• What should a good wife be like? The ideal wife or what men want


    Every woman wants to be loved and admired not only in the first year married life, but also after 20 years. No, of course, over time a habit comes, and your husband will accept you for who you are. But you want to be not only accepted, but loved and idolized. Moreover, there is nothing difficult about becoming an ideal companion; the main thing is to start changing.

    1. You should definitely cook for your husband. No one, of course, will ask you for the delights of French cuisine every day for dinner, but you must learn to cook borscht and cutlets to perfection. The ability to cook truly delicious food can come with time and experience. So practice every day. Now the Internet is in almost every home, read recipes, experiment, try. You can buy a multicooker, it makes cooking easier, and a booklet with recipes comes right away.

    2. Your home should always be clean. Of course, there is no need to “lick” the house until it shines every day. It is enough to do a little cleaning every day, and then do a thorough cleaning on the weekends. By the way, you can involve both children and husband in daily activities. Let them help put away the toys, wash the dishes, and wipe the dust. Eventually, you too will get tired and need help.

    3. Laundry must be washed in a timely manner. So that both the husband and children always have clean things. You should also always have a couple of clean sets of bed linen available.

    4. You are a mother and you should be able to calm a raging child. If a child screams without doing anything, sheds tears, demanding a toy or not wanting to go to bed. It is you who must calm him down, no, not indulge him just to keep him quiet, but convince him through conversation to calm down. You must also ensure that the child behaves decently at a party and on the street.

    5. You must know which pill to give to your husband or child, who has a fever or a toothache and you should always have medicines available in your medicine cabinet at home.

    What should a wife be like?

    1. Even if you are a housewife, you must have your own interests and hobbies. You don't have to live only as a husband. While he is watching football, there is no need to nag him or try to watch it with him. Mind your own business, show that you are also an individual and you have your own interests.

    2. Don't stay at home all the time. You should have your own circle of friends. Leave home sometimes, let your husband get bored. At the same time, dress nicely and put on makeup.

    3. No matter how meager your wardrobe may be, you should always have Nice dress according to the figure for going out in public. Let's say your husband has a bonus and he invited you to celebrate this event in a restaurant, to which you answer him that you have nothing to wear and you just stay at home. It is for such occasions that you should always have something to wear.

    4. Always engage in self-development. Read books, interesting articles on the Internet, no, not gossip about the stars, but educational articles. When your husband comes home, show off your knowledge and tell him something at dinner interesting fact, which he doesn't know about.

    5. Be nice and friendly to others, try to smile and behave decently. His friends must like you and always be a hospitable hostess. The same applies to your husband’s relatives; try not to conflict with them and not nag your husband about them.


    In order not to be jealous of your husband and not to be afraid of his cheating, you need to behave correctly in the bedroom.

    1. There is no need to punish your husband for misconduct, lack of intimacy, or, conversely, reward him for something with intimacy.

    2. Don’t act too shy in bed, because you have nothing to be shy in bed with your loved one.

    3. But, of course, there is no need to act unnatural and behave like a worker in the Dutch sex industry. When asked how many men were before him, answer with a smile that everything that came before him does not matter.

    4. Be ready to try something new and diversify your intimate life.

    5. Do not discuss your intimate life with your friends, this is only your personal and others do not need to know about it.

    10 rules in appearance

    A wife should remember that men love with their eyes. Therefore, you should always look decent under any circumstances.

    1. You should always have clean teeth and no bad odor coming from your mouth.

    2. It is not necessary to dress appropriately at home latest trends, but clothes must be clean, neat and in size. Therefore, eliminate oversized faded robes from your wardrobe. You can wear, for example, tights, leggings, shorts, t-shirts, tunics and shirts.

    3. Your face and body should be free of hair.

    4. Don't forget about proper nutrition and sometimes remind your husband that a hamburger is the wrong food.

    5. Hair should always be clean and smell nice. There is no need to do your hair while at home and cover it with a layer of varnish to fix it. If your husband wants to run his hand through your hair, he should not get tangled in it.

    6. Watch your gait, it should be smooth and graceful.

    8. Don’t cover yourself in layers at home. foundation and cosmetics. You just need to apply face cream, tint your lips with gloss and mascara on your eyelashes. And that's it, you are beautiful.

    9. Keep your nails clean and beautiful. Forget about extended nails, this has long been unfashionable. If the varnish begins to peel off, remove it immediately with liquid. Clean them regularly from dirt and shape them with a nail file.

    10. Don't worry about your weight. Believe me, your husband won’t notice 3-5 extra kilos, but if you constantly remind him of it, he will start to take a closer look and think that there is really something wrong with you. You don't have to refuse to eat in front of him because you're on a diet. Don't talk about it. Say that you don’t just want fried chicken today, you want a light salad.

    1. There is no need to educate your husband and talk to him in a commanding voice. You are not raising a shepherd, but communicating with your loved one. Often women complain that they are tired of carrying everything on themselves and being the man in the family. Don't take on too much, be a woman. Always ask your husband for help, even if you can drive a nail yourself, he must do it.

    2. Do not constantly criticize your husband for what he did not do or did, but not so. Don't spoil your nervous system. Well, it doesn’t matter that he stained the bathroom with toothpaste again or didn’t take out the trash.

    3. Take an interest in his work and affairs. Even if you don’t understand anything about his profession, still ask and listen.

    4. Don't swear or argue with your spouse in public. No one should know what is happening in your family. Besides, there is no need to humiliate your loved one in the eyes of other people.

    5. Thank him for the gifts he gives you, especially if it is not a holiday. He will have a desire to give them to you further. Mark any piece of mammoth that he brought into your “cave”.

    6. Don't give reasons for jealousy. Yes, I want my husband to somehow demonstrate that he cares about you. But this is not the most successful way. Especially if you try to make him jealous with the help of his friend. You and your friend can quarrel with him and in the general company everyone will seem like a flighty lady. And then you’ll get the first number from your husband.

    These are just a few basic rules of what a wife should be like for her husband. Yes, at first glance, it seems that being an ideal wife is not easy. But no one promised that everything would be easy and smooth. The main thing is to start changing yourself; at first it will not be easy, but then it will become a habit.

    Wife is a special status of a woman. It is in the family that a woman opens up, but at the same time, she can fade. Maintaining balance is the main task of a woman-wife. According to men, to be an ideal wife, a woman must have the following qualities.

    Love him

    Every man wants to be loved. He wants his chosen one’s feelings for him to be selfless. Everyone is pleased when they love you not for your achievements, car or status. And for your human qualities.

    Respect his relatives

    If at the initial stage of a relationship this point can be smoothed over by fire-breathing passion for each other, then over time the wife’s unwillingness to get along with her husband’s family can become the reason for constant showdowns. Every man wants his closest people not only to maintain relationships, but to sincerely enjoy communication.

    To be beautiful

    Beauty is a relative concept, however, what man doesn’t want to go arm in arm with a luxurious woman? At the very least, a wife should never forget that she is, first of all, a woman, and taking care of herself is her direct responsibility.

    Know how to cook

    Some men, especially those who can afford regular lunches and dinners in a restaurant, are disingenuous when they say that the ability to cook deliciously is not the most important thing feminine quality. Everything changes when a woman becomes a wife. Therefore, never neglect this point, but study the cookbook!

    Love sex

    Of course, this is one of the main components of marriage. A wife who completely satisfies her husband in bed does not have to worry about his having mistresses.

    Have good health

    A well-known saying says that a wife should be healthy and a sister should be rich. We won’t discuss the latter, but the presence good health the wife has a significant point. What kind of husband would want to have a wife who constantly complains about something? An ideal wife rarely gets sick, is always cheerful and cheerful!

    Be faithful

    And not only with the body, but also with the soul. A man should see support in you, even when his decisions contradict the opinion of the majority. She will not leave you in difficult times, she will not betray you. She will cheer you up and give you hope that everything will be fine. Next to such a woman, a man wants to grow, develop and change for the better.

    Be an individual

    A wife should not get bogged down in household chores. Then she will simply cease to be interesting to her man. Having a job for a wife is not the most important condition, while having diverse hobbies is a must!

    Be able to control emotions

    A neurasthenic wife will never become an ideal for a man. Calmness and the ability to smooth out rough edges are what is important for a man. Perfect wife will not be jealous of her husband if he said that he is at a meeting, will not break dishes and shout when he once again comes long after midnight and is not entirely sober. And a man will receive only positive emotions from communicating with her.

    Be smart

    Who kills a fool's wife? Nobody. But intelligence, like beauty, is a broad concept. It is known for sure that no man wants to see a woman smarter than himself next to him. At least a little, but a man still has to be smarter. But you can play along with him on this.

    What is the real purpose of a woman? Keep your hearth, give birth to children, love, create, create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth around yourself... Perhaps these are just stereotypes. Yes, women know how to create a spiritual atmosphere and guess the state of other people, but these qualities are given to her by nature. She has strong intuition, flexibility, the ability to compassion and feel deeply. Yes, it is important to continue one’s family line, but by giving birth to children, a woman fulfills the purpose of a mother. So what does it mean to be a real woman and what should an ideal wife be like?

    German philosopher Bert Hellinger states: “A woman needs a man, because without a man she is not a woman.” Men and women are polar opposites, they think and perceive reality differently, but at the same time they complement each other. Women cannot exist without men. And men have no place in a world without women. The whole world is built on paired opposites and people are no exception.

    Nature has endowed the fair sex with tenderness and care, which men so lack. Sometimes women should consciously step into the background, allow a man to be strong and active, to reveal his potential.

    You may object: “Why should a woman be behind a man, constantly making concessions?” But this is where her wisdom lies. If a woman understands her man, trusts him, and most importantly, believes in him, he will do everything to make his companion happy with him. Men don’t need anything, they wouldn’t do anything for themselves. Only feminine power and charm motivates them to exploits!

    Modern ladies increasingly want to be on an equal footing with men. But no matter how free and independent a woman is, she always wants to remain weak and feminine, stand behind the strong shoulders of men and know that she is not afraid of any difficulties in life. Every woman wants to get married and build a strong union.

    The word "marriage" has no connection with lack of quality. It was formed from the word “take”. A man takes a woman as his wife in order to reunite with her into one whole. Give her your power and receive in return feminine energy and the tenderness that he so lacks. But the union of two people will be strong only when it is based on love, respect, understanding and trust. And if a man is the material and protective basis of marriage, then a woman is its spiritual center. Whether we want it or not, the responsibility for maintaining a warm atmosphere and love in the house lies on the fragile shoulders of women. And if there is a chill in the relationship, then the woman will again be to blame for this, no matter how sad it may sound.

    Sometimes it seems difficult to maintain harmony in the family. Life presents us with problems and unpleasant surprises that need to be solved. Of course, life is not ideal, but becoming an ideal wife and creating strong family Every woman can do it. Nobody says that it is easy, but the main thing is to know what an ideal wife should be like, or rather, what to strive for.

    What should an ideal wife be like?

    The ability to keep the house clean and tidy, to know household tricks, to adapt and guess the desires of your companion is the height of skill. And preserving love for a lifetime is a real art! A woman should remember the simple commandments of what an ideal wife should be like to create warm relations and a strong marriage.

    Respect each other

    A real man doesn't need to be treated like a child or girlfriend. It is important for him to feel his dominance, to know that his wife respects him and the last word will always be his. Now there is no question that a man is always unquestioningly right and a woman should poke him in everything. Respect should be built on mutual understanding, the couple should be able to talk to each other and tactfully express their opinions. If you learn to restrain your emotions and discuss any issues in calm tones, then in the future you will not have unresolved issues. After all, everything will be built on mutual respect.

    Make concessions

    It is usually not difficult for a man to give in to his woman. Why don’t we sometimes give in to our husbands? For you, watching hockey or fishing seems like such a small thing, but for your husband it is important to open summer season fishing or “cheer” for your favorite team. Give in to him even in small things - this will make him appreciate you even more.

    Help your husband achieve his goals

    A woman can realize herself quite well. But it is so arranged that a man is usually engaged in visible activities and his contribution to family budget noticeable and women's work almost invisible. But if it weren’t for you, would your husband have reached such heights? You take care of household chores, make sure his shirts are clean, he eats, etc. He certainly wouldn’t have been able to do everything on his own!

    A woman helps men’s talents to reveal themselves and encourages her husband to take action. You don’t need to think that you are devoting your life to him, wasting time that you could use to achieve your career growth. You are a family, you are companions and you make a common income. If a man is doing well and is rapidly moving up the career ladder, why not help him with this? Be on the same team with your husband, so you will achieve your goals faster.

    Learn to control your emotions

    Women are sensitive by nature and sometimes find it difficult to restrain their emotions. There are times when it is difficult to maintain a calm tone. But the sooner you learn not to argue, but to talk, the sooner you learn to take your man’s opinion into account, the sooner he will appreciate your wisdom. And even if you categorically disagree with your husband’s opinion, you should not issue orders. You are, first of all, a woman, weak and defenseless. Your orders should look like sentences. It is worth noting that when a man feels his authority, most often he agrees with the opinion of his wife.

    Praise your man

    Everyone loves to be praised, especially men. This does not mean that you should constantly give compliments with or without reason. But why not thank your man for specific deeds, help, and note his talents. Praise inspires men and gives them an incentive to move forward. Start praising each other and you will realize how wonderful it is to start and end the day with praise and kind words.

    Don't humiliate your husband in public

    Sometimes you can notice a situation when a husband wants to say something, but his wife has dissatisfaction written all over her face. She begins to interrupt him in public and express her “correct” point of view. This is complete disrespect for a man! Yes, sometimes our defenders do not always know how to express their thoughts beautifully and they are not always right, but any person must be listened to completely and his opinion taken into account. If you interrupt your husband in public, you will spoil the opinion not only of your husband, but also of yourself.

    Don't compare your husband to anyone

    Of course, family life is not always ideal, but you should never say, “I gave you best years my life, and who am I now?”, “But Lenka’s husband got a promotion a long time ago!” and the like. For men, such phrases are not just humiliation, it is almost defeat. It turns out that you regret marrying him. It turns out that he could not make you happy. Both of you are responsible for family happiness, and often both of you are to blame for the troubles that arise.

    Your man should be confident that you will be by his side in wealth and poverty, sickness and health. He needs to know that you value him. It is the wife who can elevate her man, give him an impetus to new achievements, guide him to the right direction. With wise and loving woman a man can reveal new potential in himself and reach unprecedented heights.

    Don't wash dirty linen in public

    Many women like to gossip with friends and mother about problems in family life, complain about your husband. Thus, of course, you will receive support, but what kind? Are you even more convinced that everything is bad? You will most likely soon cool down, the quarrels will subside, and your husband will again become dearest and kindest to you. For you, but not for your relatives and friends, for them he is already the “tormentor” of their beautiful friend or smart daughter. Now, with every quarrel, you will be “added fuel to the fire” with bad memories. The husband's reputation will be ruined. Why do you need this, leave all the bad things behind you.

    Let's sum it up

    What's the conclusion? So what should an ideal wife be like? First of all, to be your husband’s helper, ally, his right hand, a like-minded person and ally in any battle. Both spouses must be confident in each other's fidelity and devotion. How great it is to know that there is a person next to you who, under any circumstances, will be for you and next to you.

    Only wise woman is able to consciously fade into the background and transfer the role of leader to her man. For some, this is not an easy task at all! But remember, behind female weakness and humility lies enormous strength and power. After all, when a man feels his importance and believes in his masculinity, he is ready to be your breadwinner, breadwinner, helper, protector.

    “What should a wife be like?” - This question interests many women. Most likely, the answer should have been asked from men, since they know better than anyone what kind of wife they would like to see next to them. An interesting fact is that the opinions of men, women, and book authors differ.

    If you believe the writers of what an ideal wife should be like, then she should always be well-groomed and be able to cook for her husband delicious dishes, be polite, do not put your personal things in order, never criticize him in public, do not discuss your first marriage with him.

    Books usually give a very dry answer to our question. Most likely, this is compliance with some strict norms, but it cannot in any way relate to the love between wife and husband.

    If you live only by the rules, life will turn out boring. There should always be some kind of innovation between people in a relationship, men believe. It turns out that books can give good answers to eternal question: “What should a wife be?”, however, they are not always applicable in life.

    Very often it happens like this: a woman knows how to cook, is neat, tactful, takes care of herself, but her husband is still not happy with something. And the other girl doesn’t know how to cook and is not always polite, but the man admires her and considers her an ideal wife for himself. So what's the secret? Certainly not the things that many girls think about.

    Women's opinion

    Many women answer our question: “What should a wife be like?” - as a rule, they answer: “A beauty, a smart girl, an athlete, a housewife, a business lady and just an ideal woman.”

    The pursuit of ideal is main mistake wives After all, you cannot be the best in everything, since this is an extremely high bar that keeps you in suspense all the time. Therefore, you need to give up thoughts of being perfect. And also, a man does not need his wife to have incredible abilities, because what is important for him is to feel love for his wife and feel understanding on her part.

    What do men think a wife should be like?

    According to men, it is almost impossible to say unequivocally what a wife should be like. After all, everyone has their own opinions on this matter. However, their opinions largely coincide: the wife must love the family, always be interesting, so that their beloved woman is sure to be devoted to the family. She must love her husband, children, please her husband, and then she can well call herself an ideal wife.

    You should never get hung up on certain rules, and even on the question of what a wife should be like. After all, you should always feel in your heart how you should be with your beloved man. Women are lucky here. They have such a gift. You just need to listen to your heart, because it will never let you down.

    Survey of men - portrait of an ideal wife

    The men painted a portrait ideal woman, reports the FactNews portal. According to almost half of Russian men, ideal women should be smart, but at the same time be able to hide their intelligence. These results were obtained in a survey conducted by the Research Center of the SuperJob.ru portal among 1000 representatives of the stronger sex.

    According to 46% of men, the ideal woman should have intelligence. But at the same time, men notice that a woman needs to “be able to hide her mind” so as not to offend her companion. For a legal spouse, a sharp mind is also important, but this answer option was indicated by a noticeably smaller number of respondents - 29%.

    In second place, both for the ideal woman and for the ideal wife were external data. The importance of having a pleasant appearance for a woman was noted by 38% of men. 21% of respondents are convinced that beauty is an important quality of a wife.

    This quality of an ideal woman is kindness, indicated by 20% of respondents. It is interesting that, according to men, this quality is the third most important for an ideal woman, but for a wife it is not necessary - kindness was not even included in the top five, receiving only 14% of the votes of those surveyed.

    For legal spouse loyalty much more important than kindness, they say Russian men(20%). From women who are not legal spouses, 16% of respondents expect loyalty.

    Femininity 12% of men value in their girlfriends. For wives, this characteristic is practically unimportant - she did not get enough votes to cross even the five percent barrier.

    In our survey, men demonstrated unanimity of opinion only once: a tenth of respondents expect the fair sex in general and wives in particular to show signs of sensuality and sexuality.

    As expected, thrift for a legal life partner is much more relevant than for a girlfriend. It was indicated as the main quality of an ideal wife and an ideal woman by 20% and 9% of respondents, respectively.

    An important quality of an ideal wife is ability to love. 17% of men indicated it as a characteristic of a good wife. Only 5% of respondents chose this quality to describe an ideal girlfriend.

    Patience 9% of men demand from their women. Wives will find this quality more useful: 12% of respondents indicate it as an important component of the character of an ideal wife.

    Thinking about the perfect woman and wife, such a character trait as honesty, indicated by 9% and 6% of respondents, respectively.

    Receive from your wife understanding important for 9% of men. In relationships with friends, it is slightly less relevant - a woman’s ability to show understanding was noted by 5% of respondents.

    Tender and affectionate 7% of men would like to see their partner. 5% of respondents dream of an affectionate wife.

    On the need for a spouse to have maternal instinct mentioned by 7% of men. According to 5% of respondents, this quality should be present in any woman, regardless of her marital status.

    For an ideal wife it is more important to be attentive(8% of male votes), and for a friend - charming(5%). In the paired survey, these answer options did not pass the five percent threshold.

    60% of men indicated other qualities of an ideal woman, and 56% of an ideal wife. Among the qualities necessary for an ideal woman and a perfect wife were wisdom, “taste and tact,” health, absence of bad habits, hard work, sense of humor, meekness, neatness, cleanliness and even silence. A small part of respondents dream of wealthy girlfriends, others value unpretentiousness in ladies.

    11% of respondents found it difficult to answer the question about a perfect woman. The question of an ideal wife confused 18% of men.
    author of the article

    Most men dream of an ideal woman or an ideal wife, and the majority of girls want to live up to this status in relation to their man.

    The wish that is most often addressed to the bride is to be an ideal wife. But what does it mean? What are the qualities of an ideal wife or girlfriend?

    Most of the signs of “ideality” are already present in every woman, and the missing ones can be developed if there is desire and a supply of energy.

    Married life is not the easiest process in which a woman is literally the soul of the marriage union, because without her home life turns into chaos.

    And no matter that no two girls are alike, some of the most important qualities are inherent in all women.

    The ideal wife, the ideal woman, the ideal girl. 32 qualities

    1. Appearance and sex appeal

    The ideal wife is always attractive and, of course, you should really like her appearance. She has a good figure, and you, in turn, should feel constant sexual attraction to her.

    In general, it is worth noting that appearance is a rather subjective phenomenon. If we recall the favorite 10-point scale invented by men to assess the level feminine attractiveness, then the winner of the “10 points” nomination for one man may well be rated 6 points by another cheerful guy.

    The fact is that every man has his own type of woman. But if something confuses you about the appearance of your chosen one, you should think about it - huh?

    Women need warmth, tenderness, and receiving. How can you give her all this if you are not physically attracted to her? Do you want to give a reason for?

    Besides, perfect girl does not treat her appearance as something unchangeable, so she constantly takes care of herself, bothering with the obligatory work of keeping herself in shape.

    2. Sexual compatibility

    A woman who claims to be an ideal wife must be sexually compatible with her man.

    Significant differences in sexual temperament will cause serious problems in life together, which could lead to their collapse or.

    3. Femininity

    A long time ago, there was no need to discuss such a trait of an ideal wife. The statement that a woman should be feminine seemed as absurd as specifying when buying a car that you need a steering wheel as an option.

    However, at present, the firmware of a certain part of the female layer of society periodically fails, endowing women with certain masculine traits or some bad qualities, forcing men to figure out, for example, how to recognize her.

    4. Intelligence

    Undoubtedly, guys are initially attracted to girls by their appearance. But the presence of female intelligence makes a man not only feel a rapid heartbeat, but also open his mouth.

    She does not need to have a doctorate in philosophy or be a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, but sufficient reading and understanding of the important fundamentals of the essence of being is an important quality.

    Smart men appreciate smart women. And how can you call an ideal girl whose circle of knowledge and interests is limited to monitoring new posts of friends on social networks?

    Do not forget that, among other things, you will also have to communicate with your chosen one, and for this the girl must be able to carry on a conversation.

    5. Confidence and self-esteem

    Connect feminine beauty with confidence, and you will get an unrivaled fighting friend who will help you conquer the whole world and achieve the most cherished goals.

    - one of best qualities any person. Confident woman has her own plans and ambitions, knows her worth, knows who she is, what she wants, where she is going and how to contribute to the development of a relationship with a man.

    6. Mental maturity

    There is a saying that girls are born adults, while boys mature throughout their lives.

    But over the past few decades, there has been a downward trend in female maturity. It is not so rare to find female representatives aged about 30 who are not used to taking responsibility in life or behave childishly.

    Maturity is a trait that only comes with experience. It is the reward that a person receives as a result of overcoming life's obstacles that arise on the way to his dreams and ambitions.

    The immature girl never tried to achieve anything through her own efforts, never suffered, and, as a result, remained under the influence of childish thinking.

    In addition, a mentally mature woman does not have the desire to dissolve in noisy company, and she is not interested in evening meetings with her friends. She is completely ready for a serious relationship.

    No experience - no suffering, growth and maturity. She can be amazing beautiful girl, but she will never become an ideal wife.

    7. Self-sufficiency

    Successful self-sufficient people are extremely independent by nature. They are very focused when they are in constant struggle to change their future and the world around them.

    And it is not surprising that such a person has some contempt for people who are excessively attached to anything in their life, even when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex.

    A woman clinging to a relationship may be a pleasant gift for some type of male part of society, but she will not suitable option for a man who lives life to the fullest.

    There is something wrong with this if a girl is completely dependent on her man.

    Perhaps she does not have her own close circle, or she does not know how to build relationships with them.

    It is possible that she is a born housewife, and she has no need to go to work or have her own hobby, except for family and household affairs.

    But the ideal wife must have a healthy level of self-sufficiency. She must have her own friends, goals and ambitions.

    The only thing that limits her independence is loyalty to her beloved man and devotion to the relationship.

    8. Loyalty

    Loyalty is one of the most important qualities of an ideal woman. This means that she has values ​​and principles that will not allow her to blindly follow her emotions towards any other man.

    Modern culture often portrays women as free from any obligations.

    But men with mature views on life, with rare exceptions, will perceive such behavior as sexual. No normal man will ever take such women seriously.

    After all, if a girl cannot be called faithful, then there is no reason to invest in a relationship with her, because at any moment she can easily leave for someone else, leaving you alone with the realization of your own stupidity.

    Easy to come, easy to go.

    9. Modesty

    She knows that pride and an inflated ego are the root of many disasters and disappointments.

    Therefore, the ideal girl allows other people to sing songs of praise to her, but at the same time does not consider it necessary to brag about herself and her merits.

    10. Respect

    Mutual respect is important in any relationship, so an ideal wife makes sure to show respect to her husband.

    She will not belittle your merits, try to insult or humiliate you, either alone or in public.

    11. Honesty

    Few people will want to tie themselves in ties with a person who can deceive without a twinge of conscience.

    In addition, most men do not know how to guess what is on a woman’s mind, so it will be better if a girl is able to speak out directly, no matter what she thinks or feels, because this is the only way to effectively deal with problems that arise in a relationship.

    12. Kindness

    The ideal woman is a balm for the soul, made from joy and kindness.

    People are filled with positive emotions when she is nearby, and her smile can melt the ice of a bad mood and extinguish the fire of raging anger.

    13. Determination

    A woman who cannot make the most trivial decision, such as choosing cheese in a grocery store, can hardly be called ideal.

    More often than not, it is men who take responsibility for making the most serious decisions: where to build a new nuclear power plant, whether to acquire a controlling stake in a large enterprise, or whether to send in troops to restore order in the region.

    But any man has the right to return home without thinking about what color to buy kitchen towels, or what meat should be cooked for dinner.

    14. Understanding and support

    The life path of any person will not always be strewn with roses. There will definitely come times when things go from bad to worse.

    Even though men are better equipped to deal with unpredictable situations, they still need support and kind words beloved woman.

    One of the attributes of an ideal wife is her willingness to listen to men's problems because she is your biggest supporter.

    And even if a woman is not able to change the situation for the better through her own volitional actions, she can provide invaluable help with her attention and understanding alone.

    The perfect girl is willing to let her boyfriend be vulnerable. When, for one reason or another, he finds himself thrown to the sidelines of life, the chosen one will calm him down and help him get back on his feet.

    15. Trust, reliability and responsibility

    You, her friends and her family have no lack of trust in her. The ideal girl keeps her word when she makes a commitment, no matter what it is.

    If you have good reason not to trust your friend, you are at a dead end. Failure to keep a promise is the attitude of a fraudster whose misbehavior will be repeated again and again.

    16. Caring

    She is used to caring for others, which is clearly evident in her attitude towards her family and friends early in the development of your acquaintance.

    If she does not support her family members and does not have close friends, this is a bad sign, because the importance of not having the habit and desire to care about other people will subsequently be reflected in the attitude towards you.

    17. Flexibility and wisdom

    Compromise is the key that opens the door to happiness in any relationship.

    Is she ready to watch the match of your favorite football team with you, although you know that sports competitions are not her thing?

    This is great, because flexibility and the ability to take a step forward are very important qualities of an ideal woman.

    In addition, she does not tolerate quarrels and scandals, not allowing conflicts to undermine your life together.

    She knows how to control her emotions, and also has no cravings for alcohol, smoking and is free from other harmful types of addiction.

    She always thinks before she speaks and looks ahead before taking a step.

    19. She loves you unconditionally

    Every person has flaws. An ideal wife can't stand her husband's imperfections and loves him for who he is.

    She doesn't criticize your sense of style or some bad habits that you have. She does not compare you, pointing out your flaws, with the heroes of books, novels or the husbands of her friends. She doesn't delve into your past or be negative about your plans for the future.

    Minor attempts to positively correct you on the part of a girl should not cause doubts, but if she is trying to organize a major overhaul of the structure of your personality, intending to make a different person out of you, you should seriously think about it.

    20. She is your best friend

    The strongest marital union is one in which the man and woman are best friends.

    The ideal girl is able to share with you all the unpleasant experiences and sincere dreams. The absence of secrets between you brings positive results, making your relationship only stronger.

    21. She shares your interests

    Having common interests is a great way to spend time together, enjoying a joint activity, after which you can enthusiastically discuss how it was for a long time.

    22. She appreciates you and expresses gratitude

    An ideal wife will appreciate everything you do for her and your family because even a simple “thank you” can have an impact on your relationship.

    She will definitely thank you and praise you for your hard work. that your woman appreciates you, you are charged with energy and filled with the desire to make your family even happier.

    23. Being around her makes you a better person.

    And this is not because your chosen one is pushing you in the neck, but simply next to her you absolutely involuntarily become the best version of yourself.

    She is your muse for action, doping for new victories and achievements. Together with her you feel very comfortable and at ease, and communication goes as if by itself, without any effort.

    24. She treats other people well

    Treating other people with respect is a valuable trait in an ideal woman because she can bring joy wherever she goes with you, be it your friends or family members.

    In addition, she has a wonderful relationship with her family, which is based on respect, trust and love.

    25. She doesn't try to manipulate

    Manipulation is the favorite behavior tactic of any woman.

    Whenever girls argue with their boyfriends, they tend to put pressure on feelings of guilt and duty, bring up already forgotten problems that were resolved many years ago, suddenly cry, or use another technique from the arsenal of their own manipulative preparations.

    And here we are not talking about eradicating this habitual trait of the feminine essence, but so that its manifestation is not too harsh, out of place and destructive in nature.

    A woman should not have as her goal the desire to fuck her man, who in turn should keep his ears to the ground, and either radically change the current situation, preventing such impudent behavior in the future, or simply find a worthy replacement for the unbridled savage.

    26. She is a good housewife

    For an ideal wife, keeping her home clean and tidy is no problem at all, because she is sure that a healthy environment is the key to a cheerful spirit and good mood.

    Household woman - most important factor happy life together and family well-being.

    A lazy young lady who is alien to the desire to settle down family hearth and maintaining it in proper order, there should be no place near you.

    27. She knows how and loves to cook delicious food

    The path to a man's heart leads through the culinary skills of an ideal woman.

    There is no denying the fact that all guys love to eat, and girls love to be praised for their skillful cooking skills.

    A woman who hates the kitchen and doesn't know how to cook is not the most necessary attribute of any man's life.

    28. Personal space

    Even when in a relationship or marriage, each partner should have personal space, and even more so the one who dares to call himself a man.

    You have every right to spend some time alone and to be free from interference with your personal belongings, books, notebooks, laptop or phone.

    The ideal wife does not stick her nose into your affairs exclusively, does not dribble on your brain for no particular reason, and also does not get jealous of you over trifles.

    29. She doesn't hold you accountable.

    Questions about who you dated, why you did it, or why you didn't can really irritate a person.

    Happy relationships are built on trust and understanding, and turning them into constant questioning creates doubt and anger.

    If communication has slowly descended to the level of inquisition, a man will have three options: start lying, stop such behavior once and for all, or continue searching for the ideal woman.

    30. She knows how to have fun

    All sternly serious people have a repulsive energy, and living without the ability to be ironic and have fun is quite a burden.

    But the ideal girl, with a sense of humor and a willingness to have fun in your company, is burning not only with the desire to visit together night club, but also play video games with you, ride bicycles, go on a hike together, skydive or in some other interesting way.

    31. Emotional stability

    Girls with a cool and unbridled disposition can be a lot of fun in the short term, but you are unlikely to want to exchange your life for a person who can light up out of the blue like a torch without obvious preconditions.

    On the other hand, those who like to fall into depression, despair, or simply cry for no reason should also make you somewhat wary.

    32. Common goals and values

    No matter what anyone says, to live together you should choose a like-minded person who matches your level of development, upbringing, education and outlook on life.

    The lack of common goals and values, as well as the termination of either side of the relationship, may well become the subsequent reason for their collapse.

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