• The ideal through the eyes of men - what do modern girls lack? The ideal woman through the eyes of men


    Top tips from specialists who will help you become an ideal woman through the eyes of men! Forward to the ideal.

    Let's tell the truth...

    Have you ever wondered why some representatives of the fair sex do not have time to fight off gentlemen even before buying their first bra, while others have huge problems with their personal lives?

    Moreover, those who are ready to marry “anyone” are often more attractive in appearance than those who are looking for gentlemen.

    Fate? Luck?

    Well, okay, if you so want, then 5% of 100% can be attributed to fate.

    But what about the remaining 95%?

    I propose to listen to the direct culprits of the failed personal lives of many ladies - gentlemen.

    The ideal girl through the eyes of men: what is she like and what needs to be done to become desirable and attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex - the topic that we will talk about today.

    The appearance of an ideal girl through the eyes of men

    No matter how sloths who don’t want to take care of themselves and sweat in the gym convince themselves, men love with their eyes!

    Even after 30 years of marriage, any representative of the stronger sex wants his wife to look attractive.

    But for some reason, ladies believe that they have the right to forget about why manicure-pedicurists and hairdressers are needed.

    They grimace at the word gym, as if from a toothache, preferring to acquire dozens of extra pounds, disfiguring their body.

    Not only at home, they wear creepy robes or torn sweatpants, but they don’t really bother with work or party clothes.

    This is exactly what one of my mother’s friends, Natalya Alekseevna, did, turning from a beautiful girl (I saw her student photographs) into a hippopotamus with greasy hair in second-hand clothes.

    I was always surprised when I saw them together: slender, handsome, in a perfectly fitting suit, Uncle Grisha, and ugly-looking Aunt Natasha.

    And it would be nice if the reluctance to take care of oneself could be explained by financial difficulties, but no - they both earned good money and the husband did not limit his wife’s spending.

    That is, women like “she will stop a galloping horse and run into a burning wigwam” should fade into oblivion.


    Put up with your husband’s bad mood after an unpleasant conversation with his boss, don’t get nervous, reminding him for the 78th time that dirty socks need to be taken to the basket, and not hidden under the bed, and smooth out all the rough edges.

    Yes, yes, you heard right: when men are in trouble or want to show weakness, we must lend our shoulder, and do this in a way that does not offend the male ego.

    What else should an ideal girl have?

    It would seem that what else does the fastidious representatives of the stronger sex need, after all, they have already said so much.

    Ideal woman through the eyes of men, in addition to all of the above, you should also:

      Be sexy.

      That is, call sexual desire for a man, make himself want and... don’t complain about headaches all the time.

      Think about the future:

      take care of your health, do not abuse alcohol, do not waste all your money on rags, but be able to save for global purchases, want a family and children.

      You shouldn’t limit your world to borscht and cleaning, but the ability to cook deliciously and keep the house clean will significantly increase your chances of getting married successfully.


      Well, gentlemen don’t like narrow-minded housewives and parasites who just whine while sitting at home that their husband doesn’t earn enough.

      Don't be shy to show your love.

      This can be done with hugs, kisses, romantic surprises, scenes of jealousy (without fanaticism and not too often), which will end in reconciliation in bed, reminders to put on a scarf, kind words- yes, whatever.

    But this is what men really want!

    Dear girls/women - take note.

    P.S. direct hint in the forehead! 😉

    As you can see, it’s not easy to become ideal girl , the way men want to see us, but for true ladies nothing is impossible.

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    In many magazines and women's columns on the Internet you can find a description of the ideal woman and tips on how to quickly become one. According to the recommendations, the ideal woman looks dazzling, well-groomed and slim, has Good work, many hobbies. At the same time, she is a caring wife, an excellent housewife and cook, a wonderful mother and a wonderful lover. Can a woman be like this? Maybe a few days. And then he collapses from fatigue. This is how women see the ideal. What do men really value and what do they expect from their chosen one?

    Taking care of your appearance

    We are talking about the appearance of a man, not a woman. As you know, ladies take more care of themselves and are interested in fashion trends, body and hair care. It is important not only to take care of yourself, but also to help your man do this. A combination of shoes, suit, accessories, subtle perfume, neat haircut and well-groomed hands - here you go perfect image men, which the ideal woman will help create. A man will appreciate such self-care much more highly than another dress bought by his girlfriend.

    Interest in the outside world

    Many women, having gotten married, completely dissolve in the interests of the family, refusing own desires and goals. This happens not due to lack of time, but from the desire of the representative of the fair half of humanity to better cope with the role of wife and mother. As a result, a woman who has no interests, no hobbies, no friends becomes boring and uninteresting both for herself and for her husband. The ideal woman knows how much she cares and has a bit of healthy selfishness. Interests and hobbies not only bring her joy, but also help her to be an interesting person.

    Seductive but not vulgar

    Many women cannot find the line between sexuality and vulgarity, considering these concepts identical. Men do not consider a woman who dresses inappropriately revealing to be sexy or attractive. Rather, she will be considered frivolous and treated accordingly.

    Sexuality in the concept of men is sophistication, understatement and self-confidence. You can be sexy even without makeup, in closed but tight-fitting clothes. Sexy woman makes a free, flying gait, the presence of a heel does not play a role in this. In a word, sexuality is a state of mind, and not clothes or makeup at all.

    No pressure

    Many men admit that they often feel pressured by their girlfriends and wives. What is pressure? These are constant reminders, reproaches, control and untimely calls. Men sometimes want to be distracted, to be alone, to meet with friends or just to work. Respect the freedom of your loved one, and he will carry you in his arms. If a guy wants to call or write, he will definitely do it. And if you didn’t do it, it means you didn’t want to - why impose.

    Being an ideal woman in the eyes of the stronger sex is not at all difficult. For many men in our country, the absence of constant criticism and “nagging” would be enough to be happy. It’s worth becoming an ideal woman if only to have an ideal man appear next to you.

    They adore intelligent and well-read women. But they are so irritated by intellectual superiority! It turns out that you need to be smart, but you will have to show this “quality” not all the time, but from time to time. Men are favored by women who know how to be jealous “correctly.” However, this does not mean that you should “throw yourself” at a man out of jealousy without the slightest reason. You will acutely feel when jealousy is not superfluous.

    The ideal woman (for all men) is one who knows how to listen patiently, not interrupt, and ask “leading” questions.

    Such women are real heroines! Female characteristics They are not allowed to remain silent for a long time (after all, they constantly want to speak out, analyze the situation, and compare). Never “cling” to a man with questions if you dream of being ideal for your one and only! Representatives of the stronger sex generally do not like it when people force their way into their souls. He will come to you himself if you need your advice.

    The indicator of ideality for women (according to men) is femininity. What do they mean by this quality? Grace, tenderness, weakness, mystery. Try to combine these “properties” of femininity. You will be the best (ideal) if you do not try to criticize or change a man. You can't make a man the way you want. So no need to try! Spend your time on something more enjoyable, fun and useful. Train yourself to be proactive. Try to cause the man as much trouble as possible (with your dreams, desires, opinions, whims).

    A man will say that you are ideal if you show initiative in intimacy. Pester the beloved. He will be very pleasantly surprised by all your actions. Oh, how disappointed men are when they meet beautiful girl, and she turns out to be complex and cold.

    No amount of beauty will force men to continue relationships with such a “rocky” person. Flirty is also included in the concept of ideality. Flapping your eyelashes, a mysterious look, licking your lips with your tongue, “shooting” your eyes…. Re-read these lines again to understand what you should do. To be completely perfect, you need to be stylish. Professional stylists will help you find (select) your individual style. Sign up for a consultation with them and learn to be stylish to become ideal.

    A woman seems ideal in a man’s eyes when she treats his friends and relatives well. The mother especially “stands out” here (men care about how the relationship between their two beloved ladies will develop). Ninety-three percent of the male population complain that the fair sex is always putting pressure on them and “rocking” them mental condition. Therefore, never bother a man with calls and messages, never control their actions. Are there men who are satisfied with everything in their “halves”?

    Yes, I have. They are so pleased with them that they are afraid of scaring away their happiness. This may seem funny, but impressionable and loving men begin to believe in various signs and try to remember them. Men belonging to this category have always been confident that it is useless to look for an ideal, because it does not exist at all. Males change a lot when they “chase” the ideal. They want to “take” several traits from each girl they know and “combine” them in one girl. However, this is not possible. This is where polygamy (possibly) came from.

    Don't focus solely on your appearance. Women also have an inner world. Was this a great discovery for you? There is a lot to think about! By the way, unusual and humane men pay attention to their inner world. How to “recognize” them? They don't ask questions about weight, height and breast size. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer men who are close to the ideal.

    They are! All you have to do is attract real luck. Don't use your money young man. Remember what you have too wage. Don't let it go on dresses and jewelry. Buy your loved one something as a gift. In return you will receive a smile, happiness, surprise, gratitude, positivity, great mood. Some men are not embarrassed to cry when they receive a gift (surprise) from the hands of their beloved. An ideal woman does not live by stereotypes, because she has her own opinion. Men often say that they sympathize with women who strive for self-realization and independence. Work so as not to “fall” in the eyes of your loved one.

    Men are so tired of being wallets! It doesn't matter that you will earn much less. The more important thing here is this: a man must be sure that you need him himself, and not his savings and wages. Don’t nag your loved one because he put his socks in the wrong place, or because he came home “a little sober.”

    Accept a man for who he is! He doesn’t deal with “showdowns” when you are going to the store at exactly four o’clock! He doesn’t yell at you for buying your hundred-fifth dress and thirtieth pair of shoes! Be patient, make concessions, control yourself. Show your man that you love not only to receive pleasure, but also to give it. Show your lover the “top class” in sex. He must remember it for a long time!

    If a man “bombards” you with compliments on an intimate occasion, then you can assume that an undoubted victory is already in your pocket. You can't raise your voice at a man! Changing your voice tone can ruin your fabulous relationship. Keep your voice at a moderate wavelength or speak in a whisper. A man will definitely boast to his acquaintances and friends: “my dear woman never yells at me!” You can consider this phrase a compliment addressed to you.

    I'm looking for “something elusive” - what the male sex talks about when it describes the ideal woman through the eyes of men.

    You are the perfect woman!

    Friday night, fashionable night club. I immediately feel that average age Those in the club are far from my 37 and a half years old, but, fortunately for me, the room is quite dark. The air is electric: the desire to seduce and be seduced comes from everyone - both men and women.

    Right in front of me is a tall blonde. She has an ideal appearance, but her bored gaze is directed into emptiness. Will anyone pay attention to her? A little further away there is a girl with glasses, a bold hairstyle, and slightly plump. She just gave the handsome guy dancing next to her a cheeky smile.

    Outside, on the terrace, I see a girl in a pantsuit. She listens, laughs, gestures - it is obvious that her interlocutor feels comfortable in her company. And I? Today I am not looking for a man, but conducting research on what men mean when they describe the ideal woman.

    What do men like in women?

    What is it that captivates them? Extraordinary beauty? Not at all, if there are as many emotions on the face of its owner as on the face porcelain doll. May be, revealing outfit? Of course it is The best way attract unambiguous glances, but it is unlikely to interest men with serious intentions. Outstanding bust plump lips, butt like J.Lo?

    Nonsense: I studied the results of 42 surveys about feminine attractiveness and the opinion of a dozen men I know. What did they call the main qualities of an ideal woman? Self-irony, a sly look, the ability to cook, facial wrinkles from a smile, gait, intelligence, education, courage, ability to listen, inner confidence in one’s own attractiveness.

    The woman who was the first to identify these patterns and who called them “erotic capital” is Katerina Hakim, an economist and sociologist. She identified five main aspects that play a major role in the process of seduction: self-confidence and self-presentation, social interaction, lust for life and femininity.

    The main thing on her list is that it exposes the cult of beauty as a cost of the past. All of the listed features are, to a greater or lesser extent, characteristic of every woman; the main thing is to identify your strengths and begin to develop them. So, are you ready for some introspection?

    Self-confidence and self-presentation

    This is the first point of "female capital", let's look at it in more detail.

    The mystery of the invisible dress

    A girl joins the club where I am conducting field research. She is very attractive, although her appearance is far from that of a model. Clothing size 46. The eyes are brightly painted. Thanks to Katerina Hakim, I know: girls with clothing size 46 are fine with self-presentation and self-confidence.

    Miss Size 46's appearance speaks for itself: I am who I am, real, I like myself. Potential fans are immediately on alert. Meanwhile, the gorgeous blonde at the bar is still sitting alone. Beauty lies in the field of view of the audience, but the most important spectator is you yourself!

    We look in the mirror about 200 times a day and usually give ourselves less than flattering assessments. "I'm too fat, my breasts are too small, I'm too flat butt..." - and further in the text.

    Such thoughts suppress our internal radiation, like a gray shapeless dress hiding a figure. Get rid of them! Someone who loves and values ​​himself looks much more attractive. Start working on yourself right now!

    Social interaction

    Oh this one Magic power the society around us!

    About exciting laughter and the power of listening

    On the summer terrace, Lady Pantsuit continues to charm her interlocutor with words, glances and laughter. Compliments are the key to the soul of every person, female laughter is associated with excitement, and sincere questions are attractive - all this relates to the art of social communication and is the best capital in your attractiveness fund. It is important that this capital does not disappear with age. Youth fades, but charm remains...

    Each woman has her own strengths in this matter. One girl is an easy-going “lighter”, another has a rare sense of humor, the third knows how to listen and hear. Don’t pretend to be something that you are not, but often use the positive traits that nature has given you.

    Bewitch him with your voice

    A woman's voice can express more intimacy than a whole platoon of patent leather boots. Take Scarlett Johansson: her unusual voice envelops you like melting chocolate. Use your voice, speak more slowly, mentally put a period at the end of each question. This technique is taught in business trainings: questions that are spoken as statements will help you look more confident and significant in the eyes of your interlocutor.

    Thirst for life

    What is your real temperament?

    I looked again towards the beautiful but cold blonde. Like a statue, she continued to sit in a striking pose. And, like a sculpture in a museum, men walked past it. She just sighed. Then she went to dance, but as if she was very afraid of sweating.

    I wondered: is she even happy? Love of life, cheerfulness and energy are closely related to our temperament and life experiences.

    Passion for life comes in many ways: a love of simple pleasures like delicious food, a relaxing spa, or great music.

    In an interest in people, in optimism and curiosity, in a love of travel, in a fighting spirit, in the courage to laugh at oneself. Passion for life is the inner strength of every woman, the hidden energy that makes her attractive and interesting.

    Coldness has long been out of fashion

    My research at the club on the topic “Cold gaze versus natural smile” yielded the following result: men spoke to “mysterious” women much less often, and even then only in order to quickly “see through” them, and not to get to know them better. Most men preferred girls who laughed slightly shyly but infectiously. Conclusion: no one needs soulless coldness.

    Language of views

    Nothing can be more effective than a direct gaze. A famous actress gave me this advice (and I always forget about it when I talk to someone, but when I remember it, it immediately takes effect): let your eyes shine. Imagine that instead of eyes you have two spotlights that you point directly at men. Your pupils will dilate and your gaze will become scorching!

    Correct gait

    Men always react to movement and may consider a woman incredibly attractive just because she “walks very beautifully.” They are not attracted by the gait of a model on the catwalk. Relaxed shoulders, straight feet, swaying hips, gaze (never at the floor) and a smooth step.

    By the way, some sports help develop such a gait, for example tai chi, Pilates, as well as strength training, which develops the back muscles.

    Live in vain

    Are you a rebel at heart? Do you think that identity is more important than etiquette, and that impulses of the soul cannot be sacrificed for the sake of rules? Many men find this incredibly attractive. They are sure that such a woman will understand their boyish, slightly stupid dreams, for example, learning to fly and flying over the desert at night. Will not laugh at their quirks. Will support all their ideas. With such a woman you want to always be together and never let go!

    P.S.: Eat! Women who do not eat anything in the presence of men have a depressing effect on them. For men, pleasure from food is no less important than satisfaction from sexual intercourse. Don't spoil his appetite!

    Most advice on the topic of bed comes down to how a woman can please a man. But this is wrong: as practice shows, the reward goes to the one who demonstrates what a man should do to please her.

    Men love to please a woman. In this case, they begin to feel like excellent lovers. Give him the opportunity to take the initiative into his own hands: be a little lazy, relaxed, show him your most sensitive places - and he will be happy.

    For those who take numerous clichés about men into bed with them, she will also be one continuous cliché. Trust your experience, not what you read somewhere. Don’t trust statements that men adore it when a woman shaves everything “there”/puts on a corset/makes him feel good in the shower.

    Every man likes something different. And your natural curiosity in in this case - best gift, which you can present to him.

    Uninhibited sensuality and impulses of passion, free from prejudice, are what excite men the most. A woman's behavior can determine how she feels about her body.

    Often this manifests itself in seemingly unimportant little things, like the way a woman walks or dances. Embrace your nature and use its energy as a powerful force.


    I am a woman and proud of it!

    Love lives through common interests and the spark that comes from your differences. Your femininity is one of the components of your erotic capital. In the club I notice two types of women: in trousers and in a miniskirt. We were taught: you shouldn't be too beautiful, otherwise you won't be taken seriously, you shouldn't look too good, otherwise you'll be considered cheap!

    Remember the French women: they wear heels for any occasion, without thinking that their feminine appearance can confuse men, discredit them and reduce their chances of professional success. Little secret: love yourself and show it with the clothes you like in.

    Conclusion: Don't be shy to show off your femininity. Play with the possibilities that clothes, underwear, jewelry, accessories and cosmetics provide us. Dress to remain the ideal woman for men, because it sounds proud!

    Each woman is individual and, of course, tries to look the most irresistible in the eyes of the people around her. And for this, women resort to a wide variety of technical tricks: pretty haircut, makeup, skillfully selected outfit, French perfume, mysterious look and much more.

    Of course, in the concept of “femininity,” appearance plays an important role, but as practice shows, for men it is often the femininity that a woman radiates from within that is most significant.

    Femininity is a set of qualities, character traits and behavior of a woman that encourage a man to protect and protect her.

    Femininity is not bright appearance and outfit. This is the ability to hold oneself, confidence in one’s irresistibility, a special manner of behavior.

    Femininity through the eyes of men can manifest itself in a variety of character traits and behavior, but there are special qualities that men highlight in a woman, above all.

    • The first on the list, according to men, is, of course, tenderness. Men are touched when they see a woman tenderly touching a child, or a flower, or gently stroking a kitten. All living beings need tenderness and affection. And men are no exception.
    • Important factor- This is education and speech. A woman should not make a scandal, talk loudly or laugh, not to mention that the use of profanity is a strict taboo.
    • The ability to love is a magical feeling that a woman gives to her chosen one and inspires him to do certain good deeds. Also the ability to love yourself, the world, giving a smile to the people around you is undoubtedly feminine in the eyes of men.
    • A woman through the eyes of a man must be mysterious, mysterious. Such a woman fascinates a man and intrigues him.
    • Many men place a very high value on a woman's ability to bear children. They respect this and see it as a kind of sacrament. A woman must be able to create family comfort, without which a marriage or relationship cannot last.

    Also, in the eyes of men, a woman should have a good sense of humor, optimism, the ability to cheer up her man and believe in his success and prospects. After all, no matter how many people say successful men, without the participation of a woman they would not have achieved anything.

    And most importantly, a woman must be wise. A woman’s wisdom lies in her ability to be patient with a man - to forgive minor offenses and induce feelings of guilt, avoiding loud scandals, sometimes to remain silent and simply endure.

    For many years now women have been in search of that ideal man, with whom, in their opinion, you can live happily ever after until the end of your days. But it is not only women who are concerned about this issue. Men are also interested in finding their ideal woman. So what should she be like, an ideal woman through the eyes of a man?

    Of course, a woman in a man’s eyes should be feminine and charming. It is impossible to deny the fact that men love with their eyes, so a woman should be beautiful, well-groomed, neat, well-mannered, and have good manners.

    • The ideal woman through the eyes of a man is a woman who will truly love him. She must get along with his loved ones - family and friends, and never discuss them even if the man initiates such a conversation. She must unconsciously force the man to improve.
    • A woman should not be too demanding, constantly complain and be offended by minor troubles. She should be able to adapt to her man and be a “catalyst” of his mood. Despite troubles, smile and don’t get depressed. After all, the mood of the family and the atmosphere in it largely depends on the mood of the woman.
    • A woman should respect her man, be able to listen and, if necessary, give advice. She shouldn’t criticize the man, she’ll just delicately show her point of view without imposing it. Men need clever woman who has her own point of view and is not afraid to express it.
    • An ideal woman through the eyes of a man must love herself, don’t get complex over trifles, don’t be ashamed of your body. At the same time, if there are shortcomings, try to cope with them, but do not focus male attention on them. When a woman loves herself for who she is, then those around her will love her too.
    • Compliments! Oh, how men love compliments. Dear ladies, do not hesitate to compliment your men. It's like a balm for his male pride. Please and pamper him at least a little. Even if not every man knows how to show his love for compliments, they will definitely touch his soul.

    A woman through the eyes of a man should have stylish hairstyle, discreet makeup. Most men prefer women with long hair, they see a special femininity in this. Lips should be a soft pinkish or peach color; blood red lips turn off many men. Hands and nails should always be well-groomed.

    At the same time, every man is also concerned about other external data of a woman. For example, breasts.

    For a serious man, breast size is not as important as its appearance.

    Under no circumstances should the breasts fall out of the neckline. Everything should be beautiful, neat, unobtrusive.

    The roundness of your hips, the neat volume of your butt, your gait and ability to sit beautifully can drive any man crazy.

    And, of course, in no case should an ideal woman through the eyes of a man have bad habits. A woman who allows herself to drink “too much,” much less smoke, will never seem feminine.

    Therefore, dear women, before looking for your ideal, you should think about whether you are ideal... After all, the problem of many modern women, according to the men, in their arrogance. And having found it, love each other, give each other happiness, tenderness, care and unforgettable impressions!


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