• Is it possible to believe in fortune telling using Tarot cards and palmistry? Should you believe fortune telling or is it just quackery?


    Fortune telling, cards, layouts, interpretations... Now there is a huge selection of fortune telling cards, salons, websites. There are even television programs broadcast in live. In short, everything for those who want to know their destiny. But is it worth believing them?!

    How they told me fortunes for the first time

    Being still very young and having little understanding of all the secrets of card layouts, I decided to visit a local sorceress. I really wanted to take at least one glimpse into my future. And I was even more eager to find out the name of my betrothed. To maintain a cheerful mood, I took my girlfriends with me and went to the fortune teller.

    A young woman met us in an ordinary two-room cramped apartment. It was clear from everything that she had little time for fortune-telling right now. The heavy smell of burning candles could not overcome the obsessive stench of fumes. A still life of empty bottles, leftover salad and dirty plates reigned on the tiny kitchen table. It was clear that yesterday's evening feast ended around morning.

    However, the hangover did not prevent the sorceress from remembering the reward due to her, and she resolutely reached for the deck of cards. Tarot cards were pretty shabby, once upon a time bright pictures, now it was very difficult to distinguish. What could she see in their layout?!

    I kept trying to find out from the fortune teller about my past in order to understand whether I should believe her, but I never got any clear answers. She spoke about the future in such a confusing and vague way that I didn’t even try to remember. My girlfriends had the same result. In general, disappointed and upset, we went home.

    Home fortune telling

    One day, in a bookstore, a bright book with a deck of cards caught my eye. It was called “Patron Angels”. After looking through the brochure a little, I realized one thing - these cards do not predict fate, but suggest
    exit from difficult situations. I liked the idea of ​​having such a deck on hand, so I bought it.

    But it’s a shame, either I didn’t quite understand the interpretation of the cards, or their “predictive power” was exaggerated, but they lie there unnecessarily. And here’s what I thought about: is it worth trying to look behind the veil of our future? Is it possible to do this? What if “tomorrow” doesn’t come? Do you need to know about this?

    And, finally, one more thing - if you believe fortune-telling, then only good ones. After all, thinking about the bad, we ourselves program ourselves for the negative, attracting what we are afraid of.

    Do you believe in card fortune telling?

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    The fashion for fortune telling is now especially popular; recently, many people have become carried away by all sorts of battles between psychics, magicians, sorcerers and other evil forces. Of course, sensible TV viewers understand that in these battles there is more show than really something supernatural, but it is worth agreeing that some fortune-telling, predictions and prophecies still come true, you just need to think about what is behind all this, good, or everything , is it evil? Should you believe fortune telling?

    Religion, and the Bible in particular, has an unambiguously negative attitude towards all kinds of fortune-telling. No matter what form or subtype fortune telling is performed, it is undeniably a sin that has no justification. This is stated very precisely and clearly in the Bible (Deuteronomy 18:9-12). Although some types of fortune telling, such as palmistry, astrology, etc., have the loud title of science... although they are not such.

    God created us and gave us the choice and space to improve ourselves. But everyone should have the right to make mistakes and it cannot be taken away from a person. After all, when performing a fortune-telling ritual, we voluntarily give our will into the hands of a fortune-teller, subconsciously hoping that she will solve all our problems and tell us signs in which we will see what we are striving for and why we went to fortune-telling. Some people get so involved in this process that they stop thinking, reasoning, making decisions independently, sometimes it gets ridiculous, and a person without the advice of a fortune teller cannot determine what to wear to work today, because in their delusion they believe that the color clothing brings good luck or bad luck.

    Should you believe fortune telling? Usually those who believe in fortune telling and magic go to fortune tellers. What is going on in the heads of these people? Undoubtedly, they think through all sorts of options for the outcome of fortune telling; if I learn something good, then my mood will improve, and I will step into the future with optimism, but if it’s bad, then I will have the opportunity to carefully prepare for trials and boldly face troubles and misfortunes. The catch is that, according to psychologists, faith is a powerful attitude, because for a person, the predetermination of events directly depends on faith in them. It is very difficult to completely eradicate the belief that what fortune tellers predict comes true. It is precisely people with weak psychological training, impressionable and naive, who should not even guess for company.

    Should you believe fortune telling?, or not to believe, is the choice of each person. If he is sure that he can cope with the difficulties in his life on his own, if a person is self-confident and has common sense and a sober mind, he will never go to fortune-tellers, fortune-tellers, sorcerers and psychics. And vice versa, if a person himself is anxious, afraid of everything, afraid of everyone, runs to fortune tellers because of every problem, sees himself in trouble, for example, does not fly on planes for fear of dying, then this person needs the help of a psychologist, but no matter how fortune tellers. Because even fortune telling with positive predictions is not able to relieve him of his worries.

    A person who blindly believes predictions, as a result of constant worry, may eventually simply get sick due to constant stress and a misfortune will actually happen to him; don’t even go to a fortune teller. Psychologists will tell you a great many such sad cases, with tragic outcomes. The famous psychiatrist in England, Barker, devoted an entire book to this problem entitled “Scared to Death.” While studying the psychology of people, he noticed a pattern when people, having visited a fortune teller, died exactly at the time predicted by her. In his book, the scientist described these cases in detail and concluded that people themselves can bring themselves to a state that entails death, knowing the expected day of their death.

    Fortune telling is a program for the future and you need to seriously think about it Should you believe fortune telling?? And if you decide to go to a fortune teller to find out your future, tune in right away so as not to take what you hear to heart. Prepare yourself internally, that along with good predictions, you may also hear those that will not make you very happy, and perhaps even frighten you. Never forget that you cannot believe every word of a prediction one hundred percent, because even a predictor with great experience and talent can make mistakes.

    Also, some people, mostly women suffering from unrequited love, go to all sorts of grandmother-witches and try to bewitch their loved one. Before you do something like this, think carefully, because love spells and love spells are something forced. Isn’t it nice when you are loved not because you are who you are, but because they “did it” that way, that is, in fact, a man is forced to live his whole life with a woman who he does not love. This is a great sin, it is violence against the individual and, ultimately, disrespect and humiliation of oneself as a woman. It’s humiliating to live with a person, knowing that he lives with you not out of love, but out of coercion.

    Should you believe fortune telling using Tarot cards or palm readings? The answer is: you have to decide for yourself what is important to you and what is not.

    How to determine if it's true or not

    If you ask ten people whether fortune telling with Tarot cards and palms is true, you will get ten different answers. Opinions are formed based on personal belief systems and experiences. The best way evaluate the reliability of any type of fortune telling - use it. This way you will quickly find out if this method of fortune telling is the one that suits you.

    Is this real pseudoscience?

    Tarot card reading and palm fortune telling are a kind of art known as pseudoscience. It is based on methods and formulas that cannot be justified or determined by known scientific truths. Because scientific validation is not possible, many people dispute the merits of these methods and their results. Others evaluate the results and do not need any scientific justification.

    To better understand this art of prediction, try for a moment to put aside any mistrust you may have about such predictions and disengage from the tools that are used during fortune telling. This way you can look at the topic with an open mind.

    How Tarot cards are interpreted

    There are several methods for reading Tarot cards. Some fortune tellers do not allow anyone to touch the cards and constantly monitor them. Others, on the contrary, prefer that their clients shuffle the cards or touch them so that the client's energy is transferred to this instrument. This energy helps them in the process. In cases where the client needs to touch the cards, the fortune teller asks him to select one or more pieces from the deck and place them face down in front of her.

    Most tarot readers are of the opinion that cards placed “face up” have a positive interpretation, while cards that are turned upside down do not bode well; they warn of possible difficulties, problems, etc.

    There are many cards that a tarot reader can use to help you with the answer you are looking for. They work in two ways. One of them is a literal interpretation of the cards, everything is reliable as the fortune teller learned from the book. Another method is that the person will also use other methods to delve deeper into the reading and fortune telling process.

    History of Palmistry

    Palm reading is also known as palmistry. This is an ancient form of divination that is believed to have originated in Greece. Like most other divination tools, palmistry can predict your future by analyzing the lines on your palms. This method developed over several centuries, eventually turning into a method of reading a person’s fate recognized by many, and the ancient Greeks treated fortune telling with the same respect as doctors. The process of reading your palm is more complex than just analyzing the lines. Your hands have unique characteristics that provide some information to the person analyzing them. The position of your fingers, their size, and the characteristics of the pads are also important indicators of who you are and what talents you have.

    How does the palm fortune telling process work?

    The thumb is very important for reading information because it can tell a lot about a person. Is it rejected? thumb to the side at a certain angle? How long or short is it? All these characteristics reveal our entire inner beauty.

    Which hand is used to read information from the palms? Most palm readers read the left hand first because it is considered a barometer of your love life. Yours right hand shows how others perceive you, how you behave in public.

    How to react to the information you are told?

    There are certain aspects of readings that you can quickly check because you will know if the tarot reader or palmist has the data as soon as he starts presenting information and facts. It is important to remember that they are people too, and no one can be 100 percent right. However, if your palmist consistently hits the target, telling it like it is, most likely you have met a smart person. But there still remains an endless debate between those who believe in divination tools and those who believe only in scientific proof. You can try some free online readings to get a better idea of ​​what you can expect before you decide to invest in a real fortune telling. No matter what the fortune teller tells you, always be confident in yourself and your abilities.

    How true are the predictions of palmists and tarot readers?

    In the end, after you have weighed everything soberly and approached the topics of tarot and palm readings, and tried everything for yourself, you are the only one who can answer your initial question as to whether all these predictions are true. You decide what you need and can believe in and what you can’t.

    Magic and fortune telling are very firmly rooted in the lives of many people. Indeed, this is one of the most mysterious areas and all because there have always been many myths and superstitions around it. Should you believe fortune tellers? This is a question that worries many people. On the one hand, we try to believe that our lives are surrounded by magic, and on the other, we are afraid of being deceived. How not to get caught in the web of charlatans, and what the consequences of fortune telling may be - this is what we will find out in this article.

    Who applies and when

    People visit fortune tellers, psychics, and magicians with certain questions. Of course, these are some problems that concern a person, and he wants to get help. Most often, people ask about the three most important areas in their life:

    • financial;
    • love;
    • business.

    And when asking for help, a person, as a rule, expects that everything in his life will work out, as if by magic. At this moment, he still does not think about whether to believe the fortune tellers, but perceives everything he hears as the truth.

    Fortune teller - who is this?

    Who are the people who know the answers to all questions and can solve any problems? All of them can be divided into several categories:

    • Psychics and clairvoyants are people who see the future without certain tools or manipulations.
    • Astrologers - describe a person’s character and his destiny, turning to the stars and numbers for help.
    • Healers and healers do not so much see the problem as they can solve it. They do this with the help of various rituals and conspiracies.
    • Fortune tellers and palmists make predictions using a certain instrument (cards, runes), or, for example, read a person’s hand.
    • Sorcerers and shamans are considered the most powerful of all. They can bewitch and turn around, predict the future. They have many different ritual objects and know many spells. In ancient times, they could even influence the forces of nature, for example, causing rain.

    Magical help

    But despite all the classification described above, each of these people is usually called a “fortune teller.” It is believed that this art is incredibly difficult to learn. Some fortune tellers have a hereditary gift, while others learn on their own. In order to predict the future, you must have intuition, be able to work with a tool and decipher meanings. Almost anyone can become a professional magician, but this requires a lot of time and effort.

    But is it worth believing fortune tellers using coffee grounds, cards and runes? The question is difficult, since lately it has been difficult to find a real magician, but getting to a charlatan is easy. Magic has become a definite way to make money. A person who has just begun to study fortune telling introduces himself as an experienced magician and provides services to other people for money. Of course, the reliability of the information in this case cannot be high level, and it is for this reason that people wonder whether they should believe fortune tellers. This is especially true for people who have already fallen into the hands of a charlatan once.

    Two sides of magic

    Each phenomenon has its own, both positive and negative qualities. What can you say about magic? On the one hand, it provides an opportunity to look into the future, but on the other, it raises a lot of controversy and questions. The opinion of the church also has a significant influence on people's views. True Christians are sure that turning to magic and witchcraft is a great sin. On the other hand, magic surrounds a person from all sides. You pick up the phone to call a friend, and at that moment he calls you. Doesn't this situation fit the term "magic"? IN in this case intuition worked, but it is precisely intuition that allows you to predict events in a person’s life.

    Principle of operation

    In order to answer the question of whether you should trust fortune tellers using Tarot cards or runes, you should understand the principle by which they predict the future. In fact, everything is quite simple, and this is due to endless variability. Every day several roads open before a person. They all have a different direction. If you follow one road, you may get caught in the rain. There will be holes and fallen trees along the way. On the other hand it will be sunny and warm

    When an experienced fortune teller tells a person “what happened? what is? what will happen” - she sees all his paths. And, of course, it can tell you exactly which way to go. A less experienced magician sees only one of the options for the development of events. And therefore it cannot always provide reliable information. In the past and present, he sees events that actually happened or are currently taking place. But here is the future - here an inexperienced fortune teller sees only one path. But whether a person will walk along it is a completely different problem. Therefore, the question of whether you should trust fortune tellers on cards can be answered in the affirmative if we are talking about a really good specialist who is able to analyze and see all the options for the development of events.

    Is it worth contacting

    Of course, this question worries people no less than whether they should believe fortune tellers. Reviews about sorcerers and shamans differ significantly from each other. Some say that visiting a fortune teller really helped them. She suggested what to do in certain situation. Others argue that this is nonsense and quackery.

    But in fact, a lot depends not only on the fortune teller herself, but also on why exactly you turned to her. There are certain cases when the help of even the most experienced magician will be in vain. For example, if a certain event in your life is destined to happen and it cannot be changed.

    Love spells

    This is another type of help that is often sought from fortune tellers and sorcerers. Love occupies an important place in the life of every person, but when it is unrequited, it only brings pain. Some people find a way out - to bewitch a loved one. But is this right? In essence, a love spell is violence against the will of another person. In addition, you should think about whether you want such forced love. And is it worth believing fortune tellers? Reviews from people indicate that love spells do not always work as a person would like. And what’s interesting is that not every magician warns about this.

    Strange things

    For example, a girl wanted to bewitch married man. And thanks to the fact that she turned to an experienced sorcerer, everything worked out for her. The lover left his wife for his girlfriend. But then strange things begin to happen. IN different cases they may differ, but basically:

    • The bewitched person begins to abuse alcohol and drugs.
    • He cannot leave the one who bewitched him, but at the same time begins to regularly cheat on him.
    • A bewitched person may look slightly sluggish and lethargic, and he may begin to get very sick.
    • A person whose will has been broken often experiences feelings of anger. Subconsciously, he does not want to be with the one who bewitched him, but he cannot leave either. In one case, this condition leads to depression, and in another, it finds a way out in fights and beatings. No matter how absurd it may seem, a bewitched man can regularly beat his “beloved”.

    The most interesting thing is that fortune tellers rarely talk about data side effects. In addition, remove strong love spell not always possible. So it turns out that, on the one hand, there is no doubt about the power of fortune telling, fortune tellers and love spells, but on the other hand, does a person need services of this kind?


    Another fairly common type of magical influence is conspiracies. As a rule, they are aimed at good. Using conspiracies to get rid of alcoholism, various diseases. It is healers and healers who use spells. In addition, they are accompanied by some rituals. Should you trust fortune tellers who practice healing?

    On the one hand - why not? In any case, there seems to be no harm from it. On the other hand, some charlatans use tinctures and potions in their rituals that can be harmful to humans. In addition, some of them claim that in order to cure a person, it is necessary to visit him several times a week and, of course, for each such session they require a lot of money.

    It is interesting that sometimes, even when turning to a charlatan, people get good results. Scientists call all this the placebo effect. A person becomes better only because he believes in the effectiveness of this method. And a person’s thoughts and positive attitude are half the success in any business.

    Fortune tellers on the Internet

    Magical help can also be obtained remotely. What progress has come... You just need to send your photo and a few thousand rubles to the magician to solve all your problems. Fortune tellers, predictions on the Internet - all this looks very tempting, but in fact it is ineffective. The fact is that checking how competent the magician is is quite difficult in this case. Yes, there can be many on a page positive feedback, and in the “About Me” section there is convincing information, but all this is not proof of high professionalism. And, accordingly, it is difficult to give a positive answer to the question of whether you should trust fortune tellers on the Internet. It should also be borne in mind that in order to tell fortunes about a person from a distance, much more skill and knowledge is required than if he were nearby.

    How to recognize a charlatan

    There is a lot of deception and lies surrounding a person in life. And even when turning to magic, you can stumble upon a charlatan. How to distinguish good specialist from a deceiver? In the century modern technologies most magicians and sorcerers have their own websites or at least pages in in social networks, where they advertise their services. Therefore, before going to your appointment, you should carefully study the information.

    1. First of all, look at the photo of the fortune teller. Determine by personal feelings whether you like the person. How do you feel looking at him? If mistrust arises, it is best to choose someone else.
    2. Study information about the fortune teller, see when the page was registered, how many friends there are. It is important to look at colleagues and classmates. Usually, if a person is seriously involved in magic, he does not hide it from his friends. It’s another matter if the magician only knows people from other cities. All this may be proof that he is a charlatan.
    3. Reviews. Of course, they are the first to be read by those who would like to turn to a fortune teller. But can they be trusted? There are special services that help a person receive feedback. For every positive comment they receive money, although in fact they have never asked him for help. Look at the pages of those who leave reviews. If they were written as advertisements, the person who wrote them will have many different reposts of goods and services on their page. The pages from which a person writes reviews are very easy to distinguish. In addition, you should pay attention to how the comment is written and to errors in the text. People who turn to fortune tellers for help do not always have honors diplomas, and therefore write with grammatical and spelling errors.
    4. You should look for a good fortune teller among your acquaintances and friends. Find out who, when and what the result was.

    At a reception with a fortune teller

    If you finally decide and come to the session, do not rush to believe everything you hear. Know how to filter information and recognize lies. Most magicians and fortune tellers - good psychologists. This, by the way, also applies to charlatans. For example, a magician may have neurolinguistic programming techniques. By gestures, hand movements and facial expressions, he quickly calculates the problems that concern a person. In addition, many magicians give a person general characteristics, which is 99% suitable for anyone. For example, he says that you have problems. Well, of course! A person who is doing well is unlikely to come to a fortune teller. In addition, it is difficult to find anyone in the world who has no problems at all, and everything is incredibly smooth.

    Tricky ways

    Sometimes a charlatan uses this method. For example, he says that a person has health problems. But you deny, because in reality they do not exist. But the magician does not give up: “They already exist, but you don’t know about them yet.” Also, charlatans often talk about severe damage, the evil eye and other terrible things. And the more you manage to intimidate a person, the more money he will subsequently give for “treatment.”

    Charlatans always use the method of intimidation. This must be remembered and under no circumstances be afraid. An experienced fortune teller will never talk about problems with 100% probability. She will say that they are possible.

    If you are offered to urgently remove the evil eye or damage, it is better to abandon this idea. Ask the fortune teller to simply make a reading for the present and near future. Listen carefully to what she says, or better yet, write it down. After a while, compare the result. This way you will understand whether you can trust the person, or whether you have ended up with a charlatan.

    In fact, to believe or not to believe in something is a purely personal matter. However, before deciding whether you can trust fortune telling by cards, by hand, etc., you should probably get as much information as possible more information about this question.

    History has preserved amazing cases when the predictions of fortune tellers, completely impossible at first glance, came true. For example, the famous French fortune teller Marie Lenormand, whose fortune telling system you can learn about, predicted the death of the leaders of the French Revolution, the defeat of Napoleon in Russia and the execution by hanging of two future Decembrists who found themselves in France (note that at that time noblemen were not subjected to such execution).

    Why guess with cards?

    Many people tell fortunes with cards simply out of curiosity, while others try to penetrate the veil of the future to find out what awaits them. Some people tell fortunes in a critical situation from which there seems to be no way out, while others try to settle matters of the heart in this way.

    In essence, fortune telling is a way of obtaining information from the subtle world. But we should not forget that this information still needs to be interpreted correctly, and not everyone can do this. This is why in serious cases people turn to professional fortune tellers.

    However, not everyone is satisfied with the results of fortune telling: they often look too vague and do not give specific answers to specific questions.

    Surprisingly, modern information technologies have not remained aloof from this hobby either. For example, on this site you can find out your future online with the most different ways, including with the help of fortune telling on cards.

    This point should also be taken into account: they will interpret the same layout dealt to different people differently depending on their situation. To some extent, of course, very approximately, fortune telling allows you to rethink your specific situation, activating your own intuition.

    So should you believe them?

    Many who are interested in fortune-telling claim that you should only believe the good results of fortune-telling, especially if it is fortune-telling based on desire; read more about this method of fortune-telling. Allegedly, this inspires and gives additional incentive, which helps achieve the goal.

    The logic, of course, is completely childish, but maybe there is something in this. In fact, if they tell you negative result, this can be demotivating, or it can give the opposite result: in spite of everything, I will fight and achieve my goal!

    As we see, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of whether card fortune telling can be trusted. Here a lot still depends on who is guessing. Experienced fortune tellers are usually experienced psychologists. With the help of cards, they do not so much predict fate as show how the situation can develop, taking into account certain of your actions. However, the final decision is always yours.

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