• Where to meet men: the most fishy places. How and where to meet men


    Back in 1962, the manual “Sex and unmarried girl" In it, the editor-in-chief of American Cosmo, who is rightfully considered the founder of the glamor style, Helen Gurley Brown, talked about where to catch sultry handsome men, wealthy businessmen and other good men. "So what? - you say. “It’s so old!” Not at all. Since then, the geography of Homo Sexual has not changed at all. And you can see this for yourself. For the first time in Russia, we are publishing the chapter “Where to find the one” from this legendary book. From it you will learn where to meet a man for Serious relationships.

    Where to meet a serious man

    Smoke of the Fatherland

    The office is the most convenient place to meet real men. Don’t let it bother you that your dear colleague has already been fed Malaysian borscht and herbal soufflé by some gastro-conscious fifa. It is temporarily available between nine in the morning and six in the evening. And if you are an appetizing little thing, during the lunch break he is guaranteed not to pass by such a tasty morsel. Are there any men in your company? Quite quite? This means there is something wrong with your company!

    Friends of friends

    Risky option. There is a high probability that your friend will make a fatal mistake. You will sit in a restaurant with her second cousin, a traveling salesman, and wonder: is she really a cuckoo or just wanted to take revenge for a boyfriend she beat off at school. But refusing her services altogether is also not an option. It is possible that the next candidate she proposes will turn out to be a true diamond. And then, you can be sure that if the “find” is presented as a lonely architect, it means that your beau has built at least a couple of buildings and does not pay alimony to anyone.

    Blind dates

    According to an unspoken tradition, they take place near local attractions and are radically different from meetings of friendship. Here you need to keep your ears open. Every girl has a good hundred horror stories in stock. A predator devouring you with its eyes; a maniac who insists on changing his position from sitting to lying down; a cheapskate stealing sushi from your plate...

    Sports interest

    Men like to compete with each other, and you adore men, which means you will have to love sports too. Let's take alpine skiing, for example. Austria, Switzerland, France - wherever you go, everywhere you will find snow-white slopes strewn with fit, handsome men in shiny glasses and bright suits. Even that handsome guy whom the orderlies carried past you a second ago will return here one day. As soon as the bones heal. If extreme sports are not for you, choose something more safe activity: archery, ping-pong, badminton, roller skating, bowling, golf, fishing - guys are into all this and could later become interested in you.

    At the bar counter

    There are also unique people in nature who do not ski and do not drag catfish out of the water on weekends. However, regardless of their existing hobby (or complete lack thereof), all representatives of the stronger sex sometimes pop into the bar to have a glass or two. But the regulars are the same as the three-dollar merlot. You take this wine: it seems to look like ordinary wine, but it tastes... muggy. Bar visitors seem normal at first approach, but they behave somehow strangely. They treat you as if you are not you at all, but some kind of sex adventure seeker or stale product, ready to give them a discount. You can try to convince them, but it is better not to look for crazy meetings, but to make dates in advance. If you come to a bar in the company of a macho man, they look at you differently. You send him to the manager to negotiate a table by the window, and you flirt with those who come into view.

    Private parties

    Men go to them and walk in high spirits - this is a plus. And the minus: if nature has not gifted you with a cute face and size six breasts, the chances of serious acquaintance are equal to zero. One day a couple of years ago, I got into a conversation with a nice young man at a party. He worked as a sales assistant in a store. Ten days later I stood on the threshold of that boutique. Of course he recognized me. We even went out to lunch together. And this is what he told me at the end: “Listen, I had no idea that it could be so interesting with you!”

    Group trainings

    Frankly, I myself have not visited one, but my bosom friend talked about her good friend... She met her husband precisely at classes for the psychologically disadvantaged. She turned 43, she did not suffer from depression or other mental disorders, but, thank God, the doors of the center were open to everyone. And she really wanted to meet a well-known writer. Whole year sat next to him, listened to stories about creative pains, treacherous women and high utility bills. Disgusting? But it seems to me that a man will stick to the woman he met under such circumstances. At least out of an instinctive fear of being publicly exposed.

    Somewhere in the West

    Another friend of mine, Carol, has never had a problem with fans on vacation because she knows how to reach foreigners. In six weeks she traveled half of Europe, having in her pocket as much money as exemplary fathers give their toddlers for pocket money. She had no friends among the locals, but she developed her own system for finding them. Before the trip, she called her friends and girlfriends and asked: “Do you have anyone in Rome or Paris?” They happily shared the addresses of former classmates, colleagues and distant relatives. People are proud of their connections in the West and are always willing to emphasize that they have their own people there. Arriving in the city, Carol first sent out greeting letters to everyone (mail abroad works properly): “I’m Carol. Your contact was given to me by so-and-so. I’ll be glad to meet you in person.” The very next day, crowds of lonely men were already storming her room.

    Business trips

    I love business trips! You fly first class, stay in the best hotels in the city, eat in the most sophisticated restaurants, and the amount of money in your account only grows. In addition, even if you don’t come across a single worthy representative of the opposite sex, you still won’t die of boredom. You have a special mission here! But, from experience, you are unlikely to be able to maintain chaste loneliness. Girls who have something to do seem to be more attractive targets than those who wander the streets looking like, “Well, here I am. How can I entertain myself?”

    On the halfway

    Did you know that flight attendants do not have a single free line in their notebooks? And they usually get married first. Nobody forbids civilians from scurrying up and down the aisle and smiling charmingly at beautiful strangers. There is something damn sexy about sitting next to each other like this at an altitude of several thousand kilometers, listening to the roar of engines and the beating of your hearts. You both have nothing to do, and this is already a good excuse to start small talk.

    On the staircase

    Let's assume that a moderately attractive individual lives on your floor. You are not strangers to each other. You know what products are jumping into his cart at the store around the corner, how late he comes home and who he recently broke up with. If he is not yet tired of your vigilant eye in the door peephole, he will not mind trying experimental cupcakes at original recipe. Or drink a glass of martini on the occasion of repainting the walls of your kitchen from pink to soft salmon.

    Where to meet a man for a serious relationship? As some statistics say, there are fewer men than women in the Russian-speaking space. According to rumors, all worthy men were snapped up, others were womanizers, and others became gay.

    “It’s difficult to meet a worthy man for a serious relationship,” says almost every first girl of the 21st century.

    And you know, you're right. If you meet men in nightclubs, restaurants, or don’t leave the house at all, then the intention of meeting a normal man comes down to the brink of unreality.

    This does not mean that world history does not know a single case of club acquaintance and family well-being as a result. I'm talking about probability theory.

    Well then,

    Where to meet a man?

    I don’t see any point in listing all the options. I will dwell only on the most, as they say, bull's-eye.

    Let's decide on the minimum required set of qualities of the desired man.

    Based on the hundreds of comments and letters that I receive, I can say what women cry about most often:

    1. The man is not purposeful. Plays games, lies on the couch, does not strive for more.

    2. A man does not respect a woman. She tries, but he doesn’t appreciate it, thinks only about himself, and shows no desire to improve the relationship.

    Hence the conclusion (not claiming to be true): The main qualities that a man has are openness to self-development and determination. Do you agree?

    A man must find the right goal in life, and a woman, a man with the right goal (c) says the Internet.

    A man with such qualities “blinds” the example of a real hero. Not wise - she will turn into an infantile one, or, having smelled the smell of fried food in advance. What kind of woman are you, by the way?

    Now we think, where is the greatest concentration of purposeful men open to self-development?

    1) Trainings / Seminars / Conferences / Master classes. Industry, personal growth, business.

    How many of these events have I attended in my life, the vast majority of them are purposeful men. Some are already financially successful, others are on their way. Only by chance will you be able to meet a frivolous man in such places.

    And most importantly, here you can also learn how to meet a man for a serious relationship.

    2) Exhibitions. Automotive, industrial, etc.

    Here the male audience is older and even more serious. The most specific and thorough comrades. Do you like these? Then take a walk there at least once.

    3) Airports, airplanes.

    If you have ever flown from your country, you know what the atmosphere is like at airports. People are looking forward to relaxation and a change of scenery. This always makes for an interesting acquaintance. Moreover, the audience is filtered: adequate men with average income and above.

    4) Dating sites and telephone.

    Many people have a bad attitude towards virtual dating. But in vain. Don’t you know any couples who are happy together? You don’t have to go far: my younger brother He has been living with his girlfriend for almost two years now.

    The question is not how to meet a normal man on the Internet or even by phone - they are a dime a dozen. You can experiment and dial a number at random and only sevens, for example. Question: do you know how to distinguish a normal person from a beggar and keep a man?

    There, as in life, you need to understand certain “rules of the game.” There are also decent men on dating sites. Their hopes are dashed against the same rocks women's profiles who believe that their beauty and ability to be sarcastic are the key to successful relationship With strong man. Naive...

    How to meet a rich man?

    Here I will write this: if you have been pursuing this goal for many years now, but there is still no success, or there is, but something doesn’t work out, maybe you should change your intentions? After all, you would have made a rich man out of a goal-oriented person long ago.

    Well, in general, to get to know the rich, you need to spend more time in their surroundings: expensive clubs, restaurants, private parties. But still, I recommend following the advice of the previous paragraph, since most likely the goal is imposed (by parents, society, films, environment) and therefore unrealistic, with great difficulty achievable (and it is strongly NOT a fact that happiness is THERE).

    Instead of conclusions:

    No, this does not mean that single women will henceforth have to run around places where serious men gather with bulging eyes in search of one. I strongly recommend reading the article for a more complete understanding of the dating issue.

    I wrote this article, first of all, for myself. Ears bleed from loud words:

    “There are no worthy men”

    “Men only want sex”

    “There are only weak men around”

    “Where to meet a NORMAL man?”

    Now I will provide a link to this material.

    By the way, my friend, who has harmonious relationships With serious man for several years now, she said that she no longer tells her friends about the psychology of relationships ten times over, but simply gives a link to my blog. Nice.

    Key thought for today:
    understand WHAT kind of man you need and WHERE such people are concentrated. Try to spend time there (of course, so that you have a blast). And you can meet HIM in the subway, minibus, and even in a strip club. The main thing is to smile :).

    Dear girls and women, hear me.

    Throw away the unnecessary [from your head], develop femininity, harmony with yourself. You will succeed. And I will continue to help.

    Thank you for your time.

    I am grateful for every comment and question (unfortunately, I don’t always have time to answer. But I read everything from you).

    Thankful for your gratitude and success stories. Without them this blog would not exist.

    I give you a virtual hug. In Goa they told me: 6 hugs a day, and a person becomes happier. 5 left :).

    Where did you manage to meet a man for a serious relationship? I will be glad to comments.

    The most interesting articles by Yaroslav Samoilov:

    Every woman wants to find that man who would be her support and faithful companion for life. But today it often happens that representatives of the stronger sex are in no hurry or are afraid to get to know the ladies. In this case, you should not be afraid to take the initiative into your own hands. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to meet men, what you need to do for this and what basic mistakes you need to avoid.


    First of all, a woman who wants to meet a worthy man, must make some preparations for this. What is important to take care of?

    1. Appearance. It's no secret that men love with their eyes. You definitely need to remember this. First you need to go to a beauty salon and completely clean yourself up: hair, face, arms, legs. Only a well-groomed lady attracts the attention of members of the opposite sex.
    2. Manners. A woman should also be able to behave in society. An imposing gait, “dirty” speech - all this repels guys. Good manners and the ability to carry on a conversation are what every self-respecting lady should be able to do.
    3. About future. What else is very important for every woman to remember during the preparation stage? A man in a lady must see his future wife. It's no secret that this is something different for each individual person. Well, here you just need to hit the bull’s eye and guess what a guy needs most from a family relationship: freedom, a delicious dinner, or the intimate side of life.


    First of all, you need to decide on a place where to meet men. What can I say? If you look at foreign statistics, the most common places for dating are various bars, where mostly single people gather, as well as churches. In our country, the culture of visiting religious places is not yet so widespread, but drinking and entertainment establishments are available in maximum quantity. This is where you can make acquaintances. Although it should be remembered that in such a place it is unlikely that you will be able to meet a homebody. So you will still need to take a closer look at such a person before imagining him in your eyes and dreams as a husband. Where else can you conduct your search?

    1. Job. A great place to find a life partner. Moreover, fairly close daily communication over a long period of time makes it possible to understand, at least in general terms, what a given person is like.
    2. Shop. Where else can you meet men without breaking the rules of etiquette? These are all kinds of shops and supermarkets. You can accidentally stumble upon the cart of a guy you like and thus unobtrusively start a conversation.
    3. Public transport. Also a great place to find a life partner. Today, quite a lot of people get to work this way. And no longer because of poverty, but because of the speed of such movement on crowded streets. Subways, trams and trolleybuses are a great place to meet your future husband.
    4. Waiting rooms at train stations or airports. Often new acquaintances are made there, the purpose of which is to pass the time. However, often such fleeting meetings end in strong marriages.
    5. Resorts. Where to meet men? An excellent place is recreation centers or sanatoriums. Very often, holiday romances develop not only into strong friendships, but also into more serious relationships.
    6. Places of training. Where is the best place to meet men? Why not do this at the place of study: at a university or during courses? People who want to learn are already interesting in themselves. And if there are also common interests, that’s great.
    7. Promotions and events. A great place to meet a guy is to go to a common event or social event. City Day, New Year's celebrations on the square, an action in support of stray dogs - places where people with common interests gather. Why not find your soul mate here?
    8. Cultural places. Well, it’s good to meet men in museums, theaters, exhibitions and art galleries.

    It is worth saying that this is not a complete list of places where you can find your happiness. You can and should expand your circle of dating places at your own discretion.


    How to meet men? You shouldn't be afraid to take the initiative. However, you should remember that guys are most often wary, even wary, of such ladies. Therefore, in order not to scare off a man, it is better to do everything as if by chance. It turns out ugly when a girl approaches a man with the words “Let's get acquainted” or something like that. You need to act more wisely and simply push the guy to take independent action. As an option, ask for help (hold a plate of snacks, light a cigarette - depending on the situation).


    How to meet men so that everything looks unobtrusive? It's simple - the lady just needs to remain herself. That is, there is no need to invent a different, desired image for yourself. There is also no need to be ashamed of yourself, your education or position in society. Everything must be presented as advantages. After all, how a lady treats herself is how others, including men, will treat her.

    You can't back up

    Very often, women decide to take the first step - to approach a man, but quickly retreat and leave. This should not be done; any action must be completed. It should also be said that you should not be afraid to give your phone number or contact information to in social networks. Even if nothing serious comes of this acquaintance, it’s nice to just have a friend who (who knows!) might help someday.

    Simple phrases

    What else can you advise girls who want to understand how to meet men? So, I would like to repeat again: the guy needs to be given the opportunity to feel like a leader, and not a follower. Therefore, it’s good to start a conversation with a simple phrase, for example: “What time is it?” If it happens in a queue, you can try to just talk, thereby reducing the waiting time. Very often such simple conversations end in strong relationships.


    In order for a woman to choose an algorithm of action for herself, she needs to understand how men meet girls. And act on the same principle. What does it mean? You just need to give a little attention to the selected object. Look in the guy’s direction a couple of times, as they say, “shoot your eyes,” and thus attract attention. If the guy is ready for the subsequent development of the relationship, he himself will seize the initiative and come up to meet you. If a man turns out to be uninteresting in a girl, he will simply ignore all the signs of attention sent to him.


    How do women meet men? Can you remember school years and do likewise. If it happens during training, you can casually throw a ball at the guy. There are often situations when girls accidentally bump into guys while thinking about something. An apology, a sweet smile - and half the job is done. The rest is up to the guy. In the event of a collision, you can also refer to, for example, pain in your leg and ask the guy to lead you to the nearest bench. If a man is a true gentleman, he will never leave a lady in trouble. IN otherwise A girl simply doesn’t need such a guy.

    Why don't guys meet?

    Very often, girls may be interested in a rather logical question: why don’t men meet first? What happened to society? The thing is that guys, just like women, are generally disappointed in communicating with the opposite sex. The processes of emancipation and gender aspects also do not play into the hands of representatives of the stronger sex. Women today are full-fledged independent individuals, often stronger and more morally stable than guys. There may be several reasons on the male side:

    • fear of not liking the chosen woman;
    • flimsy financial situation and a rather low social status (and as a result - low self-esteem);
    • negative previous dating experience (answers with approximately the following content: “I don’t want to meet men, because they are all unworthy of me,” etc.).

    And this is not a complete list of all the reasons that are the main ones in answering a simple question: why guys stopped dating ladies.

    Main mistakes

    When meeting men, women often also make some mistakes. What is it best to avoid when communicating with the opposite sex?

    1. Unrest. In normal quantities this is acceptable. However, if a lady constantly pulls at her hair, picks at a pimple or itches, this will definitely scare off any guy.
    2. Storms of emotions. There shouldn't be too many women.
    3. Showing off. A girl, just like a guy, during an acquaintance should not put herself on display, as they say. There is no need to immediately list all your advantages. This will definitely scare the young man away.
    4. Bad manners. A girl in the eyes of most men is a weak creature who requires protection. If a lady swears in society, drinks beer and sits lounging, she can only cause disgust in members of the opposite sex. And not sympathy at all.

    Surprisingly, you can still hear the public trying to condemn women who want to marry a successful man. However, if the girl herself is smart, beautiful, with an excellent education and a good career, then who else could she want as her husband? Is it really a modest worker who wanders home with a bottle of beer to pass the next level? computer game? Obviously not. Any successful girl needs a man to at least match her - smart, successful and interesting. But here another question arises. Where can I meet him?

    First of all, you need to think carefully and act from the opposite. Think: what kind of man do you want to meet? So that he is serious and family-oriented? Then please do not go to restaurants and questionable bars to meet people. Do you want him to be stable on his feet? Then forget about dating at poker tournaments. Do you want him to share similar values ​​with you? Then forget about holiday romances with yogi travelers. Focus your attention on the segment of men that you need, and avoid those places where it is impossible to meet a good man with serious intentions.

    So, the top 5 places where you can definitely find yourself eligible groom. Passwords, appearances, tricks.

    1. Helicopter schools

    Dear girls, having a helicopter, maintaining it and being able to fly it is an expensive pleasure. And if a man is passionate about this process, then at least he has the means for it. And obviously not the last. Therefore, subscribe and monitor all possible events that such flight schools organize. Oddly enough, given the general high cost, even they organize something like an open day, trial classes, which are very affordable in price, or reporting performances, where, having arranged in advance, you can arrange an invitation for yourself.

    Important! Be sure to learn at least the basic basic knowledge that will help you carry on the conversation. Go to the site and learn the models of helicopters on which training takes place, training periods and anything else on the topic that will help you at least start a conversation. There is nothing worse than seeming like a random dummy for the purpose of dating.

    Cunning. If you didn’t succeed in infiltrating the orderly ranks of the celestials, act more cunningly. Find a restaurant that is located on their premises and come there for lunch.

    2. Golf courses

    This place has both its advantages and disadvantages. Among the disadvantages: first of all, you need to be determined that nothing will happen at once. This is due to the specifics of this sport. The people who come there are scattered around the field, and everyone goes their own route from hole to hole. At the same time, pushing a player or, conversely, delaying his progress is considered indecent. Therefore, in one place you can meet several at the same time interesting persons You can either go to the driving range, or, again, in a restaurant after the game.

    Important! If you are not a member of the club, meeting your judge there will be very problematic. Girls who have nothing to do with golf and come for the sake of dating are instantly identified and laughed at slightly. Therefore, the only way is to become a member of the club, get carried away by the game, become one of the other members, and then, gradually getting to know and getting to know other people, there is a chance to get to know each other.

    Cunning. Golf courses, especially in Russia, are a unique phenomenon. Due to the fact that weather conditions reduce playing time to five months a year, it is necessary to maintain the field and adjacent complexes all year round, the administration has to get out and organize various trial days and other inviting events in order to attract new members. If you get into the habit of tracking such activities, you can attend the most interesting meetings even without being a member of the club.

    3. Extreme driving schools

    This is a cool place! There are many tracks in Moscow where you can go, hone your driving and cornering skills, and at the same time make life-changing acquaintances. Getting there is much easier than getting into helicopter schools, and the effect can be very interesting. By the way, you don’t have to torture your car. Many schools offer training on their machines.

    Important! Again, the most important thing is not to look like a black sheep who came to hunt for men. Remember, such girls are always and everywhere identified instantly. Therefore, your main task is to merge with the fans of high speeds and sincerely admire the number of engine revolutions.

    4. Economic forums

    If you are smart, beautiful, with a good career, then by any means try to get to the Sochi Economic Forum, which takes place in October, respectively, in Sochi, to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, which takes place in June, respectively, in St. Petersburg, and to the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, which takes place in February, guess where. Number of interesting and successful men there exceeds all permissible norms. If you don’t get confused, you will go home with several wonderful acquaintances that you can develop upon your return. The main thing is not to run into married people, there are a lot of them there too.

    Cunning. It’s extremely difficult to get to the St. Petersburg forum, the Sochi forum is a bit expensive, and the Krasnoyarsk forum is a little cold. Joke. Be that as it may, if it is difficult to get to the forum itself, then keep in mind that in all these cities on the dates of these forums, all these men do not disappear anywhere in the evenings. Therefore, for example, in Sochi these three days the city is crowded with successful managers and executives. And they all need to eat somewhere and meet with partners, discuss daily needs. Therefore, even if you don’t make it to the forum itself, it is on these days that you can meet very successfully in these cities.

    5. Exhibitions of auction houses

    Now this has become somewhat more difficult, since all auctions are moving online. However, there are still live exhibitions, when art objects worth the GDP of a small state are exhibited for review by connoisseurs of beauty. It is necessary to monitor such events, immerse yourself, gain the minimum knowledge necessary to start a conversation - and go ahead!

    Cunning. Even if you don’t have a very deep understanding of art, you can talk about how these objects of art fascinate you and how you would like to see more of this or that work. A girl admiring such beautiful things arouses interest and even delight.

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