• Russian folk holidays and rituals and their traditions for children and adults. Osenin holiday in Rus': traditions of celebrating the autumn equinox


    Rituals and customs are part of the culture of every people, be it a huge nation or a small community. They accompany us throughout our lives. Some of them go back centuries, and we forget them or don’t know about them at all. Others continue to exist. We invite you to get acquainted with autumn rituals, the history of their origin and essence. Traditions associated with the onset of autumn different countries interesting and varied.

    Autumn is a time of holidays

    Since ancient times, autumn has been the time for various celebrations. For example, ceremonies and rituals on the day of the autumn equinox are varied and numerous. Why did this happen? The fact is that the time for farming was ending, everyone was harvesting and preparing for winter. The majority of the population in those days were peasants, so seasonality had a significant impact on their way of life. Full bins and free time gave people the opportunity to relax.

    Harvest Festival in Israel

    Mostly people celebrated the Harvest Festival. So, in Israel, Sukkot takes place on September 19th. On this day, Jews perform the ritual of raising the lulav. Lulava consists of four plants - myrtle, willow, date palm leaf, etrog. Each of these plants symbolizes a person. Thus, the etrog symbolizes people who do good deeds, and the willow symbolizes people who do not know how to do good. The combination of these plants suggests that everyone should help the other, teach him the right way to live. The holiday lasts seven days. On the eighth day they read a prayer for the granting of the harvest for the next year.

    Korean autumn traditions

    The harvest is called Chuseok. It lasts three days. An interesting point: all people try to go to their native places for these three days. On Chuseok, every family worships their ancestors, and after this ritual they eat holiday dishes from the sacrificial table. Then everyone goes to the graves of relatives to honor their memory.

    Wine harvest

    In Europe, grape harvest holidays are considered traditional. Thus, in Switzerland in mid-September there is a festival of young wine. About one hundred and fifty varieties of wines are sent here from all over the country. Various shows, dances, and concerts take place these days.

    Autumn holidays among the Slavs

    Autumn holidays among the Slavs often have pagan and Orthodox roots. The most famous were Obzhinki or Dozhinki (among Belarusians). In the nineteenth century, this holiday was celebrated everywhere among the Slavs, only at different times, mainly depending on the climate. Thus, among the Eastern Slavs, the mentioned holiday coincided with the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, and in Siberia - with the holiday of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

    On this day people spent several autumn rites. For example, the last sheaf was reaped in silence, and then the women rolled through the stubble with certain words-songs. Several ears of corn, twisted into a beard, were left on the field. This ritual was called “beard curling.”

    Traditions and rituals of autumn in Rus'

    The first of September in Rus' was called Indian summer; in some areas the countdown was from September 8th. Already somewhere from Ilyin's day, and somewhere from Uspenev, autumn round dances began in many settlements. It is worth noting that the round dance is the most ancient of the dances of the Russian people, and is rooted in the rites of worship of the Sun God. Round dance in Rus' was of great importance. This dance reflected the three eras of the year: spring, summer, autumn.

    One of the Russian autumn rituals is a round dance called “brew beer.” Young women went out into the street and treated everyone to home brew, then stood up in a round dance and pretended to be drunk. At the end, all the girls were treated to home brew.

    On Semenov Day - the first of September - they mounted a horse. In each family, the first-born was seated on a horse. In addition, on this same day, for 400 years, they celebrated New Year. It was abolished only in 1700 by decree of Peter 1.

    And on September 14, Osenins began to be celebrated in Rus'. People thanked Mother Earth for the rich harvest. They renewed the fire, extinguished the old one, and started a new one. From that time on, all activities in the field ended and work began in the house, in the yard, and in the garden. In the houses on the First Autumn they covered festive table, brewed beer and slaughtered a sheep. A cake was baked from the new flour.

    September 21 - Second Autumns. On the same day they celebrated the birth Holy Mother of God. September 23 - Peter and Pavel Ryabinnik. On this day, rowan berries were collected for compote and kvass. The windows were decorated with bunches of rowan berries; it was believed that they would protect the house from all evil spirits.

    Third Autumn - September 27. In another way, this day was called the snake holiday. According to legends, all birds and snakes moved to another country on this day. They conveyed requests to the deceased. On this day we did not go into the forest, because it was believed that a snake could drag us away.

    Autumn traditions among Belarusians

    Autumn holidays among Belarusians are similar to autumn rituals and holidays among other Slavic peoples. For a long time in Belarus they celebrated the end of the harvest. This holiday was called dozhinki. One of the main autumn rituals was held on Dozhinki. The last sheaf was entwined with flowers and dressed in women's dress, after which they were taken to the village and left until the next harvest. Now Dozhinki is a holiday of national significance.

    Similarly, the Osenins in Belarus celebrated the harvest festival - the rich man. The symbol of the holiday was a popular print with grain and a candle inside. The “rich man” was in one of the houses of the village, where a priest was invited to conduct a prayer service. Afterwards, the popular print with a lit candle was carried through the entire village.

    An equally famous ritual holiday of late autumn in Belarus is Dziady. This holiday of remembrance of ancestors falls on November 1-2. Dziady means “grandfathers”, “ancestors”. Before Dzyady they washed in the bathhouse and cleaned the house. A bucket of clean water and a broom were left in the bathhouse for the souls of ancestors. The whole family gathered for dinner that day. Various dishes were prepared, and before dinner the doors were opened in the house so that the souls of the dead could enter.

    At dinner they did not say unnecessary words, behaved humbly, remembered only good things about their ancestors, and remembered the dead. Dziady was given to the beggars who walked around the villages.

    Autumn equinox. Rituals and rituals in different countries of the world

    The autumnal equinox falls on September 22, sometimes 23. Day and night at this time become equal. Many peoples attached mystical significance to this day. Traditions, celebrations and rituals on the Autumn Equinox Day are commonplace.

    In some countries this Public Holiday, for example, in Japan. Here, according to tradition, ancestors are remembered on this day. Conduct ancient rite Buddhist holiday Higan. On this day, the Japanese prepare food only from plant ingredients: beans, vegetables. They make pilgrimages to the graves of their ancestors and worship them.

    In Mexico, on the day of the autumn equinox, people go to the The object is designed so that on the days of the equinox, the sun's rays create triangles of light and shadow on the pyramid. The lower the sun, the more distinct the contours of the shadow; they resemble a snake in shape. This illusion lasts a little more than three hours, during which time you need to make a wish.

    Autumn equinox among the Slavs

    The autumn equinox was one of the main holidays among the Slavs. It had different names: Tausen, Ovsen, Radogoshch. Rituals and rituals were also performed in different places.

    Ovsen is the name of a deity in mythology who was responsible for the change of seasons, so in the fall he was thanked for fruits and harvests. They celebrated the day of the autumn equinox (with ceremonies and rituals) for two weeks. The main holiday drink was honey, made from fresh hops. Pies with meat, cabbage, and lingonberries are the main delicacy on the table.

    The ritual for the autumn equinox was the farewell of the goddess Zhiva to Svarga - the heavenly kingdom, which was closed in the winter. On the day of the equinox, the Slavs also revered the goddess Lada. She was the patroness of weddings. And weddings were most often celebrated after the completion of field work.

    On the day of the autumn equinox, special autumn events were held folk rituals. To attract good luck and happiness, they baked pies with cabbage and apples round shape. If the dough rose quickly, it means that the financial situation should improve next year.

    On this day, all old things were taken out into the yard and burned.

    Special rituals for the autumn equinox were performed with water. She was believed to have special powers. We washed ourselves morning and evening with the belief that water would keep children healthy and women attractive.

    Our ancestors often used trees in autumn rituals and holidays. So, they protected the house and themselves with rowan branches. It was believed that rowan, picked on this day, has enormous energy and will not let evil into the house. The girls used walnut branches. They put a second pillow on the bed in order to get married sooner, they burned nut branches, and scattered the ashes on the street. The clusters of rowan trees were used to judge winter. The more berries, the harsher the winter.

    Special autumn rite in Rus' there was a sacrifice. In gratitude for a good harvest in pagan times, the Slavs sacrificed the largest animal to Veles. This was done before harvest. After the sacrifice, the sheaves were tied and the "grandmothers" were placed. Afterwards a rich table was set.

    Orthodox autumn holidays, traditions, rituals

    The biggest holiday is the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 21). The holiday coincided with the second autumn.

    September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross. In the 4th century, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great found the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher. Many then wanted to see this miracle. This is how the Feast of the Exaltation was established. From this day we began harvesting cabbage for the winter. And young boys and girls gathered for cabbage parties. The table was set, the guys looked after the brides.

    October 14 - Intercession of the Virgin Mary. The holiday was established by Andrei Bogolyubsky. In Rus' they believed that the Mother of God took Rus' under her protection, so they always relied on her protection and mercy. At this time, they were finishing work in the field and collecting the last fruits. In Pokrov, women made ten-handed dolls, which, it was believed, were supposed to help around the house, since the woman did not have time to do everything.

    On the third day of November they celebrated "Kazanskaya". This is the Mother of God.

    Autumn signs in Rus'

    September 11 - Ivan Poletny, Poletovshchik. A day later they began to pull out root crops and dig up potatoes.

    September 24 - Fedora-Ripped off. Two Fedoras up the mountain - one autumn, one winter, one with mud, the other with cold.

    October 1 is crane summer. It was believed that if the cranes flew on this day, then there would be the first frost on Pokrov. If not, you should not expect frosts before November 1st.

    November 14 - Kuzminki. On Kuzminki they celebrated the rooster's name day. The girls had a feast-conversation and invited the guys.

    On this day, a ritual called “the wedding and funeral of Kuzma-Demyan” was performed. The girls made a stuffed animal out of straw, dressed it up as a guy and held a comic wedding. They sat this scarecrow in the middle of the hut and “married” it to some girl, then they took it into the forest, burned it and danced on it. We made dolls Kuzma and Demyan. They were considered guardians family hearth, patrons of women's handicrafts.

    The holiday of Autumn in Rus' has been celebrated since ancient times. It was also called Ospozhinki, the Harvest Festival, the Day of Blessing of the Loaves.

    When is Autumn celebrated in 2019?

    How is the holiday Osenin celebrated?

    How is the celebration going? Nowadays, exhibitions are held in various cultural institutions and educational institutions. creative works, photo exhibitions, folklore holidays, harvest festivals and other events. Food fairs are organized in cities and villages.

    History and traditions of the Osenin celebration

    Let's talk about the history and traditions of the holiday. By this time, the peasants had completed their field work. On this day they gave thanks to Mother Earth.

    According to traditions, it was also necessary to visit parents and remember ancestors. On this day, relatives visited the newlyweds and gave them advice on housekeeping. After a hearty dinner, the young hostess showed the guests the house, and the young owner showed the yard, barn, shed and garden.

    On the Autumn holiday in Rus', our ancestors observed special traditions. Early in the morning, women went out to the shores of lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread and jelly. At the same time, they read conspiracies and sang songs. The bread was then broken into pieces and fed to livestock.

    It was believed that if you wash your face before dawn on Oseniny, you will be able to preserve your beauty until old age. Young girls performed this ritual in order to get married sooner.

    The children were stripped of their old torn clothes and shoes and burned. All adversity and failures had to go away with the fire. Then, when the children crossed the threshold, they were doused with water from head to toe.

    In the evening, people gathered for a brotherhood, decided on various worldly matters and had a common feast. In the old days, on the Autumn holiday, a rich table was set, to which meat dishes were served (for this, a sheep or ram was slaughtered), a pie was baked from the flour of the new harvest, and beer was brewed.

    As S. Maksimov wrote (1903), “This festival, depending on the harvest, is characterized by great revelry. With an apparently successful harvest, the “pozhinki” sometimes last for a whole week: the more productive the summer, the longer the holiday.”

    After the baptism of Rus', the holiday was dedicated to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day she was honored and thanked for the harvest. She was believed to be the patron of agriculture, family, and especially mothers.

    According to the weather on the Autumn holiday in Rus', they judged what the weather would be like in autumn and winter. People said that if birds huddle close to the ground on this day, then the winter will be cold. If the day is clear, the good weather will continue until the end of October.

    Autumn folklore holiday

    Goals: cultivate interest and love for folklore; have an emotional impact on children; to form children’s knowledge about autumn natural phenomena. Develop curiosity and a desire to learn something new.

    Autumn holiday scenario

    A Russian folk melody sounds. Ivan Zakharovich and Pelageya Petrovna come out to meet the guests, dressed in festive peasant clothes.

    Pelageya Petrovna. Hello, dear guests! Come on in, guys, don't be shy! Feel at home, but... (raises index finger up) don’t forget that you are visiting.

    Children . Hello!

    The guys sit down in pre-prepared places.

    Presenter . We came to check on you and find out about your health...

    Grandfather Ivan. Thank you for your attention and respect. My grandmother and I are in good health, and we wish the same for you.

    Presenter . Ivan Zakharovich, Pelageya Petrovna! I would like you to tell the guys about how life used to be in the old days, what songs were sung, how holidays were celebrated...

    Grandmother Pelageya.Oh-ho-ho, how many years have passed... (Sighs.) Time flies: it is without legs and without wings, you can’t see it and you can’t hear it. Oh, he flies fast, and you can’t catch up with him...

    Grandfather Ivan. Well, let's tell you why not.

    The grandfather, clearing his throat, begins his story.

    Grandfather Ivan . Life in the old days was fun, albeit hard...

    Grandfather Ivan . So I was born into a peasant family. But life was not easy for the peasants. They worked a lot to feed themselves: they got up long before dawn, plowed the land, sowed, harvested the crops, looked after the cattle, and stored hay for them for the winter. The peasant has a lot of things to do; he can’t do it all in a day. And to have time to stockpile firewood for the winter, it’s impossible to tell everything. In those days, Russian people were completely dependent on their labor. There was even a saying, perhaps you’ve heard it: “as you trample, so shall you burst”, that’s how it is!

    But after all the worries, and this usually happened in the fall, when the entire harvest had been harvested, holidays were held. They gathered together in someone's hut and walked, taking a break from hard work. The fun was in full swing - jokes and jokes, like peas, fell from all corners. And they danced so hard to the balalaika that the earth shook under their feet...

    A dance is being performed. Members of a folklore group depict a folk festival: girls pull a balalaika player into a circle, give him a balalaika, he plays, couples dance a square dance. The music is recorded.

    Grandfather Ivan. Yes... that's how it was. And it couldn’t be done without riddles, one wiser than the other (addresses the children). What, guys, do you like to solve riddles? (Children answer.) Well, I’ll see how you deal with them (winks slyly). My riddles are not simple...

    All my riddles grew in the garden.

    I picked up the basket

    And he collected those riddles.

    Which one of you can guess them?

    He'll play with me!

    From behind the stove he takes out a basket filled with vegetables. He puts it on the table. Makes riddles. If the guys find it difficult to answer, grandfather Ivan, with his hints, guides the children to the correct answer.

    Riddles from the garden

    Round, not a month,

    Yellow, not oil,

    With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip.)

    Only in the garden does it grow again,
    Having fun and singing.
    Bright color, great taste,
    Even if this load is light.
    Borsch, salads, vinaigrette,
    The whole secret of taste is in it.
    Even if she is small,
    We will answer, this is...(Beet.)

    Without counting clothes

    And all without fasteners. (Head of cabbage.)

    No windows, no doors -

    The room is full of people. (Cucumber.)

    We fry this vegetable

    And, of course, we cook.

    Add to soup and cabbage soup,

    We love pies.

    And also, as I heard,

    It makes good starch. (Potato.)

    But this vegetable is rich in vitamins.

    It improves your health a hundred times! (Onion.)

    Ivan Zakharovich (pointing to the basket). Yes, today there is a glorious harvest! This is how many gifts autumn brought to people for their labors: fruits, vegetables, and of course bread.

    There is plenty of everything, now you can spend the winter without going to waste! (Addresses the children.) And you guys are great! All my riddles were solved. There is nothing to do, since I promised, let's play.

    I know an old game, I played it with my friends when I was still a kid. This game is called “Don’t go into the garden, hare!”

    Game at the autumn festival “Don’t go into the garden, hare!”

    Ivan Zakharovich explains the rules of the game. Draws a large circle around itself. He places a chair in the center of the circle and lays out “vegetables” from his basket in a circle.

    Ivan Zakharovich . So this is my garden. Here I have everything: beets and turnips - I have everything! One problem - the hares were killed. We’ve started hauling vegetables from my garden; I’m afraid of losing my entire harvest. That’s why I sit here (points to a chair standing in the center of the circle) day and night and guard my garden from thieves, cunning bunnies (sits on a chair, “guards” my “garden”). As soon as the hares see that I’m getting sleepy, they begin to grab my vegetables, and even say:

    No matter how you take care, grandfather,

    Don't take care of the garden

    We will come to you now -

    Catch up and try us!

    Now let's play. I take care of my garden. You are little bunnies, cunning thieves. Keep your eyes peeled, don’t get caught by me, otherwise things will be bad, I’ll catch them all and put them in a cage for correction. It's clear?

    The children answer.

    Ivan Zakharovich closes his eyes and “falls asleep.” The hare guys walk around in a circle, saying sentences. In the end they try to “steal” some “vegetable” from the “garden”. However, they must not cross the line of the circle. Grandfather Ivan wakes up and tries to catch the thieves, also without crossing the line. Whoever he manages to touch goes into the circle and helps the grandfather “guard the garden.” The game continues until all the hares are caught.

    After a while, grandfather Ivan, groaning, holds his lower back. The grandmother carefully makes him sit down.

    Pelageya Petrovna.Why are you, Ivan Zakharovich, holding on to your back? Ali, has your radiculitis woken up again?

    Grandfather Ivan (waves his hand in embarrassment). Woke up, mother. I went dancing with the guys and woke up my sciatica (wrinkling in pain, rubbing his lower back).

    Pelageya Petrovna(shaking his head reproachfully). At our age there is no time for dancing...

    Grandfather Ivan . Okay, Pelageya Petrovna, don’t grumble. You better tell me, have you ever been such a little thing? (Nods his head towards the children.)

    Pelageya Petrovna(perplexed). Well, it was... And who wasn’t...

    Grandfather Ivan (smiling slyly). If you were, then tell me what games you played? The guys are very interested.

    Pelageya Petrovna.Well, if that’s the case, then listen. I loved to dance in circles with my friends, weave wreaths... Do you know how to dance in circles?

    Dance with wreaths

    Pelageya Petrovna: Well done, you know how to dance.

    Guys! Do you help adults with housework? (children's answer). Well done!

    Children have always been good helpers for adults. Adults lovingly spoke about them: “small, but remote.” The Russian people laughed at those who did not want to work. Let's see what kind of helpers you are.

    A team competition is being held. Each team has the same amount of firewood, which must be transported to a certain place and quickly and neatly stacked.

    Pelageya Petrovna.But I rarely managed to dance around with my girlfriends. I'm everything more home I helped my mother with housework. After all, I was the eldest in the family, I helped my parents as best I could. I looked after my sisters and younger brothers when my parents were working in the fields, I did what I could around the house. On long winter evenings, my mother and I sat down near the ray of wood to do needlework. From then on I fell in love with needlework. As soon as I have a free minute, I’ll immediately pick up a needle. I’ll thread a thread into it and embroider wonderful patterns. I still keep my works.

    Pelageya Petrovna shows embroidered towels, tablecloths, napkins, etc.

    Pelageya Petrovna. The Russian people have many proverbs and sayings about hard work and skill. We already know some of them, let's remember them.

    Children get up and say proverbs and sayings:

    You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

    It's a long day until the evening, if there's nothing to do

    A person is judged not by his words, but by his deeds.

    Patience and a little effort.

    If there was a hunt, there would be work.

    Skillful hands do not know boredom.

    The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

    Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

    Skillful hands will not go hungry.

    Do you like to ride? Love to carry sleighs too.

    The village stands like a needle and a harrow.

    See trees in their fruits, and see people in their deeds.

    Pelageya Petrovna. The Russian people are famous not only for proverbs and sayings, but also for ditties. Let's ask our mothers to sing them.

    Hey girls are laughing

    Isn't it time to sing ditties?

    Moms line up on both sides

    They perform ditties


    We are autumn ditties

    Let's sing it for you now!

    Clap your hands louder

    Have fun!


    We always catch on ourselves

    Glances of admiration!

    Beauty and health to us

    They give you tomatoes.


    We got the secret of blush

    From great-grandmother Thekla.

    Best of all overseas blushes

    Juice from our beets.


    There are no tastier apples than ripe ones,

    The kids know this!

    How can we see apples?

    We all shout at once: “Hurray-a-a!”


    There are a hundred suitors now

    Under our window.

    Everyone wants to get pies with potatoes.


    We don't get the flu anymore

    We are not afraid of a draft,

    Replaces all tablets

    We need a head of garlic


    We're at the harvest festival

    They brought vegetables

    After the holiday our cook

    We'll have some cabbage soup for the year!

    They sang ditties well,

    Ok and okali,

    We would really like everything

    So that you clap for us.

    Grandmother Pelageya: That's great! What funny ditties!

    It’s good at our gatherings, it’s fun.

    And now quickly come here -

    We'll have a fun game.

    Game "collect weeds in buckets"(children collect some cornflowers, others dandelions, and others collect bindweed).

    Ivan Zakharovich: That's how we played. They also loved to tell poems. Which one of you will please old me?


    The swallows disappeared, And yesterday the dawn All the rooks flew Yes, like a net, they flashed over that mountain. In the evening everyone sleeps, It’s dark outside. The dry leaf falls, At night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window. It would be better if there was snow and a blizzard, glad to meet you with your breasts! As if in fright, shouting, the Cranes fly to the south.


    Autumn has come
    The flowers have dried up,
    And they look sad
    Bare bushes.
    Withers and turns yellow
    Grass in the meadows
    It's just turning green
    Winter in the fields.
    A cloud covers the sky
    The sun doesn't shine
    The wind howls in the field,
    The rain is drizzling..

    The waters began to rustle
    of the fast stream,
    The birds have flown away
    To warm regions.


    The sky was already breathing in autumn,
    The sun shone less often,
    The day was getting shorter
    Mysterious forest canopy
    With a sad noise she stripped herself,
    Fog lay over the fields,
    Noisy caravan of geese
    Stretched to the south: approaching
    Quite a boring time;
    It was already November outside the yard.


    The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
    Water causes fog and dampness.
    Wheel behind the blue mountains
    The sun went down quietly.

    The dug-up road sleeps.
    Today she dreamed
    Which is very, very little
    We have to wait for the gray winter.

    Oh, and I myself am in the ringing thicket
    I saw this in the fog yesterday:
    Red moon as a foal
    He harnessed himself to our sleigh.


    Lingonberries are ripening,
    The days have become colder,
    And from the bird's cry
    My heart became sadder.

    Flocks of birds fly away
    Away, beyond the blue sea.
    All the trees are shining
    In a multi-colored dress.

    The sun laughs less often
    There is no incense in the flowers.
    Autumn will wake up soon
    And he will cry sleepily.


    So Autumn has come to us.The leaves on the paths are falling rustlingly.Thin aspen trees look into the puddles.Raindrops hang like beads on the branches.Swans lazily splash in the pond.Quiet and beautiful in the garden in autumn.


    Golden leaves are falling and flying,

    Golden leaves cover the garden.

    There are many golden leaves on the paths,

    We will make a nice bouquet out of them,

    We will put the bouquet in the middle of the table,

    Golden autumn has come to visit us.


    Someone painted the forests with yellow paint, For some reason the skies became lower, The tassels of rowan trees glowed brighter. All the flowers have faded, Only the wormwood is fresh.

    I asked my dad: “What happened suddenly?” And dad answered: “It’s autumn, friend.”


    Autumn has come,

    Our garden has turned yellow.

    Leaves on a birch

    They burn with gold.

    Don't hear the funny ones

    Songs of the nightingale.

    The birds have flown away

    To distant lands.


    Autumn is hospitable.

    Cover the feasts!

    Polyushko razdolnoe

    Brought gifts.


    Today there is plenty of bread,

    The bread is tall

    I bow to Porlyusica,

    The spikelet bends.


    How they ripen in the sun

    Spikelets - rays,

    The millstone will sweep away the grains -

    They put the bread in the oven.


    The crust turns brown

    Lush loaf.

    Autumn is famous for its bread,

    Taste the harvest!

    Pelageya Petrovna. Oh, my dear guests! We sat and started talking, but the pies have been getting cold for a long time, waiting for you.

    The Russian people have all their strength in tea and in intimate conversations... You are welcome to our table. As they say, the richer you are, the happier you are. Come in and help yourself!

    The guys say goodbye to their hospitable hosts and leave to the sounds of Russian folk melody.

    - 2064

    Just listen to the other names of the Osenins: Spozhinki and Dozhinki, Avsen, Tausen, Spasov Day, the Last Savior, Women's Christmas, the Feast of Women in Birth, the Second Meeting of Autumn, the Harvest Festival.

    Noticed anything unusual? That's right, then different holidays, which today, without thinking, are often called osenins. This is both true and false at the same time. That’s right, because the Osenins in Rus' are every visiting, visiting, autumn holiday. Incorrect, because it is impossible to equate the Autumn holiday with other important dates for the Slavs.

    What do they say about the Autumn holiday?

    We know that Autumn in Rus' is definitely a popular holiday. Therefore, relatives from neighboring villages come to visit Oseniny. Even today city residents observe this custom, without knowing it. Tell me, which of you has at least once during the warm autumn days Have you been out of town? Who hasn't stopped by to visit their parents or grandparents? Who hasn’t sat with relatives at the same table, basking in the last warm rays of the autumn sun? That is your Autumn holiday!

    On Autumn, the harvest has already been collected and counted. It is clear how much should be left for the family, how much can be sold or exchanged to good people. Rich autumn fairs known since ancient times. And even now in almost every city there is certainly a fair held during the Autumn holidays, where good people they sell their goods: they bring berries and apples, fresh honey, right in golden honeycombs, and who has already managed to prepare jam for the day of the autumn fair.

    On the Autumn holiday, the Slavs honor women, especially their mothers and grandmothers. It’s not for nothing that in other places Oseniny is also called “Indian Christmas.” Nowadays, when the work in the fields is over, and the women’s winter labor has not yet begun, they thank the women for their work and for raising children - what nice guys, taller than their father, and beautiful girls, the kind of grooms will soon come to them.

    It happens that the Autumn holiday is called the day the harvest ends. It's a big holiday, and the whole village celebrates! They harvested the rye together, and now they rejoice together that the bins are full for the winter. On Oseniny in Rus', a group of brothers gathered, which meant a common feast. The whole village prepared for it, everyone brought what their yard was rich in. They feasted and did not forget about work. Has the entire harvest been counted? Is it enough for the winter, or what family needs help today? How will we play autumn weddings, and to whom will they send matchmakers to the house in the winter, if they didn’t have time to woo the girl in the summer? They discussed everything at the brotherhood, the whole world decided how to continue to live.

    Khozyainova Tatyana Gennadievna


    "AUTUMN IN Rus'"

    The guest gifted autumn with fruit harvests,

    Drizzling rains, a basket of forest mushrooms

    So let's celebrate autumn with song, dance and games.

    The meetings will be joyful, Autumn, this is your holiday!

    Song “Autumn has come” by Esaulenko

    Hello, dear guests!

    Welcome to us!

    We invite you to the distant past.

    We learn a lot about the autumn holidays.

    Our relatives and great-grandfathers sacredly bequeathed -

    Remember their traditions in joy and in sorrow.

    So that they work well and have fun freely.

    May our Russia be rich and contented.

    Yes, Russian people knew how to work, all work was held in high esteem. But when the holidays came, everyone, young and old, had fun widely, cheerfully, with all their hearts. That’s what people used to say: “If you know how to work, you know how to have fun!” So we're going to have some fun today. The harvest has been collected from the fields, orchards and vegetable gardens. The cellars are bursting with autumn gifts. It's not scary to go into winter. After all, as people used to say, “Autumn is stocky, winter is tidy!” Let's thank autumn today and glorify it with our songs and dances.

    In the old days, people loved Autumn and celebrated it long and cheerfully. Autumn had many holidays: Autumn, Rain, Cabbage, Kuzminki, Pokrov. And each of this holiday had its own traditions. We will remember them today.

    On Semyonov's day the first Autumns were celebrated. From this day Indian Summer began. Autumn is a harvest festival. The whole family gathered together at the table and a feast was held. On the table there had to be oatmeal, eggs, cottage cheese, honey, berry jam, pancakes, sour cream, jacket potatoes, everything that autumn generously bestowed. After a hearty meal, they started games and round dances, sang songs, and thanked autumn for its generosity.

    Another autumn holiday, “Cabbage Day,” is a girls’ get-together during which cabbage was prepared for the winter. Smartly dressed peasant girls walked around all the houses of their village singing and helping their owners chop cabbage. And they chopped together and fermented together. Whole tubs of them were fermented. And now we’ll show you how they did it.


    1. Autumn gives us many gifts

    I brought it with me in a basket,

    And now, Princess Autumn,

    We will honor you.

    2. Autumn, autumn, we ask for a visit

    With abundant bread,

    With high sheaves,

    With falling leaves and rain,

    With a migrating crane. (POSSIBLE IN CHORUS)

    We'll start a round dance,

    And we’ll sing about the garden.

    Song "Generous autumn has come."

    Look, guys,

    What's growing in our garden bed?

    (children wearing vegetable masks come out)

    White and crispy, that's my name cabbage

    Tasty, healthy, I will drive away diseases.

    I am in the soup, and in the salad, in the pies, and in the pancakes.

    Try me, baby! Everyone needs me potato!

    I - onion, I am Cippolino, cheerful, mischievous.

    Colds and sore throats can't handle me.

    Very red carrot. Carrots have a lot of benefits.

    Vitamins, juice and taste - eat boldly, little one!

    I'm pot-bellied zucchini,

    He lay down on his side under a bush.

    Like a white pig

    He raised his patch towards the sun.

    The "VEGETABLES" children take their places in the improvised "bed". The boy “Vanya” approaches them. Simulates weeding and watering “vegetables”. Then he goes into the background and lies down to rest on the bench.

    Our Vanyusha is very busy -

    He has countless worries.

    The beds are flying today Vanya,

    Watering the garden.

    His work is hard

    The body aches, the side hurts.

    Oh, he was tired of something.

    And now he is fast asleep.

    Vanyushka, it's time to go to work! It's a long day until evening if there's nothing to do!

    Dramatization “Guests go to the garden” (Vanya is very busy these days)

    The essence of the dramatization is that while Vanya is sleeping, guests visit the garden (Rooster Petrovich, Gusak Gavrilych, Koza Kozlovna, Baran Baranych, Bychok Bogdanich) and “eat” the entire harvest. In the performance, each participant has his own vocal line; this is a kind of mini-opera, where each child can show his or her musical and artistic qualities.

    Host: Yes, this also happens sometimes. And now we will compete. Let's show our hard work and dexterity.

    Autumn brought a lot of fruits and vegetables.

    Guys, we’ll sort them out into baskets as soon as possible.

    COMPETITION “Divide the vegetables and fruits”

    Equipment: dummies of vegetables and fruits, a plastic bucket and a basket.

    The essence of the competition: sort vegetables (in a bucket) and fruits (in a basket).

    2 children participate. The competition can be repeated several times.

    COMPETITION “Potato”

    Equipment: 2 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.

    2 teams of 4 people each participate.

    The 1st participant “plows the ground” (runs and puts down a hoop).

    The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (runs and puts potatoes in the hoop).

    The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).

    The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).

    The faster team wins.

    We have collected the harvest, now we need to transport it to storage.

    Competition “Harvest coming from the field”

    On one side of the hall there are 2 trucks, on the other side there are replicas of vegetables (onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets and potatoes, 2 pieces of each) laid out on the floor. 2 children participate in the game.

    Option 1: At a signal, the children drive the trucks to the opposite side of the hall, fill them with vegetables and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.

    Option 2(with complication): transport one vegetable at a time.

    We visited the garden.

    Now let's look into the forest.

    After all, in the autumn forest too

    There are many miracles.

    And here are the kids with baskets.

    Hey guys, where have you been?

    CHILDREN: We went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

    Are all mushrooms edible?

    Children: Probably!

    How so? Well, let's see.

    Russulas and volushki,

    Milk mushrooms and honey mushrooms.

    Full baskets

    The guys brought it.

    I know riddles about mushrooms.

    And now I’ll tell you about them.


    This mushroom is located under a pine tree,

    like the king of the forest.

    Glad to find his mushroom picker,

    it is white boletus

    This cute little fungus

    I chose a quiet corner.

    You cut it off with a knife - ka,

    it's edible Russula.

    Brothers sitting on a stump

    all covered in freckles, like boys.

    These friendly guys

    are called honey mushrooms

    Well, well done, you picked some good mushrooms.

    We know a song about mushrooms

    We'll sing it to you now.

    Song "For Mushrooms"

    "Dance of Mushrooms and Girls"

    Hey girls, where have you been?

    We went to the forest to pick raspberries.

    Song "Let's go to the garden through the raspberries." (girls middle group)

    And you guys, why are you so wet?

    1. We were walking on the street.

    And everyone got caught in the rain.

    2. Just don’t scare us with rain.

    Tomorrow we'll all go for a walk again.

    Song “Rain” (group of preparatory girls)

    Our favorite land is Russia,

    Where in the lakes there is blue,

    Where are the young birches?

    Dressed up in lace.

    1st child:

    The sky is blue in Russia,

    Rivers are blue in Russia.

    Cornflowers and forget-me-nots

    They don’t grow more beautiful anywhere.

    2nd child:

    Clover and porridge grow here.

    But the sweetest thing is chamomile.

    There is no color dearer to the heart,

    All the people sing about her.

    Round dance “ROSSIYUSHKA” (adult and 8 girls)

    Host: Another wonderful autumn holiday, “Pokrov”, was considered the first winter. They said: On Pokrov it is autumn before lunch, and winter after lunch. If you get up at dawn, the roof is in white silver.

    Autumn worries are over, it's time to get down to winter things. And this means it’s time to celebrate “Kuzminki”, or as they call it differently, the holiday of Kozma and Demyan. People were taking a break from the autumn chores, the pre-winter was approaching, it was necessary to start preparing for winter. Let us also prepare well for winter. Let the guys cut spoons, and the girls do needlework. After all, skillful hands never know boredom.

    A small pantomime scene accompanied by a medley on the theme of Russian folk songs.

    Girls put scarves they supposedly embroidered on their heads, and boys show off spoons they supposedly carved.

    Oh, yes, a miracle of a master!

    Miracle - craftswomen.

    Spoons will do for us in winter

    And a scarf will do.

    Our Russia is great,

    And our people are talented.

    About our native Rus', craftsmen,

    Word spreads all over the world.

    We cut the spoons ourselves

    Made from birch and alder.

    They were painted with love,

    And there are roosters on the arms.

    Spoons, carved spoons,

    They will ring in a moment.

    Not simple, painted,

    Old Russian instrument.

    So that children don't get bored

    From dawn to dawn.

    We are ready to sing songs for you,

    Our miracles are spoons.


    We thank Autumn for the gifts,

    But the time has come for us to part,

    After all, in November the snow will fall on the ground,

    The cold will come and winter will come.

    “Thank you, Autumn!” - we will all say together

    And we end the holiday with a good song.

    General song “AUTUMN IN Rus'”

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