• How to make a breeze out of paper with your own hands. Paper pinwheel: summer craft idea for kids. Tools for work


    greetings to all brain friends! And I share with you brain guidance about the creation crafts-windmill, clearly showing the transformation mechanical energy to electric.

    Having collected this simple homemade and having understood the principle of operation, it is possible in the future to make a larger-scale and actually operating wind generator. And a simple windmill will delight you by lighting up your yard!

    Step 1: Materials

    • marker
    • motor
    • LED (mine is red)
    • plastic or wooden plate
    • PVC tee 3/4 - 1/2 - 1/2
    • connector 1/2
    • glue gun
    • drill with bit for drilling
    • blades
    • flange 1/2
    • PVC pipe scissors
    • punch or awl
    • sealing ring
    • roulette
    • 30cm PVC pipe 1/2
    • and of course, the wind :)

    In count necessary materials It may seem that the craft is complicated, but it is not. The motor can be taken from an old VCR or DVD, the blades can be easily made from spoons and a bottle cap. PVC pipes can be cut perfectly with a regular hacksaw, and not just with special pipe scissors.

    Step 2: Cutting the Pipe

    Mark on brain tube segments of 2.5 and 12.5 cm, and then cut them off with scissors. This will result in three segments of 5, 12.5 and 15 cm.

    Step 3: Marking the Hole

    We put an o-ring on the front side of the motor, apply it to the tee and mark the hole for the LED, it will be located near the back of the motor.

    Step 4: Drilling the Hole

    Shilom or brainkerner We mark the center of the hole, so the drill will not slip, and drill a hole of such a diameter that you can easily install an LED in it.

    Step 5: LED Mounting

    We take the LED and determine the polarity of its contacts: the long leg of the LED is the positive contact, and then we connect the LED to the motor. The positive contact is to the “plus” of the motor, the negative contact, respectively, to the “minus”. We secure the LED legs by bending the motor contacts.

    Step 6: Functionality Check

    We install the blades on the axis of the motor and blow on under the tree, strong enough for the LED to light up.

    Step 7: Installing the Motor

    Carefully bend the LED and insert it brain motor into the hole of the tee until it fits tightly, then insert the LED into the intended hole and straighten it.

    Step 8: Fixing the Motor

    By using glue gun fix the motor in the tee.

    Step 9: Refinement of the connector

    We put the tee with the motor aside and take the connector. Unscrew the connector and remove the O-ring that is located inside, this will allow the windmill to homemade rotate freely.

    Step 10: Bushing Assembly

    We insert the previously cut piece of 2.5cm tube into the connector, thereby obtaining something like a bushing.

    Step 11: Installing the Tee

    We mount a tee with a motor on the bushing.

    Step 12: Shank

    As a “shank”, we tightly insert a piece into the tee braintubes 15cm, and insert a 12.5cm segment as a “stand”.

    Step 13: Finishing the Shank

    Using hot glue, attach the plate to the shank.

    Step 14: The homemade product is ready!

    We tighten or loosen the connector parts depending on your needs, mount the flange on the stand and glue all the fixed parts. If desired, we paint the windmill and that’s it, brain trick ready!

    Thank you for your attention, I hope this homemade worthy of being a visual aid!

    Or to decorate a flower bed.

    Summer is just around the corner, which means the kids can’t wait. But so that the child does not get bored with a lot of free time, he definitely needs to occupy himself with something. Alternatively, suggest making colorful paper pinwheels with your own hands that create a rainbow as they spin in the wind. Making such turntables will take little time, but the joy from contemplating such beauty will be more than enough.

    The highlight of these pinwheels is the strong color contrast. To make it bright, you can try different techniques making pinwheels from paper:

    1. Invite children to draw, put stamps, and decorate paper, which you will then use for crafts, so that each of the “blades” of the pinwheel is unique.
    2. Place printed tape in layers on pinwheel paper or duct tape to do reverse side contrasting crafts.

    How to make a paper pinwheel with your own hands

    1. Download the pinwheel stencil. Depending on what kind of paper pinwheel you want, reduce or increase the size of the stencil.

    2. The first step is to glue the decorated paper with a pattern onto regular craft paper and cut out the pinwheel along the outline using scissors or a utility knife.

    3. Make cuts on four sides of the resulting square, diagonally from the corner, as shown in the picture. The length of the cuts is indicated on the stencil.

    4. Using a hole punch, you need to punch every second corner, as in the picture, and also make a hole in the middle of the future paper pinwheel.

    5. Now you can begin to wrap the corners of the future paper pinwheel inward.

    6. Place a drop of glue under each corner of the pinwheel paper to keep them together.

    7. Make sure all the punched holes in the pinwheel paper line up. The top part of the paper pinwheel is ready! All that remains is to make a stick and a rotating mechanism for it.

    How to make a stick and a rotating mechanism for a paper pinwheel with your own hands

    Making a stick and mechanism to make your little paper pinwheel spin is very simple. You need to take a pin, bend it and drive it into the eraser at the tip of a simple pencil. That's all!

    For a giant pinwheel you will need a wooden stick, an eraser, a pin and a button. We cut off the eraser cube, make a small depression in it and insert the stick into it.

    We pass the pin through the holes in the paper pinwheel using a button. It will look cute and prevent the pin from slipping back.

    Once the pin is all the way through the eraser, you will need to check to see if there is a sharp end sticking out at the back. If necessary, the pin will need to be bent so that little children's fingers do not get hurt.

    This colorful pinwheel will not leave any child indifferent. No matter the child, adults will also be delighted with these paper pinwheels on a stick. These will become fun entertainment for everyone, because it’s so fun to watch how the “blades” of the turntable, rotating in the wind, turn into a bright rainbow.

    We suggest you make original toys and great gifts - pinwheels for children over 5 years old.

    To make turntables you will need:

    Plastic sticks (tubes). Instead of plastic straws you can use wooden sticks(skewers);

    Colored paper;


    Wood beads;


    Rubber thin tubes.

    Attention! An adult should help you complete certain steps.

    Step-by-step instructions for assembling turntables

    Rainbow spinner. Master Class

    Template for pinwheel “Rainbow”

    Step 1. Cut out the part of the “Rainbow” pinwheel according to the template.

    Step 2. Bend the corners of the part along the dotted lines, get “rays”.

    We take a plastic tube and a wire, on which we first make a loop.

    Step 3. Place the “Rainbow” piece on a soft surface and carefully “drill” a hole with the end of the wire (or an awl) in the place indicated by the dot (.).

    Step 4. Place a medium bead on the wire, then the “Rainbow” piece with bent rays towards the bead, then large, medium and small beads. To avoid bending the wire, carefully screw it into the hole on the stick. Gently place a rubber tube - a “cambric” on the end of the wire, twisting it slightly, to secure the parts. Slide all the parts tightly together.

    The spinner is ready

    Pinwheel "Sky". Master Class

    Template for the “Sky” pinwheel and additional detail - the middle

    Step 1. Cut out the pinwheel parts according to the templates. We cut the four corners of the part along solid lines to the marks. We cut out an additional detail of the “Sky” pinwheel along the contour.

    Step 2. Place the “Sky” parts on a soft surface and carefully “drill” holes with the end of the wire (or an awl) in the places indicated by a dot (.).

    Step 3. Place the middle bead on the wire, the middle part of the spinner “Sky”, then put the 4 wings of the part of the “Sky” spinner onto the wire sequentially, then thread the wire into the middle of the part, then put the large, medium and small beads on successively.

    Attention! Do not move the parts close to each other, leave a free distance (2 cm) between the wings and the middle of the pinwheel part. To avoid bending the wire, carefully screw it into the hole on the stick.

    Carefully place a rubber tube - "cambric" - onto the end of the wire, twisting it slightly, to secure the parts

    The spinner is ready

    Pinwheel "Sun". Master Class

    Template for making a pinwheel “Sun” and an additional detail - the middle

    A dacha is always a family vacation. There is no doubt that children always have something to do in nature. But you can still help the little pranksters and create something together. In this case, it is better to make crafts simple, colorful and useful. For games on fresh air there's nothing better than making a pinwheel.

    Wind, wind, breeze

    Children of any age love to explore everything around them. The “Breeze” spinner will help children understand the properties of natural elements.

    The toy is sold in any toy store, but no best option How to make a breeze with your own hands with children. Firstly, this event provides an opportunity to spend time with the whole family interesting activity. Secondly, creativity develops a sense of beauty in children and hones basic skills in working with various tools and materials.

    Thirdly, the result is original craft, which can then be used for games or for decorative purposes on the site.

    Making a toy with your own hands is quite simple. You don't need any special skills to do this. The manufacturing process consists of several stages:

    • Choice of material. To create a disposable pinwheel, you can use paper or cardboard. If you need a toy for a long period, then it is better to use thin plastic, for example, plastic bottle or thick cellophane.
    • Drawing up a drawing. A drawing is necessary to ensure accurate proportions and shape. In addition, the sketch will allow you to determine the size of the finished product.
    • Making a toy.

    Creating a turntable is a simple process and does not require special effort and costs. However, the result will please not only the kids, but also the parents.


    The pinwheel has always been associated with the holiday. This item is always on sale at fairs, in trade stalls near the circus or zoo. The turntable is simple to manufacture, and the process requires a minimum of time.

    For the craft you will need:

    After the materials and tools are prepared, you can begin creating the craft.

    Cut a square from the base (paper, cardboard, plastic). The length of the sides may vary depending on the desired size of the product. To obtain a medium-sized pinwheel, take a square with sides of 20 centimeters.

    Using a ruler and a simple pencil, draw two diagonals of the square. The result is the point of intersection of the lines - the center.

    1.5 centimeters are measured from the center towards the corners, a mark is placed on each of the four lines. An incision is made from the corner of the square to the marked points along the diagonal line.

    Each corner is glued to the center in turn, thereby bending each blade of the future “Veterok”. A hole is made in the center with a thick needle or knitting needle.

    The resulting propeller can be decorated by gluing it onto the blades additional elements . Required condition- the decor should not be voluminous so as not to interfere with the rotation of the structure.

    The “Breeze” itself is attached to the stick. It is not recommended to fasten the parts tightly; there should be a gap of several millimeters between them. To do this, you can wind a thread around the needle in the space between the parts. This way the toy will spin well.

    You can use “Veterok” as an entertainment item for children by attaching the spinner to a stroller or playpen.

    If you show your imagination, the turntable can be used as decorative decoration garden In this case, it is necessary to choose a more durable material than paper and cardboard. Plastic or aluminum “Winds” can be used to decorate flower beds, verandas, and terraces.

    The wind spinner has long been one of the favorite pastimes of children of all ages. Even a small breath of wind spins the multi-colored pinwheel, and the child watches its rotation with great interest.

    A toy that a child makes with his own hands will always be more valuable to him than one that he got for nothing. After all, he can proudly boast that he made this toy himself. Moreover, doing needlework is very useful, because it develops fine motor skills hands and therefore paper crafts or, for example, light bulb crafts are an excellent chance to improve a child’s skills, as well as for his development. You will probably think that making a toy like a wind spinner is not at all easy. Nothing like that, everything is much simpler than you think!

    In order to make a wind spinner we will need: a pin with a head, a set of colored paper, scissors, a stick and a pencil.

    The first thing to do is take two sheets of colored paper and cut out a square from each. The most optimal side size is 20 centimeters. Then you will need to find the center of the square. To do this, draw two diagonals and at their intersection you will find the center of the square. Then step back 1 centimeter from the center of the square in each direction and mark these indentations.

    Then take scissors and cut the square along all four lines to the marks.

    Afterwards, using a pin, you need to pierce a hole in the center, as well as in the left corner of each resulting part. It is necessary for the pinwheel to spin easily and freely, which is why you need to make a hole slightly wider than the needle itself.

    Then try to do a similar procedure with another sheet of colored paper, and only after this operation can you safely fold both squares together.

    Fold the left corner of each square toward the center, so that the hole in the corner of each side coincides with the hole in the center.

    Then secure this entire structure with a nail or button to a wooden stick.

    On average, making such a wind turbine takes no more than five minutes. Imagine how much joy your child will get from the work done with you.

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