• How to make a bouquet of strawberries. Do-it-yourself strawberry bouquet: step by step instructions with a photo. Bouquet of whole fruits: step by step photo for beginners, master class


    This is an unusual and fragrant decoration. holiday table any ceremonial event. Bouquet of berries perfect for a birthday, wedding, anniversary or a simple party. Making a festive table with such bouquets looks very stylish, bright and unusual.

    Fruit and berry bouquet- this is a truly luxurious gift, both tasty and beautiful. Everyone, for sure, would be happy with such a present.

    You can order the production of such a berry-candy bouquet to professional masters, but hand-made gifts are much more valued.
    Therefore, this time I will show you a detailed video tutorial on making handmade strawberry bouquet. We will collect a summer basket with berries and sweets.

    To make a bouquet, we will use strawberries, "Autumn Waltz" sweets and parsley leaves. Yes, you read that right, parsley leaves. Indeed, to decorate a strawberry bouquet, you can use any greens that you find in the garden or on store shelves.

    It is very important in my opinion that the berries are not very overripe. Strawberries should be fresh, firm and undamaged. Otherwise, it will be very wrinkled and quickly deteriorate in a bouquet. But we need to have time to give it and the person to whom the berry-candy bouquet is intended also stood for a bit. I think I convinced you of the importance of the quality of the berries.

    To make a berry-candy bouquet, you will also need: scissors, toothpicks, adhesive tape, a basket with a foam base.

    At the beginning preparing a basket for a bouquet. Instead of a basket, you can take a vase, a pot, and by the way, any dishes that you like. The basket must be filled with foam wrapped in floral film. We will stick toothpicks with berries and sweets into this base. We stick skewers and give the bouquet desired shape. We fill the space between the berries with greenery.

    Such a delicious gift should be eaten as soon as possible.:

    for a long time the berry bouquet "will not live".

    Bouquets of berries can be so varied. Here, for example, are excellent options for creating romance, for a wedding and as a gift for a loved one.

    Heart of strawberries and flowers

    Bouquets of strawberries with flowers

    Fruit and berry bouquets. Bouquets of strawberries and pineapples.

    It is very pleasant to receive flowers as a gift, but unoriginal, but a strawberry bouquet will surprise and be remembered for a long time. This gift is perfect for any occasion. It will emphasize the imagination, attentiveness, deep respect of the donor.

    Preparation and selection of ingredients

    Strawberries are one of the most delicious and favorite berries. It was mentioned in their treatises by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks several centuries before our era. The ancient Romans considered its fruits a symbol of love for their red color and heart-like shape. Since the restaurant business began to develop actively, there was a need for a beautiful fruit cut. This is how the art of carving appeared, and strawberry bouquets became one of its directions.

    Strawberry bouquet has such positive aspects as:

    • beautiful and bright;
    • unusual;
    • fragrant and pleasant to the taste;
    • romantic;
    • useful.

    Making a strawberry bouquet yourself is not difficult at all. Children can be involved in the process, they will be interested. A masterpiece is born right before our eyes. To make the bouquet perfect, you need to responsibly prepare for work: find suitable strawberries, collect the necessary tools.

    In addition to the usual knife, Thai is used to create fruit patterns. To base the bouquet, take a floral sponge, polystyrene foam, napkin or plastic dough. Wooden skewers and toothpicks are used as fasteners. The composition can be issued in gift paper.

    The choice of strawberries will determine the triumph or failure fruity bouquet. Fruits are selected dry low-juicy varieties, they must be dense, symmetrical, of the same size. Then the berries are washed and dried. Sometimes a bouquet requires green stalks, so you should not immediately tear them off.

    If the tails easily fall off, it means that the strawberries are overripe and are not suitable for a bouquet.

    Fruit bouquets can be stored for some time, knowing little tricks and observing the temperature regime, but it is better to give a fresh composition, which means that it should be made before being presented to the hero of the day or served on the table.

    Manufacturing technology

    Exist different ways making fruit bouquets. They are presented in vases, baskets, boxes, decorated paper. Often, the methods of preparation of the composition also depend on the form of packaging. Strawberry bouquets are often decorated with icing different types. Berries decorated with glossy sugar fudge, black or white chocolate look very appetizing. In the glaze, the fruits are stored longer, they will reach the addressee fresh. It is worth considering first recipes for making glaze.

    • Chocolate glaze. A bar of any chocolate should be melted in a water bath, add 40 g of butter or a little milk. The presence of oil will give the glaze a shiny look, but it will take a little longer to set. Milk increases the viscosity of chocolate faster and makes it less caloric, which is also good.
    • Colored glaze. For this type of fudge you will need white chocolate. Having melted the tile in a water bath, it should be divided into two parts. Into one half add milk diluted with red food coloring. The result is a beautiful pink frosting. The prepared berry is dipped in colored or white fudge. Top dessert can be decorated with any confectionery topping. Then the strawberries are placed in the freezer for 10 minutes to harden the glaze.
    • Icing. This is a traditional type of fudge and is easy to make. Four st. spoons of water are thoroughly mixed with a glass of powdered sugar. Viscosity is adjusted by adding water or sugar. Then the mixture is heated on fire with constant stirring. The temperature of the glaze should be approximately +40 degrees. Sugar fudge can be made colorful and more appetizing if dyes and flavors are added to the composition.

    Important! A pastry pencil may be needed to decorate extravagant bouquets. The production is simple: you just need to roll up a parchment paper funnel, pour the icing into it, cut off the tip and you can decorate the berries. The smaller the cut of the corner, the more beautiful and elegant the pattern on the strawberry.

    With flowers

    strawberry bouquet

    You can make a strawberry composition with your own hands, you just need to follow the step-by-step instructions. For creating beautiful bouquet you will need the following components:

    • 20-25 pieces of ideal strawberries;
    • 20-25 rosebuds, the size of strawberries;
    • wooden skewers;
    • plant branches;
    • gift paper;
    • decorative tape.

    It is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry a large dense berry along with the stalks. The rose buds should match the size of the strawberries, and the flower stems should match the length of the skewers.

    The following actions are carried out step by step:

    • each berry should be carefully strung on a skewer to the middle;
    • further, set the skewers with strawberries in a circle, forming a symmetrical bouquet;
    • rosebuds are gradually introduced, and green twigs are set on top;
    • when the composition is assembled, it should be securely fixed, arranged decorative paper and pretty ribbon.

    Important! To facilitate the design of the bouquet will help a small container in which it is fixed and decorated with paper.

    Chocolate strawberry bouquet

    To create a composition, you should pick up and rinse a large dense berry, dry it with a paper towel. Melt a bar of chocolate in a water bath. To keep the berries more securely on the skewers, their tips must be dipped in melted chocolate. Then carefully string the strawberries and put them in the freezer for a few minutes. After removing the berries on skewers from the refrigerator, gently dip them in chocolate (white, black or colored).

    You can decorate with any confectionery topping and send it back to the refrigerator. When the chocolate hardens, you should beautifully form a bouquet by placing skewers on a base of plastic dough (kneaded with plenty of salt). Reinforce the structure with wire. The created bouquet is packed in Kraft paper and decorated with a ribbon. In such a composition, you can add green twigs or flower buds.

    Strawberry heart

    This is the most original and delicious gift for your beloved halves. Such resourcefulness, sophistication and attention will not leave anyone indifferent. To create a strawberry heart, you will need the following components:

    • large strawberries;
    • compact rosebuds;
    • lettuce leaves;
    • floral sponge;
    • wooden skewers;
    • wire;
    • ribbons.

    The cooking process includes the following steps:

    • soak a sponge in the shape of a heart in water - such an oasis will fix the roses and extend their freshness;
    • the stems must be cut so that they can enter to the middle of the sponge;
    • lay out half of the heart tightly with roses;
    • then drape the sides of the composition with lettuce leaves and secure them with pins; fix all this with wire and decorate with tape;
    • in the second half of the heart, insert the skewers into the oasis in even rows and string strawberries on each of them.

    With sweets

    To create a composition of sweets, you need to prepare strong large strawberries and chocolate candies round shape. Thread berries and sweets onto skewers. In the center of the composition there will be skewers with sweets, they should be fixed with tape. Arrange and secure the strawberries around the outer circle. Wrap the formed bouquet with a film, decorate with mint leaves, pack in gift paper.

    With other fruits and berries

    Strawberries go well with any fruit and berries. It is easily combined with strawberries, garden blackberries, cloudberries. Fruit and berry composition can be arranged in a basket or round box(sold in flower shops). At the bottom of the container, lay out the foam wrapped with a film. Form a base on it - slices of any suitable fruit (rings of pineapples, apples, and others).

    The base must be pierced with skewers and toothpicks, creating a cone shape. To do this, large skewers are placed in the center of the composition, the next rows are “drowned” a little, then they switch to shorter toothpicks. Strawberries need to be strung on prepared fasteners. You can make a small composition in a mug, on the bottom of which put half an apple or orange as a base. As you can see, the art of carving can be mastered at home, it is enough to have imagination and diligence.

    You will learn more about how to make a bouquet of strawberries with your own hands from the following video.

    How to cover strawberries with chocolate?

    To cover the berries, white, milk, colored and black bitter chocolate are used. Strawberries look good in sugar fudge. Process of creation strawberry dessert quite uncomplicated. You need to melt the chocolate bar to a viscous state. Put the washed, dried strawberries on wooden skewers and completely dip into the prepared glaze. When the fondant hardens, the berry can be dipped again in chocolate of a different color. You will get a beautiful two-layer dessert.

    Using a cornet, a pattern is applied with white fudge on black hardened chocolate. The color can be reversed. Colored glaze patterns look good. Berries look peculiar in different toppings (ground nuts, coconut, cocoa). Strawberries on a skewer, dipped in chocolate, still half-hardened, should be gently dipped in the sprinkles and allowed to dry. To achieve a piquant taste, the berries on skewers can be held in cognac for 10 minutes, then sprinkled with powdered sugar and dipped in soft chocolate.

    Important! Berry bouquets are beautiful and varied, they are prepared with flowers (daisies, roses), sweets (candies, marshmallows), in company with other fruits (strawberries).

    Small bunch of strawberries

    For a small composition, you will need a dozen large beautiful strawberries, plant leaves, skewers, wire, a floral sponge, craft paper. It is necessary to prepare a sponge according to the size of the bouquet, cut off the excess parts with a knife. This will serve as the base for the strawberries on the skewers. But one half of the skewers fasten the leaves of the flowers with a wire and string the berries. Thread the other half of the strawberries onto loose skewers. The composition is beautifully set and fixed on a sponge.

    Skewers with leaves should be lined up along the contour of the bouquet. Wrap the finished composition in Kraft paper, decorate with a ribbon.

    Little tricks

    Little tricks help to make strawberry bouquets.

    • To make chocolate-covered strawberries better, you need to prepare a container with ice water. Chocolate should be melted in a water bath, but in no case overheat. First, dip the berry into melted chocolate, and then dip it into cold water for 20 seconds. Moisture can be blotted with a towel.
    • Berries will last longer if you dip them in a gelatin solution. To do this, gelatin must be infused in cold water until it swells, then heated in a water bath and add lemon juice. Strawberries should be dipped in a cooled, but not yet “seized” solution.
    • In addition to gelatin, the berry lasts longer in any fudge (sugar, chocolate). Strawberries in chocolate can be decorated with patterns of colored glaze, sprinkled with nuts, coconut flakes.
    • Strawberries on a skewer will hold on tighter if you back them up with a grape on the bottom. To make a berry bouquet look even more unusual, it can be built in a hat box by arranging strawberries in a beautiful slide.

    Beautiful examples

    There are millions of strawberry bouquets and many of them are not alike. Some firms release their compositions and give them names. But in most cases, bouquets are born spontaneously, anyone can realize any creative fantasy. Berry Bouquet gives beautiful names to its products.

    • Fruity bouquet with a charming name "Love Story" designed for loved ones, it helps to express the depth of romantic feelings. Dessert, with a volume of 25x30 cm, is designed for two lovers. Strawberries, grapes and pineapple will provide an enthusiastic harmony of taste.

    • Composition "Strawberry Night" contains selected berries in the form of hearts, some of which are glazed with black bitter chocolate. The bouquet is complemented by dark shiny blackberries. A wonderful mysterious night with a strawberry-chocolate flavor frightens and beckons with its magnificence.

    • Bouquet "Chocolate happiness" really make its owner happy. Strawberries in milk chocolate with the addition of grated almonds and hazelnuts will allow you to enjoy every bite of an extraordinary dessert.

    • Composition "Illusion" consists of 38 selected berries. Milk chocolate and powdered sugar complete the unforgettable strawberry taste.

    • Five-kilogram bouquet " big love» is able to feed not only the newlyweds, but also everyone who wants to touch this great all-encompassing feeling. Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries - this is truly a whole bunch of berries. White, milk chocolate and coconut flakes complete the complete harmony of happiness.

    • Composition "Raspberry Paradise" surprises with a balanced taste of strawberries, raspberries and white chocolate. Pleasant mint notes add piquancy to the bouquet.

    Everyone wants to receive a chic strawberry bouquet as a gift. If loved ones do not know about our desires, you can make a chocolate and berry composition yourself and surprise them with an exquisite surprise.

    To originally congratulate loved one, give him a composition of fresh berries. Such a gift can be made with your own hands.

    There are many options for making a bouquet of strawberries. In the article, we will consider several master classes that will be accompanied step by step photos.

    Take advantage of the opportunity before the season ends. We need a fresh and large berry.

    Composition of strawberries and roses

    This original bouquet will be doubly pleasant to receive, as you will make it yourself. We will need flowers (roses, white alstroemeria), fresh strawberries, decoration paper and ribbon.

    First you need to wash the strawberries and select. We put each berry of the same size on wooden skewers.

    When will they be prepared required amount strawberries, put a skewer to the stem of the flower and cut to size.

    To form a bouquet, we use an ordinary vase. In the middle we spread the berry, and along the edges of the rose. We fasten the composition with the help of ordinary clerical gum.

    Add alstroemeria flowers around the edges. Cut off the protruding ends of the stems.

    Cut out the required amount of paper, wrap the bouquet around it. Tie with a ribbon for decoration.

    If you want to present a gift the next day, then fix a damp cloth at the bottom of the composition. This will keep you fresh for a long time.

    How to make a bouquet of strawberries and marshmallows (zephyr) with your own hands

    For the manufacture of the following composition, we will use a confection such as marshmallows made from corn syrup and gelatin. The perfect gift for sweet tooth.

    It is difficult to call such an instruction a master class, since everything is outrageously simple. You need to put fresh strawberries and marshmallows on wooden skewers, as shown in the photo below.

    Fasten a few skewers with tape so that the composition does not fall apart. Then we collect together small bouquets.

    We prepare gift paper and wrap berries with marshmallows in it.

    Edible, bright bouquet is ready!

    Check out the video for another one:

    Your girlfriend will be delighted with such an unusual gift.

    Step-by-step instructions for creating a chocolate-covered strawberry composition

    To create a bouquet, we need a dense berry. Rinse it first and dry it with paper towels.

    To securely fix strawberries, dip the tip of wooden skewers into melted black or white chocolate. Gently string strawberries on them and put them in the refrigerator for a few minutes.

    The next step is to dip some of the berries into the chocolate. If desired, decorate with puffed rice or confectionery topping. Colored chocolate is also suitable for decoration. We send it to the refrigerator for a while.

    We insert skewers with strawberries into a bar of floral foam or foam plastic, forming a bouquet. We cut off the excess from the sponge and wrap the composition with craft paper, after which we tie it with a beautiful ribbon.

    If desired, you can add fresh flowers or green grass. Such a bouquet is quite expensive if you order it in specialized stores.

    Beautiful bunch of berries and sweets

    Let's take another look interesting option. In addition to strawberries, we need chocolates of the appropriate shape and mint.

    Gently thread strawberry candies onto wooden skewers.

    Wrap candy skewers with tape. We spread the berry along the edges and securely fasten it.

    To begin with, we wrap the bouquet with plastic wrap, decorate with mint leaves. Then we pack it in paper of two colors, and tie it with a ribbon.

    You can present a bright and sweet composition as a gift.

    Step-by-step master class on making a bouquet of strawberries with mint

    Such an edible gift will have a pleasant aroma. Watch the video, follow the steps, and at the end just add a few sprigs of fresh mint.

    You can experiment a little. For decoration, you can use lemon balm, lollipops, fresh and artificial flowers.

    Bouquet in a basket or hat box

    In addition to strawberries, we need a decorative basket or a shallow box. You can buy these attributes in a flower shop.

    We put foam inside the container right size. We wrap it with food foil and plastic wrap. As a base, you can take half a pineapple or any other fruit.

    We stick toothpicks into the base and put a berry on them. Thus, we form the first row along the edge.

    We fix the rest of the rows in the same way. To create a conical shape, fix the strawberries in the middle on wooden skewers.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated. You can fix the berries on the apple in a mug. Show your imagination.

    Step by step instructions can be used to create fruit bouquets.

    What could be better than a gift with your own hands? If you want to present an original, interesting, useful and tasty gift, then the best solution is a fruit bouquet. As fruits, you can use bananas, strawberries and raspberries, peaches, pineapples, and much more. It is interesting that fruits can be covered with chocolate icing, so it will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, attractive. Making a strawberry bouquet at home does not take a lot of money and time, especially if you are making a gift during the berry season. To make original gift, it is enough to use the proposed master class and video lesson.

    Bouquet making technology

    A handmade gift is much better than store-bought trinkets. That is why, using the instructions and the proposed video, you can create an exquisite, bright, unique and incredibly delicious bouquet from strawberries in chocolate. The main advantage is that everything can be done by hand.

    Strawberry extravaganza, collected in the form of a bouquet with chocolate, will become a chic decor for any festive table. In addition, it can be presented as a gift, a souvenir. As for children, they will be completely delighted with such decorations. It is interesting that even a schoolboy can cope with the process of preparing a bouquet, but, of course, under the supervision of adults.

    Strawberry bouquet is a great alternative to regular flowers. If you want to surprise a loved one, then a berry bouquet is what you need. To make it, you need to pick up a ripe and sweet strawberry, as well as auxiliary tools, without which nothing will work. You will need: a knife, toothpicks and skewers, scissors, and wire.

    Algorithm for making a bouquet at home:

    1. First you need to select large, juicy and ripe strawberries.
    2. Pre-prepare the skewers on which to chop the berries.
    3. Melt chocolate on steam bath Or make icing sugar.
    4. Next to you should be a vessel with ice water.
    5. It is enough to quickly dip the strawberries in chocolate, and then immediately in ice water. If necessary, wipe with a dry cloth.
    6. If desired, you can apply the glaze in another way, using a pastry syringe.
    7. After that, collect the berries in a bouquet and pack them beautifully.

    The cooking technology is quite simple, affordable, so even a schoolboy can handle it.

    Secrets of creating an original gift

    Each master makes delicious desserts in different ways, but everyone has their own tricks and secrets that allow them to achieve the perfect result. That is why, before you start assembling a fruit bouquet, it is important to read some tips.

    1. To create a strawberry bouquet, you need to take only juicy, soft, and most importantly, fresh fruits. Keep in mind that the berries are able to release juice, which will spoil the composition later!
    2. If the berry breaks during cooking, do not use it. It will seem to you that the breakage is imperceptible, but after an hour the berry will begin to give juice and fall apart even more.
    3. To further decorate the berry bouquet, you can sprinkle food sprinkles, coconut flakes or chopped nuts on top of the chocolate icing.
    4. If the bouquet consists of cut berries, do not make it in advance, otherwise the result will not please you very much.

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