• Interview with Larisa Guzeeva on how to become a confident woman. I sewed up my mouth. “One day I couldn’t resist”


    Things have definitely moved towards spring, let's talk about the ladies :)

    Larisa Guzeeva. Famous actress, host of the show “Let's Get Married.” Married to a man who loves and loves her, mother of two children.

    Why is Larisa Guzeeva so interesting that I decided to think about this person in the context of this article?

    In my research I came across a group famous people, with the generation born during that period of time when Pluto was in conjunction with the Earth of the Manifestation of Moscow and (or) in a square with the Earth of the Purpose of Moscow.

    As expected, this group interested me. Larisa Guzeeva is from this group. Pluto of her chart is in conjunction with the Earth-Yearness of Moscow.

    Cosmogram of Larisa Guzeeva with an overlay on EarthPoints of Moscow.

    After reading the article and reflecting on it, we will get very shining example The character of a person in whose chart Pluto is strengthened, accentuated by resonance with the place of residence.

    First touches to the portrait:

    • she is beautiful and famous
    • she is as open as a famous person can be
    • she is as honest and ruthless as possible not only towards others, but also towards herself
    • she clearly understands everything about herself, about her nature

    An interview with Larisa Guzeeva is available, in which self-flagellation, exposure of all “problems”, complexities and contradictions of the personality reaches, from my point of view, the maximum level of honesty.

    I think not everyone has read the interview with Larisa Guzeeva and her husband Igor Bukharov,

    Let me quote excerpts from this interview:

    After the restaurant, I, just like someone... took Igor to a hotel room to pay with my commissar’s body. (Larissa)

    A lot of people, a million temptations and all the delights of metropolitan life. Among which Larisina's company: hippies, punks - in torn jeans, with some unimaginable hairstyles... How I liked them! (Igor)

    At that time I had a real delusion of grandeur, instilled in me by my mother since childhood - they say, I am the most beautiful, and everyone should admire me. (Larissa)

    She was colorful - beautiful, thin, smoked Belomor, walked around in jeans hung with coins, something incredible on her head... (Igor)

    Mom always thought that everything I did was brilliant, so she welcomed any of my decisions.

    My brother died. At three years and three months. I was in fifth grade then

    I still see this little coffin on the table

    All his life he has been afraid of making someone uncomfortable. “Sorry that I was born” is her motto. At the same time, everyone adores her, of course, because she is good for everyone. I hate this about her... (about her mother)

    I lived in a very strict regime: I had to be home at nine o’clock in the evening, without permission - I couldn’t go anywhere. Suffice it to say that I watched the film for the first time during an 20-hour evening screening (about a tough stepfather)

    - “You know, I am grateful to you for becoming a person. If it weren’t for you, I probably would have become a smoker, walked around our village like an alcoholic and would have died forty times already,” she later told her stepfather

    I always wanted to oppose myself to everyone.

    For what? Don't know. Usually girls first try to impress a man good impression, like, look how wonderful I am, but on the contrary, when meeting young people, for some reason I always wanted to show how trashy I am. It was absolutely necessary to either do or say something nasty.

    Poor mom. She taught at the same school where I studied, and periodically said: “Daughter, please, have pity on me! I can’t go into the teacher’s room - I just step over the threshold, and from all sides: “And your Larisa!..”

    Unlike Igor, I had a hectic life - all the time I was with someone love relationships, then married to someone.

    From the very beginning, as soon as I got to know her, I understood that all her tricks were only an external manifestation of deep internal discomfort. And I just regretted it. Always, in all situations. Well, what can you do if a person has such psychophysics? I still feel sorry for her - sometimes she behaves in such a way that even the guard screams, she’s just a fool, as if she has no brains at all, like a chicken. (Igor about Larisa)

    At the very beginning, I tried to get rid of pregnancy using “grandmother’s” methods - I jumped, galloped, carried weights, and took a steam bath in the bathhouse of Igor’s friends (about being pregnant with my daughter)

    “My God,” I thought, looking at Lelka, “what a fool I was, how could I not want to give birth?!” After all, this is my child, and this is such a great, indescribable, incomparable happiness!” To the end of my life I will be grateful to my men for the children they gave me.

    Once upon a time, even before Lelka was born, I asked Igor: “Please tell me, if it happens that I cheat on you not on purpose, but out of stupidity, will you forgive me for this?” And he replied: “If it’s just once, I’ll forgive you.” It just so happened that this really happened, and I confessed everything to my husband. For the first time in his life he raised his hand to me. Well, how else could a man react to such a confession?..

    You don’t want me, but some Uncle Vasya, who, having gotten drunk, will chase you around the village with a club from morning to evening. Then you will be comfortable in your

    Life. But you don’t need decent, intelligent people. (Igor Larisa)

    But I have one problem: as soon as I drink, some other person wakes up in me, whom I myself am afraid of and who has nothing to do with me in reality. I just want to become trash and shout to everyone: “Yes, that’s how trash I am!” And it carries me through all the bad things, it’s just some kind of nonsense. Either I start kicking everyone out of the house, or I leave and join some strange companies. What a nightmare I’m just doing, the brakes are completely turned off. And I also become very aggressive, for some reason I want to hurt everyone around me.

    But don’t think that Larisa drinks seriously. Yes, she had a period of severe alcohol addiction, but that is long in the past. I taught her to control herself. So in 11 years she only had a few breakdowns.

    Igor: Yeah. I gathered my friends, everything was fine - they were sitting, drinking, making wonderful toasts, when suddenly Larisa stood up and, calling each one by name, sent everyone away with three letters. And at the same time she is “good” indescribably. Well, I then picked her up under her little white hands and went to bring her to her senses.

    I remember we came with him (one of previous husbands) to my homeland, and he went to the garden to sunbathe: he was lying down, and his mother was looking - the word “judge” was written on one leg, and “prosecutor” was written on the other. Horror! Our life, of course, was terrible.

    Magazines have me on the covers, and my husband is an alcoholic. I didn’t know then that he was injecting drugs.

    Because of such a life, I myself periodically became a heavy drinker. And one day, when I woke up, I suddenly felt like I wanted to have a hangover. And I realized: the time has come to take care of myself - I shut myself up for a year...

    - “Lord, give me a son from this man, and I will not ask for anything else!” - about her second husband, the father of her son.

    I tried to make him change his life - like the Friendship chainsaw, I kept sawing: “Come on, earn money, do something!” To which he calmly replied: “If the world doesn’t want to revolve around me, I won’t revolve around it.”

    Sometimes a child does something mischievous, and I see that he is already repenting, and I feel sorry for him, but for some reason I still have to put pressure on him. Like Hitler, by God. "Got it?" , "Understood". - "Repeat. No, it’s not like that, repeat it again!” Until I take my soul out, I won’t calm down.

    I have this womanish quality inside me - I want everyone to appreciate how good I am. I need to be praised 48 times, told that no one in the world will do this better than me. For example, I’ll cook something tasty or rearrange the furniture, and that’s it - I need to erect a monument. I start pestering my family: “Do you see how great I am?” And if they suddenly don’t pay attention, I get depressed. I say: “Is it difficult for you to say that this is brilliant?!”

    For some reason, most people are convinced that it is impossible to say that they have had plastic surgery. I do not understand them. What to be ashamed of? Nobody thinks it’s possible to walk around with black holes in your teeth or huge pimples on your face! No, calmly, without hiding, they go to the doctor and correct problem areas.

    I’m sure that even at the age of 70, suitors will be hovering around me. Another thing is that I don’t need anyone except Igor. I can't live without this person.

    Due to my character, I drink my husband’s blood, but for me there is no one better than him, and I am very afraid of losing him.

    Let's turn to Donna Cunningham for a description of the Plutonian:

    “The struggle of energies can be manifested in their physical appearance. These people manage to look completely different, stand out from the general environment - for example, they wear black leather jackets, sexually provocative clothing, have weight problems, or a gloomy, dejected appearance. You can almost hear them telling their parents, "You can't control how I look."

    Plutonians have the ability to alienate others as they can walk around with a defiant air and exude indignation. They can strictly control their outer expression, not trusting the world with any important information and looking at everything invariably critically. Being angry or offended, they withdraw into loneliness. In relationships, they may do too much for others, or they may bind others to themselves in a symbiotic relationship. If this fails, the result is isolation.

    This is a powerful position if used constructively, as such people can have a huge impact on their environment. If they master the use of energy, their impact on others will be very great. This is one of the hallmarks of a healer or psychotherapist, because such people can look straight to the root of the problem and give other people the ability to heal themselves. They may also be mediums consciously or not.

    Donna Cunningham, Healing Pluto Problems

    I really like Joan Neguse's little book, Astro-Alchemy.

    “Plutonian issues may be more destructive than other planets

    Do you feel threatening big changes, but are not sure how to act, do not bury your head in the sand.

    Start cleaning out your cabinets and desks.

    You don't have to jump into the whole task, and you don't have to throw everything away either. You can go slowly (perhaps looking at only two pieces of clothing a day if the prospect of the entire closet overwhelms you) until the entire task is completed. Just get rid of things that have lost their necessity or usefulness.

    If you are a typical Virgo and are so tidy that you don't need to clean out your cabinets and tables, you can replace this with cleaning out the trash.

    And one more ritual that is worth mentioning is restoration. Of course, not everyone is able to update their home. And not every house needs restoration. But, if applicable, try by all means to use it. Then, you can also re-upholster or re-finish the home’s furnishings. I personally like this application of Pluto as it exemplifies the idea that Pluto does not mean complete transformation, but rather building on a solid foundation. For example, if you are refinishing a chair, you may need to peel off the paint layer by layer until you get to the real wood. You just return it to its original state, and then you can refinish it in the way you want.

    Rather, it (ritual) can help you get in touch with the “real Self” that has been disguised under “layers of paint.” It is from this essence of yourself that you can develop a “new self.”

    So, Plutonians, is it possible to live with Pluto?

    Joan Negus and Larisa Guzeeva say: “Yes, you can!”

    Very valuable advice– “don’t bury your head in the sand”, continuously, honestly and without self-deception, layer by layer, clean out the accumulated garbage.

    There can be a lot, a lot of garbage.

    I even had the idea that what the Plutonians are working on is not always their personal garbage.

    They come into contact with the transpersonal, the collective. AND continuous operation Plutonian may be associated with working on collective “garbage”.

    And sometimes this work can be reminiscent of performing the sixth labor of Hercules day after day - the continuous cleaning of the Augean stables.

    — Do you notice how participants change over the six years of the program?

    Of course, they become more prepared. They carefully think through what to tell about themselves, how to present them. In my opinion, they only make things worse. I have a wild instinct for people - there is no point in pretending to be someone you are not. I recognize such people right away and don’t allow myself to be led by the nose. In such cases, there are enough elementary questions that make a person fall asleep. In addition, I am an artist and I know the laws of drama, one of which says: if you don’t know how to lie, don’t try to act.

    Watching the brides and grooms come, do you think it will be easy for your daughter and son to find their other half?

    - Georgy has been dating a girl since he was 17 years old (he is now 23 years old), so he has been doing well in this regard for a long time. My husband and I have a principle of non-interference in the personal space of children. And I wish the same for all parents. Our children live their own lives and have to fill their own bumps. A 20-year-old child cannot have the brains of a 50-year-old man! If we used the experience of our parents, the world would either collapse or become perfect. But I'm leaning towards the first option.

    - Do you want to continue your career in cinema or do you purposefully devote all your time to the “Let’s Get Married!” program?

    I want to film, but not hysterically. Offers come in, I consider them, but I don’t agree to everything. Plus I have entrepreneurial performances with which I am very well received. Well, why do I, for example, need a series when I have it in prime time? And when one of my colleagues tries to tease me, asking if I’m tired of being on TV, if I’m afraid that they might stop inviting me to the cinema, I just smile in response. It's impossible to make me angry. Let them first ensure that their program is shown with such ratings on Channel One and receive two TEFIs, and then we’ll talk. I love my job and am grateful that I am experiencing a renaissance in my career. I'm happy with everything.

    I work without prompts, they don’t write texts to me. Sometimes we finish work at night and arrive at the site early in the morning - no big deal, production costs. If you need to be in the studio at 05:30, I will be ready an hour earlier. One day, in response to my remark about being late, a colleague said: “Have you never been late yourself?” No never. Because queens don't allow themselves to do this. (Laughs.)

    You look at some of the heroines of the program and think: isn’t it time to reduce the list of requirements for the groom, otherwise he will come, as you say, to the studio at 70 years old - with a hockey stick?

    I think all women need to look at their passports more often, not forget about their age and have more mirrors in their apartment. And also understand that if a man does not propose for two years, then you need to pack your things and run away from him, not to harbor unnecessary illusions, and if the woman herself does not understand this, then let one of her friends or relatives advise her!

    - And yet, meeting your person is fate, luck, or is it found by the one who is looking?

    As I get older, I become more and more convinced that this is rather fate... But no one has canceled the proverb “Water does not flow under a lying stone.” I am sure: you always need to know what you want and why. Do you want to get married? For what? Give a birth to a baby? Start a joint business? When you clearly see the goal, achieving it is easier.

    - How can one of the heroes captivate or touch you?

    - I really love it when participants get excited and embarrassed. And men's tears touch me. After all, every man was once a boy, he is just as afraid! And as a compassionate person, I will always appreciate it. Therefore, if a man cannot contain his emotions in front of me and bursts into tears, then he will definitely win my sympathy. And I never told my son: “Men don’t cry, control yourself!” Nothing is more attractive than sincerity.

    In the program “Let's get married!” on Channel One in every episode, with rare exceptions, he gets acquainted a beautiful couple. But are there real examples of families being created and children being born after this show?

    E. Konovalova, Ryazan

    L.G.:- There are a lot of examples of creating families; this is the fifth year of the “Let’s Get Married!” program. And many children have already been born. Who was most memorable, you ask? Singer Pierre Narcisse, who was our matchmaker. Pierre said wonderful and absolutely the right thing: “A woman must cook well. This will help her keep her husband. My father, when he went to work, ordered my mother what he wanted for dinner. When friends suggested that he go somewhere to sit after work, he always refused. Because he knew what exactly delicious food was waiting for him at home for dinner. Why should he go to a restaurant and order something from the menu? It’s not yet clear what they will bring him.” Pierre's father always knew that his wife would meet him in beautiful dress, With good mood, the children will be well-groomed, the surroundings will be clean. Therefore, the man had a desire to go home.

    “TV Guide”: - But with your busy schedule and filming four programs a day, you hardly have time to do anything around the house...

    L.G.:- I tell you hand on heart: everything a woman should do, I do! I monitor absolutely everything - from the freshness of the shirts my husband wears to the diet that the doctor prescribed for him. School, teachers, Georgy's problems with friends and girls... I keep my finger on the pulse, in general! And I don’t have any discounts for the fact that I’m an artist, that I work three jobs. I can’t afford to lash out at Igor from overwork. Because he has a ready answer: “If you don’t have time, stay at home, I don’t force you to work.” That's all!

    “TV Guide”: - That is, the matchmaker is right when she says that a family is pure “ploughing” for a woman and you can relax in marriage only when the husband goes fishing...

    L.G.:- Well, what can you do - it’s not the man who creeps before the woman in the family, but the other way around! This is a given, and you just have to accept it. Here my son says to me for some reason: “But I don’t want it like this, it’s unfair!” And I: “Remember, life is 90 percent “should”. And only 10 percent “I want.” All these reasonings and questions: “Why is life like this, why is everything like this?” - empty. The answer to them is: because! I have no complaints about life. I’m happy, even though I’m running around like a Savraska, tired and insane. I don’t anger the Lord and I’m glad that I have so many projects today! Because I remember the 90s, when there was no work. Scary... I bought a piece of meat through my connections, cut it into pieces the size of Matchbox, cooked for little George and, if there was anything left, finished it for him.

    “TV Guide”: - Didn’t George’s father help you support your child?

    L.G.:- Papa George didn’t have a job either - then no one had one! Moreover, men had it even harder than women. I was not only in absolute despair, but in real hysterics. That’s why I’m so happy to work 20 hours a day today.

    “TV Guide”: - How do your children react to this?

    L.G.:- They recently started wringing my hands! I asked what was going on with my studies and made the most ordinary comments. And they are cunning children, sobbing began: “Mommy, you’re so busy, you’re going on tour.” We've heard enough somewhere! Well, if that’s the case, I say, then I’m leaving work. Do not contact me with any further requests for purchases. Vacations are also at home then. And the weekend. I heard you, you need your mother, you can’t live without me. Please! “No, mommy, you better work!” ( Smiles.) But, by and large, Georgy and Lelka are not beggars, they don’t demand anything from me.

    “TV Guide”: - You once admitted that Georgy was treated like a 40-year-old man by his cruel mother when he was very little...

    L.G.:- I decided to try this method on Lelka too. And then I realized that this was wrong, after all, you need to treat a child like a child, you need to load him up as he grows up. I'm trying to be softer with Lelka. Georgy is the first child, I made a lot of mistakes... Recently I told him: “Go to the store, buy this and that.” He replies: “What, Lelya can’t go?” - “She’s little, she’s only 12.” - “And remember, from the age of 8 I did everything around the house.” - “But she’s a girl.” - “So what if it’s a girl?” 20-year-old Georgy is jealous of his sister and always reminds me of what a harsh childhood he had. He says to Lelka: “You’re lucky!”

    “TV Guide”: - Larisa, 10 years ago you told me that you asked your husband: “Igor, if you cheat, tell me about it first, so that I don’t learn the truth from strangers and don’t feel like an idiot.”

    L.G.:- No no no! I take my words back! Now I think differently! Let them keep this truth to themselves! You can never transfer from a sore head to a healthy one. If you, you asshole, did this, then be so kind as to let your wife not know anything. God forbid to listen to such confessions! No, today I don't want any truth! Well, you found out about the betrayal. What's next? A decision needs to be made. Which? Divorce? But I don’t want to, I won’t give up this man! I need it myself!

    “TV Guide”: - You say that there is no need for any truth in these matters, but a couple of years ago you yourself spoke about own betrayal to my husband...

    L.G.:- Igor and I once sat down and agreed who would cheat on whom. I say: “I can’t make these sugar snot anymore, I can’t tell journalists molasses what a wonderful life we ​​have. Let's change the format a little. Who cheated on whom, you on me or I on you?” He replied: “No, if I tell you that it was I who went to the left, the men won’t understand me. Let it be you". That's all!

    “TV Guide”: - Larisa, I understand that marriage is strengthened by a woman’s affection and the ability to cook well. Can children keep their husband in the family?

    L.G.:- Does not work! Neither two children nor fifty-two have ever held a family together. Neither here, nor in Zimbabwe. If you get pregnant in the hope that the man won’t go anywhere now, that’s so stupid! It will happen, believe me! You can’t make such a decision on your own and then say: “He’s a scoundrel, this and that, a scumbag, he doesn’t take part in the life of his son or daughter.” Children are a bond for life. And both partners have the right to decide whether they want to unite themselves like this for many years or not. I am convinced that a man should ask for a child. And, of course, everything should be done in stages. Courtship, marriage proposal, then wedding, pregnancy. And not vice versa. A marriage cannot be built on lies. Everything will come up! Why is everything so good with Igor, thank God... Because he was my friend for 20 years and knew about me what, in principle, men should not know about women...

    I tried to save my drug addict husband

    L.G.:- My first marriage was with a drug addict. I took him to clinics under my last name and tried to treat him. I was stupid, young... I wouldn’t do that today. I believe that a woman should love a healthy man, from whom she should have offspring. And this Russian sacrifice of ours - to live life with a freak... Who needs this? No children, no normal old age, nothing. And the person for whom you are sacrificing does not need it in the first place. Everyone chooses a color and paints their own life. Alcoholics and drug addicts choose a high life, and let them live it. Alcohol and drug addiction are incurable. The addict will be admitted to the hospital, treated, broken, but he will return to the dose not because it is a physiological need, but because it is a high. They came up with a formula like “I’m sick, and you feel sorry for me.” Let mom feel sorry for missing out. And I have nothing to do with it. I know what I'm talking about. If at one fine moment you realize that you no longer want this in your life, you have real chances return to life.

    — Do you notice how participants change over the six years of the program?

    Of course, they become more prepared. They carefully think through what to tell about themselves, how to present them. In my opinion, they only make things worse. I have a wild instinct for people - there is no point in pretending to be someone you are not. I recognize such people right away and don’t allow myself to be led by the nose. In such cases, there are enough elementary questions that make a person fall asleep. In addition, I am an artist and I know the laws of drama, one of which says: if you don’t know how to lie, don’t try to act.

    Watching the brides and grooms come, do you think it will be easy for your daughter and son to find their other half?

    - Georgy has been dating a girl since he was 17 years old (he is now 23 years old), so he has been doing well in this regard for a long time. My husband and I have a principle of non-interference in the personal space of children. And I wish the same for all parents. Our children live their own lives and have to fill their own bumps. A 20-year-old child cannot have the brains of a 50-year-old man! If we used the experience of our parents, the world would either collapse or become perfect. But I'm leaning towards the first option.

    - Do you want to continue your career in cinema or do you purposefully devote all your time to the “Let’s Get Married!” program?

    I want to film, but not hysterically. Offers come in, I consider them, but I don’t agree to everything. Plus I have entrepreneurial performances with which I am very well received. Well, why do I, for example, need a series when I have it in prime time? And when one of my colleagues tries to tease me, asking if I’m tired of being on TV, if I’m afraid that they might stop inviting me to the cinema, I just smile in response. It's impossible to make me angry. Let them first ensure that their program is shown with such ratings on Channel One and receive two TEFIs, and then we’ll talk. I love my job and am grateful that I am experiencing a renaissance in my career. I'm happy with everything.

    I work without prompts, they don’t write texts to me. Sometimes we finish work at night and arrive at the site early in the morning - no big deal, production costs. If you need to be in the studio at 05:30, I will be ready an hour earlier. One day, in response to my remark about being late, a colleague said: “Have you never been late yourself?” No never. Because queens don't allow themselves to do this. (Laughs.)

    You look at some of the heroines of the program and think: isn’t it time to reduce the list of requirements for the groom, otherwise he will come, as you say, to the studio at 70 years old - with a hockey stick?

    I think all women need to look at their passports more often, not forget about their age and have more mirrors in their apartment. And also understand that if a man does not propose for two years, then you need to pack your things and run away from him, not to harbor unnecessary illusions, and if the woman herself does not understand this, then let one of her friends or relatives advise her!

    - And yet, meeting your person is fate, luck, or is it found by the one who is looking?

    As I get older, I become more and more convinced that this is rather fate... But no one has canceled the proverb “Water does not flow under a lying stone.” I am sure: you always need to know what you want and why. Do you want to get married? For what? Give a birth to a baby? Start a joint business? When you clearly see the goal, achieving it is easier.

    - How can one of the heroes captivate or touch you?

    - I really love it when participants get excited and embarrassed. And men's tears touch me. After all, every man was once a boy, he is just as afraid! And as a compassionate person, I will always appreciate it. Therefore, if a man cannot contain his emotions in front of me and bursts into tears, then he will definitely win my sympathy. And I never told my son: “Men don’t cry, control yourself!” Nothing is more attractive than sincerity.

    Speaking as the host of the Channel One TV show “Let's Get Married!”, Larisa Guzeeva calls herself a provocateur.

    It’s important to me that people open up,” she says.

    Previously, mothers and matchmakers brought young people together, but now where do people meet? In the Internet? On the street? Not everyone has the opportunity, not everyone is capable. This is why our program exists. We don’t have fake characters: real people come from the street with their stories. Look at them. Their hands and lips are trembling, is it possible for a non-professional actor to play this? Now many of our heroes live in civil marriages; there have already been two weddings (we showed one on air). In addition to me, the TV show also employs professional astrologer Vasilisa Volodina and professional matchmaker Roza Syabitova, and their primary task is to get the participants married. My role is that of a provocateur. I am a presenter who provokes people to behave frankly, so that they open up and look at each other with different eyes.

    I like the idea of ​​the program, I am happy for those heroes whom we were able to help. But running such a show is not easy: you need to immerse yourself in these stories, which requires a lot of emotional and mental investment. This is my job, and I always treat my work with the utmost conscientiousness. But as soon as the program ends, I’m practically not interested in all this. I would go crazy if I “carried” all these experiences with me. I have mine own life which I live with great pleasure.

    As for cinema, several of my films will be released soon: “Such is Life” directed by Mikhail Mamedov, “The Roof” by Boris Grachevsky, where I played three sharp roles at once, the films “Hamlet’s Dad”, “Anakop”. I also play three enterprise performances - “Big Zebra”, “Glass of Water”, “Five Evenings”.

    About friendship

    Friendship is a 24-hour concept, but I have no energy... That’s why I turn off my phone at night,” the star admits.

    Best of the day

    I try to communicate normally with everyone, not to be rude. Gender and age are plebeian considerations. But it so happened that from early youth I was always surrounded by a large number of men. I know how to be friends with them, I am always on their side - even in my program. I feel sorry for men, I believe that women have an easier life.

    For example, my close friend was Alexander Dedyushko, with whom I played in the enterprise “Five Evenings” (now this role is played by Evgeniy Sidikhin). I was very worried about his death.

    Although I also have friends - for example, Lilya Azarkina from the Sovremennik Theater. She is clear to me, I relax with her. But in general I live in a closed circle: mother, husband, children. Of course, friendship is a 24/7 concept, but I have no energy. I turn off my phone at night. I don’t really like it when guests come. Once I surprised my husband: he was always at the restaurant for work, so I invited guests to the house, cooked... This lasted me a long time! I do such holidays once every five years, and that’s enough. I do not like. For me this is a nightmare. I love cleanliness and freedom from strangers.

    About money

    If you believe rumors, Larisa Guzeeva is a wealthy woman. The press wrote that her oligarch husband owns several restaurants in Moscow.

    Well, you bent it,” the actress laughed.

    Let's put it this way: my husband and I both work hard, and I don't earn less than him. So, of course, you forgot about the rich husband. If he were a millionaire, I wouldn't work so hard and wouldn't go crazy from overwork. I wouldn’t record four talk shows a day, it’s hellish work. I would stage a play, make a film. We do not have country house, only apartment. And I have to work so that my family can live well. But the fact that there is such a rumor is nice!

    About family

    Larisa has been friends with her current husband Igor Bukharov since she was 18 years old. “This is my real homie. I got along and broke up with my husbands, and he was there and pulled me out of all the troubles,” the actress said in an interview. For the sake of her beloved, at the age of 40 she decided to give birth to a daughter.

    I don't think I had children late. My son appeared when I was 34 years old, my daughter at 40 years old. Fine. It is only in our country that a 24-year-old mother is considered an old-timer. I named my son Georgiy so that beautiful name was consonant with the surname and patronymic. His father is Georgian, and it would be strange to name the child Petya. Olga was named after my godmother.

    Our house is completely run by my wonderful mother. There are seven of us in the family in total. And we all live in one, not very large apartment. But we love each other.

    Georgy is 16 years old and studies at the Higher School of Economics. He graduated from school as an external student and entered the free department. My son plays guitar and knows it well English language. Olga is 10 years old and is in third grade. He plays music under pressure. She does a little embroidery. She liked to study ballroom dancing, but recently I had to quit: my daughter is very tall for her age, so she has problems with her partner. We even looked on the Internet, but all the boys are a cut shorter.

    About appearance

    Larisa does not hide the fact that her current stunning appearance is partly the merit of a plastic surgeon. Although she lost weight on her own, resorting to desperate measures.

    I hung my photo on the refrigerator... the “pissed” aunt caused nothing but nausea.

    Don’t even remind me that this year is my anniversary. I don't care about birthdays at all. I’m happy that I didn’t drown at 25 and hang myself at 30. I don’t even want to talk about it.

    I look great, I’ve lost weight and I’m wildly proud of it. I won’t lie, I “rested a little,” and therefore, at the behest of a pike, the bags under my eyes disappeared. A genius performed the operation on me. I advise everyone to get rid of wrinkles and bags under the eyes. You have to look good, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s plastic surgery, cream or massage. I went to the city of Grozny for the operation. I waited in line for ten months, I was very afraid of losing my individuality. I carry myself around like a chicken and an egg. My face is my bread. I have a lot of phobias and fears. I was shaking madly, grabbed the doctor’s hands, looked into his eyes, and said: “I’ve changed my mind, I’m leaving, I don’t want anything anymore.” Hysterical, of course. But I liked the result. Plus, I've also lost weight! Herself! She “stitched up” her mouth, that’s all! I just reached the point where it was no longer decent to look at myself: I covered the screen with myself, it was impossible. Since miracles don’t happen and no pills help me lose weight, I simply stopped eating. I hung my photo on the refrigerator: the sight of the “pissed” aunt caused nothing but nausea. In a month I lost ten kilograms. I used to have complete chaos with food. I justified myself that I was tired, the performance ended late, so I needed to go to a restaurant. And there, in some kind of hysterical state, I didn’t realize what I was doing and ate everything. My promiscuity led to my loss of shape. It's all because my nervous system was shaken. Now I limit myself - you can eat after six, but in small pieces, in moderation.

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