• How to be the perfect girl. Ideal girl: who is she


    Hello, dear friends, you are on the website. Enjoy reading! It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how a girl can become better. In her youth, every girl dreams of being perfect.

    Sometimes, young girls try to achieve success by imitating a friend who is more popular. But it is not Right way to improvement.

    There are several rules that will help any girl become a better person.

    First, and the most important rule is individuality. Be yourself! Sincerity is the key to success. Never pretend to be someone you're not.

    Second, An important rule is – don’t be shy. Expand your social circle. Make new acquaintances, but at the same time, do not forget about old friends. By meeting bright people, you can learn a lot of new things. Sociability, the path to leadership.

    Third, The essential rule is the ability to have fun. Youth is conducive to dancing, singing, and laughing. You don't have to be noisy, screaming and always jumping. The main thing is not to be closed. If you learn to rejoice, success will be guaranteed. Any company will be happy to accept you into its ranks.

    Fourth, most important rule, – sense of taste. The right clothes And light makeup will give you confidence. It's unlikely that your friends will take you seriously if your skirt is too short and your makeup is flashy.

    Spontaneity, the fifth rule. Nice light flirting, unexpected actions will provide good mood. Be a mystery to others.

    The ability to enjoy life, smile more often, give positivity to others - the right way become better.

    Looking for an answer to a question, How to become a better girl, pay attention to her hobbies. In order to be the best, you need to be versatile. If you like to listen to different music, read books, play sports, dance, then you can find a topic for conversation with anyone.

    Charity and helping others will give you strength and give you confidence that, if necessary, they will help you.

    But most importantly, to become best girl, you need to love yourself. Every morning, getting out of bed, you need to look in the mirror and wish yourself good morning, say a few compliments, while not forgetting to smile. Try to control your behavior, communication manners and habits; self-control will help strengthen your character.

    By adhering to the rules mentioned above, any young girl can become perfect. And the question of how a girl can become better will never arise in her head.

    Anna basis

    Surely every girl at least once dreamed of seeing the reflection of an ideal version of herself in the mirror. After all, the admiring glances of men, self-confidence, loved ones and warm relations with parents, girlfriends and the man you love are worth striving for the ideal and starting to work on yourself. All that remains is to figure out how to become the ideal girl, and what she should be like? It is unwise to focus on accepted standards of beauty; it is important that the desire for perfection does not interfere with preserving one’s own individuality, because without it a girl will lose her “zest.” Therefore, each female representative has her own “directions of ideality” and will have to work on herself in accordance with them.

    How to become an ideal girl in appearance

    One phrase says: “No one will want to know what kind of soul you have if you do not have a beautiful appearance.” Therefore, every girl must strive for a fit, athletic figure, well-groomed body and face. Row useful recommendations: how to become an ideal girl in appearance.

    Skin care. Loving your skin, even if it is not perfect, while constantly caring for and fighting imperfections. Regular cosmetic masks, visiting a cosmetologist, including vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.

    Figure. Don’t chase imposed and unattainable standards female beauty, which “rushes” from the covers of glossy magazines. You need to accept your body and work tirelessly on it, give up fatty foods and fast food, and exercise regularly.
    Hair. Can there be an ideal girl without luxurious hair? The length of the hair is not so important, even if it is a bob or a bob, the main thing is cleanliness and well-groomed appearance. A visit to a competent hairdresser-stylist will allow you to choose suitable hairstyle and hair color.
    Snow-white smile. Smooth and healthy teeth business card girls! Regular visits to the dental office and daily brushing of your teeth in the morning and evening will help with this.

    It is worth remembering that healthy, sound sleep is the key to attractiveness and a positive mood. It is important to accustom yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time, to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Otherwise, fatigue and irritability will definitely affect your appearance. It will help to emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings of appearance and figure. correct makeup and your own style of clothing.

    And, of course, how can you become perfect? beautiful girl without being sure about it? When a girl considers herself attractive, those around her think the same. If you compliment your appearance in front of the mirror every morning, it will give you a boost of mood for the whole day.

    How to become the ideal girl for your man

    It is impossible to build strong mutual relationships without working on yourself. Therefore, if there is a loved one and a desire happy relationship, you will have to work hard and understand how to become the ideal girl for your man. To begin with, it doesn’t hurt to carefully study his character: habits, hobbies, principles, desires. In the future, this will help to find common interests and goals. Simple tips will tell you how to become the ideal girl for a guy or man:

    Trust and respect for each other are the foundation strong relationships, without them the couple has no future. does not deceive a man, does not create scandals in front of strangers, and in domestic quarrels there is no place for obscene language and mutual insults. Even if a man is wrong, a girl who strives for perfection will not belittle his dignity and constantly recall these unpleasant moments.
    Refusal of commercialism. Men are wary of those who pursue material gain. If a man is serious about a girl, he himself will make every effort so that she does not need anything.
    Getting rid of bad habits. It would be strange to see an ideal girl, smoking “like a steam locomotive,” with a glass of strong drink in her hand. It’s unlikely that any man will like her. Therefore, in order to get closer to the ideal, you will need to eradicate the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol.

    Mutual support. It is not for nothing that the expression was coined that behind every accomplished man there is a woman. Women's support and understanding charge men with energy to overcome life's difficulties and obstacles.

    How to become the ideal girl for him? Be feminine! This is a quality that makes a guy feel like a man and is ready to do great things for the sake of his beloved. There is no need to fulfill male responsibilities, solve complex problems, constantly strive to surpass and take on the position of leader in relationships. This will only push him away and prevent him from feeling needed.

    You cannot do without respect for hobbies, friends and relatives. Without this, the couple is doomed to constant scandals and misunderstandings. You need to know about the guy’s favorite hobbies and be sure to try to find something interesting for yourself in them. Even if this fails, exploring his hobbies will become a common topic for joint conversations. Friends for men are sacred. Under no circumstances should you criticize friends or the man himself in front of them. You shouldn’t forbid them to meet either; the man will still do as he needs, and the girl will “lose a few points” in his eyes. Men don't choose their relatives, so you'll have to find them. mutual language with them. And it’s better to keep your opinion about them to yourself and not spoil your relationship with your loved one.

    Becoming an ideal girl in a relationship will help, she will allow you to change yourself and him in better side and overcome difficulties.

    How to become the perfect girl in everything

    The desire to be perfect in everything involves not only beautiful appearance And slim figure, but also hard, persistent work on your personal qualities. But in return there will be pleasant changes. A girl who is ideal in everything will evoke pride and admiration among relatives, friends and acquaintances, and will increase her self-esteem, realizing her uniqueness and significance. This will change the circle of communication, since a developed, interesting and positive person attracts others like him. New opportunities will appear in your career and personal life. Feeling the desire to become the ideal girl in everything, you need to pay attention to the following:

    Constant development. At any age it is useful to learn new things, to discover unknown facets in yourself. These are courses, travel to other countries, professional and personal training, reading books, learning languages. What makes a girl’s personality interesting and self-sufficient.

    Good manners. It is important to learn to restrain yourself in the right situations, not to “lose face”, not to complain about life and not to cry in the presence of strangers. Eradicate arrogance in yourself, learn to value your time and the time of others, such people command respect. Don’t get caught up in unnecessary gossip and chatter; it’s better to do useful things. Work on your speech; everyone enjoys listening to a person with correct pronunciation and no junk words.
    Thrift. In the progressive 21st century, housewife girls are worth their weight in gold, so the ability to maintain home comfort and prepare delicious dishes will be appreciated.

    Nothing attracts people like . No man can resist a sincere, charming smile. The ideal girl is distinguished by constant attention and concern for friends and family. Even if someone is embarrassed to ask her for help, she will show concern and offer it herself. And she constantly pleases her loved ones with sincere compliments and gifts; people appreciate such attention.

    A strong intention and desire to change yourself and become an ideal girl will help you overcome all the obstacles along the way. When working on yourself becomes a habit, it will no longer be hard work, but pleasure. And tips on how to become an ideal girl will help with this:

    You need to look good and take care of yourself both on holidays and on everyday days.
    Change, add variety to your usual life. So, changing your hairstyle or hair color, updating your wardrobe or preparing a new culinary masterpiece will add color to gray everyday life and lift your spirits.
    You should reconsider your attitude towards your personality. Self-love is the main quality of an ideal girl. Even if there are a lot of complaints, you need to gradually and carefully get rid of them, overcome yourself, then self-respect will appear. And a self-respecting girl will not date a man just for the sake of a relationship and tolerate a negative attitude towards herself. She deserves worthy man and knows about it.

    Let the advice and recommendations allow you to see yourself from the other side, fall in love and begin self-improvement in the near future. Despite the huge number of articles and books on how to become an ideal girl, the main thing is to be yourself, not to focus on your shortcomings, but to find and develop your strengths in order to become a self-sufficient person.

    11 February 2014, 17:18

    How to become an ideal girl? At some point in a relationship, every young beauty asks this question, wanting to please her boyfriend even more or trying to find answers to some questions that torment her. After all, self-improvement is serious and difficult work on oneself, requiring certain efforts and patience. By trying to become better for her lover and taking some actions for this, the girl is already on the way to improving for the better.

    Identifying the root of the problem and identifying areas for improvement

    In order to start working on yourself and understand how to become the ideal girl for a guy, you need to understand the essence of the problem, if there is one at all. Sometimes these thoughts arise simply because a young lady is trying to somehow improve herself in order to become an ideal for her beloved. But often thoughts about how to change come in view of a specific situation.

    The first thing a young lady needs to do in order to decide on the direction of further work on the path of her own evolution is to learn to listen carefully to her man. Only by absorbing his comments, preferences and desires like a sponge will she be able to achieve success in the business she has started and understand how to become an ideal girl.

    The second thing the young lady needs to do is to analyze all the points agreed upon by the young man and determine a strategy for her further actions. If his words are reduced to dissatisfaction with her attitude towards him, you need to work on mutual understanding. If it’s a matter of resentment over some girlish mistake, you need to work on your mistakes. If we are talking about a guy’s dissatisfaction with his girlfriend’s behavior, she needs to work on herself and her inner world. And if the thing is that young man If he doesn’t like his girlfriend’s skirts being too short or, for example, her neckline being too deep, she should take care of her appearance.

    Work on mistakes

    Having identified the root of the problem and realizing that the guy is still angry about some mistake his beloved made, she urgently needs to start taking actions to make amends. First, apologize for your mistake: if you lied, promise that it will never happen again; if you disobeyed and went to the party without his consent, promise that she won’t do that again. And, most importantly, your words in in this case needs to be confirmed with actions. Then the young man will see that his comments were heard and understood, and will be proud of himself and his beloved.

    Working on mutual understanding

    While thinking about how to become an ideal girl, you also need to accept the realization that relationships are work. And the basis of this work is mutual understanding. And a young lady will never be able to become an ideal for her man if she does not accept him as he is, trying to change him or limiting his personal space. Learning to listen and hear your beloved is where the door opens on the path to a single view of the world in one direction.

    Working on your inner world

    To understand how to become the ideal girl in a relationship, you need to look at yourself from the outside. Sometimes, female representatives underestimate the truthfulness of the words spoken to them by a man. But the fact is that there is no smoke without fire: if a young man made a remark to his beloved that she was doing something wrong, then there is a reason for this. And it’s worth thinking about how you behave, what you say - perhaps from the outside it looks incorrect.

    Then how to become ideal? Advice for girls in search of answers to this question involves following some rules in working on themselves:

    Working on your appearance

    In addition to internal changes, you should not forget about your aesthetic beauty. If a young lady is wondering how to become an ideal girl in appearance, she needs to listen to her man’s opinion on this matter. And if he says that this lipstick is too provocative and does not suit your face, then you need to put it away and not use it anymore.

    What are the main points to follow when working on your appearance:

    • be clean - men really don’t like messy young ladies, so hygiene should come first;
    • to be well-groomed - you need to try to dress with taste and look neat; no one says to buy expensive clothes or accessories - not everyone can afford it, but every self-respecting woman is obliged to look well-groomed;
    • go in for sports - men love not only their ears and stomach, they really like to contemplate beautiful female forms, and the “old”, “good” gym and exercise equipment will help achieve this;
    • get rid of bad habits - young people often smoke or drink themselves, but at the same time they are firmly convinced that “they can”; the smell of cigarettes and alcohol repels a man from a woman, you need to remember this and try to eliminate the craving for such things.

    What you should absolutely not do in a relationship with a guy

    To complete a self-improvement course on the topic of how to become an ideal girl, you need to know some taboos in relationships, the presence of which can ruin all the previously done work on yourself:

    • you cannot limit a guy’s personal space - in no case should you forbid him to see his friends, because this is a sure way to damage the relationship;

    • you shouldn’t speak badly about his mother - after all, a mother is a mother, and no matter what she is, she is the woman most beloved by a young man in his life, so you need to establish contact with her, and not nip him in the bud;
    • there is no need to be offended over trifles - if a girl ignores the guy’s attempts to make peace and constantly rejects him, filling her own price, so to speak, - in the end this can lead to the fact that the young man simply gets tired of looking for a reason to make peace, and he retreats.

    Being ideal for your man is quite simple. You need to be able to work on relationships and mistakes in them.

    Many girls strive to get closer to the model, the standard. Then it will be easier to establish contact with your loved one, communicate with people, and conquer new heights. Of course, having become ideal in your own way, it is easier to achieve happiness in your personal life. How to become an ideal girl? What exactly needs to be done, how to behave, how to change? How to conquer desired man, to please others with beauty, manners, to achieve success in different areas? It is important to take into account many different points, try to surpass yourself in something, and constantly improve. This task is quite within your reach if you approach the matter responsibly and act purposefully. Remember a few recommendations, strive for the goal. The results will not keep you waiting.

    How to become the ideal girl for him? Appearance
    In an effort to become the ideal girl for a loved one, almost all representatives of the fair sex first of all think about their appearance. Of course, the importance of your reflection in the mirror in a relationship with a man is greatly exaggerated. But something really worth paying attention to.
    Look after yourself. There is no point in trying to look like a fashion model or a movie star. Be yourself, create a harmonious and feminine image, attractive, moderately catchy.

    We become the ideal girl for our beloved. Character
    Character matters a lot. To become an ideal girl, you will have to change something in yourself, develop certain traits, and forget about some things forever.

    1. Become more tender, soft. Even if you are rapidly moving up the career ladder, earning a lot and making important decisions, you need to remain a woman. Don't be afraid to show weakness sometimes. Remember to use smooth gestures, speak quietly, and develop melodic intonations.
    2. Keep calm. Most men dream of a calm, balanced girl. Learn to control yourself and control your emotional condition, don’t get irritated over trifles. Are you angry about something, are you outraged? Do not take any action, wait a bit. Then you will be able to look at things more simply and formulate your opinion more correctly. This way you will avoid quarrels and conflicts.
    3. Respect his personality. Do not take on the functions of a teacher. Trying to change a man is a bad idea. You are both adults, it is important to respect the lifestyle and opinion of your beloved man. To become the ideal girl, forget about constant comments and attempts to turn a man into someone else who corresponds to your ideas about the standard “prince”.
    4. Be delicate. Learn to give advice and convince so that your words really inspire trust and a desire to listen to them. Remember that peremptory demands themselves cause a negative reaction. Any point of view needs to be argued, even if it seems obvious to you.
    5. Carefully build relationships with his family and friends. Establishing contact with the loved ones of your beloved man is very important.
    6. Respect his interests, preferences, habits. Delve into the activities and hobbies of your loved one. If you want to become an ideal girl, try to be near a man more often, but not to disturb him, but to share his hobbies. Do not break his usual way of life.
    7. Keep it individual. There is no need to completely “dissolve” in your loved one either. A man can quickly lose interest in a girl who does not have her own interests or personal affairs.
    8. Create comfort, become an excellent housewife. Of course, you should learn to cook and keep the house in order. Comfortable conditions are of great importance.
    Learn to be perfect in different areas, watch your manners, habits, and communication style. Respect the personality of your beloved man, be attentive to the people around you, and be friendly. Become the ideal girl and don’t forget that you need to constantly improve.

    Why be perfect?

    Every girl dreams of being ideal wife, mother, friend, sister. We all strive to achieve excellence in work, school, personal life and society. We strive for self-development and achieving our goals, and this is very cool. Our days are not aimless, they are filled with meaning, we move towards perfection every day and, when we achieve our goals, we feel joy because we did not give up halfway. Being perfect is not easy, it’s hard daily work, but it’s so nice to become a little better every day and be an example for others.

    The ideal is different for everyone, but there are generally accepted concepts and principles that have developed over the years in society that an ideal girl must meet.

    Let's look at them in more detail.

    How to become perfect?

    What should an ideal girl be like? What do you need to do to achieve the ideal? Many girls who decide to become ideal rack their brains over these questions.

    So, the ideal girl:

    • does not have bad habits. Ideal girl will not poison your body with alcohol and nicotine.
    • controls his appearance. A perfect girl will not go out with a dirty head in an old robe; she always looks impeccable.
    • playing sports. Yoga, Pilates, fitness, swimming, golf, gym classes - there are a lot of options, the main thing is to lead an active lifestyle and always be fit and toned.
    • erudite and comprehensively developed. The perfect girl reads many books of different genres and directions, watches films, solves crosswords and sudoku, puzzles and charades, attends courses in learning Spanish, Thai massage techniques, cooking and gardening. With a girl like this you will always find general theme, she is a fascinating conversationalist and has a wonderful sense of humor.
    • controls her figure and nutrition. The ideal girl does not eat at fast food cafes, she lives by the principle “I eat in order to live, and I do not live in order to eat”; her dietary restrictions do not go to extremes and do not irritate others. A perfect girl eats a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, drinks vitamins, and doesn’t count calories every minute.
    • perfect girl smiling all the time, she exudes cheerfulness And great mood. After communicating with such a girl, my soul is light and joyful.
    • does not lie, is not rude, is not rude, does not shout. She knows how to control herself, control her feelings, and even if she is overwhelmed with anger, rage and other negative emotions, the girl will not throw them out on the people around her.
    • respects his parents, older, loves kids and animals. Open to communication and contact with people.

    The path to achieving the ideal is long and thorny; to begin with, you can take the following actions:

    • Plan your day, don’t waste time aimlessly sitting for days on the Internet or playing on the computer or phone. If you have a free minute, it is better to spend it reading a book.
    • Let every hour of your day be rich and interesting, learn something new, learn something.
    • Get rid of bad habits, sign up for language courses or go to a driving school.
    • Take care of yourself, do something pleasant and healthy for your body every day (mask, peeling, manicure).
    • Make a list of goals and a list of your achievements. It is very important to complete the assigned tasks, and not deviate from the path and not give up.

    An ideal girl is the pride of her chosen one; he values ​​her, loves her and is afraid of losing her.

    What girl doesn't dream of achieving perfection for her beloved?

    What does it take to become the ideal girl for your loved one:

    1. Be yourself, don’t play a role, don’t close yourself off, don’t imagine yourself as Marilyn Monroe or a princess. You are you, be sincere and open to your loved one.
    2. Always watch your appearance , appearance is not the most important thing, but guys love well-groomed girls who play sports, have impeccable style and taste, and don’t overdo it with makeup. Everything should be in moderation.
    3. Develop, improve yourself. Spend time on education, work, courses. Guys in the company of such a girl are always interested and have something to talk about; she will support the given topic of conversation.
    4. Smile, be positive and cheerful. It’s a pleasure to spend every minute with such a girl; she lights up our days like a little sun.

    Don’t forget that your loved one chose you, you are a couple and this means that he liked you for who you already are.

    Trying to be perfect for the guy you love is a good idea, but don't go overboard. In the quest for ideal and self-improvement, you can change beyond recognition, you will no longer be the girl he fell in love with, so remember the basic rule: “Everything is good in moderation.”

    How to become the perfect teenage girl? How to become perfect at 14 years old?

    Is it possible to be the perfect girl if you are only 14 or a little older? Of course yes! All ages are submissive to the ideal.

    Self-improvement is long work and it’s better to start it from a young age, then by the age of 20 you will achieve more than your peers.

    Where should a teenage girl start:

    • Don't be rude or rude. Adolescence is a difficult time for girls; they sincerely believe that they are misunderstood or ignored. Try to put yourself in the shoes of your parents, be more loyal. Your family is the most Dear people who love you very much and wish you only the best, so try to understand their position and discuss it without clarifying the relationship or unnecessary quarrels.
    • Take care of your appearance and style. Don’t go overboard with your makeup, it’s better to lightly highlight your eyes with mascara and your lips with gloss, rather than disfigure yourself and add years of visual impact with tons of makeup. Choose comfortable clothes, do not buy frilly or very bright things, otherwise you risk looking like a parrot or Christmas tree. Don’t “decorate” yourself with tattoos and piercings; over the years you will only regret it.
    • Keep track of your academic achievements and grades at school. Education and intelligence are highly valued and, if you don’t realize it yet, you definitely will when you get older.
    • Do some sports. You grow and develop, and an active and sporty lifestyle will help you develop a figure that will be the envy of all your friends.
    • Read more books. This way you will become a wonderful conversationalist and form your own views on various topics and issues.
    • Do not use swear words, make sure your speech and pronunciation are correct.
    • Don't have bad habits. Drinking and smoking are unfashionable, and a healthy lifestyle is always highly valued.
    • Don't gossip. Only those who have nothing else to talk about discuss others, because they are narrow-minded and limited.

    Guided by these rules, you will achieve harmony with yourself and society. Isn't this ideal?

    An ideal girl and wife is a reliable support for her boyfriend and husband, she loves and is loved, such a girl is valued and afraid of losing, she is treasured.

    In order not to destroy the relationship and be in harmony with your chosen one, you need to be guided by the following rules:

    1. Value and respect your boyfriend's opinion. Everyone has the right to have their views respected and accepted.
    2. Trust in relationships- the key to their longevity. You shouldn’t torment your boyfriend with scenes of jealousy, search his pockets, monitor mobile phone, page on a social network.
    3. Loyalty. If you love your boyfriend, then why do you need another? If you like another person and are attracted to him, it means your boyfriend is not your soulmate at all, you should not torment a person and hide your feelings for another, this is dishonest towards him.
    4. Respect and do not discuss his family, relatives and friends. These people have known him for many years, they are important to your boyfriend, you shouldn’t create a situation where the guy has to be torn between you and his mother or friend. The choice may not be in your favor at all.
    5. Listen and listen. Be a good listener and adviser, encourage and support your loved one in problematic situations. Motivate your chosen one to achieve the goals he has set. He needs to know that he can always rely on you.
    6. Don't limit his freedom and don't be fixated only on your relationship. The fact that you enjoy spending time together is great, but everyone should have their own personal space, for example, you can spend a couple of hours on a weekend with your friends in a cafe, and he can spend a couple of hours on a weekend with his friends in a bowling alley.

    Beauty is a subjective concept, but well-groomed girls always attract attention and become the envy of their friends.

    What needs to be done to achieve the ideal externally?

    • Control the condition of your hair and skin. Make regular homemade and store-bought masks, take vitamins and mineral complexes. Regularly trim the ends of your hair and pluck your eyebrows. Nutritional control is also important; very often pimples, acne, and rashes are the result of poor nutrition and abuse of sweets, starchy foods, and spicy foods.
    • Take care of the condition of your fingernails and toenails.
    • Remove excess hair. Exists a large number of ways - waxing, laser, creams, machines.
    • Choose the one most suitable for your skin.
    • Choose your own style. Combine clothing colors wisely. Also keep an eye on the state of things. Fashionable, expensive things, but dirty or with holes, raise doubts about the girl’s neatness and neatness.
    • Choose your perfume. Smells play a big role, but don't overdo it, don't pour a bottle of perfume on yourself every morning.

    How to become perfect for yourself and for everyone? Is it possible to be perfect in everything?

    If you want to become perfect for yourself and for those around you, then follow all the tips given above in order to become a perfect girl, ideal for your boyfriend and in a relationship, and also remember the following:

    • Be confident. Never doubt your strengths and capabilities, you will definitely succeed!
    • Don't be complex. Everyone has their own shortcomings. Accept yourself for who you are.
    • Love yourself. How can you please someone and find your soulmate if you don’t love yourself? But love should not transform into selfishness or narcissism, everything should be balanced.

    Remember that how many people - so many opinions and everyone has their own ideals. It is impossible to be perfect in everything, but this is not a reason to relax and give up. The desire for self-improvement is an exciting and, most importantly, productive process.

    Useful tips from a psychologist

    All psychologists insist that working on oneself is a mandatory process in the development of personality. But don’t forget that there are no ideals, don’t get hung up and don’t mock yourself, the process of self-improvement should bring joy and not be torture.

    And the main rule is: be yourself, don’t create an idol for yourself, don’t imitate. All people are unique and inimitable.

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