevity to the one to whom this egg was given.

    The star is moral purity, philanthropy.

    Cockscomb - for the harvest.

    Flowers are a symbol of beauty.

    The dots are a symbol of fertility.

    Summary of GCD in preparatory group on the topic “Preparing for Easter with a brush and paint”

    Skorokhodova Elena Nikolaevna, teacher at MBDOU kindergarten combined type No. 1 "Semitsvetik", Tambov.
    Description of material: I offer you a direct summary educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6 – 7 years old) on the topic “Preparing for Easter with a brush and paint.” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior and preparatory groups. This is a summary of an integrated lesson in the areas:
    - artistic and productive development;
    - cognitive – speech development.
    - introduce the national ritual holiday - Easter, its customs, traditions, new words and their meaning;
    - introduce preschoolers to the Orthodox tradition of Easter egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ and other attributes of the holiday;
    - enrich children's vocabulary;
    - develop Creative skills; cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian people;
    - teach to see the beauty, originality and originality of folk art products.
    Planned results: develop interest in folk ritual holiday Easter, its customs, traditions; respect the traditions of the Russian people.
    Dictionary: folk holiday, Great Easter, Easter cake, Krasnaya Gorka, painted eggs, Easter eggs.
    Material: illustrations, Easter cake, Easter, painted eggs, silhouette eggs (made of paper), spoons, slide, collection of Easter eggs.
    Preparatory work: conversation with children about national holidays, examination of illustrations, mini-exhibition of a collection of souvenir eggs.
    Contents of activity:
    - Hello, dear guests! A red guest gets a red seat.
    We have an unusual activity today.
    And today I want to talk to you about how the Russian people know how to maintain the traditions and customs of their ancestors. Since ancient times, Russian people have been famous for their hard work, while not forgetting to maintain traditions.

    Tell me, what holidays do you know?
    (Right: New Year, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity, these are holidays that people still remember and try to observe some traditions. On New Year’s they put up a tree, on Christmas they do fortune-telling, on Trinity they venerate and praise the birch tree, on Maslenitsa they always bake pancakes and ask everyone for forgiveness, and of course they burn the effigy of Maslenitsa, saying goodbye to winter.)
    Listen to a Russian folk song - a call and tell us who we call.
    - The spring call “Larks” sounds.
    - What Russian folk holidays does spring bring with it?
    (Annunciation, Palm Sunday, Easter).
    - Today we will talk about the great spring holiday - Easter.
    - What do they do for Easter? (Children's answers)
    - The word “Easter” came to us from the Greek language and means deliverance. It is believed that it was on this day that the son of God Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Easter holiday is one of the main holidays in the folk calendar. It always falls on spring days. Spring has always been associated with bright expectations and hopes, because nature awakens after winter sleep, all living things are reborn and resurrected. This holiday symbolizes the victory of good over evil.
    Tradition tells that the father sent Jesus Christ to people on Earth to teach them to live according to their conscience: to help those in need, to share everything they have with their neighbors, to be kind and hardworking. People listened to him and agreed with him. But not everyone liked the teachings of Christ. Evil, cruel people decided to kill Jesus Christ. They tormented him for a long time, demanding that he renounce his teaching, but Christ did not renounce his teaching - after all, he had unlimited faith in what he preached to people.
    Jesus Christ has risen.
    Easter is the most main holiday for Orthodox Christians.
    Easter was considered the “holiday of holidays” and was always celebrated solemnly and cheerfully.
    -During the entire Easter week, bells were ringing in Rus'. On Easter, everyone, especially children, was allowed to ring the bells. Anyone could climb the bell tower and ring the bell. When many bells are struck, the ringing is special, it is called trezvon. It has long been noted that ringing bells heals the soul and restores a person’s strength.
    - Let us listen to beautiful music - the ringing of bells.
    - How did you feel after the sound of the bell?
    (Joyful, upbeat, festive, solemn)
    On Holy holiday Easter in Rus' it has always been customary to give each other elegant painted Easter eggs with the words “Christ is Risen!” And to answer “Truly He is Risen!”, that is, to christen.
    This custom is very old. A living creature emerges from an egg and is born new life. This is so symbolic of this holiday. The egg occupies a central place in Easter rituals. Painted or painted, it became a sign, a symbol of the holiday. Eggs are exchanged. They are given to relatives, neighbors, and everyone who comes to congratulate them on the holiday. They take it with them when they go on a visit.
    WITH colored eggs The following story is connected at Easter: the disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Mary Magdalene, went from country to country and told everyone about how Christ rose from the dead and what he taught people. One day she came to the city of Rome to tell the Roman Emperor Tiberius, handing him a simple egg, she said loudly: “Christ is risen!” However, Tiberius did not believe it, saying: “How can one rise from the dead, it is difficult to believe it, just as difficult as to believe that this egg can turn red.” And while he was saying this, the egg began to change color, turned pink, darkened and, finally, turned red - the color of the blood that Christ shed for the people. Since then, the custom arose of giving each other colored eggs.
    - Look how beautiful colored eggs can be.
    A collection of Easter eggs is considered.
    (They look at decorated eggs at an exhibition prepared by children and parents. They give explanations of the concepts of “painted eggs”).

    Tell me, children, who knows what kind of treat is prepared for the festive table?
    -How do people celebrate Easter? (On Easter they went to visit, had festivities, swung on swings, painted eggs, baked Easter cakes, made Easter from cottage cheese. All this was consecrated in church and given to each other as a sign of love and friendship.)
    -The housewives prepared for this day in advance and very carefully. They cleaned the house, baked Easter cakes, painted eggs, made Easter from cottage cheese, cooked delicious dishes, they took out holiday clothes from the chests, received guests, someone came to visit. People feasted, had fun, rejoiced and said to each other: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly risen.”
    Magical properties were attributed to the egg consecrated in the church: saving a house from fire, helping livestock from diseases, saving crops from hail.

    Who knows how eggs were decorated to make them beautiful?
    - Watch a video about dyeing eggs.

    And before eating the colored eggs, they played various games with them.
    I invite you to play these ancient games.
    Children's games.

    I suggest you paint either boiled eggs, or carved eggs, or simply their paper silhouettes. Choose any for yourself.
    - Guys, the work of painting eggs is done with clean thoughts and clean hands. While you hold the egg in your hands, your thoughts are all about who it is intended for, it absorbs the energy of good thoughts and wishes. Think about who you will make your souvenir for. And creativity, imagination and music will help you in your work.

    Children performing work to a Russian folk melody.
    -What Easter eggs did we get? (Pysanky.)
    - In Rus', they knew how to amuse each other with funny conversations and exchange a well-aimed word, make them laugh.
    Our guys know a lot of funny nursery rhymes.
    - Nursery rhymes sound (Loaf - loaf)
    - Practical work. Providing individual assistance during product design.
    - Examine your works (exhibition)
    - What is so special about your souvenirs?
    - What were you thinking about when you were preparing them?
    - With what feelings did you decorate Easter eggs?
    - I think that your souvenirs are wonderful, wondrous, magical, beautiful.
    Well done, you worked very hard, and the result of your work is your souvenirs, which you will give to your family and friends with the best heartfelt wishes on Easter. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ACTIVITY. ALL THE BEST!
    May joy, a bright mood remain in your hearts, and may good luck accompany you everywhere.

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational

    Establishment " Kindergarten No. 34"

    Project in the preparatory group

    « Happy Easter»

    From work experience


    Berestovskaya M.V.

    Khimki 2015.

    Project: short-term

    Implementation period:from March 30, 2013 to 04/03/2015

    Participants: children of the preparatory group of kindergarten, parents, teachers.


    Introducing children to the Christian holiday of Easter and its customs.


    1. Introduce children to the Orthodox holiday “Bright Resurrection of Christ” and its history.
    2. Develop interest in the culture of ancestors.
    3. Talk about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday.
    4. To cultivate patriotic feelings for the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people, for folk art.
    1. Explanatory note.

    It's no secret that we have to relearn how to celebrate our traditional holidays. Once upon a time, traditions were passed down in the family from generation to generation - “from mouth to mouth”, “from heart to heart”. Folk holidays introduce children to the existing traditions and customs of the Russian people and help convey high moral ideals to the child. We, adults, must introduce children to the history of our Motherland and teach them how to use the wealth of cultural traditions.

    Set of events:

    1. Conversation on the topic “What is Easter?”, “Easter holiday”, “Why do we paint eggs?”, “How did people prepare for Easter in the old days?”; compiling stories “How do we celebrate Easter at home?”

    2.Reading Easter tale“Little Red Riding Hood” in adaptation, reading of A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Christ is Risen.”

    3. Easter games “Rolling eggs”, “Chasing two hares”, Game “Find an egg”, “Who will find more eggs?”, round dance games “Sun-bucket”, “You go around in a circle, find a friend”, “Relay race” with eggs" role-playing game"Holiday".

    4. Drawing “Miracle Easter eggs” on a three-dimensional egg shell, drawing “Postcard for Easter”.

    5. Application " Easter cake", applique "Eggs for Easter".

    6. Design “Modeling” volumetric crafts from eggshells"Dressy toys-mobiles."

    7. Modeling " Easter Bunny", "Easter eggs" .

    Working with parents:

    1. Consultation for parents “Easter is the main Orthodox holiday of the year”, “Easter, Happy Easter!”

    3. Exhibition of joint work with children on the application “Decoration of Easter eggs and Easter cakes”

    Final event:

    Holiday "Bright Easter"

    Conversation on the topic “What is Easter?”

    How I love Easter!

    Get ready for Thursday

    Grandma paints eggs

    I'll help her too.

    On a fragile, thin shell

    For people, for beauty

    I paint with a brush quietly:

    Cross, sun, flowers.

    On the bright holiday of Sunday

    I'll give it to my friends

    By the testicle, with congratulations

    And I’ll say: “I painted it myself.”

    On April 12 we will celebrate the Christian holiday - Easter. This holiday is the victory of life over death, a holiday of love, peace and bright life. Once upon a time, the Lord sent his son Jesus to Earth, who was supposed to teach the people humility and love. Christ sacrificed himself to show people true love- this is love for God. By His death and then resurrection, Christ told people that life does not end with death. The inevitable end of life leads to a meeting with God. It is this resurrection - victory over death that people celebrate every year in the spring - and this holiday is called Easter.

    The entire week leading up to Easter is called Holy Week. Special emphasis is placed on last days Holy Week– Maundy Thursday (the day of cleansing from sins), Good Friday (mention of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ), Holy Saturday (the day of sadness), and the Bright Resurrection of Christ – a celebration of life and victory over death.

    Starting from Maundy Thursday, we begin to prepare for Easter - first we clean the house, and then we paint eggs and bake Easter cakes.

    The Easter holiday lasts a whole week. And this week is called differently - Easter, bright, holy. People visit each other and have fun. In the cities they swung on swings, carousels, and played burners. Games and round dances were held in the villages.

    People thought about the future harvest and sowing work, and in order to awaken the earth from winter sleep, so that there would be a good harvest, they rolled painted eggs on the ground.

    Conversation “Why do we paint eggs?”

    “Tsar - day”, or “Great - day” - this is how the Easter holiday was called by the people. Easter is a day of universal equality, love and mercy. People greeted each other with the words “Christ is risen”, the answer was “Truly he is risen”, kissed three times, and gave each other red eggs. This custom is very old; Christ gave us life, and the egg is a sign of life. We know that a living creature comes out of an egg.

    • Who hatches from an egg? (children's answers).
    • The egg thought:
    • Who am I, after all? Swan, duck, or me, a poisonous snake? -
    • What color do you think our ancestors painted eggs? And why?
    • Red is the color of joy. And it is also the color of the blood with which Christ sanctified life. Since then, people began to greet each other with a red egg, as a sign of eternal life.

    Listen to how eggs were painted in the old days. Initially, the eggs were painted only red, but later they began to paint them in all sorts of colors, they painted landscapes on them, and even wrote down their thoughts.

    Also in the old days, eggs were colored using bright scraps and threads that faded. The egg was moistened with water and covered with shreds and threads, wrapped in a white cloth and tightly wrapped with thread, then boiled.

    The whole family painted eggs on Thursday before the holiday. There was a belief that hard-boiled eggs on Maundy Thursday protected against diseases if eaten on Easter, and burying egg shells in the ground in a pasture where livestock was grazed reliably protected domestic animals from the evil eye and all sorts of misfortunes.

    But the most important thing you must remember is that Easter is a day of universal equality, love and mercy. Do not offend your younger ones, be attentive and obedient to your elders, generous to the poor, kind to our four-legged and winged friends.

    Let love and mercy reign in your souls.


    Game "Find the egg":The teacher shows the children a pysanka egg, after which he invites them to close their eyes, and at this time hides the egg in the group. It is advisable to put it in a visible place. Then the children are asked to find the Easter egg.

    Game "Egg Rolling":The teacher lays out small souvenirs and sets up a small homemade slide or board. The child picks up the egg and rolls it down the slide. Whichever souvenir the egg rolls onto, the child receives that gift.

    The Easter game “Egg Rolling” has always been a favorite game on the Easter holiday in Rus'. Especially for this game, adults made an Easter slide with sides on which Easter eggs were rolled.

    A slide or “groove” can be built from wood or cardboard, and to make it inclined, make a stand on one side of the slide. The slide is installed on a flat, preferably smooth, surface.

    Each player is given a painted Easter Egg with whom he will take part in the game. The participants in the game approached the slide one by one and each rolled up their own Easter egg. The one whose Easter egg rolls the furthest wins.

    Game “Chasing Two Hares”:The teacher takes three colored eggs. He places two next to each other. And the third offers to launch the children so that it hits these two and they roll into different sides. Children “cheer” for each other.

    Round dance game "Sun-bucket".

    The driver is chosen - the sun. The rest of the children stand in a round dance. They are singing:

    Shine, sun, brighter.

    Summer will be hotter.

    And the winter is warmer

    And spring is nicer.

    For the first two lines the children dance in a circle, for the last two lines they turn to face each other and bow. Then everyone comes close to the “sun”. “The sun” says: “Hot, hot! ", and catches up with the children. Whoever the “sun” touches is eliminated from the game.

    Consultation for parents:

    “Easter is the main Orthodox holiday of the year”

    The holiday of the Holy Resurrection of Christ - Easter - is the largest Orthodox holiday. The word “Easter” came to us from the Greek language and means “coming”, “deliverance”. On this day we celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind from slavery to the devil and the granting of life and eternal bliss to us. Just as our redemption was accomplished by Christ’s death on the cross, so by His Resurrection we were given eternal life.

    The Resurrection of Christ is the basis and crown of our faith, this is the first and greatest truth that the apostles began to preach.

    They begin the Easter holiday with the words: “Christ is risen” and answer: “Truly he is risen.”

    On Easter, a husband and wife do not christen themselves in front of everyone - this leads to separation. Parents and children can kiss three times.

    If, at the first strike of the church bell, you cross yourself and say: “Christ is risen, and the servant (name) is in good health,” even a seriously ill person will recover. Girls of marriageable age and widows said: “Christ has risen, and the suitors come to me. Amen".

    The decoration of the table and food is given special attention during the Easter holiday. Special attention. It’s as if spring itself, joyful, with the ringing of bells and the chirping of birds, is setting the festive tables. A rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy.

    The custom of giving eggs on Easter has been preserved since ancient times. This custom originated from Saint Mary Magdalene, Equal-to-the-Apostles, when, after the Ascension of the Lord, she came to Rome to preach the Gospel, appeared before Emperor Tiberius and, presenting him with a red egg, said: “Christ is risen! ” thus beginning his sermon. Following the example of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, we now give red eggs on Easter, confessing the life-giving death and the Resurrection of the Lord - two events that Easter combines in itself. The Easter egg reminds us of one of the main tenets of our faith and serves as a visible sign of the blessed resurrection of the dead, the guarantee of which we have in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - the Conqueror of death and hell. Just as life is born from an egg, from under its lifeless shell, so from the coffin, the dwelling place of the death of corruption, the Giver of Life arose, and so they will rise in eternal life and all the dead.

    Easter cake is a church ritual food. With the blessing and consecration of Christian Easter cakes and Easter cakes, believers on the first day of the holiday, having come home from churches and having completed the feat of fasting, as a sign of joyful unity, the whole family begins bodily reinforcement - stopping the fast, everyone eats the blessed Easter cakes and Easter, consuming them for throughout Bright Week.

    The Easter holiday lasts seven days, or eight if you count all the days of the continuous celebration of Easter until Fomin Monday.

    The procession of the cross, which takes place on Easter night, is a procession of the Church towards the risen Savior. The religious procession takes place around the temple with continuous pealing. In front of the procession a lantern is carried, followed by an altar cross, an altarpiece of the Mother of God, then in two rows, in pairs, banner bearers, singers, candle bearers with candles, deacons with their candles and censers, and behind them priests. In the last pair of priests, the one walking on the right carries the Gospel, and the one walking on the left carries the icon of the Resurrection. The procession is completed by the primate of the temple with a triveshnik and a Cross in his left hand.

    IN Easter basket Easter symbols must be present: Easter cake, which symbolizes Christ, and krashenki, a symbol of the resurrection.

    You can consecrate products that will be on festive table. Note! Orthodox Church does not welcome the blessing of alcoholic beverages. Even church wine - Cahors - is better left at home.

    Of course, if you do not strictly follow all the rules, then this is not a mortal sin, but try to adhere to them all. After all, the clergy understand perfectly well that parishioners are not all people who understand the intricacies of the faith, often appearing in church only once, on Easter. But they bring their baskets sincerely, so the church does not impose any special prohibitions, so that everyone feels closer to Christ, so that faith arises in his heart

    Position: teacher of the first qualification category
    Place of work: MDOU No. 4 “Buratino”
    Location: Yaroslavl region, Tutaev city



    Systematize children's ideas about the Easter holiday;

    Continue, call

    children's desire to learn even more about Easter celebrations;

    Introduction to children's dictionary with explanation of lexical meaning

    words “Kulich”, “Easter”;

    • to educate and its traditions, the ability to honor and


    Interactive board;

    Basket with Easter treats (Kulich, Krashenki);

    Illustrations on the theme “Easter”

    1. Organizational and motivational stage

    Children enter the group, the teacher invites them to gather together in the center on the carpet.


    This morning you already greeted each other and said hello. Let's greet each other again before class, but in a different way. How do you suggest? (Christ is Risen - Truly Risen)

    Why exactly in these words? (It’s Easter week, after Easter 40 days you can greet each other like this)


    Easter week brings us a lot of joy, pleasant surprises.

    —Have you noticed anything new in the group? (A beautiful basket appeared on the table of surprise).

    What do you want to do? (see what's in it)

    I'm also very curious what's in it.

    (children take out objects, naming them)

    Maybe all these items can be called in one word? (Easter)

    1. Main stage

    How do you know these are Easter items? (children's statements)

    What is Easter? (children's statements)


    Easter is the most important holiday church year, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when people are freed from everything bad. This is a celebration of hope for the future, the victory of Good over Evil. This is the time when everyone should think about their actions: good and bad, must understand what they did wrong and correct it. God loved people so much that he came into the world to save them. He taught people to be. But evil people did not want Christ to save people. They captured Him and killed Him by nailing Him to the cross. But Christ conquered death, he rose from the dead, so all people rejoice on this day and congratulate each other with the words: “Christ is Risen!” And they are answered “Truly He is Risen!” Many non-believers also celebrate Easter, because it is the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature; they observe the traditions of their people on Easter: they paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, and make Easter.


    How did your family celebrate Easter? (children's stories)


    On Easter, the whole family gathered at a common table and gave each other gifts. And there were always Easter treats on the table. These treats were illuminated in the temple the day before. It is customary on Easter to kiss each other three times when they meet - to make Christ.

    (looking at illustrations on a large easel)


    And on Easter, people carefully watched the weather.

    A cloudy or snowy night on Easter means the year will be fruitful.

    On Easter, rain with thunder means a rich harvest.

    Clear weather for Easter means a dry summer.

    And if the weather was gloomy, then people called the sun with special calls.

    Article title: Easter holiday in kindergarten. Summary of GCD for the preparatory group.

    Physical education minute

    Bucket sun, (hands up, stretching)

    Look out the window! (hands folded in front of you)

    Sunny, dress up! (show the dress)

    Red, show yourself! (turn around)

    Sunshine, sunshine, (reaching out)

    Look out the window (look out)

    Shine a little light (flashlights)

    I'll give you some peas!


    Guys, how many of you know why on Easter it is customary to give an egg painted red? Why should there be Easter on the Easter table? Why Easter cake?

    Do you want to know? (children's answers)

    I don't know the answer to these questions, I need help. Can you help me, explain?

    Where can we find the answer to our question?

    Let's turn to the Internet, ask a question that interests us, and see what information the Internet gives us.

    (watching an episode from the film “Easter” on Channel 1, 2011)


    Why egg? Why red?

    Why Easter?

    What interesting things did you remember about Easter cake?


    Who do you think might have left us this basket of Easter treats? (children's options)

    Or maybe just a passerby? Why? (at Easter it is customary to treat people to colored eggs and Easter cakes)

    Is it only necessary to give gifts to people on Easter, to share with those who have nothing?

    (we need to be generous, caring, attentive to those around us, to the poor and disadvantaged)

    Have you ever shared something with others?

    Tell us about it (children's stories)

    — How do you propose to dispose of the treats in the basket? (children’s options, we choose one of all by voting - the minority obeys the majority)


    On Easter people had fun and played games with colored eggs.

    What Easter games do you know? (children’s answers and looking at illustrations on the easel)

    And we will play the game “Carry it, don’t drop it”

    (Children are divided into 2 teams, in turn each team carries an egg on a spoon, runs around the counter, returns and passes the egg to the next player in the spoon. The team that runs faster and does not drop the egg wins.)


    It's customary to give gifts at Easter, I want to give you one too unusual gift. Only those who know how to be friends, be attentive to their comrades, and work in a team can see it.

    (children receive a puzzle picture for coloring “Kulich”)


    You and your friend can choose a piece of Easter cake, color it, and then we will assemble a beautiful Easter cake together.

    1. Evaluative-reflective stage


    What new things did you discover during the lesson?

    Why were you surprised? (it turned out not just a cake, but an adventure game, we can come up with a game ourselves)

    When were you happy?

    Maybe you were sad? Why are you sad?

    What else would you like to do this Easter week?

    (ring bells, bake small Easter cakes and treat them to friends, sing Easter songs, play Easter games)

    To remember the planned things to do during the holiday week, write them down on the board using pictures. (children choose and attach pictures with images to the magnetic board: Easter cake, bells, notes, colored eggs)


    I want to thank you all for the lesson, and I’ll start with...

    (we gather all the children in a chain of applause)

    Title: Easter holiday in kindergarten. Summary of GCD for the preparatory group.
    Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, ECD, folk holidays, Educational games, Outdoor games, Preparatory group

    MDOU "Pock" Prepared by: Shulginova O.G. - higher education teacher categories Kazakova L.V. – higher education teacher categories Baranova O.V. - music supervisor. 2015

    Goal: to introduce children to Orthodox customs celebration of Christ's Resurrection.


    1. Develop speech as a means of communication.
    2. Enrich children's vocabulary with concepts of spiritual and moral culture (Christians, temple, bell tower, God, Jesus Christ, Resurrection of Christ, bells, prayer).
    3. Familiarization with the Orthodox holiday as evidence of the beauty of the virtuous life of Christians.
    4. To form moral consciousness based on the basic concepts of spirituality, morality and the norms of Christian ethics.
    5. Develop skills in working with creative materials.
    6. To form a musical culture based on familiarity with works of church and folk music.
    7. Expand ideas about the native country as a country of Orthodox cultural tradition and Orthodox holidays.
    8. Teach children joint creative activities.
    9. To instill in children moral feelings: mercy, compassion, a kind, humane attitude towards the world around them.
    10. Cultivate attention to the people around you, a desire to please them with gifts.


    Preparatory work: a creative competition of crafts and drawings was held "Bright Easter" . Conversation about Easter, watching videos. Reading stories from teaching materials « Good world. Orthodox culture for kids"

    Music is playing. Children are included in the group. They stand in a semicircle.

    Hello, guests. Soon the entire Orthodox world will celebrate the brightest and most important holiday of the Resurrection

    Christ, Easter. Every family prepares for this holiday. Children, tell us how will your family celebrate Easter? (We will bake Easter cakes, paint eggs, clean the apartment, etc.)

    Presenter. Christians are preparing for Easter: they try to become kinder, help the weak, sick, and poor people more, and fast. Today we will introduce you to Orthodox traditions Easter celebrations.

    1 Child.

    Easter is coming to us -
    This is a sweet holiday for me!
    How much joy it will bring
    And it will take away sorrows.

    Over meadows and fields,
    The sun is shining above us,
    The long-awaited spring
    The day of Easter brought us.

    2 Child.

    The gospel is buzzing everywhere.
    People are pouring out of all the churches.
    The dawn is already looking from the heavens.

    3 Child.

    The earth is waking up
    And the fields are getting dressed.
    Spring is coming full of miracles.

    4 Child.

    Spring is coming,
    Drops gurgle, ring, sing,
    Flowers and herbs appear
    In spring, nature wakes up.

    Drops are dripping loudly
    Near our window.
    The birds sang merrily.
    Easter is coming to visit us.

    5 Child.

    On an April day we are with spring
    Let's celebrate red Easter
    And the whole family is free
    We are releasing God's birds.

    Song "Easter has come."

    (to soundtrack)

    6 Child.

    The birds fly joyfully
    They sing a bird song,
    Congratulations on spring
    And greetings are sent from the sky.

    Whistles Orchestra

    (to soundtrack)

    Presentation "Easter"

    1slide "Title"

    Easter is the most joyful and bright Christian holiday. This is a holiday of saving all people from evil.

    God loved people so much. That he came into the world to save them. He took upon Himself all the bad deeds of people.

    But the evil people didn't want to. For Christ to save people. They captured Him and killed Him.

    But Christ conquered death. He is Risen from the dead.

    Therefore, all people are especially happy on this bright day and congratulate each other with the words: "Christ is risen" And they answer: “Truly He is Risen!”

    Children are especially happy these days. On Easter they are allowed into the church bell tower and allowed to ring the bells.

    The ringing of bells spreads the good news: "Christ is risen!"

    Festive Easter bell.

    A story about crafts for Easter

    Presenter: For Easter, you guys and your parents are preparing crafts. Tell us who did what. (3-4 works)

    Presenter: Are we going to play?

    The fastest. The most dexterous!

    Come on, brag about your dexterity!

    Game - round dance "Golden Gate"

    Rules of the game. The two presenters join hands and build "gates" (raise clasped hands up). The rest join hands and the round dance begins to move, passing under "gate" . The round dance must not be broken! Everyone says the following words in unison:

    “Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen:

    Saying goodbye for the first time

    The second time is prohibited

    And we won’t let you through the third time!”

    When the last phrase sounds, "the gate is closing" - the drivers give up.

    A game "Twist the Egg"

    Two children come out in front of the children and spin two eggs. Whoever spins the egg the longest wins. (3 times)

    Presenter: On Easter, all Christians will make Christ, congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ and kiss three times. You and I, children, as Orthodox Christians, will also be Christed, but only on Easter.

    (children sit on chairs, artists change into costumes)

    Presenter: Every Sunday Christians go to church to pray to God. Listen to what the child is praying for.


    Let the rains pass by
    May the sun rise every day
    With bright rays over the world,
    Melting the ice in our hearts...

    Let mom smile tenderly
    And dad is always nearby
    Stays with his family...
    Let trouble not knock on our door...

    And may the sky be calm,
    Flowers in the meadows and children's laughter,
    And the house smells of fresh bread,
    God bless us, all of us!”

    Scene "Pysanky for Alyonka"

    Easter tale

    Presenter: The scene is revealed,

    The fairy tale begins!

    Two funny bunnies
    They ran through the forest,
    And on the forest lawn
    We met each other.

    2nd Bunny: Where are you running, Ushastik?

    1st Bunny: Easter is coming soon

    I need to buy Easter eggs -

    To the nice girl Alenka

    I want to give them as a gift.

    2nd BUNNY:

    Soon they will carry it to church

    Easter, holy Easter eggs,

    And you’ll be late to give paints to Alenka

    1st BUNNY:

    Am I going to be late? How to be?

    Who can I ask to help me?

    2nd BUNNY:

    You know, in the rain and heat

    I am always next to you!

    Soroka has Easter eggs,

    Our aunt Belobokaya,

    Our aunt is a craftswoman,

    The capital sends her orders!


    So two Bunnies, two friends

    They ran after each other.

    Here's my aunt's house on the way,

    How can you not pass by!

    And Soroka-Beloboka

    I've already finished my work,

    I laid out all the Easter eggs,

    I dried them in the sun...

    1st Bunny: Hello, Auntie Soroka.

    2nd Bunny: Help us out, Belobok!

    SOROKA: What do the nice Bunnies need? (tapping one by the ears)

    You came running recently...

    TOGETHER: We really need Easter eggs!

    SOROKA: You are very nimble, I see. Do you have money?..

    1st BUNNY:

    We... by the way...

    We thought it was possible without money...

    SOROKA: No! It's impossible without money!

    2nd Bunny: Hey, ay! Forest friends, Help me out, dear ones.

    (Mishka, Fox, Squirrel come running)

    1st Bunny: To buy Easter eggs,

    Need to pay money

    How can Alenka live without Easter eggs?

    Will be very, very upset

    BEAR: Yes, a task, what can I say? We need to help out the Bunny

    (gives Magpie a barrel of honey):

    On you, Soroka, honey,

    Take the whole deck

    Give me Easter eggs in return,

    There are seven brightest things.


    I'll give you a handkerchief

    And to boot, here are the mushrooms,

    Try on bright beads,

    Yes, put them on your neck.


    You gave me joy

    I forgot about money

    Take my pysanky,

    Bring it to your girl,

    I don't need your money

    I'm glad to help out the hares.


    Bunnies from the slide to the bridge

    Jump and hop with Easter eggs...

    And on the way to Alenka

    They wanted to come in

    ((The Bunnies come in and give a basket of Easter eggs)

    1st BUNNY:

    Hello, dear Alenka,

    2nd Bunny: Here you go, Alenka,

    These Easter eggs are a reward!


    And happy Alenka

    Carrying a basket to the temple

    The gospel is buzzing everywhere:

    Red Easter is coming!

    The sun is playing merrily

    The sky is blue silk!

    Easter is coming! Easter is coming!

    The long-awaited spring.

    (children go to change clothes)

    Finger gymnastics

    (with adults).

    Commandments for young children

    10 fingers point us to these commandments:

    1. Soul, always pray.
    2. Fast in moderation.
    3. Don't judge anyone.
    4. Never be discouraged.
    5. Thank you for everything.
    6. Wealth, fame, money - don’t look for it.
    7. And don't be proud.
    8. And don't complain.
    9. But love everyone around you.
    10. And always look after yourself.

    Presenter: Dear adults, if you and I follow these commandments, we will get closer to God.

    Dance with lanterns

    Presenter: let this light symbolize the Light of God.

    Productive activity

    Making Easter boxes.

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