• My cousin's cousin is who I am. Relationships: Husband, Wife, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Brother-in-law, Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law, Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Daughter-in-law


    Quite often you can hear the question: “Who is the husband’s wife’s brother?” The point is that now more and more more families They try to have as many children as possible. And naturally, siblings are the closest people who remain in families after their parents. So let's look at who the wife's brother is to her husband and what to call the rest of the family members.

    From my husband's side

    But first, let's talk to you about how the wife will have to call her husband's relatives. After this, you can think about our question today: “Who is the wife’s brother for the husband?”

    So, it’s good if the groom’s family is small. The young wife will not have to bother her head with the numerous names of her future relatives. But you will still need to remember names, dates of birth, and so on.

    Everyone knows that the husband's mother will be the mother-in-law, and the father will be the father-in-law for the young wife. These are the facts that no couple can doubt. True, if the groom has a brother or sister, then he will have to remember strange and scary words. The groom's sister will be the bride's sister-in-law. Brother - brother-in-law. But the husband's brother's wife - or daughter-in-law. Such a confusing relationship. Now let's discuss the following: who is the wife's brother for the husband? At the same time, we will capture the rest of the relatives from the spouse’s side.

    From the wife's side

    Who will be related to whom on the wife's side? Naturally, the girl’s mother is the mother-in-law for her husband. How many jokes there are about what kinds of mothers-in-law you come across! Father of the bride - In principle, these relatives are known to everyone. Their names always remain popular. But what about the rest of the family?

    For a husband, a wife's brother is a brother-in-law. Probably not everyone is aware of this. After all, as a rule, it is not necessary to know about such details. However, sometimes people are still interested correct names distant relatives. The wife's sister is called sister-in-law, and her husband is called brother-in-law. Basically, at the initial stage life together people prefer to simply call relatives by name or first name and patronymic, depending on age. True, when the question “who is the wife’s brother for the husband” is left behind, then other ambiguities arise. For example, who are each other’s relatives on the husband’s or wife’s side. Let's try to understand this difficult matter.

    Uneasy connections

    Parents on his and her sides are matchmakers for each other. Fathers - mothers - matchmakers. If a young brother or sister has a child, then he will be the same to the new family member as his relatives are, namely a nephew or niece.

    Parent of a great-great-grandfather or great-great-grandmother - Probably, now hardly anyone has such relatives. Nevertheless, even for them there are names. Additionally, you may hear the word "grandchild" (nephew/brother/father-in-law, etc.) quite often. This term applies to relatives from the third and further generations. A more common name is second cousin. Kuma is the godmother, and godfather is the godfather of one of the parties. These strange and sometimes incomprehensible ones appear in every family. Probably, now the question, who is the wife’s brother to the husband, will not cause you any particular difficulties.


    So, now you know who is who and who in your family. not the most important thing that young people need to know. It is worth remembering that the most important element that should be present among relatives is the unspoken bonds expressed in relation to each other.

    If you don’t know what to call your relative, then it’s best to just use his/her name if you have a small family, or your first and middle name if you’re from different generations. This demonstrates your

    When a woman gets married, in addition to her husband, she also acquires new relatives in the person of sisters, brothers, father and mother, nephews, grandfathers and grandmothers of her husband. You have to start relationships with them and establish contacts, if this has not happened before. They develop differently for everyone: someone is happily accepted into the fold new family, and someone is kept at a distance without showing much warm feelings. Why is this happening? In a specific situation - your answer. Especially often misunderstandings arise between female relatives, as in the case of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It often happens that another relative, the husband’s sister, also dislikes her spouse. How she is related to her wife, who her children are related to - later in the article.

    Relatives and step-relatives

    The kinship-family hierarchy consists of three groups of kinship ties. They have the following names: consanguineous by blood, immediate close relatives), kinship by marriage (in-laws) and unrelated ties. Blood relatives are mother, father, brothers, sisters (siblings, cousins, their children), grandmothers, grandfathers. Relatives by marriage - relatives of the husband or wife. These are brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, brothers-in-law, brothers-in-law and so on.

    Husband's sister: who is the wife related to?

    In this complex interweaving of branches family tree each relative has a different name in relation to another member of the family clan. For example, my husband's sister. Who is she related to her brother's wife? According to terminology family relations Her husband's sister is her sister-in-law. Moreover, this relationship is not blood, but acquired as a result of marriage. In fact, these 2 women are relatives as long as the husband and wife remain spouses. entails the termination of family ties through this marriage. In the next marriage, new family ties are formed already in these marital relations, including between relatives of husband and wife.

    Husband's sister, sister's husband, husband's sister's children

    If the husband's sister is a sister-in-law in relation to his wife, then what is a son-in-law in relation to her blood relatives (father, mother, sisters, brothers). A family is created in order to produce children and continue the family line. Babies are wonderful and are loved regardless of relationship status. Husband's sister - how is she related to her brother's children? She is their aunt. Accordingly, her future or real children will be nephews to her brother (related by blood), and for the wife, the children of her husband’s sister will also be nephews, but related by marriage.

    Informal relationships

    It often happens that a husband's sister does not accept her brother's wife. This mainly happens due to jealousy on the part of both the sister-in-law and the daughter-in-law (the brother's wife for his sister). In fact, two women cannot share one man, not wanting to give each other control over his life and feelings. The sister-in-law believes that his wife is alienating her brother from her, but for him she is the most dear person in the world. And the brother’s wife does not want her to interfere in the life of the new family, out of habit continuing to control her brother’s every action.

    IN last decades It has even become popular not only to be interested in one’s roots and ancestors, but also to find out and clarify who is someone’s godfather, matchmaker, brother-in-law, and so on. It turns out that a family can be much larger, given all the intricacies of the destinies of its members.

    People became especially interested in the question of the depth of family ties. For example, cousins, second cousins ​​and brothers. What next? Are there fourth cousins ​​or what to call them? Or who is your cousin's daughter?


    The definition has always been quite difficult, since families in our country have traditionally been large. And even now, when all the relatives gather for one big festive table or is just planning to do this, it is not always clear who is who’s matchmaker or brother. But nevertheless, blood or half-bred, but this is relatives.

    It should be taken as an axiom that the first married couple known by name, from which the line of the family descends, is called the ancestors.

    Other terms require more specific explanation:

    1. Blood relatives.
    2. Not blood relatives - brothers-in-law.

    In blood family ties there is an order of kinship, determined by the proximity of lateral branches in the family tree. That is, you can be blood, but distant relatives - brothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, etc.

    Blood relatives and not so much

    Blood relatives include all those who are related by the actual fact of birth from one of the family members.

    And those who came from other families are not blood or stepfamilies. These are also called brothers-in-law. Blood relatives include:

    • native;
    • cousins;
    • second cousins;
    • brother/sister;
    • Uncle Aunt;
    • nephews;
    • grandmother grandfather;
    • grandchildren, etc.

    And these are brothers-in-law, that is, not blood relatives:

    • son-in-law is the husband of a daughter or sister;
    • sister-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law - husband’s sister;
    • daughter-in-law - son's wife (for his father);
    • godmother - godfathers and the mother in relation to the godson's parents and each other;
    • matchmaker, matchmaker or matchmakers - father and mother of the wife or husband in relation to the parents of the second spouse;
    • daughter-in-law - wife of a son or brother;
    • stepson or stepdaughter - step-son or daughter in relation to one of the spouses;
    • stepfather - the husband of the children's mother, but not their natural father;
    • stepmother - new wife father, but not the natural mother of his children;
    • mother-in-law and father-in-law are the husband's parents;
    • father-in-law and mother-in-law are the wife's parents;
    • primak - son-in-law who came to live in the house of his wife or her parents;
    • brother-in-law - wife's only brother;
    • brother-in-law - husband's only-begotten or half-brother.

    Family ties

    How close (or not so close) people are is determined by the distance of the relationship. There are relatives of the first order, second and so on. This kinship is viewed along the vertical line of the family tree. That is:

    The first priority is parents, children, sisters and brothers (half- and half-brothers), and grandchildren.

    The second is grandparents, nephews and nieces.

    Third in order of kinship are aunts, uncles, cousins ​​and brothers.

    Fourth - kinship through great-grandparents - all second cousins.

    Fifth stage - Relatives through great-uncles and grandmothers, including cousins' grandchildren.

    The sixth stage is great-aunts, uncles, great-great-grandchildren and nephews (for example, a cousin’s daughter).

    This division allows us to determine who belongs to whom and by whom. Thus, asking the question in this context in a circle big family Who the cousin's daughter is can be determined using this diagram. This is the most distant line among blood relatives.

    Sisters and brothers

    Who are sisters and daughters or sons of the same parents, if they are relatives? If they are cousins, then the cousin (brother) is the daughter (son) sibling or dad's or mom's sisters.

    Now let’s try to understand who my cousin’s daughter is, who she is to me. That is, this is a child from the daughter of my uncle or aunt. This is already considered kinship from the second generation (generation). And a second cousin is already the third generation down.

    According to one of the Russian terminologies, such a sister is called a “sister”. There is also a tendency to call all first cousins, second cousins, etc., brothers and sisters cousins ​​(cousin or cousin).

    If this is the daughter of mom or dad's cousin, then she is not their cousin. In this version, she is a first cousin for the parents, and a second cousin for their children.

    If this is the daughter of a grandmother or grandfather’s cousin, then the latter is a second cousin, although a distant blood relative for mom and dad. The first is their fourth cousin.

    So who is my cousin's daughter? Is there a difference from proximity and blood relationship in in this case? There is necessarily a blood relationship in this option, but regardless of whether the daughter of a brother or sister on the father’s or mother’s side is called a niece. And if this is the daughter of a cousin or brother, then the niece is, accordingly, a cousin.


    Unfortunately, we do not always remember family ties in order to strengthen or increase family circle loved ones. The presence of a rich relative in one of the branches of the family tree gives a fairly strong impetus to determine the proximity of the relationship in the event of an inheritance. And here, as they say, the Civil Code can help if there is no will.

    In any case, drawing up a family tree and searching for distant branches of relatives is not only fashionable, exciting, but also useful. After all, every family necessarily has at least one mysteriously lyrical relationship story, which can serve as a plot for a fashionable novel.

    When we get married, we immediately have twice as many relatives. And everyone is called something. You won’t remember right away. No, well, you can’t confuse your mother-in-law with anyone! But we'll deal with the rest now...

    New in-laws

    Mother in law- This is the husband's mother. For the mother-in-law - her son's wife will be daughter-in-law.

    Father-in-law- This is the husband's father. For the father-in-law - his son's wife will be daughter-in-law.

    Sister-in-law- This is my husband's sister. For the sister-in-law, her brother's wife will be daughter-in-law.

    brother-in-law- This is my husband's brother. For a brother-in-law, his brother's wife will be daughter-in-law.

    New in-laws

    mother-in-law- This is the wife's mother. For a mother-in-law, her daughter's husband will be son-in-law.

    Who is father-in-law

    Father-in-law- This is the wife's father. For father-in-law, as well as for mother-in-law, the husband of their daughter is son-in-law.

    Brother-in-law- This is my wife's brother. For the brother-in-law, his sister's husband, as well as for the parents - son-in-law.

    sister-in-law- This is my wife's sister. For a sister-in-law, as for a brother-in-law, their sister's husband will be son-in-law.

    New family ties between the parents of the bride and groom

    Matchmaking- this is the mother of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

    Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

    brother-in-law- this is the husband of one sister in relation to the husband of another. In-laws are also called any family ties between people who are not closely related.

    Who are godfathers

    Godfather And godfather- godfather and mother, but not for the godson, but among themselves and in relation to the parents and relatives of the godson.

    Other relatives

    All other relatives of your husband/wife will be called the same for you as for him/her. If your husband has a niece, she remains a niece for you. And for her you will be her uncle’s wife.z>

    1. Husband (spouse)- a man in relation to the woman he is married to
    2. Wife (spouse)- a woman in relation to the man she is married to. Married woman.
    3. Father-in-law- wife's father
    4. Mother-in-law- wife's mother
    5. father-in-law- husband's father
    6. Mother in law- husband's mother
    7. brother-in-law- Brother husband
    8. Brother-in-law- brother-in-law
    9. Sister-in-law- husband's sister
    10. brother-in-law- sister-in-law's husband
    11. sister-in-law- wife's sister
    12. Son-in-law- daughter's husband, sister's husband, sister-in-law's husband
    13. Daughter-in-law- a brother’s wife, a son’s wife for his mother, one brother’s wife in relation to another brother’s wife; also used instead of daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law
    14. Daughter-in-law- son's wife in relation to father
    15. Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
    16. Matchmaking- the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
    17. Grandfather (grandfather)- father of father or mother.
    18. Grandmother (grandmother)- mother's or father's mother.
    19. great uncle- father's or mother's uncle.
    20. Great-aunt- father's or mother's aunt.
    21. Grandson, granddaughter)- son (daughter) of a daughter or son in relation to a grandfather or grandmother. Accordingly, a cousin’s grandson (granddaughter) is the son (daughter) of a nephew or niece.
    22. Great-nephew (niece)- grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister.
    23. Uncle (uncle, uncle)- brother of father or mother, husband of aunt.
    24. Auntie (auntie, auntie)- sister of father or mother in relation to nephews. An uncle's wife in relation to his nephews.
    25. Nephew niece)- son (daughter) of a brother or sister (siblings, cousins, second cousins). Accordingly the child cousin(sisters) - great-nephew, second cousin (sister) - second cousin nephew.
    26. Fraternal (brother, sister)- having a common mother.
    27. Half-blooded (brother, sister)- having a common father, but different mothers.
    28. Stepbrothers (brother, sister)- being a brother (sister) by stepfather or stepmother.
    29. Cousin- the son of his own uncle or aunt.
    30. Cousin- daughter of a native uncle or native aunt.
    31. Second cousin- son of a great uncle or great aunt.
    32. Second cousin- daughter of a great uncle or great aunt.
    33. Godfather, godfather- godfather and mother in relation to the godson's parents and to each other.
    34. Stepfather- the mother’s husband in relation to her children from another marriage, stepfather.
    35. Stepmother- the father’s wife in relation to his children from another marriage, step-mother.
    36. Stepson- a step-son of one of the spouses who is related to the other spouse.
    37. Stepdaughter- a stepdaughter of one of the spouses who becomes the natural daughter of the other spouse.
    38. Adoptive father (mother)- adopted, adopted someone.
    39. Adopted son (daughter)- adopted, adopted by someone.
    40. Adoptive son-in-law (primak)- a son-in-law adopted into the wife's family, living in the wife's house.
    41. Widower- a man whose wife died.
    42. Widow- a woman whose husband died.
    43. Twin Cities- brothers, mostly cousins, friends who happened to help each other out in difficult times.

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