• Scenario for an autumn matinee in the preparatory group. Autumn Festival in the preparatory group


    "Magic brush"

    Scenario autumn matinee

    preparatory group

    The song by I.Parakhnevich “The Magician of Falling Leaves” is played, the children come in and perform dance movements.


    1 child:

    The holiday came into every home today. Because autumn is wandering outside the window. Looked in autumn holiday V kindergarten To please both adults and children

    2 child:

    Thank you, autumn, you are very kind, and generous with autumn colors. We love you, dear Autumn, we dedicate autumn poems to you.

    3 child:

    Oh, how much beauty autumn brings! How pleasing these late flowers are: Beautiful asters and rowan clusters, Chrysanthemum bushes and bunches of viburnum.


    And from the maples the leaves fly to us like letters. With myself, covering our beloved garden. Autumn leaves burn in the sun, They talk about the summer gone by.

    5 child:

    The leaves are spinning in front of everyone, The wind, jokingly, tossed them up. Once again the mistress of our garden, the beautiful Autumn wanders.

    7 child:

    Yellow-green, red, different leaves are spinning. The leaves in the garden are painted, small and large.


    Autumn wind, wait, don’t rush to pick leaves hastily. Hide in the trees and breathe quietly, It’s so beautiful in our garden!

    9 child:

    Autumn, golden autumn, Tell me who is not happy with you. It only happens in autumn, This miracle is leaf fall!


    Autumn swirled red snowstorms,

    The painted leaves flew from the maples,

    The scarlet and yellow leaves are torn by the wind,

    Everyone (in chorus): colorful round dance!

    Dance "Leaves are flying"


    How loud the music sounded!

    A wonderful holiday awaits us today!

    And I secretly found out

    That autumn is coming to visit us.

    Come visit us, Autumn,

    We ask you all very much!

    Children(in chorus):

    Come visit us, Autumn,

    We ask you all very much!

    Children sing the song “Colorful Autumn”

    A sad Autumn in a faded outfit enters to the music.


    How beautiful it is in this room!

    Peace, comfort and warmth.

    Did you call me poetry?

    Finally I came to you!


    How are you Autumn? I don't understand

    Why are you like this?

    Not bright, dull

    And not to anyone, dear.

    Where is your golden outfit?


    This is the whole problem, but I don’t know what to do.

    My gold brush disappeared to God knows where.

    The magic brush that I use to repaint

    All autumn nature, trees and fields.

    Child (from place)

    Is your gold brush missing?

    What to do, dear Autumn?

    Who will paint the fields and forests with colors?

    How we all loved the beauty of autumn...


    Don't be sad, dear ones, I know the answer.

    There is a miracle in the world that color can give!

    This miracle is called a fairy tale.

    If I find it, the brush will return to me!


    Autumn, don’t be sad, we will help you.

    We can find ourselves in a fairy tale, without a doubt!

    We believe in magic, we know a lot of fairy tales!

    And we will find our way to a wonderful land!

    Dozhdinka jumps in to the music (with an umbrella)


    Hello, kids: both girls and boys.

    I am a raindrop - a laughing girl, I am an autumn girlfriend,

    How wonderful my outfit is, there are droplets hanging everywhere.

    Because the rain and I are bosom friends!


    Well, little rain, stay, you’re also friendly with us, we all know

    Children: (in unison) we need rain!

    Dance: "Don't be naughty"


    Well, hold on now, since I’ve come, I’ll get down to my wet business!


    What are you, what are you, Dozhdinka, wait! Autumn has not yet been golden!


    Hello! Where have you been? Do you know your time, did you oversleep?


    Rain, listen, wait.

    I had a terrible problem:

    The magic brush disappeared without a trace.

    How to paint forests gold?

    How to create miracles without a brush?


    Is your brush missing? Why suffer in vain?

    We urgently need to take action.

    Okay, I’ll help you, so be it!

    You need to wash off the green color from the leaves.

    Well, droplets, come down from behind the clouds,

    Yes, wash the leaves better.

    Background - the boys sit in their places, and the girls with leaves take their places on the stars.

    Song “Talk of Leaves” (girls with leaves sing)


    No, you washed the trees in vain,

    The leaves are as green as they were! (points to the central wall where the green leaves are)


    Okay, okay, Autumn, don’t be sad,

    Someone else appeared there!

    To the music, Rain runs away, Autumn also leaves, the Hedgehog and the Fly Agaric fungus run in, the fungus squats.


    I'm rolling on my way, looking for yellow leaves.

    I want to insulate the mink for the winter with leaves.

    Only I don’t see them, there are no golden leaves.

    Why hasn't autumn come? Forgot about things?

    Fly agaric:

    Hello hedgehog, if you are looking for a yellow leaf,

    It seems you don't know

    Autumn lost her brush.

    There is nothing to paint the leaves with!


    We need to help her quickly

    After all, she can’t live without leaves.


    Wait! What an eccentric!

    You are alone, but there are many of us here.

    The brush will help you find mushrooms.

    Hey, mushrooms in a bright hat,

    Gather in the clearing!

    Mushroom scene.


    In a clearing, in the middle of a small forest, two Mushroom- A short sprout with red hats on one side. They stretched, looked around, both smiled together:

    Mushrooms:- “Ding-ding! Ting-Ding! We were born on this day!” A sad man walked by bear and asked him Fungus (1): - “What happened, clubfoot? Who could offend you? bear sadly replies: “There are no offenses, there is only sadness - I haven’t prepared enough berries, and the winter is so long... Without supplies, I’ll freeze and that’s why I’m sad... I walk through the forest all day looking for raspberries..” I overheard the conversation Crow, flew up and: “Kar-kar-kar! Don't worry, clubfoot! I recently flew past raspberry thickets near a ringing stream, Our mutual friends were picking berries there - Two rooks and a white-sided - a talkative (or - beautiful) magpie. (hands the drum to Mishka) You knock on the drum and the rooks will fly here - They will bring baskets full of raspberries!” (The bear knocks on the drum, rooks fly with baskets - they contain dummy jars with raspberry jam)Fungus (2) :

    "Interesting interesting! What is it called - When the Birds try to help the Little Bear in trouble?” Crow :

    (addresses the Mushrooms) “This is called friendship! Friends always try to help!” bear:

    My friends, what happiness! Thank you all for your participation! Rooks:

    “And the time has come for us to say goodbye - we must fly to a distant (warm) land. Don't be sad, don't be sad! We'll be back with you again in the spring! And now we invite everyone to sing a song about friendship together And then it will be easier for us to fly to distant lands!”


    Have you come across mushrooms by chance?

    The magic brush that autumn has lost.

    2 Amanita:

    There is no magic brush here, but take some advice

    Hurry along the path, ask the forest inhabitants!

    Maybe someone saw the brush, maybe took it for themselves?

    The mushrooms leave and sit on chairs.


    That's how the story came out, guys.

    The brush actually disappeared somewhere.

    Autumn is walking sadly somewhere there,

    I can't find the gold brush anywhere.

    Music sounds, Baba Yaga enters with a golden brush, paints the hut (it has two sides: 1 is the ugly side, 2 is the golden side.)

    Baba Yaga:

    Yaga lived in a hut at the edge of the forest,

    The house is completely distorted from antiquity.

    And by the way, I even found a brush,

    I'll repaint the hut so it can be a mansion!

    Golden ceiling and window,

    Even a door with a wall, like the sun,

    I'll paint the path in front of the house,

    I won’t forget you, chicken legs.


    So here it is, the magic brush.

    Come on, Baba Yaga, give her here!

    Baba Yaga:

    Well, I do not! What I got was lost!


    But autumn has lost this brush. She knows what beauty she will bring,

    He will give golden outfits to the trees, and cover the earth with a golden carpet!

    Baba Yaga:

    Oh, how cunning you are! They themselves will bring beauty, but what do you tell me to live out my life in such a lopsided, shabby hut? No, now I’ll make myself beautiful and live happily ever after. And I won’t let anyone in!


    What to do? How can we lure Baba Yaga’s magic brush?...

    I came up with an idea! Baba Yaga, are you probably bored of living alone?

    Baba Yaga:

    Am I bored? Yes, I’ll have such fun, I want to sing, I want to dance!

    (Baba Yaga starts dancing, while Baba Yaga dances, the leader exchanges the brush for a broom).

    Baba Yaga:

    Oh, why am I the old one dancing? I have no time to talk to you! There's a hut that hasn't been painted yet. (He takes a broom and starts painting.)

    Baba Yaga:

    What is it, I don’t understand? The brush doesn't paint, why?


    Don't you understand yet? This is your broom!

    Baba Yaga:

    How's the broom? Where's the brush?


    Look, don't be lazy. (Baba Yaga walks around the hall and looks for a brush).

    Baba Yaga:

    Apparently I can’t find a brush, I’ll have to finish painting the hut with my broom!


    And you play the game “Funny Hat” with our guys, and they will help you decorate the hut.

    Game "Funny Hat"

    Children pass the hat around in a circle to the music and say the following words:

    “You fly funny hat and jump over heads,

    Whoever has the hat left will now dance for us!”

    During the game, the presenter turns the hut over (with its beautiful, golden side facing the audience, sad Autumn leaves the hall.


    Baba Yaga, look how beautiful your hut has become!

    Baba Yaga:

    Wow, you are such a beauty, and they say it’s true - beauty is a terrible force! Living in such a hut is a pleasure! Let me go, I’ll light the stove and warm my bones! (Baba Yaga leaves with the hut).

    Music sounds and autumn comes into the hall in autumn attire.


    And here comes the golden Autumn!


    I don’t know how to thank you.

    I will perform so many miracles!

    I'll go and gild the whole forest,

    I will give red beads to rowan trees, and yellow scarves to birch trees.

    I'll lay a carpet on the ground and insulate the hedgehog's hole.

    And the wind, how happy it will be when the leaves fall!

    Autumn approaches the central wall, where green leaves are attached.

    To the music, he touches each leaf with his magic brush,

    “Autumn magic”, the leaves turn into golden autumn leaves (pull the fishing lines).

    Dance: "Leaves are flying"

    Children read poetry:

    1 child:

    So autumn has come,

    No matter how much we want

    Extend this summer

    Pushing aside the snowstorms.

    But don't be sad

    Autumn is beautiful too

    It's boring to live without her,

    This one is clear to everyone!

    2 child:

    Autumn time. It's your turn!

    Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.

    And leaf fall and bird flight,

    Both the forest and the garden are full of charm!

    3 child:

    The leaves are spinning in plain sight,

    The wind, jokingly, threw them up.

    Again the mistress of our garden,

    Beautiful Autumn is wandering!


    Yellow-green, red,

    Different leaves are spinning.

    The leaves in the garden are painted,

    Small and big.

    5 child:

    Autumn wind, wait, don’t rush

    Pluck leaves hastily.

    Hide in the trees and keep your soul quiet,

    Our garden is so beautiful!

    6 child:

    Autumn, golden autumn.

    Who, tell me, is not happy with you.

    Only happens in autumn

    This is a miracle leaf fall!

    The boys sit down, only the girls with the leaves remain.

    "Dance with leaves"


    For this bright, bright holiday, accept gifts from me.

    Here are my autumn gifts for the children (shows the children a basket of apples).

    7 child:(read near the chairs)

    Thank you, Autumn,

    For generous gifts -

    For a sheet of patterned, bright,


    For a forest treat -

    For nuts and roots,

    9 child:

    For lingonberries, for viburnum

    And for the ripe rowan

    We say thank you

    All children in chorus:

    We thank autumn!

    They leave the hall.

    Scenario of the autumn holiday for the preparatory group “Autumn Disco”.

    Children enter the festively decorated hall in pairs to the music and stand scattered.

    The sound of rain is heard (phonogram).

    A boy and a girl come out, the boy has an umbrella in his hand.

    Boy: Autumn, you are autumn - boring rains. Don't rush to us, autumn,

    Wait a little.

    Girl: The leaves flew, forgetting about summer.

    On a trotting horse, the autumn wind rushes.

    Autumn can’t wait, no matter where it is: the rain keeps pouring and pouring.

    The boy hands the girl an autumn leaf.

    Boy: Don't be sad! The wind from the north flew to the east,

    I tore off a maple leaf. He was born last spring

    All so beautiful and carved. I give it to you from my heart.

    Dry him in a thick book. He will warm you in winter,

    The autumn leaf is my gift. Do you want us to have a party now? Close your eyes and repeat after me: “One, two, three – boredom go away quickly!”

    They rotate the umbrella (the boy turns into a DJ and puts on his baseball cap backwards).

    DJ: Dear friends! Dear guests! We congratulate you on the Autumn holiday and begin our autumn disco!

    Girl: Let the music play and cheerful laughter sound. Our disco is open to everyone!

    1. What is a disco?

    2. Lots of music and light,

    3. Lots of dancing, lots of songs,

    4. Lots of joyful things to do.

    DJ: Are we starting a disco?

    In chorus: Let's start quickly!

    5. Well, let's get started, keep up with me, everything around is sparkling, everything is shimmering, our disco is just beginning.

    DJ: What is our disco dedicated to?

    In chorus: Happy Autumn Festival!

    1. The beautiful autumn splashed colors, the sky blue as if from a fairy tale,

    2. In yellow there are birches, in purple there are rowan trees, scarlet beads on clusters of rowan trees.

    3. Spruces and pines are dressed in green, willows are silver, maples are in gold,

    4. Autumn has laid out a carpet of mosses, with golden mushroom caps in it.

    5. October is turning through its golden pages, and the white birch trees are already dreaming of winter.

    6. The rain will play songs for us on the strings. Autumn invites children to the holiday.

    Song “Wonderful Time” by Yu. Verizhnikov.

    DJ: Great song! And our disco continues with a fun game.

    Game “Sort out the gifts of the forest” (two baskets containing dummies of mushrooms and vegetables mixed in them, two teams select mushrooms and vegetables on trays, each with their own).

    DJ: What do I hear? Somewhere, it seems, heels are clicking. Autumn is coming to us!

    Autumn enters the hall.

    Autumn: Hello! Hello! Did they really start without me? Well, I don't play like that. I was literally a minute late, and you...

    DJ: Autumn, don't be upset. We were waiting for you, we even prepared a song for you.

    Song “Autumn has come” by S. Yudina.

    DJ: But still, why were you late for our holiday?

    Autumn: The autumn rain is to blame for everything: the weather is bad. I had to wait for it to end.

    DJ: You just didn't have an umbrella! Look at our girls - they are not afraid of any rain.

    1. All around, colored umbrellas opened in the rain.

    Someone's boots started running from the rain

    2. Why did mom gasp? Is it raining? Well, let!

    I'm not made of sugar at all, I'm not afraid of melting!

    Competition “Rainy Landscape” (2 paintings, you need to draw a picture, 2 teams).

    DJ: These are the umbrellas that save us from the rain.

    Girl: I wonder how you should dress this autumn?

    Boy: Guests from the fashion studio will answer this question for us.

    Girl: Let's see who is the most fashionable.

    Come in, admission is free.

    Where the sleepy ash tree sleeps,

    We demonstrate styles.

    1Child: Rowan beads are fashionable,

    On green silk.

    2Child: Necklace made of peas,

    Thistle brooches.

    3Child: Belt made of maple leaves,

    And the oak scarf is green.

    Music sounds (harpsichord), children show autumn clothing designs.

    DJ: These are the outfits that will be fashionable this season. Applause to our models. And our holiday continues with a cheerful song.

    Girl: Let the rain be cold outside, but we’re having fun

    We'll sing a song now and cheer you up!

    The song “Autumn” by G. Partskhaladze is performed.

    DJ: (goes to the center, puts on a bandana, sunglasses, raps)

    Who doesn't dance, sits against the wall? Everyone should have fun at our disco.

    Turn on the music quickly, let the lights flicker,

    After all, there is no better activity for us today!

    General modern dance “Childhood”.

    Child: To be healthy, strong,

    You need to love vegetables. All without exception!

    There is no doubt about it. Each has its own benefit and taste,

    And I don’t dare decide which of them is tastier, which of them is more necessary.

    DJ: Thank you for the wonderful poems.

    And I want to introduce my guests to everyone.

    We greet the retinue of vegetables with applause!

    Scene “Why the tomato turned red.”

    Presenter: In ancient times, vegetables lived in the same garden (children-vegetables come out one by one and introduce themselves).

    1. I am a cheerful fellow, I am a green cucumber!

    2. The garden bed is empty without me, but my name is cabbage.

    3. Without me, you are like without hands; every dish needs onions.

    4.Children have loved delicious sweet tomatoes for a long time.

    Host: The owner loved her small green garden and watered it every day.

    Hostess: I’ll water my garden, he drinks water too. (Waters from a watering can).

    Host: The vegetables grew and ripened every day. They lived amicably, never quarreled, but one day the tomato decided that he was better than everyone else and began to boast

    Tomato: I am the tastiest in the world: rounder, greener. Adults and children love me more than anyone in the world.

    Cucumber: Listen, it's just a laugh, bragging that you're the best.

    Onion: He won’t understand, brothers, it’s not nice to ask questions.

    Host: And the tomato kept saying his own thing.

    Tomato: I am the tastiest person in the world, rounder, greener, adults and children love me more than anyone else in the world.

    Vegetables in unison: He boasted, boasted and fell from the bush!

    Host: At this time, the hostess came to the garden to collect vegetables for lunch. I took everyone with me, but didn’t notice the tomato.

    The hostess takes away the vegetables.

    Presenter: A raven flew past.

    Crow: Kar! Kar! A shame! Nightmare! Didn't want to be friends with us!

    No one will need you!

    Host: The tomato is ashamed! He cried and he blushed with shame!

    Tomato: Forgive me, friends, take me with you.

    Host: The hostess heard these words, took pity on the tomato and took it with her. Believe it or not, but since then the tomatoes always turn red in the fall.

    Children sit on chairs.

    Child: The rain is crying outside the window,

    The rain doesn't stop. Since he cries, it means -

    He says goodbye to summer. The ball barks. To whom?

    I run out onto the balcony. The linden branch gives chills,

    Darkness creeps in from all sides. Somehow everything changed

    Unnoticed, by chance. This autumn has come to us.

    You won't drive me away, bark, don't bark.

    The dance “One, two, three on your toes” is performed.

    DJ: We had a lot of fun - well done! Our disco is coming to an end. It's time to say goodbye to autumn.

    1. How, Autumn, you were beautiful, we remember the falling leaves,

    Autumn rowan clusters burn with bright red fire.

    2. We say goodbye, Autumn, to you, with beautiful yellow foliage,

    With the rain that washed all the paths, with mushrooms in a cheerful basket.

    3. With geese, a noisy caravan that flies to the hot south.

    We say goodbye to you, Autumn. The last song sounds.

    Song “Autumn” by Yudina.

    Autumn treats everyone, says goodbye, and leaves.

    Characters: Presenter, Autumn (adults). DJ, girl, vegetables for the stage, hostess (children).

    Repertoire: “Autumn has come”, “Autumn” by Yudin, “Wonderful Time” by Verizhnikov, “Autumn” by Partskhaladze. General dance, “One, two, three..” dance, skit, game “Rainy Landscape”...

    Equipment: two easels, two markers, vegetable caps, fashion suits, an umbrella.

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    Scenario for an autumn holiday for children 6-7 years old “WELCOMES YOU BY THE AUTUMN TV STUDIO”

    Target: Activate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. To develop interest in natural phenomena and objects, to encourage children to expressively convey the characteristic features of various characters, their own emotional experiences and moods.
    Preliminary work: learning poems, songs, conversations about animals, about people’s work in the fall, looking at illustrations, reading works of art about plants and animals.
    Characters: Presenter (teacher), Zucchini, turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse, boletus mushroom, hare, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, fox (children).
    Attributes:; masks of animals, vegetables, mushrooms, umbrellas for dancing, mushrooms for playing, carrots and pine cones, a tree with apples, a basket with mushrooms, a house.
    Scenery: Festive hall decorated in autumn, Beds with carrots, Vegetable garden with turnips, Autumn trees, leaves, stump.
    Presenter: And again the autumn leaf covers the earth,
    And again Queen Autumn decorates our garden.
    We all celebrate the holiday here
    And we invite the guys to the hall.
    1.Music. The children come in and take their places.
    1 child: There is one country in the world,
    Can't find another one like this
    Not marked on the map
    After all, the size is small.
    2child: But he lives in that glorious country
    Wonderful people
    And wherever you look,
    A friend is walking next to you.
    3child: This is a riddle, such a riddle,
    You can’t guess right away
    Tell us the answer,
    Where can we look for that country?
    4child: You say he lives there,
    Wonderful people
    Having fun and playing
    All day and all year round!
    5 child: Where is it? What is this?
    Why, this is
    All children: Kindergarten!
    Presenter: Autumn holiday dropped by
    to a kindergarten,
    To please both adults and children.
    2.Song: “Autumn Reflection.” (L.A.Starchenko)
    1 buy
    Autumn has come to us, summer has already passed.
    We will ask her “you extend the warmth”
    The leaves are flying around, rustling underfoot
    The rain sees the children off to kindergarten
    Autumn gave us a colorful rainbow,
    I covered the whole road with a carpet of leaves,
    And the rain won’t stop knocking outside the window
    And we really want to walk outside.
    2 buys
    The mushrooms are hidden, there are no berries in sight.
    We can only collect leaves.
    And we’ll bring our colorful bouquet to the kindergarten,
    We'll get caught in the rain, maybe we'll grow up.
    Child: How beautiful everything is all around
    Golden autumn day
    Yellow leaves are flying
    They rustle underfoot.

    Child.Summer flew by quickly,
    The wind rustled
    Autumn is looking through our window,
    Frequent rain knocks.

    Presenter. Oh guys, it's autumn rain
    There was a knock on our window.
    Both girls and boys
    He sent them home.
    3. SONG "RAIN" (M. Parukhaladze)
    Drip, drip, knock, knock, knock there was a knock on the glass
    It was the rain that woke up all the kids in the morning.
    2 buys
    Drip, drip, dong, dong, dong, the drops began to ring.
    If you go out for a walk, don't forget to take an umbrella.
    3 buy
    Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, the rain has a cheerful disposition
    Tomorrow morning, we will go for a walk again in the rain.

    Girl 1. Colored umbrellas all around
    Opened up in the rain.
    Someone's boots started up
    Run from the rain.

    Girl 2..In vain mother gasped
    It's raining, so be it.
    I'm not made of sugar at all
    I'm not afraid to melt.

    Presenter And now we ask everyone to take a look
    To the studio of the "Autumn" channel.
    And now we find out
    What's in store for us in autumn?
    5. Musical intro "C" Good morning» (Zucchini COMES OUT)
    Presenter.IN live- vegetable garden. Our correspondent Zucchini is in touch. Vegetable garden, can you hear us? How are you?

    Zucchini. I walked around the entire garden
    I didn't find anyone.
    Everyone left me.
    Where is all my family?
    Cucumbers and tomatoes
    Salted in jars,
    And cabbage and carrots
    The cellar was closed.
    The earth will rest
    In vegetable gardens and fields.

    Presenter. Did anything interesting happen in your garden?
    Zucchini. It was in September, autumn had arrived.
    Grandfather goes to the garden to see what is growing there?
    Fairy tale "TURNIP ON A NEW WAY"
    Turnip. Respected among the people
    I'm growing in the garden.
    That's how big I am!
    How good am I!
    Sweet and strong -
    I'm called a turnip.
    To you with such a beauty
    There's no way to cope. (sits on the garden bed)
    7.Musicrus. adv. "Mistress" comes out Grandfather.
    Grandfather. Oh, I'm tired today. Where is all my family?
    My granddaughter, like all children, got lost on the Internet.
    The bug and the cat, the trouble is, they ran away in all directions.
    The mouse was digging around here and where did it go?
    Grandfather. What a miracle! This is how big the turnip has grown.
    Grandfather. No, you won’t vomit, that’s a shame! You need to call your grandmother for help.
    Grandma, hey, run here, help me pull the turnip.
    Music exit grandma
    Grandma. Grandfather, I don’t have time today, your garden will wait.
    In the program about health, Komarovsky talks. (leaves)

    Grandfather. Granddaughter, run here, help me pull the turnip!
    Music granddaughter's exit
    Granddaughter. No, grandpa, it's almost evening. I have a meeting on the site.
    I’ll run to the computer and help you tomorrow.
    (granddaughter leaves)
    Grandfather. Hey, Barbos, run here, help me pull the turnip.
    Music output of the watchdog

    Barbos. I really want to help. I just can’t do it right now.
    I'm afraid I'll be late for the dog show today. (leaves)
    Grandfather. Kitty, run here and help me pull the turnip.
    Music the cat's way out
    Cat. Grandpa, I have no time for turnips. I rarely rest these days.
    I'm filming an advertisement, now you can handle it yourself. (leaves)
    Grandfather. Well, are you, little mouse, still gnawing on a book for breakfast?
    It's not tasty after all.
    Mouse. Grandfather, chewing books is harmful.
    The book, pay attention, is about healthy eating.
    Grandfather. The turnip has grown big. I don’t know what to do with her.
    Mouse. Turnip! This is wonderful! There are a lot of vitamins in turnips.
    They will be enough for a year for you and the whole family.
    Mouse. Let's wait a little longer. Here comes a dog with a cat.
    Cat. Oh, how tired I am!
    Dog. There is no strength left.
    Cat. How hard the work of models is.
    Dog. Snacks and fast food will not bring you any good.
    Granddaughter. Something is dazzled in my eyes, my head hurts badly.
    There’s no strength at all, it’s like...
    Grandfather. The computer has knocked you down.
    Grandma. They said on TV: eat more vegetables.
    Well, why are you standing here?
    Let's pull the turnip quickly!

    Grandfather. They stood up one after another!
    Together we took the turnip!
    We pull, we pull, we pulled out the turnip.
    Grandma. The turnip is just a sight for sore eyes.
    People are surprised by everything.
    Presenter. Thank you sir zucchini. It's late autumn outside. Both people and animals are preparing for winter, making supplies and thanking Autumn every day for her gifts. We turn on the forest. Our correspondent Grib Borovik is in touch. Les, can you hear me? How are you?
    14. Sounds of the forest.
    Mushroom. The fields have long been mown,
    And the earth will sleep until spring.
    But the autumn forest does not sleep:
    It's full of miracles!
    Leading: So the forest animals are preparing their winter supplies. And the Bear walks through the forest, smiling.
    14 sounds of the forest.
    A Hare appears near the house with a basket, collecting carrots from the garden bed.
    I planted carrots
    Raised her for rabbits.
    Hares love it in the evening
    Nibble carrots at the table.
    The Bear enters to the music.
    Bear. Hello, Kosoy, what are you doing?
    Hare. Hello, grandfather Misha!
    I'm picking carrots
    So as not to starve in winter.
    I have a lot of carrots
    I can give you some!
    How quickly the summer flew by
    It's time for me to get down to business.
    I, Hare, will help you,
    I'll pick my own carrots!
    Hare. I don’t mind, I have a lot of it!
    The bear pulls the carrots and soon gets tired of it. He throws carrots into the garden bed.
    I'm bored of carrying carrots
    I'll go for a walk in the forest!
    Farewell, Kosoy!
    Hare. Goodbye, grandfather!
    (The bear went into the forest.
    The hare leaves with a basket of carrots.)

    17.Song. Autumn in the forest.
    Autumn, autumn, autumn,
    She came to us again.
    Autumn, autumn, autumn
    It's a wonderful time.
    Parks and gardens are dressed in gold,
    Autumn, autumn we waited impatiently.
    2 buys
    And in the forest it is wonderfully simply beautiful,
    And the path stretches straight to the pond.
    Berries hang on the branches of viburnum,
    Honey mushroom caps are hiding behind the stump1
    3 buy
    A squirrel in a clearing is gnawing on cones,
    A barefoot hedgehog walks through the forest.
    On the hedgehog's back there are apples, rowings,
    Do you really love the Hedgehog's gifts?
    (The hedgehog answers)Yes, yes I love, yes, yes I love.
    A Bear is wandering through the forest. A Hedgehog comes towards him, carrying apples on his back.
    Bear. Hello, Hedgehog, what are you talking about?
    Hedgehog. Hello, grandfather Misha!
    I am a prickly gray hedgehog
    I have two pairs of legs
    We need to pick apples
    So as not to starve in winter.
    Bear. And I want apples!
    Hedgehog. So go and pick some apples!
    The bear approaches the apple tree and tries to reach the apples.
    How can I get apples?
    So as not to tear the fur coat?
    They hang high
    They are looking at me.
    Maybe I should break a branch,
    Pick apples from a branch?
    What are you saying, Misha? You can not do it this way!
    All living things are our friends!
    Bear. And that's true! I don't need these apples.
    The hedgehog leaves and the bear sits on a stump.
    Squirrel appears with a basket of mushrooms.
    Bear. Hello, Squirrel! What's in your basket?
    Squirrel. Hello, grandfather Misha!
    I haven't been lazy all summer,
    Worked well:
    Jumped between the fir trees
    And I collected mushrooms.
    Maybe I should pick some mushrooms?
    With them New Year meet?
    Squirrel. Try it, Grandpa Misha.
    The bear is trying to “collect” mushrooms.
    Bear. I won’t pick mushrooms, they are so small, I can’t see them! And my back hurt to bend over!
    Squirrel. You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
    Bear. I don't need these mushrooms! Goodbye, Squirrel! (leaves)
    Squirrel. Guys, do you want to collect mushrooms? (Yes)
    The bear sits on a stump with his head down.
    Children play collect mushrooms blindfolded.
    The music appears and the fox sings along and dances to the beat of the melody.
    Fox. Why are you sad, Misha? What kind of sadness is bothering you?
    Bear Oh, is that you, red-haired cheat?
    Are you still singing and dancing smartly?
    Why are you sitting, Mishenka?
    Are you looking at me askance?
    Well, quickly get up,
    Start singing with me!
    They perform a Russian folk song. Autumn. Group "Rays".
    The leaves turned yellow, the birds flew away.
    In autumn, autumn, autumn, /autumn.
    Puddles on the road, cold on the doorstep, /autumn/3r.
    Warm boots will not get your feet wet./Autumn/3r.
    Gloomy weather, Sad nature./Autumn/3r.
    Fox: Well, how has your sadness gone?
    Let's go, Mishenka, to collect my harvest.
    Bear. What's your harvest like?
    Fox. The best. All summer I raised, fed, cherished a chicken and a cockerel. She didn’t finish her food or finish her drink.
    Bear. Where is the harvest?
    Fox (pushing Bear to the fence near the house)
    Fox: You trust me, Bear.
    Try not to make noise!
    Open the door to the chicken coop,
    Quickly grab the chicken!
    Bear; I don't need any harvest.
    I’ll go to the den, I’ll lie there all winter and suck a paw.
    The bear leaves. Other animals appear
    Animals together. Everyone knows: “You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.”
    Surprise moment. Relay game
    A relay race is being held, two teams are bunnies and squirrels. Near each team there are baskets, and at the bottom of the baskets there are autumn leaves apples, surprise for children. At a distance from the teams, there are attributes in the hoop: carrots and cones. The first child in the team wears a BUNNY hat, the other a SQUIRREL hat. On the command: ONE, TWO, THREE - START THE GAME, the children run for the corresponding attribute. At the end of the relay, the children look at what they have collected and find a surprise - apples. Children sort out the apples and sit on chairs.


    — create conditions for the development of children’s creative potential in accordance with their age capabilities;

    — consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature;

    - develop artistic taste, using literary and musical material Russian poets and composers;

    - evoke positive emotions and a desire to participate in different types activities.

    Equipment: costumes of the holiday heroes, 2 plumes made of shiny paper for “rain”, 5-6 hats, apples.

    To the music, children run into the music room.

    1st child. Hello, dear guests! Today the guys from our group will delight you with songs, poems, and dances. All this will be dedicated to an unforgettable time of year - autumn. Is everyone ready to go on an autumn trip? Then let's begin.

    2nd child

    The hot summer has fled into the distance,

    Warm days are disappearing somewhere.

    Somewhere there are golden rays,

    Warm sea waves remained.

    3rd child

    Falling leaves wander in the grove

    Through bushes and maples.

    Soon he will look into the garden

    Golden ringing.

    4th child

    Everything around is just like in the picture.

    And birch and aspen

    They are dressed in gold,

    This means autumn is somewhere nearby.

    The song sounds " Autumn forest"(music by V. Ivannikova, lyrics by T. Bashmakova).

    1st child. We taught poems about autumn, we want you to appreciate them.

    Kindergarten, kindergarten

    He will be happy on the walk.

    Let's quickly collect a bouquet,

    Oh, what leaves there are in it!

    Here's a brown oak one,

    Golden all over maple.

    Yellow birch leaf,

    And willow has silver.

    Red is for the mountain ash,

    Brown - near the aspen tree.

    The leaves are all burning with fire

    In the guys' strong hands.

    We will put the bouquet in a vase

    And we’ll start admiring it right away.

    E. Zaichenko

    2nd child

    Bugs and flies hid

    Under your leaves,

    And frogs in the swamp

    Everyone hid behind the bumps.

    The children suddenly put on raincoats,

    Boots in rubber.

    All the umbrellas have already been bought

    In our store.

    The rain is knocking on the window quite -

    You won't see any warmth.

    Puddles cause a lot

    Dissatisfaction with mothers.

    Warm tea and chocolate

    Warms the soul

    And the funny leaves

    The earth is covered.

    E. Zaichenko

    3rd child

    Okay, okay,

    We were at grandma's.

    All the harvest has been harvested,

    Try and count.

    Here are the potatoes, here are the carrots,

    They pulled out the turnip deftly.

    Beets, and garlic, and onions

    Ten hands were collected.

    Hello autumn vegetables

    Well, everyone, get into the basket.

    Harvest, harvest,

    Don't be lazy, just collect.

    E. Zaichenko

    Children perform the song “Gather the Harvest” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

    Boy. But I wonder what would happen if autumn was lost? It would be great if winter would come right away: skis, sleds, snowballs and slides. Nothing bad will happen if autumn doesn't come.

    The Witch appears.


    I am an evil, powerful Sorceress.

    Now I will gather the gray clouds.

    I will take all the autumn foliage with me.

    Don't you want autumn, kids?

    So she shouldn’t be in the world.

    It will be winter for you right away:

    Cold, ice, snow, permafrost.

    You see, the snowflakes have already flown!

    Children perform the dance “Snowflakes” (from the program “Dance rhythms for children” by T. Suvorova).

    It was good - it was cool. Look, Squirrel is jumping. Let's ask if she's happy about winter?


    How, from summer to winter at once?

    I didn’t have time to stock up all

    Collect yours in the hollow,

    What, will you have to starve?

    Witch. Yes, you will have to starve. But the Bunny is probably glad that autumn is not coming?

    Bunny. Before winter I shed my coat and change my gray coat.

    And now the fox will quickly catch me. It won't do.

    I don’t want winter right away, I’m waiting for autumn,

    To take off my fur coat.

    Witch. Misha, come here. Tell me, are you looking forward to autumn or are you excited about winter?


    It's time to sleep, but I can't sleep

    It just won't do.

    The bear is not ready for sleep.

    How can I lie down and snore?

    Witch. Well what can you say! Bring autumn to everyone. Or maybe this pink beauty thinks differently?


    The harvest was not harvested

    So now - give me a pig?

    What, will they eat me now?

    Oink-oink, this won’t work,

    Quickly everyone to the garden!

    Witch. Oh, stop squealing. Nobody is going to eat you. Listen, Magpie is flying, she will bring news on her tail.


    I brought you news:

    Trouble is coming.

    Santa Claus is hurrying to you,

    He is saddened to tears.

    I didn’t bring you any gifts,

    And it's time to hurry to the ball.

    If autumn doesn't come,

    The New Year will come immediately.

    Witch. Are you feeling bad? New Year's holiday: songs, dances.


    Yes, but we're not ready,

    We don't know any new dances.

    We can't live without autumn,

    What can you tell me, friends?


    We are waiting for autumn, come soon

    IN warm circle his friends.

    Song of the rain, sound

    Come on, autumn, come.

    The song “Rain” plays (music by M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by N. Solovyova). Autumn enters.


    You called me - I am Autumn,

    Hello my friends!

    (Addresses the Witch.)

    What are you doing here?

    Witch. I'm sorry, what? I came to visit. You know how happy the guys are for me! (Tries to hug the children.)

    Autumn. I don’t see that the guys are happy to see you, but look how they greet me.

    Musical game “Hello Autumn”

    Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

    Children. Hello Autumn, it’s good that you came.

    We will ask you Autumn: “What did you bring as a gift?”

    Autumn. I brought you flour.

    Children. So there will be pies.

    Autumn. I brought buckwheat.

    Children. The porridge will be in the oven.

    Autumn. I brought vegetables.

    Children. Both for soup and cabbage soup.

    Autumn. Are you happy about the rain?

    Children. We don't want it, we don't need it!

    The children scatter around the hall, and the “rain” child catches up with them and tries to “get them wet” by hitting them with his plumes.

    1st child

    Autumn knows her stuff

    Yellow leaves are falling in the groves.

    Leaves near the birch

    They lie like a golden carpet.

    2nd child

    Everyone is talking about autumn

    That she is beautiful.

    Stay among the guys

    You'll like it with us.

    Autumn. Guys, thank you for inviting me to the party and returning me to my place. Between summer and winter I returned home again. Now the squirrels will have time to make supplies, and the bunnies will have time to change their fur coats.

    Witch. I also realized that without autumn, the bear will not go to bed on time, and vegetables and fruits will remain in the fields and gardens. What should you treat your guests with and what should you serve on the table?

    Autumn. Well done, Witch, you are changing before our eyes. Do you want to play with the guys?

    Witch. I'm a fashionable lady. Look how many different hats are in my wardrobe.

    Game "It's in the bag"

    There are hats on some chairs. Children run in circles. At the end of the music, the child must sit on a chair and put a hat on his head. The one who does not have a hat on his head is out of the game.


    Somewhere behind the autumn clouds

    The crane's conversation fell silent.

    On the paths where summer ran,

    A multi-colored carpet lay down.


    The sparrow became sad outside the window,

    The houses became unusually quiet.

    Along the autumn carpet paths

    Unnoticed, autumn has arrived.

    According to V. Orlov

    Autumn. Yes, someone is sad that autumn has come. And in early autumn everyone was happy. There were a lot of mushrooms, cedar cones, and cranberries in the forest. And now they have already harvested the harvest, filled the jars with pickles, made jam, and dried apples. All the things have been redone, they are ready for winter, and it’s time for me to leave. Now the cranes have already turned their wedge to the south.

    Children perform the dance “Crane Wedge” (from T. Suvorova’s program “Dance Rhythmics for Children”).

    Following the cranes, it’s time for me to go. Take the autumn treat and remember that any time of year is beautiful in its own way.

    Autumn gives a basket of apples.

    Witch. Yes, it’s time for me too, goodbye.

    Autumn and the Witch(together). Let's wave goodbye to everyone.

    Scenario for the autumn holiday preparatory group.


    Target:: Activate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Develop interest in natural phenomena and objects, encourage children to expressively convey the characteristic features of various characters, their emotional experiences and moods. Create a joyful holiday atmosphere with the help of musical, motor, cognitive activity.

    Tasks: Develop emotional responsiveness in children.

    To develop a sense of beauty in children. Develop communication skills.

    Leading. Guys! We have gathered because nature celebrates a wonderful time of year, and which one you will find out if you guess the riddle.

    What an artist he is!

    All the forests were gilded.

    Even the heaviest rain

    I didn't wash this paint off.

    We ask you to guess the riddle.

    Who is this artist? (AUTUMN.)

    Leading. Where is Autumn? Maybe she forgot the way to us? Let's call Autumn, talk about Autumn and sing.


    Comes out to the music of Autumn. (MUSIC WALKS IN AUTUMN Slowly)

    AUTUMN. I am golden autumn,

    Bow to you my friends!

    I have been dreaming of meeting you for a long time.

    Autumn walks slowly along the paths.

    The leaves rustle under autumn's feet.

    Well, then, kids,

    It's time to start our holiday.

    Leading. Beautiful Autumn, how beautiful is your holiday. And our children want to give you poems about Autumn.

    1. In the morning we go to the yard,

    Leaves are falling like rain.

    They rustle under your feet,

    And they fly, fly, fly.

    2.Colorful dress – Autumn outfit,

    The maples and aspens stand in yellow.

    And the willow tree is sad over the fast river,

    Only the mighty oak

    It's all green.

    3. Oak is not at all afraid of rain and wind.

    Who said that oak is afraid of catching a cold?

    After all, the oak tree remains green until late autumn.

    That means it’s hardy, that means it’s green.

    4. It became cold all around, the birds flew away,

    Soon there will be snowstorms outside the window.

    Yellow leaves in the garden

    The wind picks up.

    This happens only once a year - it happens in the fall.

    5. How beautiful everything is all around, on a golden autumn day.

    Yellow leaves are flying and rustling underfoot.

    6. autumn is walking, autumn is wandering

    The wind knocked the leaves off the koen

    Winter is still far away, but not for fun

    The squirrel drags berries and nuts into the bins.

    7. summer has passed, autumn has come

    In the fields and groves, empty and sad

    The birds have flown away, the days have become shorter

    The sun is not visible

    Dark, dark nights.

    Ved. And now for you, Autumn, the children will sing the song “WHAT DOES AUTUMN HAVE IN YOUR BASKET?”

    LEADING. And in the garden and in the vegetable garden

    Autumn has arrived.

    Everything is ripe, everything is ripe,

    What was in the garden?

    And the children know what grows in the garden and can guess the riddles.

    1.It grows in the ground in a garden bed.

    Its taste is not sweet at all.

    If it gets under your nose,

    It will make you shed tears!

    Spicy juicy friend.

    Who is this? It's an onion!

    2.It is green, tasty, juicy.

    And it crunches very nicely.

    We say beautiful, fragrant….Cucumber!

    3. A fashionista is sitting in the garden bed

    You can't count her clothes,

    But they are all similar -

    There are no fasteners on them.

    Let's try it.

    And let's clap on the sides.

    And let's say it out loud... Cabbage.

    4.For a curly tuft

    I dragged the fox out of the hole.

    Very smooth to the touch

    Tastes like sweet sugar!

    5. Tomatoes are cooked from it

    They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that.

    And it’s not for nothing that he blushes -

    Ripe, that is, they say.

    LEADING. And now I’ll tell Autumn a riddle, you try to guess it.

    It is neither a vegetable nor a fruit, its name is a berry.

    Striped, but not a tiger.

    It is green and smooth on top.

    In the middle - red, sweet.

    It tastes wonderful, and its name is... watermelon.

    Game “Don’t drop the watermelon.” (2 children hold the “watermelon” ball between their knees, run to the high chair and return to their place).

    Ved. And now Autumn the guys will show a skit for you.

    Scene “Why the tomato turned red.”

    Presenter: In ancient times, vegetables lived in the same garden (children-vegetables come out one by one and introduce themselves).

    1. I am a cheerful fellow, I am a green cucumber!

    2. The garden bed is empty without me, but my name is cabbage.

    3. Without me, you are like without hands; every dish needs onions.

    Tomato: I am a great tomato

    Red, very ripe.

    Tomato commander -

    Strong and skillful.

    Potatoes: Everyone quickly prepares spoons

    If the dishes are made from potatoes.

    4.TOMATO: Children have long loved the delicious sweet tomato.

    Host: The owner loved her small green garden and watered it every day.

    Hostess: I’ll water my garden, he drinks water too. (Waters from a watering can).

    Host: The vegetables grew and ripened every day. They lived amicably, never quarreled, but one day the tomato decided that he was better than everyone else and began to boast

    Tomato: I am the tastiest in the world: rounder, greener. Adults and children love me more than anyone in the world.

    Cucumber: Listen, it's just a laugh, bragging that you're the best.

    Onion: He won’t understand, brothers, it’s not nice to ask questions.

    Host: And the tomato kept saying his own thing.

    Tomato: I am the tastiest person in the world, rounder, greener, adults and children love me more than anyone else in the world.

    Vegetables in unison: He boasted, boasted and fell from the bush!

    Host: At this time, the hostess came to the garden to collect vegetables for lunch. I took everyone with me, but didn’t notice the tomato.

    The hostess takes away the vegetables.

    Presenter: A raven flew past.

    Crow: Kar! Kar! A shame! Nightmare! Didn't want to be friends with us!

    No one will need you!

    Host: The tomato is ashamed! He cried and he blushed with shame!

    Tomato: Forgive me, friends, take me with you.

    Host: The hostess heard these words, took pity on the tomato and took it with her. Believe it or not, but since then the tomatoes always turn red in the fall.

    Song “We Carry Baskets”

    Ved. It’s autumn, and the guys still know autumn ditties

    1.We are autumn ditties

    Let's sing it for you now!

    Clap your hands louder

    Have fun!

    2.How beautiful everything is around
    Golden autumn day:

    Yellow leaves are flying,

    They rustle underfoot!

    3. Autumn is a damp time,
    The rain is pouring down from above.

    People are more likely to disclose

    Multi-colored umbrellas!

    4. Autumn is a wonderful time,
    Kids love autumn!

    We go to the forest with baskets,

    We find a lot of mushrooms there!

    5. There is nothing tastier than ripe apples,
    The kids know this.

    How can we see apples?

    We all shout at once: “Hurray!”

    8. Autumn, autumn, goodbye,
    We say goodbye for a year.
    Smile at us goodbye
    Winter is coming to visit us!

    Game “Who will collect the most autumn leaves.

    Ved. Let the rain be cold outside, but we are having fun

    We'll sing a song now and cheer you up!

    Song "Autumn autumn la la la"

    Ved. .Let the bad weather rage -

    Why should we be sad?

    And at this time of year

    You can dance.

    DANCE “4 steps”

    Ved . Outside the window there is snow and wind -

    We don't care about everything!

    Come to us Autumn, warm up.

    Let's dance and sing!

    Ved. Dance “Leaves are FALLING, FALLING”

    GAME “Who will collect the most leaves”

    Game "Collect vegetables"

    Game with chairs.

    AUTUMN. Well done! It's time for me to go to the holiday with other children.

    LEADING. And our holiday has come to an end.

    Awarding certificates.

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