• How to turn a guy off so that he... How to beautifully blow off a guy by correspondence with polite and rude phrases


    How to turn a guy off gently, so as not to hurt his feelings or cause aggression on his part? After all, very often men perceive a woman’s refusal as coquetry and continue to make attempts to win her. But what should a girl do if she realizes that a person is not suitable for her at all? Young guys react especially painfully to a negative answer. It’s not easy to refuse an acquaintance or relationship to an adult man without offending him. Difficult, but still possible.

    Common failure mistakes

    Psychologists identify several types of mistakes that girls make when refusing guys. If you are being pursued by an obsessive boyfriend who you have repeatedly made clear that there is nothing special to count on, you may be making one of the following mistakes:

    1. You are not specific. This means that the girl has long conversations and confused explanations of why they cannot be together. You can turn a guy off culturally with a few well-chosen words. If you don't like the guy's type, say so, but without going into details about what kind of man you like. If you don’t want to go on a date, then you don’t need to invent reasons, just say “no” is enough.
    2. Your words and behavior don't match. Turning a guy off and smiling at him at the same time is the most common mistake. Often a woman is pleased to have admirers and she is in no hurry to get rid of them, keeping them at a short distance. In addition to the fact that it is dishonest to the man, such behavior will constantly force the woman to come up with new and new excuses. If you have firmly decided that you do not want to start a relationship with this guy, then you need to avoid smiling, supposedly friendly trips to any places and any other actions that may give your admirer hope for the possibility of a relationship.
    3. You want to remain close friends with your ex-boyfriend. You managed to end your relationship with the guy relatively painlessly, but he is dear as a friend, so you continue to communicate. Unfortunately, if you were the initiator of the breakup, then most likely the guy may still have feelings for you, which means friendship will be painful for him. In this case, he will constantly remind you of the days spent together and try to revive faded feelings in you. If a breakup has occurred, it will be better for both to distance themselves from each other.
    4. You stoop to insults. By calling names, humiliating, and saying harsh words, a woman can anger a man, which is fraught with unpredictable actions on his part. In addition, often a harsh word can cause psychological trauma, which will further affect the man’s other relationships. Avoid offensive words. There are cultural ways of rejection that you should use to turn a guy off.

    How to turn a guy off culturally without humiliating him or offending him? There are many ways to correctly refuse. However, a lot depends on who the girl is with the young man. It’s one thing when he meets her on the street or in a cafe, and quite another if suddenly a childhood friend is inflamed with tender feelings for his friend.

    If a guy meets on the street or in a cafe

    Often in such cases it is enough to firmly say “no”. No need to go into explanations. A dry, laconic answer will be the best way to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend. However, if the guy does not give up his attempts, hoping to still win your attention, then you can tell him that you already have a boyfriend or even a husband. The same answer option will work well and will not offend a man if the acquaintance took place on the Internet.

    If the boyfriend is especially persistent, some experts recommend pretending to be crazy: start screaming, crying, or otherwise cause bewilderment in the man and, as a result, stop trying to get acquainted. Maybe sometimes it can be effective method, but only if no others helped. This method should be used last.

    If a guy meets you on the street, you should categorically exclude harshness or rudeness. By offending him, you can incur anger, and how a man will behave in this case is very difficult to predict.

    If the guy is a good friend or work colleague

    It is not easy to culturally reject a guy if you have further communication with him, because you are connected by a common company or work.

    If a guy insists on a relationship, then he should very briefly say that you do not see him as your boyfriend. Further, in communication, you should adhere to maximum correctness, coldness and ignore any hints that something might connect you in the future.

    It should be especially noted that accepting gifts or any other material tokens of attention should be avoided. All this will give the guy hope that, perhaps, after some time you can soften and give in.

    If you want to end an existing relationship

    It often happens that love passes. How to explain to a man that you can no longer be together, and do it without him being offended? The task is not easy, because for him you still remain loved and desired. For guys, like girls, breaking up a relationship is associated with suffering and painful experiences.

    What can you do to soften the blow as much as possible? Thank him for the time you were together, be sure to tell him that your separation was no one’s fault. It’s just that feelings have a way of passing, and they can no longer be returned. Be firm and do not give in to persuasion to try to save the relationship in any way.

    You also need to remember that delaying the moment of separation can have the most negative impact on your state of mind.

    If your ex-boyfriend wants to reconnect

    How to gently explain to a guy that you can’t step into the same water twice, and your relationship has exhausted itself? It may be worth remembering the reason for the breakup, indicating that it has not lost its relevance for you. Try to choose soft, understandable words, because once you were connected with this man by something more than just an acquaintance. Offensive behavior or a harsh word can hurt him.

    So that the refusal does not seem particularly offensive, you can say that you already have a relationship, or you simply have deep romantic feelings for another man.

    If you refused a guy and regretted it

    What to do if you managed to gently turn the guy off, but after some time you yourself fell in love with him? All people make mistakes, and most of them are not fatal, which means they can be corrected. If you like a man, you should talk to him and explain what caused your previous refusal. If at that moment your behavior was not offensive to him, then there is hope that the man’s feelings are preserved and he will agree to start a relationship with you.

    How not to offend a guy by breaking off a relationship with him or refusing him? You need to be consistent in your decisions, be as specific as possible, and respect the feelings of the other person. With this approach, the man will have no reason to be offended by your words.

    What to do if an unfamiliar young man who you don’t like wants to meet you on the street? Or a guy you know has fallen in love and wants a serious relationship? How to politely tell a guy off so that he doesn’t get offended and understands that there is no point in persisting. In our article we have collected the most delicate, soft, beautiful, original and tough ways to say “no” to a man. You will learn how to refuse correctly young man on the street, by SMS. In addition, we will talk about the most common mistakes that girls make.

    Most instances merge after simple phrases:

    • "I'm not in the mood";
    • "I have a boyfriend";
    • "I'm married".

    In the latter case, attentive men may notice the absence wedding ring. If it exists or there is an imitation of it, then the matter becomes much simpler.

    There are also more persistent guys who continue to drag out communication, despite your refusal. In this case, you need to dryly and sternly explain to him that you are not on the way:

    • “Sorry, but you’re driving me crazy”;
    • “I just said quite clearly that I don’t want to meet.”

    At the same time, it is important to behave civilly: do not shout or be rude. This may provoke conflict. Just speak dryly, make a menacing expression on your face. These words and intonations are enough.

    But there are some individuals who do not understand even such formulations. What's worse is that they are often drunk. In such a situation it becomes even scary. What if I tell him now and he hits me or starts insulting me? To get rid of insolence, use proven techniques:

    • Give him a fake phone number. But don’t give out your friend’s or boyfriend’s number, you might create a conflict;
    • Take his number and tell him you'll call him;
    • Find the nearest security guard or policeman and ask him to help;
    • Say you're going to start screaming.

    Several original ways

    Sometimes just saying “I’m not in the mood” isn’t enough. The easiest way out of the situation is to answer harshly and rudely. But it happens that this cannot be done. For example, you good mood and you don’t want to spoil it or the situation is not suitable, the people around you may misunderstand everything.

    In such a situation, you can respond harshly, but at the same time you must maintain culture and politeness. You can take the guy aside and explain to him in private that you are not a couple. The main condition for politeness is a smile and a quiet tone.

    If this does not help, then you can use several funny and original refusals, this way you will maintain civilized communication and send the guy away.

    1. Family man. Tell us about your family (real or fictional). You have two, three, six children, a handsome husband and loving family. And you can turn the new gentleman’s insistence into an insult:
      • “Do you think I’m a slutty girl?”;
      • “In your opinion, is it permissible for a girl not to value her family and to cheat on her husband?”
    2. Commercialism. Go straight to the conversation about money, find out how much he earns, where he works and who he works for, whether he has an apartment and a car. At the same time, show contempt for his achievements: “Ford is nonsense, a two-room apartment is f-i-i.” As proof, demand to buy your favorite ring with emeralds.
    3. Talkativeness. Guys don't like stupid and talkative girls. What are you talking about with your girlfriend? Talk to your boyfriend about the same topics: dresses, cosmetics, stupid guys, your beautiful mother. Take full control of the initiative and don’t let him get a word in.
    4. Silence. Don’t look him in the eye, don’t answer his questions, or say standard formulas: “Yes,” “No,” “I don’t know.” An advanced method is to completely ignore its existence. Leave all questions unanswered; you can pick up the phone and pretend you’re talking to your mom or girlfriend. Realizing that he looks stupid talking to the wall, the annoying guy will leave on his own.

    Hard options

    A real case from life.

    -Can I meet you?

    - No.

    – Where are you going, I’ll take you?

    – I’m looking for a quiet place for a grave.

    - Which one, why?

    “I killed a guy, I’m thinking of burying him.”

    Some individuals do not understand either the first time, or the second, or the third. Sometimes a young man deserves a rude refusal because of his boorish speech or outright stupidity. To answer firmly and not run into conflict, it is enough to say ordinary phrases, but at the same time turn on metal and irritability in your voice. At the same time, it is advisable not to insult him, not to give him negative assessments, and especially not to swear.

    How to correctly reject a friend or acquaintance who has fallen in love

    The most a difficult situation– when you see that . There are two main differences. Firstly, you want to remain friendly or warm relations. Secondly, you will continue to see each other, if the refusal turns out to be unclear, vague, then the courtship will continue. At the same time, simple politeness in refusal will not preserve the relationship. Because it’s not rudeness that destroys a relationship, but the fact that you don’t like him. You need to send it carefully, but clearly and clearly, and at the same time preserve his self-esteem.

    How to make a refusal clear:

    1. Don't delay. If you see manifestations of sympathy and courtship, then either immediately decide to serious relationship, or cool your friend's ardor. The longer you wait, the more hope your friend has. Then it will become much more difficult to achieve cooling of its pressure.
    2. Don't flirt with him. Sometimes you use coquetry as a way to cheer up a man and maintain a relationship. But in the case of an acquaintance in love, this will fuel his hopes. Your refusal will not produce the desired result.
    3. Speak seriously. You can't smile, but speak with warmth and love. In order not to offend, apologize to him, explain that you do not want to offend him. You can smile and joke after he says that he understands everything.

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    How to make a refusal soft and tactful:

    1. Get some privacy. Of course, you can’t do this in public, and especially in front of mutual friends. You can take him aside, or you can offer to take a walk together. Alternatively, explain yourself in personal correspondence to in social networks.
    2. Polite, but specific. Apologies and assurances of friendly sympathy can easily smooth out the situation. But at the same time, you don’t need to create the impression that you like him as a man.
    3. Praise him, appreciate his friendship. You can’t praise him on all counts, just say a couple of compliments. But friendship with him can be praised 100%. Remind him how you helped each other, how you overcame together various problems How fun you are to communicate.

    Formulations. The most important thing is to choose the correct wording for the “main phrase” so that the refusal is not offensive.

    In order to “sweeten the pill” you can give it to a young man. This will help improve relationships.

    How to properly send a guy off via text or text?

    The easiest way to refuse a pen pal is to write a message on the Internet (on Odnoklassniki or VK) or SMS. You save time, you can refuse in one phrase, and failure does not bring discomfort. In this case, two refusal strategies are used.

    1. Polite, but long refusal. You can pretend to be a busy person, you work two jobs, have children, and something is constantly happening in your life. Over time, he will get tired of it, and he will stop bothering you. But another outcome is also possible - he will understand that you are making excuses and a “serious conversation” will begin.
    2. A quick but polite refusal. You can choose another tactic - refuse quickly and immediately. At the same time, it is advisable to maintain civility and politeness in communication:
      • “I liked communicating with you, but we are not suitable for each other”;
      • “I’m not in the mood for meetings and relationships, sorry”;
      • “I have already found a young man”;
      • “I sorted myself out and realized that we are not a couple.”

    How to beautifully refuse an ex-boyfriend

    The most common mistake is a harsh and abrupt refusal. Or vice versa, too soft and unstable. Select golden mean- quiet, cold conversation, complete indifference and insensitivity. It will be difficult if you still have sympathy for him. Then it is better to refuse at a distance, by correspondence or SMS.

    To give weight to a refusal, you can give reasons for it. List what you don't like and why you decided to end the relationship forever. Does he not take care of himself, is he too harsh with your loved ones, does he not make compromises? When he begins to assure you that he has changed, explain to him that it is too late.

    You cannot get personal or criticize. This will cause unnecessary emotions and lead to a quarrel. Build polite communication, a clear refusal in your head and follow this plan. Try to avoid irritability in your voice. To avoid getting angry yourself, do not get involved in discussions of cause and effect. They explained their position, said goodbye and parted ways.

    Common Mistakes

    According to psychologists, girls make 3 classic mistakes when they refuse a guy.

    1. Lack of specifics. Girls often try to behave politely and maintain a warm relationship. But at the same time they confuse politeness and sympathy for a person with abstract hints. Speak directly, explain what you want your relationship with him to be like.
    2. The opposite behavior. That is, turn the guy off and a minute later wink and smile. This creates the impression that your refusal is just a joke. In this case, the guy will begin to achieve with double tenacity. This mistake is often made with friends and acquaintances. I would like to continue friendly relations and make amends. As a way to maintain relationships, they choose coquetry.
    3. Play for time. This applies not only to delaying a “serious conversation”, but also to refusals like “I don’t have time right now.” Such formulations temporarily relieve you of unnecessary attention, but later the situation will return to its previous course.
    4. Harshness and insults. Girls make this mistake when a boyfriend doesn’t understand half-hints and polite refusals. Why ruin a relationship with a person? Maybe your paths will cross, and he will be useful to you. What if you like him later? It will be very difficult to establish relationships after a rude refusal.
    1. “Forgive me, but I fell in love with someone else!”
    2. “Sorry... I don’t deserve such a wonderful person like you!”
    3. “I felt very good with you, but we urgently need to part.”

    Read them and try to apply them in practice so as not to get confused either in yourself or in the current situation.

    Don't blow a guy off over the phone or via email! Do this in person. You see, dear, you must always remain humane (the period of separation or “disconnection” is no exception!). It will be very painful for the guy when he finds out that he has become unnecessary in your life. A real meeting will “soften” the pain that you are preparing to cause him with words.

    Look the guy straight in the eyes when you say the “fatal” phrase. Such a gesture of yours will let the guy know that everything is definitely over between you. Remember that downcast eyes can “express” sadness and give the poor guy hope that everything will definitely change. Don't be cruel! Practice “touching” your gaze with your gaze. You can't imagine how hard it is! But you simply have to show courage. It is in this that mercy “hides” now.

    Do not Cry! Try to control yourself so that the “stitching” doesn’t go wrong! Tears can be mistakenly seen by a guy as a “gift” of a second chance. I have finally decided to break off the relationship - don’t hesitate, don’t mock the person! It may very well be that no one will ever love you as much as this unfortunate person loves you! Appreciate and respect the feelings of others (despite open “non-reciprocity”).

    How to “send off” a guy if you don’t care about him? Now you will get the answer to your question. Just read each line carefully so as not to miss the slightest detail.

    Say straight out that nothing can happen between you at all. Apart from friendship, of course. But, as a rule, guys do not agree to friendship. There are exceptions! We wish you sincere good luck in this regard (only if you believe in the existence of warm friendly relations between a woman and a man).

    Explain to your lover that each person is an individual. Shower him with compliments and add that he's just not your type. If the guy is smart, then he will understand: such a “phenomenon” is the norm.

    Use a trick! Tell the boy you're a lesbian. The whole “beauty” of this method is that many guys do not judge lesbians. Vice versa! They like to watch “purely female” manifestations of feelings. He won't bother you. The main thing is that the guy believes in your story.

    How can you tell a guy off if you are tired of his attention, his jealousy, or your relationship with him? Let's tell you a story that can help you.

    From life…

    One girl met a guy when she was seventeen years old. It seemed to her then that she had fallen in love with him (to the point of complete madness). They started dating. At first, of course, everything was very beautiful (like in fairy tales or like in a movie). Yura carried his Svetochka in his arms, showering her with surprises, bouquets and gifts. She liked it so much that she could not fully believe in her happiness. Yura also “pleased” the girl’s parents. They said the daughter had never had a better boyfriend than this one. However, three months later everything changed dramatically. The girl graduated from school and was about to go to college. She chose full-time education. From that moment on, “negative changes” began in the life (and fate) of Sveta in love. The guy was against her daytime education. He said he didn't want to see her often. But Sveta insisted on her own, as she dreamed of studying in a group.

    The guy accepted her “choice.” But then other problems began. The guy was far from happy with the fact that Sveta stayed late late at her Polish language courses. He met her, but did not soften at all (at the meeting).

    Yura made a scandal, but Sveta continued to endure it all. And I would probably endure it constantly, if not for one circumstance... Yuri got drunk and hit her! That day, the girl realized that it was time to end the relationship, that the guy needed to be “knocked off” (despite the great love).

    It was not so easy to do this! I even had to resort to the help of a friend, a fellow student, who was very sympathetic to Svetochka. She tried to talk to Yura, but it didn't give any results. positive results. Yura continued to pursue the girl like a shadow.

    Then Sveta carried out a plan that “came” to her head quite suddenly. She called Yura and asked to come to the place where they often walked (near the bench, which was located by the lake). The guy wasn't late. He was never late for a meeting with Sveta, so as not to spoil the impression of himself.

    He thought that the girl was preparing a surprise for him. But, unfortunately for himself, he was very sadly mistaken. Svetka stood and looked at the surface of the lake. She tried to “throw out” her sadness into the water. The girl couldn’t do anything, so she cried quietly.

    Yura approached her quietly and carefully. However, this did not stop her flow of tears. Tears flowed and flowed from her beautiful blue eyes.

    Yura asked her why she was crying. Instead of answering, the girl took off the bracelet that the guy gave her and lowered it into the water. She asked for forgiveness, said that it was time for them to “scatter” and left. He wanted to catch up with her, but couldn’t: Yura was stopped by a neighbor who happened to be passing by. Grandma Lisa knew everything. She said, looking the guy straight in the face, that he was to blame for everything, and that you should not raise your hand against women (never). The guy himself understood this and was very sorry for what he had done. The boy sincerely regretted that there was no real “time machine”! In those moments, he realized that he would give everything to be next to his beloved.

    You probably cried when you read this story?

    Many were crying! These lines show us the following... In order to “blow” a guy beautifully and culturally, you need to not offend him, not swear, and not insult him. This is difficult to do when the soul is tormented by far from “bright” memories.

    Forgive the guy before you blow him off. And don’t hold a grudge against him so that you can live calmly and joyfully when he completely “leave” your life!

    Switch it up. . .

    Among the guys there are often those who do not accept a woman’s refusal. Moreover, some of the stronger sex consider it a signal for more decisive action to win the heart of the girl they like.

    How to tell a guy “no” so that he understands? How to remove it once and for all? There are several ways to help get rid of an annoying boyfriend.

    How to turn a guy off

    The most common belief is that the easiest way to say “no” is honestly and openly.

    But, unfortunately, this method does not always pay off. There are young people who consider a woman’s refusal to be coquetry. So, there are several options for telling a guy off politely and not so politely.

    Honest conversation

    Tell the person honestly that you are not attracted to him, that you should not try to start a relationship or continue acquaintance. For example, because your heart is already taken or has recently been broken.

    Don’t come up with anything on the fly - just say openly what exactly you are thinking at the moment, why you and the person are not on the same path.

    First of all, it won't offend him. Secondly, your conscience will be calm.


    The most popular way to get rid of an annoying guy is to ignore his existence. Total ignoring of everything: calls, conversations, gifts, attempts to get closer.

    You don't see the guy, you don't hear or notice under any circumstances. In most cases, a person simply gets tired of running into such a wall of indifference, and he finds another object of sighs.

    Eternal excuses

    Girls have a million or a little more of them. There are a lot of ways to gently let a guy know that he is unnecessary in a girl’s life.

    There is no time to meet, no time to talk, I am very tired, there is no time and energy, the cat, dog, parrot are sick and in general the stars have aligned today.

    Even if he watches you after school or work, you can always make a concerned face and report the “terrible” illness of your beloved turtle, and then quickly leave.


    Yes, yes, you can pretend to be a crammer. Boring, abstruse and terribly busy, always in the world of knowledge.

    With the first conversation, you can immediately interrupt all further contacts with the person, for example, by starting to quote him some poem or theorem (and even starting to prove it).

    The only person such a tirade will not have an effect on is the same science-obsessed guy. But they are rarely clingy enough.


    This is perhaps the easiest way to instantly get rid of a gentleman. For example, if he very persistently asks you for your phone number, you can scream that they are trying to rob or rape you. This, of course, looks scary from the outside, but they will definitely accept you for a mentally unstable girl and will not get involved with you.

    You can also start convincing your annoying gentleman that you sincerely believe in alien intelligence and are waiting for your cute alien from outer space. The main thing is to do it with a convincing look.

    I don't deserve you

    Not the worst way to properly turn a guy off is to present him in an ideal light, and present yourself in the worst. For clarity, you can do something completely sloppy. For example, burping or picking your nose. This will immediately discourage the guy from continuing the acquaintance.

    Convincing a person that he is better than you with words does not always help, but you can try before resorting to visual examples.

    I'm not free

    To be on the safe side, at the first sign of harassment, tell them that you are already in a relationship. Only without false coquetry and smirks. This must be said in a dry and formal tone. If after this the guy doesn’t lag behind, then just start ignoring him.

    We say “No” according to classification

    Guy to guy - discord. And everyone needs to find their own approaches. So, with a stranger you can play the role of a married lady who has no time for nonsense, but with a friend who has just developed feelings for you, it won’t work.
    You can reject a guy culturally, based on who he is to you.


    You can safely play a prank on a stranger by saying that your husband and children are waiting at home.

    Or, for example, simply ignore blatant advances. As a last resort, act as the same crazy person. No less effective is the desire to immediately introduce the newly made boyfriend to his father and mother. Usually, having heard such an enthusiastic proposal, the guy retreats himself.

    A friend in love

    A familiar friend who is in love must be rejected so that he is not offended. If you have known for a long time about his sympathy for you, and even supported the guy’s interest, then it is very difficult to do this.

    The only thing that can help here is an honest conversation about the fact that it’s not time for you to be together yet, that perhaps if you had met him a little earlier, then everything could have worked out.

    In the end, you can say “no” to a guy in a civilized manner, pointing out your shortcomings and reluctance to start a relationship with someone.

    Close friend

    A close friend who unexpectedly confessed his love is generally unrealistic without offending. Here you just need to have a heart-to-heart conversation about the fact that there can be nothing but friendship. Just before such a conversation, carefully consider whether you really do not want more.

    This is not difficult to do - limit your contacts with your boyfriend. If in a few days the thought of him never comes to you, then you can safely refuse reciprocity. But if no, no, and you remember about him, fantasize about something, then perhaps you should ask for a deferment of feelings.

    You need to reject a close friend in a way that preserves that friendship status, otherwise you will lose the person forever.


    It is especially difficult to refuse an ex. Firstly, because ex-boyfriend- this is the one who knows you quite well and is ready for any of your antics. You can no longer hide behind a cram or a crook here. Secondly, because girls tend to give hope for something for which they themselves are not morally ready. This pleases the female ego.

    But, if the refusal is ripe, then you need to act in such a way that he understands everything the first time. One of effective ways here is a fake guy or a new hobby.

    Men are possessive by nature and do not like it too much when their beloved communicates with others. Some simply walk away, while others can do it very loudly, with insults directed at you.

    However, the guy will leave you alone. Not the best worst option and describe to your ex gently about those moments that you were not happy with in the relationship. If he accepts all the comments, and you still have the strength for the relationship, then you can try to start all over again. If not, then just talk about the irreconcilability of the characters.

    How to refuse gracefully


    There are many phrases that you can say to a guy without wanting to enter into any contact with him. You can even use quotes with anti-complements.

    It can be:

    • Is it fashionable now to have wet armpits on your shirt?
    • Oh, you have something tasty left in your teeth.
    • Are your teeth so yellow from smoking?
    • And you probably don’t cut your nails to make it easier to climb trees, right?

    There can be any number of such quotes, but usually one is enough to ward off an unwanted suitor, no matter who he is.

    It’s more difficult with those individuals who perceive everything with humor. Although such people make very good friends. Take a closer look.

    Example phrases

    Sample phrases that will help you turn a guy off culturally:

    • I have a lot to do, I don’t have time to talk to you.
    • My mother taught me not to talk to strangers.
    • My dad is a military man at home, would you like me to introduce him?
    • I need to pick up my tests from the hospital.
    • Sorry, but I don't have room for dating in my schedule.
    • Tell me your number, I'll call you when I'm free.
    • Add me the nth amount, otherwise I won’t be able to pay off the loan.

    Any of these phrases can work if you say it dryly, without coquetry or advances. Few people want to meet a girl who is so concerned about her affairs. Even if it is your friend with whom you sometimes communicate.

    By SMS

    By SMS you can also get rid of unnecessary attention, regardless of who the guy is to you. Common phrases that will help distract an annoying boyfriend:

    • I can't talk, I'll call you back.
    • Sorry, but I don't have money to call.
    • My phone is broken, I can't make calls.
    • Please pay off my cell phone loan.
    • You are, of course, very good, but I don’t like people like that.
    • Mom doesn't want me to communicate with you.

    Having sent a guy off with such SMS several times, you can discourage him from communicating with you. The main thing is not to write the emoticons that are so popular now at the end, be stern and unshakable.

    By correspondence

    According to online correspondence, the situation is simple. Here you can use all your stupidest fantasies. For example, constantly send him messages, tell him about your every step and action. It roughly looks like this:

    • She has arrived. I changed my clothes. Tired. I drank tea. I stroked the cat. Would you like me to send you a photo of him? (and immediately send about 10 pictures).
    • Can you imagine, today I was sprayed by a car. And I was wearing such a dress... (and further in the same spirit).

    The main thing is not to let the guy relax - write and write everything that comes to mind, not allowing him to answer and wedge himself into your printed monologue. 9 out of 10 guys will simply stop writing to you and unfriend you on social networks. Few people love such annoying girls.

    Video: What to do with an annoying fan

    With humor

    And you can refuse a guy with humor. For example, talking about how you see your future children. And it doesn’t matter how long you have known the young man. After all, you can just send a funny picture with the caption “I love being your friend.” That's it, after this phrase you will fight off all the desire to conquer you.

    You can quickly turn off an annoying boyfriend if you immediately express a desire to visit the registry office with him and introduce him to his parents. And all this in all seriousness, without a hint of a smile.

    You can even call your mom while talking with a guy and say that you have found a groom and want to get married to him.

    9 out of 10 guys run away from such pressure at the first opportunity, promising to call, by the way.

    Rough rebuff

    But rude rebuff may be required for especially impenetrable young people.

    Here it is better to turn to third parties for help: mom, dad, friend, brother. Let them act as protectors.

    No matter how you decide to refuse a guy, always think about whether he really has no chance. Perhaps you should still write down the stranger's phone number and then chat with him. What if this will be the beginning of a strong friendship?

    Video: How to get rid of an annoying gentleman

    1. You good guy, it’s a pity that we didn’t meet earlier, before I got married.

    – Not a bad phrase for those who do not want to offend the person who is interested in you. But it can give hope because it contains a double message. There are men for whom the official status of a married lady is not an obstacle to dating.

    2. Okay, let's get acquainted. I'm just a little busy right now. Call back in a year.

    - What if he calls? What then? I can imagine how surprised you will be when you hear the barely recognizable (if at all recognizable) voice of a random fellow traveler, with whom you once waited in vain for a tram in the cold and out of frustration gave your phone number.

    3. Someday you will understand that this is the end. And this will be the beginning.

    – Any phrase that is incomprehensible at first provokes one thing: be sure to clarify its meaning. Even if you abandoned her like Zorro, waving his cape and disappearing into the depths of the supermarket, the guy will probably follow you. He will definitely want to know what you meant.

    4. I already have a boyfriend, he recently returned from the army, from the airborne troops.

    – Ideally, the phrase should scare off the gentleman. But what if he himself served in the Airborne Forces? The brotherhood of paratroopers is very strong, and therefore such information may interest the suitor even more and will certainly lead to a detailed question: “Who? Where? Does the division commander still have a one-eared dog?”

    5. Okay, let's meet. Come to me tomorrow evening, I’ll introduce you to your parents, husband, children...

    – Such a phrase will definitely cool the ardor of any unwanted admirer who wants to get your attention. Good way abruptly interrupt unnecessary contact.

    9 makeup tricks that infuriate and irritate men

    • More details

    6. Just don’t be offended, you will still meet a girl who will love you...

    – This is usually said by girls who are used to apologizing for having to put their interlocutor in an awkward position. It’s unpleasant to hear, but the phrase still doesn’t hurt men’s pride too much. There is a subtext in it: “You and I just don’t suit each other, but actually I like you.”

    7. I’d love to meet you, but now I’m in a hurry, I need to pay off my mortgage and three loans.

    – It would be good if the interlocutor did not find in your face your soul mate and did not offer to merge his own debts into one huge loan.

    8. You’re already fat, why do you need a soulmate?

    – This phrase, of course, sounds funny. But not for the one to whom it is addressed. Guaranteed to cause an attack of aggression in the interlocutor. The reaction of the offended gentleman will be difficult to predict.

    9. Let me call you myself. Then, when no one needs me at all.

    – The beginning of the phrase is good, you take the initiative in own hands. IN in this case No one will force you to call an obsessive admirer. Unless you change your mind, sitting alone on long winter evenings and turning over in your head candidates for the place of the one who will brighten up your life for the next hundred years. But the second part of the phrase can cause a negative reaction, because it contains the context of an insult. You shouldn't offend a person.

    10. I'm sorry, but I don't want to date you anymore.

    - The most honest answer. It may have to be repeated several times by someone who didn’t understand anything the first time.

    The most idiotic tackles of guys who are annoying

    And here's what guys usually say in hopes of a romantic acquaintance.

    – Doesn’t your mother need a son-in-law?

    - Girl, call an ambulance. Cupid just shot me.

    “Won’t you take me across the road, otherwise I’m afraid?”

    – Marry me quickly, otherwise I’ll change my mind!

    - Let me walk you home. At least with a glance.

    “Girl, let me hold on to you, otherwise your beauty makes my legs give way.”

    “Why are you looking at me like that, as if your parents had gone to the dacha?”

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