• A file of conversations on moral education for children in the second junior group. Card file (junior group) on the topic: Situational conversations


    Goal: to form the concepts of “friend”, “friendship”.


    • teach children to cooperate, empathize, show care and attention to each other;
    • develop expressive speech and pantomime;
    • foster friendly relationships between children.

    Integration of educational areas:

    “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”.

    Planned results:

    can maintain a conversation about friendship and polite treatment, express his point of view, give the necessary explanations; expresses positive emotions (interest, joy).

    Materials used:

    - cockerel and bird hats (for staging);

    - an envelope with a friend’s photo, postcards, pencils.

    Vocabulary work: envelope, friendship.

    Methods and techniques:

    - questions;

    — “pedagogical support”;

    problematic situation;

    - supervision of children.

    Preliminary work:

    - learning the words Cockerel (boy) and Birds (girl);

    - solving problem situations.

    Used Books:

    1. Dybina O.V. Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world in senior group kindergarten. Lesson notes. – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2011. – 64 p.

    2. Social and personal development and education of preschool children: textbook. manual – 2nd ed., rev. and additional / ed. T.M. Babunova. – Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2005.

    3. Ostrovskaya L.F. Pedagogical situations in family education preschoolers: book. for a kindergarten teacher garden - 2nd ed., revised. and additional / L.F. Ostrovskaya. – M.: Education, 1990. – 160 p.

    Progress of the conversation.

    1. Introductory part.

    The teacher invites the children to listen to L. Kvitko’s poem and say who it is about.

    It’s not for nothing that they say about these guys:

    “They stand by each other like a mountain.”

    There are two of them, but it seems like a platoon is stomping,

    When preparations for battle are underway.

    They study beetles, sit by the river,

    and they eat pies very willingly.

    One sighs, the other sighs too.

    One sneezes, and the other sneezes.

    They almost never fight

    After all, fighting is not a sport,

    Struggle - yes.

    Where the first is, there will be a second!

    The guys stand by each other like crazy!

    (Children's answers.)

    1. Main part.

    Educator: - Right. This is a poem about friends. Let's be clear: what is a friend? What does it mean to be friends?(Children's answers.) Indeed, true friends are those who care about their friend or friends and help them in everything. Let's think about the ant that got into trouble.

    Physical education break"Friends helped."

    The ant fell behind his friends.Children put their palms to their cheeks

    Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh.They shake their heads rhythmically.

    He broke his thin leg.Legs are rhythmically bent and unbent.

    Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay!

    He quickly wrapped it in grass,They run rhythmically in place.

    He quickly ran into the anthill.

    Well, the sun has already set behind the forest.

    Oh oh oh! They make a rhythmic spring.

    It immediately became so scary and dark.Rhythmically cover your eyes with your palms.

    It's good that friends helpedPut your palms together.

    They brought the ant home.

    MO – LOD – TSY! They make rhythmic claps.

    The teacher invites the children to watch a dramatization of the fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bird.”

    Educator : - Once upon a time there was a Cockerel and a Bird, they lived together. But one day the Cockerel and the Bird did not play together as usual, they pouted and turned away from each other.(Addresses the children playing the roles of the Cockerel and the Bird.)What's happened? Why are you so angry? Did you have a fight? So we need to make peace!

    Birdie. I won’t put up with Cockerel! He's impolite. I told him: “Hello!”, but he didn’t answer.

    Cockerel. Why answer? I saw you yesterday.

    Birdie. But today I said “Hello!”

    Cockerel. So what, I still haven’t finished yesterday.

    Educator. Cockerel, do you want the Bird to get sick?

    Cockerel. No, I don't want her to get sick!

    Educator. What did you say “Hello” to her? After all, “Hello” means be healthy, don’t get sick!

    Cockerel. The bird isn't very polite either. When she turns to me, she shouts: “Hey, you!”

    Educator. So you're both to blame. We must respect each other.

    Cockerel. Forgive me, Birdie! I will always say hello.

    Birdie. And forgive me, Cockerel! I will always be polite.

    Educator. - Do you understand how to behave? Always be polite and never quarrel. Guys, it's time to remember our friend who hasn't come to us for a long time. kindergarten. Who is this?(Children's answers.) That's right, this is Yulia R. She is at home because her leg is in a cast. The doctor does not allow Yulia to come to kindergarten yet. Yulia is very bored, so I propose to make a surprise for our friend, Yulenka. Do you agree?(Children's answers.) Here's the envelope. You can put a letter and a postcard in it, in which we wish Yulia to get better quickly and come to our kindergarten. Then we will seal this envelope and give it to Yulia. In the letter I will write the following words: “It’s good to have a friend next to you! Julia, we love your smile and the warmth of your hands. You always play with us, understand and forgive. We miss you so much! Get well soon, friend! And you guys, depict yours on postcards warm attitude to Yulia.

    1. Final part.

    The phonogram “True Friend” plays. Children draw cards and put them in an envelope.

    Educator: - You are real friends. I think Yulia will be glad to receive a surprise from us. That's what a friend is for!

    Conversation on Mother's Day for preschoolers 3-4 years old about dear person– about my mother “My dear mother, I love you very much”

    Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
    Description: I offer you a summary of the conversation for children of the second youngest group (3 - 4 years old). This summary is aimed at instilling in children love, care and respect for their mother, the closest and dearest person.

    - cultivate respect, kindness and love for your mother.
    - develop attention, speech, fine motor skills hands, sense of rhythm;
    - form ideas about in different ways expressions of love for mother,
    consolidate knowledge of colors;
    - cultivate respect and kind attitude towards your mother.
    Equipment: photographs of mothers, audio recordings of songs about mothers, cartoons about mothers.
    Preliminary work: conversations about mother, learning poems, songs about

    Educator: Guys, every year at the end of November, or rather the last Sunday of November, we celebrate Mother's Day. What is this, what does it mean to celebrate?
    Educator: Here you are kids, how can you congratulate your mothers?
    Educator: Of course, the main thing is to respect and not offend mommy, to bring her joy, to help. How can you help her?
    Educator: Who else, besides mothers, will we congratulate on this day?
    Educator: Guys, but it also happens that you suddenly offend mommy? What do you need to do to make mommy forgive you?

    Educator: Of course, ask for forgiveness. What words would you use to address your mom?
    Educator: Mommy will always forgive you, hug and kiss you, she loves you very much, and I’m sure you love her too. And I think that some of you even know a poem about dear mother, even if it’s a small one. Maybe you’ll read it to the kids and they’ll want to learn it too.
    Children read poetry:
    Child: Mom is heaven!
    Mom is the light!
    Mom is happiness!
    There is no better mom!

    Child: Mom is a fairy tale!
    Mom is laughter!
    Mom is a weasel!
    Mom loves everyone!
    Child: You are the most beautiful,
    You are the best!
    To the gentle sun,
    And she looks like me!
    Educator: Which beautiful poems guys read it. I want to invite you to the mat and invite everyone to help their mothers. We will help pickle cabbage for the winter. After all, we celebrate Mother’s Day in the fall, and at this time all our mothers are salting cabbage for the winter, we will help them with this.

    Physical exercise: “Cabbage”
    We chop and chop the cabbage (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)
    We knead the cabbage, knead the cabbage, (“knead the cabbage”)
    We salt and salt the cabbage (“take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)
    We press and press cabbage. (flexion and extension of the hands)
    Educator: You guys are great, you helped mommy, let’s take our seats. Each of you brought a photo of your mom. Tell us what she is like, what she does?
    Children talk about their mothers.
    Educator: I suggest you play a little, I start the game, and you have to finish the sentences. But the ending words should not be repeated.
    Game: “I’ll start, and you finish...”

    - Who will fry pancakes for me?...(mom);
    - Who will iron my pants?... (mommy)
    - Who will cook dinner?... (mummy)
    - And will he fry cutlets for us?... (golden mother)
    - Who will hug you in the morning?... (good mommy)
    - Does she read bedtime stories?...(smart mommy)
    - Does he treat everyone to pies?...(generous mommy)
    - Will he kiss you on the cheek?... (affectionate mommy)
    Educator: All your mothers love you, take care of you, cheer you up when you are sad, pat you on the head. How can you tell what your mommies are like? For example:
    Mommy who takes care of you, she is so... caring;
    Children continue:
    Mommy who strokes your head...tender, affectionate;
    Mommy who makes you happy...cheerful;
    Mommy, who preens herself in the mirror, she is so... beautiful;
    Mommy who loves you very much...BELOVED!!!

    Educator: You guys are great! I am sure that your mothers are proud of you, you know so much about them, you help them in everything, you love and respect them.
    I want to read a poem to you.
    Let's sit in silence.
    Elena Blaginina.

    Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
    Well, I didn’t play!
    I don't start a top
    And I sat down and sat.
    My toys don't make noise
    The room is quiet and empty.
    And on my mother's pillow
    The golden ray steals.
    And I said to the beam:
    - I want to move too!
    I would like a lot:
    Read aloud and roll the ball,
    I would sing a song
    I could laugh
    There's so much I want!
    But mom is sleeping and I am silent.
    The beam darted along the wall,
    And then he slid towards me.
    “Nothing,” he seemed to whisper, “
    Let's sit in silence!..

    Educator: Indeed, a very good poem. You also don’t disturb your mommy when she’s resting, do you?
    Educator: You know a lot about your mommies.
    Who did we talk about today?
    What holiday is coming up?
    What can you give your mom?
    Is it possible to make a gift with your own hands?
    Educator: And we will give you a gift at the next lesson. I suggest watching a cartoon about mommy.


    Why do they say "hello"?

    Target: Form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Introduce greeting methods. Reinforce ideas about the importance and need to use “ good words” in colloquial speech, arouse the desire to use them.


    "My good deeds"

    Target: deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one’s opinion, show kindness to the opinions of other children), skills of cultural communication with peers. Achieve friendly intonation expressiveness of speech. To cultivate in children friendly relationships, feelings of self-esteem and respect for others, the ability and desire to come to the aid of adults and peers.


    "What is kindness"

    Target: To form children’s idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds; strengthen children's ideas about good deeds, understand that polite words help people communicate. Form moral ideas about kindness. Cultivate kind feelings towards people around you.


    "Hurry to do good"

    Target: Continue familiarization with the polar concepts of “good” and “evil.” Form a conscious attitude towards social norms of behavior, consolidate skills of friendly behavior in Everyday life. Introduce ways to resolve conflict associated with feelings of anger, as well as ways to manage and regulate mood. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children.


    “If you are kind...”

    Target: To develop in children the need for friendly communication with others, to consciously show empathy and perform kind deeds. To teach to understand the meaning of proverbs about goodness, the ability to associate the meaning of a proverb with a specific situation. Teach children to show kindness and responsiveness to everyone who needs it.


    "Polite words"

    Target: Teach children the rules of etiquette, forms and techniques of communication when meeting with friends and strangers, rules for using greeting words. Help overcome shyness and stiffness in children. Develop the ability to express your opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to your interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing polite requests and gratitude.


    "Accidentally and on purpose"

    Target: develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; develop gaming communication skills without hurting your partner’s interests.


    "Learning to Forgive Your Friends"

    Target: develop children’s ability not to be offended by each other; develop the ability to distinguish between an accidental mistake and an intentional one and react accordingly; lead children to understand the words “peace-loving”, “touchy”.


    "Why do there be fights?"

    Target: to develop children’s communication skills; develop an understanding of the meaning of norms and rules of behavior among peers; cultivate the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.


    "Dreamers and Liars"

    Target: develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop a desire for truthfulness and tact.


    " Let's make it up "

    Target: develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children responsiveness and sensitivity.


    " Good friend known in trouble"

    Target: to form the idea that a true friend knows how to empathize, help in difficult moments; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.


    “How to behave during a conversation”

    Target: introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

    (Speak in a polite tone. Use “magic” words. Look at the interlocutor’s face. Do not keep your hands in your pockets. You should not eat during a conversation. If two adults are talking, the child should not interfere in their conversation, much less demand that it stop) .

    card-14 “Good - Evil”

    Target: Teach to give a moral assessment to the actions of heroes, cultivate a desire to be kind and humane. To help you understand that a kind person can be called a person who always helps others and does not remain indifferent in situations that are difficult for other people.

    Teach to distinguish good deeds, create a desire to do good deeds towards people around you.



    Target: Form ideas about moral concept“truthfulness”, teach to give a moral assessment of the hero’s action, help to understand that a lie does not decorate a person.


    "What a friend should be"

    Target: To form ideas about positive character traits and moral actions, to deepen ideas about friendship. To cultivate respect, patience and friendliness towards one’s comrades, to teach them to correct their mistakes, to ask for forgiveness in conflict situations. To teach children responsiveness and sensitivity.


    "Be neat and orderly"

    Target: Teach children to take care of their appearance. Help you understand what well-mannered person always looks neat.


    "Truth is not true"

    Target: Explain to children that you cannot deceive others, that you always need to tell the truth, that truthfulness and honesty always please adults, that these qualities are highly valued in a person, that they are praised for telling the truth. Help children understand that any lie is always revealed, and the person who lies experiences feeling of guilt not only for his offense, but also for the fact that he told a lie.



    Target: continue to instill in children a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to children that the one who teases not only offends others, but also causes harm to himself (no one wants to be friends with such a person).


    "Games without quarrels"

    Target: Explain to children that a quarrel interferes with play and friendship. Teach how to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, do not get angry at losing, do not tease the loser..



    Target: Teach children to use polite words, develop appropriate skills of cultural behavior, follow the rules of etiquette, using the example of images of literary heroes, stimulate positive behaviors and inhibit negative ones. That you need to communicate with others calmly, without shouting, that you should express your requests in a polite tone.



    Target: Teach children to handle things with care and precision otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance and become unusable. Teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, earning money.


    "Mutual Aid"

    Goal: Explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him. That you need to help not only acquaintances, but also strangers.


    "Striving to Help"

    Target: Develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to help, showing sympathy. Teach children responsiveness and sensitivity.


    "Generosity and Greed"

    Target: Reveal the meaning of the concepts “greed” and “generosity”. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad, but generous is good.


    “Why you need to be able to give in”

    Target: teach children to avoid quarrels, give in and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions.


    "Steps of Kindness"

    Target: based on Russian content folk tales to form in children an idea of ​​justice, courage, modesty and kindness, to cultivate a negative attitude towards negative qualities: lies, cunning, cowardice, cruelty. Learn to convey your attitude to the content of the fairy tale and the actions of the characters.


    "It's better to be kind"

    Target: Give children an idea of ​​an indifferent, indifferent person and his actions. Teach children to distinguish external manifestations emotional state(anger, indifference, joy). Learn to analyze actions, find the cause of the conflict, ways to resolve it conflict situations and promote their assimilation into behavior. Generalize the idea of ​​kindness and evoke the desire to do good deeds.

    Summary of the conversation in the second junior group.

    Topic: “The ability to live together”

    Goal: Develop elementary representations about friendly relationships.

    1. To form children’s ideas about friendship, the ability to recognize the mood and feelings of others, the ability to identify and distinguish between emotions.

    2. Develop children's spoken language, imagination, productive activity, and enrich their vocabulary.

    3. Develop communication skills, a sense of empathy, and a desire to help.

    Preliminary work: Reading p. n. With. "Teremok", classes on the topic: "My friends", "Where friendship begins", didactic game“Help the Bunny”, finger game “House”, theatricalization of the fairy tale “Teremok”, coloring of the fairy tale characters, display of the tabletop theater “Teremok”.

    Vocabulary work: friends, sad, cheerful.

    Progress of the conversation:

    I. Motivational.

    The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that someone in the group is crying. (Children find a bear). The teacher asks the bear what happened to him?

    There was a painted house

    He was so handsome.

    The animals were walking across the field,

    They stayed in the house to live.

    We lived together, didn’t grieve,

    The stove in the house was heated.

    I destroyed the house.

    Almost crushed my friends.

    Educator: Children, did you guess from which fairy tale the bear came to us?

    What kind of animals lived in the little house? (The teacher encourages the children to remember the course of the fairy tale.)

    Retelling a fairy tale using visual aid"Teremok".

    Educator: Children, look at the bear and tell me what mood he was in when he broke the tower.

    Educator: The bear was very upset that he crushed the tower. What do you think the bear did (Bad, he broke the house).

    What to do? What should we do? (It is necessary to make the children want to build a new tower). Children offer their own options for building a house - build from a building kit, draw.

    II. Finger game: "House"

    “Knock-knock” with a hammer! (knocks fist on fist)

    Friends are building a new house!

    The roof is big - (children raise their hands up)

    Here it is!

    The windows are large - (spread their arms wide to the sides)

    Like these ones!

    Friends build all day long (knock fist on fist)

    Building a house is not at all lazy.

    They will call guests (children “call” by waving their hand towards themselves)

    It will be more fun in the house! (clap hands)

    III. Productive activity.

    The teacher invites the children to build a new house for the animals. Children choose at will what material they will use to build.

    Educator: What do you think the bear’s mood was after we built the new little house?

    There was enough room for everyone in the new mansion. I invite you, children, to show us what kind of mansion we have made.

    IV. Outdoor game: Teremok"

    In an open field there is a tower

    He was neither short nor tall. (Squat down, stand up, arms outstretched)

    Various animals lived there,

    They lived together and didn’t bother. (Bow)

    There’s a mouse there (Hands in front of you, running on tiptoes)

    And the frog, (Sit down)

    Bunny (Jumping)

    With a little fox friend (twirled her tail)

    Gray wolf - teeth click (They showed the “mouth” with their hands)

    They knew a lot about friendship. (Bow)

    But I came across a tower

    Teddy bear (Depict a bear)

    He crushed the tower

    With your huge paw (Fist on fist)

    The animals were very scared

    Let's run away quickly (Running in a circle)

    And then we got together again

    To build a new mansion. (Gather in a small circle and hug a neighbor).

    V. Summary of the conversation.

    Educator: What helped us build the tower?

    Children: Friendship.

    Educator: Correct. Friendship always wins. To be friendly means to help each other.


    Why do they say "hello"?

    Target: Form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Introduce greeting methods. To consolidate ideas about the importance and necessity of using “kind words” in colloquial speech, to arouse the desire to use them.


    "My good deeds"

    Target: deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one’s opinion, show kindness to the opinions of other children), skills of cultural communication with peers. Achieve friendly intonation expressiveness of speech. To cultivate in children friendly relationships, feelings of self-esteem and respect for others, the ability and desire to come to the aid of adults and peers.


    "What is kindness"

    Target: To form children’s idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds; strengthen children’s ideas about good deeds, understand that polite words help people communicate. Form moral ideas about kindness. Cultivate kind feelings towards people around you.


    "Hurry to do good"

    Target: Continue familiarization with the polar concepts of “good” and “evil.” Form a conscious attitude towards social norms of behavior, consolidate the skills of friendly behavior in everyday life. Introduce ways to resolve conflict associated with feelings of anger, as well as ways to manage and regulate mood. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children.


    “If you are kind...”

    Target: To develop in children the need for friendly communication with others, to consciously show empathy and perform kind deeds. To teach to understand the meaning of proverbs about goodness, the ability to associate the meaning of a proverb with a specific situation. Teach children to show kindness and responsiveness to everyone who needs it.


    "Polite words"

    Target: Teach children the rules of etiquette, forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules of using greetings. Help overcome shyness and stiffness in children. Develop the ability to express your opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to your interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing polite requests and gratitude.


    "Accidentally and on purpose"

    Target: develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; develop gaming communication skills without hurting your partner’s interests.


    "Learning to Forgive Your Friends"

    Target: develop children’s ability not to be offended by each other; develop the ability to distinguish between an accidental mistake and an intentional one and react accordingly; lead children to understand the words “peace-loving”, “touchy”.


    "Why do there be fights?"

    Target: to develop children’s communication skills; develop an understanding of the meaning of norms and rules of behavior among peers; cultivate the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.


    "Dreamers and Liars"

    Target: develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop a desire for truthfulness and tact.


    " Let's make it up "

    Target: develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children responsiveness and sensitivity.


    "A good friend is a friend in need"

    Target: to form the idea that a true friend knows how to empathize and help in difficult times; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.


    “How to behave during a conversation”

    Target: introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

    (Speak in a polite tone. Use “magic” words. Look at the interlocutor’s face. Do not keep your hands in your pockets. You should not eat during a conversation. If two adults are talking, the child should not interfere in their conversation, much less demand that it stop) .

    card-14 “Good - Evil”

    Target: Teach to give a moral assessment to the actions of heroes, cultivate a desire to be kind and humane. To help you understand that a kind person can be called a person who always helps others and does not remain indifferent in situations that are difficult for other people.

    Teach to distinguish good deeds, create a desire to do good deeds towards people around you.



    Target: To form ideas about the moral concept of “truthfulness”, teach to give a moral assessment of the hero’s action, help to understand that a lie does not decorate a person.


    "What a friend should be"

    Target: To form ideas about positive character traits and moral actions, to deepen ideas about friendship. To cultivate respect, patience and friendliness towards one’s comrades, to teach them to correct their mistakes, to ask for forgiveness in conflict situations. To teach children responsiveness and sensitivity.


    "Be neat and orderly"

    Target: Teach children to take care of their appearance. Help you understand that a well-mannered person always looks neat.


    "Truth is not true"

    Target: Explain to children that you cannot deceive others, that you always need to tell the truth, that truthfulness and honesty always please adults, that these qualities are highly valued in a person, that they are praised for telling the truth. Help children understand that any lie is always revealed, and the person who lies experiences feeling of guilt not only for his offense, but also for the fact that he told a lie.



    Target: continue to instill in children a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to children that the one who teases not only offends others, but also causes harm to himself (no one wants to be friends with such a person).


    "Games without quarrels"

    Target: Explain to children that a quarrel interferes with play and friendship. Teach how to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, do not get angry at losing, do not tease the loser..



    Target: Teach children to use polite words, develop appropriate skills of cultural behavior, follow the rules of etiquette, using the example of images of literary heroes, stimulate positive behaviors and inhibit negative ones. That you need to communicate with others calmly, without shouting, that you should express your requests in a polite tone.



    Target: Teach children to treat things with care and precision, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance and become unusable. Teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, earning money.


    "Mutual Aid"

    Goal: Explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him. That you need to help not only acquaintances, but also strangers.


    "Striving to Help"

    Target: Develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to help, showing sympathy. Teach children responsiveness and sensitivity.


    "Generosity and Greed"

    Target: Reveal the meaning of the concepts “greed” and “generosity”. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad, but generous is good.


    “Why you need to be able to give in”

    Target: teach children to avoid quarrels, give in and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards positive and negative actions.


    "Steps of Kindness"

    Target: based on the content of Russian folk tales, to form in children an idea of ​​justice, courage, modesty and kindness, to cultivate a negative attitude towards negative qualities: lies, cunning, cowardice, cruelty. Learn to convey your attitude to the content of the fairy tale and the actions of the characters.


    "It's better to be kind"

    Target: Give children an idea of ​​an indifferent, indifferent person and his actions. Teach children to distinguish between the external manifestations of an emotional state (anger, indifference, joy). Learn to analyze actions, find the cause of the conflict, ways to resolve conflict situations and promote their assimilation in behavior. Generalize the idea of ​​kindness and evoke the desire to do good deeds.

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