• Pickup lessons for guys: rating of free online lessons for beginners. Female pickup and basic rules for seducing men


    All girls, like boys, are divided into predators (hunters) and their victims. The main thing for a hunter is to get his prey, they collect them as rewards and show them off to their friends. There is a stereotype that only men are hunters, but girls also want to be hunters, not victims - ten tips for hunting men.

    1. The very first and most important rule is love yourself, remember you are the most beautiful and sexy girl and be yourself, a simple girl. If you love yourself, then those around you will love you too. But if they tell you that something doesn’t suit you, listen.

    2. Any girl, woman is most beautiful without makeup, when she looks natural, always use a minimum of makeup, you should make your eyes (with a pencil or eyeliner) expressive, your lips (with gloss) plump, your eyelashes long. The eyes are the first thing that catches a guy’s eye, you must seduce him at first sight, moreover, it will be a distraction from some flaws, rashes, etc.

    3. Always smile. Look your interlocutor in the eye, listen carefully, raise your eyebrow coquettishly. Be flirty, the MAIN THING is NOT TO OVERDO IT, and DON’T SCARY AWAY!!!

    4. Emphasize your strengths: long legs, big bust, beautiful hair!

    5. Expand your range of skills and talents. Learn to: sing, dance (whatever will amaze a guy, belly dancing, strip dancing, you can also break or hip-hop), draw, cook well, play billiards, etc.

    6. Share the guy’s interests, take an interest in football and other sports, computers (if he is interested). Guys rarely see such girls and are more interested in them. So he will be interested in you, you will have something to talk about.

    7. DON'T FALL IN LOVE!!! And even if you have already fallen in love, do not give yourself away, otherwise you will easily become a victim.

    8. Don’t say the first words:
    "I love you!"
    "I like you!"
    So you admit your defeat in this hunt, it turns out that you fell in love with him, and not he with you. You can say "I like you!" unobtrusively, like a friend, and only when you see that he also really likes you, but he is shy.

    9. Don’t run after a guy and don’t give him any reason to think so. Don't be intrusive, let him miss you!

    10. Don’t be afraid to take the first steps, be the first to come up to meet him - guys are pleased with this, be the first to ask how he’s signed up social network or what his phone number is, start hugging or kissing him on the cheek when they meet and say that this is friendly. The main thing is not to rush and pretend as if this is in the order of things.

    With these rules, there is a certain female pickup truck diagram:
    1. Get to know each other! Or provoke a guy to get acquainted.
    2. Seduce (Like)!
    3. Fall in love with yourself!

    And like any predator after victory, do whatever you want with the victim, either leave and look for the next one, or stay with this guy and date as long as you like. Only if you’ve already decided to break up, don’t give up, but make the breakup comfortable, in case you need him again.

    But still, the main rule of a woman remains the rule that if you really love him, and he loves you (which is the most important thing), stay with him and don’t miss out on your happiness!!!

    Information on the topic

    The skill of seduction is called buzzword pickup, from the English “pick up”. The fashion for the pickup truck itself is unchanged, although the methods used by pickup artists, in most cases, do not work. Pick-up artists try NLP, emotional bindings, kinesthetics, reporting, reframing, non-verbals, patterns and other tricks. But all this is nonsense. Such techniques only work on young girls, who would give it even if you didn’t use all the tricks and tricks of pick-up artists. What is the difference between a real modern pickup truck and youthful maximalism and suffering from the absence female attention? Features an adult pickup truck that actually works.

    1. Girls are part of your journey.

    Trying to surprise and satisfy all women's desires can only be good guys. This does not work. Pick-up artists try to play on emotions, which also doesn’t work out well. Girls with an IQ higher than a beer cap don't fall for such cheap tricks.

    There is no point in a man running after girls, hoping for their attention and interest. Frantic attempts to get acquainted or to be nice are useless. A professional hunter does not chase prey, but lures it. May you feel good and have fun. This is the first and main step. The girls will come on their own in the second step.

    A modern pickup is not about methods of communicating with the fair sex, but about your way of life. A girl is not a dream in life, but a companion on the way to it. Rich and interesting life men attract girls more than any cheap pick-up tricks. Clear goals, ambitions, plans, freedom, passion and the destruction of limits. Beautiful and incredible girls will find themselves as companions, running away from other frustrated losers.

    2. You are a shark in the world of women

    How comfortable are you when communicating with girls? Many men feel uncomfortable around women. They are afraid of saying the wrong thing or taking the wrong step. They are worried, sweating, nervous. They had already lost without even coming into contact with a female opponent.

    Modern pickup means stopping putting yourself down. You are a shark in the world of women. They should be nervous, not you. These are the fish that you can easily feast on and go in search of new prey. Feel cool. When you see a decent girl, you know she's in for a fun and cool man. She is waiting for you.

    3. There is no need to prove anything

    You don't have to prove anything to anyone. You don't need to brag to your friends about your victories on the love front. You don't have to prove to women how good you are. Your reputation and opinion of yourself should not depend on others. This is a modern pickup truck.

    Freedom from opinions and self-confidence gives success to women. A man has no need to show off in front of a girl, run after her, try to be good, give gifts and assure her of honest intentions. To whom and what can this prove?

    You don't have to prove anything to anyone. You are good enough without any proof or games.

    4. Modern pickup strategy

    Smile more. The flash of a smile is very attractive. Girls avoid sad and despondent men.

    Modern pickup implies the ability to flirt and joke. Be open and unattainable at the same time.

    When meeting people, it is important to keep eye contact. Not creepy, but playful and humorous.

    The hussar's pressure often scares away girls. The method of spending good time together works much better. Girls love fun, adventure and excitement.

    If nothing worked out with the girl, it means you didn't take the first step in right time. Confident men take initiative and leadership. She won't take off her panties herself.

    The rules of the pickup truck are that it doesn't exist and it doesn't talk about it. Just like in the movie "Fight Club". There is a lot of talk and discussion about the pickup truck by those who sex life doesn't shine. Modern pickup strategy implies the absence of cheap tricks and fuss in front of girls. Pickup is not an attempt to rent, but a life without rules and restrictions on one’s desires. A modern pickup truck is the ability to live and move towards your goals. The girls themselves will offer themselves as companions and hang themselves around their necks. All you have to do is choose...

    Pickup artist seduction templates

    Pick-up artists have two main techniques for picking up girls.

    The first - fast - in the pickup artist environment is considered special chic. This is a girl's scam for sex immediately after meeting, literally in a couple of hours.

    An inexperienced girl can be deceived when someone comes to her public place a pickup artist rolls up and behaves unusually, speaking differently than the other guys. Original? Not at all. He didn’t come up with it, but the founders of the pickup truck. To start dating, the pick-up artist learns a lot of templates on different cases life. This is an “opener” - a template for starting an acquaintance, a template, and the pick-up artist, like a parrot, reproduces these words.

    The second method is the so-called “three date”. At the same time, the main goal is to make the girl fall in love with you, and the motto is “not to consider her as something significant to you.”

    The first day. On the street, in a club, in any public place, a guy comes up to you and voices some unusual phrase. Moreover, this may be complete nonsense. Or an ordinary phrase in which the words are rearranged, like the hero’s speech “ Star Wars"Master Yoda. Yoda said something like this: Dark side strength has taken over you, young Padawan.” And the pick-up artist can say: “Would you like to leave the stuffy hall? fresh air Will you go out and breathe?” This is one of the classic NLP techniques for putting the interlocutor into a state of trance: while the girl is trying to comprehend an unusual phrase, her consciousness is fixed only on this process. She doesn't perceive anything else - she's in a trance. And in this state, the pick-up artist has the opportunity to use his standard techniques: touching the girl (this is called “kinesthete”), forming conditioned reflexes(“anchor”), reduce physical space to a minimum and, in general, allow yourself what is good well-mannered man never allows himself to be treated unknown girl. In other words, the pick-up artist meanly took advantage of the victim’s helpless state.

    And when the victim comes out of the trance, she is already touched, anchored and pliable. Without wasting a second, the pick-up artist unleashes a stream of verbiage on her. He has tested all this more than once on other naive girls, learned it by heart long ago, and so he bursts into tears like a nightingale. And she, silly, thinks: “How interesting he is, how witty, how fun it is to be with him!”

    But if his strange phrase doesn’t work, if the girl doesn’t want to make contact, or doesn’t fall into a trance, the pick-up artist uses a sneaky technique called “neghit” - these are taunts, insulting attacks, remarks in order to make the girl angry (“drive her off her feet”). her arrogance"). Sometimes other, long-established pick-up techniques are used.

    The main goal of the first meeting is to get the girl’s phone number. Having written down the number, the pick-up artist leaves in English, without saying goodbye, leaving the confused girl in confusion: it seems that he was so actively seeking her phone number, she thought that the guy was courting her, but he disappeared. The girl hopes that her new acquaintance will call her the next day, but that’s not the case! Pick-up tactics have already been worked out, the web has been woven. The spider waits. He pauses for several days or even a week, during which time “the girl has matured.” And when he finally calls her, she is incredibly happy. According to the well-established “three-date” scenario, the pick-up artist, without further ado, imperatively makes an appointment at a certain place and, without listening to the interlocutor, hangs up. The girl is already hooked, and, of course, she will come on a date.

    On this date, the pickup artist will spread his peacock tail and appear almost like Prince Charming. Shamelessly using NLP techniques, he carries out the so-called “tuning”. In other words, he adapts to the girl in everything, creating in her the belief “It’s so good with him, it feels like we’ve known each other for a hundred years, we have so much in common.” She is already fascinated by her new acquaintance, she is convinced that she has found her Man, who “understands her literally perfectly” and with whom she is emotionally comfortable. In fact, the pick-up artist used the so-called rapport - he created the mood he needed in the girl. The pick-up artist’s task on the second date is to give the girl the impression that she has “found a soul mate.”

    On the third date, the pick-up artist performs the so-called “roof-blow.” For example, he takes her to an unusual place - to a cemetery, to a dilapidated house in a vacant lot, to a subway tunnel - or creates an acute situation so that she experiences emotional shock. And strong emotions create the basis for falling in love. So the girl falls head over heels in love, especially if already on the second date she admitted to herself that she had met the Man of Her Dreams. Well, of course, a girl deeply in love is an easy prey.

    You see that a “three date” takes a certain amount of time—a week or more. And give the impatient pick-up artist everything at once. Some have already become so lazy that they don’t bother with the classic “three-date”, using the most accelerated techniques to pick up girls.

    When talking about “long-term” relationships, pick-up artists, as a rule, are disingenuous. Just like an old bachelor, defending his selfishness and inability to accept responsibilities for his family, invents fairy tales about “ the ideal woman”, which he has been looking for all his adult life, just like pickup artists come up with all sorts of excuses. The leitmotif of their behavior: “Forging new relationships is much more interesting and easier than constantly patching up existing ones.” With this attitude, pick-up artists cross out the possibility of building long-term relationships. “Why bother?” - says the pick-up artist. - “There are many girls, but I am alone.”

    Reply to pick-up artists

    There are a lot of pick-up artists these days. The harmfulness of this category of males lies not only in the fact that they slept together and fled (albeit not immediately), but also in the fact that they cripple the tender souls of girls.

    It would be nice if the pickup artist “took it off” an adult woman, - she, perhaps, herself is not against it. But they prefer “fresh meat”! And then the girls they abandoned suffer, acquire complexes, and self-esteem decreases. It is possible that the situation will repeat itself again - the naive girl will again fall for the pick-up artist’s tricks (not realizing that she has become a victim of the proven tactics of a sex consumer). And then she will decide that she is not able to give anything except sex - with all the ensuing consequences.

    This is how a pick-up artist can ruin her life by walking through a girl’s tender soul.

    Therefore, we girls need to keep our ears open, always remembering that thousands of pseudo-Don Juans hungry for one-time sex are prowling in places where potential victims gather. And, knowing this, develop defensive tactics.

    Firstly, the girl must thoroughly study pick-up tricks. I wrote about this in detail in four previous articles.

    Secondly, remember that clever woman will always outsmart even smart man. And, accordingly, use an arsenal of feminine tricks to counteract the pickup.

    I was 19 years old at the time, and my mother was treating a patient, let’s call her Natalya, who had fallen into the web of a seasoned pick-up artist. Igor is already well over thirty, but he still won’t calm down! He “picked” Natalia, fucked her, made her fall in love with him, and later shamelessly used her. He constantly borrowed money without paying it back (putting into practice one of the basic pick-up principles “Don’t spend more money on a woman than she spends on you”) and used her as a housekeeper. And he continued to pick up, “picking off” young girls and ignoring Natalya as a woman. Desperate, Natalya came to her mother and was treated for depression. When she regained her sight and recovered, she wanted to take revenge on the man on whom she had ruined three years of her life. Natalya asked me to help. “Let him fall in love with you, and you leave him,” Natalya admonished me. I am for women's solidarity, so I agreed.

    It turned out that Igor is a multi-shot operator: he took pictures of girls wherever he could. I also used dating sites. I registered on this site under a fictitious name, but with my photo, and wrote to him. Igor immediately responded, made a date with me that same day and arrived in a brand new Mazda (by the way, bought with Natalya’s money - gigoloism is flourishing in pickup artistry). I admit, he impressed me at first! Back then I didn’t know anything about pickup and didn’t suspect that Igor was an experienced pickup artist. Igor tested all the techniques that I described in previous articles on me. It’s clear that my plans did not include sex with a man who was old enough to be my father, but he unusual behavior intriguing. But at some point I intuitively sensed the falseness. Igor was too sweet-voiced a nightingale. According to him, as soon as he saw me, he fell recklessly in love, etc. and so on. But I knew Natalia’s story! We met a few more times, but the “three-date” method didn’t work. And Igor continued the attack, creatively using pick-up techniques. Realizing that you couldn’t take me at once, he changed tactics. Igor even neglected the principles of pick-up artist: he took me to restaurants, bowling, always came on dates with a bouquet, tried to give me gifts. I saw that he was really interested - this probably never happened in his pick-up practice. I don’t know, maybe I wouldn’t have resisted, but I remembered Natalya’s sad fate. In general, for Igor I turned out to be a tough nut to crack, which he could not crack. I disappeared from his field of vision the same way pickup artists usually disappear. For several months, Igor regularly called me (unanswered) and wrote tender SMS (also unanswered). Just as pick-up artists leave a girl after sex (one-time or multiple, it doesn’t matter) in bewilderment - why he left, because everything was so good - I did the same with Igor. Indeed, in his understanding, our relationship developed progressively. But he never managed to get me into bed, and in general he completely broke down.

    So, how to protect yourself from a pick-up artist?

    At the beginning of dating, a guy’s unusual “approaches” should alert you. The average young man does not shine with eloquence and does not amaze with his imagination when meeting a girl, because he is worried - what if they reject him or answer in such a way that it will be a blow to his pride?! There are, of course, among the male half both eloquent and inventors with in non-standard ways acquaintances who are not pick-up artists, but it won’t hurt your potential romance at all if, while listening to his speeches and mentally stating how interesting, cool, witty he is, you keep your ears on the top of your head. Remember that a normal guy (not a pick-up artist) will not go around groping a girl an hour after meeting her: after all, you might even get hit in the face! If a guy likes a girl and he seriously intends to hit on her, he will be careful not to make any sudden movements so as not to scare her away or destroy the relationship that has just begun. Keeping your distance (in all respects) will only strengthen your potential suitor's intentions to court you. After all, easy prey is not valued by men!

    Never let a guy you just met touch you, no matter how plausible an excuse he may use to disguise his intention. Thus, you do not allow him to “kinestheticize” (kinesthetics - touch is one of the most effective techniques used in pickup) and “anchor” you (that is, form the conditioned reflexes he needs in you). Thus, you immediately deprive the pickup artist of his main weapon.

    Don't give a stranger the opportunity to close the distance between you. It is known that to feel safe, a person needs a certain personal space. In ordinary cases, the boundaries of personal space are as follows: in front - a distance of a human height, in the back - two human heights, on the sides - a distance no less than the width of a palm. This has developed since ancient times, when a person was in danger from everywhere, and he had to be ready to either attack or run away. The enemy behind is more dangerous than the enemy in front, so the distance must be greater. But no one would allow the enemy to approach him so that he would be on the side. The person turned to face the dangerous object, trying to maintain a safe distance. If he allowed someone to approach him from the side, then this was no longer an enemy, but his own. That's why the lateral distance is so small. Only lovers completely ignore distance. They just need tactile contact- constant and as close as possible. Other people, being in friendly, friendly or close relationships, in ordinary life keep their distance. Even spouses and lovers, holding hands or walking arm in arm, do not rub their bodies against each other, but keep a distance of at least the width of a palm. But you and this unfamiliar guy are not lovers, not spouses, and not a couple in love! Why on earth does he allow himself to deprive you of a safe distance?! If a young man does this, you should be wary and move away. And even more so, you shouldn’t let a guy grope you! Even if you met in a nightclub, being drunk, or dancing, still don’t forget that you shouldn’t let your new acquaintance get away with it! I'm not a prude at all. I am an NLP specialist, and pickup art is based specifically on NLP.

    Some experienced pick-up artists use sophisticated, time-tested methods. For example, a young man comes up to you, hands you a candy in a beautiful wrapper or a flower and says with a smile: “This is for you, as the most beautiful girl in this neighborhood.” The further behavior of a girl who is not familiar with a pickup truck is quite predictable: she will smile, start a conversation, and so on. Or an unfamiliar guy with a wide smile tells you, as if you have known each other for a hundred years: “You look great, beauty, give me five!” and extends his hand. An inexperienced girl will most likely extend her hand too. So much for kinesthetics. And then the pickup truck will carry out a cavalry charge.

    And even more so, you should be wary when a guy you barely know tells dirty jokes or stories with sexual overtones. No decent young man would allow himself to do this in the presence of a girl he barely knows—only pick-up artists use such banal techniques.

    Remember that men love to talk about themselves. They don't really like women's chatter, but usually the man is forced to listen to it. But at the first opportunity he will turn the arrows on himself. And the pick-up artist will constantly turn the arrows on you, trying to find out as much as possible (he will use this information in the future).

    If you very quickly get the impression that you and your new acquaintance are... soul mates, remember that this is a classic pickup technique called “adjustment”. In addition, the pickup artist says WHAT you WANT to hear. He already found out what exactly you want during the blitz survey.

    If the guy who approached you seems cool in all respects (witty, cheerful, erudite, etc., etc.), this is also a reason to take a closer look at him. Yes, of course, there are naturally smart, witty guys, but they don’t need to “pick up” girls in nightclubs, on the street or anywhere. Such guys, as a rule, already have a girlfriend, and even if he is temporarily single, he will not look for a companion in a club or on the street.

    The guy’s viciousness is almost 90 percent evidence that he is a pick-up artist. Of course, a low-income young man who really has no money for beautiful courtship. But if he is no longer a student, if he is decently dressed and at the same time is stingy even on little things, run away from him in any case - even if he is not a pick-up artist, there is little joy in contacting a stingy guy. By the way, from the point of view of psychology, a stingy person is stingy with his feelings.

    And of course, you should defend yourself when a guy, just two or three hours after meeting you, offers to go somewhere with him, even if this place does not seem to cause concern, for example, to Red Square, to an exhibition, to the museum... Know: no matter where he invites you, you will still end up either in his apartment, or in his friend’s apartment, or in any other place where he will quickly do what he started all this for.

    If a guy showed you at least a few of the above techniques, rest assured: this is a pickup artist. Keep in mind that your attempts to simply dismiss him will not work. He also has his own trick against this - neghit. With his jokes and sarcastic remarks bordering on rudeness, he can deprive you of your peace of mind and drive you crazy. This is exactly what he needs.

    Use his own tactics against the pick-up artist. Let’s say that for some time you watched with curiosity his “jumps and grimaces” (in any case, this will be useful to you in the future, so that you can easily recognize pick-up artists later). And so he prances around you, and you pretend to fall for his tricks. And suddenly, at the most unexpected moment, with a sweet smile, say something like: “You were taught poorly at the pickup courses, you didn’t learn the main thing: the target should under no circumstances suspect anything”; “Boy, from the very first minutes I realized that you are a home-grown pick-up artist”; “I was interested in watching you, you are such a funny pick-up artist!”; "Russian model of effective seduction?"

    In response to his boorish neghits, do not spare poison. Here are a few options for parrying pick-up jokes: “Be rude, boy! Did they use the neghits?”; "You're not in today in better shape? Bummer after bummer? Poor thing!”; “Boy, you are not the best representative of the pick-up artist tribe”; “Pass by, there’s no free sex on today’s menu”; “Other pickup artists are cool, but why are you so angry? Are you tired of your complexes?”; "Don't you know that" best girl"for the pickup artist - his own right hand?; “And how many girls have you been rude to today to no avail?”; “Real men compliment ladies, but pick-up artists use neghits”; “It’s an age thing, baby! If you get married, it will pass! And so on, in the same spirit - you make it clear that you are familiar with pickup techniques.

    The most important thing, girls: always remember that there are sexually hungry types roaming around who only want one thing from you (well, how can you not remember the instructions that Soviet-era mothers gave to their daughters?) and be fully prepared!

    (Psychologist Maria Lobova)
    (Andrey Kochergin)

    Of course, every woman wants to bask in compliments and not experience a lack of male attention. However, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of an innate gift of seduction. Pick-up - the art of seduction - will help you achieve success with the opposite sex. Previously, only men were interested in secret techniques, but nowadays representatives of the fair sex also want to know how to achieve their goals on the love front.

    What is all this for?

    The female pickup truck pursues its goals. If men, as a rule, want to meet a girl and get her into bed as quickly as possible, then beautiful ladies have different aspirations. So, it is important for women to understand the following:

    The answers to all these questions are contained in the women's pickup truck. The tips below will help you become a true seduction expert.


    What to strive for?

    A female pickup truck implies polishing certain qualities that primarily attract men. Among them are the following:

    Some lucky women are awarded by nature itself with the ability to attract male attention. However, not everyone can use their innate qualities correctly. This is exactly what the female pickup truck teaches. It is important not only to memorize tips on seduction, but also to apply them effectively.

    Secrets of success

    Elena Gamayun. "Women's Pickup"

    In collaboration with Alisa Andreeva, Elena Gamayun released a kind of pickup code. The publication has unprecedented popularity because it contains practical advice, based on ten years of experience studying the field of seduction. “Women's Pickup” is a book that describes proven dating methods, allows you to understand the psychology of men and reveals the secrets of how to attract a worthy chosen one.

    Elena Gamayun reveals ways to achieve success on the first date. Secret number one: a woman doesn’t have time to make an impression. Everything is decided by the first minutes, and sometimes even seconds of acquaintance. Secret two: a lot is determined on the first date. It is at this initial stage that a man decides in what direction the relationship will develop. And if you seem, for example, an approachable person, you shouldn’t count on a serious romance.


    Various life situations will help you understand whether your chosen one is worthy person. One option is a generosity test. This in no way implies thoughtless devastation. But, as a rule, a very greedy person will not simply part with even a hundred rubles. Go to a cafe. When paying a bill, carefully observe how the man handles his money. A scandal over miscounted change or a thorough check of your account should give you pause.

    If something in a man’s behavior worries you, don’t waste your time. Treasure yours and don’t give it to an unreliable person. If it is wasted, irritability, hysteria and tearfulness will not keep you waiting.

    Interference within us

    Elena Gamayun argues that many women have attitudes that program them to be lonely. Her unique development is a female pickup truck, the techniques of which will allow you to remove the installed barriers. So, what prevents us from being happy and loved?

    • “A rich man is probably dishonest. Money is evil! A man with a nice car? Definitely a bandit!” Get rid of such thoughts. Successful businessmen are hardworking, responsible and smart people.
    • “You can’t meet first.” Excessive modesty is a dead end, but do not confuse courage with obsession.
    • "I `m ugly". Love yourself with all your flaws. Believe me, only you notice most of your shortcomings!
    • “Time is running out, I would like to get married quickly.” You should be protected from rash actions by at least the fact that a woman is responsible to her future children for what kind of dad they will have. Put your personal happiness first, not the opinions of others.


    Remember: the main thing in any business is consistency. Work on yourself, you will succeed!

    - Girl, can I meet you?
    - Ham!

    Phrases are prohibited for use by people without a sense of humor! Many of them require a lot of confidence and acting, which is why they are not always suitable for beginning pick-up artists. If you like to show off, then this collection will be a source of inspiration for you. For the rest, the phrase “Hello, I liked you!” will be enough! My name is..., what’s yours?!”

    • Have you ever met an interesting young man near the metro?
    • Didn’t you meet me in Sochi in 2000? No. Why then does it seem to you that we have known each other for a long time?.. And why then do you cast such inviting and passionate glances at me?.. Why then did you pester me without even looking?.. Probably, you want to give phone number?
    • Didn’t you meet me in Sochi in 2000? No? And no wonder - after all, I wasn’t there. Can you tell me where you met me?
    • What is the current exchange rate for the Spanish peseta? What about the Portuguese escudo?
    • Wasn’t it you I talked to on the phone today?
    • By any chance, do you have my book?.. No? Yes, I gave it to someone to read, and to whom... I only remember that someone was very nice!
    • What will you do tonight after we go to the cinema?
    • What do you do for the rest of your life?
    • I already bought Borjomi sausage. So we can have a date right here and now.
    • Be my fair lady, and I will be your knight. Who said that the knights died out? Tap my head. Do you hear? The sound is as if you are knocking on an iron helmet.
    • Your wig suits you perfectly!
    • Your dress looks great on you, but it would look better on my bedroom floor.
    • Does your mother need a son-in-law?.. Well, what to do? Then let's not sign for now, but let's live with it.
    • Your magical eyes drove me crazy, and if we don’t see each other soon, my heart will break.
    • Your documents!
    • See that bright dot in the night sky? This is a comet that is flying right here at 35,000 kilometers per second. According to calculations, she will be here in an hour. So, do you want to have sex?
    • I may not be the best here, but I'm the only one who talks to you.
    • That's you I was looking for!
    • Can you tell me the time?.. How about free time?
    • Are you Natasha, my contact?
    • You arrested me with your beauty, and I would be happy to serve my life sentence in the captivity of your heart.
    • It’s your fault—you’re to blame!..?.. For the fact that you have such a bewitching look, which on a moderately well-fed single man in the prime of his life has a stronger effect than a weapon of mass destruction.
    • Do you speak Russian?
    • You get lost! I can help you?
    • You know, it's terribly nice to see at least one girl who walks slowly. Nowadays, everyone runs like that... In our city it will soon be like in the ancient tribes: if you catch up, that means you got married, if you don’t catch up, it’s your own fault. Do you know this custom?
    • Do you know what's great about a frying pan? Because it can hit someone on the head who is very tired of it, and since you don’t have this valuable utensils now, I decided to find out your name and ask for your phone number.
    • Do you know how this street (square, station, carriage) differs from all others?.. Because you and I met exactly on it.
    • Do you know what love at first sight is, or should I go through it again?
    • What fairy tale are you from?
    • Have you ever been to Paris? What about Tahiti? Want to visit? I’m going to go in ten years, I can take you with me.
    • You are as beautiful as a star! Only the stars are beautiful at night, and you are beautiful during the day.
    • Can you give me a hint?
    • I liked you so much that I’ve been following you for three stops already. Do you mind if we sit down and rest for a while?
    • Do you play drums?.. Me too! Look how much we have in common, let's get to know each other.
    • Do you look at everyone like that, or only at those you like?
    • You remind me of mine cousin. I also really want to fuck her, but I understand that this cannot be done.
    • You remind me of my late girlfriend.
    • Aren't you afraid that someone will meet you like this?
    • Did you happen to see my white horse running here five minutes ago?
    • Do you mind if I hide from scorching sun in the shadow of your slender figure?
    • You don't know how best to spend my salary?
    • Could you please wake me up tomorrow morning by calling cellular telephone, otherwise I'm afraid to oversleep.
    • Are you in a hurry? I really want to treat you to ice cream!
    • You are not mistaken - I am coming straight to you.
    • Will you take me to the other side?
    • Can you tell me what year it is?
    • Can you tell me why planes fly but don’t flap their wings?
    • Can you tell me which side the cigarette is lit on?
    • Can you tell me the recipe for cactus jam?
    • Would you invite me to a restaurant?
    • You understand, I have such problems... As soon as I see a girl, I immediately want to hug her, press her to my chest, kiss her body, and then make love to her all night. I just want it unbearably. And I can’t do anything about it... Maybe you can offer me something?
    • You are simply lovely! I can’t pass by and not give you this compliment, and there’s simply not enough time physically to get to know each other, since I’m very late. Maybe you can give me your phone number? I’ll call you and we’ll get to know each other according to all the rules.
    • Would you exchange your solitude and monotonous existence for romantic walks under the moonlight together and cheerful laughter?
    • You will exchange mine free time in your name and telephone number?
    • Will you exchange my boredom and loneliness for the mischievous sparkle of your eyes?
    • Are you by any chance the Queen of England? You just have a royal gait!
    • You look so intelligent in glasses that I don’t even know if I can interest you.
    • You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.
    • You are so sad... Can I take away your sadness? I need it for experiments.
    • You are so beautiful, do you need a bodyguard?.. I can shoot with both hands and hit a can from 20 steps... From ten meters I hit the eye of a running cockroach... I can shoot down a helicopter with a stool if I throw it correctly... I catch a bullet with my teeth on the fly... I have black belt... in chess. My name is Andrey, which means “courageous”... And what are we all about me and about me... Let's talk about you. What is your name?
    • Do you think you can look at me as a sex object and get away with it?
    • Are you following me?! I've seen you a couple of hundred times already, what do you want from me? I’ve been dreaming about you at night for six months now, but I don’t know what to call you in my dreams! Maybe you will finally tell me your name? Then I will be able to talk to you, even in my sleep!
    • You must be tired... You've been running after me in my sleep all night.
    • You've probably spent half your life trying to look good and attract men... And now, I fell for it!
    • Call an ambulance"! Cupid just shot me.
    • Marry me, otherwise I'll change my mind.
    • Voices from above told me to come and talk to you.
    • The horoscope promised me an acquaintance with a witch. Obviously, it has already happened.
    • Let's not get acquainted, let's pass each other and you won't know that my name is Ruslan, and I won't know what your name is. You will lose me, so kind, cheerful, beautiful, and I will lose the uniquely divine you. And we will not be able to spend minutes, hours together, and the days spent together will seem to us only seconds. Do you agree?
    • Let's play scales! You sit on my face and I will guess your weight.
    • Let's play an interesting game. I’ll tell you my name, you tell me yours, and then we, holding hands, will go eat ice cream in the nearest cafe.
    • Let's bet you $100 that I will invite you to spend the night and you will refuse?
    • Girl, you are very beautiful, and beautiful girls need to be propagated.
    • Good afternoon, I have a completely unconventional question for you. I’m interested in how you would refuse a young man who came up to you and said: “Let’s get to know each other”?
    • It must have hurt... falling from heaven.
    • Friends call me Andrey, but you can call me tomorrow.
    • If God created something more beautiful than you, he kept it for himself.
    • If the stars fell every time I thought of you, the sky would be black, the night would become gloomy.
    • If you cut off your hands, you will become like the Venus de Milo.
    • If you think that I am going to get to know you, then you are mistaken - I also want to invite you on a date!
    • Is it really hot here, or are you that hot?
    • The area here is mined. Come on, I'll show you a workaround!
    • Hello! Tomorrow?.. Like what? Tomorrow we’ll meet here at 8 pm?.. Don’t you want to? OK, so tomorrow at eight in a different place?.. Isn’t that right? So, it’s still here?.. So we agreed!
    • Hello! I'm doing a population census, and I decided to start with you.
    • Hello! I'm lost in life and I'm looking for a beautiful, smart, kind girl like you who will lead me out of this boring, dull world of loneliness.
    • You know, your hair color matches my pillow so well.
    • You know, I look at you and think how my future children will ask: “Dad! Dad! How did you meet mom?” And I will remember this wonderful moment when I saw you.
    • You know, spring has come - it's time to reproduce. Yes, and good for health. Come to me.
    • And what does it feel like to be on your own? beautiful girl in this city?
    • Let's go on a date!
    • Go to your uncle before I soap your ears.
    • Sorry, you may consider me crazy, but I’m afraid that if I don’t hear your voice, I’ll never forgive myself for this. You have touched all my thoughts and I am afraid that I will not be able to get rid of it. The dream will lose all meaning for me, for it will be with great joy replaced by writing sonnets and poems to you. It would be a shame if they were wasted and you couldn't read them. Are you ready to sacrifice the life of a poor poet in love?
    • Sorry, do you like me?.. Don’t answer, my name is Roman. What's your name? Let me call you sometime. Do you have a phone?
    • Sorry, I forgot my phone number. Would you lend me yours?
    • Unfortunately, now I don’t have time to melt your cold gaze, but I can call you in the evening.
    • It seems we are on our way...
    • It seems there was a rainbow today... My wishes are coming true.
    • How do you like it here?
    • What do you think an interesting young man should say to a pretty girl when he meets him on the street, so as not to be rejected?
    • What dish do I cook best? Breakfast in bed.
    • What is your shoe size?.. Well, we met!
    • Cool legs! What time do they open?
    • Cool shoes! Do you want to fuck?
    • When I see a girl like you, I thank God that I am single.
    • When I look at you, my heart skips a beat! Call emergency cardiac care.
    • Touch her blouse and ask, “Is this cotton?” Then touch her in the crotch area and continue: “Oh, that must be felt.”
    • Little Red Riding Hood, I will eat you!
    • Who could be late for such a beautiful girl? For example, I’m already here!
    • Who is she? Why dont know?
    • Where would you go if you wanted to find a new boyfriend?
    • Where are you going? I just decided to approach you, and you are already leaving. Are you in a hurry? Let me accompany you. By the way, my name is Misha, what about you?
    • My name is Andrey, and I have been instructed to convey greetings to you... From whom? From my heart.
    • My name is Andrey, but who are you?
    • I miss two things in my life - hair and you.
    • I've been told that kissing a girl who smokes is like licking an ashtray. What can you say to this?
    • Am I still far from Chukotka? Otherwise I want to visit my grandmother.
    • I feel sorry for those around me. Your beauty makes them a gray mass.
    • I'm interested in how well your content matches your forms.
    • It seems to me that our paths crossed not by chance...
    • It seems to me that you and I are relatives. Let me look at the family mole on my chest.
    • I like your hat!.. I like your watch!.. If you think about it, I like everything about you!.. My name is Ivan. What name are you called, a brilliant example of natural perfection?
    • The gypsy told me that today I will meet a beauty in a red dress. Does this description remind you of anyone?
    • I can swear that it would not hurt you to be accompanied by some currently homeless knight. Luckily for you, I’m just here without a lady... for now.
    • [Many of these initial dating phrases that people with limited imaginations like to use were once improvised by people with imagination when communicating with a stranger. If you want to develop your ability to improvise and act according to the situation, especially in dating and seduction, you can learn this in real conditions at practical pickup trainings at the Dating Academy under the control of special equipment in “hot mode.”]
    • Can I flirt with you?
    • Maybe we can go to my place, close the curtains, undress, go to bed, cover ourselves with a blanket and see what comes of it?
    • Can I say hello to you?
    • Can I kiss you on the lips? I want to overcome my disgust complex!
    • Can I ask you?.. What should I ask you?
    • Can I take your photo?.. I collect Pokemon.
    • Can I walk with you? Otherwise people pester me and ask for documents.
    • Can I take a photo of you near the statue? Then the photo will turn out more alive.
    • Can I take your photo? I want Santa Claus not to make a mistake with a gift for New Year.
    • May I know your name? I want to introduce him with my last name.
    • Can I hold on to you, otherwise your beauty makes my legs give way!
    • Can I celebrate the New Year with you?
    • Milk and chocolate, yin and yang, black and white, day and night, you and me.
    • Has my tie moved to the side? I'm going to important meeting and I want to look perfect.
    • My love for you is like diarrhea - I can’t control it.
    • My dream is an angel's kiss...
    • My request may seem crazy to you, but I just bought lottery ticket and I want you to kiss him and bring me good luck.
    • I don’t know who you are or what your name is, but I want to see you again.
    • Don't answer the call. This is me.
    • Do not deny yourself the pleasure of having a nice chat with a young man who really likes you, while I accompany you to the place where you need to go.
    • Indulge in the pleasure of morning coffee in my company.
    • Can you tell me where the nophelet is?
    • Are there any Germans in the city? What about the Russians?
    • Doesn’t such a beautiful girl like you have a gentleman today?
    • Is it okay that I come to you with such a smart look?
    • Oh my God! I thought I was gay until I met you!
    • I promise that I won’t breathe into the phone at night
    • Oh, what cool perfume do you have, and where can I buy it?
    • The railing is, of course, good, but my courageous hand for support is much more reliable.
    • Shall we talk, or will we continue to wink at each other?
    • Please tell me where exactly you want to sign your autograph - in this notebook or on this cute postcard?
    • Let's go into the forest and I'll show you the city.
    • Let's go to the garden - I'll show you my big, hard cucumbers.
    • Do you remember me? You and I met in your dreams. True, then I was wearing a helmet and on a white horse.
    • Help a homeless person, take him into your home.
    • Help me buy beer! I don't know - which one to choose?
    • Help me go left!
    • In my opinion, both you and I are bored in this crowd. Maybe we should go somewhere?
    • Listen... I could come up with some excuse for meeting you, but I don’t want to fool you. Can we do without formalities?
    • Stay calm for at least a minute. I'm drawing you.
    • Touch my forehead. I think I have a fever.
    • Kiss me if I'm wrong, but it seems your name is Agripina.
    • Is it true! The sunset looks very romantic, doesn't it?
    • Hello! Why didn’t you call me or write to me? After all, you know how sad it is to realize that no one needs you.
    • Hello! What are you doing here?.. Standing there? Amazing! Let's stand together!
    • Hello! Let me call you “Thekla”, and you call me “Mr. Wet Pants”!
    • Hello! You know (understand, feel, see...) that today the Sun is shining (warms, showers rays, rejoices...) and the weather outside is pleasant (cool, fabulous...). We could walk, talk, eat ice cream (drink gin...) and have a lot of fun (cool, nice, nice...) time. It would be unforgettable. By the way, the last time I saw you, you were in a stunning dress (skirt, suit), that it would be a crime not to invite you for an easy walk. And your consent will be an acquittal for me, dear guy!
    • Hello! How are you?
    • Hello! Today we are lucky...
    • Hello! Did you recognize?.. I didn’t recognize you right away either.
    • Hello, sunshine! My name is Tarzan. I was picking coconuts here, and suddenly I saw a lonely girl standing, whose name was...
    • Come and read to me about Pinocchio.
    • Walk past her, then turn around sharply and ask: “Didn’t you just pinch my butt?.. No?.. Damn! It's a pity…"
    • Forgive me, this seems to be fate. This is the second time we have encountered each other in such a huge city... My name is Andrey. How would you feel about an offer to spend a pleasant time together by the water on the lawn, with good champagne?
    • Sorry, can you tell me... Your name and phone number.
    • Excuse me, miss, do you have a spark?.. Actually, I don’t smoke, but I had to somehow start getting to know you.
    • Sorry, haven't I fucked you before?
    • Excuse me, can I work my way into your evening schedule?
    • Sorry... I just want to say thank you!.. Have you ever had a day when you felt alienated, indifferent? When you are not completely happy, and not... when you feel like you are going with the flow. And suddenly you come across someone and see an amazingly warm and beautiful smile that instills in you a feeling of happiness, fairy tales, a feeling of beauty for the whole day?.. You see, I didn’t want to distract you at all, but you look like you’ve decorated your appearance my life...
    • Glad to serve the sweet young lady! May I accompany you?
    • Let me offer you my hand and heart. I am a surgeon, I have a lot of this stuff.
    • Let me walk you home. At least with a glance.
    • Can I get to know you or should I pester you for five minutes?
    • Is it difficult to get to know you?
    • In the morning I was late for work, in the afternoon I was almost hit by a car, then an angry dog ​​bit me, a bearded janitor shouted, I fell into a sewer manhole and lost my wallet with documents there, but that’s not all - my pager burned out from the impact lightning, Tamagotchi died of an overdose, and an hour ago an evil virus erased a book from my computer that I’ve been working on for six months. And if you don’t give me your phone number now so I can call you and invite you for a cup of coffee, then I’ll probably go drown myself in that puddle on the other side of the street. Remember, you have a chance to save a good person!
    • Tell me something sweet!
    • Tell me honestly, do these contact lenses suit me?
    • Please tell me what perfume you use - I will buy the same and perfume my cat with it so that it reminds me of you.
    • Tell me, is it not your purse that smells so deliciously like pies?
    • How much is your smile worth? I would buy one!
    • Save! I am being pursued by an American spy who is after this note. Please take it and hide it well, but under no circumstances read it! Give me your phone number so I can pick her up when things calm down a little. (In the note “Smile, you’re being filmed by a hidden camera!”)
    • When shooting with your eyes, do not abandon the wounded!
    • The fate of the Motherland depends only on your decision! Gather all your will into a fist and tell me, will you meet me or not?
    • Here I don’t have a couple of teeth, but there’s more room for your tongue.
    • Can you play spin the bottle? Let's go together!
    • You're on my to-do list for the evening.
    • You know, after a long search, I finally found a cafe where you and I can have a wonderful time.
    • Did you buy potatoes? That's what I thought! Okay, then I'll buy potatoes. Today I'm waiting for you to visit for dinner. Everything has already been bought, only potatoes remain. But that's okay. I'll prepare everything. What time can you come?.. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you my address! Write it down.
    • Aren't you gay? Me too! Then you can sleep.
    • Could you smile: It’s dark outside.
    • Will you kiss me or will I have to lie in my diary again?
    • You have been a bad, very bad girl today. I will have to punish you...
    • Are you by any chance involved in interior design? The room became beautiful as soon as you entered it.
    • You spend so much time in my thoughts that soon I will have to pay rent.
    • You are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase with which I wanted to approach you.
    • You're so cool that I'm ready to drink bath water after you!
    • Do you want a beer or just some money?
    • Thousands of artists over a thousand years have not been able to create such beauty that could compete with yours.
    • Don't you have a taxi token?
    • You won't have a can opener?
    • Will you have a piece of paper and a pen?.. Can I write down my phone number for you? I wouldn't like to lose you.
    • Don't have aspirin?
    • Do you have a thread to start our friendship right here?
    • You have a very pleasant voice! I'd love to microchip it and put it inside my alarm clock so I can wake up to it every morning.
    • Your right eye is lighter than your left - I’ve never seen anything like this in my life!
    • Your most beautiful place is dirty.
    • I have amnesia - haven’t I approached you yet?
    • There's a party in my pants and you're invited.
    • I have a groom for your dog. And maybe for you too.
    • I have an unusual question for you - what should you say to a girl to get a slap in the face?..
    • I have a request to you: can I give you this flower? I would like to see you again someday and give you large bouquet roses Do you love roses?
    • My hands are full. Would you zip up my fly?
    • I have two holidays today! First, I saw such a wonderful, beautiful girl who has such a warm and sincere look. And the second one - I started talking to you.
    • There’s something wrong with my eyes—I can’t tear them away from you.
    • You have a boyfriend? Do you need a better guy? Answer the second question first.
    • When I saw you, I thought about those days that I will remember in my old age - when my children were born, when I got married and when I met you.
    • The phrase “You are dancing” where there is no dancing at all.
    • Do you want a pick-up artist?.. That’s me, actually, but what this word means - you can’t say it in a nutshell. Come on, let’s sit on a bench and I’ll explain... No time? No problem, give me your phone number, I'll find you.
    • Would you like me to give you a ride on the escalator?
    • Do you want to see the soles of your feet in the rearview mirror of my car?
    • What are you doing at three o'clock in the morning?
    • Why are you looking at me as if your parents had gone to the dacha?
    • What is such a beautiful girl doing on this escalator/elevator?
    • Why are you trudging along like a sad turtle, is there anything I can do to help you?
    • It was difficult, but still I decided to approach you with my feet and speak with my tongue.
    • This is incredible! All 27 of my personalities found you amazingly attractive!
    • This dress looks great on you. Well, actually, I would look no worse in his place.
    • Eh, good Masha! Not ours.
    • I am a well-deserved brake, I don’t know how to pick up girls, but I simply couldn’t get past you, so I hope that you will take a measly three minutes to communicate with me. Can I accompany you, at least a little?
    • I am a seller of happiness. Do you want me to sell it to you at cost?
    • I'm running for president in 2024. Your voice is important to me. And I need your number to tell you...
    • I will sleep with you, with you and with you! Who is first?
    • This is my first time in the city. Can you show me where you live?
    • I am ready to lay everything I have at your feet. Give me your address, and I will transport my things to you tomorrow.
    • I think about you twice a day - when my eyes are open and when they are closed.
    • I think about you when I masturbate.
    • I think we're thinking the same thing.
    • I noticed that you noticed me, and I would like to notice that I noticed you too.
    • I'm going to bed - are you with me?
    • I'm going to take a leak - will you join me?
    • I am an intelligent young man, 25/180/79, Libra, Rabbit, I am fond of classical music and yoga, I want to get to know you for a pleasant time together on my territory, the phone will speed up the meeting.
    • I'm going to the dentist, but I don't have the courage. Inspire me, please become my muse.
    • I collect slogans on T-shirts. Let me read it on yours.
    • I'm not drunk, I'm intoxicated by you.
    • I'm blinded by the light of your beauty
    • I'm writing a book about how to meet girls and I'd like to ask you a few questions.
    • I understand that the street is not the best the best place to get to know you, but I will never forgive myself if I don’t at least try to get to know you. Maybe you will understand such a good, albeit shy young man and don’t immediately send you on an erotic journey on foot...
    • Am I going the right way?
    • I won’t be able to sleep today if I don’t find out your name and phone number.
    • I humbly have the honor to address you. Do you have a minute for humble me?
    • I'm too busy making millions of dollars, but I can find a couple of minutes to get to know each other.
    • I heard that whoever you mess with, that's how you get rich. I liked you so much that I decided to get some help from you.
    • My friend and I had a bet about whether I could find out your name and phone number. Help me win please.
    • My friend and I almost quarreled because of you. He says that you are beautiful, but I disagree with him and say that you are very beautiful. Which one of us is wrong?
    • I collect signatures of the most beautiful girls. Would you mind putting up yours?
    • I hid my tear in the ocean for you. And I will love you until you find her.
    • I checked my schedule - I can get you pregnant by Christmas.
    • I'm already here. So you only have two wishes left.
    • I would like to be your tear. To be born in your eyes, flow down your cheek and die on your lips.
    • I want to be a Christmas tree in your home.
    • I want to be a snowflake that melts in your divine hair
    • I want to invite you for a cup of coffee (ice cream, barbecue, corn sticks) with serious intentions!
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