• Competition program for Valentine's Day for high school students "Love comes in different forms...". School holiday Valentine's Day (entertainment program and refreshments)


    Competition program for Valentine's Day.

    Goal: 1. U improve the culture of communication between boys and girls;

    2. Learn the following principles, such as respect, trust, delicacy, tact;

    3. Comprehend the experience of human relationships.

    Progress of the event:

    I introduction from the teacher:

    Good afternoon

    Today we dedicate our Classroom hour eternal theme- love. We have several wonderful reasons to talk about love. Firstly, you are young. Many people believe that only adults have the right to fall in love, and children can only be laughed at and teased: “Tili - tili dough, groom and bride". All this is stupid and ugly, because love can overtake a person at any age, even at kindergarten. The great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin said “All ages are submissive to love.” He probably meant that you can fall in love at 1, 20, or 45 years old. This is evidenced by A. Barto’s poem “Meeting” (Readed by Olya Chusova)

    Not in a passenger car,

    Not in a shaking cart -

    Brother is driving along the pavement

    In your own stroller.

    From hill to hill

    Around the city of Zagorsk.

    Suddenly, out of nowhere,

    Like a princess in a fairy tale,

    It's important to go downhill

    Girl in a stroller.

    From hill to hill

    Around the city of Zagorsk.

    But there is no longer a stroller -

    The stranger disappeared.

    Andryusha looked after him

    And he cried loudly.


    Secondly, we are with you on the eve of the holiday. For a very long time, all of Europe, and after it America, has been celebrating February 14, Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day. Why does one holiday have two names?

    1. “Valentine’s Day” The origin story of this name is lost somewhere in the mists of time, but is now associated with a romantic legend. A certain Valentine was unjustly convicted and imprisoned. According to the court verdict, he was supposed to be executed on February 14. But the prison warden’s daughter, an exceptionally kind and gentle creature, who, unfortunately, was blind, fell in love with him. This love performed a miracle - the girl regained her sight. Later, Valentine was canonized, that is, elevated to the rank of saint.

    2. “Valentine's Day” This name is associated with another legend.

    Many centuries ago, the law did not allow ancient Roman soldiers to get married while they were in service (and the service lasted 25 years!), much less to consecrate it in church. Saint Valentine, the priest, secretly blessed loving hearts and, despite the ban, sanctified relationships church rite. The disobedient priest was extradited. He was executed on February 14. Since then, this day has been celebrated as Valentine's Day.

    II Select par.

    On the eve of the holiday, pairs are selected. Everyone writes on a piece of paper the name of the girl (boy) he likes. The teacher asks the children one by one what choice they made and who made them.


    By preliminary selection, we matched 4 couples. Let's greet them.

    And now we will choose Valentin and Valentina from those whose pairs did not match, and we will do it as follows: the boys with their eyes closed will take a card with the girl’s name from the magic chest. Let's see how our pairs match. Couples welcome. Proclamation of the couples to applause. It's time to start our competition.

    1st competition: “Heart”.

    The symbol of our holiday is the heart. So you need to cut it out and attach it with a magnet on a magnetic board.

    2nd competition: “Real man”.

    This will be the one who can tie a scarf around his lady’s neck with one hand.

    3rd competition: “Hostess”

    Remember Cinderella's first ball? There, at the ball, she first met the prince, and they fell in love. But at the same ball there was another little noticeable incident.

    When the king was happily dancing a mazurka with Cinderella, he suddenly lost his

    button. A trifle for common man, but not for the king. There would have been a scandal if not for the skillful hands of Cinderella. We are sure that if any of our girls were in Cinderella’s place, she would have done the same. I think that among the participants in the competition there are no white-handed women, and they will now prove it to us. Among the many different buttons in the box, you must choose the one that you think is suitable for a royal outfit, and quickly sew it onto the fabric. 3 minutes are given.

    III View presentation: “Cards for Valentine's Day”

    4th competition: “Declarations of love in verse”

    1. Let the fire of love passion

    Warms the globe!

    May happiness come to you

    Happy Valentine's Day to me too!

    2.Every day

    You are dearer to me

    You are always in my soul!

    I can't love you more:

    It just couldn't be stronger!

    3.From our very first meeting

    I remember every day and evening

    Only modesty bothers me

    Doesn't allow for violent feelings.

    I always want to be near you,

    I love you tenderly and devotedly!

    4. I give my love and valentine,

    To melt away the February sadness!

    I wish you the best impressions

    Sincere and kind congratulations!

    5.How sweet your smile is,

    What a pleasant, gentle look!

    It's February in full swing,

    And in the soul there is a blooming garden!

    6.I am usually like this -

    Serious and very cool,

    When I meet you...

    I blossom at that very moment.

    7. I confess my best feelings to you.

    I hope that I will achieve reciprocity!

    I will wait, hoping and loving.

    And I will save tenderness only for you!

    8.Nature gave me an excellent taste,

    This is good for life and undoubtedly a plus.

    And so I chose you by accident and suddenly,

    Love, burn, glow, be happy, my friend!

    9.Loving me, my beloved,

    Be kind and obedient!

    Except you, no one else

    I don't need anything in the world!

    10. I only miss you,

    I worry and dream!

    The sky will be covered in gloomy clouds,

    If you're sad again.

    Remember, during the day and late at night

    You reign in my soul!

    11. Neither winter nor blizzard are scary to us.

    The main thing is that we are with you!

    If in life we ​​found each other,

    So, everything will be fine with us!

    12.You are my soulmate,

    The best and most beautiful in the world.

    Let this valentine today

    Will become a symbol of love and happiness!

    5th competition “Understand me without words.”

    Girls stand on one side, boys on the other. Young people are given the task of inviting their partner somewhere, but you can’t talk about it, you have to show everything with gestures so that your girl guesses:

    to the ballet,

    to hunt,

    on a ski trip,

    to the rink,

    to the circus,

    to the art gallery

    dig potatoes,

    to the disco,

    to the beach,

    in the cafe,

    To the market,

    to the library,

    to the cinema.

    6th competition “Dance”.

    6th competition “Dance”.

    The couple begins to move to the music and support the balloon with their heads. Whoever's ball falls is out of the game. The pair that can hold the ball the longest wins. You cannot support the ball with your hands.

    7th competition “Fun Shopping”.

    Couples go shopping. Girls will choose cards from one box, and boys from another. It is necessary that the purchases match.

    I iron the dress.

    Brooch – I’ll attach it to the dress.

    I’ll take the cat in my arms and stroke it.

    I’ll put some perfume on my pocket handkerchief and put it in my pocket.

    I’ll take the soap with me to the bathhouse.

    The car is a “Zhiguli” - I’ll get in and go.

    Nuts - I will crack them and eat them.

    Violin – I’ll play it.

    Hat - I'll put it on my head.

    Sausage – I’ll fry it and eat it.

    Umbrella - I'll cover myself from the rain.

    I will smell the flowers.

    Paints - I will paint.

    8th competition: “Collect proverbs.”

    A boy from each pair approaches the board. He takes half of the proverb, turned upside down, and returns to its place. Together with your significant other, discuss, find the ending on the board and read out the proverb.

    9th competition: “Darting”.

    Which of the boys will score more points in 3 attempts.

    IV Song “Oh, Seryozhka”(Performed by Nikitina Anastasia)

    Summarizing. Presentation of prizes (organizers)


    Don’t miss the day when you can convey your feelings, your confessions to your loved one and just those people who love you more than anyone... Naturally, you already guessed, these are our parents, mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters, brothers.


    Words by Tatyana Evtyukova

    1. We will sing ditties for you

    And about this and about that,

    Listen guys

    How fun we live!

    2. There is a glass on the table,

    And there's a candle in the glass,

    Why didn't my friend come?

    Oh, my heart hurts!

    3.I will give you three flowers:

    White, blue, scarlet.

    I'm a daring boy

    Even though he is small in stature!

    4.Boots with heels,

    The skirt is short.

    Don't make eyes at me, guys.

    I'm still young!

    5.Why are you looking at me?

    You'll break your eyes

    I'm not from your class,

    You do not know me!

    6. We sang ditties for you

    And we go home

    And you stay here,

    Have fun yourself!

    7. Oh, girls, in February

    A holiday is coming!

    I urgently need to fall in love,

    But it doesn't work!

    8. I’ll draw a Valentine

    And I will paint with paints,

    I'll give it to my neighbor Dimka,

    To be more kind!

    9.Mom, mom, don’t scold me

    For my grades!

    Today they celebrate love

    Adults and children!

    10I’ll sign the Valentine’s card,

    I’ll give it to Vanyushka,

    Let him know about my feelings -

    These are not toys!

    11I'm busy today -

    I draw love!

    I'm missing a leaf

    For great love!

    12Valentines, Valentines -

    Multi-colored hearts,

    Let them fly around the world

    And there will be no end to them!

    13Oh, how beautiful you are,

    The curls are curling,

    Look at the girls

    Everyone is tormented by love!


    I'll sign for Andryushka

    And I’ll hand you over and kiss you,

    And I’ll strangle you in my arms!

    15. I suggested taking a walk -

    Made the girls laugh!

    Well, what kind of gentleman are you?

    You're still a child!

    VI Final word from the teacher:

    May Valentine's Day give again

    Hope, happiness and love,

    May joy come to your home,

    And everything around comes to life.

    Together: Happy Valentine's Day!!!


    "Long live love!"

    (Youth dance and game program)

    Target: promote team unity, development of communication skills (listening skills), discussion of the topic of love as the highest human feeling.

    Tasks: consolidation of knowledge about the holiday, development of personal communicative qualities, nurturing a feeling of love for others.

    Progress of the program:

    Presenter : We welcome everyone gathered in this hall!

    Leading : Welcome to the youth dance and game program...

    Together: Long live love!

    Presenter : Today is a magnificent holiday and, despite the fact that we celebrate it in the middle of winter, it is the warmest, most tender and sensual. Valentine's Day gave us love

    Leading: Do you know how this holiday came about?(Answers from guests.)

    There are many different versions. I want to tell you the version that I like best.

    Legends describe Valentin as a great friend of children: he was always kind to them, treated them to sweets, played, taught them about life, told interesting stories. When Valentine was in prison, children, in order to support and encourage their friend, threw small notes through the bars with the image of a loving and suffering heart, which later became known as valentines. Here's the story.

    Presenter : And I’ll tell you another story about the origin of this holiday. Every person should know who Valentine is and why he was declared a saint. So! In 269, the Roman authorities sentenced a Christian named Valentine to death. The unfortunate man fell in love with the blind daughter of the warden of the prison where he was imprisoned, and before his execution he wrote to her love letter. When the message was read to her, the girl began to see clearly. Valentine was declared the saint and patron saint of all lovers, and the day when this happened, February 14, was St. Valentine's Day. Today we are happy to congratulate all lovers on this day.

    Leading: February 14th is the most romantic day of the year. We are waiting for him to give our loved ones valentines, sweets and heartfelt confessions.

    Presenter: Friends, you will surely be delighted by the amorous changelings!

    Leading: Let's play!

    GAME “CUPID Shifters”

    The hosts ask questions that the audience answers.

    "yes" or "no" regardless of rhyme.

      You have come here now

    To have fun?...

      We'll have some sweets

    On Valentine's Day, right?...

      Give us an honest answer -

    Do you want to love?...

      And the lover has his dawn

    Won't you forget?...

      Sing a lyrical verse

    On Valentine's Day you need?...

      If you love, then

    Are you ready for anything?...

      To fall in love, vinaigrette

    Should you eat more often?...

      Worth maximum labor

    To respond to love?...

      Compliment on Valentine's Day

    Is it nice to receive?...

      What a nice present

    Are you ready to accept?...

      You will forget the moment

    When did you fall in love?...

      You will reveal the secret

    Your heartfelt feelings?...

      They don’t take the love of the year -

    What can we say to this?...

      Valentine's Day is nonsense.

    Just an ordinary day?...

    I always feel bright

    We will say, of course...

    Presenter : It’s immediately obvious that everyone in our hall is overwhelmed with a wonderful feeling. We congratulate all lovers on this day!

    Leading: An Arabic proverb says: a woman's intelligence is in her beauty, and a man's beauty is in his intelligence.


    4 card kings and 4 queens of all suits of large sizes hang on a pink satin ribbon stretched horizontally(you can draw kings and queens on double album sheets and hang them like Christmas flags) , With reverse side who wrote riddles about ladies' jewelry and men's accessories. Players choose a card, after which the presenter removes it and asks a riddle. The one who guesses correctly receives a prize.

    Riddles on card queens:

    Two sisters - twins

    They look in different directions,

    They don't miss each other,

    They meet day and night separately.


    It cannot be hidden from view -

    Sits in front

    This lady is immediately visible

    All held in high esteem on the chest,


    On a high pedestal

    You won't find a softer place.

    The lady is sitting there in a corset,

    There are no paths to it.


    This thin girl

    He is always proud of himself.

    She will close the two ends -

    It will be visible to everyone.


    Riddles on card kings:

    Your friend will not refuse you:

    The neck will be tied tightly

    Your clothing style will highlight you and call you businesslike


    There is no better suitor

    For a loved one.

    Kohl got this girlfriend

    Get to know her endlessly


    Fiery girl

    How much fire is hidden in her?

    That girlfriends at the same hour

    She will start it for you.


    These ladies are handy

    Living with them is very boring:

    From friends at any time

    A compliment will be given.


    Leading: And now for the fun stuff! What do lovers give each other every day? Of course - compliments! I announce the game “Compliments”!


    10 large rectangles are displayed, on each of them there is a large letter marked: “K”, “O”, “M”, “P”, “L”, “I”, “M”, “E”, “H”, "T". The presenter invites everyone to name compliments for these letters.(The letters are taken into account sequentially - in the order in which they alternate.) The player whose word is the last goes to the podium and receives a sweet prize. Thus, the game determines 10 winners.


    Those who distinguished themselves in the previous game receive from the host one half-heart with various figured cuts in the middle; on the half is the name of the celebrity. Also, the second presenter selectively distributes half hearts with similar sections and the names of the celebrity partner to those present in the hall, without attracting special attention. The music is of a moderate nature. Players who have received cupid halves look for those who have a corresponding other half among the dancers(this is easy to determine if you compare the figured cut). At the end of the dance, players are awarded prizes

    Those who have found the owners of cupid halves.

    Famous couples:

      Isadora Duncan - Sergei Yesenin

      Marina Vladi - Vladimir Vysotsky

      Elena Stepanenko - Evgeniy Petrosyan

      Alla Pugacheva - Maxim Galkin

      Natalia Podolskaya - Vladimir Presnyakov

      Angelika Varum - Leonid Agutin

      Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Sergei Zhigunov

      Yulia Nachalova - Evgeniy Aldonin

      Tatiana Navka - Alexander Zhilin

    Leading : For those whose legs are tired, the group “KROSHKI” sings! Your hands!

    (Girls from the creative association

    “Singing Guitar” will perform the song “City”)

    Presenter: Let's thank our girls for a great performance. And I suggest choosing pairs

    "Cupid's arrow". Two boards are brought out with balloons. One board is for boys, the other is for girls. The darts must be used to hit the ball containing the pair number. Thus, we select pairs.

    Competition No. 1 "Gift"

    Three couples are invited to the center. You, as real gentlemen, should definitely give your ladies a gift. But the beauty of your friend leaves you speechless, and so you have to explain to her what you want to give, using only gestures. And what exactly you will give will be decided by lot (handkerchief, soap, perfume, mascara). Participants draw lots.

    Competition No. 2 "Sweet Mandarin"

    The other three couples are invited. The couple wraps one arm around each other's waist. They are given one tangerine each. The contestants' task is to peel the tangerine without changing the position of their hands and eat it.

    Presenter: Kissing is common on Valentine's Day. Let us not deviate from this glorious tradition.


    Hanging on a pink satin ribbon are cardboard images of six large lips, painted in different shades of lipstick. All lips have a horizontal slit in the middle, from which a note with unfinished folk wisdom about love peeks out. The presenters take turns throwing an inflatable heart. The one who catches him comes out, takes out a note from the lips he likes, reads out its contents and throws his heart to the viewer of the opposite sex, who must complete the folk wisdom. (if he cannot answer, then he throws or gives the heart to another, but of the same gender).

    Folk wisdom

      You can live in a hut... (if you like it)

      Do you love a rose... (love also thorns)

      Darlings scold... (just amuse themselves)

      You see less often... (you love more)

      Love never demands... (it always gives)

      Love is not a fire, but it will catch fire... (you can’t put it out)

    Competition No. 3 “Sweet couple”

    Three couples are invited. While listening to cheerful music, drink the juice from the box through a straw. But one of the couple holds the juice in a box, and the other drinks it with his hands behind his back.

    Competition No. 4 “Knowledge is power”

    All participants are asked feminine and men's questions. The first person to answer earns a point. First the girls answer the questions, then the young men.

    Questions for girls:

      What is a carburetor a part of?(Motor)

      Is the hood of your car located at the front or rear?(Front)

      When working with a saw, in which direction is the force applied: towards yourself or away from you?(Push)

      Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey?(In hockey)

      Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held?(In Japan)

      Which company's products have a tick-shaped emblem?( Nike)

      How many players are on the football team?(11)

      What is the name of the cook on a ship?(Cook)

    Questions for young people:

      When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread?(needle)

      What is highlighting?(Coloring individual strands of hair)

      Is yeast used in shortbread dough?(No)

      Why might a woman need acetone?(For removing nail polish )

      Do I need to wash off hair dye after coloring it?(Yes)

      What is the name of the small bag that holds makeup essentials?(Beauty bag)

      Name famous cosmetic companies.(Oriflame, Avon, Ieri Kay)

      What is a high heel called?(Hairpin)

    Competition No. 5 for everyone “Happy Place”

    A heart is glued to the back of the chair, and the person sitting on that chair receives a prize.

    Competition No. 6 “Dance”

    There are so many dances in the world!

    Just know how to choose them

    There is also a new product in sight

    So let's dance!

    Couples are given pictures - animal masks(storks, chickens, monkeys, penguins , snakes). To the appropriate music (music specially selected for animals ), couples dance according to their animal.

    Competition No. 7 “Guess the object”

    For the correct item, the couple receives a prize.(this item).


      Talisman against the evil eye(pin)

      Woodworking Machine(sharpener)

      Tool for saving rubles(kopeck)

      Calcium cubes without "Orbit"(chalk)

      Table lamp(candle)

      Black Gold Package(pepper)

      Warming agent(mustard plaster)

    Competition No. 8 “Mood”

    Have you ever noticed that it is impossible to express all feelings and emotions in words? Sometimes words are few or not needed at all. It is enough to look into the eyes of your loved one to understand his mood. Let's find out how good the beautiful ladies are at facial expressions.

    Participants will receive cards with a task and after 30 seconds “express it on their face.” The boys are trying to determine the mood of their lady.

    Tasks on the cards: “Extreme degree of indignation”, “Surprise with a bit of anxiety”, “Triumph of revenge”, “Unexpected joy”.

    Fairy tale “How the princess got ready to get married”

    Those who wish are given cards with the name of the character. Props corresponding to the character are given. (The musical fairy tale “How the Princess Got Married” is turned on.) Participants must perform the actions that are said in the fairy tale.

    Leading: Well, our evening has come to an end. I would like to thank everyone for their active participation, for great mood and of course our main prize - a gift from St. Valentine! (a holiday box decorated with hearts is brought in) We open and take out the Valentine cards and read them out. (A festive box for valentines is prepared in advance, where everyone could put postcards - valentines with wishes and messages.


    I want to proclaim love as a country,

    So that everyone there lives in peace and warmth,

    So that the anthem begins with her line:

    “Love is above all else on earth!”

    May love be your great sky,

    Living water, daily bread,

    Call of spring, warm wind

    All the best, the brightest!

    Leading: Love can be different - happy and bitter, mutual and unrequited, love is joy and love is suffering, but real love always elevates a person, makes him better. A person cannot live without love, love protects us from birth. We love our Fatherland, friends, neighbors, loved ones. Let this feeling accompany each of us throughout life!

    Developed the program: teacher of GSKOU "SKO boarding school No. 68" Orsk Barzova E.A.
    Description of material: a competitive program can be held for students of different ages and will be of interest not only to teachers and educators working with children with hearing impairments.
    Target: to form a correct understanding of the great feeling of love, mutual respect loving people to each other.
    Equipment: the hall is decorated with hearts and inscriptions about love, “daisies” with inscriptions and wishes. Mail is organized in advance, musical requests with congratulations for loved ones are accepted.

    Progress of the event:

    Leading: Our evening today is dedicated to the holiday - Valentine's Day.
    This is a holiday for all lovers. By old tradition All young people - both boys and girls - can openly declare their love on this day by sending their loved one a “Valentine” in the shape of a heart.
    On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give red tulips. According to Persian legend, a red tulip grew from the tears of a beloved and became an unfading symbol of love.
    The history of this holiday is interesting.
    In ancient Rome, in the 3rd century AD, there lived a Christian priest, Valentine. In those days, Emperor Claudius issued a decree according to which soldiers had no right to marry. But Valentine, contrary to the decree, secretly married the newlyweds in his church. He was tracked down and put in prison. And there he met the jailer’s daughter, Julia, a beautiful, intelligent, but blind girl from birth. While awaiting execution in one of the Roman prisons, Valentine wrote her a letter and signed it: “Your Valentine.” Then he miraculously healed her of blindness, but was still executed. The date of the execution coincided with a Roman celebration in honor of Juno, the goddess of love. Since then, every year on February 14, people remembered Valentine and organized a Valentine's Day
    Leading: So, you have to take part in the competition. Each person is given a card with one name of famous literary and musical heroes written on it. You need to find your pair as quickly as possible and name the duet.
    Leading: So. We are starting our competition program.
    Romeo - ... (Juliet)
    Master - ... (Margarita)
    Kai - ... (Gerda)
    Othello - ... (Desdemona)
    Tarzan - ... (Natasha Koroleva)
    Pierrot - ... (Malvina)

    Leonid Agutin - ... (Anzhelika Varum)
    Ruslan - ... (Lyudmila)
    Evgeny Onegin - ... (Tatiana)
    Mark Antony - ... (Cleopatra)
    Maxim Galkin - ... (Alla Pugacheva)
    Pierrot - ... (Malvina)
    Competition 2. "Love polymath"
    Details, attributes: cards on which the qualities of boys and girls are written.
    Assignment: the boy choose cards with the qualities of girls that they must have in order to be loved. The girl chooses the qualities of the boy so that the girl likes him.
    The player who has the correct cards is the winner.
    Concert number.

    Competition 3: "Loved layout designer"
    Details, attributes: cardboard, scissors, felt-tip pens, gel pens, glue, old newspapers, magazines.
    Everyone is invited to participate in this competition.
    Assignment: use glue and newspaper and magazine clippings to create a postcard or loving message for your lover.
    The prize goes to the most beautiful and touching message.
    Leading: Well, are the valentines ready? I will ask the audience to help me determine the winner and the best layout designer in love! Each participant shows you their work of art, and you will have to clap your hands; the winner will be the one whose “Valentine” will cause the most stormy and loud applause! So let's begin! Rewarding.
    Concert number.
    Competition 4: "INVITATION"
    Girls stand on one side of the hall, boys on the other. They receive a task on cards: invite their partner to the ballet, to the circus, to the skating rink, to the zoo. The boys show a pantomime, and the girls guess where they were trying to be invited.
    Host: For the next competition I invite 5 boys and 5 girls.
    I give them half hearts, you must find your match.
    So, the pairs are formed. Now you have a task:

    There are so many dances in the world!
    Just know how to choose them!
    There are also new items in sight.
    So let's dance!
    You must perform a slow dance with an apple, holding it between your foreheads. Your hands should be clasped behind your back. Whoever does not drop the apple within a minute while dancing will be the winner! So, music!
    COMPETITION 5: “Wrap Me.”
    3 boys and 3 girls are called to participate. Each girl holds right hand ribbon twisted into a ball. The boy takes the tip of the tape with his lips without touching it with his hands. wraps the girl. The one who completes the task faster wins.
    Leading: Here, unfortunately, our holiday ends.
    And we once again want to congratulate you on Valentine's Day and tell you
    Love and be loved!

    At the end of the holiday, “Valentines” are distributed from the box.

    Scenario game program for Valentine's Day for schoolchildren

    Valentine's Day is an optional holiday. However, this is a great opportunity to talk with children about friendship, camaraderie, love. In addition to the educational purpose, Valentine's Day is also held to expand children's knowledge about the culture and traditions of people in other countries.
    On February 14, you can hold a game program. Children are given " homework" - make valentine hearts.
    For the holiday, it would be nice to decorate the hall in the style of Valentine's Day: hearts pierced by Cupid's arrows, valentines with the names of schoolchildren, proverbs and famous expressions about love.
    Purpose of the program: formation of communication skills in children.
    Program objectives:
    1.create a festive and friendly atmosphere;
    2.involve students for active activities in organizing leisure time;
    3.develop communication skills, the ability to work in a team, and a sense of mutual assistance.
    Description of material: The material will be of interest to teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities. The event is held before the holiday on February 14th.
    Working methods: methodology for conducting a literary and gaming program.
    Decor: the hall is decorated in a holiday style, hearts, balloons, posters.
    The program is led by a teacher and two costumed characters: Valentin and Aphrodite, whose role can be played by one of the high school students.

    Progress of the event

    Characters: Presenter-teacher.
    Love, love, we believe in you with hope,
    And the doors are open for you in our hearts.
    But if you don’t knock, then where can you meet me?
    And what is love, who will answer us?
    How many words, songs, poems have been written about love, but each of us discovers it in our own way. Let's talk about this wonderful feeling today, especially since there is a reason, because today the whole world is celebrating Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, why Valentine, we will try to understand today by looking into the history of this wonderful holiday. And Valentin himself will help us with this. Meet!
    “Valentine” comes out to a beautiful melody
    Valentin: Greetings! Let's get acquainted, my name is Valentin, and I came to you from a magical land, the land of Love. Do you know what love is? Have you already heard how your heart beats faster when you look at another person? Or how warm and calm it becomes when your mom or dad is next to you, because it’s the warmth of their hearts that warms you? Or maybe you know the feeling of sympathy for your friends and classmates? Do you know these feelings? (children answer) This is all a manifestation of love. There is a lot of love in the world, and it manifests itself for everyone and at every moment in a special way, because Love is always a miracle. Therefore, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, will help us understand this concept. Meet!
    Aphrodite comes out and a love song sounds.
    Aphrodite: I am Aphrodite - the goddess of Love, and I am happy to see so many beautiful young people and girls on this holiday, the holiday of all lovers! Despite the fact that it’s February outside and spring has not yet come into its own, you have an atmosphere of joy here, blooming and open to everything pure and beautiful of youth and the anticipation of love. She will definitely find you all, and perhaps she has already touched someone. Like, for example, the characters in this scene for Valentine's Day.

    2. Comic skit for schoolchildren “Pierre in Love”
    Maman: Pierre, what's new at school? Have you got any problems?
    Pierre: Yes, maman, I want to make friends with Mary, but I don’t know where to start.
    Maman: First of all, Pierre, she needs to pay attention to you.
    Pierre: Thank you, maman, I will do so.
    Host: Pierre comes home from school with a big bump on his forehead.
    Pierre: Good evening, maman.
    Maman: Good evening Pierre. Well, did Mary tag you?
    Pierre: Just as I noted, mother. I pulled it by the bow and painted the collar of the dress with red polka dots with a marker. She marked me with a pencil case. I think the mark will not go away for a long time...
    Maman: You acted stupidly, Pierre. It would be better if you made her laugh.
    Host: A week later...Pierre returns home sad and upset.
    Maman: What, Pierre, are you so sad? Didn't you manage to make Mary laugh?
    Pierre: It just worked, mother. I tickled her so much during class that she jumped as if she had been stung and laughed until she cried! But now you are called to school.
    Maman: You did the wrong thing, Pierre. You can’t pester a girl so rudely, and even in class. You just have to be more attentive to her.
    Pierre: Keep an eye on her, or what?
    Maman: Oh, you’re stupid, Pierre. You need to yield to her in everything.
    Presenter: Another week has passed. Pierre came from school.
    Pierre: Hello, maman!
    Maman: Hello, Pierre. How is your relationship with Mary?
    Pierre: Okay. Today they were picking up the trash, and I gave her the biggest bag of trash.
    Maman: You acted stupidly again, dear Pierre. I should have been the first to take this bag and help Mary. My last piece of advice. Give Mary the most precious thing you have. So that she remembers your gift for the rest of her life. Just make sure you don't make a mistake this time!
    Pierre: Thank you, maman, this time I definitely won’t make a mistake!
    Presenter: Pierre took the rope and came to Mary. He tied her to a chair and put the most precious thing he had on her lap - his beloved rat Larisa. Many years have passed since then. Pierre grew up, Mary grew up. And as soon as Mary sees Pierre, as soon as she remembers about the gift - the rat Larisa, she runs away as fast as she can. But she liked Pierre so much from the first grade!!!
    Presenter: This is how love happens...
    Aphrodite: Yes, love can be different... And the mother from this comic scene advised her son everything correctly, if you love, you need to give joy and give what is most precious, you need to be able to give in and trust... only Pierre was not yet ready for a real feeling, that’s why he did all wrong.
    Valentin: But I'm sure when he grows up a little and wiser, he will be able to win the heart of his beloved. Because you also need to be able to express your feelings correctly. And today you have a unique opportunity to show a feeling of sympathy and friendship for each other.
    Teacher: And this means it’s time for our game program. And may His Majesty Chance help us form pairs for her.
    (Hearts with the names of schoolchildren are attached to the darts, throwing darts, they choose each other and gradually form pairs from competition to competition, it must be that everyone takes part in the program)
    Aphrodite: One of the main attributes of lovers is flowers, let them bloom today too.

    3. Game for Valentine's Day "Let the flowers bloom."
    This is a general competition, for which the guys need to be divided into several groups of 5 people.
    The essence of the game: there are as many flower preparations scattered on the floor as there are groups, all of different colors, only the core is the same for all - yellow. Each group needs to collect their flower faster than others.
    (using darts, 2 pairs are determined to participate in the next competition)

    4.. Competition “What is a Valentine made of”
    Each pair is given a piece of paper and a pen.
    The essence of the game: together, come up with and write down as many words as possible that can be made from the letters found in the word “Valentine”.
    (darts determines the next 2 pairs for the competition)

    5. Competition “Dress up your chosen one”
    Of the props you need 2 satin ribbons about seven meters long.
    The essence of the game: girls hold a twisted ribbon in their left hand, boys take its end with their lips and without using their hands, begin to unwind it, trying to “dress up” their playing partner as beautifully as possible.
    (if necessary, more paired competitions can be done)

    6. General competition “Dance Marathon”
    On the floor there are pieces cut (randomly) into two, everyone must find a partner to participate in the dance marathon. Two halves of cut hearts, like in a puzzle, can only fit together. It will not necessarily be a boy and a girl, but the pair of players who are found faster than others is declared the winner in the first round.
    The second round is a dance marathon. Selections from a variety of folk and passion melodies are included; Aphrodite and Valentin evaluate which pair is better.
    (Aphrodite and Valentin give out small prizes to everyone who especially distinguished themselves with heart-shaped medals)
    7. Romantic mail
    A musical pause is announced, during which everyone can drop a signed Valentine’s card into the prepared “mailbox.” Then the postman (teacher) will distribute them to the recipients

    Valentin: Well done! We see that you know how to be friends, which means love will not ignore you.
    Aphrodite; But I see that the guys already love
    Valentin: Isn’t it too early for them?
    Aphrodite: Don’t you know that all ages are submissive to love, and now I’m talking about the love of life, for this wonderful holiday, which is named Valentine’s Day in your honor
    Valentin: And in your honor - Happy Valentine's Day!
    Aphrodite: What do we wish for the guys?
    Valentin: Let's first check what they want themselves. To do this, let's play a game of attention.
    Aphrodite: Now Valentin and I will read the wish, if you agree, shout: “yes-yes-yes”, if you don’t agree and don’t want this, then: “no-no-no”

    8. Shout about “wishers”
    Valentine: Do you like Valentine's Day?
    Guys: Yes, yes, yes!
    Aphrodite: And, a menu of green toads?
    Guys: No, no, no!
    Valentin: Do you want to be loved?
    Guys: Yes, yes, yes!
    Aphrodite: Why did you forget to buy candy?
    Guys: No, no, no!
    Valentin: Do you want to become big?
    Guys: Yes, yes, yes!
    Aphrodite: With funny warts?
    Guys: No, no, no!
    Valentin: Loud, pugnacious?
    Guys: No, no, no!
    Aphrodite: What, smart, beautiful?
    Guys: Yes, yes, yes!
    Valentin: Well, shall we congratulate everyone?
    Guys: Yes, yes, yes
    Aphrodite: Love to everyone - wishing well?
    Guys: Yes, yes, yes

    Valentin: Then I congratulate everyone on a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day!
    This is a holiday when we are not shy to show our feelings.
    Aphrodite: a holiday that gives reason for hugs, kisses and various pleasant gifts and surprises
    Valentin: Love each other!
    Aphrodite: Take care of each other!
    Valentin: And, of course, be happy and loved!

    If you decide to conduct corporate party For Valentine's Day for our team, we bring to your attention a beautiful romantic program. Before the start of the holiday, decide on the number of participants - there should be an equal number of representatives of both sexes. Create a pleasant romantic atmosphere in the banquet hall. As incentive prizes, prepare flowers and cute romantic things: scented candles, photo frames, etc. As the main prize: beautiful bouquet, decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday, sweets and champagne.

    On an improvised stage, arrange chairs in a semicircle according to the number of participants.
    Upon entering the hall, give all guests paper hearts, they will be needed at the end of the voting program.

    So, the guests are there. Candles flicker beautifully on the tables, champagne sizzles in glasses. Beautiful ceremonial music sounds, the participants enter the hall and take their places on the stage.

    1. Getting to know each other.
    In this competition, each participant needs to present a short story about themselves. Sincerity and creative approach to completing the task are assessed.

    2. Warm up.
    “The ideal man” - girls will have to name the qualities that, in their opinion, are inherent in the ideal man. Accordingly, young people must draw up a psychological portrait ideal woman. Sense of humor and originality are assessed.

    3. “I made him out of what was...”.
    Representatives of the fair sex receive A4 sheets. Using nothing but their hands, they must, by careful plucking or using Origami techniques, create the silhouette of the “prince of their dreams.”

    4. Portrait of a beloved woman.
    Each man receives a tablet and markers. “Muses” are selected from among the participants. Task: draw a portrait blindfolded.

    5. Serenades.
    How have knights sought the affection of their lady at all times? Of course, with the help of a serenade. Spring is coming, and our knights are transforming into “March cats.” They will not have to sing their serenade, but to meow in the proposed image (offer the participants a little costume dressing, this will help the men “get used to” the image, and make the competition itself brighter and more fun). The melody of the song “Moscow Nights” is wonderfully suitable for such a “serenade”.

    6. Private dance.
    And now our ladies have to become beautiful seductresses and charm men with their dance. Here, airy translucent shawls, capes, and oriental loincloths with coins are perfect as costume elements.

    7. Unresolved situations.
    A creative competition in which our participants will have to show not only acting, but also the ability to resolve the most difficult situations. Participants are divided into pairs, and each pair receives its own task. After a little preparation, couples must act out small scenes, in the end of which the situation given to them finds its solution. Examples of tasks:

    • Shop. The buyer demands to weigh half a kilo of raisins from their fresh rolls, but the seller refuses.
    • Bus. The conductor and the granny trying to smuggle her goat on the bus.
    • Dentist's office. Doctor and patient refusing to open their mouth.
    Voting time:
    A large tablet with the names of the participants is brought into the hall. All guests of the holiday are invited to give their hearts for the most worthy of them. Hearts are attached opposite the names and points are counted.
    All participants are awarded with pleasant gifts and kind words, and the winners receive the main prize and open the dance marathon with a beautiful slow dance.
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