• Day of the vernal equinox - Komoeditsa. Maslenitsa. Russian pancakes. Day of spring equinox


    We know many astronomical phenomena. And almost all of them, one way or another, were reflected in the pagan culture and religion of our ancestors - the Slavs. For example, an eclipse of the sun was perceived by them as a terrible sign, the wrath of the gods. The same was true in relation to that of the night luminary. When a star “falls” - a meteor shower - the ancients made a wish and realized that at that moment someone’s soul went to their forefathers. Interesting in the interpretation of the Slavs is also, which is celebrated annually on the 20th of March, and in 2019 this holiday falls on the 20th of March. You will learn about it and other facts related to the specified date if you carefully read this material.

    A word to astronomers

    First, let's look at the spring equinox through the eyes of scientists whose research subjects are celestial bodies, space and the processes occurring in it. Once in a cycle of 365 days, the actual change of seasons occurs: winter leaves the pedestal, giving way to the throne to its younger, cheerful sister. In the language of astronomers, the Sun moves from the southern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the northern. Accordingly, astronomical spring begins in the latter. This moment is called the vernal equinox and is also characterized by the fact that day and night coincide in duration.

    What happens on the day of the vernal equinox with the celestial bodies: the Earth and the Sun? A very interesting thing, I must say. The center of the daylight, within visibility along the ecliptic, crosses the equator of the sky, and our planet is located in relation to the Sun in such a way that both of its hemispheres are exposed to approximately the same amount of ultraviolet radiation. This is observed not only on the 20th day of the first spring month, but also in the fall, on the day of the autumnal equinox.

    Why does the holiday - the Vernal Equinox - not have an exact constant date? The fact is that the tropical year, equal to the time period between successive passages of the equinox by the daylight, differs from the duration of one or another calendar year. In addition, these moments do not coincide with the beginning of the calendar day. That's the whole reason.

    If it is a leap year, winter and spring occur 18 hours, 11 minutes, and 14 seconds earlier than in the previous 365-day cycle. In a typical year, this phenomenon should be expected, on the contrary, later than in the past by 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds.

    Pagan history of the holiday

    Our Slavic ancestors had several important celebrations held throughout the year. Two of them were celebrated by pagans in the spring: and Komoeditsa. According to the widespread version, these are the same holiday. The ancient Slavs had Komoeditsa, and it was much later in time than is held today within the framework Orthodox tradition called "Maslenitsa".

    It’s just that the Church decided to combine in this way the spring folk celebrations that have existed from time immemorial with a religious date, since Maslenitsa coincides in time with the cheese or meat week that precedes. During the specified week, it is allowed church charter eat dairy products, fish and chicken eggs, meat is strictly prohibited.

    As for Komoeditsa, this spring celebration fell in bygone times, when there was no Christianity in Rus' yet, exactly Lent. It lasted two weeks (a week before the date we were interested in and a week after) and was dedicated to seeing off winter, welcoming spring and the New Year. Slavic year. The holiday got its name thanks to another important tradition that existed among the ancient Slavs: the veneration of the Bear God Koma. On the day of the vernal equinox, which was celebrated as part of the March Komoeditsa and had nothing to do with the current Maslenitsa. approved by the Church, the pagans baked pancakes and treated them to the Honey Beast. Remember the usual phrase uttered during the process of preparing pancakes, if the initial one fails: “The first pancake is lumpy.” So, in the original it sounds like “the first pancake for the comas,” that is, for the bears.

    Why damn? Yes, because it reminded the Slavs in shape, temperature and color of the heavenly body, namely the sun symbolizes the entry into its rights of spring and gives all living things the opportunity to live and develop. While feasting on pancakes on Komoeditsa, including on the day of the spring equinox, the ancients believed that with each bite they received a piece of life-giving warmth and sunlight.

    Komoeditsa was widely celebrated by pagans and included rituals that combined magic and religion; funny Games, dancing and, of course, feasting. Of course, the churchmen could not allow people to behave this way during Lent, so they moved the celebration earlier. But at the same time, the spring equinox, which had the key character of Komoeditsa, lost its symbolic meaning, which one can only come to terms with.

    Slavic traditions

    The main moment of Komoeditsa is shrouded in various myths. They relate mainly to the ritual part of the day of the spring equinox. However, actually, why myths? After all, many customs have reached us and are successfully carried out by our contemporaries.

    For example, on the holiday of the spring equinox, women baked and bake figurines of birds from dough. Our ancient ancestors threw them up and then caught them. It was believed that through such actions it was possible to attract health, happiness, and prosperity into one’s life. There is even a proverb that testifies to the truth of the above statement: “Bake larks - catch health.”

    In addition to pancakes, chicken eggs were also popular in Komoeditsu. The Slavs considered them a symbol of new life, and also fertility. Our ancestors painted eggs (do you catch a connection with a similar pre-Easter tradition?), painted signs on them that personified the Earth and the daytime celestial body, and used them to make protective amulets and talismans.

    During the period when day equaled night, sorcerers and witches became more active. On the Day of the Vernal Equinox, in the dark, they held a Sabbath in order to feed on the energy of nature awakening from its winter sleep, to spend certain magical rituals and celebrate your freedom.

    Servants of evil spirits gathered, as a rule, on Witch Mountain, an analogue of which was found in one area or another.

    On the day of the spring equinox, the girls told fortunes. They used baked “larks” for these purposes: they hid various little things in buns in advance - a button, a coin, a ring, etc., first stipulating the meaning of each little thing. Then they ate the figurines and learned from the surprise inside what to expect in the future. In addition, red maidens practiced divination.

    Finally, some advice: try to think only about good things on the Vernal Equinox Day. The sun gives us a fairly powerful boost of energy. Negative thoughts, according to energy experts, have too high a risk of materializing.

    Dazhdbozhiy Velikoden, Maslyana, Komoeditsa - the names of one of the four main holidays of the calendar

    The history of this holiday goes back to hoary antiquity, to archaic pagan times. It was believed that on this day, March 25 (berezozol), the annual wheel turned towards summer, and the bright (manifest) half of the year began. The ancients believed that the gates of heaven opened on this day, and the good gods returned to people, and from paradise (Iria) the souls of deceased ancestors flew in on bird wings to visit their grandchildren. And most Slavic peoples considered this day to be the beginning of the new year.

    Indeed, the day of the vernal equinox is a holiday of cosmic significance, because it was from this date that the day became longer than the night.

    The celebration of Maslyana was accompanied by a voluminous, often multi-day, ritual part. Essential was devoted to inviting spring. IN different regions In Rus', the course of the celebration could differ to some extent, however, there were characteristic common features.

    The celebration itself, as a rule, took place on fresh air. The youth were divided into 2 conditional troops, one of which “extracted” Spring, and the other harrowed Winter, but in the end, of course, surrendered. If the weather allowed, they formed a line and took it by storm. Exhibition battles were organized between the “warriors” on both sides, but the supporters of Spring certainly won. It is no coincidence that the struggle between spring and winter, cold and warmth was sung precisely on the day of the vernal equinox, when day and night seem to be fighting, measuring their strength. As the logical conclusion of the “war”, and as the main meaning of the festive ritual, at the end the effigy of Madder-Winter, made by the girls from straw and rags, was burned. The fire of the stolen fire burned, and with it the winter burned and burned down, giving way to the young Spring.

    Everywhere on Komoeditsa they baked pancakes - “comas” (hence the name). The ruddy round pancake represented the Sun. Another treat is small buns, twisted in a special way in the shape of birds, as a symbol of those returning, as was then believed, from Iria. In general, the Slavs’ daily treats were generous and rich. In addition to pancakes and bird buns, a variety of meat and fish dishes, pastries, sweets, and intoxicating drinks were served.

    With the advent of Christianity in Rus', Maslenitsa, like other ancient holidays, was banned. However, for several centuries, people continued to celebrate the vernal equinox, as, indeed, most other holidays. It was only in the 17th century that the church’s interest in persecuting ancient holidays gradually subsided. Having ceased to be considered “demonic fun”, Maslenitsa was filled with a new meaning - Orthodox. Even the clearly pagan (idolatrous) custom of burning an effigy of winter has been preserved. Having become part of the Orthodox calendar, the Maslenitsa holiday no longer coincides with the date of the equinox and carries only a ritual load - after a rich and generous Maslenitsa table, one of the most

    Today, this ancient, primordially Russian holiday is loved and revered by many. The celebration of Maslenitsa, which has preserved all the echoes of the ancient veneration of the spring equinox, has recently been happening on a larger scale, attracting a huge number of participants.

    The Day of the Spring Equinox is one of the ancient pagan holidays, which was celebrated by many peoples. This is one of the eight days of power a year, revered by sorcerers and magicians. At this time, nature awakens, the gods of the sun and spring descend to earth, conspiracies and rituals are filled with special power.

    What happens on Spring Festival

    On the day of the Spring Equinox, nature stands still for several hours, balancing between darkness and light, winter and spring. This is the time of awakening of the earth after the winter cold, when day is equal to night. It becomes equal parts darkness and light.

    There was or is a similar holiday in almost every country in the world. It occurs on the 20th of March, usually the 20-23rd days of the month. In the Gregorian calendar, the equinox and solstice fall on approximately the same dates year after year.

    For many peoples, the day was associated not only with the arrival of spring, but with the struggle between the forces of darkness and light. The bright gods or spirits always won, bringing spring warmth and sunlight as a victorious trophy.

    In many countries, March 20-23 is celebrated New Year, closely associated with the onset of spring. These are almost all the states that stand on the Silk Road - Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and many others. The equinox was celebrated by the Slavs, Celts, Germans, and also, presumably, the Egyptians and the Mayans.

    In European paganism, the Spring Equinox is dedicated to the ancient Germanic goddess of spring Ostara. It is called Ostara by adherents of Wiccan neo-paganism. In honor of the goddess, eggs were painted and buns similar to Easter cakes were baked. It is believed that the Christian Easter tradition takes its roots from here. And the date of Easter, by the way, is still counted from the date of veneration of Ostara. More precisely, Christians celebrate it on the first Sunday after the full moon following the Equinox.

    Slavic traditions of the Equinox

    Among the later Slavs this holiday was called Forty. In the old days, it was associated with the arrival of birds, and it was believed that forty birds returned at the end of March - hence the name. The main symbol was the lark, since this bird is the first to return. Ritual cookies were baked in its shape and given to those who saw the lark.

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    In pagan times, the sun was of great importance to the Slavs. According to legend, when day equals night, solar deities come to the world of people and check how their affairs are going. Yarilo was associated with the arrival of spring. Various rituals and offerings are dedicated to him. They glorified his victory over winter. According to Slavic legends, at the end of March he kicks off the horns of winter, and it goes away.

    The Day of the Spring Equinox was a noisy holiday among the Slavs. Mass celebrations and lavish and noisy feasts were held. Pancakes, which symbolized the sun, occupied a special place in the latter. We cooked them more often unmarried girls who used pancakes to guess about marriage. The first thing is lumpy - there will be no wedding this year.

    When serving pancakes on the table, you should take a closer look at who will take the very first one. If a man, the first child will be a boy. If a woman, a daughter will be born. Pregnant women can also guess this way. Just like on Christmastide, they told fortunes about their betrothed different ways- from cards to calling on the mirror.

    Burning effigies

    An obligatory element of folk festivities is a scarecrow symbolizing winter, or the goddess of winter Morena. He was solemnly burned on a huge bonfire. After the burning, they jumped over the fire to cleanse themselves of the negativity accumulated over the winter. Echoes of this tradition can be seen in modern Maslenitsa traditions.

    On the tops of mountains and hills they sang songs, calling out spring and calling on birds to return from warm countries. Vesnyanka - that’s what these chants were called. Wheels were lowered from the mountains, which symbolized the movements of the sun-Yarilo across the sky. Distant ancestors did not forget to honor the dead by leaving them treats and visiting their graves.

    It was not customary to sleep at night, people froze in anticipation of the sound of the “breaking year” - the arrival of spring among the Slavs was similar to the modern New Year. Their life was closely connected with agriculture, and the new year began at the same time as work on the land. However, according to some sources, the Slavs celebrated the New Year in autumn or late spring.

    Equinox - signs

    Pre-holiday cleaning is an obligatory part of any pagan holiday. A day or two before the onset of the Spring Equinox, it was customary for the Slavs and other peoples to cleanse their homes of physical and energetic dirt.

    The first one is easier, it’s general cleaning, and you can cleanse the house of negativity in several ways. Simplest - visualization while cleaning. Imagine yourself cleaning up your tracks. negative emotions guests and household members along with dust and debris. If you were planning to throw away old trash, the eve of the Spring Equinox holiday - best time for this.

    After cleaning, sprinkle the house with holy water or saline solution. Can be used herbal infusions. Wormwood, basil, and thyme work well. Then - personal cleansing. Take a herbal bath essential oils And sea ​​salt. Imagine how negative energy, evil eyes and traces of envy leave your biofield.

    One of the rites of the Equinox is burning lists of what you would like to get rid of. If possible, the paper should be thrown into the fire. If you don't have one, use a candle.

    Exists old sign- the magic of the Spring Equinox will help everyone earn forgiveness. Take time to forgive those who have offended you and correct your bad actions. March 20th is the best time for reconciliation.

    Ostara is the day of signs and symbols. Pay attention to all the events of this day. They will tell you the future whole year. All dreams seen on the Equinox will turn out to be prophetic.

    It is a bad omen to find a rotten egg among food supplies at this time. It foreshadows the loss of the protection of the Gods, the illness of one of the household members. To neutralize the negative meaning, you should hold your breath and walk around the entire house with salt (clockwise). Another sign for Ostara is to harm, even unintentionally, a black cat. If this happens, there will be trouble.

    As on the New Year, during the holiday do not allow negative thoughts and actions, otherwise they will haunt you for another year. Almost every holiday is a day of power, when thoughts materialize with more likely, than usual.

    Rites, rituals, offerings

    Followers of Slavic traditions honor Yarilo and the goddess of spring and youth Lelya, Wiccans - Ostara. Let's consider the Slavic version of the ritual in honor of the gods on the day of the Spring Equinox.

    A unique pagan temple of the 10th century, recreated in the Sennen region

    The Slavs glorified the gods at temples - sacred places built in their honor. If you have the opportunity to go to a sanctuary where there is an idol of Yarilo, do so. In the old days, offerings for this deity were left near him. They are accompanied glorification- pagan prayer:

    God Yarilo, our bright Sun, you gallop across the sky on a white horse, bringing spring to the land of the Orthodox family. There is no enlightenment either in the sky or in my soul without your life-giving ray. Appear your face in the Blue Sky, and let your spirit tremble in my soul. You, our God, are the Father of the brave and victorious, you are the mighty knight who makes a man out of a young man. I pray to you, Father, drive the Basurs away from my family, illuminate the house and bless my relatives! May I be in unity, Yaril, with the Ancestors and Gods, inspired by You to walk my path, boldly and victoriously! Glory to Yarila!

    It is better to choose daylight hours, from sunrise to sunset. If there is no opportunity to leave a request or an offering to the deity, you can do this on any hill - a hill, for example. Glades and forest edges are also suitable for this purpose. Offerings to the solar deity should be left while facing the sun.

    Regarding the offering itself, the best option- pancakes, which served our ancestors as both a symbol of the sun and a traditional dish of the Equinox. But any other baked goods are also suitable - pies, cookies, homemade bread, gingerbread. It is better if it is made by you personally. Another traditional spring offering to the deity is scrambled eggs, which, like pancakes, symbolize the sun. As a symbol of the future harvest of the new season, the Slavs also offered grain to Yarila. A drink should be left along with the treat. Usually this is beer or kvass.

    In honor of the onset of spring and as a sign of veneration of the goddess Lelya, our ancestors left treats for her under young birch trees. They do this early in the morning. Festive offerings can include colored eggs, baked goods, honey, and milk. The text of the praise is:

    Virgo-Lelya, spring is red,
    Become clear today in the light.
    Let the water flow clean.
    Break Mary's spell!

    Goy-ma! Glory!

    Rites and rituals of the Spring Equinox may include various conspiracies to achieve a certain goal. At this time, appeals to the above-mentioned gods are most effective.

    Spells for the Spring Equinox

    Conspiracy appeals to the gods, who are traditionally revered on the Equinox, will be especially effective on this day. They are read after offering food and praise - first you should show your respect, and then ask for help.

    Magic against damage and the evil eye

    You can turn to Yarilo for protection from the witchcraft of enemies, as well as with a request to get rid of damage or evil eye. Before installing protection, you should remove all existing negativity. To do this, after making the offering and reading the glorification, you need to say:

    Yarilo stands under the blue sky,
    He covered himself with a tent and propped himself up with a spear.
    Stars often fell from the sky,
    And with (name) all the touches slept! Goy!

    After cleansing, you should put protection against further magical attacks. The plot corresponding to this goal can be read immediately after the previous one. The text is:

    Bright red sun, put a wall of fire around me that cannot be penetrated by any kind of witchcraft. Protect your son (name) from any witchcraft now and forever and ever.

    In the text, you can change the words “your son” to “your daughter” if a woman is reading it. You can put such protection on loved one, then you need to mention his name in the text.

    Love witchcraft of the ancient Slavs

    The magic of the Spring Equinox is good for love witchcraft. In the old days, at this time they were expelled from home stagnant spirit- according to legend, it is because of him that the relationship between spouses cools down. Our ancestors believed that Yarilo, known for his violent and passionate character, would come to the house instead.

    For such a conspiracy you will need a broom, preferably from natural materials- tree, branches. A woman must sit on a broom and “drive” around the whole house. The working part of the broom should slide across the floor. You need to move counterclockwise, starting from the front door. At the same time say:

    Yarilo ran out of the stove pillar. He began and began to rage at the woman, only the stick knocked. The stick knocks and beats the foul.

    Read without stopping until you have walked around the entire house and returned to the front door. Then place the broom with its branches facing up next to it. The spouse with whom you want to improve your relationship should not be at home at this time.

    If you have been unable to improve your personal life for a long time, it is likely that you are responsible for crown of celibacy. According to Slavic beliefs, the goddess Lelya put it on those who did not live according to their conscience and violated the covenants of their ancestors. The magic of the Spring Equinox will help you get rid of punishment. To do this, you need to contact Lela just before sunrise.

    You will need a lot of candles that should be placed around you. In the old days, instead of candles, they made fires, and then stood in the center of the fire circle. Prepare a tray on which there will also be candles - as many as will fit. Light all the candles, stand in the center of the circle, hold the tray above your head on outstretched arms. Now you are supposed to circle counterclockwise while reading the plot:

    Oh, Lelya fiercely the force is chosen
    Decorated with a good red thread, a miracle
    Oh, shining Lelya, miracle
    Oh, Lelya is glorious, as you marvel at all who see and give.
    Oh, Lelya, your good deeds in my house
    Oh, Lelya, you are loved and delightful to everyone
    Oh, Lelya is mischievous, come to my body to hear the prophetic cry
    Dress up like a new item, donate a penny
    Give into your soul, look into the world
    Through my eyes, through my hands
    Yes, connect my thoughts with the chosen existence
    And let this be illuminated in the life of the living
    Selected semi-precious stones
    Oh, Lelya, bind the power of the delightful veil over me
    With a spring native belly
    Oh, Lelya, Lala has fiercely chosen her strength.

    You need to read without counting until the morning sun appears completely above the horizon. Read this plot for the Spring Equinox, as well as six more days after it. On the eighth day before sunrise, you need to weave a wreath of white flowers and decorate it with bright ribbons. Looking at the sunrise through the wreath, read the plot for another forty days. On the forty-first day, hang it on a young birch tree and leave the goddess’s needs - baked goods, milk, honey.

    Spells for money

    There are special conspiracies on the day of the Spring Equinox that attract money. For one of them you need to make a big fire. Looking at the flame, read:

    Sparks are gold, ashes are silver.
    Be good in my home all year!
    My bins are full
    I will always live in wealth and prosperity!

    Wait until the fire burns out. Ashes and ashes must be collected and stored in the house. A year later, scatter it to the wind and read these words at the stake again.

    If there is an opportunity to go to the forest during the pagan sunny holiday, can be carried out strong ritual for money with an appeal to Yarilo. To do this, you need to find a clearing and stand so that the sun fully illuminates you. Raise your hands to the daylight and say three times:

    The sun was shining in the sky, helping everyone, illuminating everyone. There is enough for everyone, in abundance, in order, not too much, not too little, but as much as needed!

    Now turn around three times counterclockwise, and then say, looking at the sun:

    Now and forever I have light of gold, plenty of money, not much, not little, but as much as I need!

    Leave an offering to the deity in the form of pancakes, pastries and kvass or beer. After this, the ritual is considered completed. Your business will quickly go uphill, financial situation will get better.

    How to make a wish and have it come true

    On the Equinox, the Druids made wishes under the sacred patron tree. From him they were charged with energy for future use. They believed that with the awakening of the earth, trees are more ready to share their strength than at other times of the year. The Slavs believed that on the day of spring, all wishes made come true.

    On this day of strength, even the most incredible dreams are highly likely to come true, the main thing is to believe in it. How to make a wish on the day of the Spring Equinox? Make a list of your wishes on paper. Describe what you want as clearly as possible. If this is a house, write the number of rooms, floors, total area and other details that matter to you. Hide the list, and after a year, burn it.

    Many Slavic and European traditions are associated with the Spring Equinox. pagan traditions and believe. On this holiday, our ancestors especially revered the gods of spring and the sun - Yarilo and Lelya. Rituals bestowed their blessing, spells addressed to them on the Equinox work much more effectively than at any other time.

    The day of the vernal equinox (Spring Equinox) is one of the most unique natural phenomena, the essence of which, in scientific language, boils down to the fact that “at the moment of the equinox, the center of the Sun in its visible movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator.”

    On this day, the Earth, rotating around its imaginary axis passing through the poles, while simultaneously moving around the Sun, is in such a position in relation to the luminary that the sun's rays carrying thermal energy, fall vertically towards the equator. The sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and on these days in all countries the day is almost equal to night.

    There are spring and autumn equinoxes. Universal time (in other time zones these dates may differ by a day) in the northern hemisphere spring equinox occurs 20th of March when the Sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and autumn equinox occurs September 22 or 23(in 2019 - September 23), when the Sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern. In the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, the March equinox is considered autumn, and the September equinox is considered spring.

    Spring and autumnal equinox are considered the astronomical beginning of the corresponding seasons. The period of time between two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year. This year is today and is accepted for measuring time. There are approximately 365.2422 sunny days in a tropical year. It is because of this “approximately” that the equinox falls at a different time of day every year, each year moving forward by about 6 hours.

    On the Day of the Vernal Equinox, the New Year begins for many peoples and nationalities of the Earth: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan - almost all the countries of the Great Silk Road associate the beginning of the New Year with this natural phenomenon.

    The ancient scientists of China, India, and Egypt knew very well about the days of the vernal equinox. In ancient times, the day of the spring equinox was considered a great holiday.

    In religion in ancient times, the day of the vernal equinox was also given considerable importance. The date of Easter, which is celebrated every year at different times, was counted from the day of the vernal equinox as follows: March 21 - the first full moon - the first Sunday, which was considered a holiday.

    Many peoples have preserved the day of the vernal equinox as a holiday in the calendar. For example, in Farsi it is called , which means “new day.” Rooted in the traditions of ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia, the holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples professing Islam.

    In the CIS, the day of the equinox is National holiday celebrated by Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples. In a number of countries, Navruz has been declared a public holiday, and March 21 is a day off.

    On this day, light and darkness are divided equally. In ancient times, when there were no calendars, spring was determined by the sun. It was believed that it was from this day that renewal in nature began: the first spring thunder, the swelling of buds on the trees, the lush sprouting of greenery.

    The day of the vernal equinox was especially revered in the pagan faith. It was believed that on this day in the annual cycle, Spring, personifying the revival and rebirth of nature, replaces Winter.

    When the Sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, the autumn equinox occurs.

    When talking about equinox dates, we should distinguish between a date based on universal time and a date for a specific time zone:

    if the equinox occurs before 12:00 universal time, in some countries located west of the prime meridian, this day may not yet have arrived and according to local time, the arrival of the equinox will be considered 1 day earlier;

    if the equinox occurs later than 12:00 universal time, then in some countries located east of the prime meridian, the next day may already have arrived and the date of the equinox will be 1 more.

    According to the creators of the Gregorian calendar, the “official” date of the vernal equinox is March 21 (literally “12 days before the Kalends of April”), since this was the date of the vernal equinox during the Council of Nicaea.

    The last time in this century the spring equinox fell on March 21 in 2007 and further in the 21st century it will fall on March 20 or even March 19.

    After a long winter, we are all looking forward to the coming of spring. In March, buds appear on the trees, nature comes to life after a long sleep, birds sing and the sun shines. The Vernal Equinox Day, beloved by many - what date will it be in 2019 and how is it celebrated? Read the details in this article.

    First of all, let's figure out what the spring equinox is. In fact, the answer lies in the name Equinox: day is equal to night, that is, the length of light and dark is the same.

    There is a distinction between the spring equinox, which is celebrated in March, and the autumn equinox, which is celebrated in September. Some also talk about the spring solstice, but this is wrong. After all, they happen only in summer and winter - in June and December.

    Holiday date in different years falls on different days: March 19, 20 or 21. The exact date depends on the year, it's all about the calendar shift due to leap years.

    In 2019, the spring equinox will occur on March 21 at 00:58 Moscow time. If you live in another region, you can calculate the time yourself, knowing Moscow time.

    After this day, the length of daylight hours begins to increase, and the day becomes longer than the night.

    Watch the video where the astronomical essence of the equinox phenomenon is revealed:

    On March 21, the Sun moves from the zodiac sign Pisces to the sign of Aries, and astrological spring begins (the period of the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini).

    Since the Aries sign is associated with new things and initiative, this is a good time to start implementing new projects, implementing ideas and plans. Nature is being revived, so human activity in the world must also be revived.

    Table of spring equinoxes until 2025

    Year Date and exact time in Moscow
    2019 March 21 00:58
    2020 20 March 06:50
    2021 March 20 12:37
    2022 March 20 18:33
    2023 March 21 00:24
    2024 20 March 06:06
    2025 March 20 12:01

    Ritual to fulfill a wish

    The spring solstice is a time of miracles and mysticism, when the Wheel of Fate can be turned in the right direction. Traditionally, various rituals were performed on this day. Today I will present a spring ritual to make a wish come true.

    Important conditions: the desire must concern you personally and it should not be associated with harm to other people.

    Choose a quiet place and ask not to be interrupted for half an hour. Prepare a white candle.

    • Light a candle.
    • Find a comfortable position with a straight back, for example, sit cross-legged.
    • Place the candle so that it is comfortable to look at it.
    • Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and slowly.
    • Imagine that your wish has already come true. For example, if you want to buy a new car, then imagine yourself driving as if you were driving around the city in a brand new car. Mentally examine the registration certificate you just received.
    • Be sure to experience the emotions that a fulfilled desire will give you - delight, joy, satisfaction.
    • Now place the image of the wish fulfilled in the pink sphere.
    • The sphere rises up and flies into the sky, higher and higher.
    • You have let go of your desire, thus leaving a request to the Universe for its fulfillment.

    Try to forget about your desire for a while. Then it will certainly come true.

    Folk signs of the holiday

    People pass on signs for the Day of the Vernal Equinox from generation to generation.

    1. Whatever your thoughts and desires are, this will be the case all year. The fact is that on March 21, the energy template for the subsequent months of the year is laid. Therefore, thoughts must be positive, and wishes to other people only bright and kind. You can't wish bad things even on your enemies.
    2. The more fun you have on this day, the more fun your year will be.
    3. On this day, our ancestors looked for spring thawed patches and counted them. If you find 40 pieces, then spring will bring good luck.
    4. If the day turns out to be frosty, then another 40 days of frost are expected. And if the day is warm, then there will be no night frosts.

    The holiday of the spring equinox among different nations

    The spring equinox is celebrated all over the world. Different nations They greet spring in different ways, but they all have common features - each person rejoices at the reborn Sun and looks forward to welcoming warmth.

    Holiday among the Slavs

    The holiday of the spring equinox among the Slavs was called Magpies or Larks. The first name comes from the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia - Christian soldiers who refused to make sacrifices to pagan gods because they deeply believed in Christ.

    However, even in the pre-Christian era, the spring equinox was celebrated on a grand scale. It was believed that on this day there comes a balance between light and darkness. The sun wakes up to give people warmth and harvest.

    The Slavs called the Day of the Vernal Equinox - Larks. According to legend, on this day migratory larks return to their homeland, followed by other migratory birds.

    Before this day, any agricultural work was prohibited, as the land was still in hibernation. Now she has begun to awaken.

    For the holiday, housewives made ritual pastries from unleavened dough in the shape of larks. Birds were often baked with their wings and crests spread out. But each housewife, of course, had her own recipe.

    The baked larks were given to the children. They ran with them into the street, threw them up, imitating the arrival of birds. Sometimes children would put the birds on a stick to raise them even higher towards the sun. These ritual actions were accompanied by calls of spring, the children shouted out special chants - calls of spring.

    After the game, the larks were eaten, but the heads of the birds were not eaten. They were usually given to livestock.

    Fortune telling was also common. For example, the housewife baked one bird for each family member. A coin was placed inside one. Whoever gets the bird with the coin will be happy all year.

    Spring Larks Baking Recipes

    How to cook larks for the Spring Equinox? Watch the recipe in the video:

    And here is another recipe - a simpler one, made from yeast-free dough:

    Celtic holiday Ostara

    The holiday, named after the goddess of fertility of the earth named Ostare, is celebrated on the Day of the Vernal Equinox. The ancient Celts opened the agricultural season from this day.

    The goddess Ostare is one of the most “ancient” goddesses, known since the second millennium BC. It is also associated with the awakening of nature, with the first herbs and flowers.

    On this day, the ancient Germans performed rituals for the fertility of fields and trees in the coming season. It was customary to cleanse people of the filth accumulated over the winter.

    The following were popular on this holiday:

    • Pouring water;
    • Fumigation with smoke;
    • Jumping over the fire;
    • The descent of fiery wheels from the mountain;
    • Throwing fire arrows.

    After the advent of Christianity, the pagan Spring Equinox was combined with the Christian Annunciation.

    There are two main symbols of the goddess Ostare. The first of these is the moon hare or rabbit. It symbolized fertility (everyone knows how rabbits breed) and personified rebirth.

    According to legend, the goddess Ostare saw a wounded bird in the snow. He took pity on the bird and, wanting to save it from death, turned it into a hare. In its new guise, the bird still laid eggs. Therefore, the second symbol of the holiday was considered an egg - a symbol of the Sun and the rebirth of nature.

    The eggs were painted with protective symbols, as well as signs of peace, wealth, fertility, etc. The ritual is similar to the painting of Easter eggs that are familiar to us today.

    Higan in Japan

    The vernal equinox in Japan is associated with a Buddhist holiday called Higan. This is a public holiday and a day off for the Japanese.

    However, the celebrations last a whole week: they begin 3 days before the equinox and end 3 days after it ends. The exact date of the equinox is calculated every year at the National Observatory.

    The name “khigan” is translated as “that shore” or “the world where the souls of ancestors settled.” Accordingly, this is a holiday of honoring ancestors.

    Before the holiday, the Japanese carefully clean their houses and put things in order. They clean the home altar with photographs of ancestors and their personal belongings, place fresh flowers and ritual food.

    During the holiday week, Japanese residents go to the graves of their deceased relatives. All ritual foods are vegetarian. This is a tribute to the Buddhist tradition of not killing any living beings and not eating meat. The menu is based on rice, vegetables, beans, root vegetables and vegetable broths.

    IN holidays The Japanese visit Buddhist temples, order prayers and pay ritual honors to departed ancestors.

    Soon after Higana, the cherry blossom season begins, which symbolizes the true rebirth of nature. All residents of the Land of the Rising Sun go to admire the beautiful and short-lived phenomenon.

    Turkic Nowruz

    The traditional holiday of Novruz or Nauryz is celebrated by the Turkic and Iranian peoples; it is one of the most ancient holidays in human history. Has no relation to Islam, originated in Zoroastrianism and is associated with the astronomical phenomenon of the spring equinox. It is considered the true beginning of the New Year.

    Currently, Novruz is celebrated on March 21 in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other countries. In Russia, this holiday is celebrated in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Dagestan.

    Preparations for Nowruz begin well in advance. Be sure to clean the house, pay off debts, and ask for forgiveness for the grievances caused. A variety of traditional dishes are prepared. Be sure to have a lot of sweets. It is believed that the richer the table, the happier the year will be.

    Sprouted wheat is often placed on the table, symbolizing the rebirth of nature.

    There is a tradition of organizing a fire festival on Novruz. For example, they make a fire and dance around it. And then they jump over the fire. It is believed that this allows you to cleanse yourself of all ailments and problems.

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