• Where and how to find a good husband. Still haven't found a husband? We'll tell you how to do it


    Ecology of life. People: IT manager and musician Sergei Lavrinenko wrote about where it is better for girls to meet for a serious relationship. We decided that some of our readers might find this information useful.

    IT manager and musician Sergei Lavrinenko wrote about where it is better for girls to meet for a serious relationship. We decided that some of our readers might find this information useful.

    Many single ladies I know complain about difficulties in finding grooms. Of course, in the “work-home-work” mode, the likelihood of meeting a normal candidate is limited to colleagues, VKontakte and pick-up artists in the subway. If you have a personal car, then things are even worse. Well, I'll try to help avoid typical mistakes and find really worthwhile places to meet.

    Let's start with a list of places where I highly recommend not looking for men: gyms, football and “near-football”, fishing, biker parties, etc. Your intentions without a sincere passion for the subject will be revealed in one second, and most men go to these This is not a place to be distracted by women, so you will be disappointed.

    And here are the top 10 places where, in my opinion, you can find normal men for a serious relationship.

    Facebook.“VKontakte” is for a younger audience, “Odnoklassniki” is for an older audience, and smart young people communicate more often on FB. The distinctive feature of Facebook is that there are many smart and successful people they maintain real accounts there. Feel free to subscribe to them, watch who likes them, and then go through the profiles. There are usually few photos on Facebook, and in real life the guy may not turn out to be the same as on the Internet - this is one of the disadvantages. But in general, this is the most adequate option from an online search, certainly better than dating sites.

    IT conferences. There are crowds of programmers walking around there, few girls and a relaxed atmosphere. But not everything is so simple: firstly, you should choose a conference with an after-party. Or at least with long coffee breaks, otherwise you simply won’t be able to meet anyone. Secondly, you need to understand a little about the subject (which is difficult for an outsider when it comes to technical things). Therefore, study the subject, speaker topics, see the most common problems in the area being discussed, formulate a question and ask it to the speaker. Your attention is guaranteed. By the way, the scheme works with any conferences. But regarding IT - remember that most programmers are introverts, so take the initiative into your own hands right away.

    Mind games. Gather your team (or find an existing one) and come play sports “What? Where? When?” Despite the stereotypes, it’s not nerds who hang out here, but successful and promising young people. The downside is that you need to have a very broad outlook and erudition, otherwise you simply won’t be able to play.

    Encounter. Don't want to play "What? Where? When"? Drive your car through the city at night, solve crazy puzzles, and at the end hang out with guys from other teams, discussing the game. There are a lot of interesting guys there, and they all have cars (just kidding). And shared emotions are an excellent basis for bringing each other closer together. Cons: you will have to run, crawl, climb, often in the mud. And all this in the dead of night.

    Rope jumping. This is a daytime option, but for more extreme girls. First of all, it's safe, so don't be afraid. Secondly, the ropejumper crowd is quite friendly and there are clearly more guys there than girls. This option is not for the cowardly, but if you get involved, you will forget about the men, it’s like a drug.

    American football. There is no point in going to regular football - except perhaps to amateur leagues, where it is fun and there is no line between a fan and a football player. But going to a Litwins team game and watching this spectacle is very interesting and promising. I’m not a deep expert on this crowd, but as far as I know, it’s a lot of fun there and the fans are as harsh as the athletes.

    Knight clubs. Oh, this is a bottomless source of testosterone adepts. Grown men fight side by side in iron armor, and noble minstrels sing of their exploits. And, of course, a good knight needs ladies, so attention is guaranteed. This option is not for sissies - you will have to endure all the hardships of camping life. And get ready to sew the dress.

    Hiking. Drinking in the forest with a tent for three days and playing volleyball is not a camping trip, but a circus. Real tourists roam mountains and thickets, carry heavy backpacks and tents for days, and all this happens largely for the sake of the process itself. But marriages among tourists, as a rule, are the strongest - if you can live in the mud in the rain in the forest for several days, then in everyday life - even more so.

    Belarusian language courses. The national youth organization is taking up these measures and abbreviations. Often the activities are attended by different, distinguished people: Spartans, masters, artists. I, at home, there are meetings of a bunch of intelligent hacks. Taksama movu native padvuchytse, shto nya ests kepska.

    Bike rides. If you want to join the cycling community, then you will definitely need legs of steel and endurance. But the advantages are obvious - by cycling regularly, you not only run the risk of meeting athletic and intelligent men, but you will also pump up your muscles well. Start with cycling communities and ask for recommendations for a bike to buy - you'll already get a ton of attention.

    And the last thing: it’s better not to mess with musicians. Especially with rock musicians.published

    Do you want to find a husband and not make a mistake in your choice? This article will give you the necessary and sufficient information - where, how and who he is.

    Finding a husband or finding your other half is a current phenomenon. And, like any necessity, it gives rise to a huge number of mythologies and “good” advice. To be honest, I was quite amused by the pearls scattered on the pages of websites and blogs. The authors of the “helping” articles managed to lift the spirits, but their recommendations lead away from reality.

    Before asking “Where is he?”, it would be good to understand yourself. Marriages for love and/or passion are a worthy and wonderful activity, but only in 80% of cases are they doomed to divorce or vegetation. Why? Yes, because the person with whom you will have to go hand in hand through life will “educate” you to the fullest extent. He will definitely develop traits and habits that will be in best case scenario hurt you, and in the worst case, they will turn you life together in purgatory.

    Marriages concluded out of sheer convenience are not much better. When you are openly bought or you find an object of manipulation, as a rule, do not even expect a hint of family happiness. But over the years, the longing for the aimlessly wasted years will become more and more frequent. Besides, life is changeable. Today you counted on one pattern, and tomorrow others will be drawn.

    What to do? Stop searching blindly or relying on one or two parameters. Believe me, there is enough perfection in the world different men people whom you can love and be happy with. For some reason, everyone, considering themselves not like others, goes with them in the same crowd and steps on the same rake. So what makes you different? Is it because you think that way about yourself?

    What are you? Husband-reflection and husband-antagonist

    A young girl and a woman, learned by the burns of relationships, in search of the only one or just the right one, make one cardinal mistake. They begin their reasoning like this: “I want...”. All. Nothing good will come of this. And if it works out, you will be fabulously lucky, and even then you will have to pay for it with something.

    Before asking questions about where to look for a husband and how to find a husband, you should ask yourself something else. What kind of man am I with all my troubles (and sometimes illnesses and a bunch of unceremonious relatives) suitable for? After all, the candy-bouquet and other periods of “dating on tiptoe” will pass. Then someone’s snoring, an unbearable mother-in-law, a mortgage, bastard friends, an inability to solve basic issues and/or tyranny will emerge. And that's not the worst thing. It is much worse when it turns out (and this will most likely happen) that your dreams and desires, what you crave with all your heart, are completely indifferent to him. Or even make you smile.

    To prevent this from happening, you need to know several immutable truths and follow them.

    Values ​​and dreams

    Complex losers

    The largest group. Their goal is to hook at least someone, since for a number of reasons they have little chance of meeting someone in a real situation.

    Oddly enough, many of them find their fiancés, who, as a rule, are no less complex or confused by life. If you don’t apply for more or the situation is really pressing, in this environment you will definitely find a dozen applicants in a month. With all the consequences.

    Stray guys

    These are men who accidentally wandered onto a dating site, most often after listening to someone’s advice and at the moment of breaking up an existing relationship. Morally and financially, they can be anyone, but in any case they do not stay on the site for long.

    Strictly speaking, the questionnaire guarding such a resource already makes one think: why is he hanging around here for so long?

    Having caught the vagrant you like, you have every chance to ring it. So if you decide to find a husband online, go ahead!

    Where are the rich and ready for marriage found?

    Everywhere! Nothing human is alien to them. There is one “but” - he earned it himself or is burning through his dependents. In the first case, a person usually has little free time. Accordingly, he likes to relax either brightly, or, conversely, unnoticed and in nature. Depending on your temperament. The second category is ready to tie the knot and looks no longer at external data, but at the nature and thickness of the cultural layer.

    By the way, 60% of Russian millionaires have wives who graduated from a pedagogical institute or the philological department of a university. It is a fact.

    Common Misconceptions

    Through the efforts of losers and misfits, they spread the opinion that rich wives have the appearance of beauty queens. This is wrong. 90% of well-to-do men have wives of the most ordinary appearance. So throw mythology out of your head and boldly raise your bar of choice.

    The second mythology: the rich are entirely arrogant tyrants. This is absolutely not true. The moral qualities of the rich have the same distribution proportions as moral qualities middle peasants or poor. All people are different and money is just a catalyst for the processes that occur in the soul.

    How to deal with criticism?

    The best thing is not to share your goals and search results with your friends. It's better to face the fact.

    If the water doesn't hold, be prepared for criticism.

    They criticize for 3 purposes:

    1. Chill out.
    2. Self-assertion.
    3. Manipulation.

    All. The remaining arguments are far-fetched. By criticizing your choice or goal, friends vent their own irritation, assert themselves and justify themselves at your expense, and try to influence your behavior. Don't take criticism seriously, especially if it is unfounded.

    Understand the main thing - today you are friends, tomorrow you will run apart, and you will live with your husband. Your shirt is closer to your body. Don't let jealousy and status quo crush your dreams. Don't let them choose for you. Getting married because he suits his girlfriends is crazy.

    Don't forget about your mother-in-law

    Mother-in-law is a factor that cannot be ignored. Find out what kind of relationship the candidate for husband has with his mother. If they are bad, and with you, most likely he will be like that. If they are too good - Sissy. She will want to harass you with his hands and she will succeed.

    Try to get to know her as soon as possible. This is necessary to evaluate whether she liked you or not. Further - depending on the circumstances.

    Groom's friends - a mirror of the future

    How many friends does your candidate have? One two Three? Add friends and acquaintances. How often do they occur? How are these meetings conducted? Does he take you with him or does he try to sneak away alone? Are your friends married or single?

    The more friends your creature has and the warmer their relationships, the more risk factors you have and the more friends you have to share it with.

    There are men who will give up friendship (and more often just drinking companions) for your sake. There are those who will never do this. Look, find out, think.

    Only hedonists and slobs have many friends - keep this in mind. Having no friends at all is a reason to be wary. Is he even normal? Is it secretiveness or arrogance?

    By how much time he devotes to friends, you can predict your life together. If meetings are frequent and sometimes end well after midnight, this will always happen with a 95% probability. Do you need it?

    To the registry office within 60 days. Monitoring success

    In order to constantly monitor your strong and weak steps, relentlessly move towards your goal and control the situation, I suggest working with a monitoring table. Copy the example and fill it out:



    Events of the day

    What did you manage to do?


    What didn't work?








    Every girl dreams of getting married. And even after turning into an adult and independent woman, these dreams do not leave her. But finding a fan is not such a problem. But choosing someone who later wants to become a husband is another task. And the point here is not only that the number of male representatives is rapidly declining, but also in the stereotype according to which a man will fight for his freedom to the last, avoiding marriage. When thinking about how to find a husband, do not lose faith in yourself and your destiny. After all, she is probably waiting for you somewhere and all that remains for you is to find that place.

    Don't know where to start? Read our material about the most popular “fishing” places for catching a husband and what you should do so that your acquaintance does not turn out to be a waste of time.

    Finding a husband often seems like a fairy tale to girls and women that will one day become a part of their lives. After all, even as adults, we never stop believing in miracles.

    But in fact, before looking for ways to find a husband, you should take an objective look at your life and assess how ready you are for this fateful meeting.

    Separate housing and stable work are undoubtedly a plus. But this is not enough to “hook” a man.

    There are some other important steps to take:

    The right places to meet people

    After you have prepared for the meeting with your future husband, you can move on to searching for him. What is needed for this? Decide on the places where such men can be found. And to make it easier for you, we have compiled a list of the most popular and effective dating in the city.

    Meeting of friends

    Paradoxical as it may seem, most often spouses meet through mutual friends and acquaintances. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to go to joint gatherings in a large company.

    If you are not invited, then you should throw a party at your home. It can be interesting not only in the city, but also in an apartment, where you can have fun playing cards and board games or tasting delicious coffee, tea, cocoa and pie prepared by you according to a new recipe. And perhaps your culinary success will impress one of your mutual friends so much that he will ask for your phone number.

    Internet dating

    Another popular way to find a soul mate. But in this case you need to be extremely careful.

    When meeting people online, you cannot be sure of their sincerity. Unfortunately, you can often meet deceivers, perverts, criminals and simply bad people there.

    Therefore, when going in search of a lover in the city, give preference to specialized sites. Employees of such marriage agencies will be able to compare your “want” with real candidates and choose the most suitable one for you. suitable option. In addition, they can tell you how to find a husband and what you should pay attention to when dating.

    Cooperative learning

    Where did you meet your first love? In kindergarten or school? The same thing can happen to you in adult life. A variety of courses, seminars, dance clubs and other places will help you not only acquire new knowledge, but also meet interesting people, as well as men.

    Based on common interests, you can first build friendly relations, which over time can turn into something more. And taken for clarification homework your phone can be a reason for a man to ask you out on a date.

    Love affair at work

    Statistics still show that working together often brings employees very close together. AND light flirting may eventually turn into serious relationship which will end in a wedding. If other dating options in the city are not available to you, then you can very well use this method. Not a single hundred (thousand) women have found their other half in the ranks of the workforce.

    There are pros and cons to such relationships. You will be able to be close to each other all the time, and you will have common interests, which is often lacking in many married couples. But soon work moments may be transferred to home environment, and to prevent this from happening, one of you will most likely have to quit.

    Sports clubs

    Of course, finding a potential husband in aerobics, fitness or yoga is difficult. But he may well live in the next gym. Do you want a sporty, courageous and health-conscious husband? Then switch from group classes to individual training. Firstly, this way you can get to know the coach better and, perhaps, he will become your destiny. Secondly, the men around you will notice your enthusiasm and appreciate it and you.

    Do you think that a red face from exertion and a sweaty T-shirt will scare away men? But in fact, the opposite is true. A girl who has found herself in sports will always have a toned figure and will not lose her attractiveness.

    Other people's weddings

    The romantic mood that hovers at this event is perfect for pleasant acquaintances. Rivers of champagne fun competitions, general good nature and a positive mood will help you become “one of your own,” even if you don’t know anyone at this wedding. If you like a DJ or toastmaster, then you can always take his phone number from the newlyweds.

    A wedding held in the city or in the suburbs will allow you to evaluate many men and choose the one who could ignite the spark.


    When flying, you find yourself in a confined space and surrounded by different people. The advantage of such an acquaintance is that wealthy people prefer to use this transport, which means that the chances of finding a rich husband increase. Airplanes are often used by businessmen who, even during the flight, do not turn off their phone, trying to constantly stay in touch.

    If your requests include “I want to marry a millionaire,” then you should thoroughly prepare for the flight. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the latest economic and business news to show your interest in such issues. By discussing these topics, you may feel mutual sympathy which will lead to continued acquaintance.

    Let's chase the balls

    Do you like billiards or bowling? Great! This will allow you to find not only a gaming partner, but also a future husband in a relaxed atmosphere. It's no secret that many men prefer to take a break from everyday affairs in this way. By driving balls by number, or by knocking them out maximum amount glasses, they relax and become more complacent and pliable. And here's your chance.

    If you were able to learn the game well before, you can become an interesting opponent. But little game Being a weak and not entirely knowledgeable companion can play into your hands. Let your man feel like a hero and his affection for you will increase. All that is required next is to give your phone number to continue acquaintance in a different setting.

    Online Games

    Men are the same boys, only they have changed their toys. And for many, the place of tin soldiers and wooden cars was taken Online Games. Your task is not only to learn the rules of the game and recognize the correct direction by the tunnel number, but also to actively communicate on the players’ forum. All the most interesting things, including joint meetings, are discussed there. And if someone becomes interesting to you, then you can take their phone number to arrange a meeting.

    But here, as in online dating, you need to be careful, since meeting online can not only pleasantly surprise, but also disappoint.

    Traffic jams

    Often a phenomenon on our roads can benefit you. Don't know how to find a husband? Turn around while stuck in traffic. Perhaps your betrothed is in the next lane and has no idea that his happiness is here, nearby. Flirt with the man a little so that he wants to find you by your car number.

    So, you managed to meet interesting man in one of the places listed above or under other circumstances. He took your phone. What to do next?

    Start communicating, while trying to be as natural as possible. A man will sooner or later recognize the pretense, and then your relationship can be put to rest.

    Don't expect the man to take the first step towards you. Nowadays, more and more often, representatives of the stronger sex are afraid of rejection, and therefore would prefer not to try at all, rather than end up “in the fool.” Show him that you are interested in him, but don't become intrusive.

    Before judging a person, try to get to know him as well as possible. Of course, it’s difficult to do this using a phone number, so develop the ability to notice little things and draw conclusions from them. Try to evaluate the man as objectively as possible. Someone else's point of view can be taken into account, but it is better to judge a person based on your own observations. But you shouldn’t immediately study his phone as soon as he goes to the toilet. Don't make yourself paranoid.

    Be the most beautiful for him. Take care of yourself, don’t forget about makeup, hair styling and correct selection wardrobe Men love with their eyes, so let him fall in love with you even more every day. And then, most likely, his number is destined to be renamed “husband”.

    So you're interested in marriage and want all the wonderful things that can come with having a husband. You are faced with tasks: how to find a husband, and not just any husband, but a good one, and where to look for him.

    First of all, decide what type of person you need. Do you want a calm and polite guy or do you like “daredevil” and dreamer? Or maybe a romantic or the life of the party? Perhaps a serious philosopher?

    You need to not just tell yourself: I want to find a husband, but to accurately and clearly imagine what kind of person you will be happy with. You don't have to tell everyone you meet your expectations, but you should have some standards in your mind. Then weed out men who don't meet your expectations.

    Compliance test

    Imagine for a moment that you have met a man who has touched your heart. Answer the following questions:

    • How are you feeling?
    • Do you find that this is more than just attachment?
    • Do you want to live with him all your life?
    • Can you be proud of yourself and your partner?
    • Do you consider yourself extraordinarily lucky?
    • Do you feel happy and safe with him?
    • Do you think that you have finally found your place in the sun next to this person?

    The real goal is not to find a husband, but to find someone who makes you feel that way. But how to find good husband? It is important to know and constantly remember that you are looking for a person who will make you answer all the test questions positively.

    About the qualities of a good husband in numbers and percentages

    Your ideal partner should be handsome and at the same time love you? It’s great if these qualities coincide, but appearance is actually not the main thing. physical characteristics, which are so important at the beginning of a relationship, turn out to be a fiction.

    Height, weight, hair color, occupation, etc. are, of course, interesting and attract attention at first. You proudly appear with it in front of your friends. But these qualities are at the bottom of the list when it comes to characteristics of the ideal good husband.

    Because you're looking for someone you'll love, not someone you're just happy to see. You will be happy with him if he matches your personality style and communication style.

    Please note that in the whole world there is no candidate who meets your expectations 100 percent. Instead of wasting your time searching for such a candidate, look for a normal person who is at least 80 percent consistent with your ideal concept of a partner.

    The remaining 20 percent is not that important. If you meet a man who meets 80 percent of your expectations, it's likely that you'll find the remaining 20 when you marry him. Remember that life is a compromise.

    So where to start?

    How to determine whether the man you like will be a good husband?

    1. First, be realistic.. You shouldn't expect perfection from your loved one. You must understand that being a good person or a good husband does not mean being perfect.
    2. Second, demand honesty.. Love relationship have no meaning without honesty. Good man trustworthy. If you have feelings for a man who is not trustworthy, he is not suitable as a husband.
    3. Third, focus your attention on a guy who likes everything about you., and he always praises you. It will be easy to live with him, work with him and solve difficulties together when they arise.
    4. Fourth, check your love. Does he really love you? And you him? Analyze how you feel and the depth of your love using the test above. If you answered “yes” to all the questions, luck smiled on you.

    Love relationships are beautiful and enjoyable. Don't settle for anything less if you want a good husband. You want love. You want happiness. Look only for a person who can give you this.

    TOP 16 places for dating

    So where can you find a good husband? Where are all these responsible and loyal people? They are everywhere, in every district, city, country.

    I hope you are not going to meet while sitting in front of the TV watching bad reality shows. You must be among people. Perhaps you will meet the love of your life at the library or fishing store. We offer 16 places where you can meet the man of your dreams.

    1. Job. Office romances It’s not so rare that they end in marriage.
    2. Shopping center or store. There's always a chance that when choosing pasta you'll meet your lonely neighbor.
    3. Meeting website. This is one of the most modern methods find the other half. Admittedly, sites are becoming popular and more and more young people are finding love among online friends. It’s possible to find a husband abroad through the Internet, just think carefully about what you can expect from an overseas prince.
    4. Educational institution. If you're studying somewhere, pay attention to the guy sitting next to you during the lecture. Maybe this is your person.
    5. Gym. There are a lot of attractive single men here. Meet a guy at the gym while taking care of your health.
    6. Favorite cafe. Do you love Italian cuisine? In a pizzeria you can meet someone who also shares your passions!
    7. Vacation. Are you planning to spend your vacation at a resort? Great! After all, not everything holiday romances ends at the end of the holiday.
    8. A park. If you have a dog, go for a walk in the nearest park. It is very likely that there is a very nice guy walking his dog there.
    9. Airplane. Flying to London to visit your girlfriend? Pay attention to your neighbor reading a newspaper nearby. Perhaps he is a single, attractive man flying to London for business.
    10. Holiday, party. This is a great way to meet different people.
    11. Seminar, courses. Decided to learn something new? Why not flirt with a fellow seminar participant?
    12. Bookstore or library. If you love to read, you might meet a bookworm guy here.
    13. Museum. You're probably thinking that modern single men don't really go to museums. You are wrong. Just think how many attractive foreigners there might be.
    14. Concert. Do you like unorthodox music? Frequently going to your favorite music concerts will give you the opportunity to meet someone who also loves the band.
    15. Dance lessons. It's true that single men attend dances much less frequently than women. However, dancing can unintentionally create passion between partners.
    16. Ski resort. Many guys respect extreme sports, so grab your skis and go!

    Be patient. Rome was not built in a day. The search will take some time. You'll make a few mistakes, make some friends, and even break a heart or two. You may get hurt.

    You may need prayer to find a good husband. Feel free to read it. Believe good people There is. And he will definitely appear in your life. Author: Svetlana Prus

    I’ll tell you a secret: since childhood I wanted to get married and find a good husband. Probably because my mother told me that it would not be easy (with my character).

    But the understanding of how to find a good husband and father and where to look for him came to me only after 5 years of working in a marriage agency, looking at how women suffer in finding a groom. Now, after 15 years of work, I can immediately see from the profile on the site whether a person will find a partner or not.

    How to find a husband

    Finding a partner for life is not a game of fate. Those who think that finding a husband is an art and keeping him is work are moving in the wrong direction. Work is done out of necessity, but being with your loved one is a joy!

    Most the best man for you - the one who wants to be with you as much as you want to be with him. A good husband will be different for you than for your friends and acquaintances. This is the person who is right for you. Do not rely on the needs of others when searching for your soul mate. They are not you!

    How to find a foreign husband

    Girls come to our agency to find a groom abroad. Find a foreign husband living in big city, and quickly - quite realistically within 2-3 months, but you need to be prepared for this.

    You will need:

    • Beautiful photos. Men live miles away from you and cannot see you in person.
    • Good text for your profile. Positive, humorous, interesting, English language and real, who you really are.
    • Computer. Communication with foreign men occurs first through the Internet.
    • Positive attitude. Good men quickly find a mate; useless ones sit in the agency for years. Therefore, there will be fewer letters from interesting candidates. But they exist!
    • Methodical. As in a job search, the higher the qualifications and the lower the demands, the easier it is to get an offer. Beautiful young girls are inundated with letters. Women over 40 write less. But, interestingly, they get married more often! Because they work harder.

    If you just want to get married, then it’s easy to find a foreign groom 20 years older. But perhaps you want more?

    Meeting a quality candidate is easy. I'm not contradicting myself at all. If I were looking for a husband today, I would find him in a couple of months.

    Why? Because I understand how love works. The problem with many girls is that they are looking for either a groom or a bag of money, initially putting the search first. the right person, and another criterion: marriage or material well-being.

    I have already said that the main indicator of the quality of your relationship is the fact that you want to be with a person as much as he wants to be with you. Then there is no fear of losing him, neither you nor he. It is fear that destroys relationships. Therefore, you need to look for a person who is “on the same wavelength” with you. Compatible intellectually, emotionally and physically attractive to you.

    7 simple tips How to choose a suitable partner:

    1. Age. How more difference at age, the more likely divorce in the future. The desired difference is up to 5 years.
    2. Physical attractiveness. Chances are there is a “type” of men you like, follow it! Living with a person who is physically unpleasant to you will not make you happy, no matter how wealthy it is.
    3. Lifestyle. Active people go crazy with passive people and vice versa. How much time does a person spend on fresh air unlikely to change.
    4. Country of Residence. It’s easy to choose your future place of residence now and difficult to change later. Decide where you want to spend the rest of your life.
    5. Profession. People of similar professions share similar worldviews and interests. A leader and an entrepreneur, a doctor and a nurse, a teacher and a professor, it is easy for them to understand each other.
    6. Character. Opposites attract, but they rarely stay together. Calm people are better off with calm people, passionate people with passionate people.
    7. Overall Experience. If you are divorced, it will be easier for you to understand each other with a divorced man. The commonality of life experience brings us closer together.

    When you look for the right partner in the first place, everything starts to work like clockwork. If a man doesn't want to be with you as much as you want to be with him, he's not the man for you. Look for yours!

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