• When will it be an old man's day? Elderly Person's Day: history of the holiday, traditions and interesting facts. What is Elderly Day?


    (International Day of Older Persons) is celebrated annually on October 1 by decision of the UN General Assembly since 1991.

    The purpose of this day is to attract public attention to the problems of older people.

    According to the UN, there are currently almost 700 million people over 60 years of age in the world. By 2050, the number of people over 60 years of age will reach two billion, making up more than 20% of the world's population. Problems associated with population aging initially affected mainly the developed countries However, they are now becoming increasingly important in developing countries. The most significant and rapid growth in the number of older people will be seen in the developing world. Moreover, the Asian region will account for the largest number of elderly people, and the African region will have the most significant increase in the share of the elderly population.

    In 1982, the first World Assembly on Aging was held in Vienna, where the International Plan of Action was adopted, which determined the international community's approach to the problem of aging. That same year, the plan was approved by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Continuing such initiatives, on December 14, 1990, the UN General Assembly, in its resolution 45/106, designated October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons. In 1991, the General Assembly adopted the UN Principles on Older Persons (resolution 46/91) and in 1992 the Declaration on Aging.

    In 2002, the Second World Assembly on Aging, held in Madrid, adopted the Political Declaration and International Plan of Action, which strengthened the political consensus on aging, with a focus on development and international cooperation and assistance in this area. Since the adoption of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging (MIAPA), it has guided the development of policies and programs at the national level, stimulated the development of national and regional plans and provided an international framework for dialogue.

    The goal of the International Plan of Action is to ensure that older people everywhere have the opportunity to live in safety and dignity and continue to participate in society as full citizens.

    The Madrid Plan of Action proposes three priority areas for action at the national level: the active participation of older people in society and development; ensuring health and well-being in old age; promoting the creation of favorable conditions for social development. Each priority area includes priority issues, or problems; tasks and recommendations.

    The Madrid International Plan of Action is not a set of universal prescriptions. It is a global framework strategy against which governments have committed to align the direction and content of action on aging at the national level. The choice and implementation of these actions depends on the conditions and capabilities of different countries. The primary level of action for implementing the MIPAS is national, with national governments having primary responsibility for implementing the broad set of recommendations contained in the Plan.

    In Russia, according to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2018, there were more than 30 million people over 60 years of age.

    The Day of Older People in our country is celebrated on the basis of the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 1992.

    In Russia and the rest of the world, this date is traditionally celebrated on the first day of October. Thus, Older People's Day is celebrated in our country on Monday, October 1st.

    © Fotolia / Christian Schwier

    Elderly woman in fashionable clothes

    In honor of this holiday, bright, large-scale events are held in many cities of our country. Concerts with the participation of pop singers and actors are held in the squares - hundreds of thousands of people gather for these festivals.

    It is important to add that on the Day of the Elderly, special attention is paid to the health and well-being of the older generation. To this end, representatives of the scientific community and charitable organizations gather at conferences and organize round tables.

    The meaning of the holiday

    The age composition of humanity has changed radically over the past half century.

    © Sputnik / Israil Ozerskiy

    Even before the Second World War, the average life expectancy around the world was noticeably lower than today. Not least of all, this was due to the low level of medicine, which is why global epidemics became a real scourge of humanity. History knows cases when diseases “mowed down” tens of millions of people over the course of several years.

    Already at the beginning of the last century, with the invention of penicillin, humanity made significant progress in the fight against infectious diseases. People have learned to heal once fatal diseases painlessly and with great success.

    An even greater leap in medicine occurred after World War II: many of the drugs we use on a regular basis were synthesized in the mid-20th century.

    © Fotolia / Sandor Kacso

    The development of medicine has had a positive impact on the life expectancy of the population: according to the UN, this figure has doubled in 50 years - from 46 to 68 years. According to forecasts, this index will continue to increase and will reach its peak by the middle of the 21st century.

    These facts signal that the problems of older people require increased attention. The task of the world community is not just to protect the elderly from illness, but also to create conditions for them so that they do not feel like a burden on the shoulders of the state, but make their contribution and develop.

    Day of the Elderly 2018 in Russia

    For example, in Vladimir, as a sign of respect for people of golden age, the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum organizes a free excursion.

    © Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

    In Moscow, seasoned hockey fans will be given a 50% discount on a Traktor HC match.

    A gala exhibition will be held in Zheleznovodsk at the Pushkin Gallery. Visitors will see interesting design projects authored by architects of the Stavropol Territory.

    A charity event “Fill the social cellar” is starting in the Ulyanovsk region, designed to help older people prepare for the winter season.

    People is a special day for senior citizens around the world. Today, there are about 600 million people worldwide who are 60 years of age or older.

    In our rapidly aging world, “veterans of life” will increasingly play a decisive role - passing on accumulated experience and knowledge, helping their families. They are already making a significant contribution to the development of society. Mature people is a new force for development.

    The origin of the holiday

    The most important celebration for all our grandparents is the day of the elderly. The history of the holiday dates back to the 70s of the last century. The first thoughts about its creation came to the minds of scientists who seriously thought about the influence of older people on economic development.

    In 1982, the First World Assembly was held in Vienna, the capital of Austria, which addressed the issue of population aging. Representatives from different countries spoke about the lives of elderly people and shared their experiences with each other. This has become an important issue for national governments, because the social and economic status of people of advanced age plays an important role in the development of any state, regardless of its location.

    The problem of providing veterans with a decent old age had to be solved. Of course, she could not help but support the decision of the assembly, as a result of which it was established: October 1 is the day of the elderly.
    The next assembly took place in 2002 in Madrid. She not only supported the decision to approve a special Day of the Elderly, but also developed the main provisions of activities aimed at improving the lives of pensioners.

    Origin in Russia

    But how did the Day of Older Persons come to Russia? The history of the holiday, so beloved by Russians, again owes much to the decision of the 45th session of the UN General Assembly. 1992 Presidium of the Supreme Council Russian Federation decided to support the global initiative. The first day of October was officially recognized as Senior Citizens' Day. This holiday has become official not only for other nations, but also for our Fatherland.

    Celebration in Russia

    Someone may ask: what is this holiday for? Its purpose is to attract public attention to the problems and difficulties of older people. This day is needed so that we do not forget what a great contribution old people make to the life of the entire society.

    On October 1, various events are held and many services are provided, such as free concerts, movie screenings, charity evenings, and even sporting events.

    Elderly people are provided with material, social, and other types of assistance. And all this is not done in vain. Indeed, according to scientists, average life expectancy has increased by 20 years. And the total number of older generation citizens throughout Russia has reached about 20 percent!

    The meaning of the holiday

    In Russia, the holiday Day of the Elderly is of great importance. The history of the holiday consists of many stages,
    But it’s not only Russia that cares about its older population. Other countries pay great attention to their pensioners. After all, they take part in public life. For example, in Africa, children with AIDS left without parents are under the care of their grandparents.

    We can’t help but thank them, because they do a lot for us. And in Spain, for example, care for the sick is carried out mainly by people, especially women. In each state, certain traditions began to emerge, and over time, were completely established.

    Celebration in other countries

    The countries of Europe were the first to celebrate this holiday, and then the celebration gradually moved to the southern countries. Due to their financial capabilities, various events are held on this day in different countries. But still, the main goal remains to encourage older people.

    IN different countries This holiday goes by different names. In the USA, for example, this is National Grandparents Day, which means “Grandparents Day”. In China it is “Double Nine Festival”, and in Japan it is “Day of Respect for the Elderly”. But the name of the holiday does not change its essence - in all countries they pay tribute to older people.


    The best gift for our relatives, of course, will be congratulations on the Day of the Elderly. The most important thing on this day is to pay attention to your family. But it will be even better if your kind words A postcard for the Day of the Elderly will also be added. We must remember that the older generation needs love and care every day. And if you take the time and make a postcard with your own hands, it will be the most best congratulations Happy Elderly Day, which will touch anyone to the core.

    There is another option for congratulations - a home concert. This will be a great gift that even little grandchildren can make. In order for your concert to become solemn, you can write a beautiful script for the Day of the Elderly and stage a whole performance. Or maybe you like to write poetry? So give your grandparents a wonderful poem! And it’s not at all difficult to create a script for the Day of the Elderly. All you need is a little imagination!


    It turns out that this holiday even has its own logos. Abroad, it is usually designated as a globe on a white background. Ears of wheat, as if hugging the globe, are a cradle. Have you ever wondered why the globe is a symbol of such an event as the Day of the Elderly? The history of the holiday says that this image symbolizes globality and scale.

    In Russia, the logo of this holiday is the palm. The hand has always been of help, of reconciliation.

    In Russia, the holiday Day of the Elderly is of great importance. The history of the holiday already includes many annual events, their result is A New Look on our older fellow citizens.

    Date in 2019: October 1st, Tuesday.

    October 1 is a special day. The day when you can safely bake a cake, prepare congratulations and invite your grandparents to the holiday. Today the whole world honors older people.

    It is only in youth that life seems long, health inexhaustible, and prospects broad. Over the years, especially in old age, a person increasingly understands that his problems will forever remain purely personal and best case scenario may only be of interest to close relatives. But that's not true. The world community has not ignored the issues of the elderly.

    There are many social and government programs aimed at supporting the elderly, and even official holiday. The whole world honors people who have crossed the 60-year mark on the Day of Older Persons, which falls on October 1 every year.

    Who celebrates Old People's Day?

    How often do we think about our elderly relatives? The bustle of life, constant worries and problems do not leave a free moment for most to think about own life, not to mention caring for the older generation.

    At best o elderly parents, grandparents, the younger generation remembers on their birthdays.

    What can we say about that old woman whom the average person meets every day at the bus stop, rushing to work. Would the thought even occur to her that she might need help, or that grandma might have no one to exchange a word with?

    There is a wonderful occasion, since there are not enough opportunities for daily care, to remember your elderly relatives. Dedicate a little of your precious time to them on October 1, when the Day of the Elderly is celebrated in 2016.

    Who should be congratulated on this wonderful autumn day? Of course, their parents, who gave their children their best years, grandparents, tirelessly caring for the well-being of children and grandchildren.

    And don’t forget about distant relatives, neighbors, acquaintances and, of course, that granny you bump into every day at a bus stop or in a supermarket.

    Remember how many old people were left without care and absolutely alone. Definitely, you can give up on such social problems. It is the business of the state to provide for the old age of its citizens. But do not forget that years are fleeting, and through his actions and relationships a person lays down the program of action for his children.

    Therefore, the Day of Older People is not only a holiday of people who are wise with life experience, it is a day of respect, a day of gratitude, a day of help, in which everyone without exception should take part, regardless of age, gender and status.

    history of the holiday

    It would be unfair to say that before the advent of the holiday of the elderly, issues of the elderly were not raised in society, and children did not care about their aged parents.

    In many families, traditions passed down from generation to generation are sacredly revered; relatives gather not only for “occasion”. Senior men and women are respected and their opinions and advice are listened to without question. And who doesn’t love grandma’s pies or quiet cozy gatherings at home? Such communication for no reason brings people together and gives warmth to the soul.

    The issue of old people at the state level has always been considered no less important. Medical quotas for treatment and recovery, social and targeted assistance. Even the maintenance of nursing homes can easily be considered one of the points of special care. For some old people, this is the only refuge and way of survival.

    Why then did he become topical issue about organizing a special holiday. Without this, would people and the entire community not have enough opportunities to not forget about the global nature of such issues.

    First of all, the holiday is organized as a tribute of respect and gratitude to the older generation. Not in last place was the issue of reducing the life expectancy of people on the planet. This indicator depends on social security and the health of the elderly. The problems of old age for low-income citizens and people living in third world countries turned out to be important. Not every person is able to ask for help or speak out loud about their problems.

    Therefore, the UN was concerned with sad statistics stating that on the planet more than a billion people have crossed the line of old age, which in relation to the total number of inhabitants amounted to more than 10%. Understanding the relevance of the aging society and the demographic situation, the Ball Assembly proclaimed a resolution to establish a special day dedicated to older people. The event fell on December 14 in 1990, but since then the celebration has been celebrated on October 1.

    At first, the initiative was supported by European countries. Russia joined the celebration in 1992, when a Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation was adopted, which spoke about the importance of the problems of older people. Later, the holiday found support both in America and in other countries that were not members of the UN.

    Over the course of a quarter of a century, the International Day of Older Persons has acquired its own traditions and, most importantly, achieved its goal - changing the prejudiced attitude in society towards older people.

    Over the centuries, the cult of ancestors was not always held in high esteem. There were terrible customs according to which frail old people were thrown to a terrible death. Yes and modern society was not loyal to pensioners, and outdated stereotypes became a stumbling block in resolving many social issues.

    Thanks to the Elderly Day, it became possible to speak openly about the problems of the elderly, pay tribute to their many years of work and care, and take small but real steps in providing much-needed help to them.

    Undeniable facts about older people

    When old age comes, that is elderly age? Judging by generally accepted standards, this category includes people over 60 years of age. Officially, a person who is over 75 years old is already considered an old man.

    But is it possible to judge age from passport data? Some people, even at the age of 70, remain a mischievous boyish grandfather or an enthusiastic and entertaining grandmother, while for others, “spiritual” old age comes already at 35.

    In many ways, of course, the condition of older people depends on social status and material security, and this fact is undeniable. Healthy eating and expensive treatment, timely examinations and preventive health care, varied leisure and activities of interest are not available to every person after retirement.

    But you must admit that in order to make airplanes with your grandson, plant strawberries in the garden beds and even write scientific papers, it is not necessary to focus on the lack of resources. How many happy grandparents run in the park in the morning, push strollers with their beloved great-grandchildren, or devote free time favorite hobby.

    After all, this is a wonderful age when children have already grown up, a career has been made, and a house has been built. And finally, the time has come when you can devote your life to yourself and your forgotten dreams.

    And many older people do just that, surprising their acquaintances, and indeed all the inhabitants of the planet, with their achievements. It turns out that age is not at all a barrier to fame. And dreams are conquered by those who are confident and persistent.

    Thus, the dream of the American nurse and later housewife Katherine Josten came true only at the age of 60. After the divorce, the lady plunged headlong into acting, achieving worldwide fame and receiving 2 Emmy awards.

    Old Colonel Sanders breathed life into the famous KFC restaurant chain when he was no longer 60. Having failed with his diner, the man did not give up, but created a unique recipe for baking chicken, thanks to which he gained popularity.

    The first exhibition of Anna Maria Moses' paintings took place when the American grandmother turned 80 years old. The lady remembered her hobby after the death of her husband and continued to write until she was 101 years old.

    Old lady Nola Ochs received her first higher education at the age of 95, returning to her interrupted studies after 73 years.

    And history knows quite a few such facts. Historians and scientists, millionaires and athletes, artists and writers became famous and rich after the age of 60.

    But not all people, having entered into retirement age, rush headlong to conquer new heights. For most, such life changes become a huge stress. To remain is not destiny, to become a burden, to lose the opportunity for self-realization, to feel unnecessary or, in general, superfluous - this prospect frightens many.

    Caring children and grandchildren can support and make it clear that life goes on. Therefore, it is so important to involve your elderly relatives in any field of activity.

    Do not refuse help, trust your elders - their irreplaceable experience will be a good help in life, and for them such activity will be akin to a second wind.

    For some retirees, on the contrary, there is time for sports, participation in social and social life. And according to survey results, the dream of many old people is travel and, of course, health, and single people are not averse to romantic relationships acquire.

    How to congratulate older people?

    Don't miss Senior Citizens' Day 2016, which will be celebrated on October 1st. This is a good reason to dedicate this day to your elderly. It is not necessary to organize grandiose feasts; it is better to consider options for a cultural program.

    For your loved ones, you can organize a barbecue outdoors - an autumn and still warm day is conducive to such family leisure. Or you can simply help clean up the garden, do labor-intensive work in the garden or around the house. But don’t forget about communication by organizing home gatherings with cake.

    Get to know the program of cultural events that take place in the city. Why not tell mom and her friends about interesting concerts, fairs or competitions that are held on this day by public or government organizations in their honor.

    Take part in charity events: donate your creative works that can be sold at charity fairs, provide sponsorship.

    And, of course, prepare congratulations that can be sent in the morning via SMS or presented in the form of a beautiful postcard.

    Accept from us sincere congratulations on the Day of the Elderly. I really want to say more of the most affectionate, most sincere words, so that their warmth can warm them and always remind them how we honor your care, your love. May your eyes shine joyfully, may your soul not lose excitement and youth, and may all illnesses and misfortunes be avoided.

    Every day we remember your concern,

    We honor your experience and hard work.

    On a holiday dedicated to an elderly person,

    Words sound in your honor and fireworks thunder.

    Put aside sewing and knitting for a while,

    Forget about the awl and hammer,

    On this day, accept congratulations,

    Our beloved elderly man.

    Larisa, August 30, 2016.
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