• A few words about the dating profile. Demonstrative women's profiles


    It may seem that girls on dating sites pay most attention to men’s photos. If this were true, the owners of half-empty personal pages with salon “pictures” would already be thinking about how to fight off the ladies.

    In fact, women carefully study men's profiles. Some sections are more detailed, others are skimpy, but readable. Therefore, we recommend that any young man who decides to find love on the Internet write about himself on a dating site, which will definitely hook some interesting lady. What exactly? Read on!

    Name or nickname?

    It is very important how a guy “calls” himself when registering on a dating site. It is often recommended to use nicknames. “Zhenya” is too simple, “Evgeniy” is too abstruse. It is better to call yourself, for example, “Jack”, “John” or “SuperJohnny”. Although if a guy is looking for a serious relationship, there is no need to invent anything. Not everyone was given a beautiful name by their parents, but using pseudonyms is simply childish.

    Avoid diminutives. If your name is Andrei, write that. There is no need to type the childish: “Andryusha.” Under no circumstances use “gangster” options: “Kolyan”, “Vovan”, “Stasyan”. Such names are suitable for men looking for lovers of chanson and cheap alcohol.

    About Me

    This section exists on almost every site where people go to meet people.

    The most important thing is that girls read this particular block as carefully as possible.

    He helps for a short time understand whether it is possible to meet a man or not. The decision can be made based on several phrases with which the young man decided to describe himself.

    The section itself is non-standard. Here a man must describe himself independently, and not according to a template: height, weight, bad habits and the like. And this requires some mental effort.

    What not to do with the “About Me” block

    1. It is strictly forbidden to leave it empty. At least somehow, you need to fill it out. Were you not taught how to write an essay at school? What about writing it off? Search good descriptions online. The main thing is that they completely suit you.
    2. You can’t write funny and shameful banalities. Example: “I’m a kind, sympathetic guy, I work at a factory, I’m looking for a girl.” The fact that you work in industry can be noted in the career section of the questionnaire. It will be clear who you are looking for after checking a special box during registration on the site. And even scammers and maniacs consider themselves kind and sympathetic, but everything needs to be proven in practice.
    3. “Write, ask!” Guys often leave a similar phrase on their pages on dating sites. Honestly, we don’t know what they hope for. If the girl sees the photos and falls in love, then it’s in vain. There are not so many real handsome men. Yes and normal women We are used to looking not only at photos, but also at words, and most importantly, at deeds. If a guy of “average appearance” encourages girls to ask about him, there will be little or no response. Why on earth do you need to write to a stranger who hasn’t caught anyone’s attention yet and ask him questions? Let him first fill out a profile, describe himself, and interest him.
    4. There is no need to talk about bad experiences from past years. You can note that you were married, but do not go into details about what kind of marriage you had. bad wife, and you are so good and positive. Have you heard anything about women's solidarity? Here. This mode can be activated.

    What can you write about yourself?

    Firstly, it would be correct to tell about who you need. No, not by the physical parameters of the object, but by the mental ones. Sample: “I’m looking for a girl who dreams of long-lasting and unshakable family happiness.”

    Secondly, you need to better emphasize your character traits. For men it is:

    • determination;
    • The will to win;
    • self confidence;
    • strength and courage.

    You can “depict” something in literary form. In the sense: compose a beautiful text with humor and an appeal to get to know each other. For example: “A brave knight is looking for a charming princess suffering from dragon attacks.” It is not necessary to write something in this vein, but this option has the right to life. Why:

    1. You are trying to joke, framing your desire to find a serious relationship in a fairy tale form.
    2. You are stating that you have strength and courage, and this is very important and valuable for a young man.

    Thus, the “About Me” section needs to be approached seriously and carefully, not leaving it empty, but also not indicating outright nonsense in it.

    Other blocks

    Let's figure out which blocks on your personal page you need to work with and which you shouldn't. The knowledge of psychologists and sociologists will help you fill out a questionnaire on a dating site intelligently and with dignity.
    So, you should pay attention to the following blocks:

    1. Hobbies. Girls are always interested in how they can spend time with a man. A hobby like fishing can turn off many people. Because a man, if everything goes well, will often disappear with friends. And you most likely won’t be able to share his passion with a guy. Ladies approve of other hobbies: visiting the ice palace, snowboarding, swimming in the sea.
    2. Family status. As already noted, you should not make even a short description of your past relationships. What has happened has passed. If a new friend is interested, she will ask about it herself.
    3. Career and income level. You need to understand that a man’s level of earnings is of interest even to those women who do not have any selfish goals in principle. This all works on a subconscious level. For centuries, women have perceived men as protectors and providers. Now many ladies earn good money on their own, but it is important for them to understand: can the guy provide for his family on his own? In this block, it is recommended to write not only your income level, but also indicate your profession.

    Another piece of advice: never provide false information in the application form. You can only embellish the facts a little, playing with words, but so that all this is true. Outright lies will not lead to anything good. The secret always becomes clear. This law has never failed.

    Which blocks are not worth wasting time on:

    • "Special signs". Why describe on the Internet whether you have scars on your body, and which one is the largest?! If everything grows together with a girl, she will see everything interesting features with my own eyes;
    • "Sexual preferences." If you are looking for a girl for a serious relationship, you should not announce it to everyone. Such secrets are revealed only to one's own sexual partner in bed. Let the rest remain in the dark.

    A correctly completed questionnaire works for a man, maybe even more than high quality photo. The main messages that should be contained in the text: “This is a page of a strong, confident and successful man with whom you can build a wonderful relationship.”

    So, we ended the previous post with an analysis of a not very successful profile for a girl of the second type - “an ambitious careerist”.

    How should I write the questionnaire? It’s the same principle – like attracts like. Do you want a man in good physical shape? Write that you regularly visit a fitness club. If you want to be kind and generous, write what charitable projects you are involved in. Why does the noble and generous need a stingy man? Do you want to prove that you are an ideal option for going out and receiving high-ranking guests? Describe how you like to organize parties, what a hospitable hostess you are. This is much more useful than writing about the love of going to restaurants.

    Oh, and by the way, how are you going to shine in the world with a terrible accent and bad grammar? Learn the language! And, if you are applying for a lot, then your application form must be error-free. Otherwise it will turn out unconvincing.

    In addition, once again - write specifically. Love new cultures - which ones are most interesting to you, exotic cuisine - which ones. Thai, Tumba-Yumba tribe, something else... Sports - what types, what exactly do you do, and which ones you just “root for”.

    In general, this type of bride is absolutely opposite to the first one - excellent photographs, and, as a rule, disgusting profiles. Or be as brief as possible so as not to spoil the impression.

    Here, for example, is an ingenious brief description of a girl of the second type: Bright active and smart girl!

    Let me give you another example of a questionnaire for an “ambitious career woman”:

    Interests Horse-riding, fitness, surfing, tennis, reading, travelling, arts, spa, cuisine.

    Looking for a partnerI want noble, great intellectual (PhD), strong personality, who makes my world stop when he walks in the room.

    Personal messageI am looking forward to meet a bright man to share life with, whom I can"t stop admire and adore, give all my love and devotion. I dream about noble, smart, strong and confident personality, with passion for life, genuine man and gentleman, tender and caring, who will hug me and carry in his arms. I have a lot in my life, but most of all I want to create a strong family to raise beautiful and well educated children and to make my husband happy.

    Fight for Your Lady...


    InterestsHorse riding, fitness, surfing, tennis, reading, travel, art,spa, cooking

    looking forI want a noble, highly intelligent (PhD is the Russian equivalent of “candidate of sciences”), strong man who will make my world stop when he enters the room.

    Private messageI am looking forward to meeting a bright man to share my life with, whom I cannot stop admiring and admiring, giving him all my love and devotion. I dream of a noble, intelligent, strong and self-confident person, with a passion for life, a true man and gentleman, gentle and caring, who will hug me and carry me in his arms. I have a lot in my life, but first of all I want to create strong family, raise beautiful and well-educated children and make my husband happy.

    Fight for your Lady...

    In principle, this questionnaire can be considered successful. It is written competently, interestingly, vividly, and at the same time briefly. It will undoubtedly attract attention. Specific details are indicated, for example horse-riding, surfing, tennis, but career achievements are not emphasized. And even despite the fact that a good two-thirds of the questionnaire is occupied by fantasies on the topic “My requirements for a potential chosen one,” the contribution that this lady is going to make to the family is also formulated - to raise beautiful and well-educated children and make her husband happy.

    The only thing I would remove is “fight for your Lady.” The fact is that such men do not fight for women, they choose women. However, for young girls such maximalism is forgivable, but for older ladies it is simply stupid.

    I hope that this girl will sooner or later find her man - a man who can afford SUCH a girl. True, most likely he will be much older than her. If you feel that this message is close to your spirit, you are under 25 years old, you are smart, well educated, unusually beautiful and do not mind the age difference, take it as a model. In all other cases, I would advise you to take a sober look at yourself and come down from heaven to the sinful earth. No offence...

    Take the questionnaire only as a sample, as a basis. No need to blindly copy. The profile will lose its charm and individuality if men read it several times in different profiles. Moreover, the original owner is still in search (which is not surprising with such requirements), and there are already enough imitators. At least I've seen this profile several times.

    The third type of Russian brides can be described as stable, reliable housewives. Like the first type of girls, they have problems with photographs. But if the “unsophisticated intellectuals” still try to place interesting photos, even if not embellished either by a professional photographer or photoshop, then in the case of girls of the third type, sometimes it seems that they are posting photos that they took for their passport. Or sometimes these girls can take pictures of themselves with a cell phone. In general, they don’t really like to be photographed, so they often look unnatural and self-conscious in photos.

    They are conscientious about filling out the questionnaire, but often their answers are full of platitudes. As a rule, their profiles are not interesting or memorable. But nevertheless, the chances of such girls marrying a foreigner, and indeed getting married in general, are high.

    Firstly, men are attracted to their stability and rationality. They inspire trust; these are the girls who make devoted wives who will be there not only in joy, but also in sorrow. They are good, economical housewives and excellent, caring mothers and wives, as a rule, without excessive claims and demands.

    In fact, there are not very many profiles of such girls in international marriage agencies - as a rule, they lack the spirit of adventurism and love of adventure, the presence of which is still necessary in order to, having given up everything, radically change your life and country of residence.

    However, sometimes, desperate to arrange their personal life in their homeland, they decide to look for their soul mate abroad. Their need for constant, stable, safe relationship could lead them into a trap. It is this type of girl who chooses men who, I don’t even know how to put it well, “are not needed by anyone.” For example, they often quite consciously associate their lives with disabled people or single fathers with many children. And all this is their desire to feel safe, “someone like that will never leave.”

    Many such girls, due to the peculiarities of their psychological make-up, are purposefully looking for a Muslim husband. In some cases, this can reach the point of real masochism.

    Adaptation in new country It's much harder for them than for others. It is not easy for them to change their habits and attachments, they really miss their family and friends, and take a long time to get used to the new environment.

    My advice: when you have another attack of nostalgia, just think about the stability that you received with your foreign husband. In our native country, life is absolutely unstable and unpredictable. Just give yourself time to get used to it. Also, do not rush into having children together. Make sure that you can still get used to life in a new country. I advise you to re-read my article again on whether emigration is right for you. You have very good chances of getting married in your home country.

    Also try to learn to defend your interests, do not constantly engage in charity towards your husband and his relatives. Playing with one goal never leads to any good.

    Let me give you an example of a very good girl’s profile similar type.

    Personality I am tender and gentle, sincere and honest, very feminine and sensuous, sexy and passionate... I am very romantic, open-minded and a one-man woman. I am family-oriented, loyal and trustworthy. Very giving, supportive and caring. I consider myself a sweet girl with a soft personality.

    Interests Reading, knitting, socializing with friends, cooking, cozy home life, traveling.

    I would love to meet a man who is reliable, confident, caring, honest, well educated, successful, with a positive outlook on things and a good sense of humor.

    I am confident, serious (but with a sense of humor) and I"m mature enough to have a family of my own. I love life, love children and I am looking for a serious, kind, honest man for marriage. I would like to meet my true love and best friend, someone who shares my temperament and interests. I want to give everything to my special man as a woman, wife, friend and lover. to create a strong, harmonious marriage based on love, spiritual closeness and mutual understanding. I believe I will make a very loving wife for you!

    My translation:

    About MeI am soft and gentle, honest and sincere, very feminine and sensual, sexy and passionate... I am very romantic, receptive, a one-man woman. I am family oriented, loyal and dedicated. Very responsive, supportive and caring. I consider myself a sweet girl with a gentle character.

    InterestsReading, knitting, chatting with friends, cooking, a cozy home, traveling.

    I would like to meet a reliable, confident, caring, honest, well-educated man with a positive outlook and a good sense of humor. I am confident, serious (but still with a sense of humor), quite ready to have my own family. I love life, love children and am looking for a serious, kind, honest man for marriage. I want to meet my true love and a best friend, someone who shares my temperament and interests with me. I want to give everything to my special man as a woman, wife, friend and lover. I am ready for fundamental changes in my life and hope to create a strong, harmonious family based on love, intimacy and mutual understanding. I believe that I will become very loving wife for you!

    You probably felt - this is a questionnaire ideal wife. Its original owner got married almost at lightning speed. But as with any successful profile, copies of it are often found on the Internet, on almost every dating site. Therefore, we copy selectively. OK?

    And last, fourth type of Russian brides- “artistic and romantic creative ladies.”

    Such girls do not need to be persuaded to take good photographs. They are able to teach anyone how to properly present themselves in the most advantageous light. They often take pictures against the backdrop of picturesque landscapes and flowers, skillfully use computer graphics and are able to convey the mood in their photographs.

    Their profiles are no less interesting. The key feature of such girls is that they love to be in the center of attention, their goal is to be different from everyone else, one-of-a-kind, inimitable, unique. For this reason, most likely they will not scour the Internet in search of other people’s blank questionnaires, but will prefer to come up with something original themselves. As a rule, they skip most of the formal questionnaire, but write original messages in free columns, filled with romantic phrases, flowery metaphors, philosophical maxims, and discussions about life. For example,

    I am lovely tender flower, this flower needs love and care of it "s only the man! (I am a beautiful tender flower, this flower needs the love and care of its only man!).

    However, trying to be original and original and at the same time having poor knowledge of a foreign language, they often insert passages that are completely inconsistent from the point of view of foreign grammar, the meaning of which is sometimes completely impossible to understand.

    Here is an example, just a “classic of the genre”:

    I have the God gift to see the greatness in the people! For relationships I price the masculinity in a man. I respect and admire his leadership, realize how difficult it is sometime to be strong in principle important issues, support his decisions and follow them. My best wishes to all people in the search for true love!

    I love Life... I love everything, that makes sense... I like to be by itself... I love romanticism....I love native... I love sincerity... I love a word “Love” "... I love, when love a heart... I love, when all on a mind... I love, when a conscience wakes up to, but not after... I like to love and be sweet one. ..

    I have God's gift to see greatness in people. In relationships I evaluate(Yes exactly – I evaluate, determine, set a price, because I used the word price, I appreciate virtues - this is a completely different English word) masculinity in a man.

    I respect and admire his leadership, I understand how difficult it is sometimes to be strong in fundamentally important issues, I support his decisions and follow him.(There are some grammatical errors here too, but at least the meaning is clear.)

    My most best regards to all people in search of true love!(in English this sounds even more clumsy and incomprehensible, and most importantly, completely out of place).

    I love life... I love everything that has meaning... I love being on my own(I'm not sure that the author meant this. Maybe she wanted to say - Do you like to be yourself? In any case, there is a grammatical error)

    I love romanticism... I love...(and here, I don’t understand what she loves at all. She wrote native. This can be either an adjective, which translates as “native, native, local, born”, or a noun - “local, native, aborigine”. But - I love the native– doesn’t make any sense here. I can only guess that the girl wanted to say that she loves nature and just got it mixed up, nature in tune native. Or maybe she meant something completely different, for example, naturalness. Who knows?)

    I love sincerity... I love the word “Love”... I love when love is in the heart...(this is written in English, but I still don’t know what she wanted to say - love in the heart or loving heart). I love it when everything is in sight... I love it when conscience awakens, but not after...(no comments). I like to love and be loved.

    I hope after reading the translation, romantic girls They will understand that their undoubtedly beautiful, full of romance and deep meaning passages in Russian, when poorly translated into another language, simply turn into funny and pathetic absurdity. Maybe that's why you've been looking for a groom for years? A smart, educated, erudite man will read your profile, laugh and... will not write to you.

    Therefore, I am convinced that it is better for you to use the services of a professional translator. Online translators like Google translate or Prompt are not that perfect yet! They can let you down at any moment!

    I won’t give a successful example of a questionnaire, because it doesn’t make any sense. Real creative girls will not copy someone else's example, otherwise they are not real creative girls. And then they need to look for the examples given above in the text for other types.

    In fact, such creative people have a flexible mind, so they adapt to new conditions more easily than others. And a foreign language is much easier for them. So they only have problems with language at first, when they are trying to express complex things in the language of a two-year-old child.

    Men adore such girls. They are fun to be around, sociable, delightful and creative. In marriage, “creative” girls may face two main problems: melancholy with an insufficiently wide circle of friends and male jealousy.

    These problems do not manifest themselves so strongly if the partner is close in spirit and worldview. However, many girls of this type are looking for in a partner not so much spiritual intimacy, but, on the contrary, the complete opposite of what they lack.

    And what do the vast majority of, let’s say, cultural workers lack? Material stability, of course... As a result, such girls marry men with an unusual and sometimes completely unacceptable way of life for them.

    Therefore, my advice is when choosing a partner, think not only with your hungry stomach, but also with your heart and head too.

    If you are a woman, you are chosen. Even when you choose. How do you choose? Without wisdom. First - the face and figure. Then - a rich spiritual world. True, even an enchanting portfolio will not save a profile that “didn’t catch your attention” or left an unpleasant aftertaste. Let's find out how to correctly fill out a form on a dating site for a girl, so that the search does not drag on for years, and its intermediate results do not cause a visit to a psychotherapist.

    What to write in the application form


    what to write about yourself: examples

    who are we looking for

    why are we looking for

    bait for a guy

    more optimism

    nowhere without a photo

    What not to write in the application form

    don't demand

    don't bend it

    soul wide open

    details matter

    Let's sum it up

    What to write in the application form

    Take your time. Writing a beautiful and concise self-presentation about yourself is more difficult than it seems. Let's agree right away, discussing advantageous positions, we will keep in mind the prospect of serious relations. If you are interested in sex, one nude photo and two words will essentially be enough. Go!


    And although Oscar Wilde said that “a woman is created to love her, and not to understand her,” form a clear and intelligible idea of ​​yourself. First, you will be “understood” (identified). Then - “they will love you.” It doesn’t matter what portal the profile is on - a dating site, Facebook or VK. Positioning is the foundation of any virtual self. Keep in mind, guys are still attracted to femininity, softness and mystery. And “bitches”, “queens” and “glamorous” are still repulsive.

    It is worth writing about yourself beautifully, succinctly and thoroughly in the “information about yourself” column or any other column where freedom of speech is provided. Here charisma has the opportunity to speak loudly. But watch your image. Having declared yourself “faithful and devoted,” do not pose for photos in a negligee.

    • Don't make a man think about who you really are. Conclusions will always not be in your favor. Draw a specific and understandable image.
    • Even if you claim premium quality, you don’t need to talk about it out loud. The correct strategy is not to ask for a price, but to present the “product.”

    And don’t forget, a name makes a person. To be honest (Anya) or to attract attention (Game of Life) - decide for yourself. The main thing is without vulgarities (Cat), insinuations (Take-Me-I-I-Yours) and abbreviations (qwerty123).

    What to write about yourself: examples

    A good example of what you can write about yourself on Instagram, VKontakte, on a dating site:

    “At the buffet table there is an elegant lady. In life, she is a mischievous girl. I turn everyday life into holidays. You want to meet? If you love life and are ready for bright things, but serious relationship, we are great friend we'll understand each other. Write!”

    The next girl will probably be lucky too:

    "In any difficult life situation I remain optimistic. I believe in people and that I will meet here worthy person who needs love and support. To the man I love, I will give all my care and tenderness. Let's get acquainted!".

    “Do you also think that without love, even the brightest life is missing something? Are you looking for a devoted companion and hostess who knows how to create comfort? You can be congratulated! You found me. Tell us about yourself - it is very important to me that you are interested. I’m waiting for your message!” By attaching a photo of a smiling girl to such a profile, you will get married in the near future. By the way, about marriage.

    Who are we looking for?

    Husband? Lover? Sponsor? Order, but without “demand”. Everyone wants perfect. Identify key traits that will resonate with everyone: reliable, smart, strong. “Wealthy”, “financially secure” will scare off even a “sponsor”. One in 100 wealthy men agrees to be a “cash cow”. 99 will give a villa in Nice to someone who is looking for “smart”, “strong” and “independent”.

    Why are we looking?

    Don't get carried away with literary creativity. It is important not just to describe yourself in an interesting way, but to get a return on the questionnaire. A beautiful romance, marriage, sex - your right to pursue any goal. It is your responsibility to reach the right audience. Be careful when filling out the “Purposes of dating” column. Marriage and sex 1-2 times in one profile are inappropriate. Study our rating of dating sites - and find a dating portal that best suits your needs. Is our detailed description The site and reviews from real users will help you navigate your choice.

    Bait for the guy

    Wise girls understand that interests are the most advantageous place in a profile. Take your time to write in the section what interests you. The goal is to anchor. Instead of shopping and ballet, indicate: travel, hiking, cooking, football. And only then - crocheting: “I can talk about hockey, fishing and your other hobbies. I prefer to share the interests of my man than to spend time shopping.” Or: “I love men who love home cooking, scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast and baked meat for dinner. And what do you like? I'm sure I can cook this!” Appetizing?

    More optimism

    We are not talking about what is usually written about in a profile: “I have a great sense of humor.” The questionnaire should be permeated with humor. If you can't use humor, take it with optimism. It is difficult to fill out the form with light and clear text, but try hard. You are His outlet, not His problem.

    Without a photo, nowhere

    No matter what you write, men love with their eyes. I recommend ordering studio photography instead of another pair of shoes. The investment will pay off. Do you want it yourself? Forget about duck lips, selfies and guess-me photos. The pictures are clear, good quality, at least ten. Smile, play with your eyes, present yourself from different angles. Don't delve into the archives. Only latest photos. As for erotica, light is appropriate. Instincts must be used, but skillfully. Not “nude”, but “but”, “maybe”. Like Marilyn Monroe at Kennedy's birthday.

    What not to write in the application form

    Self-presentation can turn off potential life partners for a variety of reasons. An example of a 100% failed positioning is narcissism (“Am I in the world?”). Of course you do, no doubt, but there are millions of profiles on the dating site. The competition is wild. Keep your royal habits to yourself: “I am a woman, and all roads in the world lead to me, and not to some Rome. I am a woman, I am chosen by God...” There are a million roads on a dating site, and they try to avoid the “chosen ones.” Don't make other common mistakes - for example, don't write about anything.

    About nothing

    Sample questionnaire “about nothing”: “I am sincere, sociable, with a sense of humor. I like to chat with friends and go to the cinema. I really like to travel and learn new things.” The characterization of this girl is “about nothing.” Only youth and outstanding external data will save her from fiasco.

    Don't demand

    Some girls demonstrate an inextinguishable passion to demand. How interesting it is to write about yourself is the last thing they care about. Rule: do not make more than two demands. A real woman does not demand, but receives. Because he knows how to present himself. Unlike the girl who wrote the following: “Give me the best, dear. Not just in pants, but also jewelry. Carry me in your arms, and I’ll climb onto your neck myself.” It is unlikely that anyone will give her such an opportunity. A next girl opportunities will be offered with interest: “I don’t have a long list of requirements for a man. I'm not looking for an ideal. I just want to meet a person with whom we will have common interests.”

    Don't overdo it

    What can you write about yourself if you are a bright, successful and ambitious girl? Don't try to be even more perfect. Get down to the ground so as not to scare everyone away. Before you write “I am a beautiful diamond that requires an expensive setting,” think about what you really want - a setting or a life partner. Do you think a successful girl should “keep the bar” and “set the level”? Successful men, by the way, do not like competitors. As well as those who, in an attempt to present themselves in an original way, go over and cause a strong association with the heroes of Lewis Carroll. And it’s good if it’s Alice and not the Hatter.

    Soul wide open

    Don't rush to lay out everything at once, including the details of the figure. You can interest a guy with a nude photograph, but the stronger sex does not consider girls with such a portfolio as life partners. Pedigree, rich inner world, heavy financial situation, sexual fantasies, “I love”, “I don’t love”... Keep the intrigue. Be a mystery. Let him find out later. However, tell me something now.

    Details matter

    Don't hide your height and weight. What's the point? Subtly show off your figure in your portfolio. And frankly admit the weaknesses that are of fundamental importance. Casinos, cats, tobacco, tattoos - everything you can’t live without and don’t intend to retire.

    Let's sum it up

    • When wondering what to write about yourself on a dating site, start from the goal. “I want to get married” and “I want sex” are different questionnaires.
    • Be original. Competition is high. Set yourself apart. Write about yourself briefly, succinctly and beautifully. You must be remembered.
    • Find a balance between your real and virtual self. Keep it simple - be honest, and when embellishing, be consistent.

    Choose a dating site. But before you create a profile on the site, study its features. Our reviews will help you choose, and our advice will protect you from typical mistakes. The rest is in your hands. Good luck!

    And finally, here are some successful and unsuccessful examples of questionnaires.

    This is what most forms look like:

    • I am affectionate, romantic, caring, faithful, sincere and very sociable. An excellent hostess with a wonderful sense of humor. I really like listening to music, reading, traveling and chatting with friends. I dream of meeting an honest, decent, financially secure man in order to create a strong family that will be based on love and mutual understanding. (A lot of epithets and a blurry image)
    • I have a lot of interests in life. IN free time I love meeting with friends, we have a great time in restaurants and cafes. I go to the theater quite often, I like to watch ballet. On weekends I go to museums, cinema, beautiful parks. I love to travel. I have already visited many countries, but there are still so many places I would like to go. My favorite sport is swimming. (Restaurants, cafes and ballet certainly won’t interest you, but for a love of travel it’s a plus)

    And such questionnaires are quite rare:

    • Romantic, pretty and friendly girl. A little sentimental. I don't like it when people lie to me. I love reading books and falling asleep to the sound of rain. I want to meet a guy for whom the main value in life is family. (Brief but succinct description)
    • I am a journalist, model and just good man. Only for now I don’t have the one person I want to devote my life to! I love ordering Americano coffee in Arabica, the first greens in spring, summer rain, and in winter - how the newly fallen snow creaks under my feet. I love it when life is in full swing around me, since I myself am very active and sociable. I don’t like it when people try to manipulate me, I don’t like it when I’m scared or cold... I want to find a serious young man with a strong character, who is confident in himself, knows how to appreciate, respect and love a woman. The one who can turn the most ordinary day into a holiday. Having met your special man, I would like to create such a relationship that we can always understand each other without words. (Frank and beautiful, but a little long)
    • I would prefer to remain a mystery than to write banalities or embellished reality in order to get married quickly :-) I want to meet a young man so that in the future I can create a family with him, which will be a small kingdom, where family and friends are very welcome, but most of all they value time spent alone with each other. (Unusual and humorous)

    Women's profiles

    WITH Gray-eyed, attractive Capricorn is looking for a gentle Virgo.

    AND I'm looking for a friend, husband, lover - if all three come, I won't be offended! I'm looking forward to all three rolled into one!

    TO wow I want to find: Preferably a guy and not preoccupied...

    Z Hello! My name is Raisa. I am 21 years old. If I intrigued you, write me.

    X I want to become happy with an independent, accomplished, adequate, free man with serious intentions.
    About myself: 36/172/54, complex character, harmful, capricious, spoiled and lazy. I have no real or movable property!

    M young, healthy, easy-going grandmother 49/170/74 without bad habits and looking for permanent problems family life active, sexy, caring man up to 58 years old without cockroaches and TV

    TO Unfortunately, I am not the lucky owner of enlarged mammary glands and a spacious pelvis, sorry...

    M young, naughty, agile... Height, cm: 158 Weight, kg: 85

    Z Inka will meet a man for meetings at the bus station. Material aid required. (joke)


    B I can be awesome, I can be awesome - depending on your luck.

    X ah! I'm a hot brunette, but Russian. And so I dyed my hair blonde.

    IN I love sex: what does not contradict my moral principles.

    TO How often would I like to have sex: a couple of times in my life, if I decide to have a child?

    I as she is, sometimes angry and sometimes a bitch, but kind and sympathetic.

    E there is f\n, a\m, h\u, and where to find your love?

    IN mostly sweet, gentle, devoted... I can change!

    I a sorceress looking for her magic wand

    IN I like sex: playing around

    AND I'm looking for a guy. Turnkey family: beautiful wife, child and mother-in-law.

    ABOUT to me: a mere mortal woman...

    P a tall, unremarkable woman would like it too! Tel. 23-33-44.

    WITH It’s easy to talk about me, the main thing is to always agree with me in everything

    TO briefly about myself. Nationality: recorded as Russian, mother - Jewish, father - German. So there are a lot of interesting things in my character and appearance...

    ABOUT A charming daisy is waiting for a generous bumblebee to visit, who will pollinate its stamen.

    TO Beautiful girls will chat with handsome, wealthy kings.

    I slim, fit in places. I run in the morning. I would like warmth and affection in the morning!!!

    L I love nature, forest and earth. I can create comfort with warmth. I don’t know how to write any more poetry, please don’t answer with VP!

    ABOUT for me:
    And he sews and knits and doesn’t say a word.
    It's not about me!

    I gentle and affectionate cat. In sex, it is mainly an asset. I'd like to see who I'm texting with.

    IN Dova will meet the boy. Maybe unsociable. Possibly abnormal. Everything is possible. (joke)

    M I ask you not to disturb young people under 19 and over 25 years old, I also ask you not to disturb those for whom the purpose of dating is sex, and who cannot imagine their life without it.
    PS: Perverts, please go through the forest!

    B Don’t write without a photo - I still won’t answer! And don't offer me anything disgusting ...

    ABOUT Bottom line: you can write about a lot of things, but it’s better to know! Don’t offer sex, I’m interested in communicating with nice people!
    Purpose of meeting: Friendship and communication, who knows where our conversation will lead.

    P an attractive girl, a striking blonde, will meet a man, preferably a doctor, preferably a dermatologist, a specialist in warts.

    M It's not hard to describe yourself, so I won't do that. But if someone is interested, I’ll try, maybe it will work.

    X I would like to meet an interesting person (who doesn’t want to get bored in his free time from work). This is all in a good sense of the word. Please do not bother me for your sexual needs!

    I pretty, no bad habits, don’t smoke, don’t go out, don’t work.

    P nice monogamous looking for monogamy

    ABOUT to me: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, the word “ass” makes me faint!

    ABOUT You can write a lot of things to yourself, but this is not a fact that it really is :) And I don’t see anything terrible in what is written... Everything is very understandable... There is nothing to be afraid of, but it’s worth delving into it carefully.. .. .For those who are not very understanding

    IN I love sex: well, I love something, I guess...

    F The otography is, of course, terrible. For some reason the photographer wanted the head to be parallel to the shoulder. He probably loves the song “Moscow Nights”...

    TO wow I want to find: Young man with a sense of humor and a subtle understanding of women's desires and fantasies (don't get me wrong)

    Men's profiles

    ABOUT I'm in good women's hands. He is unpretentious in food, has taken a break, is toilet trained, and takes home his salary. There is a passport and vaccinations. I respond to the cat, the bird, my sun, etc. The phrase “Mom does it differently!” I don't use it. Not neutered. For girls who are not very inclined to be overweight and not older than 30. (anecdote)

    D Girls, behave well and modestly. Otherwise I will punish you! I am a strict uncle - a policeman. And I work from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. as a police officer in Pskov.

    A adequate, handsome guy meets a pretty, slender, adequate girl

    B former underground fighter and trainer. Now in business with my brother. Divorced. My daughter is 10 years old. Who will fall in love and take me away from here!

    I I'll wait for you, just come forever...

    M A man, three times a widower, seventy-five years old, is looking for a woman to live with....
    R. s: hobby - I like to pick mushrooms....

    IN In general, I love sex, I can’t help it!

    N A man who is normal in all respects wants to meet like an abnormal man!

    WITH small ones ( after 21 years old) ! Please do not write!

    D a girl named Lena, whom I met on October 12 near the Kuzminki station. Your blond hair and red coat are all I have left. Please respond. Basil.

    I divorced, I have an 8-year-old son. Other surprises during communication...

    H Four musketeers are looking for their milady to rejoice in their lifetime.

    AND I'm looking for a girl the opposite floor.

    X I would like to meet a girl, 25 years old, blonde, height 180 cm, with blue eyes, 90-60-90, smart, beautiful. Short About Me - 12 cm ...

    AND I am looking for someone who is adequate for a family with large buttocks, quite well off, I am looking for someone close in spirit and body with common plans for life, surrounded by care and attention, I won’t answer without a photo

    ABOUT I’m really looking for a slender, beautiful dark-haired girl in a green swimsuit who was sunbathing on Luzanovka beach on September 30th. Give me the towel and your phone number please! There were 3 wolves depicted on the towel.

    WITH a senior lieutenant from the metro, a girl in uniform (rank of senior lieutenant), gray (possibly gray-green) eyes, brown-haired, came out to Gagarin, who was playing a game of glances with me. :) I have never had such a worthy opponent :).
    If you happen to see this ad, then know that I would look into your eyes all my life. It's a pity that I realized this when it was already too late.

    M a man with refined taste is looking for a girl 92.346 x 61.712 x 93.451. Not a bore .

    AND I'm looking for someone who doesn't have any problems with this, like I do.

    ABOUT a lonely man is looking for love, affection, understanding and something to devour.
    What should I do? Love, feed and not give to anyone...

    B fish with my beautiful lady, and I will be your knight. Who said that the knights died out? Tap my head. Do you hear? The sound is as if you are knocking on an iron helmet.

    AND the fire burned, the horse ran away. And you are still not there...

    ABOUT I graduated from the lyceum, you understand what they do to normal people there...

    AND I am looking for a woman to realize my sexual fantasies (in a/m, on a/n, with a/h).

    M it doesn’t matter that you like listening to Joseph Kobzon. Signature: Joseph Kobzon .

    P I'll take the metro. I'll treat you to some chewing gum. Not an oligarch.

    L A woman of Caucasian nationality is looking for the same person, of the opposite sex, without children and bad habits. Love in Russian, details in place.

    G You can become good to anyone! If only there was living space.

    I not simple, rather I am not complex. In general, I am mentally healthy.

    L I love extreme sex. Letters of recommendation are attached.

    X I would like to meet you through the marriage advertisement. I will answer the letter with a photo. Do not send landscapes.

    AND I'm looking for a woman with an active lifestyle. Missionary Do not offer.

    L People with any mental disabilities - do not write to me!!! I'm looking for a guy, a girl, a M+F couple, a M+M couple, a transsexual for sex.

    About Me:

    I’m 28. I work as a manager in one network, I’m originally from Rybinsk. I have a goddaughter, a cat I love very much, she’s like an Angel.
    I’m 28, and I don’t have a stake or a yard behind me. I have a job, I like it, yes..., I like to communicate, in communication I take a break from loneliness. Think what you want about me, that’s all for me - anyway, a long time ago...!

    You may have thought that I have finally decided to confess to the readers of this blog and tell you how I take a break from "loneliness". But in fact, this is a text taken at random from countless men’s profiles.
    Do you want to take a trip through the dark corners of mating games? modern society? Turn off your cell phone, pour a glass of wine and delve into reading men's profiles.

    I can only tell the truth about myself. I’m from the Orenburg region, I’ve been in Moscow for 4 years. Well, I won’t write further, I’m not in Russian language class to write an essay. education three classes and a corridor so I apologize for the mistakes. (of course this is all a joke, write, let’s chat about life and the weather)

    Hello girls, I’m very affectionate and gentle, I just love to caress pussy with my tongue, anyone interested, write, who wants to chat, call tel. on photo

    Previously, he lived on the Lenin collective farm. We had our own farm. 47 head of cattle, chickens, ducks. Now I live in Moscow. Now I am the Director of the Department of Federal Target Programs of the Ministry of Economic Development. I also distribute financial income within the framework of federal target programs.

    A normal, healthy, successful man who is looking for relaxation on the side, or a person for regular meetings. (Girls are not particularly interested in one time, and if they are interested, then only TO ME)
    I don’t post the photo for several reasons, the main one is that I don’t want my friends who like to sit on this site to run into me.
    I’m not looking for a sex salon where there are five girls in one room, I need one who will come to me if possible (maybe not even the first time), but those who are truly ALONE. (I myself can guarantee safety)

    An intelligent person, but sometimes I like to play pranks.
    And in one good song I heard the phrase " free love". Since then I have been looking for someone to listen to this song with.
    You can’t write everything - just ask :-)

    But even after sifting through a hundred or two profiles, it’s difficult to find something interesting, even if written by a pervert on the run, in men’s profiles. Often men simply have nothing to write except: "Communicative interesting guy" or “I am me. Ask, you can’t write everything”. And the most common category is banally empty questionnaires, where best case scenario It is proudly indicated that its owner is in search of a girl.

    Fine. But maybe girls only act in photos? Does it matter what we write on our application form?

    It has. I say this by personal experience. Of course, if you are a male fashion model, then you will be in demand even if you write "A simple guy, I don't believe in love". But if you have an ordinary appearance, then a competent text can make you a good presentation and correctly present even your shyness, gentleness or lack of self-confidence.

    About Me:

    If you are sad, I will come and hug you; boredom will come, I’ll smile and cheer up; if you want to pour out your soul, I will listen, try to understand and support; and if you need my help, I will lend my shoulder and be by your side, day and night.
    We live in a time when kind, open and honest people are considered black sheep; in those times when assertive arrogance and cunning are elevated to human virtues; and finally we live when family values are sacrificed for a career, and many see the meaning of life in a Porsche Cayenne and in a house with a swimming pool on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway.
    For such people, I am a black sheep and thank you very much in advance for passing by my profile and closing it immediately!
    For that girl who read this far and didn’t click the cross in the upper right corner of the screen, I’ll briefly tell you about myself:
    Kind, calm, strong, stubborn, decent, sincere, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke; hands grow from where they should; God did not deprive me of a sense of humor, but everything is in perfect order with my head, heart and soul, and for Kashchenko I am not a patient! :)
    P.S. Do you want to get to know me better? Read the self-portrait!

    Why am I writing this? Would you be interested in participating in a mini-training on creating Cool Mega Profiles, which girls would be attracted to? I am going to conduct such training among the readers of this blog _for free_ in order to try out the mechanism. Will a person who has used my instructions be able to create a profile that will make the girls understand that this is the very Man they have been looking for for half their life?

    If you are interested, please post in the comments. If there are 5-10 participants, we will continue.

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