• How to be the best for your husband. The ideal wife or what men want


    Every woman wants to be loved and admired not only in the first year married life, but also after 20 years. No, of course, over time a habit comes, and your husband will accept you for who you are. But you want to be not only accepted, but loved and idolized. Moreover, there is nothing difficult about becoming an ideal companion; the main thing is to start changing.

    1. You should definitely cook for your husband. No one, of course, will ask you for the delights of French cuisine every day for dinner, but you must learn to cook borscht and cutlets to perfection. The ability to cook truly delicious food can come with time and experience. So practice every day. Now the Internet is in almost every home, read recipes, experiment, try. You can buy a multicooker, it makes cooking easier, and a booklet with recipes comes right away.

    2. Your home should always be clean. Of course, there is no need to “lick” the house until it shines every day. It is enough to do a little cleaning every day, and then do a thorough cleaning on the weekends. By the way, you can involve both children and husband in daily activities. Let them help you put away the toys, wash the dishes, and wipe the dust. Eventually, you too will get tired and need help.

    3. Laundry must be washed in a timely manner. So that both the husband and children always have clean things. You should also always have a couple of clean sets of bed linen available.

    4. You are a mother and you should be able to calm a raging child. If a child screams without doing anything, sheds tears, demanding a toy or not wanting to go to bed. It is you who must calm him down, no, not indulge him just to keep him quiet, but convince him through conversation to calm down. You must also ensure that the child behaves decently at a party and on the street.

    5. You must know which pill to give to your husband or child, who has a fever or a toothache and you should always have medicines available in your medicine cabinet at home.

    What should a wife be like?

    1. Even if you are a housewife, you must have your own interests and hobbies. You don't have to live only as a husband. While he is watching football, there is no need to nag him or try to watch it with him. Mind your own business, show that you are also an individual and you have your own interests.

    2. Don't stay at home all the time. You should have your own circle of friends. Leave home sometimes, let your husband get bored. At the same time, dress nicely and put on makeup.

    3. No matter how meager your wardrobe may be, you should always have Nice dress according to the figure for going out in public. Let's say your husband has a bonus and he invited you to celebrate this event in a restaurant, to which you answer him that you have nothing to wear and you just stay at home. It is for such occasions that you should always have something to wear.

    4. Always engage in self-development. Read books, interesting articles on the Internet, no, not gossip about the stars, but educational articles. When your husband comes home, show off your knowledge and tell him something at dinner interesting fact, which he doesn't know about.

    5. Be nice and friendly to others, try to smile and behave decently. His friends must like you and always be a hospitable hostess. The same applies to your husband’s relatives; try not to conflict with them and not nag your husband about them.


    In order not to be jealous of your husband and not to be afraid of his cheating, you need to behave correctly in the bedroom.

    1. There is no need to punish your husband for misconduct, lack of intimacy, or, conversely, reward him for something with intimacy.

    2. Don’t act too shy in bed, because you have nothing to be shy in bed with your loved one.

    3. But, of course, there is no need to act unnatural and behave like a worker in the Dutch sex industry. When asked how many men were before him, answer with a smile that everything that came before him does not matter.

    4. Be ready to try something new and somehow diversify your intimate life.

    5. Do not discuss your intimate life with your friends, this is only your personal and others do not need to know about it.

    10 rules in appearance

    A wife should remember that men love with their eyes. Therefore, you should always look decent under any circumstances.

    1. You should always have clean teeth and no bad odor coming from your mouth.

    2. It is not necessary to dress appropriately at home latest trends, but clothes must be clean, neat and true to size. Therefore, eliminate oversized faded robes from your wardrobe. You can wear, for example, tights, leggings, shorts, t-shirts, tunics and shirts.

    3. Your face and body should be free of hair.

    4. Don't forget about proper nutrition and sometimes remind your husband that a hamburger is the wrong food.

    5. Hair should always be clean and smell nice. There is no need to do your hair while at home and cover it with a layer of varnish to fix it. If your husband wants to run his hand through your hair, he should not get tangled in it.

    6. Watch your gait, it should be smooth and graceful.

    8. Don’t cover yourself in layers at home. foundation and cosmetics. Simply apply face cream, tint your lips with gloss and mascara on your eyelashes. And that's it, you are beautiful.

    9. Keep your nails clean and beautiful. Forget about extended nails, this has long been unfashionable. If the varnish begins to peel off, remove it immediately with liquid. Clean them regularly from dirt and shape them with a nail file.

    10. Don't worry about your weight. Believe me, your husband won’t notice 3-5 extra kilos, but if you constantly remind him of it, he will start to take a closer look and think that there is really something wrong with you. You don't have to refuse to eat in front of him because you're on a diet. Don't talk about it. Say that you don’t just want fried chicken today, you want a light salad.

    1. There is no need to educate your husband and talk to him in a commanding voice. You are not raising a shepherd, but communicating with your loved one. Often women complain that they are tired of carrying everything on themselves and being the man in the family. Don't take on too much, be a woman. Always ask your husband for help, even if you can drive a nail yourself, he must do it.

    2. Do not constantly criticize your husband for what he did not do or did, but not so. Don't spoil your nervous system. Well, it doesn’t matter that he stained the bathroom with toothpaste again or didn’t take out the trash.

    3. Take an interest in his work and affairs. Even if you don’t understand anything about his profession, still ask and listen.

    4. Don't swear or argue with your spouse in public. No one should know what is happening in your family. Besides, there is no need to humiliate your loved one in the eyes of other people.

    5. Thank him for the gifts he gives you, especially if it is not a holiday. He will have a desire to give them to you further. Mark any piece of mammoth that he brought into your “cave”.

    6. Don't give reasons for jealousy. Yes, I want my husband to somehow demonstrate that he cares about you. But this is not the most successful way. Especially if you try to make him jealous with the help of his friend. You and your friend can quarrel with him and in the general company everyone will seem like a flighty lady. And then you’ll get the first number from your husband.

    These are just a few basic rules of what a wife should be like for her husband. Yes, at first glance, it seems that being an ideal wife is not easy. But no one promised that everything would be easy and smooth. The main thing is to start changing yourself; at first it will not be easy, but then it will become a habit.

    Anna basis

    “People meet, people fall in love, get married...” - these lines of the famous song became the leitmotif for a whole generation of women. Even today, modern girls make it their primary goal to meet a young man, have a relationship and then get married. Everyone has dreams of a loving, understanding and caring partner, but how many people think in advance about how to become happy in marriage? After all, it’s not for nothing folk wisdom says: “It’s not a bad thing to get married, but no matter how married you are, you won’t be lost.”

    Often the well-being of married life depends on a woman’s behavior in the family. And being a good wife is work. But if you follow the rules and advice given by psychologists, family coaches and sexologists, then becoming a good wife is not so difficult. Professional answers to the most popular questions from girls regarding the well-being of marriage are highlighted below.

    How to become an ideal wife

    The number of books on the topic “How to become an ideal wife” is approaching several hundred, and such discussions on women’s forums are countless. But what could be simpler - just come up and address this question to your own husband? After all, a woman is more concerned about how to become herself best wife specifically for your partner, and not for someone unknown.

    Here lies the first tip:

    Most likely, no special requests will be found in the information received from the spouse. Loving man appreciates the natural behavior of his partner. But along with this, the woman’s qualities as a mistress, mistress and mother of his children will certainly be mentioned. This raises other questions.

    How to become a good wife and housewife

    “Domostroy” also said that a young girl must become a good wife and mistress in her husband’s house. But over the centuries, this requirement has remained virtually unchanged. It is difficult to find a man who wanted his life partner to not know how to run a house or to be a poor cook. Yes, today the wife usually leads labor activity, and can be no less loaded than the spouse. But technical progress has also stepped far forward, and at our disposal modern girls There are devices designed to ease all the burdens of the household.

    Therefore, the second tip:

    Being a good wife and housewife also means treating things wisely. This question becomes very sensitive if the main breadwinner in a marriage is the husband.

    This advice is even more useful if you and your spouse are newlyweds and are just starting to live together.

    How to become a good wife and mother

    Being a good wife and mother means finding a compromise between child and spouse. With the birth of the first child, problems begin. The main reason is the woman’s complete concentration on her child. Postpartum recovery, a change in worldview, new responsibilities, a change in daily routine, worries and worries absorb the young mother’s entire attention. But the husband, no matter how sensitive he may be, by nature does not perceive the child the way a woman does. This is where grievances arise for the lack of attention from the other half. Men try to suppress this within themselves, but hidden jealousy can only make the situation worse.

    If a trusting relationship has not been formed in the family, and the spouses do not share problems with each other, then the outcome of the situation can be disastrous, especially if at this time a third party intervenes in the brewing conflict.

    This leads to the fourth tip:

    A good wife knows how much time to devote to the baby so that her beloved spouse does not feel deprived.

    How to become a good wife and lover

    To be an ideal wife for a husband means to become a good lover. Women who have been married to a partner for more than one year tend to forget about this. Intimate life gradually fades away, and along with it the feelings become dull. Marriage becomes just living together under one roof. It’s good if spouses have common children, interests and plans. And if not? Family life in this case threatens to end in divorce.

    Therefore, the fifth tip is relevant for today’s brides: carefully evaluate the similarity of your temperaments with your partner.

    Sex for a man is not an easy embodiment of obligatory physical needs, but also an important part emotional side of life. Intimacy, its quantity and quality, the wife’s attitude towards sex - all this affects the happiness of the spouse in marriage.

    Intimate conversations, caresses, embodiment of each other's fantasies are the key to the continuation of love. By depriving a man of intimacy, the only thing a woman will get is a constantly dissatisfied and irritable partner who can easily find what she wants outside the home.

    Becoming a good lover for your husband means striving to diversify your intimate life as much as possible.

    Everyday affection outside of bed is also important. Touch your spouse, tell him pleasant words, hug. Pleasant attentions make you close and dear people for each other.

    How to be better than your ex-wife

    How to become better than your spouse’s ex-wife is a question that worries women whose partner already had broken previous unions behind them. The correct thing in this case is to find out the reason why marriage with ex-wife failed.

    You are lucky if a man shares information with you independently and in advance. But if he prefers to keep it to himself, do not try to put undue pressure on him; most likely, his reluctance is due to unpleasant memories or psychological trauma he has experienced.

    There is no point in guessing about the reasons for the breakup; as a rule, it is non-compliance with the rules set out above. Therefore, it is easy to become better than his first wife, because if a man decides to remarry after already having a negative experience, it means he has found in his current wife qualities that the previous one lacked.

    Questions “Am I better than her?” make a man seriously think about this topic. This man is already your husband; there is no point in forcing him to remember the past.

    Surround your husband with care, attention and love, be sincere with him, accept him for who he is - right choice for a woman when her husband’s marriage is not the first. Become the best wife for own husband a girl who is not afraid to regularly work on herself and her relationships can do it.

    December 28, 2013, 11:42

    Today on the site Kitty. ru, you will learn about . Last time family values gain weight again and that's it more girls strive to create a strong foundation for a happy life. Yes, and among men, one can increasingly see an understanding that a reliable rear is the basis for proper development. A good wife can help a man rise to hitherto unattainable heights, while a bad wife can ruin the life of both him and herself. So what is the secret of good wives?

    What is a good wife?

    The first thing you have to understand is that a good wife and a boring wife are not the same thing. Many people mistakenly imagine the image of an ideal wife as a smiling housewife who has only recipes in her head, her grandmother’s methods of cleaning carpets from stains, and a vacuum cleaner in her hands. She feeds her husband a delicious dinner after work and listens sympathetically to his stories about how his day went. Then, not really understanding anything about what she heard, but content with the fact that he’s sitting next to her and telling her something important, she washes the dishes, and after watching her favorite show (film, TV series, football, reading a book, newspaper, or other family leisure) the respectable couple goes to the bedroom. This keeper of the hearth apparently thinks that she knows everything about how to become the best wife. But people like her, as a rule, often run away to their mistresses for something “hotter,” and we’re not talking about borscht at all. After this, all the young ladies I know begin to be perplexed: how, they say, she is smart and beautiful and cooks well, and the house is clean, but everything is not right for him. Here's Herod. What is her mistake? ?

    How to become a good wife and remain yourself?

    Almost all girls dream of getting married since childhood. From an early age, mothers and grandmothers actively instill in us various attitudes: don’t be capricious - who will marry you, learn to cook - you’ll soon have your own household, or if you tell your husband like that, he’ll run away from you in an instant. For most girls, marriage is the main goal in life, of course completely unconscious; because we live in modern world, and we have a lot of opportunities, and in general, we are all so independent.. And after a girl gets married, something clicks in her head: that’s it, I’m successful, I’m married!

    How can you now become the best wife in the world? Plunge headlong into everyday problems, dissolve in the hassle and maintenance of comfort?! No no and one more time no! Of course, you shouldn’t give up on all this either, but you shouldn’t dissolve to the last drop in family life it is forbidden. Moreover, such mistakes are made not only by housewives, but also by women who have a job or their own business. They are all wrong in one thing - the belief that after marriage you become, first of all, a wife. Especially if you marry a rich man - you can read the previous article about this.

    To become a good wife, economic zeal is not the main thing!

    The secret is to remain the one who loved you, and not to shoulder a household boat with an exorbitant load. Undoubtedly, it is pleasant to take care of a loved one, but this must be done naturally and out of a desire to share love, and not because they write so in articles about how to become the best wife. Acting according to the rule “I am a wife,” you will most likely expect some action or the notorious gratitude in response. When you give love and care from the heart, in those moments when you want it, there is no need for such a move on the part of your husband. Because happy people do not expect anything in return, but everything just comes to them. Like attracts like.

    The other side of the coin is a bad wife

    Well, everything is clear here, without preamble. There are girls who, in contrast to the previous ones, lay problems not on themselves, but on their husbands. And not household ones, but your own. Sometimes a bad wife appears immediately after a good one, in the same person. This happens when attempts on how to become the best wife turned out to be unappreciated. But often bad wives are obtained simply by internal nature ex-fiancée. Hysterics, scandals, grievances, depression, discontent, screams, three-day silence, manipulation - these are just a small part of the arsenal of such a would-be companion. For some reason they believe that their beloved husband should sort out his entire inner problematic world. How can they become a good wife? This question does not interest them; they believe that their husband is already lucky. Need I say that there is no happiness in such a family? Of course, sometimes there are lulls, but this is before the next breakdown of an immature and unbalanced wife. In such cases, husbands either look for relaxation in alcohol or something else, but in any case, they look for it. It is impossible to live peacefully with such a quarrelsome woman.

    Family life is, first of all, relationships, and a wedding is only the beginning of a long and difficult journey. How to become a good wife when on this path you don’t always want to be good? After all, living together is not always fun and easy. Yes, but it's always interesting when the right approach. A good wife is a happy wife, but what does it take to be happy? Be yourself. And allow your husband to be himself. Don’t demand, don’t remake, don’t manipulate, don’t dissolve in him, don’t forgive everything in the world, but boldly, openly and lovingly look into each other’s eyes, talking about everything that worries or pleases. Marriage does not mean that now you can relax and stop working on yourself. To be a husband and a wife, and a friend and a lover at the same time, you will have to work hard. But the result is worth it!

    Guseva Polina - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for those in love... with themselves!

    Family happiness is one of the main desires of almost every woman. First, your head explodes with thoughts of where to find the ideal man, and then - how to become the best, most important and irreplaceable for your lover. And what makes you especially depressed is the endless social pages of ideal wives, against the backdrop of which you understand that you are far from them, and you also cannot find an answer on what to do.

    The portal Svadebka.ws compiled this material specifically for the “less than ideal.” After all, in pursuit of established stereotypes, one should not forget that a man, first of all, wants to see a confident woman next to him, and not something spineless.

    Secrets of ideal wives

    Perhaps the first thing every young wife should understand is that it is impossible to become perfect in everything from the first months life together. Only experience, family realities and a sincere desire to be an ideal wife for your beloved husband can help you achieve your goal.

    Often relationships after marriage do not live up to expectations. As a rule, this happens in the first year of marriage. And if you bravely endure this period, then the ability to understand, sympathize and show tolerance towards your chosen one will be added to your treasury of female wisdom. And these are some of the most important components of “dream wives.”

    Of course, you can ask your chosen one directly what an ideal wife should be like. But sometimes men themselves don’t know what they want. This means you need to take matters into your own hands.

    So, how to become an ideal wife:

    1. Love yourself. Sincerely and irrevocably. It is important to understand that husband is part of your life, and not life itself. Don’t give up on your favorite hobbies, discover new hobbies (or better yet, common interests), and allow yourself an hour of unity with yourself. All this will allow you not only to feel comfortable, but will also help you maintain your relationship with your spouse. interesting topics for conversation, far from home life and discussions of mutual friends.

    2. Men love with their eyes- a centuries-old truth that only the deaf/blind/lazy are unaware of. This doesn’t mean that you need to put on a ton of makeup early in the morning and spend two hours styling. Minimum: clean hair well-groomed skin, sparkling eyes and smile. Protect your husband from observation cosmetic procedures: Let depilation, masks, wraps remain something distant and unseen for him. And your amazing beauty, of course, comes from nature and nothing more.

    3. Trust and attention. There, behind the doors of the house, a man must be persistent and unbending. But even the most powerful of this world have situations when you just need a loved one nearby who will support and will not reproach you for weakness. Perfect wife, as a reliable rear, always knows how to listen, understand, support, leaving all the secrets only in the family. No discussions of your spouse’s problems and weaknesses with friends and parents. For them, he must always remain steadfast, no matter the situation.

    4. An intimate moment. A happy marriage is not possible without sex. And now we are not talking about “distributing marital debts,” but about sincere lust for each other. Beautiful lingerie, romantic dinners, new poses and techniques (which are abundantly described and shown online) will undoubtedly strengthen the marriage and will not allow the fire of passion to go out for many years to come.

    5. Family hearth . It is impossible, even for the thousandth time, not to mention the cleanliness and comfort of the house, and the delicious hot dinner after work. Surprise with new dishes, hang new ones on the walls joint photos, decorate the house with new details. He may not notice new little things, but he will definitely feel that he is loved and expected in this house.

    6. Be a woman- weak, in need of protection and a strong shoulder. Don't be shy to talk about your experiences, dreams, fears. Let your man feel that he is your support and wall, that it is his protection and support that you need every second.

    7. Ability to hear and understand. How often couples break up simply because they do not want to understand each other. No matter how your emotions rage and you don’t want to break down, scream, slam the door with reverse side- hold on. After all, it is because of women’s hysterics that violence and understatement occur in families. Learn to restrain yourself and, most importantly, discuss problems calmly. Only a dialogue in which the couple hears each other will help find a way out of this situation.
    8. They are sawing wood, not their husband. This point is without comment.

    9. Personal time. While you are thinking about how to become an ideal wife for your husband, let him go to the bathhouse with friends or have a beer at a bar. And this will be the first step towards the goal. Both spouses should have personal time, because even their loved ones get tired. And that's okay.
    10. Mother-in-law is like a second mother. No negative words addressed to her in front of her husband. Whatever this woman was, she gave birth to and raised your better man. Just patience. Only respect.

    Many girls have a question, how to become a good wife? It is not easy to answer, because there are a lot of different opinions, which are almost impossible to cover at the same time. Of course, some women prefer to choose their own path, but they often fail, so it is worth reading some advice from professional psychologists. No one says that each of them guarantees long-term happy life, however, it helps to get to know men better.

    How to become a good wife and forget about friends and acquaintances.

    Perhaps the first problem in the life of spouses is always friends and acquaintances. They try to give some advice, suggest what to do in a given situation, and some are simply outright jealous. Most often, the consequences turn out to be the most deplorable, that is, the relationship gradually heats up and, in the end, breaks down.

    Often girls believe that a man needs freedom. “It’s better to let him go fishing with friends than to look at a dissatisfied face,” they say, and they are very wrong. Yes, you can’t set conditions, because many people, without thinking, act contrary. However, in this situation, it is the wife who should be the reason that forces the husband to stay at home. To do this, it is enough to interest him in something. After this, you will be able to spend extra time alone, reinforcing the warmth of the relationship with pleasant communication.

    Variety is the key to married life.

    "Whatever delicious dish, it gets boring someday.” These words of a great man should be remembered throughout your married life. Moreover, it should not be attributed only to cooking; it is better to apply it in practice in everything. Even the wife must change a little so that everything becomes stronger and stronger.

    In some cases, even the unexpected attracts much more than the long. romantic dinner. Because of this, psychologists advise girls to remain unpredictable even 10 years after marriage. Surely unpredictable actions and words will intrigue a man constantly. He will begin to return home after work with anticipation, not imagining what surprise awaits him.

    You can't adjust.

    After the wedding celebration, some women begin to change. Many try to become an integral part of a man’s life, so they prefer to fulfill all his desires. On the one hand, such a step can be understood, because the wives believe that after this they can look to the future with confidence. On the other hand, the husband does not need a “mother”. Psychologists are already tired of reminding the fair half of humanity that a man loves a woman for who she is, which means he doesn’t need another.

    So first of all to the question, how to become a better wife, you should answer, remain yourself. If the husband understands that the stamp in the passport has not changed their relationship, he will remain a spouse for the rest of his life. Moreover, looking at his beloved, a person will be immersed in memories, which will bring him even more joy and pleasure.

    Spend time alone.

    Warm marital relations maintained constant. A girl should constantly be next to her man, attracting his gaze, forcing him to look away even from a football match of his favorite team. Let active image life and being overly busy often force you to look for difficult paths, you shouldn’t stop and give up, it’s better to overcome all obstacles and at least be alone for a couple of minutes.

    The easiest way is to combine breakfast and dinner, even if you really want to go to bed and relax. Sometimes it’s worth getting up early to please a man’s eyes with your splendor during breakfast, rather than forget about married life in a few years. IN in this case everything depends only on the woman, or rather, on her desire to remain a wife.

    Money doesn't solve anything.

    A woman is the keeper of the home. This principle is inherent in the genes of every man, and if he suddenly invites her to go to work under some pretext, it means that he is not satisfied with the way she runs the household. Most often, a man subconsciously wants to provide for his own family. Yes, situations often arise when it is not possible to earn the necessary funds alone, but you should not ruin masculine spirit in your other half.

    Psychologists remind us that money should never remain the main topic of conversation between spouses. Any reproach from the beautiful keeper of the hearth remains a terrible wound in the soul of a man. It is better to leave the earnings on his shoulders, but never forget about support. It is the spouse who should become the real “other half”, who prompts and reassures even in difficult situations. History shows many cases where families in poverty lived much happier lives than rich people, and this should be remembered.

    The husband is a king and a god.

    The husband appreciates his wife for everything if he feels that he remains his whole life for her. He is a provider, he is a master, he is a protector. Every woman should remember these words, even if things don’t work out. By praising a man, a girl will be able to push him to new achievements. Yes, the wife will still remain behind her, so she will continue to support and even guide her husband, but he will not suspect anything. This situation in the family is always observed, and young people often automatically create it themselves. In this case, the expression “henpecked” does not suit the spouse, because he continues to be the head of the family and, if necessary, reminds everyone of this. It’s just that the other half provides him with invaluable help in everything.

    Becoming a better wife is not easy. To do this, you need to learn how to maintain the integrity of the family. The strong half of humanity is capable of much, but banal home comfort or neatness are unknown to them. Although it is impossible to talk about this and, especially, point out shortcomings. Nevertheless, psychologists say that it is enough to simply love each other in order to support each other throughout life. warm relations between spouses. Moreover, such married couples, indeed, remain happy and joyfully remember every minute of their lives, where there was everything: both bad and good.

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