• How to make a rocket with your own hands from paper, cardboard, matches, foil and bottles - diagrams. How to make a model of a rocket that flies. Craft rocket: how to make a decorative rocket out of cardboard and paper, bottles and cans (80 photos)


    Making rockets with your own hands from scrap materials is a popular hobby among residents of Western countries. In Russia, home “rocket science” is not in such high demand, but even here we meet enthusiasts. And in most cases, these are not students of technical specialties, but parents of little fidgets and young dreamers. Only loving mothers, dads and creative teachers-educators know how to make a rocket with their own hands from paper, cardboard, bottles, so that it not only involves kids in space travel, but also takes off spectacularly. Using diagrams and models, brave experimenters will make a rocket that flies out of matches and foil. Don't believe me? Experience our master classes with photos and videos for yourself!

    How to make a space rocket with your own hands from scrap materials - a step-by-step master class for children and parents

    To give your child a new exciting toy, you don’t have to visit stores and auctions of expensive children’s goods. You can make a bright, interesting and, most importantly, safe thing with your own hands. For example, an intergalactic rocket for entertaining role playing games And virtual travel. And our step-by-step master class“How to make a space rocket with your own hands from scrap materials” will simplify and speed up the collective creative process parents and children.

    Necessary materials for a rocket from scrap materials

    • plastic bottle
    • colored terry sock
    • glue gun
    • sheet of red felt
    • thick foil
    • cardboard
    • scissors
    • red and yellow yarn
    • paper towel tube
    • thin cord

    Step-by-step master class for children on creating a space rocket from scrap materials

    1. Wash the empty plastic bottle with warm water and dry. Place a colored sock over a clean, dry container. Tie it with a thin cord under the bottom of the bottle and cut off the tail.
    2. Cut out two circles with a diameter of 5 cm from red felt. Glue the figures onto the finished base of the rocket, imitating portholes. Fix on the red circles glue gun the same round parts made of thick foil, but with a smaller diameter. Approximately - 3.5 cm.
    3. Draw three “fins” on a piece of white cardboard. Cut out the shapes and glue them point down to the rocket on three sides.
    4. From a cardboard tube (from toilet paper or paper towels) cut a ring 5-6 cm wide. Wrap the part with thick foil. Reds wool threads wrap it around your palm, then glue the resulting skein on one side to the previously prepared part.
    5. Do the same with yellow yarn. This way you can make the lower part of the rocket with decorative flames. Secure the part with a glue gun to the bottom of the bottle. This completes the step-by-step master class for children and parents “How to make a space rocket with your own hands from scrap materials”!

    How to make a bright rocket out of cardboard and paper with your own hands - diagrams and models

    If preschoolers are delighted and delighted by a small toy rocket, the size of a bottle, then older children will love the spacecraft "in full height" Having your own intergalactic ship will allow younger schoolchildren to feel like real captains and show courage, bravery and bravery, as the main traits of a man’s character.

    How to properly make a large model of a rocket out of paper and cardboard with your own hands for a child, see the next master class with diagrams, photos and videos.

    Necessary materials for a DIY paper and cardboard rocket model

    • carton boxes
    • colored paper
    • yoghurt cups
    • disposable plates
    • plastic covers and buttons
    • letters and numbers on adhesive backing
    • bobbins of thread
    • flower pot
    • foam circle and pieces of fabric
    • letter stencils
    • markers
    • scissors
    • pencil
    • satin ribbons
    • thick foil
    • glue gun

    A simple diagram of how to make a rocket model from cardboard and paper with your own hands

    1. Start creating a bright rocket with the help of the kids. Let children help you with their favorite toy tools. Use a large household appliance box as the base of the rocket. Ideally, from the refrigerator.
    2. Make the top of the rocket out of painted flower pot, disposable tableware and plastic spools of sewing thread. Decorate the details with pieces of satin ribbons and voluminous stars made of colored paper.
    3. Cut a round window in the front wall of the rocket. Wrap the foam circle in multi-colored satin ribbons and glue it to the panel in place of the porthole. Glue a few spools of thread a little higher and mark them with adhesive numbers. This will make it easier for the little pilot to count down the time before launch. Below the window, place another instrument panel to make the rocket more interesting.
    4. On the right side space rocket equip the fuel tank cap with bright plastic buttons. Plastic bottle caps, thread spools, and old buttons from various devices will be useful for this.
    5. Don't forget about the front door. Draw on back wall rocket a large oblong rectangle and cut three sides (bottom, top and right). Remaining left-hand side will serve as a curtain. Decorate the captain's door with decorative elements.
    6. Draw two “legs” on thick cardboard, cut out the parts and cover them with foil. Fix the elements on the bottom of the right and left walls of the rocket. At this point the spacecraft is ready. For a clear picture of how to make a bright rocket out of cardboard and paper with your own hands, see the model diagram.

    How to make a rocket with your own hands so that it flies - step-by-step instructions with photos and videos

    Even using the most primitive waste materials(candy boxes, cardboard napkin tubes, etc.), you can make an unusual rocket with your own hands that will fly. Of course, she will not be able to surf the expanses of the universe, but she will boldly go on a journey through the children's room. Take advantage of our step by step instructions with photos and videos to make a nice gift for your kids for the significant Cosmonautics Day.

    Necessary materials for a DIY flying paper rocket

    • paper towel tube
    • thick cardboard
    • scissors
    • pencil
    • brushes and gouache paints
    • permanent marker
    • yarn
    • drinking straw

    Step-by-step instructions with photos and videos for creating a flying rocket with your own hands

    How to make a simple bottle rocket with a launcher to make it take off

    If the kids have grown up a long time ago and are no longer interested in toy models made of cardboard, invite them to make a simple rocket with a trigger mechanism that can fly high and impressively. Rest assured, the trick of launching a spacecraft will cause wild delight even in an adult. What can we say about impressionable teenagers?

    Materials needed for a simple bottle rocket with launcher

    • thick cardboard
    • thin cardboard
    • scotch
    • plastic bottle
    • plasticine
    • wine stopper
    • pencil
    • scissors
    • Bicycle Pump

    Step-by-step instructions for creating a simple rocket with a trigger mechanism

    1. Sheet thin cardboard roll into a cone. Trim the edge to make the shape even.
    2. Cover the finished cone with colored tape, this will increase its resistance to water.
    3. Wash and dry the empty bottle. Paint the container in any color, if desired, draw an emblem or leave an inscription.
    4. Glue the main part of the rocket - the cone - with liquid silicone to the bottom of the bottle. Try to make the structure as smooth as possible.
    5. Cut out 3-4 right triangles from thicker cardboard. Glue the parts to the bottle. This will give the rocket tail fins. Ideally, the “legs” should end at the level of the extreme point of the container neck.
    6. Weight the bottom of the rocket. To do this, wrap a piece of plasticine around the neck of the bottle and disguise the load with adhesive tape.
    7. Pour 1 liter of water into the bottle.
    8. IN wine cork Make a thin hole with a needle. The hole size should not exceed the diameter of the bicycle pump needle.
    9. Carefully insert the cork into the neck of the bottle. Insert the bicycle pump needle firmly so that it does not pop out.
    10. Take the rocket with the neck up and connect it to the pump. Turn the spacecraft over and position it so that it does not fly towards you.
    11. Holding it with your hand, inflate the rocket with air. Then release the craft and continue pumping air. Simple rocket from a bottle with a trigger mechanism will take off as soon as the cork can no longer hold the pressure.

    How to make a rocket from matches, foil and other improvised materials with your own hands according to video

    And for those who want to remember a fun and carefree childhood, being already old enough, we have prepared another master class with a video on making a flying rocket from matches, paper clips and foil. This time you won’t have to make crafts from cardboard, paper, bottles and other scrap materials. It is enough just to remember that very simple model that flies, and carefully reproduce it, observing safety precautions. And if you remember step by step instructions If you can’t do it, watch the video “How to make a rocket from matches, foil and other materials with your own hands.”

    You will need

    • For step 1: sheet of cardboard, colored paper, scissors.
    • For step 2: beer bottle, newsprint, PVA glue, knife, foil, colored and White paper, tape, stapler.
    • For step 3: plaster, plasticine or decorative clay.



    Good luck in your creative endeavors!

    Helpful advice

    Work on creating any device begins with a drawing. Draw what you want to see and work on the existing image.

    The planet always seems to most people to be something huge, distant and unattainable (despite the fact that we live on one of these celestial bodies!). A simple way to help you understand the structure of the planet is to make your own planet yourself!

    You will need

    • Styrofoam balls
    • Brushes
    • Acrylic paints
    • Pencil
    • Pen
    • Books about planets
    • Cardboard
    • Toothpicks
    • Scotch
    • Styrofoam balls


    Cut out the main parts of the planet on the ball with a knife. Continents, with plains, valleys and mountains.

    Color the main parts of the planet with acrylic paints. Wait until the first layer of paint dries, then add color to the details - rivers, lakes, mountains, etc.

    Video on the topic

    Do you want to go on a big space journey? Nothing is impossible - just get a sheet of paper, pencils and paints. In a fantastic adventure you will meet unknown worlds, unexplored planets, strange creatures, which, of course, can be drawn. You can even create a fantastic comic or cartoon. But first you need to draw what you will fly on to explore distant worlds, that is. There are different types of rockets, but the most traditional version- just like on old Soviet postcards from the beginning of the space age.

    You will need

    • - paper;
    • - a simple pencil;
    • - watercolor paints;
    • - brush;
    • - a set of postcards dedicated to space exploration;


    Determine what position you will be in. If she is just getting ready to start, it is better to lay the sheet vertically. To depict a flying image, any position of the sheet is possible. It is better to pre-tint the paper. Any colors are possible in Space, but first think about what color it will be. If it is light, then the sky may be bright or even black. Bright rocket draw on a black or, conversely, pale background.

    Mark the direction of the rocket's movement with a center line. If your rocket is just getting ready for launch, only the vertical axis will be enough. If it is a rocket, draw perpendiculars to the axial line in both directions at its lowest point. From this point, set up and down distances approximately equal to 1/4 of the length of the perpendicular and place points. Connect the ends of the perpendiculars and these points with an oval.

    From the ends of the perpendiculars upward, draw lines parallel to the axial line, approximately 2/3 of the height of the rocket. Connect the ends of these lines to the upper end of the axial line with straight lines. There is no need to draw them along a ruler; the lines should be soft.

    Draw the stabilizers. To do this, from the end of each perpendicular, set aside a height equal to approximately 1/3 of its height along the side lines of the rocket. Place points on the side lines just above the perpendiculars and draw straight lines in both directions equal to approximately half the length of the perpendicular. Connect the resulting point with the point marking a third of the side line of the rocket. There are 2 identical triangles on the sides.

    Draw the third stabilizer. Place one point on the axial line just above the lowest point, and the second at a height equal to 1/3 of the height of the rocket. On both sides of these points, draw short identical segments, connecting their ends with straight lines. You should end up with a long but very narrow rectangle.

    Above the middle stabilizer you can have one or two windows. These are simply circles of arbitrary size located along the center line. If there are several of them, the distances between them should be equal.

    Color it rocket. Apply a thin coat of paint, covering the side stabilizers. Don't paint the portholes yet. Apply a second thin layer, leaving a stripe in the middle. Apply the third layer only to the sides of the rocket body. Paint the portholes with any other color.

    Video on the topic

    Helpful advice

    If you are drawing a rocket on a black or dark blue background, use a white pencil instead of a plain one.

    Layout development is most often taught in design or computer science departments. It is these specialists who, when creating POS materials or websites, need the ability to beautifully arrange text, pictures and photographs.


    As soon as the meaning that the layout should reflect is, write the text. Depending on the format, describe the main idea in more or fewer words. Just don't overload the layout with content. If what is proposed interests the reader, he will find information on the Internet or find out the necessary information by calling the indicated telephone numbers.

    Come up with a slogan that matches the theme of the layout. It is desirable that it be memorable. Print it large and bright so it stands out. This is especially important when creating leaflets. During the distribution by promoters, they (leaflets) will be visible from afar.

    Select high-resolution photos from free banks. Their weight should be above two megabytes. If the layout will be printed, find out the technical details for the images in advance at the printing house. Find as many as possible beautiful pictures, so that they can be arranged in different ways.

    Combine photos, slogan and text in a design program. Place all components on a colored backing. You can choose from options already available in the software, or you can make your own. Create several layout options, swapping components. Ask others which one they like best.

    After completing the layout, proofread the text and correct spelling and punctuation errors. No matter how beautiful the image is, don’t forget about literacy.

    Video on the topic

    Immediately after the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR in 1957, modelers all over the world began building bench models of rockets. Such model does not fly, but simply decorates the interior of the room in which it is installed.


    Ask your plumber for a piece of plastic water pipe with a diameter of about 8 and a length of about 20 centimeters. Such short sections of pipe are considered waste by plumbers.

    Make a stand from particle board. In its middle, drill a hole with a diameter of about 5 millimeters. Next to it, install a bracket four centimeters high less length pipes. Mount a small flashlight bulb on the bracket. Pull the wires from it through the hole so that they end up on the underside of the stand.

    Provide the stand with soft feet to prevent it from scratching the table or pinching wires.

    Make a side hole on a piece of pipe so that it is exactly opposite the light bulb. Tighten it from the inside with a piece of plastic cut from a plastic bottle of the desired color. This will be the porthole.

    Place the pipe on the stand so that the light bulb is in front of the hole and in the center of the pipe. Glue it to the base in this position. Leave the structure in this form for a day so that the glue dries completely.

    Make four identical right-angled triangles from thick cardboard. Glue them to the pipe on four sides to imitate stabilizers.

    Connect the light bulb to a power supply whose voltage is one and a half to two times less than its rated voltage. Thanks to the reduced voltage supply, it will not burn out for a long time, which is especially important because all the connections in the model are adhesive, and its disassembly is difficult. Do not leave model with the light on and unattended.

    Video on the topic

    Are you afraid to buy colored plasticine because of the chemicals? Make your own completely safe colored plasticine for children. Plasticine improves a child’s motor skills and is also just fun to play with.

    You will need

    • -1 cup flour
    • -1/4 cup salt
    • -2 tablespoons cream of tartar (monopotassium tartrate)
    • -1 glass of water
    • -2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    • -Food colorings

    Our interesting and informative master classes, equipped with diagrams of parts and details, will tell you what and how to make a rocket with your own hands. step by step description process. The scope for creativity here is very large, and the work requires such simple and accessible items as paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, matches, foil and other available materials. The model can be exclusively a souvenir and then used as a gift to one of your relatives and friends. Well, for the most curious and creative, we have prepared lessons describing the creation of a rocket that flies. It is also not difficult to do, however, launching is permissible only in the open air and only if basic safety rules are observed.

    How to make a rocket with your own hands so that it flies - a simple master class for children

    This simple and accessible master class will teach your child how to make a flying paper rocket with their own hands. The work will require a minimum of materials, but, nevertheless, in order for everything to work out as needed, you will have to show attention and accuracy. The smoother and clearer the fold lines are, the more aerodynamic the craft will be and the farther it can fly.

    Necessary materials for making a flying rocket with your own hands

    • A4 sheet of paper
    • scissors
    • rubber bands for money

    Step-by-step instructions on how children can make a flying rocket with their own hands

    How to make a cardboard rocket with your own hands - diagrams of parts and work process

    Following the recommendations of this master class, you can make a voluminous and beautiful themed toy with your own hands - a space rocket from cardboard and colored paper. The lesson includes not only detailed description and step-by-step photos, but also diagrams that will make it easy to cut out important small details.

    Necessary materials for making your own cardboard rocket

    • set of colored paper
    • single-sided colored cardboard
    • paper towel roll
    • scissors
    • stapler
    • ruler
    • pencil
    • PVA construction
    • satin braid in bright colors

    Step-by-step instructions on how to make a space rocket out of cardboard and paper

    How to make a bottle rocket so it flies high - video

    In this video clip, the authors - father and son - tell how to make a rocket from a plastic bottle at home. The work uses the most common materials that are always at hand. The entire process is shown in great detail, and the expediency of each action is clearly and clearly explained. A special point that is emphasized is the safety of manufacturing and further launch, and this is extremely important for both adults and children.

    How to make a space rocket with your own hands from paper at home

    At home, you can make a real space rocket with your own hands from the most ordinary paper. The work is not too difficult, but requires accuracy and attention. Children school age can easily cope with this task themselves, and the kids from kindergarten A little help from educators, parents or older brothers or sisters will come in handy.

    Necessary materials for a paper space rocket

    • paper
    • insulating tape
    • scissors
    • glue gun (or PVA glue)
    • plastic empty straw ballpoint pen

    Step-by-step instructions for making a paper rocket at home

    1. From a sheet of paper, cut out two pieces of the same length and width of approximately 5 centimeters.
    2. Attach a small piece of electrical tape to one piece of paper and wrap it around a plastic ballpoint pen tube several times. Try to stretch the paper evenly so that it fits neatly around the plastic base. This will become the body of the future rocket.
    3. Secure the edge of the paper with electrical tape to prevent it from unraveling in the future. Carefully cut off possible irregularities with stationery scissors.
    4. Cut a small piece of electrical tape and seal the rocket body on one side with it.
    5. Cut three pieces of electrical tape approximately 6-7 centimeters long. Fold each of them in half, but do not glue them together until the very end. Using scissors, cut the edge at a 45 degree angle and attach to the tail of the rocket. These will be stabilizers.
    6. Roll the remaining half of the paper into a cone shape and wrap it with electrical tape for strength.
    7. Cut off a small piece from the nose of the rocket.
    8. Fill the cone ¾ full with adhesive solution and insert the clogged part of the rocket base into it. Hold the structure in such a position for some time so that the glue sets and the parts acquire integrity. Place the finished work on a flat surface or cardboard stand.

    How to make a rocket from matches and foil - master class

    This simple and accessible tutorial explains how to make a rocket at home using matches and foil. The work requires the most simple materials, and the process itself takes literally a few minutes. Then you can even launch an improvised aircraft, however, you should remember that such events should only be carried out outdoors and, preferably, in the presence of adults.

    Necessary materials for making a rocket from foil and matches

    • kitchen matches – 1 box
    • foil
    • paper clip (or wire)
    • needle (or safety pin)
    • scissors

    Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making your own rocket from matches

    1. Lay out a sheet of foil on the table, cut out a small piece of it measuring 5x10 centimeters and cut it out with scissors.
    2. Place a regular match and a needle together so that the sharp tip of the needle is adjacent to the place where the match is covered with sulfur.
    3. Then wrap the structure with a pre-prepared piece of foil from the edge where the sulfur is located. Act very carefully and carefully. Make sure that the head with sulfur is completely covered with foil and no air gets inside.
    4. After all these operations, very carefully pull out the needle, trying not to damage the integrity of the foil layer. As a result, a small hole is formed through which the gas created during combustion can escape, and the rocket can be launched into flight.
    5. To make a stand, bend the core of a strong and strong paper clip to the side.
    6. Attach the rocket to the stand and leave it in this position. If the work is solely of a souvenir nature, it can be placed in a cabinet under glass or placed on a table (or on any other flat and reliable surface). When plans include a launch, you should remember that it can only be carried out on the street in compliance with basic safety rules.
    7. To send it into flight, simply place the rocket launcher on a flat surface, light another match and bring the fire to where the foil covers the sulfur.

    The “Rocket” craft will become the perfect gift on a holiday such as Defender of the Fatherland Day, or April 12. Photos of various rocket crafts can be viewed on the Internet. Familiarization with several options for this type of crafts will allow you to use your imagination and create a real masterpiece.

    Paper rocket

    If you don’t know what a rocket can be made from, it is recommended to turn your attention to paper. The paper composition is distinguished by the fact that even children aged five years and older can make it. The presented product can act as a gift to relatives.

    Try to make a rocket with your children, developing your eye, visual memory, and generally getting closer to the kids.

    The process of creating a paper rocket includes the following manipulations:

    First of all, you need to carefully fold the paper sheet to form a rectangle. One half of the rectangle is folded to form a cylinder.

    Do not forget that the edges will need to be carefully trimmed in a circle, this is done so that in the end the structure will be more stable.

    Taking three squares and using scissors, you need to make a porthole. If children are creating a craft, then you need to remind them that they need to use cutting tools carefully.

    All that remains is to glue the resulting porthole to the existing cylinder. Next you need to move on to assembling the rocket. When the bow part is secured, you can move on to decorating the “tail” of the product.

    Such a simple master class on making a rocket will allow you to personally see that there is nothing complicated in creating such a composition.

    This leads to the fact that, if desired and with the proper approach, you can always create spaceship with your own hands, and your children will be happy to help you.

    Origami rocket - beautiful and original

    This composition really looks unusual; if you want to create it, you need to put in a minimum of effort, spend a little time, remembering to use your imagination, showing your refined taste. We make a rocket with our own hands step by step so as not to miss a single detail.

    Such a composition can be an excellent solution for such a holiday as Cosmonautics Day; for example, it is quite possible to perform it using technology modular origami. Older children will be able to independently implement the presented idea.

    The creation of crafts is carried out according to the following plan:

    At the very beginning, you will need to prepare paper squares, each of their sides should be ten centimeters. The square is folded so that the result is two rectangles and four squares.

    It is important to note here that the four corners must be carefully bent towards the center, after which the figure is turned over, the corners are folded strictly towards the middle. As a result of such elementary manipulations, you can create a “star in a square”.

    Next, you need to insert the already created modules into each other, carefully gluing them together. At the moment when you have glued the bottom row, you can glue three more rows on top, connecting the body as a whole. Do not forget that any manipulations must be carried out carefully, only then will it be possible to achieve the same composition as a result.

    But you can’t imagine a rocket without a nose, so start creating it, there’s nothing complicated here. All you have to do is collapse paper cone, this is done easily and simply.

    If necessary, or if desired, you can always make legs that are glued to the base of the module. By performing such simple manipulations, you can enjoy the fact that in the end you will have an original rocket.

    Now you are familiar with the instructions on how to make a rocket with your own hands, and you have personally been able to verify that there is nothing complicated here. Therefore, by helping your children, together you will be able to create a real masterpiece that can be presented to family, relatives, and friends.

    Plasticine rocket

    You can always make a spaceship out of plasticine. It should be noted that this option is famous for developing fine motor skills baby, this activity is useful both for attention and perseverance, which will definitely need to be taken into account. But in general, such an activity can definitely attract children’s love for creative activities.

    Kids must independently choose the block of plasticine that they like the most, rolling it on a piece of paper and creating a small oval. Next, the oval is transformed into a long sausage; it needs to be divided into 4 parts, since these will be the legs. To create a door, an oval is rolled up and attached to the bottom of the “homemade product”.

    What do you need to know?

    Making a rocket from scrap materials is interesting and useful activity which children love. The main task of parents is to provide them with this by giving them such an opportunity, so it is worth treating this issue comprehensively and responsibly.

    Photos of rocket crafts

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    Photo gallery: How to make a rocket with your own hands - from paper, cardboard, bottles, matches, foil - diagrams, master classes - Making a flying model of a space rocket from scrap materials

    A cool mock-up of a rocket or a real flying rocket can be made at home without any problems. To carry out the work, you can use any available materials: paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, matches and foil. Depending on the chosen master class, you can receive beautiful toy or a full-fledged model copy of a real rocket. All descriptions are supplemented with step-by-step photos and video instructions, which greatly simplifies the assembly of products. You can learn in detail how to make a rocket with your own hands and make it fly in the master classes below for adults, teenagers and children.

    How to make a rocket with your own hands so that it flies - a step-by-step master class with a description

    The simplest flying rocket can be made at home. The master class below clearly describes how to make a paper rocket that flies in literally 5-10 minutes. The work will be suitable for both adults and teenagers. A simple instructions How to make a paper rocket does not require the use of special components: it can be assembled from scrap materials.

    Materials for making a flying rocket with your own hands

    • paper;
    • scotch;
    • a piece of metal-plastic pipe;
    • soft hose;
    • 2l bottle.

    Step-by-step master class on making a flying rocket with your own hands

    How to make a rocket out of ordinary cardboard with your own hands - diagram and description of work

    Even a child can make a cool cardboard rocket. This layout is perfect for decorating a room. How to make a cardboard rocket with your own hands according to the diagram is described in the master class below with step-by-step photos.

    DIY materials for assembling a space rocket from ordinary cardboard

    • toilet paper rolls;
    • white cardboard;
    • thin colored paper (yellow, red);
    • shiny self-adhesive paper;
    • scissors;
    • paper tape;
    • red and silver paint;
    • astronaut figurine.

    Step-by-step instructions for assembling a cardboard rocket with your own hands

    How to make a rocket from a bottle so that it takes off - a step-by-step master class

    An original and high-flying rocket can be assembled from scrap materials right at home. But its launch must be carried out in an open area to comply with safety conditions. He will tell you how to make a rocket out of a bottle without much difficulty. step by step photo instructions.

    List of materials for making a flying rocket from a plastic bottle

    • plastic bottle;
    • sheet of plastic;
    • foam tube;
    • paper tape;
    • liquid Nails;
    • stationery knife, scissors;
    • rubber stopper;
    • thin hose.

    Step-by-step master class on making a flying space rocket from a bottle

    How to make a model of a space rocket with your own hands - an interesting master class with photos

    Many fans of space research would like to have a real model of the original rocket at home. Using a few materials and following assembly rules, you can make a copy of the Proton-M. How to make a model of a rocket and how to paint it correctly is described in the next master class.

    Materials for making a model of a space rocket with your own hands

    Detailed master class on making a model rocket with your own hands

    How to make a model rocket from matches and foil - an entertaining video master class

    Many adults and teenagers are interested in how to make a rocket from matches and foil. The work takes minimal time but brings maximum fun. True, it must be carried out either with adults or under their supervision.

    Step-by-step video master class on making a model rocket from matches and foil

    The proposed master class describes how to make a rocket from foil and matches in just half a minute. It is recommended to carry out such excrement outdoors and not indoors.

    An original model of a space rocket or a simplified model or toy can be easily made at home. In the proposed master classes with photo and video instructions, you can learn how to make a rocket with your own hands from paper, cardboard, foil and matches, plastic bottles. Each idea attracts with its novelty and clarity. In addition, children or teenagers, together with adults, using the specified descriptions, will be able to make a rocket that flies from simple available materials.

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