• Scenario of the holiday “Apple Savior” in a preschool educational institution. Scenario of the holiday “Sunny Holiday - Apple Spas” for preschool children



    sports entertainment

    "Apple Saved"

    (for middle and senior preschool age)


    Kraiko E.A

    Sports entertainment "Apple Saved".

    GOALS: Introduce children to folk traditions.

    Expand children's horizons through musical art.

    Promote the development of gaming activities.

    To develop the ability to comply with certain elementary norms and rules of behavior in the process of joint GCD.

    Cultivate the desire to coordinate your actions in the game with the actions of others.

    TASKS: Develop coordination of movement, orientation in space.

    Enrich children's motor experience.

    Cultivate a desire to move expressively.

    Promote the formation of correct posture.

    To promote the expansion of the vital volume of the lungs in the process of musical and artistic activity.

    EQUIPMENT: apples or imitation, wooden spoons, two baskets, a bowl of water.

    Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, proverbs, talking about how they celebrated in Rus' - Yabochny Spas


    The presenter invites the children to playground. (The entertainment takes place outside.) Children stand in a circle.

    Exit Yablonka.

    Yablonka: Hello, guys!

    Today is a bright day

    Sun and coolness

    A basket of apples for you

    Brought it from the garden.

    And pear and ranet -

    There are no sweeter apples than these!

    I came to visit you, brought songs and dances.

    Lots of joy, fun and good mood!

    Ved: Get into the circle quickly

    Hold hands tighter

    We start now

    Merry dance!

    Round dance

    1st buffoon:

    Here we are, friends, hello!

    There are no more fun artists!

    We invite everyone to the holiday!

    Eh, let's sing and play!


    I declare the holiday of apples

    Ripe, juicy, liquid,

    What ripens on the branches.

    Who among us doesn't love them!

    Just before you start

    This holiday, for us guys,

    Red summer call

    We need to visit you soon!

    1st buffoon:

    Call for red summer?

    What is walking across the open spaces?

    Oh, I'll have to scream

    Everyone is friendly, but loudly, in unison.

    And then, having heard us,

    Summer will appear immediately.


    As soon as I wave my hand,

    Repeat after me:

    We are waiting for you for the holiday, Summer!

    Come soon! Where are you?

    Everyone (in unison):

    We are waiting for you for the holiday, Summer!

    Come soon! Where are you?

    Summer appears.


    Who bothered me

    Took you away from important matters?

    What happened, what is it?


    The apple harvest is ripe!

    Let's start the holiday!


    We need to call Sunny.

    After all, it helped me,

    Warmed our earth!


    Buffoons, don't yawn,

    Invite the sun to us!

    The buffoons dance and sing.

    1st buffoon:

    Sunshine, sunshine,

    Look out the window

    The apples are already ripe

    Puffed up and blushed.

    Sit down, sunshine, on a stump,

    Play with us for a day.

    After all, over the summer you are tired,

    There wasn't a day off.

    The Sun appears.


    Who bothered me

    Took you away from important matters?

    What happened, what is it?

    The apple harvest is ripe.


    It's a holiday, Sunny, here.

    Apple today Spas.


    Thank you for being a friend,

    They haven't forgotten about me!

    Well, I will serve you,

    I will reward everyone with a tan,

    To warm your noses

    And we didn’t get sick in winter!


    I'm talking about the holiday now

    I'll tell you a story, friends.

    By August 19, apples were ripening in central Russia. The harvest was picked and blessed in the church. On this day in the evening we went to the field and saw off the sunset with songs. Autumn was coming. Everyone was happy and ate apples. Before the Savior, it was not allowed to eat them.

    Game "Roll the apple on the plate"

    Children, accompanied by music, pass two apples from hand to hand in different directions. The child on whom the music stops goes out into the circle and performs dance moves to a Russian folk melody. The game will be repeated several times.

    Relay race "Carry the apple in a spoon"

    The buffoons set up two stands. Children are divided into two teams and stand in front of the counters. The first player of each team takes a wooden spoon with an apple, runs around the counter, returns and passes the baton to the next player. The winner is the team whose members completed the task faster.

    Relay race "Get into the basket"

    Two or three teams participate. The buffoons have baskets in their hands. Each player throws an “apple-ball” into baskets and stands at the end of the team. The team that completes the task faster wins.

    Ved: We collected apples in baskets, and some apples were beautiful, different, yellow, green, red. New game Let's start by sorting the apples by color.

    Game "Find your apple by color"

    Three teams participate in the game. Each team chooses the color of the apple: yellow, green or red. Children perform dance moves to the music; when the music ends, children must find their apple by color.


    Well, are you ready to play?

    It's time to start our tournament!

    Who can name more fairy tales?

    Where are we talking about apples?

    1st buffoon:

    Everyone needs to answer louder,

    A reward awaits the winner.

    Who can answer everyone better?

    He will get an apple from us!

    The guys name fairy tales and legends where apples are mentioned. Examples: “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Finist the Clear Falcon”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “Geese-Swans”, “Ivan, the Widow’s Son”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Tale of a Young Man” - daredevil, rejuvenating apples and living water.” Buffoons walk among the guys and distribute apples to those who gave the correct answer.


    That's great! Yes I found out

    There are many excellent fairy tales!


    We will continue the tournament now.

    The hour of proverbs has come.

    I'll call them for you,

    Are you trying to tell me

    What do those proverbs conceal?

    What are they telling us?

    Yablonka says a proverb, and the guys explain in what cases they say this.

    Proverbs about apples:

    There is no room for the apple to fall (very tight).

    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree (when it comes to... bad behavior, inherited from parents).

    Hit the bull's eye (accurately guess something or say something correctly).

    Apple of discord (what caused the quarrel).

    Forbidden fruit (what you cannot do, take, etc. - according to the forbidden apple of paradise), etc.


    Everybody knows! Well done boys,

    It's hard to compete with you.

    Tell me, if it’s not difficult for you,

    What can you make from apples?

    The guys list everything that is made from apples: apples are eaten fresh, soaked, baked, candied, pickled, pickled. They are dried. Juice, apple kvass, syrups, compotes, mousses, purees, soufflés, charlotte, pancakes, pies, cakes, marmalade, jam, jam, etc. are made from apples.


    I'm very interested in you.

    You, friends, know everything about it.


    Our apple tournament is a success,

    Friends, today was a success!

    All winners are rightfully

    It’s impossible to say who is better!

    1st buffoon:

    Hooray! The tournament is over, brothers:

    Would you like to warm up?

    Let's have a competition!

    But not simple tests.


    Let everyone have fun and skillfully

    He will surprise everyone with his dexterity!


    Great! I can say -

    Guys love to play!

    Anyone can distinguish themselves

    And have fun!


    3-4 people participate. Apples or items that replace them are scattered across the playing field. Participants must, blindfolded, collect as many “fallen from the tree” apples into baskets as possible.

    Like on Apple Day, people had fun all day at the gates!

    We sang songs, danced, played and of course we got a little tired.

    We invite you to the table. We have apple PIE. Come in, help yourself and, of course, don’t be shy!

    Scenario for the holiday "The Savior has come - I've got an apple!"


    352762 Krasnodar region, Bryukhovetsky district, st. Pereyaslovskaya, st. Komsomolskaya 28

    Musical director Artyukhova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

    To the accompaniment of Russian folk music, children come out and line up near the central wall.

    Presenter: Good afternoon guys! Good afternoon, dear guests! August is a time of transformation in nature. It is rich in Orthodox holidays. The main ones are three Spas - Honey, Apple and Nut.

    On August 19 in Kuban it became good tradition Celebrating the Apple Savior is a holiday in honor of the Savior Christ, his Transfiguration. On this holiday, people give thanks to nature for the work that they successfully completed in the summer. Apple Savior is a celebration of the new harvest on earth and new life. They said about him: “The Second Savior - picks ripe apples”, “The Savior came - he saved an apple.”

    1st child: Ripe apple aroma
    Woke us up in the morning
    Summer in a red sundress.
    The holiday is coming, saved

    2nd child: Now the apples are ripe -
    At least put out the basket.
    They flew off the branch loudly.
    The taste of them takes us to heaven.

    3rd child: It's called the apple savior,
    The day we celebrate now.
    Whoever takes a bite will dive
    It's hot in the summer.

    4th child: Apple Spas! Apple Spas!
    Transfiguration of the Lord!
    Let them sound especially for you
    All congratulations today,

    5th child Let everyone sing and dance around
    Harmonies play loudly,
    Happiness is like ripe apple, all of a sudden
    It will fall into the palm of your hand!

    The song “Guests have come to us” is performed, music by A. Alexandrov. The children sit down.

    Leading:“Apple Spas” is a harvest festival not only of apples, but also of other fruits, fruits and vegetables. On this day, mushrooms, berries, everything that the forest, vegetable garden, or garden gives people is praised. Let's go to the garden.

    Noise at the door (Auntie the gardener comes in)

    Auntie vegetable garden: Who’s here in my garden? I won't let you in....

    Leading: Guys, do you know who this is? ( children answer) Aunty gardener, don’t be angry, today is our holiday.

    Auntie vegetable garden: What are you celebrating here?

    Leading: Guys, what are we celebrating?

    Children: Holiday "Apple Savior"

    Auntie vegetable garden: Can I stay with you? Will you please me with songs?

    Leading: We will perform a merry round dance

    Round dance "Yablonka"

    Auntie - vegetable garden: Guys, do you know what forest animal carries apples on its back? That's right, it's a hedgehog. Let's play, we'll be hedgehogs who need to move apples from one place to another. For this competition we will need two teams. True, you don’t have needles, so you will carry fruit in baskets.

    The leader divides the guys into teams. At one end of the hall there are chairs with cups filled with apples, at the other there are empty chairs. Children, at the command of the leader, accompanied by rhythmic music, must take a small basket, put an apple in it and take it to an empty chair. When the test participants return, they give the basket to another team member. The team that completes its task faster will win.

    Presenter: And now we will remember the poems that were prepared for this holiday. The guys line up and begin to take turns reading the poem.

    Child: On the trees in the garden

    At my beloved grandmother's

    In wonderful nature

    The apples are ripening.

    Child: We'll cut them off the branch

    And with great respect

    We'll cook them

    Delicious jam!

    Child: Smells like grandma's pie

    Simply amazing!

    It contains sour cream and cottage cheese -

    This is amazing!

    Child: Oh, what else is there

    Grandma added?

    Eggs, butter, sugar?

    And they are also useful.

    And, of course, apples!

    Auntie - vegetable garden: Look, guys, this is how big my apple tree has grown, but its branches bent almost to the ground. And why? That's right, it's hard for her because there is a very large fruit harvest this year. Let's free the branches of our apple tree.

    Game "Who will pick the most apples from the tree"

    Leading: Well, how do you like our guys?

    Auntie vegetable garden: Your kids are so smart and dexterous!

    Leading And now, dear aunty gardener, you will be delighted by the guys from the ___________________ group. They will perform _____________________________________

    The presenter scatters apples over the center of the hall

    Presenter: Auntie is a vegetable garden

    In your garden every year

    The apple tree is growing alone.

    There are forest apples on it,

    Very tasty, big.

    Look, all the apples have already fallen.

    Auntie vegetable garden: There are a lot of apples every year

    But who will collect them?

    It’s very difficult for me, old lady,

    Help guys!

    Leading: But to collect the entire harvest, you need a lot of strength and patience.

    Game “Help Harvest Apples”

    Auntie vegetable garden: Thank you guys. And if I tell you some riddles and guesses, will you know what it’s about?

    1. I won’t tear the rosy doll away from my friends

    I’ll wait until the nesting doll falls into the grass on its own. (apple)

    2. Hey, it’s so yummy, the eye can see it, but the tooth numbs.

    Mom opens the jar and pours us... (compote)

    3. Round, ruddy I grow on a branch,

    Adults and little children love me. (apple)

    4. Red beads are hanging, looking at us from the bushes

    These children love beads very much. Birds and bears. (raspberries)

    5. It hung in the spring, the whole summer was sour,

    And it became sweet - it fell to the ground. (apple)

    6. Kaftan green, velvet,

    Inside is scarlet sugar (watermelon)

    Auntie vegetable garden: Surprised, well done! And now I ask you to have a fun time!

    Number performed by an orchestra of children's musical instruments

    Presenter: Guys, let's tell Auntie Vegetable Garden what signs we know about the apple Savior.


    1. If it’s a dry day on Apple Day, then autumn will be dry, if it’s rainy, then winter will be harsh.

    2. The second one saved - so is January.

    3. Apple saved - meeting autumn, autumn.

    4. Autumn - a notch as a memory that summer is detrimental.

    5. With the Transfiguration, the weather changes.

    6. The Savior has come - keep your gloves in reserve.

    Presenter: Indeed, according to signs, Apple Saving means the onset of the first cold weather. This is the first meeting with autumn. After August 19th the nights become much cooler.

    Auntie vegetable garden: Well done guys, you know so many signs about Apple Rescue. Do you know proverbs and sayings?


    1. Whoever eats an apple a day, the doctor forgets about him.

    2. They love apple trees for apples, and they love bees for honey.

    3. An unripe apple has no taste.

    4. Don’t pick an apple while it’s green; when it’s ripe, it will fall off on its own.

    Auntie vegetable garden: You all surprised me today, so be it, come to my garden to play vegetables and pick berries..

    Leading: Thank you, aunty gardener.

    The little gardener: Guys, it's time for me to return to my garden.

    Today is a bright day, sunny and cool.
    I brought you a basket of apples from the garden.
    Help yourself, make a wish, know that it will come true
    That cherished wish that you uttered
    Help yourself to some apples
    Juicy and golden.

    Gives treats to the kids

    Child: We go to church early

    We carry apples in our hands.

    We need to sanctify them

    To treat people to everyone.

    Holy holiday

    The second one saved

    Brought us some sweet apples!

    Child: The garden brings the harvest:
    Apples and grapes.
    They are sanctified by sprinkling
    On the wonderful day of Transfiguration.

    Presenter: The church smells like apples.
    Everyone, entering, will inhale and gasp:
    "Oh!" Mountains of apples on the tables,
    And in baskets and bags,
    On plates, in bundles.
    Joy, troubles, excitement -
    There will be sprinkling soon!

    A soundtrack of bells sounds.

    Scenario of the holiday "Apple Savior"

    Software tasks:

    Introduce children to spiritual and moral values

    Introduce the national holiday "Apple Savior"

    Expand children's knowledge about healing properties apples

    To develop interest in the traditions of national culture

    Learn to care for others

    Attributes for the holiday:

    Audio recording of Russian folk music

    Apple tree (artificial tree)

    Air balloons

    Fruit basket (nuts, apples, pears, grapes)

    Decorative plates (2 pieces)

    Chairs (2pcs)


    D/i “Fold the apple”

    Costumes for Buffoons and presenters.

    (Russian folk music sounds. A presenter in Russian folk attire enters the music hall.

    Presenter: Good afternoon to all guests, invited and welcome!

    On “Spasov” day to walk and feast, we invite you,

    Celebrate the glorious harvest festival with us!

    "Apple-Honey Spas!" or "Transfiguration of the Lord!"

    Apple ripe, red, sweet

    The apple is crisp and smooth-skinned

    I'll break the apple in half

    I'll split the apple with my friend.

    (buffoons run in to Russian folk music)

    1. Buffoon: All! All! All! All for the holiday!

    2. Buffoon : Hurry up, there is no holiday of ours more generous!

    1. Buffoon: August walks across the earth

    Takes the holidays with you

    Harvest holidays!

    2. Buffoon: There is the first Spas-Honey, the second Spas - Apple and the third - Nut.

    1. Buffoon: On the day of the Second Savior, apples were blessed in the church and this holiday was considered the main holiday of summer. The collection and preparation of apples was timed to coincide with this holiday. During the day they drank apple kvass and compote, ate pies, and rolled apples down the hill. And in the evening they went out into the street and danced in a circle.

    (Round dance "Little Apple Tree"senior group)

    2. Buffoon: The tradition of eating apples on this day and making a wish has existed in Rus' for a long time, while it was necessary to make a “Spassovo” wish when swallowing the first piece. It must definitely come true. Now we will invite guys who will tell you about the signs associated with the Apple Savior.

    (children tell folk signs)

    1. If it’s a dry day on Apple Day, then autumn will be dry,

    If it is rainy, then the winter will be harsh.

    2. The Savior has come - the hour is all: the fruits are ripening.

    3. What a second Savior - so is January.

    4. Apple Spas - meeting autumn-autumn

    5. Apple Spas - it’s only an hour: I’ve got a fur coat.

    6. Second Spas - keep your gloves in stock

    7. Since the Transfiguration, the weather has changed.

    1. Buffoon: Now we’ll play, roll the apple around in a circle.

    (Game “Pass the apple in a circle” pp. and pod.gr.)

    (Relay race “Carry the apple” family and children)

    2. Buffoon : Well done guys, we played fun. I also know that children know poems about apples. I invite the guys to read poetry to us.

    This apple summer

    The bins are full

    Warmed by the joyful sun,

    The apples are red and large.

    On the palm of a child

    The sun lies bright,

    Little eyes smile,

    Juice runs down my fingers.

    Everyone is crispy sweet today

    Sadness has flown far away

    The horse carries apples

    Rus' smells like apples.

    Presenter: “Apple Savior” - Transfiguration, a harvest festival not only of apples,

    But also other fruits, fruits and vegetables. On this day they also honor

    Mushrooms, berries, everything that a garden, vegetable garden, or forest gives people.

    I have prepared riddles for you to see if you know fruits and vegetables.


    When it's ripe: fragrant, ruddy, golden.

    It’s as if it’s filled with honey, you can see the seeds right through.


    Hard to get, hard on the tooth

    It's smooth all around, sweet in the middle.


    My caftan is green

    And the heart is like red.

    Tastes like sugar, sweet

    It looks like a ball.


    Red beads hanging

    They're looking at us from the bushes

    Love these beads very much

    Children, birds and bears.


    Presenter : Well done! You're good at solving riddles.

    1. Buffoon : It's time to play, have fun, frolic together.

    (Game “Collect an apple”) (“Who will eat the apple faster” family and children).

    2. Buffoon: Everyone must have no doubt

    Good mood.

    Everyone should live in harmony -

    Love each other and be friends!

    I invite all the people

    Let's have a fun round dance!

    (Round dance “Let’s go through the raspberries to the garden” subgr.)

    Presenter: Today is a bright day,

    Sun and coolness.

    A basket of apples for you

    Brought it from the garden.

    We invite everyone to try the treats at Apple Spas!

    Scenario of the Russian folk holiday "Maslenitsa"
    for children of senior preschool age 2012

    .introduce Russian to children ritual holiday Maslenitsa,
    .involve children to take part in the holiday;
    .introduce various genres of oral folk art.

    Equipment: costumes for children and adults, bags, rope, pillows, handkerchiefs, pancakes.

    To the music, children enter the hall and sit down on chairs.

    The presenter enters folk costume) and Skomorokh.
    Hello dear guys,
    Small and big!
    Presenter: Hello, guests!
    Buffoon: Get ready, guests!
    Celebrate the annual Maslenitsa,
    Our dear guest!

    1st child : Hey, have fun, people!
    Today Maslenitsa is coming to visit.
    Hurry, hurry, hurry!
    Bring your friends with you!
    2nd child : Oh, you Shrovetide-wry neck,

    We'll see you well!

    Cheese, butter rolls,

    And a baked egg.
    Presenter: Are you my soul, Maslenitsa!
    Come visit us in our wide yard!
    Ride the roller coaster, lie in the pancakes.
    Make your heart happy!
    Buffoon: Celebrating Maslenitsa has its own order, indicated by the names of the days of the week.
    Monday - Meeting.
    Tuesday - Flirting.
    Wednesday - Gourmand.
    Thursday - Revelry.
    Friday - Mother-in-law's evening.
    Saturday - Sister-in-law's gatherings.
    Resurrection - Forgiveness day or farewell.
    Maslenitsa is the most fun holiday!
    It lasts a week, but we wait for Maslenitsa all year long!
    We open Maslenitsa wide and let the fun begin!
    Presenter: Meet Maslenitsa!

    Two children in horse costumes bring in a stuffed Maslenitsa.
    D The children sing the song “And we welcome the butter can.”
    A scarecrow is installed in the hall.
    Presenter and Buffoon: sHello, Madam Maslenitsa (they bow).
    Buffoon: Our Maslenitsa, you are wide,
    She came to our kindergarten
    And it brought fun!
    Children perform the Matryoshka dance
    Presenter: Madam, our Maslenitsa!
    Reach out until the big day!
    Presenter: Guys, it's time to play, fun game Amuse Maslenitsa.
    Buffoon: Who's on Shrovetide week?
    Haven't you been on the carousel?
    Everyone come run here to me
    And ride for free!
    Game "Carousel". Junior groups

    Game "Owl" middle group. (I'm an owl, I have a headache, the day comes, everything comes to life)

    Presenter: Children, do you know that people used to always call birds: waders, larks, swallows, so that they would fly and bring spring?
    Buffoon : Let’s call the birds too.
    Children sing “Larks, come fly…”
    Presenter: Larks! Take the cold winter away from us!
    Us Cold winter I'm bored!
    My hands and feet are frozen!
    Children (in chorus): Go away, winter! Come, spring!
    Go away, winter is sinking,
    Send in spring!
    Children sing the song "Vesnyanka".
    (Spring enters to the sound of birdsong).
    Hello! Here I am, Spring, has come to you!
    She brought warmth.
    I heard your calls, but I hurried here as soon as possible.
    Buffoon: So our guest Spring has come to our holiday!
    What gifts have you brought us, Spring?
    Spring: A box of living, two pieces of wheat,
    Little kids don't need a testicle,
    Red girls have a ring,
    The young ladies have a baby each,
    For old ladies, a ruble each!

    Buffoon: Attractions are held:
    1. Running in bags.
    2.Tug of war.
    3. Cockfight.
    Presenter: And what is Maslenitsa without hot and rosy pancakes?
    Isn't it time to bake pancakes?
    Song "Pancakes"
    Buffoon : Russian Maslenitsa has long been famous for its pancakes.
    Spring: We baked something for you to eat -
    Five hundred, maybe six!
    A great treat and a lot of fun for the kids!

    Goodbye, goodbye to our Maslenitsa.
    Farewell, our broad farewell.

    Maiden: The game "Burners" is played.
    Spring: You came with goodness
    Cheese, butter and egg,
    With pancakes and pies
    Yes with pancakes.
    Buffoon : Buttered pancakes,
    Shangas are smeared,
    We're riding down the mountain
    From dawn to dawn.
    And today, unfortunately,
    Our fun will end.

    Together: Goodbye, goodbye to our Maslenitsa!
    Buffoon: Now let's go for a walk - see off Maslenitsa!

    (Guys and guests get dressed and go outside. The presenters take out the scarecrow of Maslenitsa and install it on the site).

    Buffoon. In the old days in Rus', not a single Maslenitsa holiday was complete without games and fun. Let us also remember games and fun.

    Attractions are held:
    1. Running in bags.
    2.Tug of war.
    3. Cockfight.

    Hey, our cheerful people,
    A deft, fast round dance!
    If you take the rope together,
    Pull forward - backward
    And say three times - “Eh!” -
    Laughter will probably win.

    Maiden. Let's, guys, play with burners so that Maslenitsa, to which we say goodbye, burns better

    The game "Burners" is played.

    But Maslenitsa deceived us,
    Deceived, deceived -
    Didn't make it to one year old.
    She said: "Seven weeks"
    And there is one day left.

    Maid . It's time for us to say goodbye to Maslenitsa. Now it will burn, which means the end of winter!

    (The children start a round dance around the scarecrow with the song “Burn, Burn Clear.” Then the scarecrow is set on fire. The children and adults disperse, forming a wide circle.”
    All in unison.

    Go away, winter! Come, Spring!
    Farewell winter! Goodbye, Maslenitsa!

    Like ours at the gate
    The horse has been waiting for children for a long time.
    You run, kids,

    The Orthodox Church has an amazing holiday, which is popularly called Apple Saving. On this day, August 19, many people gather in the church with baskets full of apples. They are blessed, eaten right away, and treated to each other. But it is only in Russia that this holiday has a double name. The main one is church - the Feast of the Transfiguration, and the other, folk and unusually poetic, is the Savior of Apples.

    This holiday is one of the main (twelfth) holidays of the Orthodox Church, which, according to legend, is dedicated to one of the episodes in the life of Jesus Christ.

    One day, taking with him his disciples Peter, James and John, he climbed with them to the high Mount Tabor and began to pray. The disciples fell asleep from fatigue, but suddenly they were awakened by a strong light, and they saw that the Savior’s clothes became sparkling like snow, and his face also shone with a light that the human eye cannot withstand. Next to him stood two prophets - Moses and Elijah, who told him about how he would be killed and then resurrected. Suddenly a cloud appeared, covering everyone, and from the cloud the same voice was heard as at Baptism. And this voice said: “This is my beloved son. Listen to him."

    After this, the cloud disappeared, and the disciples saw Jesus, who was already standing alone in his ordinary clothes. They began to descend from the mountain together, and Jesus Christ asked his disciples not to tell anyone about what they saw and heard here.

    The Transfiguration of Christ, as is believed in Christian teaching, was intended to prove to his disciples the divinity of Jesus Christ and strengthen their faith before the terrible days of his crucifixion and death came.

    On this day, fruits are brought to the church and blessed. This holiday is called Apple Savior in Russia because it takes place on the same day as the ancient agricultural holiday, which begins the harvesting of apples in the orchards.

    On this day Christ appeared

    And he called the apostles.

    The face of Christ was transformed

    Like the sun, it shone.

    It was on Tabor,

    That rose among the plains.

    God's voice was soon heard:

    “He is my beloved son!”

    And he told the two prophets

    Jesus is at the end of the road

    What is under God's eye for him?

    There is still some way to go.

    On the bright day of Transfiguration

    Apple Savior Festival,

    Cool and autumn day

    The villages are stocking up.

    And people in baskets

    Brings apples to church

    Sanctifies all fruits

    Drops of holy water.


    Summer holiday for the preparatory group, dedicated to the Apple Savior and dedicated to the twelfth Orthodox holiday- Transfiguration of the Lord.


    Nizhny Novgorod Region, Dzerzhinsk,

    MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 61"

    Explanatory note:

    Purpose of the event:popularization of Russian folk holidays, rituals, traditions, nurturing love for one’s culture and Motherland. But, the most important thing is that all this is superimposed on a religious basis and spiritual morality. After all, Russian folklore was used in preschool education and during the 70-year godless reign in Rus'. And education moral person was also the main task of a socialist society. And all this did not help to avoid the state in which our people ended up. I set acquaintance with Orthodox Russian folk traditions and holidays, the education of spiritual morality, defined by God’s commandments and church statutes, as the main goal of this work.
    1. Introduce children to the traditions of Orthodoxy and the customs of national holidays.
    2.Motivate and encourage the emergence of spiritual needs in children by introducing them to Orthodox values.
    3.Generate children’s motivation to creative activity through improvisation, play, competitions, competitions.

    4. Encourage children to think logically, draw correct conclusions and conclusions from what they see or hear. Encourage their desire to reason, talk, talk, and engage in dialogue with an adult.

    My task was to link this event as much as possible with traditional values Orthodox worldview. This is also kindness, which is understandable to a child’s consciousness in its infancy, but from which potentially grows what is called in the Beatitudes “blessed are the peacemakers.” Thus, the kind hedgehog in the fairy tale not only does good to others, but also transforms the world around him, transforms those animals that come across his path, as a rule, “stuck” in their vanity or bitterness. The script contains moralizing moments of helping those in need, neighbors, because “blessed are the mercy”... The fairy tale-parable, which became the core of the script, is based on the statement of St. Seraphim of Sarov: “Save yourself, and then thousands will be saved around you.” And the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord fits perfectly into this seraphim “commandment”. Why did the choice fall on him? Well, transformation concerns not only the soul, but also the whole of nature, when it, having been transformed, begins to bear fruit. Moreover, the fruits are tasty, juicy and aromatic. Therefore, the script plays on the apple and honey theme, of course. Thus, serious dogmatic truths are interspersed, which, I hope, are presented in a form accessible to children with playful, mischievous, cheerful and active situations.

    Children's age: 6-7 years

    Number of combined groups: no more than 2.

    The form of the holiday includes the use of ICT. This is a presentation-story about the history of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The presentation shows slides, and the hero (Angel), against this background and against the backdrop of beautiful music that sounds on the music center, tells his story about the holiday. Presentation is approximate. To celebrate this holiday in your kindergarten, it needs to be improved. But the general meaning is clear. All types of activities that are standardly included in a musical matinee at a preschool educational institution were also used:

    Poems, songs, round dances, general dances, individual dances, musical games, outdoor games, attractions, competitions, stage performances with the participation of children, etc.

    During the event, the student must show all the skills and abilities related specifically to musical education(fairly clear intonation of learned songs, round dance songs within the range, clear execution of dance movements in dances and round dances, as well as in individual numbers - this is what children especially love and are ready to sing and dance from morning to evening). Knowledge of rules in games, as well as songs and movements in musical games. And, of course, it is necessary that after this event the pupils take away precisely the spiritual and moral lesson and experience that they would then want to bring into relationships with their loved ones, friends, with the people around them, that is, with their neighbors. I already spoke a little higher about the development of such qualities as kindness, mercy, peacemaking, and mutual assistance. Special attention I also wanted to pay attention to the education of politeness and attentiveness, so that the children would definitely say hello, say goodbye, and thank them for your attention to them. I also wanted the children to show concern for their neighbors, so that they would have a desire to do good, so children give gifts made with their own hands to all guests of the holiday. And the logical result of the entire holiday is the emphasis on love for the Motherland, for the native land that nurtured and raised us all. Children bow to Mother Earth and sing a song.

    Holiday scenario for the preparatory group (the senior group is almost preparatory in August)

    (can also be used in primary school Orthodox gymnasiums and schools)

    Apple-honey Spas visiting us.

    Hall decoration : on the central wall there are branches of an apple tree with apples (models). Sun, clouds, birds, grass and balloon flowers.

    Adult heroes:

    Apple Honey Angel

    Apple tree


    Heroes children:







    Methodological support:

    Honey Apple Angel Costume : a floor-length white dress with wings at the back, or a loose-fitting veil attached to the wrists. When moving your arms it will look like wings. In one hand is an imitation of a branch of paradise with medium-sized hanging apples, either made from cardboard or from improvised material, in the other hand is a barrel of honey. There is a white bandage on the head, pulled over the forehead.

    Costumes of all other heroes are always available in any kindergarten.

    A large basket of apples according to the number of children for competitions.Cones according to the number of children and 2 baskets for the game “Squirrel Supplies”.A fake house, a table, a tablecloth in the Russian style, a samovar, tea utensils. Several fake trees depicting a forest, a stump.A pourable apple and a plate, a bowl of water in which apples float - for the attraction. Gas scarves for the dance of little Angels.

    Baskets with apples and other fruits are a treat.

    All other children, except for the heroes, can be dressed in Russian costumes or have some of their elements (ribbons woven into their hair, wreaths), and for boys - shirts with sashes. Everyone is dressed festively and beautifully.

    The progress of the holiday

    To the Russian folk song “Will I go, yes, will I go out, yes” (CD, or performing music. leader) children enter the hall one by one, hold hands in a “chain”, “curl” in different directions and eventually form a circle.


    On the palm of a child
    the sun lies bright.
    Little eyes smile,
    juice runs down my fingers.

    2 Child:

    Ripe apple aroma
    morning woke us up.

    Why does summer smell like that?

    sun, apple now?


    Guys, what is this?

    wondrous and mysterious,
    Holy holiday apple?

    3rd child:

    It's called the apple savior
    the day we are celebrating now.
    Whoever takes a bite will dive
    It's hot in the summer.

    Song - round dance on choice (their names themselves speak about their artistry and accessibility, as well as the age orientation of the collections from which they are taken):

      “On the mountain there is a viburnum”, RNP, arranged by Y. Chichkov (Collected books by N. Vetlugina, I. Dzerzhinkaya, L. Komissarova “Music in kindergarten”, preparatory group for school, p. 26)

      "Apple tree" music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. N.Zabili Sat. S.I. Merzlyakova “Teaching children 6-7 years old to sing”, p. 111)

      “We’ll go to the green garden” (to the melody of “Oh, you are my canopy”, Internet resource: http://pozdav.ru/page/jablochnyj-spas-scenarij-prazdnika:

    We'll go to the green garden,

    Let's collect ripe apples.

    Oh, Lyuli, oh Lyuli,

    Let's collect ripe apples.

    Honey apples,

    Yes, the baskets are new.

    Oh Lyuli, oh Lyuli,

    Yes, the baskets are new.

    We'll bring apples

    We'll bake some pies.

    Oh, Lyuli, oh Lyuli,

    We'll bake some pies.

    We have miracle pies,

    Today is a holiday, today is the Savior.

    Oh, Lyuli, oh Lyuli,

    Today is a holiday, today is the Savior.

    4th child:

    Now the apples are ripe -
    at least put out the basket,
    They flew loudly from the branch.
    The taste of them takes us to heaven.

    Spiritual music sounds, an apple-honey Angel appears with a heavenly apple branch in one hand and a barrel of honey in the other.


    I hear my sweet words

    suddenly they sound like each other.

    Are you talking about heaven here?

    This is my dear home.


    Who are you, bright creature?

    How did you get here to us?


    Apple Honey Angel

    towards you, in a hurry, flying, running.

    I have a commission from God

    it was clearly given -

    convey my congratulations to you,

    and, of course, a treat

    on the bright day of Transfiguration

    coming to you for a celebration.

    And they came with me

    angels - a whole swarm.

    They will show you a heavenly dance -

    our gift is small.

    Dance composition of angel girls with gas scarves.

    (under WITH D recording - song "Angel Flew" children's group "Fidgets", online resource .

    Ved (addresses the Angel): AOur guys know a song about Angels. And they will be happy to perform it for you.

    Vocal duet or trio “Song about angels” ( music by Y. Pasternak, lyrics by K. Pasternak. Internet resource: ). The text and melody are quite accessible for understanding and performance by the vocal ensemble of the preparatory group. The range also meets the requirements of the music education methodology:

    Angel: Thank you, you made me very happy.

    I, guys, am the angel of Transfiguration. The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is celebrated Orthodox Church August 19. I came down from heaven to tell you the story of this wonderful holiday.

    PRESETATION is turned on.

    And against the backdrop of a beautiful, spiritual melody, the Angel’s story begins to sound, accompanied by the corresponding slides:

    Our Lord Jesus Christ, although he was God, when he lived on earth, he had the appearance of an ordinary person. He took on the image of a man so that people would not be blinded by the brilliance of His Divinity. And little children would not be afraid of His unearthly greatness and glory. Thus He hid His Divinity under a more modest appearance. The Lord had disciples who relentlessly followed Him everywhere. They wanted to learn from Him the wisdom of God. And after the Lord returned to Heaven, they had to teach other people to live as God commanded, that is, according to God’s commandments.

    Some disciples mistook Jesus Christ for a wise teacher or prophet. However, so that they would not doubt that Jesus is the God who created the entire universe, one day the Lord took three of his followers and led them to a high mountain. There He was transformed, that is, He appeared before the disciples in His true divine form. At the same time, they could not even look at the Lord. His clothes became so white and sparkling that nothing on earth could compare with this divine light. The students fell to the ground, covering their faces. At that moment, the voice of God the Father sounded from heaven: “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him." And after this, Jesus Christ again took on his human form. (The end of the presentation)

    There is a knock on the door.

    Ved: Guys, another guest is in a hurry to see us.

    The priest of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, Fr. Andrey.

    Father Andrey: Hello my dear. I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday. I hope I'm not too late?

    Ved: no, father.The Angel of Transfiguration was just telling us about this wonderful holiday.

    O. Andrey: Is it true? Angel got ahead of me. Angels always try very quickly to fulfill all God's instructions. And the wings, of course, help him.

    Guys, what spiritual and moral conclusion did you draw from the story of this wonderful Angel? Let me help you a little.

    Here our Lord Jesus Christ was transfigured before His disciples. How was He transformed? What happened to the Lord?

    Children's answers: He has changed,

    Began to sparkle

    Became white, light...

    O. Andrey: That's right, well done.And you and I canchange, transform?

    Children's answers...

    Father helps the children, directs their answers to the right direction:

    We, too, can become purer and brighter if we do good deeds, help our parents, help other people, those who are weaker than us, who need our help. Then our soul will be transformed by the bright light of God's grace.

    Guys, do you know why this holiday is also called Apple Savior?

    Because at this time the earth and all nature were also transformed. A new harvest of fruits and berries was ripe, and fresh honey also appeared. And before this holiday, people tried not to touch the gifts of nature, so that they get enoughvitamins, juices, became ripe and sweet.Under sunlight, plants flourish, ripen and bear fruit. And people brought this fruit to the temples of God as a sign of thanksgiving to the Lord for his great and ineffable mercies to us. And the most common fruit on our land has always been apples.

    At Apple Spas, the custom of gifting all loved ones, acquaintances, and passers-by with apples sprinkled with holy water in temples and churches is obligatory.

    Angel: I just brought sweet treats from the Garden of Eden for the guys.

    (fruits are brought in from behind the doors: apples, grapes, pears, etc., honey)

    O. Andrey: that's good. And now I’ll sprinkle them with holy water.

    A recording of the bell ringing is heard and the new harvest is sprinkled, and at the same time all the saints present are sprinkled. water.


    The church smells like apples.
    Everyone, entering, will inhale and gasp:
    Mountains of apples on the tables,
    both in baskets and bags,
    on plates, in bundles.
    Joy, troubles, excitement -
    there will be sprinkling soon!
    The priest dipped his brush -
    and waved.
    The fruits are sprinkled
    like rain on the gardens!
    I opened my mouth with happiness -
    like an onlooker, like a gaper,
    And the priest joked:
    took me and sprinkled me,

    like an apple in a basket!

    (N. Orlova-Markgraf)

    O. Andrey : Well, it’s time for me to go to the other kids so that I can tell them about the bright holiday of the Transfiguration.


    And it’s time for me to go to my Garden of Eden,

    There are ripe fruits hanging there.

    I need to collect them quickly

    to make everyone happy.

    Ved: Dear guests, our guys also prepared gifts for the holiday.

    Children give the Angel and the priest drawings or handicrafts prepared with their own hands on the theme “Apple Savior”.

    Guests: Thanks guys. And goodbye.

    (leave to the music).


    Well, we continue our apple Savior.

    And your legs just beg to dance!

    Apple Spas! Apple Spas!
    Transfiguration of the Lord!
    Let them sound especially for you
    All congratulations today.

    Happiness is like a ripe apple, suddenly
    will fall into your palms.
    Let everyone sing and dance around
    Harmonies play loudly!

    General dance "Cossack" ( the dance has already been tested in practice. Accessible to children, fun to dance ) ( Ukrainian folk melody , Internet resource: http://novaya-beresta.ru/publ/roditeljam_i_vospitateljam/noty_detskikh_pesen/kazachjok_ukrainskaja_narodnaja_melodija/22-1-0-1067)

    The presenter approaches the central wall of the hall, on which branches of apple trees and dummies of apples are attached. Picks one attached real apple:

    The aroma spreads through the garden,

    an apple is asking to be picked up from a branch!

    Green apple, red side,

    it just begs to be held in your hands, jump and jump.

    Eat, taste, don’t pass by,

    Everyone needs vitamins in the fall.

    Reb. (takes an apple from the presenter and shows it to everyone):

    I went to the fair

    I bought myself an apple.

    This is such a liquid

    liquid is not easy!

    Now we'll play

    Let's roll the apple around in a circle!

    Game "Pass the Apple"

    (Children make a circle. As the music begins, the children pass around the circle an apple “plucked” from a branch. At the end of the music, the child who still has the apple in his hands completes the task that the children come up with: dance, read a poem, sing a song (1 verse), meow , crow, etc. After the game, the children remain in a circle).


    Roll the apple in a circle

    And praise in every possible way.

    Competition "Praised Apple"

    (Children praise the apple, passing it around (tasty, fragrant, juicy, rosy, plump, aromatic, beautiful, etc.). The one who is the last to praise the apple wins. The winning child receives a small prize).

    After games, children sit on chairs.


    Masha was playing with an apple,

    only suddenly it fell,

    rolled away, galloped away,

    It fell straight into a basin of water.

    Who will help her get it?

    Come out and play!

    Competition "Help Mashenka get the apple."

    The children are divided into two teams. Apples float in a bowl of water. Children, one at a time, use wooden spoons to catch an apple from the water and carry them on a spoon to their team’s basket. Whose team moves the fastest, wins.

    To the music, Apple Tree (adult) enters with a large basket of apples.

    Apple tree: Hello guys. Do you recognize me?

    Ved and children: Of course they found out.Hello, Yablonka!

    Apple tree:

    How fun you are.

    You can hear dancing everywhere.

    I couldn't stand in the garden

    I was in a hurry to see you at Spas.

    My sweet apples

    everyone's cheeks are blushing.

    Guys, do you know the signs associated with the Apple Savior?


    Apple Savior has arrived - take mittens in reserve.

    As is the apple Saviour, so will January be.

    Whoever wants it, but the crane is from the Savior.

    Apple tree: Indeed, according to signs, the apple Savior means the onset of the first cold weather, this is the first encounter with autumn. After August 19th the nights become a little cooler. And from this day on, cranes begin to fly to warm countries.

    Do you know proverbs and sayings?


    Whoever eats an apple a day, the doctor forgets about him.

    They love an apple tree for its apples, a bee for its honey.

    An unripe apple has no taste.

    Don’t pick an apple while it’s green; when it’s ripe, it will fall off on its own.

    Apple tree:

    Oh yes, the children are great,

    brave men and daredevils,

    smart guys and girls!


    Dear Apple Tree,

    It's so good that you came.

    And gifts for the children

    did you bring it with you?

    Apple tree:

    Not empty handed to you

    Apple Tree came to visit.

    But first look

    what she brought with her.

    (beret pouring apple, rolls it on a plate) :

    Roll, roll apple,

    roll on a plate.

    I'll tell you a fairy tale.

    Just listen, don't be lazy.

    Do children like to listen to fairy tales?

    Ved (laughing): just like eating fruits.

    Apple tree: a fairy tale about how the kind Hedgehog congratulated the forest inhabitants on the Savior.

    Fairy tale-parable. (dramatization with children)

    The scenery is being put up for her:

    - several replicas of trees depicting a forest.

    - a stump is placed under the pine tree.

    Narrator (Apple Tree):

    A hedgehog ran through the forest -

    no head, no legs.

    The Hedgehog has a lot of worries -

    Mole comes to visit him.


    We decided to go to Spas in the evening

    treat yourself to some tea,

    talk about this and that.

    Friends are not bored even together.


    But Savior without apples is not Savior.

    The Hedgehog did not store them in advance.

    After all, a fresh harvest is ripening,

    just don’t get tired of collecting.

    A hedgehog walks through the forest and sings a song

    Hedgehog's song:

    I'm running very fast through the forest, I'm in a hurry.

    You, Krotik, my friend, don’t be bored.

    I will put the supplies in my pantry,

    and we will drink tea with an apple.

    Chorus : La la la la la la. La la la la.

    Narrator (Apple Tree):

    Our hero ran through the forest

    and met a Fox under a pine tree.


    Hello, Lisa, red is beautiful.

    Lisa, do you believe in miracles?


    No, I haven’t seen any miracles.

    All around is a long-familiar forest.

    The same thing every day

    and under the pine tree there is a rotten stump.


    Today is Apple Tree Spas!

    Although I didn’t bring a gift,

    but I want to wish you

    with all my heart transformation,

    And we ask you to visit for an hour

    taste my noble seagulls.


    Thank you, dear Hedgehog

    for being so kind.

    You know, now among the animals

    goodness is becoming increasingly difficult to meet.

    No, I will not remain in debt

    and I can thank you.

    NoseI'm tired of being alone in the forest.

    Come on, play with me.

    Ved: guys, let's play with the Fox and the Hedgehog.

    Game "Sly Fox"

    (to the music of the Russian folk joke “The fox walked through the forest” in the arrangement of T. Popatenko Collection by S.I. Merzlyakova “Teaching children 6-7 years old to sing”, p. 45)

    The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The fox's house is outlined outside the circle. The presenter invites the players to close their eyes, walks around the circle behind the children and says, “I’m going to look for a cunning and red fox in the forest!”, touches one of the players, who becomes a cunning fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and carefully look at which of them is the sly fox, to see if she will give herself away in some way. The players ask in chorus 3 times, first quietly, and then louder, “Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, everyone looks at each other. Only after the third question, the sly fox goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, and says “I’m here.” All the players scatter around the hall, and the fox catches them. The caught fox takes him home to his hole.

    If the fox gave himself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox.

    A player who runs out of bounds of the court is considered caught.

    After the game, the children sit on chairs and the fairy tale continues.


    Our Hedgehog is running at full speed.

    He must get some apples.

    And suddenly, towards me, Clubfoot

    stands with his paws spread menacingly.


    Almost knocked me off my feet, what an adversary!

    the thorns rustle in the wind!

    Hedgehog (taking a breath):

    Sorry, Mishutka, I didn’t notice.

    you from very far away.

    not an apple yet.

    Today is Apple Tree Spas!

    Although I didn’t bring a gift,

    but I want to wish you

    with all my heart transformation,

    fun, happiness, enlightenment.

    And we ask you to visit for an hour

    taste my noble seagulls.

    Bear (embarrassed):

    Thank you on kind words,

    I somehow forgot about Spas.

    I will come, I will come, I will arrive soon.

    (to himself)

    Well, he should have invited me to visit!

    My soul began to sing,

    the legs began to dance on their own.

    Come on, bears come out,

    Yes, dance with me.

    Dance of the Bears ( individual dance - boys )

    ( muses M. Krasev, “The Dance of the Little Bears”, collection. N. Vetlugina, I Dzerzhinkaya, L. Komissarova “Music in kindergarten”, preparatory group for school, p. 32)


    Our Hedgehog is running at full speed,

    but where can you get apples?

    This is a rare gift for the forest

    and we need to install the samovar...

    Suddenly something rustled from above

    and fell in front of the Hedgehog.

    Then again, again, and then

    sprinkled cones with a round dance.


    Who's misbehaving upstairs?

    It’s not good, uh-uh-uh-uh!


    And then in response to Hedgehog

    The last one flew “hello”.

    Who's running through the forest like that?

    I woke you up instantly, what an adversary!

    Because the ground is shaking under you,

    the thorns rustle in the wind!

    (Squirrel peeks out from behind a tree and shows his fist):

    Here I am for you!!


    Forgive me, Belka, for breaking

    your peaceful sleep from afar.

    Today is Savior, but I haven’t met

    not an apple yet.

    Today is Apple Tree Spas!

    Although I didn’t bring a gift,

    but I want to wish you

    with all my heart transformation,

    fun, happiness, enlightenment.

    And we ask you to visit for an hour

    taste my noble seagulls.

    Belka (immediately becoming kinder):

    Okay, okay, no offense

    on you at all, not at all.

    And forgive me for the prank,

    threw cones at you

    not out of malice, but just a little bit.

    You and I will not quarrel

    and I will come to you soon.

    And such joy

    The squirrels will dance with me.

    Squirrel dance ( individual dance - girls) (under "P" Squirrel's song" music by V.Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky ) ( CD -recording, Internet resource: http://tmaudiofm.ru/playing/detskaja-pesenka_pesenka-belochki)


    Now let's hang ourselves

    Let's play and have fun.


    (Children are divided into two teams. In front of each there are cones and a basket - a “hollow”. The task: to throw cones into the basket as accurately as possible. Whoever has the most of them wins).


    The hedgehog is jumping at full speed,

    After all, the yard is full of guests.

    There are no apple trees - even a wolf howls.

    And it's time to go home.

    Suddenly a familiar sundress

    flashed among the branches.

    Here is a green thin figure,

    there is no tree more beautiful.

    (Apple Girl comes into the center of the hall)


    Beautiful apple tree

    We all really like it.

    Musical game "Apple Tree" ( music A. Filippenko, lyrics. E. Makshantseva , Sat. " Music games for little ones", notebook two)

    Children stand in a circle. A girl comes out into the middle - Yablonka." She and the children depict everything that is sung about.

    Apple tree, apple tree, -Children point with their hands at the apple tree
    pink branches.
    Apple tree - beauty
    the kids saw.
    Apple tree, apple tree, -
    Gradually raise your hands up.
    you are growing big.
    Under the spring sun
    blooming luxuriantly. –
    The apple tree is spinning in place.
    The children danced in a round dance, -
    They walk in a circle, holding hands.
    Everyone admired the apple tree.
    Ay-lyuli, ay-lyuli,
    everyone fell in love.
    Our children hurried to her, -
    Without opening their hands, they approach
    Everyone bowed low to the apple tree.
    Apple tree and bow . Apple Tree also bows.
    Ay-lyuli, ay-lyuli, -They step back.
    bowed low.
    That's how deftly the legs danced, -
    They stomp.
    Now let's clap our hands. -
    They clap their hands.
    Ay-lyuli, ay-lyuli,
    clap our hands.
    And we will pinch our apple tree, -Gently plucking an apple tree

    Yes, we will run away from our Apple tree like a whirlwind! -The apple tree catches the children.

    The first one to get caught is Yablonka.

    After the game, children sit on chairs


    Our Hedgehog was delighted.

    He ran up to her, and then what?

    Yablonka (girl):

    Hello, dear Hedgehog,

    no head, no legs.

    Forgive me, my friend.

    I know, mine was looking for a meadow,

    to pick apples,

    invite everyone to visit you.

    Even though you won't find any apples

    among my branches.

    Must be a miracle, good Hedgehog,

    You are bolder to believe.

    Come back soon

    The house is already full of guests!


    Our Hedgehog has become unhappy

    hung his head.

    And the Hedgehog wandered back,

    nothing can be done!

    Hedgehog (walks dejectedly, talking to himself):

    Today is Apple Tree Spas!

    But I didn’t bring any gifts.

    And I couldn’t find any apples.

    How can I go home now?

    Called the guests, at least for an hour

    taste my noble tea...

    (The hedgehog approaches the fake house (a screen depicting a log house from the inside), there is a set table, a samovar, a large basket of apples and all the animals assembled).


    This is what the Hedgehog thought as he wandered home.

    He crossed his threshold,

    He looked dejectedly at the guests -

    all the forest animals encountered.

    The plump samovar was smoking,

    the table was set, but the main gift

    nature's gaze attracted him,

    and Hedgehog was dearest to everyone.

    All animals - Mole, Bear, Fox, Squirrel:

    Mole :

    Today is Apple Tree Spas!

    He brought gifts for us all.

    Bear :

    In the soul there is a transformation of spring,

    fun, happiness, enlightenment.


    You conquered us with your kindness,

    transformed and changed.


    And to this apple tree Spas

    accept a gift from us!

    (They hand the kind Hedgehog a large basket filled to the top with apples, the same one that the Apple Tree came with).


    Of course, our hero understood

    Where are the mountains of apples from?


    And why in the middle of August?

    The Apple tree stood empty.


    The moral of the story is:

    Become kind and bright YOURSELF first.

    And you won’t notice how around

    thousands will be saved, my friend.

    (the performance is over, the children bow and sit down).

    Ved (addressing the adult Apple Tree): And thank you, dear guest.

    For your funny kind story

    accept a gift from us.

    Children give Yablona a handmade craft on the theme “Apple Savior”.

    Apple tree (adult):

    I say thank you to everyone.

    I give you these apples

    and thank you for the warmth.

    (hands the presenter a large basket of apples, as well as other fruits).

    Ved and children: Thank you.

    Apple tree:

    May fate give you a lot of happiness
    presented it on this day.
    The heart has only joy,
    and sweets to all the fruits!

    Says goodbye and leaves to the music


    Guys, look how many treats we have! By the way, in Rus' there was such a sign - poor people were treated to fruits collected from the garden. And then on next year A very rich harvest was ripening. Come on, let’s share the fruits with all the children in our kindergarten. There are so many of them that there is enough for everyone. Let our transformation begin with this act, and let kindness, generosity and mercy enter our hearts.


    The apples are ripe in the garden,
    people gathered in the temple...
    I'll come there today
    with ripened fruits.
    And I will distribute them, like every year,
    without missing a beat...
    May happiness come to you today!
    And Happy Apple Savior to you!


    Everything is crispy sweet today.

    The sadness has gone far away.

    The horse carries apples

    Rus' smells like apples!


    Our holiday is over

    dancing, ringing games.

    My bow, dear land,

    that you fed me.

    Guys, let's bow to Mother Earth for the fact that every year she gives us all a rich harvest.

    Everyone makes a bow and sings a song

    Song "Native Land" , words and music by N. Murycheva, ( Sat. E.P.Kostina Educational and methodological manual to the program of music education for children of early and preschool age “Tuning Fork”, part 2, issue. 3. collection 7, stage 7 - preparatory group, page 27)

    While the end of the song is still being played on the piano, the children leave the hall the same way they entered - in a chain.

    List of recommended literature:

      Sat. E.P. Kostina Educational and methodological manual for the program of music education for children of early and preschool age “Tuning Fork”, part 2, issue. 3. collection 7, stage 7.

      Sat. Vyrodova I.A. “Musical games for little ones,” notebook two.

      Sat. N. Vetlugina, I. Dzerzhinkaya, L. Komissarova “Music in kindergarten”, preparatory group for school

      Sat. S.I. Merzlyakova “Teaching children 6-7 years old to sing”

      Sat. N. Vetlugina, I. Dzerzhinkaya, L. Komissarova “Music in kindergarten”, senior group.

      God's law for family and school, Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskaya.

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