• Return the old passion to the marital relationship. How to refresh your marriage


    In the article you will learn:

    Hello, friends!

    Once love has passed, it cannot be returned back. But I know how to refresh relationships in a couple of topics who has not yet lost this wonderful feeling! Total 10 simple tricks and your union will be filled with new sensations and joyful moments.

    Before I start, I want to say that you are just super great for reading this article. I noticed from myself that everyday life, omissions, minor problems, behind them you forget about the main thing. Relationships, especially after 2 years and beyond, become more ordinary, gray, and while you are immersed in this, you don’t notice that you are missing many moments that

    • will please both
    • will fill your life together with new sensations,
    • will make it more diverse and interesting.

    Therefore, I will remind you that they are simple to implement, but important for a couple's life ideas that will not only refresh relationships, but also strengthen them. The main rule, without which they will never work, is to do everything with pleasure and enjoyment! So, let's go.

    140 beats per minute

    When do you feel best together? When something surprises you, pleases you, excites you, in general, something that captures your spirit and makes your heart beat faster! Experienced sensations together unite and lead you to the realization that together it’s very interesting. This works even after 10 years together life.

    • So do what turns you both on.
    1. Go to rock-concerts,
    2. erotic performances
    3. or horror movies.
    4. Go to hikes to unfamiliar places
    5. or trips off-road.
    6. Attend political rallies
    7. argue passionately about the origin of the universe, football or the end of the world, whatever you like.

    Renew trust in relationships

    When do you deeply and reverently trust a person? When you are afraid to do something, but together you did it! That is overcome some barrier.

    • For example, they turned on the light while making love. Only in order to open your eyes, look at each other, trust your partner completely.
    • Or started something together, which they had not dared to do before and it requires unity between the spouses.
    • Visited shelter for animals and got acquainted with its inhabitants, bought and began to equip a dacha, or maybe you always wanted to create music group or present your dog at a dog show, but you didn't have the courage.

    Think about what you would like to do together?

    Love at your fingertips

    Nothing makes a family as warm and friendly as tactile affection.

    The desire to hug, kiss, touch each other to straighten a strand of hair, remove a speck of dust, straighten clothes.

    Remember how you communicated at the beginning of a relationship? Do you still meet your loved one on the threshold when he arrives and see him off when he leaves?
    Do you kiss goodnight, hug when you meet, stroke and pat each other?

    If you have already forgotten how to do this, then urgently catch up! It's so nice.

    It's another matter if you it's unpleasant to touch each other. This is a serious sign of a broken relationship, and in this case it should not be refreshed, but sorted out at an appointment with a specialist. This may be a symptom of deep resentment or lack of love. This could also be the next one crisis in relationships.

    Give joy

    Another way to refresh your relationship is do to your partner pleasant surprises .

    Not every day, of course, but periodically and suddenly. Imagine how pleased you would be if you came home tired from work, and a magnificent rose in a vase was waiting for you. What, there are no flowers? Take the initiative and start yourself!

    • Chocolate under the pillow or a note with wishes Have a good day in your jacket pocket - all these little things will please your loved one and he will also want to demonstrate to you his love and joy of being with you.

    Kilometers of the soul

    It also doesn’t hurt those who are far from each other to feed their feelings. Love at a distance is possible, but only if you are very friendly to each other trust well. My advice is designed to make your relationships a little more diverse.

    • Use all the latest Internet technologies. Watch movies together on Skype, send each other beautiful erotic pictures or arrange a surprise visit! But only if you are sure that your partner will really appreciate such a surprise.

    External is equal to internal

    To maintain relationships high level, don't forget about physical attractiveness. Yes, such banal advice. Because I don’t often meet men who sincerely admire their wife, her exquisite taste, elegance, and ability to look good.

    But every woman can do this. It’s enough to stay in shape, take care of your skin and hair, change your wardrobe periodically, and choose appropriate clothes. Listen to your man and be sure to change for the better.

    • I'll tell you one secret: men love most those women in whom they invest. A man is proud of his woman, her skills and abilities, and especially her ability to look wonderful even for her age.

    Childhood started playing somewhere

    An equally pleasant way to refresh a relationship, especially if there is Small child , play board, sports and other games!

    • Can go outside and play badminton, kick a ball, or remember your childhood and play...Cossacks-Robbers! At the same time, teach your baby and have fun yourself. And sharing childhood memories will bring you closer.
    • Among board games choose what you like best: card games, strategic games, attention development games, etc. Or maybe you’ll take out a twister from the distant mezzanine and decide to warm up properly.

    It's not just children who fool around

    Fooling around can be a lot of fun sometimes!

    Turn on fun music, dance, go crazy, throw pillows. Sometimes it's important to feel like people free from worries and the hassle of everyday life. It’s as if you are children again and you are 7 years old.

    • Such a pastime will allow you to understand that you are easy and comfortable together.

    Full of sausage

    And here I suggest leaving not with pillows, but with something heavier. But not at each other, of course. And into the wall, prepared in advance for this.

    1. Cover the floor and walls with paper or newspapers.
    2. Prepare those things or dishes that you are terribly tired of and would not mind getting rid of them.
    3. AND rush these objects against the wall, uttering those minor complaints that you have accumulated to each other.

    For example, scattered socks, dirty cups on the table, crumbs on the computer or in bed, etc.

    • Have fun, you're great relieve tension and relax together!

    The value of a woman

    If you have been for a long time married and loving your husband again is not an easy task for you, then in this case only one piece of advice will be useful - take care of yourself.

    • But in such a way that as a result you do not move away completely, but caught his attention.

    Be passionate about something, active, beautiful and attractive... And a man who is interested in a woman will begin to do everything just to draw her attention to himself. Therefore, think about what you have not yet taken from this life and go ahead!

    And finally

    To confront mistresses, you need to become yourself best lover! You are beyond competition. And both spouses must understand this.

    • Refresh your relationship with new experiments in sex.
    • Go to a sex shop, watch an erotic film, buy naughty things, be sexy to each other.

    Believe me, this can be done even after 15 years of marriage!

    Well, it seems that we have covered all aspects of the relationship and possible entertainment that will unite you as a couple. If you have anything to add, tell us in the comments.

    Wish you all the best!

    • Love and take care of your halves!
      Bye everyone. June was with you.

    Many married couples who have lived together for more than three years note that their marital relationship has become filled with gray everyday life and has lost its novelty. Wherein intimacy between spouses is no longer distinguished by its former brightness and is not sensual and passionate, as on the honeymoon.

    Statistics show that not all married couples experience well crisis of sensuality and tear it apart.

    But, there is also a certain percentage of married couples who, after many years, were able life together open new horizons in relationships and return old emotional fervor.

    Today, psychologists note 10 options for reviving sensuality and romanticism in marriage:

    1. Restore the vibrancy of intimacy.

    If you are already over thirty, then sexual relations may no longer be as diverse and passionate as before. After all, over the years, the external characteristics of the spouses change, and along with them, confidence in their own attractiveness and capabilities. For example, the first wrinkles appear or one of the spouses gains extra pounds. In addition, constant family worries, going to work and caring for children take away a large number of energy and time. As a result, each spouse strives to allocate time during the day for proper sleep, and not for violent intimacy.

    What to do in this situation?

    To begin with, each spouse must sincerely answer the question:

    • does he feel comfortable with his partner?;
    • Does he have disagreements and confrontations with his loved one?

    If you feel general dissatisfaction with your marriage, then every effort must be made to restore lost harmony and respect. After all, sensations from sexual intimacy depend on the general state of the relationship with a partner in the areas family life.

    In addition, some sexologists draw an analogy between sex and a duet of singers. So, singers can perform a lyrical piece of music in two ways - in unison or each will lead a separate part. If they perform a song together, they feel each other perfectly, as their voices take on a new sound, and this duet can also improvise wonderfully. Make every effort to restore your marriage. interpersonal relationships with your other half, and your life will be filled with new sensations and emotions.

    2. Show attention.

    It has been experimentally proven that spouses who show tenderness and attention to each other in everyday life do not experience problems in their intimate life. If you have lost interest in your partner, then remember the last time you visited a cinema together or had a party. romantic dinner by candlelight. After all, everyday problems can destroy even the happiest person.

    To rekindle the fire of passion and love, do not forget to tell your chosen one pleasant words, show signs of attention and radiate only positive energy. Come up with your own “recipes” to help restore harmony in sexual relationships.

    3. Select the right time for intimacy.

    Often the quality of sexual relationships between spouses decreases due to the fatigue of one of the partners. What to do in this situation? First of all, give each other the opportunity to rest. Be sure to choose together with your spouse optimal time day and day of the week for intimate meetings. Some couples devote their weekends to sex, having previously assigned their children to their grandparents. Other married couples, on the contrary, pay attention to each other after midnight or early in the morning, before the start of the working day. The main condition in these relationships is sincerity and a real desire to “dissolve” in each other, forgetting about everyday affairs and troubles.

    4. Don't bring work problems into your home.

    To relax after finishing a working day, do not take home important documents that you did not have time to fill out at your workplace, and do not schedule urgent telephone conversations. These activities will steal a lot of precious time from you, and will also charge you negative emotions. If you urgently need to resolve any business issues, then it is best not to plan a romantic dinner or a date with your loved one that day.

    5. Avoid the same scenario in intimate relationships.

    Sexologists claim that married couples with “experience” fully study the intimate characteristics of their partner for a certain period of time. As a result, sexual relationships develop according to the usual scenario for partners, and lead to a loss of novelty and passion in the relationship. To avoid falling into this trap, experts recommend diversifying intimate relationships and avoid persistence in them. Saturate every romantic evening with new sensations and bright emotions.

    6. Don't focus on your own shortcomings.

    Every woman should remember Golden Rule that there is always a man next to her who needs to be seduced and conquered every day. At the same time, all men love a woman with their eyes. In this regard, you should not complain to your husband about the appearance gray hair, cellulite or extra pounds. He will take this information literally, and you will not wait for a compliment: “You are the most beautiful and beautiful!” Try to pay maximum attention to your own appearance, and also play sports. Your chosen one will appreciate the desire to keep himself in shape and will give you unforgettable emotions and vibrant sexual relationships.

    7. Add humor and fantasy to intimate relationships.

    Sometimes the best option return former passion and tenderness - to laugh and give free rein to your imagination. To do this, come up with a scenario for an exciting sexual adventure with your partner, where you will play the main roles. Use revealing costumes and sexy clothes for this purpose. underwear. As a result, you will regain your lost passion and spend an unforgettable night with your loved one.

    8. Use memories.

    To revive vivid emotions, psychologists recommend plunging with your spouse into the world of past life memories. To do this, you and your partner can review family photos or video archives. major events in your life. At this moment, fluids of tenderness and love will flow between husband and wife. Vivid memories will remind them of the most unforgettable moments of their life together and ignite the fire of new passion.

    9. Learn to flirt with your own husband.

    Use in relationships with your chosen one various ways flirting: tell him sweet words, smile languidly, cast loving glances, wear sexy underwear and arrange romantic dates. As a result, your intimate life will acquire versatility and sensuality.

    10. Talk about your own desires.

    Learn to discuss with your partner your feelings and emotions received in bed. To improve the quality of intimate relationships, create the appropriate conditions: prepare your chosen one’s favorite dish, buy sexy lingerie, and also radiate positivity. In an intimate setting, tell your partner about your desires and expectations from sex.

    Thus, every married couple should remember that it is always possible to return to the former passion in an intimate relationship. To do this, you just need to blow off the dust from it. everyday problems and learn to enjoy life again!

    Hello to everyone who is close to the topic of relationships between men and women.

    Married life is multifaceted and unpredictable:

    • Over the years, love and warm, tender feelings fade into the background, giving way to everyday life and numerous problems.
    • Many people are disappointed, it seems that marriage kills love.

    But this is not at all true; from time to time spouses need to warm up their feelings with actions and pleasant words.

    How to refresh a couple's relationship? There are many ways to improve the situation.

    Feelings tend to become dull. And the reasons for this are the following:

    • People blame everyday life for everything, and there is some truth in this.
    • Routine and monotony become boring, spouses stop enjoying each other, and their communication is reduced to a minimum.
    • Sex becomes a chore, which deprives both partners of pleasure.
    • Among possible reasons deterioration of relationships, it is worth noting being busy at work and unwillingness to delve into the problems of a loved one.
    Correctly set priorities will help improve the weather in the house.

    Fatigue, accumulated grievances and the frantic pace of life do not contribute to the development of happy relationships.

    Every day, spouses have to solve a huge number of important matters; they just want one thing, to crawl to bed and fall asleep sweetly.

    What kind of romance are we talking about?

    The routine drags on more and more, views on life between spouses increasingly diverge, it seems as if mutual understanding has been lost forever.

    Everything can be fixed, the main thing is to want it. Any couple can refresh their relationship, how to do it?

    We should start with memories.

    • Remember what brought you pleasure: going on trips to unknown places together, going to the cinema or shopping. Bring it back to life.

    Most couples complain about a lack of passion. For this:

    • Together, decide to go to an intimate store, buy a piquant item that will bring novelty and desire to your sex life.
    • For some, a change of environment is enough to old feelings flared up with renewed vigor.
    • Give your loved one a surprise. Book a hotel room, take care of romantic attributes, turn off your phones and devote this time to each other.

    See also ".." Building a relationship will bring pleasure to both if the lovers are on the same wavelength. If you are sure that you have found the woman of your dreams, do everything possible, and then the impossible, to become the person she loves.

    1. Take trips to unknown places

    This does not require a lot of money, just one desire is enough. There are probably many interesting places in your city that are sure to impress.

    You can also go outside the city, into nature or visit the sights of the region. If it is possible to travel, then it is a must.

    Research by scientists has proven the importance of traveling together outside their city or country because... in foreign places there are no familiar people and routine, the couple has to rally together.

    Thus, partners become very close together outside the country or their city.

    How many new emotions do people experience from traveling? Very, very much... so traveling will definitely refresh your relationship!

    2. Surprise

    Small surprises put both the giver and the recipient in a positive mood. Gifts to a loved one should be given not only on holidays, but also just because.

    Gifts are firewood for your relationship. If you don’t throw it into the fire, it will go out, and so it is with relationships.

    All the methods that are listed here are aimed primarily at the attention of your partner, and gifts and surprises are an ideal tool for raising your spirits and improving relationships.

    Surprises will bring variety to your life with your partner.

    3. Heart-to-heart conversations revitalize relationships.

    When they come home, many couples hardly talk. Everyone goes about their business, exchanging formal phrases.

    A couple will improve their relationship if they talk to each other, ask about how their day was, and exchange impressions, no matter how negative or positive they are.

    It is necessary that the initiative for conversation comes from both, then the conversation will be productive and will benefit the spouses.

    According to the results of the experiment, spouses who go to bed together are much happier than those who do not adjust their usual schedule to their partner’s schedule.

    Don't believe me? Try it, it might give you an amazing effect!

    Use all the methods and methods from this article in order to refresh your relationship and then don’t be surprised that it sparkles with new colors.

    5. Touching your partner: hug more!

    In addition to verbal dialogue, spouses should touch each other. Sit side by side, hug your loved one, stroke them. This evokes tender feelings, without which it is difficult to imagine a strong relationship.

    Hugs and touches have great power.

    The essence of hugs is that they produce a certain hormone that produces happiness and joy. It's called oxytocin. Therefore, hug everyone urgently!

    6. A stable relationship is not a reason to forget about your appearance.

    You should always take care of yourself. Unfortunately, many people relax after the wedding and don’t take as much care of their appearance as before.

    Visit spas together, go to the gym, go for morning jogs. Joint activities inspire and set a positive attitude.

    Surprise your partner with new outfits, change your hairstyle, experiment with looks. It is important that your spouse admires not only the inner world, but also the appearance.

    7. Declarations of love

    Over time, people stop saying nice words to each other, declarations of love are the best way to refresh relationships that have faded under the weight of circumstances.

    How often have you told your spouse, “I love you.” Perhaps you have a deficiency of these words? Use them together with hugs and start giving your love!

    8. Get active

    If you and your partner take a passive position, it's time to start being active as a couple.

    If you are a girl/woman and you think that a man should be active, then this is not entirely true... You need to be feminine:)

    Women's activity manifests itself in motivating and inspiring a man through her beauty and love for him.

    9. Spice up your relationship with romance.

    Arrange more often romantic evenings with candles and matching outfits, this can be done in a cozy home environment or restaurant.

    Romance brings people together and gives new sensations. Not only can you eat in a beautiful and comfortable environment, but you can also go out to the beach and stroll under the stars. Spend the night under the starry sky.

    You do it? No? Then go ahead!

    Be unpredictable and varied - this will help harmonize your relationship.

    10. Gratitude as the power of reciprocity and trust in a couple

    Thank you for your care and attention. Words of politeness are not superfluous, but saying “thank you” will mean that you appreciated the efforts of your partner.

    Gratitude increases trust and respect in a marriage and takes the relationship to another level.

    11. Refresh yourself with dancing and games!

    Dancing brings you closer together, don’t refuse the opportunity to dance with each other to your favorite music. If you are not a fan of dancing, then you are probably partial to exciting games.

    Having fun together is one of the main rules for relationships that need to be refreshed. Cards, video games, monopoly, twister, etc. will help with this.

    Sports games such as badminton, bowling or darts are great for raising your spirits.

    12. Taking a bath as a couple and a gentle massage!

    Taking a bath together will help relieve tension after a long day of work. Water soothes, and the touch and nudity of partners will allow you to stir up old feelings.

    Use bubble bath essential oils, light candles, turn on calm music. Learn to relax together and soon your relationship will improve.

    Massage creates a trusting atmosphere, so do not neglect it. It is not necessary to have professional skills as a massage therapist to give your partner pleasure; do it sincerely and you will succeed.

    Soon you will notice changes in your partner’s behavior and realize that you yourself have changed. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative; in the fight for love, all means are good.
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    You have been married for a long time, the relationship is established, life is smooth. You love your husband, but... Intimate relationships have also become a habit - you don’t want it at all or you want it very rarely, sex has become mechanical and monotonous, everything is known in advance.

    Do you think that all married couples inevitably face this, and nothing can be done about it? Don't give up! 🙂

    Site for mothers site gives universal tips, how to refresh your sexual relationship with your husband.

    Method number 1. Start changing

    Take the first step towards creating your new look. What have you long wanted to change in your appearance or lifestyle, but did not dare to do? Maybe you were thinking about new hairstyle or hair color, wanted to start dancing or lose weight? Buy new underwear that is different in style and color from what your husband usually sees you in. Change your usual perfume scent.

    As you can see, there are a lot of options, and only you know what will start your new look. To refresh your sexual relationship with your husband, you must refresh and change your usual image. This will make you feel like a beautiful, desirable, confident woman. We know that you have always been like this - only in the bustle of everyday life it was a little forgotten. It's time to remember! 🙂

    And thereby you will strengthen the necessary psychological attitude: new me - a new stage in the relationship with my husband.

    Method number 2. Fall in love with your own husband again

    Add romance to your life!

    We know what you were thinking at this point. “It was possible to fall in love with him before. And now... I’ve grown a belly, boring, boring, work during the day, sofa and TV in the evening... What kind of romance is there?!”

    Psychologists offer several effective ways how to refresh your sexual relationship with your husband, bring back romance in daily life, remember past feelings.

    Write on a piece of paper the qualities that seemed most attractive to you in your husband at the very beginning of your relationship. In another column, write the qualities that you like about him now. Be objective, it cannot be that during the marriage everything positive traits shrunk, and only shortcomings appeared. You will see that your husband has something to appreciate!

    Imagine that you are married to another person, and you meet your real husband only as a work colleague or in the company of friends. Would you pay attention to him, could you fall in love? Would you like him to be your husband?

    Generally look at your man look from the outside very useful, some of its positive features may have become invisible and familiar to you over time.

    Well, the final question: are you ready to give it up forever? Think about what will change if he disappears from your life and whether your life will become better from this...

    Method number 3. Try new things

    If intimate relationships have been following the same scenario for a long time, try to introduce something new into them. If you are not afraid of bold experiments, you have the cards in your hands: to refresh your sexual relationship with your husband, try new positions and sexual games.

    Hint to your husband about your fantasies, vary those positions that you practice especially often.

    Change your sexual image: if previously the initiative belonged to your husband, try to be a “leader” and not a “follower” from the beginning of lovemaking until the end.

    If you are afraid of scaring your husband with unexpected sexual experiments, start small. Try to greet him home from work not with a routine peck on the lips, but with a gentle, heartfelt kiss.

    Touches work wonders - a light stroking of the neck, handshakes that are invisible to others and the contact of fingers will say more than words.

    Method number 4. Pamper your husband

    You know best how to help him relax when he comes home from work tired. And if you don’t know, you need to find out urgently :) Massage, dinner with candles, relaxing music - each person has his own recipe, perhaps your husband likes something different. The main thing is to do something nice for him.

    Give him more attention, just like you did during your honeymoon. Prepare his favorite dishes more often, show care and attention. Give compliments - it doesn’t cost anything, but the return comes from sincere kind words great.

    To bring tenderness back into your life and refresh your sexual relationship with your husband, a good way is love SMS and notes. Choose their tone in accordance with your mood - gentle, playful, passionate, hinting... The main thing is that the notes should not be in places where strangers can see them, and SMS should not arrive at the wrong time, for example, during a morning meeting with the boss :)

    Method number 5. Change the environment

    The ideal option is, of course, a romantic trip somewhere you both want to go. But if your vacation is still like a moonshot, don’t worry. It's entirely possible to plan trip together near. Let it be an interesting place in the suburbs or a picturesque park on the outskirts where you have never been. The main thing is novelty and the opportunity to be alone. Perhaps this is exactly what is missing to refresh your sexual relationship with your husband.

    Try to set aside, if not a day, then at least half a day for this. Think about where you can eat nearby, how to make your route interesting or romantic, take a camera.

    Imagine that you are on your honeymoon again and Honeymoon, remember your sensations and feelings at that time. Help your husband adjust accordingly; sharing warm memories brings you closer together. We are sure that by the end of this journey you will look at each other with completely different eyes.

    Remember: to marital relations were harmonious, you need to make some effort. But the result is worth it! Love and appreciate yourself, love your husband and show him this in every possible way, live a rich and active life. Take the first step towards changes for the better - and you will see that they will not keep you waiting!

    Nadezhda Suvorova

    When your beloved man kneels in front of you and asks for your hand in marriage, pictures of a happy future together flash through your imagination. After the wedding, you and your spouse plan trips, shopping and enjoy every minute spent together.

    But 5 or 10 years pass and other thoughts flash through your head. More often there is a desire to be alone, to take a break from your spouse and everyday worries, and not to hear the screams of your children. This is not a psychological thriller script - this is a standard family life.

    Stages from sympathy to love

    To understand why feelings cool, let us turn to family psychology. She highlights the stages that every couple goes through.

    Relationship stages:

    Courtship period. At this stage, relationships depend on hormones that are produced at the sight of a partner and are responsible for passion. You do not notice shortcomings, you want to win attention. It should belong only to you.
    The period of satiety. After 12-18 months, hormone levels gradually decrease and common sense replaces feelings. You see that your significant other has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, and you begin to fight them.
    Period of disgust. For many couples, this is the final stage. Quarrels and showdowns begin between partners. But surviving this period means taking another step towards love.
    A period of patience. Partners learn to trust each other, give in and be wise. This helps to improve relationships and get closer on an emotional level, to feel like one.
    A period of respect. Now partners not only demand attention to themselves, but also begin to give it.
    Period of friendship. You trust each other and support each other in difficult situations, without demanding anything in return.
    The period of love. Having gone through six stages, you and your spouse will be rewarded with a feeling that cannot be destroyed by time and external circumstances.

    Now it becomes clear why to keep the fire in a relationship and what threatens its extinction.

    What mistakes do we make?

    All married couples face difficulties, but sometimes they create them themselves. This alienates the partners even further and can lead to complete marriage.

    To prevent this, you need to know what mistakes we make:

    If you are sure that your loved one will not go anywhere, then you relax and stop strengthening the relationship. This manifests itself in a lack of attention, unwillingness to help and stopping conversations about feelings;
    . Another extreme is the constant feeling that you might be abandoned. Anxiety and mistrust will certainly affect relationships for the worse;

    lack of confidentiality. There are people who like to brag, complain, or simply tell details of their family life. When this becomes known to the partner, the relationship ends;
    hiding the problem that has arisen. Another way to cool down and destroy a relationship is to not talk about your complaints. When negativity accumulates inside, it gradually begins to dominate and control a person;
    and personal life. Each partner should have their own hobbies and social circle. If spouses live by the same interests, then they become boring to each other;

    Your spouse is an adult and accomplished person. Either you love him for who he is, or you break up;
    lack of sex. Talk to your loved one and support him in difficult situation– this is the sensual side of the relationship. But there is also a physical one, which is no less important. Sometimes sex is the only way to reconcile after a quarrel.

    Now, knowing how to avoid unnecessary conflicts, you can strengthen your relationships and breathe new life into them.

    How to refresh your senses

    There are many ways to bring romance into your everyday life. The main thing that is needed is the desire to preserve, and the ability to express feelings.

    How to improve your relationship with your partner:

    It’s one thing when you have dinner at home in familiar surroundings and comfortable clothes. It’s completely different to go out in nice suit and a dress. By doing this you will remind your partner of the wonderful past that you spent together;
    touch each other more often. Hug your loved one, kiss on the cheek. Body contact brings you closer and does not allow feelings to cool down;

    call when you are away. You had a break, call your spouse, you saw an interesting poster, dial the phone again. Send SMS with with gentle words or letters by email;
    . Instead of once again reproaching your loved one for inattention or forgetfulness, smile and say: “It’s okay!”;
    focus on your partner's strengths. This is difficult because you quickly get used to good things, but it is necessary to make the relationship strong. Remember why you fell in love with your spouse, what qualities you admired in him;
    diversify your sexual relationships. Even such a pleasant activity will become boring if it is monotonous. Ask your spouse what he would like to try and express your wishes in response;
    make love more often. This is the main assistant in strengthening a marriage;
    be frank. There is nothing worse for a relationship than understatement. It is this that gives rise to destructive feelings - jealousy and mistrust;

    Give nice gifts, welcome you home from work, look after your partner and give compliments;
    Treat problems with humor. Every marriage comes with a crisis, and if you do not focus on it, you will easily survive this period.

    Sometimes the desire of partners to change their usual relationships is enough to refresh feelings. Be attentive to your partner and creative in your family life, and your love will never fade.

    February 28, 2014
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