• What you should never say to your girlfriend. What not to say to a girl


    Men very often focus on compliments to get the next girl and it almost always works. However, when you have already met a girl, there comes a time when, if you blurt out something wrong, you can just as easily lose her, and if you are already dating a girl, then it is easy to run into a quarrel. How can you keep your mouth shut, what should you not say to a girl so as not to enrage her and not lose her? Top stupid phrases from men who, thanks to them, lost a girlfriend or had a long quarrel with their beloved.

    1. It would be nice for you to lose weight, do you want to join a gym, etc. Never say that. By doing this you are hinting to the girl that she is fat, which means that in the coming months you will be faced with attempts to go on a diet, prejudiced attitudes towards you as a man, and maybe even lack of intimacy(all the phrases in this article lead to this in principle), because in your opinion the girl is fat.

    2.You are a very bad cook. Yes, she may not still be doing well, but the girl is trying for you, at least appreciate that. If you criticize a girl, then find the strength to help her, but so that she does not think that she is a bad cook.

    3.My mother was a better cook/washer/cleaner, etc. Well, if you lived with your mother then, why do you need a girl? Women really don’t like this phrase because... it hits their ego hard. Your beloved does it as best she can and as she is used to, gives all of herself to this process, and you compare her like this - learn to appreciate the fact that she is doing these things, and not leaving everything to chance or waiting for your help.

    4.My ex-wife/girlfriend didn’t act like that, she did everything better, differently. So why did you break up with her if she is so perfect? You cannot say this phrase to a girl - she may begin to compare you with her exes and it will turn out that you are not at all ideal, as you previously thought.

    5.Which beautiful girl passed, she has a sexy figure. You can say this to your friends, but not to a girl who will consider you unreliable, the kind of person who won’t let a single skirt pass you by. Rate the girl silently if you like her a lot.

    6.What kind of crap are you watching, reading, listening to? That’s what you said in vain, the mechanism has been launched and in 5 seconds a 15-minute monologue awaits you on the topic of the fact that you are biased towards my tastes and interests, do not respect them, the only thing that matters is what you like, etc. Never say this to a woman if you want a relationship with her, otherwise she will constantly remember it and, to spite you, will listen/watch/read all sorts of garbage more often.

    7.Can I do something? Never ask a girl for permission to do anything, especially early stages relationship, you are a man and you yourself should know when to act and when it is better to retreat. By constantly asking for permission, you make her the main one, allowing her to manipulate you in any way she wants, which should not be allowed, otherwise you will not hook a girl for a long time.

    8.Where do you suggest we go, what should we do. From the same category. Never ask a girl, if you have only recently been together, her opinion about where you should go. You just take her hand and lead her where you need, and not where she wants. Let the girl see that in front of her is a confident man and he does not bend to the girl’s opinion.

    9. I won’t eat today because... ate at a friend's/had a snack on the way home. This means she was struggling here with all her might to prepare dinner for you, and you simply declare that she did it in vain. You can’t say this phrase to a woman - eat what she prepared with force and don’t overeat on the way home.

    10.Short phrases/SMS clear, ok, normal, clear. Women really don't like it when their long-winded speeches or messages are answered. in short phrases. Here she is trying to find words to express what she wants, her feelings, and you answer as if you don’t care. Try not to do this.

    11. These clothes don’t suit you, you look like a homeless woman, etc. Not a single girl will tolerate criticism of her clothes, and if you say so, then pray that the girl will be adequate and will not kill you on the spot. It’s better to subtly hint to her that yesterday’s dress suited her better, but don’t say that you don’t like what she’s wearing now.

    12.You were so good before. Another comparison of a past girl with her present one. You have to blame yourself for the fact that the girl is no longer as good as she used to be - because of your behavior, she became like this, which means you only have yourself to blame. Therefore, do not tell a woman about what she was like and what she is like now.

    13.How long can you gather? As much as needs. A girl should know that she will look 100%, which means she will get ready until she reaches that 100%. By saying “hurry,” you are only incurring anger or expressions like “Do you want me to look like Baba Yaga?”

    14.Why no makeup? Is that what you just said in vain, run while you’re alive? How could this phrase even come to your mind? For a woman, it means that that’s it, her youth is gone and without makeup she will simply scare away everyone around her, she is scary, ugly, etc.
    Never say that if you still want to be with this woman. By this you are hinting that she is no longer satisfied with you and you are looking for someone more beautiful.

    15. This is my friend, Olya. Never introduce your girlfriend as a friend unless you are officially dating yet. You can’t imagine what it’s like for a girl when the person she trusted and with whom she’s dating introduces her as a friend.

    16. It turns out that we can also talk to you. What did you think, a girl is also a living being, she thinks, moves, speaks, she has interests, which means she has something to talk about. If you say that, then most likely you will no longer have anything with this girl.

    17.You don’t understand anything about this. Are you implying that the girl is stupid? You shouldn’t focus on this, even if the girl really doesn’t understand anything about it. Ask her to more delicately not interfere in these matters, you will figure it out yourself.

    These are not all the phrases that women should not say, but for all the phrases you will need an encyclopedia. These options are the most common and remember them so as not to make the mistakes of other men. Good luck to you and we say goodbye with this.

    The first meetings and acquaintance with a girl take place in the fact that the guy communicates with her. In the first stages, you cannot hug her, kiss her, have sex... until she agrees. And this will not happen if the guy does not communicate with the girl. During the conversation, various topics are touched upon. Which ones should you not talk to a girl or woman?

    The mistake of many guys is the idea that you can talk about anything with a girl. The girls themselves even tell the guys not to be shy and talk to them about various topics. However, in fact, it turns out that girls date only those guys who know the restrictions on topics and adhere to them. You can chat on all topics with friends. But with a girl with whom you want to have something, the men’s site recommends that you still communicate on certain topics.

    What should you do when meeting a girl?

    So you came up, started a conversation, the girl responded and agreed to talk to you. Now it is important not to “put a spoke in your wheels” yourself. What can and even should be done when meeting a girl?

    • Flirt.
    • Nice to talk.
    • Evoke positive emotions.
    • Show yourself as successful, confident, and promising.
    • Set boundaries and probe a girl’s boundaries.
    • Show that you like her, just don't say it in words.

    Naturally, both at the first, and at the second, and at subsequent ones, conversations will take place. This is the only way to occupy the time while the guy wins over the girl. Moreover, through stories from own life you can get to know another person well.

    What topics are best to talk about?

    • The ones where something fun and funny happens.
    • Those that reveal information that is interesting to the girl.
    • Those that concern your life, but not your personal sphere.
    • Those that talk about you as a successful, promising, generous, pleasant and active guy.

    There are many topics you can choose from. However, do not forget that there are “forbidden” topics that it is definitely better not to communicate with a girl or woman.

    “Forbidden” topics for communicating with a girl

    So, you have started dating a girl or are having your first meeting. How can you not ruin everything with your own words? Just don’t talk about “forbidden” topics:

    1. Talk about your failures.

    Believe me, failures happen to absolutely all people. However, some talk about them, while others keep silent. Who do you think the girl will be interested in?

    A man must endure any adversity with steadfastness. Now imagine what a girl thinks when a guy sits in front of her and complains about his troubles. The thought flashes through her head: “He’s so pathetic! Surely, when he has further troubles in the future, instead of solving them, he will complain to me about them.” Would a girl want to date such a loser?

    Moreover, when complaining about his troubles, the guy unwittingly tells the girl what he doesn’t have. Instead of boasting about his achievements and showing that he has a lot of everything, he talks about how he has no friends, work, money, happiness in life, and so on. Would a girl want to date such a loser?

    1. Complain to the girl.

    This topic is similar to the previous one. Only if in the first case you complain about something that has already happened, then in in this case talk about what is happening to you now. Can you imagine how terrible the picture seems to a girl who understands that troubles and failures are happening in the guy’s life. Why would she have to deal with this?

    We remind you that a man must endure any troubles. Difficulties and problems happen to everyone. Only strong people They don’t talk about it, but endure them steadfastly and even solve them.

    1. Complain about girls.

    This is another unpleasant topic for the one you want to communicate and date. The guy complains about the girls, calling them various unpleasant names, justifying his words with stories from his life. Perhaps the girl will be pleased to know that compared to others she is still the best, but she will soon understand that you also have such an unflattering opinion about her.

    But a girl doesn’t want to be a fool, a goat, a bitch, etc. A guy who speaks badly about girls and women in general will say the same thing about his current passion when he starts having problems with her.

    1. Brag about your achievements.

    It’s one thing to casually talk about how you achieved something, you managed to get what you wanted, you did something good, because of which you are proud of yourself. It’s another thing to tell a girl directly about this so that she will praise you.

    Don't want to be praised. Don't wait to be patted on the head and told how great you are. Don't try to rise up and show what you are great person. Don't want to appear better than you are. If you don't follow these rules, then you will start bragging.

    Bragging is repulsive. Girls strive to date successful and promising guys. However, there is a difference between an achievement that a guy constantly brags about because he can't talk about anything else, and achievements that are a lot. A guy with achievements is already so used to the fact that he is great that he no longer needs such words.

    Say that you are good and have already achieved a lot, but don’t brag. IN otherwise the girl gets the feeling that you are competing with her to see who is better.

    1. Talk bad about your ex.

    This is similar to the "Speaking Badly About Girls" theme. The danger with this topic is that ex boyfriend I chose it myself. Nobody forced me to meet with them. It turns out that since he dated such bad girls, it means he doesn’t know how to choose them. Moreover, if he has already chosen the one with whom he is currently communicating, he is already giving her an unflattering compliment, saying that she is also bad, like all his exes.

    If you speak badly about your exes, it means making yourself a loser who complains about others, shifts responsibility from himself, is weak and weak, since he was offended by his exes. In other words, either don’t talk about your ex at all, or say only good things, but in the past tense.

    1. Talk only about yourself.

    The worst thing a guy can do is forget that there is a girl next to him. This can be done by talking only about yourself. The girl asks questions, and the guy answers them, without being interested in the same in return. The girl no longer asks the guy anything at all, and he continues to tell something about himself. The girl is already yawning and looking at her watch, but the guy doesn’t seem to notice.

    Of course, everyone should talk about themselves. However, do not forget that you need to be interested in the life of your interlocutor. The girl is interested in the guy, and the guy is interested in the girl. This is called dialogue. If you talk only about yourself, then you get a monologue.

    1. Talk about health problems.

    No one's health is perfect. As the doctors themselves say: “There are no healthy people, there are underexamined ones.” All people have one or another disease. It’s one thing to focus on them, another thing not to talk about them. If a guy focuses on his sores, he, firstly, becomes boring, and secondly, he tells the girl that she will not have healthy offspring with him.

    Older people constantly talk about their illnesses. That's why a guy bores a girl with such conversations.

    A girl chooses a guy on the level of instincts. If he clearly tells her that he cannot give healthy offspring, then she becomes uninteresting in him.

    1. Ask boring questions.

    For example, we are talking about studying, and: “And how many pairs do you have a day?” And after the answer received, he remains silent, does not know what to say next. Banal, boring, meaningless questions are best left for other people.

    1. Give a lot of compliments.

    Undoubtedly, every girl will be pleased to receive several compliments addressed to her. However, even nice words there is a limit. If a guy starts saying too many nice things to a girl, she gets tired of it. We are talking about first dates, so the guy doesn’t know the girl well yet.

    Give compliments to the point and fact. There is no need to invent them, just as there is no need to overwhelm them new girl. Let everything be in moderation.

    1. Talk about pickup and men's secrets seducing girls.

    There is no need to talk about how men “hunt” women. This mistake is often made by guys who are keen on pickup and, having received their first successes, are happy to tell everything to the girls. You shouldn't tell a girl about how. It's like telling a fish what bait you're using to catch it. If the fish understood you, it would no longer fall for your bait.

    1. Talk about men's interests and hobbies.

    There are girls who can also be into football or beer. However, not everyone supports these interests. Let the masculine remain with the man, but with the girl it is better to talk about the feminine or common topics.

    Bottom line

    Communication with a girl should be relaxed, fun and easy. It should be interesting for both partners, and not just for one. A guy shouldn't adapt to a girl's interests if they don't appeal to him. It is better to find an interlocutor with whom it will be interesting to communicate, even if you have to avoid “forbidden” topics.

    The outcome of the first meetings will depend on how the guy and the girl communicate. After all, they will never be able to meet again. It is through communication that the first meetings take place. This means that you should talk about topics that will be of interest to both. This can be found out during the conversation, especially if you ask the girl about what interests her in life, what she is interested in.

    If in the West it is customary to openly sort things out, then in Russia this is completely out of tradition. A Russian woman will be mortally offended when she hears one of the following phrases.

    "You're ugly!"

    Even if she is a complete storehouse of complexes and deep down considers herself ugly, if she is afraid to look at herself in the mirror, she still wants to hear from those around her and especially from men that she is the first beauty in the world. A man who considers another woman more beautiful than her risks becoming her mortal enemy.

    "You're too fat!"

    Excess weight is a problem for many Russian women, but no one has the right to point this out to a Russian woman. Especially a man. This phrase is a mortal insult for our woman. After all, in her heart she is as slender as a reed and everyone is obliged to admit it! And turn a blind eye to those extra pounds.

    "You look bad!"

    Dressed wrong, combed wrong, made up wrong... If you dare to say that something is wrong with her, even in small things: for example, she’s wearing the wrong dress, 2 or there’s a crow’s nest on her head, or her make-up doesn’t match ", she will never forget you. She will remember your tactless remark all her life, rest assured! Even after twenty or thirty years, she will remember how you completely ruined her mood with your words.

    “I feel bad in bed with you!”

    Yes, she may suspect that she is by no means a sex genius. But if the partner stated this directly and thus confirmed the complexes tormenting her, this is a reason, if not for breaking off the relationship, then for very serious mental suffering. She will immediately have suspicions that her partner has another, and if at the moment there is no other, then he will soon appear... As they say, a holy place is never empty.

    “You’re a bad cook!”

    Even if the complaints relate to a particular dish: “What kind of disgusting is this jellied fish of yours!”, it is unlikely that a Russian woman will forgive such a remark. Especially if it is said by a man or someone in the presence of men. Even if she cooked a really terrible mess, everyone present is obliged to praise her cooking. Criticism, even quite fair, literally turns her into a fury. Even if she doesn’t show it outwardly, she will be seething with anger inside.

    “You are a bad housewife!”

    Even if a Russian woman’s house is a complete mess, there are unwashed dishes in the sink and the dust hasn’t been wiped off for months, no one has the right to tell her about it. Especially the man she invited to visit. He must pretend that he likes everything, otherwise there will be no relationship!

    “You’re worse than my ex!”

    Whatever his ex-wife or passion is superior to our heroine - in culinary arts, sexual skills or appearance, it will be difficult for a Russian woman to come to terms with this. All Russian women want to hear that they are “the best” and have no equal. Just as there are no those who are better than them in some way.

    “But Lenka...”

    Russian women generally have a hard time being compared with anyone - with your mother, a school friend with whom you did not communicate good years ten, or with your wife best friend. Even if the comparison is made for a completely innocent reason. If you praised another woman in her presence, it will certainly be perceived as humiliation. Therefore, it is better to refrain from such conclusions.

    “You’re just like everyone else!”

    Any Russian woman wants to hear from her man a recognition that she is special, that he has never had someone like her... And if he states that she is essentially no different from his previous passions and other familiar representatives of the fairer sex, then by this will cause our woman serious stress. If you want to bring a Russian woman to tears and ruin your relationship with her, tell her that she is just like everyone else, no worse, but no better than others!

    “You are a bad mother!”

    Even if a Russian woman drinks heavily and is deprived of parental rights, she will never admit that she doesn’t look after her children well. She will spend a long time listing how exactly she takes care of the children, what she feeds them and what she buys them, and snap at neighbors who will argue that the children go hungry and in rags... Being recognized as a worthless mother is the biggest insult for a Russian woman.

    What should you not say to a woman? When my article “What you can’t say to a man?” was published, the following phrase flashed in one of the comments: “It would also do well for men to learn to keep their mouths shut.” And I completely agree with the commentator. After all, not only women have the gift of speech, men can speak too. And they say...

    Dear men, I beg you not to be offended! Don’t hit yourself in the chest with your heel, declaring: “Yes, I never...”, or “Yes, it’s her own fault...”, or “What should we do if she really is like this...”. This article was not written with the goal of showing you how bad you are. Moreover, I am sure that you are actually very, very good. But perhaps this article will help you understand women a little better. And your life will become happier and more harmonious.

    So, what not to say to a woman...

    “My mother does it better” - my mother fries cutlets better, she makes a better salad, she irons a shirt better, and when she irons her trousers, the arrows do not move apart for weeks... Cleaning the apartment as performed by my mother is a song, and after its completion it is impossible find a speck of dust even in the darkest corner.

    Instead of a mother, sometimes a sister or an acquaintance is cited as an example. ex-wife(honestly, this happens too!), first school love(“she sang so wonderfully, my soul froze”) and so on. But more often than not, mom does better. And “my mother does better” is one of the most terrible phrases that kills joy. family life.

    This is a call to competition that cannot be won by definition. After all, children's ideas are uncritical and are very firmly fixed in memory. The son may not remember that his mother did not know how to pickle mushrooms, but his wife copes with this task perfectly. He can simply dismiss the fact that his mother worked as a part-time secretary and his wife holds a management position in a large company.

    No, this is not a call to criticize parents. In no case! I readily believe that mom really does do better. Especially if it's my husband's mother. But constantly telling your wife that she always makes everything worse is not The best way achieve happiness in family life. A wife, exhausted by such a losing competition, may one day say to her beloved: “Since your mother does everything better, then go to her.”

    And besides, my wife also has a mother. And an arm-wrestling may begin: “My mother never added garlic to the minced meat!” - “And my mother said that garlic is good for health, so it should be added to all dishes!” Deadlock situation. And if at first the “tug of war” causes laughter, then over time it can lead to very serious problems in family relationships.

    “Finally, you’re wearing something decent!” – such phrases are not at all uncommon. I know a man who constantly told his wife that she didn’t know how to dress at all. He told all his acquaintances that his wife bought cheap rags, in which a milkmaid from a remote, poor collective farm would be embarrassed to appear in public. “If I didn’t buy her clothes myself, it would be impossible to walk next to her on the street,” he said. The matter ended in divorce.

    If you say a similar phrase and want to give a woman a compliment, then keep in mind that this is not praise. This implies that she used to dress disgustingly, and suddenly, by some chance, she finally managed to find more or less decent clothes.

    “When I was courting you, you were such a beauty!” - such a phrase clearly indicates that the former beauty is long gone. And what came in return... the eyes would not have seen it. This is regret for the past and mourning for the future. This brings to mind an old joke: a woman of about 45 looks at her face in the mirror early in the morning. Seeing wrinkles and bags under the eyes, she looks back at her sleeping husband and angrily says: “That’s what you need, fool!”

    There will be those who will try to explain that yes, he said something similar, but only wanting to say something nice to his wife. There’s no need for such “nice” things! Why not say: “I look at you and admire: you are still 20!” Or: “When I was courting you, you were such a beauty, and you haven’t changed at all!” Agree, it’s a completely different matter.

    "Where's dinner?" - as an option: “Why haven’t the clothes been washed yet?”, “How long will I wait for an ironed shirt?” Such phrases sound most offensive when a woman has children in her arms, her own work, and she also runs the house, that is, she does laundry, cooking, and cleaning. The man is exclusively occupied with his own work.

    Instead of making complaints, you can simply figure out why the wife did not have time to do something. If the fact is that she doesn’t know how to do this well (and this also happens, especially in young families), then it’s worth sending her to courses, at least with her mother. The issue cannot be resolved by shouting and demands. If the problem is that she is simply overloaded, then you should help her, and not say: “For some reason everyone is on time, you alone can never do anything on time.”

    “Where did you put my tie?” - as an option: a pack of cigarettes, a pen, a hammer, glasses, a favorite shirt... Such a question immediately shows that a man does practically nothing at home, since he does not know where and what is. He just demands to be looked after. In the house it is like in a hotel, where there is a maid, a waiter who brings the ordered breakfast (room service), there is a laundry where clothes are sent for washing... True, all the service staff are one person, but it’s even convenient - you don’t have to go far to make a claim. A little more and he will start leaving his wife a tip.

    Dear men, before you angrily ask your wife where she put the hammer, think - why did she even touch this hammer? After all, a hammer is, in theory, a man's job. Isn't it your fault that the hammer can't be found?

    "Are you fool?" - instead of answering any question. As a variation: “What do you understand about this”, “It’s none of your business”, “Keep quiet when they don’t ask”, “Don’t embarrass me in front of people.”

    Actually, no one is required to know everything. And even if a question is asked, the answer to which seems obvious to you, it is not a fact that it is equally obvious to others. Therefore, such a statement is “vulgaris rudeness,” that is, ordinary rudeness, uncomplicated and - most importantly - unjustified.

    Another option is possible. She is truly a fool. Happens. But so what? This means she has other virtues besides intelligence. After all, the man was guided by something when he offered her his hand and heart. And, accusing her of stupidity, he first of all blames himself. If she is a fool, then who is he?

    “You don’t know how to do anything!” - as an option: “You’re a bad cook,” “You don’t know how to sew,” “You don’t know how to raise children”... and so on. Usually this is said with an accusing tone. But, dear men, if a woman doesn’t know how to cook – and this also happens – then wouldn’t it be easier to buy her a cookbook? Honestly, it’s much cheaper than wasting energy and nerves on a scandal and actually destroying a family.

    “Your son is a poor student!” - as if this is only her son, and he has nothing to do with him. The question arises: why didn’t he raise his own child and work with him? It's easy to blame your wife. But in this case, you only have to blame yourself - for the lack of attention to your own child.

    We can continue endlessly listing unfortunate statements that destroy happiness and break up families. But the most important thing to remember is that scandals and insults do not solve anything. Strength is the last refuge of the weak. Only a calm discussion can solve the problem. And - the main thing! – accepting your partner as an equal.

    Killer phrases for women are fundamentally different from expressions that men should not say. Representatives of the fairer sex perceive the world differently, which means they are offended differently. If a hundred years ago the role of a woman was to please her husband and raise children, but in the 21st century, ladies have almost equal rights with men. However, not all of them have lost their femininity and vulnerability, so the list of killer phrases that we will consider below applies to most modern ladies.

    1. “You are not a woman!” In this case, a parallel can still be drawn with the phrase “You are not a man.” Just as it is very offensive for representatives of the stronger sex to hear something like this, for women it can become a sudden shot in the back. Perhaps there will be “iron” ladies who will take such an accusation as a compliment. But, fortunately, there are few such ladies. No matter how strong and independent a woman is, she is unpleasant when she is compared to a man, and even in a rude manner.

    2. “You’re a fool!” Every year there is a growing number of women on the planet who have several higher educations, prestigious jobs, and their own businesses. They drive cars and deal with “men’s” matters. Even if the girl has not yet built a career, she has high intelligence and feeling self-esteem, then these words will seem extremely humiliating to her. She will seriously think about whether it is worth continuing to date the person who uttered them.

    3. “Where have you been?” These three words gradually but surely destroy the relationship. A modern emancipated woman will regard this as an invasion of her personal space, and will not tolerate her husband’s total control for long. This phrase is a direct confirmation of the pathological male jealousy. It’s better to say instead, “How was your day, honey?”, “Why were you gone for so long? I was worried".

    4. “Be quiet, woman! Know your place!" After such a statement, the young lady can easily pack her things and leave. In the 21st century, talking to women like that is unacceptable. Many men still believe that a wife should not “poke her nose” into her husband’s affairs. With this approach, they will face either loneliness or gray mice to wipe their feet on.

    5. “This dress doesn’t suit you, this hairstyle...” Disrespecting a woman's taste will clearly not benefit your relationship. For a lady, her appearance is very important, but even if she dressed really tastelessly, you need to carefully hint to her about it, and not tell her directly. Tell your beloved woman how you see her image, invite her to go to the store together and choose appropriate outfits.

    6. “You don’t know how to cook.” Loving and clever man will never say this to his wife or fiancee. Even if her scrambled eggs burn every time and her coffee floods the stove. Try cooking it yourself. Invite the woman to sign up for cooking classes together. Unfortunately, men often throw around such accusations even when the woman cooks quite normally. Do not forget that the kitchen is the personal territory of any housewife, and attacking her cooking is her personal offense.

    7. "You're ugly" This can often be heard about wives who have stopped taking care of themselves after marriage or the birth of a child. At this time, the woman hardly wears makeup, does not fashionable styling, doesn't go for manicures. The natural image fades in front of that beauty who fluttered carefree in front of you in the candy-bouquet period. But men are also not ideals and often do not take care of themselves. Whatever the woman’s appearance, remember that you chose her. Don’t expect fabulous transformations from her, but perceive her as she is.

    8. “You’re fat!” Oddly enough, men can say this to girls who are slim and beautiful figure. After these words, even a woman with ideal parameters begins to worry about her weight. Nowadays, women themselves strive to meet modern standards of beauty. But you are unlikely to like it if your girlfriend becomes an aneretic model. Everything is good in moderation.

    9. “Olya did it better than you!” If you want a woman to leave you as quickly as possible, tell her this killer phrase more often. It doesn’t matter in what way you compare her with your former passions. This acts on the female psyche instantly and flawlessly. You cannot compare a woman with your mother, sister, classmate or any other special female person. A girl wants to feel like she is one and only. She regards comparison in someone's favor as treason.

    10. “You are a log!” Not all women know how to be skillful and relaxed in bed. The reasons for this may be upbringing, complexes or personal beliefs. But no man has the right to accuse a woman of not being a super lover. IN happy relationship sex is not the main component, although it is a very important component. If a girl doesn’t suit you in bed, you can discuss your wishes and offer to experiment. If your views on intimate life too different, you'll have to find another girlfriend.

    A woman is a sanctuary. You need to admire and be touched by her, you can worship her and sing odes to her. But going inside this temple, desecrating it and making something ordinary out of it is strictly prohibited! A woman’s resentment is not forgotten, even if they try to make up for it with gifts and promises. Don't forget about these 10 points, and then your chosen one will love you forever.

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