• Anti-cellulite products: tested by the editors. Anti-cellulite products - types, recommendations, reviews


    When the notorious orange peel appears on the thighs and buttocks, the search begins for methods to combat this scourge. A lot of money is spent on all kinds of procedures and remedies for cellulite, of which there are a huge number on the beauty industry market recently.

    Not everyone lives up to the money spent on them and the hopes placed on them. To avoid disappointment, a few useful tips and a review of the best and most effective offers will allow you not to make a mistake with your choice.

    How to choose?

    Everyone wants to find the best remedy for cellulite, which would get rid of this scourge without harm to health and in the shortest possible time. The problem is that there are too many of them on the market today. On the one hand, such a wide range provides the right to choose. On the other hand, this complicates the search, but it can be made easier.

    There are 4 stages of this disease, and each of them requires specific anti-cellulite products.

    • Stage I

    The skin loses its elasticity, the orange peel is noticeable only when pressing on the problem area, and the volume of the body begins to gradually increase. At this stage, it will be enough to use external cosmetic products for cellulite - use creams, gels, scrubs and pastes for wraps.

    • Stage II

    Fat deposits form clearly visible lumps on the skin. Here you will have to think about such additional procedures as. You can start looking for folk remedies for cellulite.

    • Stage III

    The orange peel is simply impossible not to notice. Subcutaneous fatty lumps, growing, impinge on the nerves, and the skin loses sensitivity. In addition, the muscle tissue no longer contracts naturally and becomes rougher. At this stage it is worth looking at the ranking of the best salon procedures from cellulite, go on a diet, play sports. You can start drinking dietary supplements.

    • IV stage

    Only pharmaceutical products can cope with an advanced form of cellulite - and something powerful is needed to start the treatment process from the inside. External cosmetics are already useless here. The skin becomes like a dense sponge, feels very cold to the touch, and acquires a bluish tint. The circulatory disorder is pathological, the nerve endings are affected, and the muscle tissue is atrophied.

    When choosing a cellulite treatment method, it is best to consult a specialist. If you have to do it yourself, here is a small rating of the best anti-cellulite products and their short review will help in this difficult matter:

    1. Guam (Guam) - a whole line from the Italian company Lacote. It includes a wide variety of night and day creams and gels, pastes for wraps, sticks, masks and scrubs - separately for the stomach and separately for the hips and buttocks.
    2. Algae wraps with kelp have long been recognized as the best for eliminating cellulite. Moreover, pastes for them can be prepared at home from pharmaceutical brown algae powder. Although salons use a ready-made special composition with enhanced action.
    3. Floresan Fitness Body is another line of cosmetics that is aimed at eliminating orange peel. A Russian brand offering a wide range of warming and cooling gels and creams.
    4. Citrus essential oils(grapefruit, sweet and bitter orange, tangerine, lemon) are added to all anti-cellulite pastes for wraps, as well as homemade creams and baths.
    5. Eufillin is a pharmaceutical ointment that dilates blood vessels. It is actively used by many to improve subcutaneous blood circulation.
    6. Propolis - natural remedy, which can be used externally in the fight against cellulite (preparing creams and pastes based on it), or you can drink it internally as a whole course for the overall health of the body, which will be beneficial.
    7. Honey is another beekeeping product that is actively used to externally eliminate scourges. It is the main component of massage and wraps.
    8. Inneov Cellulite from the laboratories of L’oreal and Nestle is a dietary supplement in the form of capsules to eliminate cellulite.
    9. Thyroxine - very popular and effective hormonal drug, which is prescribed exclusively by a specialist.
    10. Thermogenic wraps with mustard or pepper - despite discomfort During such a procedure, it is these pastes that perfectly work the deepest layers of the skin.

    Focus on this universal top, which has collected the most effective anti-cellulite products, and try new drugs and cosmetics to improve your body.

    Creams and gels

    On initial stage For cellulite, the best remedies against it are cosmetics for external use. All possible help eliminate the external disadvantages of this disease. It is better to choose professional lines that are actively used by specialists in salons.

    Directions for use: Apply daily morning and evening to the problem area of ​​the body, rubbing with massage movements. Can be used before and after anti-cellulite procedures (massage, bath, body wrap).

    • massage;
    • warming up;
    • cooling;
    • lymphatic drainage;
    • anti-aging;
    • with Anti-Capiton effect (preventive);
    • fat burning;
    • modeling / corrective, etc.

    The best:

    1. Anti-cellulite cream with a modeling effect. Pharmacy brand Kora (Russia).
    2. Healthy. Cream wax with bee venom and cedar resin - a very popular and effective remedy today.
    3. An innovative development with the Anti-Capiton effect - with ginkgo biloba and caffeine. Biotherm (France).
    4. Cream active. Floresan Fitness Body (Russia).
    5. Cream-gel for cellulite on the stomach from the professional Guam line. Lacote (Italy).
    6. Tangerine cream. Ahava (Israel).
    7. Massage cream with pepper and caffeine. Belita-Vitex (Belarus).
    8. Modeling silhouette - active cream with essential oils. Clean line (Russia).
    9. Cooling cream with menthol and caffeine. Clarins (France).
    10. Thermoactive 3D cream-gel for modeling the abdomen and buttocks. Eveline (Poland).

    Professional cosmetics for cellulite are expensive, but effective. You can always choose more budget options, but you shouldn’t expect miracles from them.


    Anti-cellulite scrubs also belong to cosmetics, like creams and gels. But they can no longer be classified as superficial, because they are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. This means that the action will be more significant and noticeable. They exfoliate keratinized particles from the surface of the body, which has the most positive effect on the condition of problem areas.

    Directions for use: twice a week, rub the problem area of ​​the body with a scrub after a hot bath or shower. Duration - 5-7 minutes. Then the composition is washed off. Excellent preparation of the skin for massage or wrap.

    The best:

    1. Goodbye cellulite - oil scrub. ECO hysteria (Russia).
    2. Hot burning - burning scrub from Missha (South Korea).
    3. Anti-cellulite scrub from the Fat Girl series. Bliss (China).
    4. Coffee and chocolate. Bath things (Russia).
    5. Lime and orange sea salt scrub. Homemade recipes (Russia).
    6. Spicy cumin, Tropical bamboo, Oriental ginger - this brand has a lot of anti-cellulite scrubs for every taste. Organic Shop (Russia).
    7. Slender babes - massage. ECO hysteria (Russia).
    8. Ultra-elasticity - smoothing body scrub. Garnier (France).
    9. Cold peeling massage from Dr. BIO (Russia).
    10. Citrus anti-cellulite scrub made from natural ingredients. Mylovarov (Russia).

    These are the scrubs that really help cope with the most striking manifestations of cellulite at stage 1 and even partially at stage 2 of the disease. It is better to use them in tandem with creams from the same series (as a rule, they go together). If you don’t have money for brands, you can always make similar cosmetics at home from candied honey, coffee grounds, badyagi or sea salt - there are many recipes.


    Essential and cosmetic oils are a fairly strong and effective remedy for combating cellulite, if used correctly. They can be included in all home recipes: pastes for wraps, creams and scrubs, massage compositions.

    Mode of application. Esters are measured in drops: approximately 3-4 drops per 50 ml of the main, base substance. Cosmetic oils can be added to recipes in any quantities, and also applied to problem areas in pure form. This is an ideal massage product that moisturizes and softens the skin before and after any anti-cellulite procedure.

    Best essential oils:

    1. tops this rating: it removes waste, toxins and liquid from tissues as quickly as possible.
    2. Grapefruit and lemon esters actively burn fat cells and even out skin texture.
    3. Rosemary accelerates the blood and destroys fatty plaques.
    4. Coniferous oils of juniper, fir and cedar have fat-absorbing, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, quickly normalize the skin and muscles.
    5. Spicy esters (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg) have a tonic effect, improve blood circulation, and accelerate subcutaneous metabolic processes.

    From cosmetic oils I can recommend olive oil. Almond, caraway and grape seed are also suitable.


    IN in this case By wraps we do not mean a procedure where you need to treat the problem area with a special compound and wrap it in cling film. In cosmetics, this concept also refers to the product (paste) that is applied to the skin.

    Mode of application. Branded or homemade paste (mask) is applied to the stomach or thighs (less often, to the arms). The top will need to be wrapped with cling film in a spiral from bottom to top, in a fairly dense layer. Next comes insulation. Duration - from 20 to 60 minutes. Then everything is removed and washed off in the shower with warm water.

    • isothermal / warm / hot: with Capsicam, chocolate, seaweed, honey, mustard, pepper or cinnamon;
    • cold: vinegar, mint, menthol, camphor, with agar-agar or liquid nitrogen(in the cabin);
    • night, when the paste is left on the body all night.

    The best home wraps:

    1. . Laminaria as part of anti-cellulite wraps goes well with honey, oils, lemon, and kefir.
    2. . Diluted with sugar, honey, sour cream, clay, oils.
    3. . Mixed with pepper, clay, honey, sea salt.
    4. Oily. Combines with any components
    5. . Used in pastes along with mustard, coffee, pepper, cinnamon, salt.
    6. . If the paste is diluted with mustard, cinnamon, ginger, a hot wrap is obtained. If it is oils, clay, honey, salt - cold.
    7. . Can be prepared with honey, salt, clay, oils.
    8. . Often used in salons. It does not need to be supplemented with other components, since it is completely self-sufficient. It has a very relaxing effect on the body and nervous system.
    9. C, which can be used without auxiliary ingredients.
    10. WITH . As additions - cinnamon, honey, coffee.

    Professional products for anti-cellulite wraps:

    1. Alginate from Thalaspa (France).
    2. Orange in chocolate from Gloria (Russia).
    3. Bandage cooling from Beauty Style (USA).
    4. Algae "Lessonia" from Spa Delight (Spain).
    5. Drainage from Planet Organics (Russia).
    6. Kamchatka mud from Thalasso Siberica Professional (Russia).
    7. Cream mask with Dead Sea salt from Zeitun (Jordan).
    8. Ice gel from Fitness body (Russia).
    9. Honey & ginger from Bath things (Russia).
    10. Chocolate with coffee and cocoa beans from OrganicZone (Russia).

    In the fight against cellulite, body wraps are necessary and very effective means, which should not be ignored.

    Pharmacy drugs

    Today, a remedy for cellulite can be purchased at the pharmacy. Indeed, there are tablets that are often used to treat this disease. But you shouldn’t take them on your own. They must be prescribed by a doctor, determining the dosage and duration of use. Otherwise, all responsibility will fall on your shoulders.

    These are medications with many side effects that should not be taken lightly. Most of them specifically target the circulatory system, which plays an important role in eliminating cellulite.

    Pharmaceutical products in the form of ointments and gels are used externally, and in the form of capsules and tablets - for oral use.

    The most famous are:

    • caffeine tablets;
    • Eufillin and Aminophylline - as an ointment and as tablets for dilating blood vessels and relaxing muscles;
    • propolis;
    • mumiyo;
    • Capsicam;
    • hormonal drugs (for example, Thyroxine);
    • , are powerful medications that can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

    The second group of drugs are dietary supplements, which are sold not only in pharmacies, but also on various Internet resources. They usually promise a fat burning effect. But most of it is aimed at losing weight, and the elimination of cellulite comes as a result of weight loss.

    What can I recommend in this niche:

    • INNEOV Cellustrech to reduce fat deposits and improve skin elasticity;
    • Cell-U-Loss - tablets from Herbalife;
    • Celluherb - capsules from Nutrend;
    • Cellasene - capsules to improve blood circulation;
    • - pills for weight loss and at the same time against cellulite.

    You should be as careful as possible with this group of drugs so as not to harm your own health.

    Folk remedies

    And the last group of products that are available to everyone at home. These are cosmetics made from natural ingredients, prepared with my own hands. You can do anything, the main thing is to know which ingredients really help eliminate orange peel. These include:

    • seaweed;
    • mustard;
    • ginger;
    • cinnamon;
    • cosmetic clay;
    • coffee;
    • coarse sea salt;
    • olive/almond oil;
    • pepper;
    • chocolate, cocoa;
    • essential oils;

    Recipe examples:

    1. Wrap: mix 50 ml unrefined olive oil with 3-4 drops of orange ether.
    2. Anti-cellulite bath: add 50 grams of sea salt, 10 drops of any essential citrus oil, 100 grams to the water baking soda and 100 ml apple cider vinegar.
    3. Anti-cellulite cream: mix pharmaceutical ointment Capsicam with baby cream in a ratio of 1 to 4, add a couple of drops of pine essential oil.

    Does it win? home remedy for branded cellulite? It depends on what criterion you judge by. Yes, they are all 100% natural, you know exactly what is included in their composition, since you prepared them yourself. However, the lack of so-called chemistry significantly reduces their effectiveness. And if store-bought drugs will begin to act after the first use, then traditional ones will require patience from you, first of all.

    Looking for the best remedy don't forget about cellulite Golden Rule: This scourge must be combated comprehensively. Develop an entire program that should include proper nutrition(exist special diets), sports (for the abdomen, hips and buttocks), body wraps (a couple of times a week), massages (every other day), baths (at least once a week) and daily use of cosmetics. If the disease is advanced, you need to start taking pharmaceutical medications. Only all this together can give desired result- elimination of orange peel and bumpy relief of problem parts of the body.

    Perfectly smooth and elastic skin- one of the canons of female beauty. According to numerous reviews, anti-cellulite cream is an effective remedy that helps bring the body into perfect order. Unaesthetic appearances on the thighs are difficult to eliminate, but numerous proposals from cosmetics manufacturers are designed to help solve this problem.

    What is anti-cellulite cream

    Combating the manifestations of cellulite is a difficult task that has to be solved comprehensively. This includes dietary adjustments, massage, sports and cosmetic procedures. Anti-cellulite cosmetics are designed to speed up metabolism, remove toxins, remove excess fluid from the skin layers, and accelerate cell growth. As a result of its action, skin tone increases, it becomes smoother, and cellulite manifestations become less noticeable.

    For massage

    It is intended to enhance the effect and result of the massage massage cream with anti-cellulite effect. During the procedure, the active components of the cosmetic product accelerate the process of breakdown and removal of subcutaneous fat, increase blood circulation, and improve metabolism. The body gets rid of excess fluid, toxins, waste, and the skin becomes elastic and tightened.

    Warming up

    According to reviews from ladies who are struggling with the orange peel problem, the most effective anti-cellulite cream is a warming one. The thermal effect of the product occurs due to special components, for example, red pepper extract. Under the influence of the components, the skin warms up and the blood vessels dilate. Blood circulation and metabolic process improves. Fat deposits are broken down and eliminated faster.


    Massage and applying a warming cream are effective remedies for cellulite, but not everyone can use them. Varicose veins, weak capillaries and the presence spider veins Effective cosmetics are banned. For such problems, it is better to choose a cooling anti-cellulite cream. The packages contain components that intensively moisturize, tone and increase the elasticity of the skin.

    Do anti-cellulite creams help?

    Health, beauty and a slim body require time, effort and perseverance. In photos and in life, the fair half wants to look perfect, so she struggles with the appearance of orange peel. Expecting instant results from an anti-cellulite cream is unreasonable. Anti-cellulite products are widely used, although their effectiveness remains controversial. Experts say that a special product can help only in the initial stage, when the manifestations of the “orange peel” are not too noticeable. In other cases, additional measures will be needed.

    The best anti-cellulite cream

    Online stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities offer many creams to combat cellulite. Manufacturers attract customers with affordable prices, promotions, discounts, and sales. Stores offer to order products with delivery by mail. Attractive purchasing conditions are an important criterion when choosing a cream, but the main thing is the quality of the product and its effectiveness. A good anti-cellulite cream eliminates cosmetic imperfections and smoothes the skin.


    Under famous brand There are only a few anti-cellulite products you can buy from Garnier, but their use gives good results. The following cosmetics have earned the trust of consumers due to their effectiveness:

    • name: ultra elasticity oil;
    • price: 363 rubles;
    • composition: essential oils of lemon, tangerine, grapefruit;
    • characteristics: massage, volume – 150 ml;
    • pros: non-sticky texture, convenient dispenser;
    • cons: may cause dry skin.

    For daily use under the Garnier TM, a milk is produced that actively resists unaesthetic manifestations on the skin. skin:

    • name: intensive body care firmness anti-cellulite;
    • price: 374 rub.;
    • composition: phyto-caffeine, algae extract;
    • characteristics: volume – 250 ml;
    • pros: quickly absorbed;
    • Cons: Contains mineral oils and alcohol.

    Black Pearl

    Some women prefer not a creamy, but a gel texture of a care product, for example:

    • name: Anti-cellulite gel-corrector 2 in 1;
    • price: 202 rub.;
    • composition: Atlantic fucus algae extract, chestnut extract, bio-creatine;
    • characteristics: volume – 200 ml, cooling;
    • pros: well absorbed;
    • cons: not effective enough.

    Another product from Black Pearl, which is designed to smooth the skin and give it elasticity, is body milk with a pleasant aroma:

    • name: silk body milk Energy and Elasticity;
    • price: 201 rub.;
    • composition: red grape leaves, proteins natural silk, Bio-elastin;
    • characteristics: volume – 200 ml, weight – 230 grams;
    • Pros: quickly absorbed, moisturizes well;
    • cons: Propylene Glicol, Ammonium Lactate, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Benzyl Benzonate - components banned in some countries as hazardous to health.


    Not only excess weight provokes the appearance of orange peel on the body. Sometimes even slender girls have to struggle with the appearance of cellulite. To smooth the skin and make the relief even, the Vitex company offers the following product:

    • name: Bath-Sauna-Massage;
    • price: 146 rub.;
    • composition: caffeine, red pepper extract, seaweed;
    • characteristics: warming, massage.
    • pros: affordable price;
    • cons: may burn the skin.

    Another worthy of attention product from a Belarusian company from the “Ideal Figure” series. The manufacturer promises a noticeable result even in advanced stages of cellulite:

    • name: Vitex multi-active anti-cellulite cream concentrate;
    • price: 197 rub.;
    • composition: caffeine, ficus and wakame extracts;
    • characteristics: volume – 200 ml;
    • pros: noticeable improvement even on visible cellulite;
    • cons: no nice smell.


    For smooth and tightened skin without the orange peel effect, a product based on Fangocrema mud is produced under the Guam TM. The cream has a warming property and has an effective effect on orange peel:

    • name: Fangocrema;
    • price: 2709 rub.;
    • composition: volcanic dust, methyl nicotinate, algae and phytocomplex;
    • characteristics: volume – 500 ml;
    • pros: replaces wrap, does not require rinsing;
    • cons: has contraindications, expensive.

    If you have problems with blood vessels, a cream with a warming effect should not be used. For these cases, algae-based cosmetics are produced under the Guam TM. The cream activates metabolic processes and improves skin elasticity:

    • name: SNELL;
    • price: RUB 1,942;
    • composition: GUAM algae extract, carnitine, caffeine, menthol;
    • characteristics: cooling, massage;
    • advantages: pronounced effect;
    • cons: high cost.


    From the manufacturer Floresan, a series of anti-cellulite products called Fitness Body goes on sale. The following cream has many positive feedback:

    • name: Fitness Body Cream-active;
    • price: 128 rub.;
    • composition: complex of polysaccharides and algae minerals, centella extract, camphor;
    • characteristics: cooling, volume – 125 ml;
    • pros: affordable price,
    • cons: there are contraindications.

    Another product from the Fitness series is intended for massage. You can carry out the procedure yourself or entrust the work to a professional who, with the help of this cream and his actions, will bring your body closer to the ideal:

    • name: anti-cellulite drainage massage cream;
    • price: 189 rub.;
    • composition: extract of mustard seeds, red pepper, a nicotinic acid;
    • characteristics: volume – 500 ml, packaging – jar;
    • advantages: economical consumption, pleasant aroma;
    • cons: may burn, there are contraindications.

    Clean line

    Under the Pure Line TM, several types of cosmetics are produced, designed to reduce the appearance of orange peel and increase skin tone. The manufacturer promises noticeable results 2 weeks after using the following cream:

    • name: Anti-cellulite gel;
    • price: 139 RUR;
    • composition: essential oils of orange, cedar, wormwood, decoctions of chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort;
    • characteristics: volume – 200 ml,
    • pros: quickly absorbed;
    • cons: may cause a burning sensation.

    The anti-cellulite cream from TM Clean Line is based on Rhodiola rosea and ginseng. Active components prevent the formation of fat cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite:

    • name: Active anti-cellulite body cream;
    • price: 128 rub.;
    • composition: rhodiola rosea, ginseng;
    • characteristics: cooling effect, volume – 250 ml;
    • pros: affordable, quickly absorbed, pleasant smell;
    • Cons: the consistency is liquid, so the cream is not economical.

    How to choose an anti-cellulite cream

    Before purchasing anti-cellulite cosmetics, carefully study its composition. The right ingredients are the key to your effective fight against cosmetic imperfections. Experts recommend paying attention to the following components:

    • caffeine or green tea– for effective breakdown of fat cells;
    • red grape extract or grape seed oil – anti-puffiness;
    • red pepper (cocoa butter, citrus oils) – to improve blood circulation, warming effect;
    • marine collagen, chitosan, fucus or kelp extract - to strengthen the skin.


    The holiday season is ahead - and all means are good in preparing for the beach season. The ELLE editors decided to test the best anti-cellulite products: creams, oils and lotions to give their verdict - will they help us in the fight against “orange peel”?

    I am one of the skeptics who do not really believe in the effectiveness of products aimed at getting rid of cellulite and extra centimeters. In this regard, I intended to skip the next editorial test - in the spring the ELLE team was supposed to try as soon as possible get rid of the “orange peel” and tighten the skin. Some colleagues even set ambitious plans to lose weight with the help of the know-how of leading cosmetic brands. Well, well, I thought, watching the dismantling of the dough jars. The beauty editor overcame my skepticism with the only thing in an accessible way- I was asked to use two anti-cellulite products from the Perfect Body line of the Swiss brand L.RAPHAEL, which were previously presented only in spa salons. I'll try to explain what's special about them. Firstly, the brand is rare, relatively new, and in some sense scarce - you won’t be able to buy the products in regular stores. Secondly, they are quite expensive, however, this is a rare case when the price is justified. Judge for yourself, it contains extracts of four plants that stimulate metabolism, and a special lipid complex LEC with Omega 3, which accelerates cell recovery. It is not surprising that the brand has become a cult: after all, the most reputable salons work with these body products. So any professional will confirm: even if Perfect Body products from the Swiss beauty institute L.RAPHAEL do not help you, then only devices remain.

    Now on to practice. Of course, I had little time for a full test - only three days. In addition, over the winter I relaxed a little, and therefore before the vacation I prepared for an LPG impact session and weighted squats. However, one does not interfere with the other. I started the test with Huile Corporelle Tonifiante Perfect Body toning body oil. A moisturizing and tightening product based on a cocktail of rosemary, mint and essential oils copes with its task brilliantly - the skin instantly becomes toned. It is worth noting that you can use it not only after a shower, but also at any time convenient for you.

    The second stage is the legendary anti-cellulite gel Gel Anti-Cellulite Perfect Body. In a sense, this is a product with a universal effect: it increases skin elasticity, prevents the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks and noticeable signs of aging. The already mentioned lipid complex is mixed here with vitamins and essential components of all anti-orange peel products - caffeine, menthol and green tea extract. I can’t say that body volume and skin quality have fundamentally changed, but given that the duration of the course should be at least four weeks, it was stupid to expect a transformation in just three days. But the skin has become noticeably more elastic - I can confidently say this! I will be happy to use the product in the future - I’m almost sure that I will be pleasantly surprised.

    It is naive to believe that you can completely get rid of cellulite using only a special cream, no matter what miracles its manufacturers promise. To make the skin in problem areas look, if not perfect, then at least much better, you will have to work hard: exercise regularly, watch your diet, attend special procedures and do not neglect beauty products. The last point of the program, as you can see, is not the only one, but it cannot be ignored. For the most noticeable effect, I decided to use two products at once - exfoliating cream and intensive anti-cellulite care.

    The first I tried was the anti-cellulite Perfecting Body Scrub. It can be applied in two ways - on wet or dry skin. In the second case, the impact will be more intense. However, I, as the owner sensitive skin I chose the first option: even in this way, the small particles of apricot kernels in the composition effectively and deeply cleanse and do not injure upper layer cells. In addition, upon contact with water, the exfoliating cream turns into a gentle moisturizing emulsion (coconut oil, shea butter and hyaluronic acid). After using the product, the skin seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and became noticeably softer and smoother.

    Using a scrub is an excellent preparation for the second stage of care: moisturizing. Now all the beneficial substances can easily penetrate the skin. So, it’s the turn of the anti-cellulite product Cellulinov Intensive Anti-Cellulite Body Care. It must be applied to problem areas twice a day. The soft, delicate cream is easy to apply, quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film. As a rule, products aimed at combating “orange peel” create a cooling effect, which cannot be said about Sisley care, however, the product contains both caffeine and cedrol. Well, an excellent option for those who don’t need excessive cooling. Extracts of Longan seeds, Indian lotus and red algae are responsible for silky and soft skin. And I must admit, this cocktail works great - the skin looks hydrated and healthy immediately after application. But manufacturers promise a noticeable reduction in cellulite after four weeks of regular use - the countdown has begun!

    This time our editorial test forced me to discover new products aimed at combating cellulite. I reasoned this way: even if it’s not possible to permanently get rid of skin unevenness in a few days, it won’t hurt to add elasticity to the skin.

    I started with Avon's Cellulite Freedom 5D Anti-Cellulite Body Lotion. The manufacturer promises that noticeable smoothness can be achieved after just two weeks of regular use. And although after several days of the experiment I was not able to feel the full result, after the first use the tightening effect became noticeable. The lotion is quite thick, non-sticky, easy to apply and quickly absorbed. The only thing that alarmed me was the alpha hydroxy acid in the composition. The fact is that this substance can increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, and therefore the instructions for the product recommend reducing the time spent in the sun after application and for a week after finishing its use. So I recommend using lotion before the hot weather arrives. summer days or save it until autumn.

    The second “participant” in my experiment was the regenerating and strengthening body milk Lift-Fermete Extra-Firming Body Lotion. This anti-cellulite product has a tightening effect and is designed to restore lost slimness. Immediately after the first application of the product, the skin began to look smoother and more even. Thanks to a complex of lemon cumin, centella and bocoa extracts, the milk has a fresh floral aroma with a slight sourness. A special plus is for the melting texture.

    I always advocate an integrated approach in the pursuit of slimness. I try to work out regularly in the gym (2-3 times a week), go to LPG treatments (a course of 10 sessions), and after a shower before going to bed I apply anti-cellulite oil. As part of an editorial experiment, I decided to change my favorite product with a couple of Garnier scrubs and oils, which promised to restore elasticity to the skin in a matter of days. I took these jars with me to the fitness club. After my strength training session, I headed to the shower where I began my testing. Pleasant citrus aroma sugar scrub I was invigorated, and my skin even turned slightly red. Great, that means it works! I washed off the product under a contrast shower - additional drainage has never bothered anyone. After drying my skin with a towel, I took up the Ultra-Elasticity oil. As you know, a scrub helps cleanse the skin and prepare it for penetration useful components subsequent funds. The composition of the product was impressive - essential oils of lemon, tangerine and grapefruit - that is, all the most famous helpers in the fight against “orange peel”. After the first use of the product, the skin actually became more elastic. I think in two weeks the effect will be more noticeable. In the meantime, let's experiment!

    The second “test” - the ACTIMINCEUR product, Lysedia - interested me because it can be used both as an anti-cellulite cream and as a body wrap. What an unexpected twist! Taking some time over the weekend, I applied the treatment to my thighs and stomach area, wrapping myself in clear cling film and wearing sweatpants. In this form, I decided not to lie under the blanket, but to start cleaning the apartment. As a result, the product was absorbed very quickly, and after an hour (as stated in the instructions), I went to the shower to wash it off. The pleasant herbal scent remained on the skin even after a shower! After carefully examining my buttocks, I realized that Lysedia cream really works - the skin tightened and even seemed to become more even. I think this product will take its rightful place in my beauty arsenal.

    “Words, words,” I usually think when looking at anti-cellulite creams. I don't believe in their magical effect. Although in fairness I must admit that I cannot fully test the promised effect on myself: fortunately, I do not have pronounced cellulite. I got products with a modeling effect: six months ago I gave up sports, and my skin lost its elasticity in places. So, the first lot is Birken Cellulite Ol oil, Weleda. By the way, almost all year round I use products of similar consistency to moisturize my skin. According to the stated properties, extracts of birch leaves and rosemary in the composition accelerate skin renewal processes and restore its tone. As an experiment, I rubbed the oil twice a day for a week into problem areas on my thighs. Of course, this is a short period of time for the test (at least a month is required), but a certain effect did appear - on the sixth day, the skin became smooth and elastic, like after a massage with a spa wrap. Even a skeptic like me had to admit: the result was not bad.

    At the same time, I tested the modeling gel Intelligence Minceur, Dr. Pierre Ricaud - used it in the abdominal area. Don't ask why - I have no problems in this area. I'll start with the good: according to statistics, the gel helps 88% of women improve their skin tone. The texture with a slight cooling effect, despite its weightlessness, acts very intensely. Your stomach will not become perfectly flat, so don’t expect a fantastic effect in advance. Personally, I used the product for a little over a week, but it takes at least a month for visible changes. But I can assure you: the skin looks more toned. I think I still have time to prepare for bikini season!

    Having learned that our editorial staff was going to test anti-cellulite products, I perked up noticeably. On the eve of summer, my skin could use some light modeling, I decided. I approached the matter with fanaticism: I applied both lotions to the thighs and buttocks area immediately after the shower. Right side I got Clarins Body Lift Cellulite Control. I immediately noticed that the texture was pleasant, light, and the mint aroma was unobtrusive. The lotion was quickly absorbed - no feeling of tightness or stickiness, only a barely noticeable cooling effect. Of course, to appreciate the result, you need to use the product more than once or twice, but at the moment my impressions of the modeling lotion are more than positive.

    On the left side I applied the French pharmaceutical product Slimfocus Jeanne Piaubert, the instructions for which promised to restore tone and elasticity to the skin, preventing the appearance of cellulite in the future. Such an honest description immediately captivated me: after all, even the most expensive cream will not give you the ideal and toned figure of a Victoria's Secret angel. Alas, you cannot do without regular exercise and a balanced diet. But if you regularly go to the gym and watch your diet, cosmetic product will definitely become your faithful assistant. The product pleasantly surprised me with its airy, almost weightless texture and neutral aroma. It was instantly absorbed into the skin - it became moisturized, almost velvety. I applied Slimfocus to the abdominal area, checking the instructions (it described in detail and even illustrated how to rub in the miracle cure).

    So, my verdict: these are two excellent anti-cellulite products that really work. I plan to use them regularly, but still separately: one will be waiting for me at home, and I’m going to take the other to the gym to apply immediately after the shower.

    Cellulite is a skin condition that many people have experienced. The problem has a pronounced aesthetic disadvantage and is associated with impaired lymph circulation, tissue metabolism, and deterioration in the structure of fat cells under the skin. To solve this problem, a multifaceted approach is required, consisting of adjustments to diet, lifestyle, physical activity. When choosing a cream, we recommend paying attention to the rating of the best anti-cellulite creams.

    What you need to know about cellulite

    What is anti-cellulite cream?

    Anti-cellulite cream is a cosmetic product, its purpose is to combat cellulite crust on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and arms. The ingredients of the cream accelerate metabolic processes, blood circulation and lymph flow. The cream is rubbed into the skin and is also used for auxiliary procedures: massage, wraps, physical exercise.

    The cream performs the following functions:

    • stimulates blood flow and lymph circulation;
    • removes waste, toxins, fat and water deposits in tissues;
    • activates metabolism;
    • restores skin turgor;
    • improves tissue nutrition by activating blood flow.

    What is included in anti-cellulite cream?

    High-quality cream composition– the key to a good result. In this case, it is important to know which components are effective:

    How does cellulite cream work directly?

    Effect of cellulite cream

    It is important to understand that the fight against cellulite is not limited only to the use of cream that interacts with the skin. Only comprehensive work on your body will lead to a positive result, namely:

    • proper nutrition (exclude high-calorie foods, large amounts of salt, add natural fiber - vegetables and fruits);
    • active lifestyle, walking, physical exercise;
    • visiting a sauna or bath;
    • additional procedures (wraps, massage).

    The main purpose of the cream is to recreate the effect motor activity, as a result of which active blood and lymph flow occurs, muscles are activated, toxins are removed from the body, and the fat layer is “burned.” Therefore, when choosing a cream, it is important to pay attention not only to the presence of fat-burning ingredients, but also vitamins A, C, E, which will replenish the supply of vitamins in skin cells and help produce collagen, as well as B vitamins, which help cells renew.

    How to use anti-cellulite cream correctly?

    To get a positive effect from using the cream, you should take time to prepare the skin. We recommend following these procedures:

    Stages of cellulite in women

    • cleansing the skin with a scrub, peeling, preferably containing coffee, sea salt, algae, while you can use a medium-hard brush with natural bristles, a mitten made of sisal or horsehair;
    • warming up the body (hot shower, physical exercise, massage of problem areas): this will bring the skin into an active state, open pores, dilate blood vessels for better absorption of the cream;
    • Apply anti-cellulite cream with massage movements for 10 minutes until completely absorbed, you can use a massager.

    It is important to remember to carry out this procedure regularly: it is recommended to apply the cream in the morning and evening after a shower. If you follow the regime, the first improvements will be noticeable within 7 days. Minimum term use the cream for 4–5 weeks.

    Types of cellulite cream

    When choosing a product, you should proceed from the problems that need to be solved (the degree of development of cellulite), as well as from the method of application (for massage, wraps).

    Massage cream

    The cream contains active ingredients such as: sea ​​salt, apricot kernels, ground coffee and other crushed components.

    Effect of anti-cellulite cream

    Action of the cream:

    • has an irritating effect on the skin;
    • removes excess fluid;
    • warms up the skin tissue;
    • improves blood circulation;
    • dilates peripheral capillaries.

    For massage, thermal creams and thermogels are also actively used, which are the most effective means. During the massage, after just a few minutes, the skin quickly warms up thanks to the active ingredients, the pores open, and fat-burning and nutritional components quickly penetrate. However, the use of such a cream is recommended once every 5–7 days.

    To enhance the effect of the cream after a massage, apply a wrap (from seaweed or dirt).

    Cream for wrapping

    The action of the wrapping cream is aimed at working with fatty deposits, as well as excess fluid in problem areas. Using the cream helps:

    Anti-cellulite cream for wraps

    • breakdown of fats;
    • eliminating swelling in problem areas;
    • increasing skin elasticity;
    • disappearance of stretch marks.

    The purpose of the wrap is to create a “greenhouse” under the film to remove excess liquid. After the first procedure, a small effect is visible. The wrap cycle consists of 15 procedures, which are carried out every two days in the first month. Next, you should take a break for 20 days and repeat the cycle of 7-8 procedures.

    Rating of anti-cellulite creams

    When choosing a cream, we look for the main components in the composition:

    • caffeine extract;
    • green or white tea extract.

    The best anti-cellulite creams that really help:

    Which cellulite cream is better to choose?

    Present on the cosmetics market wide choose funds. Let's list just a few of them.

    According to reviews, the best anti-cellulite cream can be called Guam “Cold Formula” from the Italian brand. The professional line of creams based on seaweed "Guam" with the addition of essential oils and plant extracts, presented by the company, will help every woman find suitable remedy and solve your problem.

    Guam Anti-cellulite cream with a warming effect based on mud FANGOCREMA

    Senspa cream from the Secret Sens company (Thailand) is also in great demand. Having studied the composition of the cream, you will leave all doubts about its effectiveness - 3 types of algae, essential oils, herbal extracts and green tea - a total of 16 effective ingredients of natural origin. The absence of caffeine is important for people with intolerance to this component, as well as those who are easily excitable.

    Among the effective, economical products, it is worth noting the Belita-Vitex cream from the “Bath, Massage, Sauna” series, which has also been ranked among the best anti-cellulite creams for many years. The cream contains caffeine, algae and several anti-cellulite oils (grapefruit, bitter orange, Rhodiola, rosemary, cayenne pepper). The cream actively burns fat deposits, and also nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

    Contraindications and possible adverse reactions.

    Like any remedy, anti-cellulite cream has contraindications for use:

    • allergy to some components of the cream;
    • pregnancy;
    • presence of damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions).

    Adverse reactions

    You should also pay attention to possible adverse reactions of the body when using the cream:

    Side effects of cellulite cream

    • excessive loss of moisture can lead to dehydration, which is dangerous if the situation is not kept under control;
    • sweating will lead to clogged pores, which can cause a rash, irritation, and therefore require additional cleansing of the skin.

    How to make anti-cellulite cream yourself?

    You can use a homemade cream against cellulite; all you need is to have the simplest ingredients on hand.


    Pepper cream:

    • mix 3-4 tbsp. l. olive oil with honey until paste;
    • add a pinch of red pepper to the resulting mixture.

    Apply the mixture to problem areas after a bath, rub in for 10–15 minutes, then rinse.

    Red pepper is very hot, but gives quick results. Repeat the procedure every 2 days to protect the skin from burns.

    Anti-cellulite cream with red pepper

    Olive oil cream:

    • olive oil (15 ml);
    • any fat cream for body (70 ml);
    • horse chestnut extract (1 tsp).

    Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Rub into problem areas morning and evening.

    Cream with essential oils:

    • any body cream (without paraffins) – 30 ml;
    • juniper oil – 2 drops;
    • cayenne pepper ether – 2 drops;
    • guarana or coffee extract – 1 tsp.

    Place the cream in a ceramic or glass bowl. Gradually add oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The resulting composition can be used both for prevention and to combat cellulite.

    Cream with spices for wrapping:

    • cinnamon powder – 1 tsp;
    • ground red pepper – 1 tsp;
    • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • grapefruit oil – 7 drops.

    Stir the components of the cream, apply the resulting mixture to problem areas, wrap with film. The duration of the procedure is about 90 minutes. Carry out once every 5–7 days.

    So, to determine which cream is best for cellulite, you will have to test several options, selecting a product for your skin type, as well as the problem. However, information about important ingredients and a clear understanding of the mechanism of action of the cream will help right choice. Good luck in the fight against cellulite!

    Propaganda healthy image life is increasingly penetrating the masses of people. Toned body, sexy curves, smooth skin- these are the canons successful people to date. A third chin and, instead of inviting buttocks, orange peel are no longer in fashion! “How to deal with anti-appetizing manifestations of citrus peels? Do cellulite creams that are dazzling on monitors and TV screens help?”, you ask?

    Cellulite is a problem that arises from many factors, carries a number of pathological disorders of the body. Your weight and age are not at all important; tubercles in interesting places can be observed in young, thin women. To combat this problem, you need an integrated approach: proper nutrition, physical activity and cosmetic procedures. The last of those listed will help restore the skin to its former elasticity and smoothness over a short period of time, especially in combination with the use.

    There are two options:

    • Fork out for expensive offers from beauty salons;
    • Systematically use an effective anti-cellulite cream and enjoy the results.

    The second choice will save you from the stress of unnecessary costs if you approach the selection of the best anti-cellulite cream thoroughly.

    Modern developments make it possible to create products that easily penetrate the structure of the skin and actively change it. While fulfilling its function, an effective cellulite cream works to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and burn fat. The result is obvious - the skin is smooth and elastic.

    Main active components of the best anti-cellulite creams

    The main thing in the fight against orange peel is to choose the right weapon. The most effective anti-cellulite creams should contain the following types of components:

    • For melting fats - caffeine, theobromine, coenzyme A;
    • For cell restoration - collagen and elastin;
    • To eliminate edema – horse chestnut, troxerutin;
    • For general care for the skin - various oils, aloe vera.

    Rating "anti-cellulite cream"

    The offers of cosmetic companies are varied in taste, color, effect and wallet. It is very difficult to analyze everything and understand which cellulite cream is really good.

    Let's figure it out together. Let's listen to the advice of Youtube beauty gurus, look at reviews and the frequency of purchasing products on review sites and find the most effective weight loss creams in terms of price and quality.

    Anti-cellulite creams: rating of the best purchases

    Having correlated all the important indicators for the title “best weight loss cream”, the list was supplemented with the following products:

    • Floresan Fitness Body— cream-active against cellulite;
    • Clean line– body cream “Sculpting silhouette”;
    • Vitex– anti-cellulite massage cream “Bath, massage, sauna”;
    • Anti-cellulite remedy – Clarins Total Body Lift Stubborn Cellulite Control;
    • Bark– Anti-cellulite body cream with a modeling effect;
    • Eveline slim extreme 3D thermoactive cream-gel.

    These cosmetic products- a kind of legend with high sales and pleasantly large ratings. Next, you should understand the qualitative assessment of our representatives and compare them according to the same criteria.

    Rating of the best anti-cellulite creams according to the editors

    Let's select the following product parameters and consider each of them in detail:

    • Texture
    • Smell
    • Active ingredients
    • Manufacturer's promises
    • Effect
    • Container volume
    • Price
    • Availability for purchase;
    • Irecommend rating.

    After reviewing this table, you can easily choose an effective weight loss cream for yourself.

    Floresan Fitness Body - cream-active against cellulite

    • Texture– not liquid or thick, spreads well throughout the body and quickly penetrates;
    • Smell– a mixture of citrus and menthol;
    • Active ingredients– Camphor, menthol, mint and orange oil, soybean oil, lanolin, kelp extract;
    • Manufacturer's promises– The cream fights the signs of cellulite, while moisturizing and nourishing the skin;
    • Effect– chill, gradually developing into severe frost;
    • Container volume– 125 ml;
    • Price– 120-150 rubles;
    • Availability for purchase– freely available in large supermarkets and pharmacies;
    • Irecommend rating – 4.1.

    Clean line – body cream “Sculpting silhouette”

    • Texture– light, watery, quickly absorbed;
    • Smell– herbal with an admixture of essential oils;
    • Active ingredients– shea butter, horse chestnut extract, ginseng root, vitamin B5, caffeine, herbal decoction.
    • Manufacturer's promises– Reduces body volume and stretch marks, removes toxins and models the body contour;
    • Effect– cooling, would be better suited for use in summer, for freshness and lightness.
    • Container volume– 200 ml;
    • Price– 120-150 rubles;
    • Availability for purchase– in any supermarkets where these products are presented;
    • Irecommend rating– 4,2.

    Peculiarities! This line of the company "Clean Line", aimed at increasing body elasticity, also contains modeling gel and scrub. Together they can give the maximum achievable effect.

    Vitex – anti-cellulite massage cream “Bath, massage, sauna”

    • Texture– light, grinds into water and is instantly absorbed into the body;
    • Smell– spicy, with active notes of cinnamon, ginger and citrus;
    • Active ingredients– caffeine, seaweed extract, red hot pepper and essential oils;
    • Manufacturer's promises– improves blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin, drainage and removal of excess water from the body;
    • Effect– warming in the first few minutes and toasting in the remaining minutes. It warms up powerfully, leaving behind red marks on the skin.
    • Container volume– 200 ml;
    • Price– 160-200 rubles;
    • Availability for purchase– shops with Belarusian cosmetics, large hypermarkets and chain stores household chemicals;
    • Irecommend rating– 4,6.

    Anti-cellulite product – Clarins Total Body Lift Stubborn Cellulite Control

    • Texture– light, creamy-gel, with a characteristic transformation into water;
    • Smell– light, unobtrusively minty;
    • Active ingredients– menthol, caffeine, coconut oil.
    • Manufacturer's promises– raise your self-esteem, get rid of hated bumps and bumps, feel like a real woman;
    • Effect– pleasantly cools, evens out the skin texture, giving it moisture, matte and silky.
    • Container volume– 200 ml;
    • Price– about 3000 rubles;
    • Availability for purchase– in the chain of stores Ile de Beaute, L’Etoile, Rive Gauche;
    • Irecommend rating– 4.0.

    Cora – Anti-cellulite body cream with modeling effect

    • Texture– dense, beige color;
    • Smell– light citrus aroma;
    • Active ingredients- Medical bile, horsetail, fucus, kelp, caffeine, ivy, niacinamide, soybean, corn and hemp oils, citrus essential oils - the rich composition responds to main question all women “Do anti-cellulite creams help?”;
    • Manufacturer's promises– Tightening and smoothing of the skin, removing toxins, excess water and burning fat;
    • Effect– light, warming, suitable for girls with sensitive skin;
    • Container volume– 200 ml;
    • Price– varies in the range of 650-750 rubles;
    • Availability for purchase– in large pharmacies in your city;
    • Irecommend rating– 5.0.

    Eveline slim extreme 3D thermoactive cream-gel

    • Texture– white cream of medium density, spreads well over problem areas;
    • Smell– light, with chemical notes;
    • Active ingredients– warming formula, caffeine and kelp extract;
    • Manufacturer's promises– organizes the process of fat burning, fights even old signs of cellulite, helps to acquire smooth body contours;
    • Effect– warming, even too warm.
    • Container volume– 250 ml;
    • Price– about 200 rubles;
    • Availability for purchase– in large grocery hypermarkets and household chemical stores such as Magnit-Cosmetic;
    • Irecommend rating– 4.2.

    For the best action and deeper penetration of the best anti-cellulite creams into the skin, it is advisable to do the following:

    • Scrub the skin before the procedure;
    • Dry with a soft towel;
    • Apply a thick layer of the product to problem areas;
    • Wrap the skin in cling film or wear special reusable wrap pants;
    • Put on warm pants and a jacket or wrap yourself in a blanket;
    • Wait on average about 20-30 minutes, then rinse off the product with water or leave to absorb.

    Do not under any circumstances engage in sports during the wrap! Anti-cellulite cream removes excess water from the body. If you also exercise, moisture from the body will evaporate at double the rate, which will lead to dehydration.

    Which anti-cellulite cream is best?

    After analyzing the options received, you can safely make a choice which good cream against cellulite will be just for you. Price preferences, skin type, time of year will help you quickly make a choice and bring your figure to perfection.

    Act on all fronts! Video of anti-cellulite massage with a brush for WOW results

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