• Celebration scenario: "Festival of Soap Bubbles." Scenario for summer entertainment in the junior group “Soap bubble show”


    Name: Summer fun. Holiday soap bubbles For younger preschoolers.
    Nomination: Kindergarten, Summer fun scenario, Summer, Junior preschool age

    Position: teacher
    Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten 59"
    Location: Perm region, Kungur city

    Summer holiday scenario for preschoolers 4-6 years old “Soap Bubbles Festival”.

    Target: Organize leisure time for children, spend their free time usefully.

    Tasks: Develop hygiene skills, logical thinking, activity, memory, attention, observation; bring joy to children and evoke positive emotions; foster a sense of collectivism and camaraderie.

    Equipment: Plastic cups, basins with soap solution, cocktail tubes, rackets for blowing soap bubbles of different diameters, 3 jars with lids for tricks (dried gouache in the lids), 2 easels with attached A3 paper, plastic spoons.

    Preliminary work: learning poems about soap bubbles.

    Progress of the event:

    To the composition from the film “Mustachioed Nanny” appears

    Soap Mistress countries: Hello children. I am the Mistress of Soapland. My friends meet you every day many times, talk about you interesting cases, so I wanted to see what kind of nice kids live in this kindergarten. Where and when did you meet my friends? Guess?

    Who is our best friend

    Wash away dirt from face and hands (water)

    All germs are afraid of me

    And children love to play with me.

    They wash their hands, smile sweetly

    They really like scented... (Soap)

    I'll brush my teeth

    I'll collect all the microbes.

    I work quickly and accurately

    After all, I’m a toothbrush... (Brush)

    Fresh breath -

    This is my effort.

    White teeth for a reason,

    After all, I am a toothpaste... (Paste)

    I walk, I wander not through the forests,

    And by the mustache, by the hair,

    And my teeth are longer,

    Than wolves and mice. (Comb)

    Children: B washroom , when I wash my hands.

    Soap Mistress countries :



    There are such viruses

    Harmful viruses.

    If they get into a child's mouth -

    They make your stomach hurt.

    These are the viruses

    Harmful viruses!

    (I. Ordinary)

    I ask you to wash more often

    Your hands and face.

    It doesn’t matter what kind of water:

    Boiled, key,

    From the river, or from the well,

    Or just rainy!

    You definitely need to wash

    Morning, evening and afternoon -

    Before every meal,

    Before bed and after bed!

    Rub with a sponge and washcloth,

    Be patient - no problem!

    And ink and jam

    Wash off with soap and water.

    What else can you make from soap and water?

    Children: You can make soap bubbles.

    Soap Mistress countries: The children learned poems about soap bubbles.

    Let's listen.

    Children: 1 child

    If you blow harder,

    There will be a lot of bubbles!

    One two three four five,

    No way to catch them.

    One two Three

    One two Three -

    I'm blowing bubbles.

    Soapy, airy,

    Obedient to the wind.

    One two three four five,

    The bubbles are flying again

    Above the houses, above the forests.

    Above green gardens.

    How beautiful - look! –


    They fly in the wind in a flock

    And they sparkle in the sun.

    Gave me a toy

    Not a typewriter, not a firecracker.

    Just a tube. And inside

    Bubbles lurked.

    6 child

    Bubbles fly up easily

    The colors of the rainbow sparkle.

    Look, look,

    How the bubbles shine!

    7 child

    Masha washed her hands,

    The ball was born from soap.

    How airy is he?

    Just very naughty.

    Soap Mistress countries: Are you obedient?

    Let's all play the Bubble game together.

    How to play: Children stand in a circle. Holding hands, they gradually stretch the circle with the words:

    Blow up the bubble

    Blow up big

    Stay like this

    Don't burst out.

    (Children walk in a circle.)

    He flew and flew and flew and hit a twig.

    The bubble burst.

    (children converge in the center of the circle).

    Soap Mistress countries: Guys, do you like magic tricks?

    Get ready, the magic is about to begin!

    You, water-voditsa

    My friend, you are cold!

    Become water, water,

    Not simple - green!

    (Pour the soap solution into the jar and close the lid containing the dried gouache, say the magic words: - beniki crocus, the first trick is achieved).

    You, water-water,

    as bright as frost!

    Stand, water-water,

    Not simple, but blue!

    (similar to the first one)

    You, water-water,

    You are my beautiful friend,

    Become water-water

    Not simple, but red! (like the first one).

    You guys liked my tricks.

    Now make a miracle yourself

    Draw a picture with soap bubbles.

    Rules: the guys have a colored soap solution and everyone blows a soap bubble onto a piece of paper attached to an easel. (Music sounds: children's group Yard Wizards with songs “Soap Bubbles Festival”, “We Blow Soap Bubbles”).

    Soap Mistress countries: Guys, you painted a wonderful picture. A picture about summer about our holiday. And now we will play the game “Sea Foam”. There is magic water in the basins on the table. You need to make sea foam in these basins using cocktail straws.

    Children complete the task.

    Soap Mistress countries: Well done ! The foam turned out to be a sight for sore eyes!

    Another task: This foam must be carried on a spoon and not dropped. It is important to bring all the foam. Therefore, you need to walk quickly, but not run, otherwise the foam will fall.

    Children complete the task.

    Soap Mistress countries: Did you like our game? You are all great fellows! We completed all my tasks. My friends told me the truth, that you are good, skillful guys. Now you can do the magic yourself. The soap bubbles themselves are magic. Take soap bubbles and blow them into the sky.

    (music from the film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast” sounds)

    Goodbye, guys! See you again!

    Scenario for the summer holiday “Soap Bubbles Festival” in kindergarten

    Description of material: Suitable for children of any age, as well as for joint activities between children and adults.
    1. To evoke in children a joyful emotional mood, a desire to become a participant in the entertainment, the opportunity to enjoy the holiday, and vivid, unique sensations.
    2. Develop the need to show positive emotions during physical activity.
    You will need: an empty bottle, a bottle of water, detergent, glycerin, straws, soap bubbles in a box, flat plates, disposable large glasses, two stands for pulling a string, a string, plastic bottles volume 0.5 with cut bottoms, elastic bands, circles of terry cloth for tightening the bottoms.
    Songs played during games:
    “Small Country (I. Nikolaev performed by Natasha Koroleva),
    "We blow bubbles" (CUKUTIKI),
    “Holiday of Soap Bubbles” (Olesya Shkroba, Dasha Shkroba, Dasha Vlasenkova, Nastya Smirnova),
    “I will paint the clouds with the colored paint of fog...”
    “Do you want to see a rainbow...” (Soap bubbles)


    Outdoor game "Bubble"
    Children join hands and form a circle:
    Blow up the bubble
    Blow up big
    Stay like this

    Don't burst out.
    The bubble flew and burst.
    Educator: What are soap bubbles made from? Here are some tips for you.
    Guess the riddles:
    I am everywhere!
    In the sea, in the ocean,
    In a puddle and in a water tap.
    Have you heard about me?
    Because I'm everywhere!
    Children love to play with me
    Beat fluffy foam.
    Me and the water at the cleanliness -
    Transparent lungs float through the air.
    But just touch them with your hand and they no longer live.
    Educator: The riddles were solved. Well done!
    Now we take detergent, water, stir and the solution for soap bubbles is ready.

    Games with soap bubbles

    "Soap matryoshka"

    Take flat plastic plates bright color with a diameter of 15-20 cm (if outdoors). Pour some bubble solution onto it, take a tube and blow out a large soap bubble. Next, carefully turn the tube, leaving its end inside the bubble. Blow the second bubble. We repeat this several times and bubbles will appear according to the “matryoshka” principle (one on top of the other).


    (Competition for the most lush foam or the most a large number of soap bubbles overflowing the edges)
    We are recruiting a small amount of solution into plastic glasses and blow air into them with tubes. The solution will begin to bubble and produce abundant foam. There will be a lot of foam and it will fall out over the edges of the glass. The children will be very happy.

    "Foam path"

    Children take plastic bottles with terry cloth stretched over the cut bottoms, dip the bottoms in a soap solution and blow out foam paths. We provide deep colored basins for washing toys. “Foam tracks” are the most favorite entertainment for children. You can make the paths multi-colored, after dipping the bottom of the bottle in a soap solution, apply multi-colored food dyes in the form of strips to the bottom. But it’s better to do this at home so that the children don’t get dirty.

    "Fly the bubble through the string"
    Two teams are participating. The team with the most bubbles poured through the string wins.
    “Who has the bigger bubble?”
    Children take bottles with soap bubbles and try to blow out the biggest bubble.

    "Don't let me fall" (works well indoors, because there is no wind)
    One (the teacher or one of the children) blows bubbles, and the other tries to do everything possible so that the soap bubble does not fall to the ground for as long as possible, tossing it with a hand wearing a fluffy woolen or synthetic (boucle knit) mitten (you can use two hands).

    "Catch the Bubble" (better outside, as a continuation of the holiday)
    Educator: Bubbles fly, shine, fly away from the guys...
    First, the boys blow bubbles, and the girls catch, and then vice versa.
    Children stand in a circle.
    Educator: Our holiday has come to an end. Who enjoyed playing with soap bubbles today?

    "Soap bubbles show"


    Creating a favorable emotional state in children;

    Developing interest in experimental activities.

    Facilities: basins with soap solution, glycerin, straws for blowing bubbles, bottles of soap bubbles, 3 plastic bottles with caps, tablecloth, hoops.

    Preliminary work: learning poems about soap bubbles.

    Progress of the event:


    I greet you all,

    The mood is top class!

    Smile quickly

    Today is the holiday of bubbles.

    Let's play now

    And blow bubbles!

    But what to do? It turns out we don't have any bubbles. Don't be upset guys. We'll come up with something (pause) Yeah, I've already thought of it. Let's make the bubbles ourselves? (come on) What are bubbles made of? (water, soap).

    Held experimental activities"Making Soap Bubbles"

    (Children, together with the teacher, make a solution for soap bubbles, the finished solution is poured into bottles)


    Now please take it

    You bottles quickly.

    Let's play: who is bigger?

    Blowing bubbles!

    Held game "Who blows the most soap bubbles"»

    (Funny music plays, children blow bubbles)


    Blowing bubbles

    Here they are - look!

    They are all airborne

    And very naughty!

    How can we catch them?

    Hold it in your palm!

    Guys, let's tell poems about bubbles.

    (Children recite previously learned poems)

    If you blow harder,

    There will be a lot of bubbles!

    One two three four five,

    No way to catch them.

    One two Three

    One two Three -

    I'm blowing bubbles.

    Soapy, airy,

    Obedient to the wind.

    One two three four five,

    The bubbles are flying again

    Above the houses, above the forests.

    Above green gardens.

    How beautiful - look! -


    They fly in the wind in a flock

    And they sparkle in the sun.

    Gave me a toy

    Not a typewriter, not a firecracker.

    Just a tube. And inside

    Bubbles lurked.

    Bubbles fly up easily

    The colors of the rainbow sparkle.

    Look, look,

    How the bubbles shine!


    What do you guys think a soap bubble looks like? (children's answers)

    Held a game "Not really"

    Does a soap bubble look like an orange? (Yes)

    Does it look like a tangerine? (Yes)

    What about the apples in the orchard? (Yes)

    What about the fish in the pond? (No)

    Is a soap bubble similar to the globe? (Yes)

    How about an inflatable ball? (Yes)

    Does it look like a phone? (No)

    What about a big tape recorder? (No)

    Is it round, like the sun in the sky? (Yes)

    And what about a wheel on a bicycle? (Yes)

    Also, does it look like a house? (No)

    What about a white snowball? (Yes)

    Well done! Now let's play.

    Breathing game “Soap foam”

    Guys, now let's have a competition for the fluffiest soap foam. You need to blow quietly, without puffing out your cheeks (children use straws to create foam)

    Well done!

    Guys, do you like magic tricks? (Yes)

    Fun game “Magic”

    (on the table under the tablecloth there are 3 identical plastic bottles of water)


    Guys, get ready, the magic is about to begin.

    You, water-water,

    My friend, you are cold!

    Stand, water-water,

    Not simple - green!

    (the teacher covers one of the jars with a lid on which green gouache is applied, says the magic words: “Eniki-beniki-klous, the first trick has happened!” turns it over, shakes the jar. Everyone discusses together what happened to the water - the water turned green)

    You, water-water,

    Light as frost!

    Stand, water-water,

    Not a simple one, but a blue one! (second experiment similar to the first)

    You, water-water,

    You are my wonderful friend!

    Stand, water-water,

    Not simple, but red! (third experiment)


    Guys, did you like the tricks? (Yes)

    We've been sitting too long. It's time for us to move on.

    We sat for a while

    To stretch the bones,

    I suggest you run

    Become bubbles.

    Outdoor game "Soap Bubbles"


    Guys, we are now turning into bubbles. Let's say the magic words:

    "One two Three,

    We are all soap bubbles."

    Bubbles love to fly. At the signal: “Let’s fly,” you will run around the area. The bubbles have houses - these are hoops. At the signal: “It’s time to go home!” you will try to take a place in the house. Anyone who doesn't have enough space drops out of our game and turns back into a child. (as the game progresses, the teacher removes one hoop at a time, at the end of the game one hoop remains; the bubble winners are praised).


    We had a fun holiday. Did you guys enjoy playing with bubbles? (Yes)

    Then you will get real soap bubbles as a gift (bottles with soap bubbles are handed out)

    Held disco to cheerful music.

    municipal preschool educational institution

    kindergarten combined type No. 29 of the city of Yeisk

    municipal formation Yeisk district


    Head of MDOU DSKV No. 29

    Yeisk municipal district Yeisk district

    ____________ N.I.Sakhno

    Summer fun

    "Festival of Soap Bubbles"

    Prepared by:

    Musical director

    MDOU DSKV No. 29, Yeisk

    Municipal district Yeisk district

    Vasilyeva Oksana Pavlovna


    Help create a festive mood, attract children to actively participate in games and fun. Develop a desire to actively participate in entertainment, communicate, be friendly and responsive.


    Clowns: Button and Freckle - teachers,


    Soap bubbles, 2-3 basins for attractions, soapy water, cocktail straws, colored soap bubbles, sheets of white paper.

    The holiday is held outdoors. Cheerful music is playing, children gather on the central playground of the kindergarten.

    The clowns come out.

    Button: Hello guys! My name is Button.

    Freckle: And I am Freckle!

    Together: We invite you to a bubble festival.

    The soundtrack of the song “Soap Bubbles” plays (Dance Teacher)


    Today is a wonderful holiday,

    We'll put on a show!

    Lather up

    We'll bubble!


    A simple straw

    Now I'll take it in my mouth,

    I will draw water into it,

    Then I'll blow lightly

    Into a straw - and here it is

    Shining with a smooth film,

    Expanding in breadth

    The subtlest one will appear,

    Sparkling Bubble!

    Button and Freckle are blowing bubbles.


    Blowing bubbles.

    Look what they are like!

    They are all airborne

    And very naughty!


    How can we catch them?

    Hold it in your palm!

    Attraction "Catch the Bubble" (children catch bubbles blown by clowns)

    Button: Guys, do you like blowing soap bubbles?


    After all, they are so light and airy.

    Attraction “Fly the bubble through the string”(two teams of 5 people participate, each participant blows a bubble and lets it through a stretched rope)


    Now everyone stand in a circle and start the fun dance!

    Song-dance “Four steps”

    Freckle: Dear children, look what we brought with us! (shows homemade frames for soap bubbles made from wire and rope). Now we will show how big bubbles you can get with these devices.

    Music plays and clowns blow giant bubbles.

    Button: Guys, do you want to try blowing these bubbles?

    Children try to blow large soap bubbles if they wish.

    Freckle: Well, now it's time to play!

    Dance game"Lavata"

    Button: Did you know that you can not only blow bubbles, but also draw them? Want to try?

    Attraction “Drawing with Soap Bubbles”(children blow colored soap bubbles onto a white sheet of paper)

    Freckle: And I also came up with an unusual competition for you and called it a delicious word - Grapes.

    Attraction "Bubble Grapes"(children in groups of 3 sit around a container of soapy water and use straws to create abundant foam)

    Button: You made some wonderful bunches of grapes. Just great!


    Bubbles scattered

    Like droplets of dawn.

    Bright, shiny,

    Almost like the real thing!

    Button and Freckle hand out soap bubbles to the children and the children blow them to the accompaniment of cheerful music.

    Button: Guys, our holiday has come to an end. He turned out to be cheerful and perky. We invite you to an exhibition of drawings that you drew with soap bubbles. They turned out very colorful and unusual.

    The music continues to play, children look at the drawings and blow soap bubbles.

    Scenario for a summer holiday for preschoolers “Soap Bubbles Festival.”

    The scenario is designed for all groups preschool age and can be used to hold a holiday with the participation of several groups of preschool educational institutions.
    Equipment: basins with soapy water, cocktail straws, soap bubbles for each child.
    Target: help improve motor skills; develop independence, initiative, courage.
    Celebration progress:
    Children stand in a circle to the music.
    Leading: Hello guys. It was no coincidence that I gathered you here. This morning I found a letter in my mailbox. Would you like me to read it to you?
    “Hello, children and teachers. I came to visit you to teach you magic. Wait. I'll be there soon. Princess of Soap Bubbles."
    Leading: And now, it seems, our guest has arrived.
    The princess of soap bubbles appears to the music.
    Princess: Hello guys. I came from the land of Soap Bubbles. I have come a long and difficult way to teach you a little magic.
    Leading: Guys, do you want to learn magic?
    Princess: In order to find out what kind of magic I have prepared for you, you need to guess riddle:
    I'm rich in balls
    I share them with friends.
    I have balls with me -
    Yellow, red, blue.
    Not on a string, but in your pocket,
    In a long glass with a lid.
    If I just want to
    I'll make the sky bloom.
    Each ball changes color
    Hello like a rainbow.
    They fly with the birds,
    They melt in the blue of heaven,
    And they show off themselves
    Yellow, red, blue.
    And the green turned yellow,
    Cleverly changed the paint!
    Why am I rich?
    Tell me guys!
    Princess: Right.
    Leading: Today we will go to the distant land of Soap Bubbles.
    A simple straw
    Now I'll take it in my mouth.
    I will draw water into it,
    Then I'll blow lightly
    Into a straw - and here it is.
    Shining with a smooth film,
    Stretching out wide
    The thinnest one will appear
    Sparkling bubble.
    Princess: In order for the magic to happen, you need to read the magic words and make the magic movements.
    Leading: Okay, you say the words and show the movements, and we will repeat. Really, kids?
    Game "Naughty Bubbles"
    Children, children, look at us - funny bubbles
    (put your legs alternately on the heel)
    You take a straw, put it in a jar of foam and blow.
    One, two, three - bubbles grow.
    (throw up hands)
    They grow, shimmer, and inflate more and more.
    (turn around themselves)
    Suddenly, palms appeared and began to catch bubbles.
    Clap, pop, one, two, three, watch out for the bubbles.
    (children clap their hands)
    Princess: Well done. So we moved to my land of Soap Bubbles. Here is your first magical task.
    Game "Catch the Bubble"
    Each group will be divided into 2 teams: boys and girls, they will stand opposite each other. First, the boys will blow bubbles and the girls will catch, then vice versa. Let's see who is the most dexterous.
    Leading: Well, princess, the guys, in my opinion, did an excellent job.
    Princess: It turns out that your d/s has the most dexterous girls and boys. But I have one more magical task for them.
    Game "Sea Foam"
    There are tables near you, with basins of magical water on them. You need to make sea foam in these basins using cocktail straws.
    Leading: You see, our guys also coped with this task. When will we be able to perform the magic ourselves?
    Princess: Last workout left.
    Game "Bubble"
    Blow up, bubble.
    Blow up big
    Stay like this
    Don't burst out.
    (children stand in a circle, holding hands, and gradually stretch the circle)
    He was flying, flying, flying
    And he hit a twig.
    (walk in a circle in a circle)
    The bubble burst.
    (children converge in the center of the circle)
    Princess: Well done guys, you completed all my tasks. Now you can do the magic yourself. After all, the magic is so close. The soap bubbles themselves are magic.
    Leading: Guys, let's show the princess of soap bubbles how we can create miracles. Take your soap bubbles and launch them into the sky.
    Princess: Goodbye, guys. See you soon.
    Leading: Goodbye princess. Thank you. Come again.
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