• Project in kindergarten in the preparatory group. Who built this house? Short-term projects in the preparatory group of kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard

    Children's age: 6 - 7 years old (school preparatory group)

    Relevance of the project:

    low level of ideas about a healthy lifestyle and sports in children, disinterest of parents in organizing the physical activity of children.

    Objective of the project:

    formation of ideas about health, creation of motivation for children and parents to exercise physical culture and sports, propaganda healthy image life as family tradition


    1. Determine the level of awareness of children and parents on the topic (monitoring).

    2. Expand the knowledge of children and parents about:

    - proper nutrition,

    - mode,

    - cultural and hygienic skills,

    motor activity,

    as integral components of good health

    3. Organize effective interaction with parents: exhibitions creative works children and parents, consultations, joint events.

    4. Expand ideas about the importance of joint physical activity with children.

    5. Create an emotionally positive environment.

    Priority educational areas: cognitive development, physical development.

    In integration, the problems of educational areas are solved: communicatively - personal development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development.

    Stages of work on the project:

    Stage I. Preparatory:

    • Monitoring children's knowledge on the topic and questioning parents
    • Defining the goals and objectives of the project
    • Designing a subject-development environment in a group
    • Selection of methodological and fiction literature and animation on the topic
    • Event development

    Stage II. Practical:

    • A selection of consultations, memos, recommendations for parents
    • Joint activities with parents and children
    • Creative tasks for parents
    • Gaming, elementary labor, visual activities, design
    • Conversations with children
    • Organization of motor (children’s and joint with parents) activities
    • Reading fiction, memorizing poems
    • Theatrical productions: “The Dirty Girl” by A. Barto, “Disorder” by E. Uspensky
    • Looking at illustrations, albums, slides
    • Replenishment of the “health corner”

    Stage III. Final:

    • Photo exhibition “My mother, sports and me”
    • Making the Pyramid banner healthy eating»
    • Preparation of the album “Vitamins”
    • Exhibition of drawings “Movement is Life”
    • Quiz for children “My mood is my health”
    • Sports and entertainment event for children and their parents “Oh we, oh me, oh my mommy!”
    • Quiz “About the components of full health” as part of the final event
    • Reflection

    Project implementation schedule

    Preparatory stage 20.10 – 31.10.2014

    • Creation of conditions for the implementation of the project, selection of literature, information for the theoretical part of the project, materials for visual arts, development of a scenario for the final event.
    • Parent meeting on the topic: “Kindergarten, family and me - the formula for health”
    • Questioning of parents: “Preserving and strengthening the health of the child in the family”
    • Survey of children: “What do we know about..., what do we want to know about...?”
    • Analysis of the information received, adjustment of the project content taking into account the data received (and the needs of the parents)

    Main stage 03.11 – 19.11.2014

    1st week, block “Healthy eating”

    • Compiling a narrative story according to a plan - a diagram (teaching cards for familiarizing yourself with the outside world “The ABC of Health” (illustrations by E. Kochetov))

    proper nutrition

    — vitamins

    — mode value

    • Ecology “Why does a person need a stomach?”
    • Conversations with children on the topic:

    “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”

    “Why do we eat?”

    “What did you have for dinner yesterday?” Is this useful or not?

    « Digestive system human”, “language” using visual material - illustrations by E. Kaganov

    “Bacteria can be useful” - about the benefits fermented milk products

    • Reasoning: “What is healthy eating?”
    • Working with riddles on the topic “Food”
    • Viewing and analysis of the cartoon “Smeshariki” from the series “The ABC of Health”, series:

    "Correctional nutrition"

    "Unhealthy Record"

    “It's great to be healthy!”


    • Experimental activity: “Taste and smell”
    • Didactic games:

    "Right, right, absolutely right"

    “Tell me what’s wrong?”

    “Where does vitamin live?” (match cards with vitamins to the picture)

    "Finish the sentence"

    “Fold the picture” establishing cause-and-effect relationships with an explanation from a series story pictures

    • Role-playing game: “Going to the store”, “Family”, “Hospital”
    • Application: “Healthy Eating Pyramid” - a collage of cut-out photographs of products (supermarket advertising brochures)
    • Creation of the album “Vitamins”
    • Modeling: “Basket healthy products"(plasticine)
    • Drawing: “Tasty and healthy” - still life

    "What do we know about health"

    Outdoor games: “Mirror”, “Catch and Guess”, “Catch the Ball”, “I Know”

    Folk wisdom about nutrition: proverbs and sayings about food, food.

    “Cereals” about the benefits of products (collection by T.A. Shorygina)

    "Food Riddles"

    “The cannibal and etiquette”, “Smart dog Sonya. Mustard" - A. Usachev

    Poems: T. Kulakova: “Food”, M. and S. Eremeev: “Wash your hands before eating”, “Monkey at lunch”, “Wash vegetables and fruits”, “Don’t eat snow”, “Ice cream is not to blame”, “Our porridge is good”

    • Finger gymnastics: "Grinders"
    • Articulation gymnastics: “Delicious jam”, “Pancakes”
    • Theatricalization of the fairy tale: “Grandfather and the Turnip”
    • Consultation for parents: “Nutrition of preschool children”, distribution of brochures “Arguments in favor of healthy food” (Based on materials from the website “Healthy Russia” www.takzdorovo.ru.)

    Week 2, block: “Hygiene, healthy lifestyle”

    • Compilation plot story using educational cards for familiarization with the outside world “The ABC of Health” (illustrations by E. Kochetov):

    - wash your face morning and evening

    - do exercises and exercise

    - walk outside every day

    • Ecology “How and why a person breathes”
    • Conversations with children:

    "Snow-white smile"

    “Cleanliness is the key to health”

    “Why do you need to harden yourself?”

    “Where there is neatness, there is neatness”

    "In a healthy body healthy mind"

    Reasoning: “How do we take care of our health?”

    • Riddles about personal hygiene items
    • Viewing and analysis of the cartoon “Smeshariki” from the ABC of Health series:

    “Say no to germs!”

    "Who needs charging"

    "Personal hygiene"

    "Saving time"

    • Experimental activity: “We do bubble»
    • Didactic games:

    “We need this, why?”

    "Guess the riddle, show me the answer"

    "Ten Rules"

    "Give me a word"

    "Correct the mistake"

    “What first, what then?”

    • Consultation-story by a nurse: “How to brush your teeth properly”
    • Role-playing game: “Shop” (plot “buying personal hygiene items”), “Hospital” (plot “a dentist is seeing a doctor”), “Hairdresser”
    • Application: “Healthy teeth – beautiful smile»
    • Modeling: “Necessary items” - personal hygiene items (plasticine)
    • Drawing: “Movement is life”, “Milk tooth” (exhibition of drawings)
    • Motor play activity

    “We are friendly with physical education, we are not afraid of illnesses”

    Outdoor games: “Body parts”, “Throw it into the ring”, “Ball for a neighbor”, “Fun exercise”

    • Reading fiction:

    Proverbs and sayings about cleanliness and order, about health.

    "Exercise and Cold" fairy tale

    “Moidodyr” K. Chukovsky

    “Riddles about personal hygiene items, health, sports”

    M. and S. Eremeev: “Where the morning begins”, “Why do you need exercise”

    "Before bed and after sleep..."

    “How our Lyuba got a toothache” S. Mikhalkov

    • Finger gymnastics: “Walk”, “Washing”, “Athletes”
    • Articulation gymnastics: “Brushing teeth”, “Counting teeth”, “Swing”, “Push the ball into the goal”
    • Theatricalization of the poem: “The Dirty Girl” by A. Barto
    • Consultation for parents: “Preschooler mode”

    Week 3, block: “Health is family, me and my mom!”

    • Compiling a narrative story using educational cards to familiarize yourself with the world around us “How a person works”, “Sports” (illustrations by E. Kaganov)

    - gymnastics

    - Athletics

    - Weightlifting

    - muscular system

    - skeleton

    - external structure

    • Ecology “If you want to be healthy”
    • Conversations with children:

    “Mom and Me” - compiling a small descriptive story child about his relationship with his mother

    “My mother – what is she like?”

    “Favorite games with mom”

    “Mom loves more than anything in the world...”

    "Modern Grandmothers"

    • Viewing and analysis of the cartoon “Smeshariki” from the “pure sport” series, “Marathon Man” series; from the ABC of Health series – “Unequal Conditions”, “Daily Routine”
    • Experimental activity “Determination of respiratory rate”
    • Didactic games:

    "Give me a word"

    “Guess by the action”, “What’s extra”, “Gather a sentence”, “Which word is the longest”

    • Role-playing game: “Mothers and Daughters”, “Exercising”, “Mom’s Helper”
    • Application: “I love mommy, I’ll make a card for her”
    • Making thematic photo frames for the photo exhibition: “Mom, sports and me!”
    • Modeling: “Medal” - for the winners of the relay race of the final sports and entertainment event (from salt dough)
    • Construction: “Box for Mom” - origami
    • Drawing: “Portrait of a beloved mother”
    • Motor play activity “To the land of health”
    • Outdoor games: “The guys have a strict order”, “Crucian carp and pike”, “Hot potato”, “Repeat in reverse”
    • Reading fiction:

    Folk wisdom: proverbs and sayings about family and a healthy lifestyle, about mothers

    “What do you have? » S. Mikhalkov

    “If I were a girl” E. Uspensky

    “We all came to the stadium” by T. Kulakov

    “I am an athlete” by V. Orlov

    M. and S. Eremeev: “Bunny-athlete”, “ Water treatments“,” “Do everything on time, my friend,” “He’s no longer a mischief maker,” “Dress for the weather,” “Children’s playground”

    • Finger gymnastics: “In autumn, spring, summer and winter” p. 80 I.V. Kozina
    • Theatricalization of E. Uspensky’s poem “Disorder”
    • Learning the song "Mommy"
    • Photo exhibition: “Mom, sports and me!”

    Final event:“Oh, yes, we - oh, yes, I, oh, my mommy!” - sports- entertaining holiday for children and their parents

    Final stage 03.11 – 19.11.2014

    • Summing up the project, analyzing the joint parent and pedagogical activity
    • Presentation of the project to the parents of the students.

    As a result of the project:

    • All material on the project topic has been collected and systematized.
    • Children know and call:

    What is health and how to preserve it;

    What are vitamins, their roles in human life;

    What are germs and viruses; how to prevent diseases; some rules for providing yourself with first aid;

    Proverbs about sports and health and many others. etc.

    • Children have become more active and physically developed.
    • Parents received information on strengthening a healthy lifestyle in the family. There was an interest in the educational process, a desire to communicate with teachers, and participate in the life of the group.

    The project topic was chosen taking into account age characteristics children and the amount of information that can be perceived by them, which had a positive impact on various types of their activities (game, cognitive, speech, music and play). We believe that we managed to achieve good results in the interaction between teacher and parents.

    Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project and read with interest the proposed information material.

    The teachers are satisfied with the work done and the results of the project.


    1. http://www.takzdorovo.ru/.

    2. http://www.kapitoshka-dom.ru/.

    3. http://riddle-middle.ru/.

    4. http://www.maam.ru/.

    5. Lexical topics on speech development of preschool children (preparatory group). Educational and methodological manual. – M., Center for Teacher Education, 2010. – 176 p. Edited by Kozina I.V.

    6. Karpova S.I., Mamaeva V.V. Development of speech and cognitive abilities of preschoolers 6-7 years old. 2007.

    7. Organization of experimental activities for children aged 2-7 years. E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkova 2012

    8. I.E. Kharchenko “Physical holidays and entertainment” Detstvo-Press, 2009

    9. Marina and Sergey Eremeev: “The School of Behavior is a Feast for All,” an encyclopedia for kids.

    10. Kozlova S.A., Shukshina S.E. Thematic dictionary in pictures. The human world: me and my body.

    11. Zatulina G.Ya. Notes complex classes on speech development (preparatory group). - 2009.

    12. Mosalova L.L. Me and the world: Lesson notes on the social and moral education of preschool children. - 2010.

    13. Bondarenko T.M. Practical material on mastering educational areas in preparatory group kindergarten. “Communication”, “Reading fiction”. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions - 2013.

    14. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology! Long-term work plan for the formation ecological culture in preschool children. - 2012.

    15. Planning extracurricular activities for children during the day. School preparatory group. Edited by L.L. Timofeeva - 2011

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    Short-term project for the preparatory group of a kindergarten, theme “Rainbow World”


    The guys in our group are very active, and often they still find it difficult to cope with their emotions.

    Objective of the project:

    Development of children's empathy, creativity, imagination and observation, development of coherent speech and unity of the children's team.


    Each day of the week corresponds to a specific color of the rainbow in order. The first, one day is introductory, and the last one is final. The project lasts two weeks.

    Preliminary work:

    The first is preliminary work with parents. Ten days before the start of the project, parents were informed about the goals and equipment of the project. The announcement said that for each day of the project, clothes in the colors of the rainbow would be required, Balloons, fruits, folders on the subject of the project.

    Second, it was necessary to build an algorithm for spending each day in accordance with work narrow specialists, taking part in the project ( Musical director, psychologist).

    Project "Rainbow World" - colorful days

    Project implementation:

    On the first day of the project, the guys and I remembered the colors of the rainbow, talked about why we need them, and what the world would be like without bright colors. The children were introduced to the adventures of the “Brush Girl”, who went on a journey to a colorful country.

    From the second day, “colorful days” began.

    Structure of each day:

    1. “Ceremony of joining the group.” In the morning, children enter the group with balloon, wearing clothes of the appropriate color. In the group, a selection of toys and pictures, children put fruit on a tray.

    2. After breakfast - psychological exercise"Sense of color."
    The guys answer the questions:
    - What do you think of this color?
    - What mood does it evoke?
    - Does he seem happy or sad to you? Anxious or calm?

    3. Then games were held with specialists who also take part in the project.

    4. Then the teacher told the children a fairy tale about color, conducted a conversation about color based on the illustrations of the book by N.V. Nechaeva “Multi-colored fairy tales.”

    5. Muscle relaxation exercise “What does a color smell like?”

    6. “Samples of the day” - the guys eat what they brought in the morning.

    7. “Handprint on a common rainbow” - each child puts his own print of a certain color on a common blank.

    8. Reading children's fairy tales composed at home with parents about a certain color.

    9. Drawing “color” stories. Since our goal in this project was not to develop technical skills in art, we tried to make the drawings simply interesting for children. Rather, these were drawings-games for the sense of color. For this purpose they used unconventional methods images: “Monotype”, “Imprint”, “Familiar form - new image”.

    Project results:

    Children's empathy has increased, and the group's team has rallied.
    - during these two weeks, all project participants maintained a joyful festive mood.
    - the project gave a great impetus to the development of children's creativity and imagination, the level of coherent speech increased.
    - photo report for all families and guests of the group. (Application).


    1. Alyabyeva E.A. “Correctional and developmental classes for children of senior preschool age” “TC SPHERE” Moscow-2002.
    2. Nishcheeva N.v. “Multi-colored fairy tales” “Detsvo-press” St. Petersburg-2004.
    3. Poyusova N.M., “Color game training” Speech/SPb-2007.

    About everything in the world:

    In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

    Section materials

    Projects for the younger group:

    Projects for the middle group.

    Olga Kleymikhina
    Project in preparatory preschool educational institution group"Watch"

    Subject project: "Child and watch»


    Currently, the problem of the formation and development of mathematical abilities is one of the most common problems today. methodological problems preschool pedagogy. IN last decades arose trends: system educational work With preschoolers, I began to use school uniforms and teaching methods in many ways, and often they come down to teaching them counting, reading, and writing. Concept for preschool education, guidelines and requirements for updating content preschool education outline a number of fairly serious requirements for cognitive development preschoolers, part of which is the development of mathematical abilities. And I was faced with the fact that children do not know time well, time periods, parts of the day. Why do children need to know the time? Do they need it?

    Type project:

    The type is single-subject, the subject area is mathematical, the form is practice-oriented.

    Duration project:

    Mid-term from 23.01 – 26.01

    Goals project:

    Systematize and generalize children’s knowledge about temporary relationships (parts of the day, days of the week, month, year, hour, minute, second).

    To teach how to reflect abstract concepts of time in concrete actions with watch models.

    Tasks project:


    Develop an understanding of time and interest in mathematics.

    Develop thinking skills operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.

    Develop skills in using words in speech that denote temporary categories, develop search activity, and creative activity.


    Learn to tell time using a clock or part of the day.


    Expand children's horizons through familiarization with different types of watches and the purpose of watches.

    Help maintain interest in mathematics and develop the ability to work in a team.

    Participants project:

    Children preparatory group, teachers, parents

    Supervisor project:

    Teacher Olga Viktorovna Kleymikhina.

    Security project:

    Logistical and educational methodical:

    Models of watches of different time periods.

    Didactic games to develop time orientation.

    Sets for work: cardboard, colored paper, albums, markers, scissors, glue, etc.

    Children's fiction.

    Poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings about time.

    Showing cartoons about time.

    Pictures with different clocks and their structure.

    Expected result:

    Based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge, children will learn to navigate time relations (hour, minute, second, parts of the day, and will learn to reflect abstract concepts of time in specific actions with watch models. Creation "future clock" will contribute to the development of children creative thinking, constructive abilities, imagination.

    Product project activities:

    Model making "future clock". Speech at parent meeting .

    Working with parents:

    Consultation "Child and Time".

    “Why does a child need to know the time?”

    Reminders on the formation of e. m.p.

    "Didactic games at home".

    Moving folders "Unusual watch»

    "Time is part of our life"

    Stages project:

    Stage 1. Preparatory

    Choosing a theme project and the choice of the form of its protection.

    Selection of materials for implementation project.

    Making didactic games.

    Working with methodological material and literature on this topic

    Stage 2. Performance project

    Manufacturing "details" hours.

    Model construction « Clock of the future» .

    Systematization of knowledge about temporary relationships.

    Stage 3. results

    Presentation project in the form of a work demonstration « future clock» at a parent meeting “The influence of family on the development of mathematical abilities”.

    Summing up and analyzing the work.

    Implementation plan project.

    Days of the week Goals and objectives Form and content


    An excursion into the past of hours

    "Here watch, which!"

    Expand children's knowledge about the variety of clocks and their structure.

    Cultivate respect for people of different professions.

    Introduction to the structure of the dial.

    Conversation about different types hours, about the structure of the clock, about the meaning of the hour and minute hands.

    Workshop “Time for business, time for fun”.

    Class “What do we know about time?”

    Clarify children's ideas about parts of the day and seasons.

    Contribute to the accumulation of experience in the study of time.

    Arouse interest in the study of time;

    Develop attention, memory, imagination, associative thinking

    Conversation based on a series of pictures "Parts of the Day", "Seasons";

    Poems about parts of the day

    Didactic games “Where is my place, “What came first, what came next?”. "When it happens"

    Design discussion "future clock"

    Kaleidoscope of math games

    "Orientation in time"

    Develop ideas about time.

    Consolidate knowledge about days, weeks, months.

    Encourage the desire to play math games.

    Improve memory and attention.

    Develop fine motor skills hands


    Creative workshop

    "We create future clock»

    Learn to reflect abstract concepts in concrete actions.

    Strengthen the ability to use cutting and piercing instruments.

    Develop creative imagination.

    Make models of the watches of the future.

    Learning poems about time.

    Protection project.

    Speech at a parent meeting “The influence of family on the development of mathematical abilities”.

    Summarize children's knowledge about time.

    Improve children's ability to tell time using watch models.

    Demonstration "future clock"

    Publications on the topic:

    Everyone everyone everyone good morning. I'm in a hurry to share interesting topic. Now my children have grown up to the preparatory group. Now we are big.

    My children senior group began to become interested in watches - sand, mechanical, electronic. And our project “Learning to live by the hour” was born.

    Photo report “New Year's Hours” Held the event teacher speech therapist Shishkova S.A. with pupils of the compensatory group for.

    Summary of direct educational activities of children in the junior group “Masha and the Clock” 1. Direction of activity: educational, gaming 2. Educational area: knowledge 3. Topic: “Masha and the clock” 4. Age group: Jr.

    Summary of educational activities for familiarizing yourself with the outside world and developing speech in the preparatory group “Clocks” Age group: Preparatory group Form of organization: group Topic: “Clock” Purpose: to form a dialogical form of speech; .

    Summary of a lesson on mathematical development in the preparatory group “How did the clock appear?” Summary of a lesson on mathematical development in the preparatory group on the topic “How did the clock appear?” Teacher Yatsenko Elena Ilyinichna.

    A laptop for preschoolers is an amazing and very useful guide that has gained popularity in our country relatively recently. Do.

    My belief is that something made with your own hands always attracts attention. Things made with your own hands always attract more attention and are used.

    Summary of GCD in the preparatory group

    Name: Project " Amazing world space"
    Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, Project activities, Preparatory group for school

    Position: teacher of the first qualification category
    Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 201" Island of Childhood"
    Location: Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary city

    Project “The Mysterious World of Space”


    Arifulina A.N.,


    1. Project passport
    2. Relevance (problem)
    3. Project goals and objectives
    4. Participants and their role in the implementation of the project
    5. Project implementation mechanism
    6. Project Implementation Plan
    7. Expected results. Criteria for assessing effectiveness.
    8. Application (presentation)

    1.Project passport

    Project name "The Mysterious World of Space"
    Project topic Expand children's ideas about the world around them to the depths of the Universe, not by memorizing scientific truths, but by discovering them themselves.
    Author of the project Arifulina Anna Nikolaevna, teacher
    Project location Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 201" Cheboksary, preparatory school group group No. 6
    The problem that the project aims to solve Modern preschoolers ask many questions about space, stars, and astronauts, since this topic, like everything unknown, incomprehensible, inaccessible to the eye, excites children’s imagination. This project will help children learn to obtain information from various sources, systematize the acquired knowledge, and apply it in various types of children's activities.
    Objective of the project This project is being implemented with the aim of developing a system of knowledge among preschool children about professions and personal safety, as well as early career guidance for children in kindergarten.
    Project objectives


    4. Prepare materials, draw conclusions, organize a presentation of the project for children and parents

    Project implementation timeframe 1 Week
    Expected results 1. Pupils will expand their knowledge about the Universe, the Solar system and its planets, about the history of the conquest of outer space, and learn about the profession of astronaut.

    2. Teachers and students will develop the ability to apply design technologies and children’s research in practice

    3. Improve relationships between project participants - teachers, parents and children


    To promote the development of a child’s understanding of the world around him to the depths of the Universe, not by memorizing scientific truths, but by discovering them himself. Modern preschoolers ask many questions about space, stars, and astronauts, since this topic, like everything unknown, incomprehensible, inaccessible to the eye, excites children’s imagination. This project will help children learn to obtain information from various sources, systematize the acquired knowledge, and apply it in various types of children's activities. Several decades ago, few of yesterday's boys did not want to become an astronaut. This dream is not at all relevant for modern children. Meanwhile, space pirates, star Wars and other alien creatures - heroes of their favorite cartoons. Fictional characters misinform preschoolers by telling them about non-existent planets, and often cause them negative emotions, contribute to the development of fears. Therefore, it is important to competently organize work to develop children’s ideas about space.

    Since ancient times, people's eyes have been directed to the sky. From the first steps on earth, man felt his dependence on the sky; his life and activities largely depended on it. Our ancestors knew and understood the “habits” of the sky well. For them, the sky was alive, full, and manifesting itself in many ways.

    It is this love and knowledge of the sky that we cultivate in the older preschoolers attending our group...

    It is impossible to talk briefly about the big space! Being carried away by any fact, everyone is captured, as if on spaceship, adventures to distant and unknown planets of the solar system . That is why, when forming ideas about space among children of senior preschool age, a project methodology was chosen. The system of work on the topic “Mysterious Space” assumes a personality-oriented approach to the development of a child. Activities are aimed at developing mental, cognitive, communication skills which are carried out through various types of children's activities. Content educational activities age-appropriate, gives children the ability to express their emotional experiences and acquired knowledge about space.

    3.Goals and objectives of the project

    Target: formation in older preschoolers of ideas about the Universe, the Solar system and its planets, about the role of man in the study of outer space;


    1.Creating conditions for the individual development of the child, involving him in the process of creative search and teaching the basics of research activities.

    2. Systematize children's ideas about the Universe, the Solar system and its planets. Expand children's knowledge about public holidays, introduce them to significant dates that are important for our country (the 55th anniversary of the first space flight). Introduce the profession of an astronaut.

    3. Involve parents to participate in the project.

    4. Prepare materials, draw conclusions, organize a presentation of the project for children and parents.

    4.Participants and their role in the implementation of the project: teachers, group students, parents.

    5. Project implementation mechanism

    1. Preparatory stage: select presentations for children, study Internet resources, methodological literature, identify conditions for the implementation of the project, determine the necessary equipment and materials.

    3. Final stage: assessment of the effectiveness of the project implementation, presentation of the project, construction long-term plan for the future.

    6 . Project Implementation Plan

    Stage 11. Selection of sources for studying knowledge about space.

    2. Conversation with children to identify the level of knowledge about space.

    3. Discussion with parents of methods for familiarizing the child with information. 4. Selection of materials, manuals, games, information for parents, children's literature for reading, presentations for showing to children. 5. Selection and production of materials for productive activities. 6. Organizing excursions for children together with parents

    Arifulina A.N., teacher
    Stage 21. Conversations using presentations:

    — “The first attempts to conquer space”

    Goal: to explain to children in an accessible form the stages of man’s conquest of the airspace of the Earth and space.

    — “From the history of the rocket”

    Goal: to introduce children to the history of aviation development and space rocket.

    - “What is space?”
    Goal: to give children an idea of ​​the planets of the solar system, the sun, stars, the first flight into space, to find out children’s knowledge on this issue.

    - "Blue Planet - Earth."
    Goal: to explain to children what a telescope and outer space are, to show how beautiful our Earth is from space.

    - "The Moon is the Earth's satellite".
    Goal: to find out children’s ideas about the Moon, the month, to expand knowledge about the lunar surface and atmosphere.

    - “Family of Planets.”
    Goal: expand children's understanding of the planets of the solar system

    - “The sun is the source of life on Earth.”
    Purpose: to clarify children’s knowledge about the sun, its shape; explain what it consists of.

    2. Working with parents

    Consultation for parents “The role of the family in the development of the child’s search and research activity”

    "History of the development of astronautics"

    “The most important stages of space exploration”

    Design of a creative exhibition for parents and children “The Mysterious World of Space”

    3. Excursions together with parents to the “Museum of Cosmonautics” in the village of Shorshely, A. Nikolaev Park, to the monuments to A. Nikolaev and Yu. Gagarin.

    4. Productive activity:

    — drawing “Flight into space”

    — application “Mysterious Space”

    — modeling “Alien guests”

    — designing “Rocket”

    5. Reading children's thematic literature

    Goal: to introduce children to literature about space; bring up cognitive activity.
    — Y. K. Golovanov “The Road to the Cosmodrome”,
    — V. Kashchenko “Constellation of Dragons”,
    — P. O. Klushantsev “What the telescope told us”
    — O. A. Skorolupova “Conquest of Space”,
    — N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon”
    - poems about space
    — riddles about space.

    6. Examination of illustrations, albums, visually - didactic material on this topic

    9. Role-playing games:

    "Cosmonauts", "Flight into Space"

    Goal: expand the topic story games, introduce the work of astronauts in space, cultivate courage, endurance, expand children’s vocabulary: “outer space”, “cosmodrome”, “flight”, “outer space”.

    "Hospital for Cosmonauts"
    Goal: to develop the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game action, to unite again into a single team. Display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, show the social significance of medicine; cultivate respect for work medical workers, establish rules of conduct in in public places.
    "Space trip".
    Goal: to promote the development of the ability to expand the plot based on the knowledge acquired in the classroom and in Everyday life, to enrich children’s experience with knowledge and gaming skills that will allow them to independently organize the game in the future. Formation of skills to combine various thematic plots into a single game plot.

    Didactic games:

    - “Restore order to solar system»
    - “Find the odd one out”
    - “Pick a constellation.”
    — “Find the missing rocket”
    - “Add a word”
    — “Where the rockets fly”

    Outdoor games:

    "Fast rockets are waiting for us"

    "Space Relay"

    "Rocket launch site"
    "Weightlessness" "Sun and Rain"

    "The sun is a champion."

    Arifulina A.N. teacher,

    parents of pupils

    Stage 3Evaluation of the effectiveness of project implementation, presentation of the project at a meeting

    Quiz with children and parents

    Organization of a creative exhibition of children's works

    Arifulina A.N. teacher

    7.Expected results:

    1. Pupils are involved in the process of creative search and know and use the basics of research activities

    Performance criterion: Teachers and students have developed the ability to apply design and children's research technologies in practice

    2. Various sources of knowledge about space were studied - encyclopedias, the Internet, books, and it was found out what kind of profession it is - an astronaut.

    Performance criterion: Pupils have a high interest in gaining knowledge about space, about courageous and noble professions.

    3 . Parents were invited to participate in the project.

    Performance criterion

    Improve relationships between project participants: teachers, parents and children

    4. Methodological materials were prepared, a presentation of the project was created for children and parents.

    Performance criterion: Project products were created - presentation, methodological and didactic material.

    Photo report of the project implementation:

    Municipal budget preschool educational institution

    "Kindergarten No. 87"


    on the development of time concepts

    for preschoolers in the preschool group

    "Journey to the Land of Time"

    Project creator:


    Chakiy Irina Vladimirovna

    Biysk, 2015


    1. Project characteristics

    2. Relevance

    3. Purpose and objectives of the project


    5.Forms, methods and techniques


    7.Project content


    Project characteristics

    Project type: educational

    Project type: group

    Project implementation: the project is designed for 4 months: from September 2015 to December 2015.

    Project stages:

    Preparatory stage: September 2015

    Main stage: October - November 2015.

    Final stage: December 2015





    “Nature took care of everything so much,

    that everywhere you find something to learn.”
    Leonardo da Vinci


    A person faces the problem of time every day, tearing off a piece of the calendar, every minute, looking at his watch. A child also lives in time, so the education and training program in kindergarten provides for the development of time orientation in children. The introduction of this section is due to a number of reasons. Children are introduced to the world around them, in which all events take place in time.

    Children are already in preschool age It is vitally important to learn how to navigate time yourself: determine, measure time (correctly denoting it in speech), feel its duration (in order to regulate and plan activities in time), change the pace and rhythm of your actions depending on the availability of time. The ability to regulate and plan activities over time creates the basis for the development of such personality qualities as organization, composure, focus, accuracy, necessary for the child when studying at school and in everyday life.

    Time orientation is vital for a child. The ability to navigate in time gives children the opportunity to successfully develop and master various types activities, learn the world and thus prepare for school. In everyday life, a child constantly encounters various time categories that adults use in their speech and communication, sees a calendar, a clock. Children's acquisition of temporal concepts proceeds at different speeds and is characterized by extreme instability. Ideas about him arise in the process of life based on his personal experience. Therefore, it is better to start familiarizing yourself with those categories that find support in personal experience preschool child.

    Target: Development of temporal concepts in preschool children of the preparatory group for school.



    Develop an understanding of time.

    Develop skills in using words denoting temporary categories in speech()

    Form the prerequisites for search activity and creative activity.


    Give an idea of ​​​​determining time using a clock, a calendar “Days of the week”, “Months of the year”, Seasons”.

    Systematize and generalize children’s knowledge about time relationships (seasons, parts of the day, days of the week, month, year, hour with an accuracy of half an hour and a quarter of an hour).

    To teach how to reflect abstract concepts of time in specific actions in various types of activities in preparation for studying at school (formation of prerequisites and elements of educational activities).


      Cultivate a desire to “save” time.


      Pupils have a developed understanding of time.

      The skills of using words denoting temporary categories in speech have been developed.

      The prerequisites for search activity and creative activity have been formed.

      Presents ideas about determining time using a clock, a calendar “Days of the week”, “Months of the year”, Seasons”.

      Children's knowledge about time relations (seasons, parts of the day, days of the week, month, year, hour with an accuracy of half an hour and a quarter of an hour) is systematized and generalized.

      Children learned to reflect abstract concepts of time in specific actions in various types of activities in preparation for learning at school (formation of prerequisites and elements of educational activities).

      The desire to “save” time is brought up.

    Forms, methods and techniques of work:

      diagnostics of children's time orientation;

      drawing up a calendar plan;

      selection of suitable didactic games;

      development of lesson notes for the given topic;

      reading and memorizing poetry, solving riddles about time concepts;

      exhibition of fiction and methodological literature on the study of temporal concepts;

      holding a competition

      entertainment based on the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”;

      photo - collage;

    Project content

    Calendar plan work

    Preparatory stage:


    1. Collection and analysis of literature on this issue.

    2. Search for actions adequate to the learning task

    3. Acceptance educational task

    4. Development of the content of the project "Journey to the Land of Time"

    5. Consultation for parents “Development of time concepts

    for preschoolers in the preparatory school group"

    6. Diagnostics of children to identify various skills.

    7. Selection of games.

    Main stage








    Getting to know a corner of time.

    Examination of thematic pictures: “Parts of the day”, “What happens before - what happens later”, “Seasons”.

    Reading "The Tale of the Four Sisters - the Seasons"

    Game “Catch, throw and call the seasons”

    Introducing children to instruments for telling time: various types of clocks and calendars. Enriching the corner of time.

    Quiz “Our funny calendar”».

    Memorizing the poem “Clocks” by S. Baruzdin.

    Plot-role-playing game “Family. Schedule".

    Drawing "Day and Night"

    Repetition and acquisition of new knowledge about time values.

    Learn to compare parts of the day and seasons with their distinctive features.

    Reinforce concepts about the seasons.

    Learn to use instruments to tell time.

    Learn to determine the date, month and day of the week.

    Teaches you how to manage your time. Cultivate a desire to “save” time.

    Reinforce concepts about parts of the day.




    Conversation “A little history about watches”

    Reading J. Zmaj “The Clock”

    Drawing “World of Clocks”

    Game “Hare, hare, what time is it?” »

    Ind. working with children (familiarizing children with activities in a quarter of an hour, half an hour and 1 minute)

    Lesson “Learning to tell time using a watch”

    Experimental activity “Experiment with a clock”

    Reading by T. I. Erofeev “Visiting the gnome watchmaker, or the story of how not to be late for school”

    Activity: Guessing riddles about time concepts.

    Competition “Make a watch with your own hands”

    Introduce children to the history of the creation of the first watches and their further development.

    Develop skills in using words in speech that denote temporary categories.

    Reinforce the concept of time.

    Introducing children to activities in a quarter of an hour, half an hour and 1 minute

    Learn to tell time using a watch

    Learn to tell time using a watch

    Learn to manage your time. Cultivate a desire to “save” time.

    Develop skills in using words denoting temporary categories in speech

    Develop an interest in mathematics and an understanding of time.

    The final stage


      Summing up the results of the competition “Make a watch with your own hands”

      Conducting entertainment “Twelve Months”

      Conversation: “What is time? »

      Final lesson on the study of time.

      Summing up the results of the project: collecting photographs and designing a photo collage “This is how we navigate time.”


    1. Karpukhina, N. A. Getting to know the world around you. [Text]: practical guide for teachers and methodologists of preschool educational institutions / N. A. Karpukhina. – Voronezh: T. Ts. “Teacher”, 2008.- 201 p.

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