• Congratulate a good person on his birthday. Birthday wishes in simple words. Happy birthday to you


    We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday,
    I wish you health and happiness,
    With a smile and good mood
    Continue your path through life.
    May every ordinary day of yours
    It will turn into a wonderful holiday,
    And never a shadow of sadness
    It won't be reflected in your eyes!

    We wish you happiness and love,
    So that all your dreams and aspirations come true,
    In a good mood so that you are nowhere
    And they never parted.
    I wish you health for a hundred good years,
    And this is true, it’s worth a lot!
    Workers' production victories,
    IN family life- peace and quiet!

    Love life, love inspiration,
    Let them not fear you in the coming years,
    May your mood be better
    And the sadness will leave once and for all.
    Lilac bush and blue sky,
    Smile of the sun, joy, love
    And the greatest happiness in life
    We wish you well on your life's journey!

    We wish you only on your birthday
    Grow, laugh and bloom,
    So much kindness, warmth and affection,
    What can’t be carried away in a hundred years!
    Good luck in your studies and work,
    And rest is easy and to your heart's content!
    ...And there will be money, villas, dachas
    Yes, there will be power over fate!!!

    When the birthday comes,
    You become a year older.
    There is joy and fun in the soul,
    And life becomes more difficult.
    But the years fly by quickly
    And they can't be stopped
    They change us a lot
    And they should be treasured!

    Let from this day, as if from a new page,
    Everything in life changes for the better.
    The dream will definitely come true,
    Any wishes come true!
    Strength will double, health will come,
    Good luck will come,
    Every moment will be wonderful.
    Good luck in everything! Happy birthday!

    Let the gifts be in the mountains for your birthday!
    So that you whole year admired the gifts!
    We wish you, since love is so boundless,
    Friends - the most faithful, hope for happiness!
    You will forget about sadness forever,
    Anxiety and sadness that darkened life!
    So that you discover new facets in life,
    And people, as before, always appreciated you!

    There is such a wonderful reason
    Have fun today!
    Let there be countless joys,
    All the best will happen!
    There are jokes and laughter everywhere,
    And it is possible, without a doubt,
    Become the happiest person in the world
    Have a wonderful birthday!

    So many holidays, but still
    The most wonderful birthday!
    May he be able to fulfill his dreams,
    He will arrive in a wonderful mood!
    Will give many beautiful words,
    Smiles, happiness, inspiration,
    And it will make you even happier
    All my life and every moment!

    Under the star you were born happy,
    And she gifted you in full:
    You can judge everyone fairly,
    The wisdom of actions has been given to you by fate.
    Let this star not fade away,
    The path of life illuminating the entire century!
    We wish you happiness on your birthday,
    The most beautiful soul of a man!

    We wish you success on your birthday,
    Luck and happiness - from the heart!
    May life be full of goodness and laughter,
    Bright emotions, big holidays.
    May everything you want happen
    Whatever you dream about, everything will happen,
    And what are you dreaming about today?
    Let him certainly come in reality.

    There is no need to count the years:
    How much has been passed is all ours.
    It's better to know that the cup is full
    Your life will always be there.
    Be healthy all your life,
    Let the bad weather be forgotten,
    We wish you happiness
    The closest person.

    I wish you only happiness in life,
    Good luck, laughter, joy, warmth!
    Let all bad weather pass by,
    And there will be good friends nearby!

    I want to wish you a happy birthday!
    I wish you well and happiness,
    Good luck in life, good luck.
    There are no hardships to be seen at all.

    Happy birthday!
    I wish you strength and courage,
    May all goals be in front of you
    They give a joyful mood.

    I wish you happiness and goodness,
    Love, family warmth,
    Lots of health, lots of laughter.
    And, of course, success!

    There is still a wish left,
    So that everything in life is “A”.
    And instead of sadness and mistakes
    May your life be full of smiles.

    We wish you good luck, success, luck,
    In career growth, respect from colleagues.
    The car is cool, and so that it doesn’t break down,
    A salary that never ends.
    May life be long
    Love will be bright
    Let fate bring gifts more often.

    You can wish for a lot on your birthday. But why do this, because you may want something completely different. Therefore, I just wish you the speedy fulfillment of all your desires!

    A person becomes old only when the past begins to evoke more joyful emotions than the present. I wish you that thoughts about the present and the future will always bring you joy!

    Happy birthday! Delightful love and stunning happiness!

    I wish you vigor for the body,
    Pleasant minutes for the soul,
    Hands - golden skills,
    AND words of wisdom- for the head.

    Let all adversity fly by,
    Relatives appreciate and honor you.
    On vacation - to warmer climes,
    And next to you is your dear!

    Happy Birthday! I wish you travel and bright impressions, good work and peace of mind, love and happy moments, successful endeavors and the favor of fortune!

    Congratulations! I hope yours is personal New Year It will be even better, richer and more complete! Happy birthday!

    Birthday boy, hurray! Let solemn speeches delight the ear, gifts delight the heart, and please the eyes of beauty. You are worthy of a poet's pen: a proud profile, an officer's stature, spiritual generosity, exceptional honesty. Let the fire of your heart flare up, let your name not be lost over the centuries. Glory to the birthday boy!

    Happy Birthday!
    Love will pass
    Desires will die
    The cold light will separate us,
    Who will remember secret dates,
    Dreams, delights of previous years.

    May you always be under a lucky star
    Fate led you along the road.
    In the house so that there is a deep river
    Life flowed calmly and peacefully,
    Let only friends visit your home,
    Bad weather passes by,
    From the bottom of our hearts we wish you the best,
    Long life, health and happiness!

    Health so that it does not fail,
    Success accompanied your path,
    The soul and body became younger,
    And all that was heard in the house was laughter.

    Let your income grow
    From sunrise to sunrise
    Make all your dreams come true -
    Live, create, dream, love!

    I wish your dreams come true,
    May your health never fail,
    And, no matter how quickly your years rush by,
    You stay young always, always!

    Let the tears be only from happiness,
    A warm corner is waiting at home,
    Where the door is closed from bad weather,
    And there is a castle hanging from adversity!

    What does a real man need?
    Birthday wish?
    So that there is no reason
    Sad, bored and despondent.

    Let everything in life be as it should be,
    Let happiness flow over the edge,
    Everyone in the family lived very amicably.
    Love, dream and prosper.

    Bright life, new chances,
    In fate - a nod to luck.
    And laughter, joy, finances -
    An endless stream!

    I wish you happiness and success,
    I wish you joy and laughter,
    The warmth of your beloved family,
    So that the house is the fullest cup.

    Fun, colors, sun, light,
    Harmonies of soul and summer.
    Let the net help you catch
    A chest full of money!

    We wish you much, much happiness,
    Good and great love,
    May bad weather pass you by
    On a long journey in life.

    Let your life flow like a river
    Among the high banks,
    And may they always be a support
    Hope, Faith and Love.

    Honey, happy birthday!
    We wish you good mood
    Only great things always
    And health for years,
    Let your eyes shine with happiness,
    And the path leads you,
    Despite any obstacles,
    Only to luck and success!

    What should I wish you on your birthday?
    Success in life and work,
    Good friends and fun,
    Prosperity in the family,

    So that the soul does not know the cold,
    Like a May day, like a garden in bloom,
    So that the heart is forever young,
    Greeting kindness with kindness!

    We wish you happiness, joy, success,
    Lots of love and lots of laughter,
    Good luck, health, a lot of strength,
    So that cheerfulness cheers the heart,
    So that you don't know sadness at all
    And don’t forget your friends!

    We wish you on your birthday
    Smiles, joyful chores,
    Health, happiness and fun
    Today, tomorrow, all year round!

    On your long-awaited birthday
    I hasten to congratulate you,
    Happiness, joy, fun
    We want to wish you

    So that worries and sorrows
    You never knew
    May health and good luck
    We were always nearby!

    On your wonderful birthday
    Let me hug you
    And give me a poem
    Wish you love and happiness.

    And may your health be good,
    And the heart is forever young,
    May your every day be bright
    To the delight of me and all my family!

    I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
    I wish you happiness, good mood,
    Success, vigor, good luck,
    Good health to boot.

    Live, flowers, like a purple poppy,
    Not knowing grief and need,
    And bloom again in the spring,
    And cherish the caress of the sun!

    Let them say that years are like water
    May your years be fuller
    And may it always remain for you
    Not less years what happened today.

    For the joy of friends, but out of spite for fate
    We want you to always be lucky
    So that life is not life, but a sight for sore eyes,
    And let every day be a birthday!

    I wish that life seems
    A real fairy tale for you,
    A bale of health, a bag of love,
    And a big box of money!

    You have chosen the right route in life -
    Act boldly and don’t retreat!
    May success await you in everything,
    Achieve all the goals you set!

    May the path always be open to you
    And any plans are given the green light!
    Forward! Never doubt!
    Great achievements, joyful victories!

    We wish you wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that your health does not fail. So that the mood is always high. Let the family be warm and comfortable.
    Success, good luck, luck.

    We know better than anyone how difficult it is sometimes to choose the right words to congratulate him loved one. Do you want to choose the best birthday greetings for a man? We will definitely help you by providing many options to suit every taste.

    It is very difficult to congratulate from the heart
    Choose those words that are more expensive,
    You can wish the old man good health,
    And love is for those who are younger.

    We don’t know how to congratulate you
    You are a mystery: simple or complex,
    You look like a saint
    Sometimes - an impossible renegade!

    Remain a secret to everyone
    Let the saint or the madman decide?
    You are the only master of yourself,
    Only yours will be the sensible path!

    Birthday greetings for a man

    Best congratulations for good man

    May your life be cool
    There will never be problems
    Let love reign in your soul
    And the blood plays merrily!
    Let it be full of greenery
    For home, for life, flowers, cinema!
    May your wishes come again and again
    Come true only with the power of words!

    Happy holiday, birthday
    We want to congratulate you.
    And for this today
    We will dedicate poems to you.

    Be the soul of the team
    Never lose heart
    Achieve a lot in life
    Conquer all roads.

    May luck be with you
    Protecting from adversity.
    And let success not leave you
    Will be with you all year round.

    And this is where we end
    Relax, have fun
    And walk from the heart.

    I'm in a cheerful mood today
    I want to congratulate you on your birthday!
    I wish you happiness and success,
    Joy, health and love,
    To have a lot of laughter in life,
    May all your dreams come true!

    I wish your life is like in the picture
    Resorts, hotels, cafes, parties
    An apartment, a car and a dacha to boot,
    Miss World on your arm for good luck!

    Always be cheerful, give smiles,
    Know how to relax and live happily!
    Walk only along the white stripe for you,
    In the morning, run barefoot through the dew!

    Merge with nature and enjoy
    Swim, laugh and relax!
    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday
    Happiness, success and be loved!

    I personally wish from the bottom of my heart,
    You're like a house cat,
    To always have a great life
    Both at work and at home!
    Be as fast as the autumn wind
    Healthy, strong like a bull,
    And also so that with all this
    He was also a great guy!

    Let life give bright moments -
    Friends support, loved ones - kindness,
    May all your cherished wishes come true
    And the most desired dream.

    No matter what happens, don’t deviate from your goal.
    Achieve great success in what you love.
    Let joy warm your heart,
    Good luck greets you with laurels!

    I speak from the heart, without verbosity
    I wish you happiness and health.
    To live without old age,
    Work without fatigue.

    I wish you all the blessings of earth
    And as a man I respect him.
    Good on life's journey,
    Walk this path with friends!

    Health so as not to take away,
    And never lose heart.
    Smiles, joy, good luck,
    Live to be a hundred! And no other way!

    We wish you happiness, don’t get sick,
    Like a fire always burning.
    Long and beautiful life,
    To be loved and to love.
    At work there is only success,
    At home - joy and laughter,
    So that youth shines
    So that old age recedes!

    Happy birthday
    And with all our hearts we wish:
    To be healthy in Siberian style,
    Live long in Caucasian style
    The gypsy way to be cheerful
    And drink vodka in Russian!

    Best congratulations Happy birthday

    Let your hearts not be empty,
    Let those feelings burn all your life,
    What brought you to a wonderful world,
    Love and affection, muses and lyres!

    Feel a little sad on your birthday
    Anyone can, but don’t be sad!
    Better remember how much good there is
    Met you on the way.
    May fate have it in store for you
    Hundreds more pleasant minutes
    May she be kind to you
    And good luck alone awaits you!

    With a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine
    I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
    We have only one like this in the whole world,
    We will cherish and praise you.
    May you live in good health for many years,
    Dream, have fun and fall in love!
    Like the bright sun, the gentle light
    Stay always and everywhere!

    Congratulations, it’s your birthday -
    A significant memorable day!
    And I wish you to be in the mood,
    So that you are not too lazy to celebrate!
    I wish you open spaces,
    For projects, for thoughts, roles,
    And in love and in great adventure,
    Be the successor of kings!

    Finally, this day has come!
    Toasts, rhymes, welcoming lines...
    The birthday boy over there is a little tired
    Receive streams of congratulations;
    Nothing - you plan yours
    You can get through it once a year, right?
    Let it flow (and be in the flow!)
    Sincere friendship is a small drop,
    Refreshing your weary spirit!
    Happy birthday, our brother and friend!

    The holiday has come to the house again,
    Have a fun birthday!
    Swirls around in a floral whirlwind
    There's a pandemonium of guests!
    And I am among them, standing with flowers,
    I catch your divine gaze.
    Happy birsday, my dear,
    With all my heart I love you!

    I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday: I wish you
    May life give you complete happiness,
    so that life on earth seems like paradise to you,
    and may fate be kind to you.

    Better health, easier work,
    Good friends and obedient children.
    Enough to fall asleep every evening
    In an oasis of happiness amid a storm of passions.

    Friends will gather around the table
    And they will raise hearty toasts.
    And I will join them sincerely,
    It's not so easy to list
    Everything the guests wish for you:
    And health, and money, and happiness,
    Successful turns in fate
    And friends of selfless participation.

    The music is playing loudly
    A sea of ​​memorable gifts,
    The birthday girl is shining
    Surrounded by flowers!
    Happy birthday, dear!
    Let the wheel of fortune
    Trouble and tired without knowing
    According to fate, it carries easily!

    I want to think like a philosopher,
    But to be clear to everyone around,
    To have a whole island for happiness,
    Faithful friends, dear girlfriends!
    Invite everyone to your birthday
    Fall asleep with gifts in your hands,
    To be in charge of a new assignment,
    And draw your own path!

    Happy Birthday! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never to stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

    Happy birthday! Let life be a continuous flow of happy days and wonderful moments. I wish you to look back only with good memories, to look forward with confidence in your own abilities and good hope, and in the present to always remain a wonderful person with a loving heart and an open soul.

    Congratulations on this wonderful holiday - happy birthday! I wish you to smile every day, wake up in a good mood, enjoy life and run towards your cherished dreams with complete self-confidence.

    Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you not to get sick, not to be sad, to smile a lot, to shine with happiness, to only get prettier over the years, to believe in the best and in a dream that will undoubtedly come true. Let luck be your guide; golden mountains of prosperity and sweet dreams open before you. Let magical moments illuminate your gaze, love will always be there and give you only pleasure.

    Happy birthday! I wish you goodness, light, peace, smiles, good mood. Let all bad things pass by, life’s adversities be overcome with ease, and every day be filled with joy and happiness. And of course, bright faith, great hope, endless love.

    Happy Birthday! In addition to the standard wishes - happiness, health and all the best - I wish that all your dreams come true, that every day brings many pleasant surprises, that you are surrounded only by kind and necessary people. And also luck. Good luck in everything and always. And so that every business started ends successfully!

    Happy Birthday! I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, true friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events to you!

    Happy Birthday! Good luck to you in all your endeavors, fulfillment of your desires, always a bright and good mood, self-confidence and progress towards your goals. And also excellent health, more smiles both on holidays and on weekdays, and may every day be filled with happiness and warmth.

    Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, your loved ones to give you attention, joy, warmth and affection, your friends to surround you with sincere understanding and support, your colleagues to respect and value you. Let everything that seemed impossible come true, and let the most desired things happen!

    Wonderful, sunny man, I wish you a happy birthday! May everything be wonderful for you on any day and in any weather, may there always be those to whom you can give your strong hugs, may there always be those who fill your life with the light of happiness.

    I wish you joy, health, fun,
    Happiness, love, tenderness, warmth,
    And of course good mood Always!
    So that the smile does not leave the face, So that happiness is not unsteady,
    May you always and everywhere be on top!
    I wish you on this holiday,
    Everything you can wish for: Gifts, health, fun,
    Patience, laughter and good mood,
    Prosperity in work, good luck, luck,
    Mutual love and more patience.

    Congratulations on your anniversary
    And we want to wish -
    Be cheerful and on holiday
    And sing and dance.

    And dance and have fun,
    To be carried on the hands of guests.
    Don't be lazy on Monday
    And get to work.

    Accept our joke
    And don’t scold us too much.
    We wish you a sea of ​​happiness and good luck,
    Health and joy, as always.

    We wish you to be beautiful
    The envy of everyone
    Be cheerful.
    Leave the troubles behind

    To be loved and to love.
    We would like to sincerely wish you,
    So that you never get sick.
    Always remained young

    And our souls never grew old.
    So that your life is personal
    It was always great.
    And my health was good,

    And sorrows were rare.
    So that there are only joys
    Light up your days.

    Relatives gathered for the holiday today,
    All close people and true friends.
    The whole family was in a hurry to congratulate you,
    Today is your holiday - your birthday!

    Today is a wonderful holiday,
    Perfect for moments.
    We hasten to congratulate you,
    Happy birthday everyone!
    And wish you success,
    In all things to come.

    We congratulate you on your birthday!
    And we want to wish you on this joyful day
    May the deer from the fairy tale bring you happiness!
    May two faithful wings give you joy. May love always be with you.
    May there be more good in fate.
    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

    Happiness is never endless
    But there can be many moments
    Joy, success, amazement -
    I wish you to live them many times!
    So that it happens every day
    Have a great moment of happiness!
    But don’t think about that - live simply!
    Bright, passionate, honest and loving!

    Let life be like a mischievous fairy tale
    Will give happiness and goodness,
    Let the mood be great
    And your soul will be light!

    Let your wishes come true
    Everywhere and always lucky,
    Let luck smile
    And only spring sings in the heart!
    Be the most cheerful and the happiest,
    Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful
    Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
    Simple, charming, unique, and kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
    Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
    May the earth not celebrate this day
    And starry rain does not fall from heaven!

    Let the circle of friends be small,
    But for you - today everyone will smile!
    I really want this day to be special
    I will remember it for a long time, forever!
    And may today be bright in the world
    A star will fall into your palms!
    Make a cherished wish for her,
    Trust her with your most cherished dreams!
    And, accepting this congratulation,
    Believe me, everyone is happier
    Happy Birthday
    I wish you happiness, health and love,
    Also many successes,
    dreams come true. I wish everything, of course,
    To find my love,
    Smile at everyone more often -
    For friends, you don’t mind words. Let your hearts not be empty,
    Let those feelings burn all your life,
    What brought you to a wonderful world,
    Love and affection, muses and lyres!

    My dear, beloved person. I am grateful to fate for bringing you and me together and for the fact that we are together. I congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you a positive attitude, constant expectation of a miracle, euphoria from life.

    May Lady Luck accompany you in all your affairs, may everything work out for you with ease and joy.

    Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything!
    I wish you never to stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

    Birthday is a wonderful holiday!
    Birthday is light!
    How many different emotions are there?
    And, of course, our greetings!
    Happy birthday
    Happiness, joy to you!
    Honey, sunshine, jam
    And there is a lot of love in fate!
    We wish you on your life's journey
    To overcome obstacles and adversity,
    Never know tears or sorrow,
    And in a hundred years we will still celebrate your birth. And we wish you good health,
    We wish you to stay forever
    The way we know you today, And never change.
    And also the time to wish has come
    Money, love and a strong family
    Where without money, let's face it!

    What is it like in this world without love?!
    Let them congratulate you today
    Until the early morning dawn,
    Let them wish you something else that we did not wish for.
    Let this day be like the song of a nightingale,
    Bad weather will erase all the gloomy days.
    May your life, like the dawn of May, bring happiness in your palms every day!
    Happy birthday!

    I congratulate you with all my heart!
    I wish you health and happiness!
    May good luck accompany you in life and work!
    Always remain as you are.
    How much positive energy and human dignity do you have?

    Your intuition and charm make you special.
    You have so many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always remain the same soulful person!
    Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list only grows.

    I wish you LOVE, Love with a capital letter.

    Health, vigor, love,
    Prosperity, joy, luck,
    In the soul of a cloudless spring
    I wish you on your birthday!

    So that life blooms with smiles,
    From warm feelings smelled fragrant
    I was happy and sunny
    And fulfilled all my hopes!
    I wish for my birthday
    All that life is rich in:
    Health, happiness, mood
    And five million - salary!
    So that everything works out for you,
    Hopes brought joy,
    Cherished dreams came true
    And troubles bypassed your house!
    For many happy, glorious years,
    I wish you inspired love,
    Friendly, pleasant smiles
    And it’s always great to relax!

    Let the years rush by,
    Let life flow like an invisible river,
    Always be young at heart
    Always be the happiest!

    There are so many good wishes on your birthday,
    Like shining, alluring stars in the sky!
    And also many declarations of love -
    Hot, ardent, head-intoxicating!
    Let life flow like a full-flowing river, May fate be kind and supportive,
    I wish you perseverance and strength, to be worthy
    Happy days of unyielding fortune!
    Life has rewarded you with years in which wisdom is hidden.
    May time, which has power over us,
    Will give your soul youth.
    Please accept my congratulations.

    Good luck, happiness, love,
    Prosperity, health, luck,
    Everything you want!
    Years, like drops of rain, are so long-awaited and fleeting.
    May your life be long,
    And perfect, like eternity.
    Happy birthday!

    With all my heart, with great excitement,
    In which, without finding words,
    We congratulate you on your birthday,
    Have a wonderful holiday!

    We wish you much, much happiness,
    Good and great love,
    May bad weather pass you by
    On a long journey in life.
    Let your life flow like a river
    Among the high banks,
    And may they always be a support
    Hope, Faith and Love.

    Honey, happy birthday!
    We wish you good mood
    Only great things always
    And good health for years to come, Let your eyes shine with happiness,
    And the path leads you,
    Despite any obstacles,
    Only to luck and success!

    What should I wish you on your birthday?
    Success in life and work,
    Good friends and fun,
    Prosperity in the family, So that the soul does not know the cold,
    Like a May day, like a garden in bloom,
    So that the heart is forever young,
    Greeting kindness with kindness!
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