• Plasticine painting from a syringe. Flower meadow made of plasticine flagella Application made of plasticine flagella


    there are a LOT of photos under the cut

    If there is plasticine in the house, this is a great opportunity to engage children in new and interesting crafts, have a fun time in the company of your child. Plasticine has a wide range of colors, which allows you to create colorful crafts and applications. It is easy to mold and does not stick to your hands.
    Today we will learn how to draw on cardboard with plasticine flagella and create entire pictures.

    For work we will need colored cardboard and plasticine, from which we will make real paintings.

    To make a sun, take yellow plasticine and roll two long flagella. We fold the first flagellum on the cardboard to form a circle. With the second we frame the circle in a circle making rays.

    We sculpt a chamomile from white and yellow plasticine. We also roll out the flagella and fold them in the shape of a chamomile, the core is yellow and the petals are white.

    For cornflowers, make the center dark blue or purple, and the petals from flagella, middle length, blue color.

    By laying out plasticine flagella and creating various patterns, you get a lot of different and beautiful flowers. At the end we sculpt a stem with leaves.

    Bullfinch on a spruce tree made of plasticine flagella.

    Let's not limit ourselves only summer crafts, and let’s make a winter picture from plasticine.

    As in the first case, let's select colored paper suitable color. Roll out thin flagella from brown plasticine and apply them to a sheet of paper. These will be spruce branches. We make needles for branches from green plasticine. To do this, roll out the plasticine, fold it in half and stick it on.
    We make the bullfinch from two circles made of red and black flagella. Using black plasticine we make the outline of the bird, wing and tail.

    At the end we make snowflakes.

    Plasticineography for children 5-9 years old " Autumn leaves" Master class with step by step photos.

    Ilmir Rakhmatullin, 2nd grade, Zilair correctional boarding school for students with disabilities.
    Supervisor: Matveeva Lyubov Viktorovna, teacher primary classes.
    Purpose: the master class will be useful for educators preschool institutions, teachers of correctional boarding schools, primary school teachers, as well as teachers additional education.
    Target: learn how to make a plasticine applique from flagella “Autumn Leaves”.
    Educational objectives:
    - introduce the technique of “drawing” with plasticine flagella;
    - consolidate skills in working with plasticine;
    - expand knowledge about the properties of plasticine;
    Correctional and developmental tasks:
    - correction and development of thinking, by analyzing the object according to the teacher’s questions;
    - correction and development of fine motor skills of the hands: improvement of coordination of hand movements, development of differentiation of finger movements, regulation of muscle effort.
    Educational tasks:
    - promote education artistic and aesthetic taste;
    - education of accuracy, the ability to complete the work started.
    Materials and tools: plasticine, plasticine board, cardboard, glue.
    Progress of the lesson
    - Listen to the poem.
    Leaf fall. Ivan Bunin

    The forest is like a painted tower,
    Lilac, gold, crimson,
    A cheerful, motley wall
    Standing above a bright clearing.

    Birch trees with yellow carving

    Glisten in the blue azure,
    Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
    And between the maples they turn blue
    Here and there through the foliage
    Clearances in the sky, like a window.
    The forest smells of oak and pine,
    Over the summer it dried out from the sun,
    And Autumn is a quiet widow
    Enters his motley mansion...

    What time of year is the poem talking about?
    - How did the poem make you feel?
    - Choose a picture that matches this poem.

    - Explain your choice.
    - What is leaf fall?
    - What colors do the leaves turn in autumn?
    - Now let's play. The game is called “Guess which tree the leaf came from?”
    - Today we will learn how to make an “Autumn Leaves” applique from plasticine flagella.
    - What leaves are shown in the coloring book?

    - What color is it in autumn? Maple Leaf?
    - And the oak one?
    - Let's prepare our fingers for work.
    Finger gymnastics"Leaf Fall"(bend the fingers on the hands, starting with the little finger)
    Here's an aspen leaf flying
    And behind it is a rowan leaf.
    The wind blows the maple leaf,
    Raises an oak leaf,
    The birch leaf is spinning.
    Be careful, puddle (they shake a finger!)
    Spun around (raise hands, make rotational movements, lower down)
    He sank straight into a puddle (hands on knees).
    Practical work.
    - Now let's start work.
    - Let's take the coloring book. Cut out the leaves. Glue to cardboard white(glossy cardboard).

    - What properties of plasticine do you know about?

    - Roll a flagellum from plasticine yellow color.

    - Next, we lay out the plasticine flagellum along the contour of the maple leaf.

    - Fill the entire sheet with plasticine flagella.

    - Now let's roll the flagella Brown, and lay it out along the contour of the oak leaf.
    - We fill the entire oak leaf with flagella. We mixed brown and yellow plasticine to give the leaf a natural look.

    - We make veins in the leaves.

    - These are the “Autumn Leaves” we got.

    From plasticine you can create not only three-dimensional figures all kinds of objects: animals, birds, fish, objects or toys, but also paintings of varying complexity. In other words, you can draw with plasticine, just like with felt-tip pens or pencils. The most feasible way is to simply take pieces of plasticine desired color, knead in your hands, then fill the black and white drawing with a thin layer of material. But there is another method - creating images from flagella. By them we mean thin plasticine threads.

    Thin filament flagella can be created by gently pulling out the soft mass with your fingers. But there is another way, which we will discuss in this article. So, to master an interesting technique, let’s make flagella in two shades and draw a simple floral design.

    1. To create flagella using the method below, you only need soft plasticine, otherwise the process will fail. Choose the right shades to paint a flowering plant, such as green and pink.

    2. You will also need a syringe. It can be used as usual or the narrow tip can be cut off to make it easier to work with plasticine.

    3. Warm and knead some plasticine in your hands.

    4. Pull the plunger out of the syringe, place the plasticine inside, then reinsert the plunger.

    5. Pressing on the syringe, begin to squeeze the plasticine out of the narrow hole. This is how thin threads are formed.

    6. Do the same with plasticine of a different color.

    7. Squeeze out the amount of plasticine required to create the picture. Flagella for plasticine printing are ready.

    8. Use cardboard as the base of the card. Stick green stripes on the canvas in the form of plant branches.

    9. Form the flowers in the form of rounded spirals twisted from pink segments.

    10. Create required amount details.

    11. Stick flowers on the card. The plasticine drawing of flagella is ready.

    The final look of the craft.

    So interesting and unusual way Your child will definitely enjoy drawing. This method can be used to decorate or draw patterns, and most importantly, it is a great way to have fun.

    Presence children's creativity in your child’s life is irreplaceable and necessary for his full development. Creative activities help develop imagination fine motor skills hands, promote perseverance, give the child the opportunity to learn differently the world. One of the variations of children's creativity is plasticine painting from a syringe, which is actively used in kindergartens and clubs.

    The method of drawing with plasticine appeared relatively recently, but immediately gained its popularity not only among children, but also adults. It is believed that this type of drawing was invented by the Englishman James May, thanks to whom the popular flower exhibition made of plasticine in Great Britain was created. A little later, an artist from Canada, Barbara Reid, used the plasticine drawing technique to illustrate a children's story.

    Drawing with plasticine is primarily an art form that combines the genres of three-dimensional images and flat painting. Plasticine is a material used for modeling, which includes clay, wax, and also adds fats and petroleum jelly, thanks to which the material does not dry out. With its help you can create not only crafts, but real works of art,

    Plasticine, unlike other art materials, has the following features:

    • high plasticity, thanks to which it quickly takes on any shape. It is easy to roll out and place on any surface.
    • is a very viscous material that can stick to surfaces.
    • has a rich range of colors.
    • By heating you can very easily and quickly make it very soft and elastic.

    The main tools when drawing with plasticine are the artist’s hands, however, today there is a wide variety of other auxiliary tools, one of which is often used disposable medical syringes without needles. With their help, you can not only detail and make parts of an object more expressive, but also get a large number of identical subjects of the picture.

    For drawing using this method, plasticines of the brands “Gamma”, “Centrum”, “Faber”, “Jovi” are an excellent choice - they are bright, flexible and of high quality.

    An example of drawing using a syringe is making grass, branches or cobwebs, to make them you need:

    1. roll some of the plasticine into a sausage.
    2. push the rolled material into the syringe.
    3. Excess plasticine must be cut off in a stack.
    4. Close the syringe using the plunger and heat its contents using water or a microwave.
    5. The warm material must be squeezed out onto the work surface using “long threads.” If you need to get “thick lines,” you can use a pastry syringe.

    This method of plasticine painting from a syringe will not leave even the most demanding child indifferent.

    Photo examples of plasticine painting from a syringe

    In addition to this method, there are four more techniques for drawing with plasticine:

    "work on cardboard" is the application of strokes to a surface in order to achieve a texture reminiscent of smooth silk,

    "work on glass"

    using the “pea” and “flagella” techniques

    in this technique, they apply to the surface (cardboard) a small amount of plasticine, leveled with a tool (stack, knife), and the design itself is scratched using a toothpick, needle or stack.

    Thus, plasticine painting is an interesting and exciting process that will help in the development of even the youngest children; the main thing is not to overestimate your child’s abilities, but to provide him with an accessible task.


    Plasticineography (or plasticine painting) is a new interesting technique for working with plasticine to create three-dimensional paintings. It is accessible even to the youngest children, which makes it increasingly popular.

    The benefits of plasticine painting

    The benefit of this activity is that children study shapes, properties of objects, develop finger movements, which helps the development of speech.

    When studying objects, children develop their powers of observation and imagination; modeling helps them create and fantasize.

    During the classes, coordination of movements, consistency in the actions of the eyes and hands are developed, and children learn to work with tools.

    The technique of this creativity is simple and accessible to everyone; everything you need can be easily purchased in the store, so it is not difficult to organize classes at home.

    Teachers advise doing this original creativity Together with your child, your passion will certainly be passed on to the children and you can get great benefits from this activity. This is not only the development of children’s imagination and creativity, but also the expansion of their knowledge about nature, the development mental abilities, attention, memory, hand motor skills. This creativity will help prepare the child for school and diversify family leisure time.

    Classes can begin with two - three years , be sure to pay attention to the characteristics of age and acquired skills, so that the child does not lose interest due to difficult tasks.

    I invite you to the full video online lesson(45 minutes) based on plasticine painting "Postcard with a baby penguin". For children over 5 years old, with mother 3+.

    Goals and objectives of plasticineography

    The purpose of plasticineography is to develop the creative and artistic abilities of children.

    Tasks at a younger age (4-5 years old)

    The peculiarity of four- and five-year-old children is that they actively strive for independence. In addition, imagination and fantasy develop at this age.

    • get interested in creativity, develop artistic skills;
    • introduce a new activity - plasticine painting;
    • obtaining knowledge about the properties of plasticine and other means of representation, using this knowledge in practice;
    • development of a sense of form, color, composition;
    • fine motor skills training, preparation for writing;
    • instilling patience, diligence, activity, and aesthetic taste in preschoolers.

    Children aged 2 - 3 years can start practicing, but they need to use the simplest techniques (no more than two). By the age of 4 - 5, you can move on to more complex techniques, use flagella, spirals, additional elements decor; children learn to respect the boundaries of the drawing.

    Download modeling templates

    Tasks for older adults (6-7 years old)

    The age of six to seven years is transitional to primary school, internal restructuring occurs; seven years of age is often crisis period in child development.

    The peculiarity of children six to seven years old is that at this age the main thing remains visually - creative thinking, sensitivity during this period is increased, more different colors and details appear in the works.

    The tasks of plasticine painting at this stage are as follows:

    • studying new species - landscapes, images of animals and people, fantasy works;
    • development of initiative and creativity;
    • gaining skills in using various available tools;
    • development of the ability to combine and combine different colors;
    • learning new methods - bas-relief and tiles, working with a syringe, “finishing” - making frames, albums, etc.

    The process of creating a plasticine drawing is as follows:

    1. you need to choose the picture that we will depict, the colors for the background and images;
    2. then transfer the drawing onto the base with a marker;
    3. perform work in plasticine;
    4. formalize the result of the work - make a frame, varnish it, place it in an album.

    Advantages of plasticine painting:

    • easy-to-use equipment;
    • relieves muscle tension and helps to relax;
    • trains fine motor skills;
    • It's easy to correct errors and make changes.

    It is useful to use artistic expression and gaming methods in classes.

    Topics for work should be familiar to children - these can be objects that they see at home, in the forest, in the park, in books (toys, candies, fruits and vegetables, plants and animals, fairy-tale characters).

    • use soft plasticine or preheat with hot water;
    • It is better to use a dense material as a basis for work, such as cardboard or cardboard covered with a layer of adhesive tape (it is more convenient to apply plasticine on it and remove its excess);
    • cook workplace for creativity - a board or oilcloth, a damp napkin;
    • Before starting work, apply the contours of the image to the base, under the film;
    • after classes, first wipe your hands with a napkin, and only then wash them with soap;
    • take breaks from work, stretch your arms and fingers;
    • cover the finished drawing clear varnish or hairspray so that you can store it for a long time.
    The softest plasticine from Jovi and Luch Krokha.

    Materials for plasticine printing:

    • plasticine (preferably wax, it is easier to work with and brighter);
    • base (cardboard, plastic, glass);
    • technical means (stacks - special plastic knives; sticks, toothpicks, etc.);
    • decorative elements(beads, buttons, beads, threads, scraps of fabric, grain, sequins, natural materials- acorns, leaves, cones, branches, shells, shells, nuts, seeds, small pebbles, grains, etc.);
    • medical or confectionery syringe;
    • wet wipe wipe hands;
    • board for rolling out sausages and balls.

    You can buy a special set for creativity with plasticine in the store.

    Video - lesson on modeling

    Making a New Year's penguin http://artplastilin.ru/intro/

    A lot of creative ideas on my Instagram page, join me!! https://www.instagram.com/artwithbaby/

    Techniques and methods of plasticineography

    Drawing with strokes

    The technique involves smearing small pieces of plasticine with your finger.

    It is most convenient to use your index finger; strokes can be made different lengths, depending on what needs to be depicted - long details (tree trunk, wave, blade of grass) or short ones (flower petal, sun rays, leaves).

    You can use this technique - smear it alternately with different fingers of both hands, this is useful for both fingers and brain activity.

    Drawing with plasticine balls

    Roll small plasticine balls on a board and press onto the base. Using this technique, you can create three-dimensional details or fill the contours of a picture with them.

    Flattening the base of the rolled balls

    Roll into small balls, then flatten them one by one onto the base. You can use them as separate elements, together with others, or you can fill the entire surface with them.

    Smearing on a large surface

    The technique is the same as for small pieces, only large areas are covered with plasticine. You can combine different colors, mix them, vary the thickness of the layer.

    Scratching patterns on a layer or parts made of plasticine

    Apply various patterns to the surface filled with a layer of plasticine or individual parts using the scratching method. This can be done using different tools - sticks, toothpicks, pen caps, etc. Spiral patterns look original and add volume.

    Rolling plasticine sausages

    Children love this technique very much. You need to roll a small piece of plasticine into a sausage and press it onto the base. From these sausages you can make: ornaments, snowflakes, twist them into a spiral, twist two or three sausages of different colors together. There are many variations in the use of this technique.

    Squeezing plasticine out of a syringe

    If you need a lot of identical, even sausages in the design, it is more convenient to make them using a syringe (or garlic press). You will need a syringe with a cut off sharp tip and a container of hot water. Place the plasticine in the syringe, immerse it in water for one minute and gradually squeeze the plasticine out of the syringe onto the base. Wait for the material to cool slightly and harden. Next, you can give the sausages the desired shape.

    The combination of various techniques looks original - volumetric appliqué and a background made by smearing.

    Types of plasticine painting.

    • Straight. This is a traditional type of plasticine painting in which a design is applied to a horizontal surface. Young children can master this technique.
    • Reverse (stained glass). It is performed on the reverse side of a transparent surface - glass, plastic or plexiglass. The image is first drawn with a marker, then the main design is applied with plasticine.
    • Modular. In this type of creativity, the design is applied with balls, sausages, flatbreads and other elements. This type is the most difficult; you need the ability to use all the techniques of drawing with plasticine.
    • Mosaic. In this technique, the design is made from balls. The technique is simple, you just need to pick it up matching colors and fill the contours inside the picture with rolled balls.
    • Contour. The drawing consists of the contours of objects made in the form of thin sausages or flagella.
    • Multilayer. In this technique, layers of plasticine are applied sequentially. She best depicts landscapes (sky, sea, forest, mountains), with layers superimposed on one another. This complex technology Suitable for older preschoolers.
    • Textured. In this image, the pattern is convex, divided into three types - bas-relief (slightly convex image above the background), high relief (strongly convex image above the background) and counter-relief (concave or recessed pattern).

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