• How to make sweet and fruit bouquets. How to make a bouquet of fruits


    If you are tired of ordinary gifts or you need to find a present for a person who already has everything, then you need to show maximum creativity and ingenuity in order to surprise and please the birthday person. There are situations when there is simply no time or, as often happens, finances to find a gift. How to solve a difficult task? To come with a set of shampoos from the supermarket closest to your home is to show obvious disrespect and complete disinterest in the person and his holiday. Visiting the birthday boy empty-handed is generally the height of indecency. How to proceed?

    Unusual and very pleasant surprise there will be a fruit bouquet. Moreover, such a gift can be given not only to a woman, but also to a man. As you know, they also never refuse sweets and tasty things. You will spend a minimum of time and money on making such a present, but you will receive maximum positive emotions from the hero of the occasion. How to make a bouquet of fruits and how to correctly put together a beautiful composition - read in this article.

    Fruit surprise

    The originality of the thinking of needlewomen has long crossed all conceivable and inconceivable boundaries of skill. What bouquets were made from: diapers and salted fish, beer cans and banknotes, even the socks did not go unnoticed. But all these bouquets are not as beautiful in appearance and not as tasty as fruit bouquets.

    It is very important that the flight of your imagination is not limited by anything. The set of products for a bouquet can be completely arbitrary. The main rule: fruits must be fresh and firm. It is allowed to use slightly unripe fruits. Let's figure out what is needed to form a composition and how to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands.

    Step by step guide

    Before you start creating, you should immediately decide what purpose the bouquet will have. If this is a present that will be eaten immediately, then we take a standard set of tools:

    • Skewers are small or long (depending on the intended composition).
    • A small piece of rope that will not fail and will not come undone at the most inopportune moment.
    • Beautiful floral ribbon.
    • A knife for cutting fruit, wire cutters for cutting off the ends of a rope, scissors for ribbon, molds for forming beautiful pieces.

    If you are going to create a beautiful fruit arrangement to decorate the table, then you should immediately take care of its stability. The bouquets used for serving should last a long time and withstand all bad weather and surprises. The ideal option in this case would be an openwork wicker basket. If one is not at hand, then ordinary flowerpots, flowerpots, wide kitchen containers and even salad bowls can be used.

    What fruits should I take?

    The following fruits are best suited to create a fruit composition: pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, kiwi, grapes, oranges. It is not recommended to take for bouquets those fruits that lose their richness over time. bright color or change it not in better side. For example, we do not recommend using apples, since after half an hour of standing in a vase such a bouquet will be completely unpresentable. Bananas also change color after cutting, so use them with caution.

    The simplest option

    How to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands so that it doesn’t take much time? We offer you the simplest, but very unusual option. To form a bouquet you will need a small vase with a wide neck, long wooden skewers, molds and fruit.

    Cut the pineapple into circles. Using cookie cutters, cut out flowers. Using a knife, cut out leaves or flowers from the pulp of the watermelon, but different in shape. Strawberries and grapes do not need to be chopped; they are sent whole to skewers. We cut bright green kiwi into long slices and carefully string them onto wooden sticks.

    All that remains is to carefully arrange the skewers with fruit in a vase. It is very important to think through the composition in advance. If you know in advance how to make a bouquet of fruits and mentally imagine what it should be like, then the work will go easier and faster.

    Fruit basket

    Now let's talk about how to make a fruit bouquet with a vegetable base. The most inexpensive and profitable vegetable base for a bouquet will be white cabbage. Quite often dough is used for this purpose. But, you must admit, its preparation will take much more time than a couple of movements with a knife to cut a head of cabbage.


    • several kiwis;
    • green apple;
    • two types of grapes (black and green);
    • strawberry;
    • a pineapple;
    • some fresh parsley for garnish.

    How to make a bouquet of fruits?

    The size of the head of cabbage should be selected so that half of it fits well into the container you choose. Even an ordinary kitchen bowl can become a chic flowerpot for a fruit bouquet if it is properly decorated. Wash the cabbage well under running water. Place half of the head of cabbage inside the container. It is necessary that its cut is even, then the cabbage lies on the bottom of the dish and is pressed tightly against its edges.

    Fruits should also be thoroughly washed under running water. Cut the pineapple into rings, remove the peel and divide them into small triangles. Using small toothpicks (you can break one in half) and grapes we decorate the triangles. Remove the skin from the apple and cut into slices. From them you need to form a flower. We simply pierce the strawberries without cutting them.

    Now we form the composition. We stick apple flowers into the center of the cabbage head. Around them are triangles of pineapple with grape drops. "Strawberry" skewers go to in no particular order as decoration. You can simply sprinkle green parsley leaves between the skewers, hiding the bottom of the composition.

    Classic bouquet

    If the fruit composition is not intended to decorate festive table, but must be handed over personally to the hero of the day, then we offer another option. How to make a bouquet of fruits so that you can immediately pass it from hand to hand? The process will take a minimum of time and effort.

    First, let's prepare long skewers. You will also need fresh, not overripe fruits and a satin ribbon. Using a knife or special metal cookie cutters, cut beautiful flowers from fruits. It is better to take pineapple, kiwi or watermelon for work. The pulp of these fruits perfectly holds its given shape for a long time. Place five to seven grapes on several skewers at a time. We collect a bouquet. All that remains is to bandage it beautifully satin ribbon and give it to the hero of the occasion.

    We've shared just a few of the most in simple ways how to make a bouquet of fruits. Photos will help you create your own exquisite and unusual fruit surprise. Don't be afraid to fantasize. A bright, juicy and, most importantly, delicious gift will not leave anyone indifferent.

    So many new things appear every day! It's even hard to imagine what will happen tomorrow. Our planet, with its huge number of creative and talented people, is simply teeming with interesting and amazing ideas. One of these ideas is bouquets of apples, oranges, onions, and garlic, which appear every now and then in information columns, striking in their originality.

    Straight from the garden

    This whole trend began relatively recently, but has already amazed the whole world so much that the expression “fruit bouquet” will no longer surprise anyone. Why did they become so popular? The fact is that, thanks to the composition of the bouquet, it can be useful not only in a glass vase: from all the components you can make any dish, be it a salad or a delicious soup.

    In addition, the choice of ingredients is so huge that such a gift will be able to please everyone, from lovers of berries and fruits to connoisseurs of overseas exotics.

    What's on our list?

    And in fact, to make such a miracle yourself, it’s worth visiting a regular hypermarket: in our case, apples of any color and size will be used. If you want to receive a small and neat gift, then a bouquet of small apples will simply fit perfectly into this setting. This option will also look good at a wedding, like a fruit bouquet for the bride, with which she can surprise all the guests.

    Thanks to the efforts of breeders, o color palette There is also no need to worry, because the choice is not limited to green harvest from the garden. In addition, bouquets of red apples look very good at any celebration.

    Vegetable garden on a shelf

    Before we tell you how to make a bouquet of apples, you should carefully prepare all the components. You can find most of it in a regular grocery store or market, and the rest of the materials should be looked for in craft or floristry stores.

    Apples. It’s worth taking a little longer to choose them, as they will be the main part of the bouquet. The variety of varieties is so great that it is difficult to decide on just one, and it is worth studying the properties of each variety separately. So, the perfect bouquet of apples with your own hands can be made only from hard and juicy apples, which will definitely last for some time as a gift without losing their attractive appearance. It is also worth paying attention to the external qualities of the fruit, since bouquets of apples that have seen the world are unlikely to please anyone.

    Other vegetables and fruits. But it should be noted that it is best to opt for fruits, since apples in combination, for example, with potatoes will look, at least, strange. Pomegranates, oranges, tangerines and other foods that have bright color eye-catching.

    In addition, if you want to make a bouquet of apples and flowers together, you will have to purchase green plant species. More than ever, they are combined with the fruit components of the bouquet. Persistent species, such as spruce or coniferous, do the best job, as they not only add elegance to the bouquet, but also give it a wonderful aroma.

    What does the world rest on?

    It is clear that we are unlikely to cope without strong reinforcement, so it is also worth stocking up on gluing and fastening materials that any florist has.

    Skewers. Their selection in stores is not limited, but only thick and strong options intended for kebabs or something like that are suitable for us. It is best if they are made of wood, since they come into direct contact with products that will subsequently be consumed.

    Scotch. We will need a little of it, but its thin version is definitely not suitable for this case, as it will pull the pile of skewers together.

    Good scissors or knife. We will use them when we have to trim the tips of skewers, branches and flowers.

    Packaging paper. IN in this case There is enormous scope for your imagination, since the choice of packaging has long been not limited to newspapers. You can skillfully combine the idea of ​​a gift, the color of the bouquet filler and its wrapping. We, nevertheless, will opt for vintage craft paper, which still remains popular.

    Thread, ribbon or cord for tying a bouquet.


    Since bouquets of apples imply their further use, it is worth following small rules that will protect you from accidental surprises. Of course, be sure to wash your hands before starting the process, thereby protecting yourself from germs.

    In addition, thoroughly wash all fruits, vegetables, skewers and twigs that will become the base for the gift. So, you will simply protect yourself from unexpected troubles. Also be careful when working with skewers and cutting tools, which can cause harm to you and others due to sudden movement.

    Bouquet of apples: master class

    Let's get down to the manufacturing process itself. Since this article is aimed not only at experienced craftsmen, but also for beginners in this matter, we will carefully consider the entire process, paying great attention to all important points.

    First, let's take living components: apples and pomegranates, in our case. Gently holding the fruit in your hand, we stick a skewer into it, inserting it until it sits tightly. So, you need to insert about 3-4 skewers into one object, slightly intertwining their bases, giving the object stability. In this way we “process” all the fruits that are included in our homemade bouquet. Carefully place the prepared components for further work.

    We begin to connect the fruit and berry parts of the bouquet, alternately replacing them with each other. For example, we take one apple and tightly match a pomegranate to it, securing their skewers with several layers of tape. Then, you can add a couple of pine branches, another layer of pomegranates and apples. Do not forget that as soon as you form a new level, you need to carefully wrap it with tape to make it strong and immovable.

    It is most convenient to hold the bouquet in your left hand, and with your right hand to continuously wrap the bases with adhesive tape, without stopping to unnecessary trimming and searching for the beginning of the tape. In addition, a clean surface with neatly laid out bouquet components will make the work a little easier, reducing the time spent on confusion and searching for necessary items.

    Wrapped in beautiful paper

    When all the pomegranate apples have already been collected in the bouquet, you can move on to its external decoration - packaging. It is also easy to make, but thanks to it, bouquets of apples become many times more beautiful, since all the flaws in the work process are hidden under the rustling packaging.

    First, cut off all protruding branches. So, if the skewers have approximately the same length, then the branches and flowers can have long stems. Gently holding the gift itself with your hand, we shorten the stems, putting as little pressure on the bouquet itself as possible. This means that you should not, in fits of perfectionism, press the bouquet to the table surface, shake it and wrinkle it, thereby spoiling its appearance.

    When the top item is ready, you can proceed to paper decoration. To do this, take the paper, giving it the shape of an elongated rectangle, and attach it to one side of the bouquet. Then, as if stretching the paper, wrap the entire base of the bouquet. And there’s nothing to worry about if it doesn’t work out the first time: it’s absolutely normal. You just have to unfold the whole paper and start over. Also, don’t worry about dents in the paper that form every now and then when trying to wrap a bouquet. All these details will only emphasize the originality and individuality of your gift.

    Decoration options

    Now that the entire bouquet is ready, you can slightly decorate it. To do this, take a twine or satin ribbon and carefully tie it to the base of our homemade gift. In addition, you can tie a tag to the thread where wishes, your names or something else will be written.

    A tag or card can also be placed between the delicious filling of the bouquet, as florists usually do with real flower bouquets.

    Why him?

    And now main question, which is probably of interest to many adherents of ordinary bouquets of bright flower arrangements. Why a bouquet of apples? In fact, the answer is simple: it has many advantages, pushing the classics of past centuries back.

    The fact is that it is easier to maintain, since such a gift does not need to be placed in a vase with water, into which it is necessary to add some special additives so that the flowers retain their color and aroma longer. Then, you don’t need to clean up after it, like a bouquet of roses that sheds a couple of leaves every day, hinting at its expiring life. And in the final result, in case delicious bouquet, only the wrapper and skewers will go in the trash. Another thing is flowers, which even in dried form are a pity to throw away.

    And if you remember the variety of food supplies that a person has, then this question quickly disappears. After all, when choosing colors, you often don’t even know what would be better suited in this situation, what preferences does a person have, or maybe he is generally allergic to plant pollen.

    Then a bouquet of apples with your own hands is what is ideal for any celebration, for a person of any age and income. Your job is only to skillfully combine products, using them wisely, because the impression of the gift will last for a long time.

    It would seem, what is a bouquet? More than three flowers in one package. Flowers have been given, are given and will always be given, this is a fact that you cannot argue with. But not everything is so simple: human thought does not stand still. Today, the trend is a bouquet of vegetables, fruits or an assortment of both. There is nothing surprising about this. Once upon a time this had to happen - humanity had to sooner or later arrange the beauty of fruits and berries, vegetables and fruits that nature gives us, sooner or later. Such a gift will not wither on the third day, and you can usefully use it as food.

    Such a gift will not wither on the third day

    Despite its apparent simplicity, creating bouquets of vegetables and fruits with your own hands is not an easy task. It is not enough to have a good imagination and a sense of beauty.

    Here it is not enough to have a good imagination and a sense of beauty

    Creating fruit and vegetable bouquets, like any other art, requires certain available tools, materials, and, directly, the gifts of nature themselves. In making bouquets of this kind (from food), you can use almost all vegetables and fruits. But this is what will be needed in most cases.


    • adhesive tape or tape;
    • ropes, preferably multi-colored;
    • bamboo skewers;
    • scissors.

    Additional means (used at the request of the decorator):

    • small products (olives, pieces of bread, cheese, etc.);
    • flowers;
    • greens, both dry and fresh;
    • various decorative items.

    To beautifully arrange a bouquet, you need to not only wrap it correctly, but also wrap it in something that will please the eye.

    • It could be:
    • kraft paper;
    • multi-colored packaging paper;
    • paper - corrugated;
    • burlap (of course, not from a potato sack);
    • sisal;

    wicker baskets.

    By and large, packaging materials can be anything that human imagination can see as packaging.

    Gallery: bouquet of vegetables (25 photos)

    How to make an autumn bouquet of vegetables with your own hands step by step You can look at photographs endlessly, but in order to fully appreciate the meaning and beauty of vegetable or fruit bouquets, you need to make it yourself. For beginners, we suggest collecting autumn bouquet

    from vegetables step by step.

    For beginners, we suggest assembling an autumn bouquet of vegetables step by step

    • What you will need for production:
    • cauliflower - small inflorescences;
    • small cucumbers - the smaller the better;
    • different greens - at least 3-4 types;
    • asparagus - 7-10 pcs.;
    • yellow bell pepper - 3 pcs.;
    • small carrots, preferably young ones with tops - 4 pcs.;

    red radish - 5 pcs.

    1. Algorithm for assembling a bouquet:
    2. Prepare vegetables for assembly: wash them and dry them well.
    3. Prick onto bamboo sticks. Glue with tape.
    4. Place cabbage inflorescences in the middle of the composition.
    5. Place radishes around the bouquet, in a spiral, interspersed with small cucumbers.
    6. The next turn will be the same spiral, only from whole peppers and carrots.
    7. Place asparagus stalks along the edges so that it is higher than all the other components of the bouquet - sticking out of it.
    8. Decorate with greenery in any order.
    9. Secure the composition with tape.
    10. As an additional decor, you can use a butterfly figurine.

    You can add some decorative sign with the name of the person to whom the bouquet will be presented. Unless, of course, it is intended for donation.

    Bouquet of peppers and carrots for beginner florists

    This master class is suitable for every novice florist. Composition of peppers and carrots. Despite its apparent simplicity, it looks very beautiful if everything is done with soul. Fruit and vegetable floristry does not tolerate any other approach.

    To work you need:

    • bell pepper (orange, yellow, green) - 5 pcs.;
    • chili pepper - 10 pcs.;
    • white aster - 3 flowers;
    • young carrots with tops - 20 pcs.;
    • corn cobs - 5 pcs.;
    • wicker basket - 1 pc.;
    • sisal.


    1. Wash the vegetables and dry them.
    2. The carrots should be whole, with unbroken ends and whole tops. If you were unable to purchase young carrots. The one that is on sale will do. Try to choose root crops that are not thick—medium thickness and length, with an intact surface.
    3. Remove corn cobs from leaves and fibers. To cut in half.
    4. Cut the bell pepper in half, cut out the partitions, and rinse. Leave the hot pepper whole.
    5. Line the basket with sisal so that it extends beyond the sides of the basket and hangs from them.
    6. Place the cut halves of sweet peppers (without tails) on the sisal.
    7. Place the carrots along the sides of the basket according to the “one through one” principle: one with the tops on top, the second with the tops down, the third with the tops up, etc.
    8. Insert the corn cob halves (without the stalk) into the sweet pepper halves, with the whole tip facing up. Place the other halves evenly between the pepper halves on the bottom of the basket.
    9. Fill the middle with pepper corn. Arrange in random order hot pepper. Also, optionally insert aster flowers into the composition.
    10. The handle of the basket can be decorated with a satin ribbon or bow.

    Decorative elements are at the discretion of the florist making the bouquet.

    Fruit bouquet for beginners: beautiful, simple, and... tasty

    Do you want to surprise your loved one, but don’t know how? This often happens, and it sometimes takes up to several days to think about the issue. And the exit is nearby. Try to collect a fruit bouquet composition. Surprise and admiration will be guaranteed. Moreover, such edible bouquets will always be in place on romantic date with a bottle of good wine. Let's not create something unimaginable, let's stick to a simple composition.

    You can add any decorative details if you wish.

    You will need the following:

    • box of large strawberries - approximately 250 g;
    • physalis - 1 box;
    • large green grapes - 300 g;
    • corrugated paper;
    • scotch;
    • strapping tape;
    • bamboo sticks;
    • medium-sized plum (yellow or red) - 10 pcs.;
    • any small decorative details.

    What do we have to do:

    1. First of all, wash all the fruits and berries. Let them dry.
    2. Separately place strawberries and plums on a skewer, one berry at a time.
    3. Thread the grapes onto skewers, 3-4 per skewer.
    4. Without opening the physalis (the boxes must be closed), place one berry on skewers.
    5. Use scissors to trim the skewers to the desired height. Fasten them in any order with tape.
    6. Wrap in corrugated paper. Tie with ribbon.
    7. If desired, you can add any decorative details.

    The arrangement of the components depends on the taste of who will assemble the composition. Trust your imagination and a masterpiece is guaranteed.

    A bouquet of whole vegetables: a master class for those who like solidity

    Unusual bouquets can be created from any vegetables. It is not difficult to make such a composition using whole vegetables - if only you had the material at hand. Let's be patient and get to work.

    A bouquet of fruits is a new and exciting trend in the industry of gifts and souvenirs for the holidays. Both vegetables and berries are used to assemble it. There are simple compositions that you can involve the whole family in making and that you can delight your guests with. Some types of bouquets can only be created by professionals. In any case, these designs always look elegant and original.

    Ever since exotic fruits appeared on store shelves, imagination suggests the most various ways decoration of desserts. In southern countries, where there is a great abundance of fruits, it is customary to serve a beautifully cut assortment of colorful pieces for every meal.

    Tropical fruits are very unusual. Passion fruit, rambutan and pitahaya look like flowers without additional decorations. When thinking about how to make a bouquet of fruits, you should choose at least one exotic fruit so that there is an effect of surprise.

    Large ripe strawberries resemble rosebuds, and a tangerine with figuratively carved skin will perfectly replace an aster. Berries are also necessary for decorating a bouquet and creating the core of a delicious flower.

    Sweet cherry tomatoes match the fruit in taste and size. It is easy to assemble a bush from them by placing them on a toothpick and then sticking them into the base. Its role will be successfully performed by strips of cabbage stalks.

    Vegetables and fruits selected for the bouquet should not be too large or heavy. Otherwise, the structure will not be stable and will fall apart under the weight of the components.

    Creating a frame for a fruit bouquet

    The simplest and suitable option frame - a shallow wicker basket with a floral sponge placed on the bottom. It will hold skewers with fruits and berries well. A basket woven from twigs will emphasize the environmental friendliness of the gift.

    Option with basket

    The frame is designed as follows.

    1. Cut a piece from the sponge exactly to the size of the bottom and glue it to it.
    2. Cover the inner walls of the basket with wrapping paper with a protrusion of 5-6 cm outwards. It should also hide the edges of the sponge.
    3. Stick skewers with fruits into the sponge first, evenly distributing the weight of the bouquet. Next add grape sprigs attached to shorter sticks.

    The sponge can be replaced with foam or tight dough, and instead of the basket you can take cardboard box with a bright design.

    Another great way to create a bouquet is to use long skewers on which unpeeled apples, peaches, pears and tangerines are placed. It’s a good idea to add strawberries to them with a piece of apple as a base.

    1. Distribute the fruits randomly in height to give the bouquet volume.
    2. Trim the ends of the skewers that come out from below and twist them tightly with wire, making a handle from its end.
    3. Wrap wrapping paper around the base.

    Whole fruits will retain their freshness longer in a holiday arrangement. You can admire it and decorate the interior of your home for several days.

    Wire, thread and other elements

    More labor-intensive options will require additional tools and elements, such as glue, thread, a bowl with round edges and wire.

    1. Wrap the bowl tightly with cling film to prevent glue from getting on its surface.
    2. Unwind a spool of colored thread or twine and coat it thickly with PVA glue.
    3. Place the threads on an upside-down bowl and continue adding random layers coated with glue.
    4. Twist the wire in circles from larger to smaller to create a frame that follows the size of the walls of the bowl.
    5. Make a handle from the end of the wire.
    6. Wrap the entire wire corrugated paper, as close as possible in color to the threads.

    In this case, the fruits are placed on a wire hidden with green corrugated paper. Its opposite end is screwed to the frame.

    You don’t have to use threads and glue and just build the base from wire. Its shape depends on the number and weight of the fruit. After creating the bouquet, the base inside is decorated with tinsel from shavings, and the outside is wrapped in gift paper.

    Master class on making a fruit composition

    There are videos posted on the Internet with step by step instructions, clearly demonstrating how to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands. These workshops are quite fun, because cutting up elements beautifully and matching them by color is fun and involves creativity.

    Basic rules for selecting fruits and berries:

    • take fruits without blemishes, not too ripe and not too soft;
    • cut out the base of hard fruits for more tender berries;
    • sprinkle apple pieces lemon juice to avoid darkening.

    Instructions for making an elegant bouquet of vegetables, fruits, berries and flowers include the following steps.

    1. Wash fruits and vegetables and dry or blot with a napkin.
    2. Divide the grapes into sprigs and fasten them to long skewers with green corrugated paper.
    3. Seasonal fruits - apples, apricots, peaches - place on skewers. Add strawberries if possible.
    4. Decorate the edges of the basket or box with a layer of lettuce leaves.
    5. Stick skewers with fruit into the base, then place grape sprigs, strawberries and a few flowers between them, shortening their stems to the desired length.
    6. Cover the skewers with tinsel or lettuce leaves.

    If the bouquet is collected just before going to the event, it is better to cut the fruits and turn their pieces into something like flowers. For such an ensemble, it is better not to use real flowers.

    The step-by-step instructions are as follows.

    1. Wash and dry the fruit.
    2. Peel the pineapple and cut into slices. Make the outer edges of each circle wavy to resemble flower petals. Attach any red or dark berry to the middle with a toothpick.
    3. Carefully cut the tangerine skin into four parts and roll it down without removing it completely from the fruit.
    4. Divide green apples into circles. Using a short knife, turn their edges around the perimeter into sharp teeth. Place them on long skewers, adding strawberries on top.
    5. Place the skewers together so that the fruits occupy different levels: pineapple on top, tangerines and apples and strawberries below.

    Bouquet options

    The styling of a healthy bouquet containing vitamins differs depending on the holiday or celebration. The design of wrapping paper, the type of frame, candies in gold candy wrappers, flowers and exotic fruits - all this adds individuality and symbolizes a holiday or memorable date.

    For a wedding

    The interior of the hall, where the most important event in the lives of lovers takes place, is usually decorated with white and pastel flowers and ribbons. The question of how to put together a date-appropriate fruit bouquet has a logical answer: you should find sweet, delicately colored fruits and be sure to complement them with white or pink flowers.

    Roses combined with apples, pitahaya and Chinese pears are suitable. Bunches of light grapes look good in the composition. Let's say bright accent in the form of a skewer stuck in the middle with a shaggy rambutan, implying a heart and kind sincere wishes newlyweds. A silk ribbon or bow is tied to the handle of the bouquet.

    On September 1

    Children love candy. Considering this well-known fact, you need to add bright lollipops or treats in multi-colored candy wrappers tied to skewers to the bouquet. Other fruits and berries should also be selected in contrasting juicy shades to further please little sweet tooths.

    Unlike adults, they will not wait several days, but will begin to eat the components of the bouquet immediately, and peeled fruits are ideal.

    On March 8

    Women's holiday cannot be imagined without flowers. You don't have to buy roses. After a long winter and cold weather, it is nice to receive a bouquet of colorful gerberas or touching irises. It is better to leave the fruits whole if the bouquet is to be presented in the office.

    If you are planning a gift for a close friend, you should find out her preferences and include her favorite fruits in the bouquet.

    Fruit cutting devices

    Besides knives different lengths, innovative tools and devices are constantly appearing that speed up and make cutting vegetables and fruits easier.

    1. Apple separator. A plastic device with metal inserts allows you to instantly remove the core from an apple and cut it into even slices. You need to take the device with both hands and press firmly on the apple from above. The only drawback is that it is not applicable to non-standard size apples.
    2. Banana slicer(slicer). After removing one strip of peel from the banana, press a long knife with transverse metal strips onto it. The banana will split into even pieces in one motion.
    3. Peach Pitter(pitter). The device resembles an apple splitter with one difference - it squeezes out the seed from the fruit, while simultaneously cutting it into slices.

    Decoration methods and techniques

    The most accessible methods for decorating fruits and vegetables include dividing them into slices, circles or cubes. The edges can be cut at an angle to create a fringe effect. It is also worth working with the core, supplementing it with a contrasting berry or a piece of another fruit.

    The most daring and experienced chefs will be able to delicately remove the skin from the fruit or cut a pattern on it. Master classes can teach you how to create flowers with petals or animal figures from vegetables, but this is unlikely to be mastered the first time.


    There are many techniques and rules that explain how to make a bouquet of fruits. There are also many combinations of its delicious ingredients. This bouquet is beautiful, just like one collected from flowers, but much more useful, especially in winter and spring.

    Turn fruit into original souvenir, which will be remembered for a long time both by the recipient of the gift and by the guests.

    My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

    A handmade fruit bouquet can be an original addition to a gift. Its creation is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, if you follow step by step photo or video master class. In addition, this activity will not take much time and effort.


    A bouquet of fruits or vegetables can be given to a girl, boyfriend or even a child. In this case, they will not differ in their design and set of components. For girls and children you can use:

    • favorite fruits;
    • chocolate treats;
    • marshmallows;
    • marmalade

    In addition, they are popular fruit bouquets with added flowers. In order for the gift to look harmonious, their color scheme must match or, on the contrary, shade each other.

    Worth knowing! In addition, the fruits in the bouquet can be either whole or decoratively cut. There are special knives for this.

    For men, you can use other components. Eg:

    • alcoholic drinks;
    • sausages, bakery and cheese products;
    • shrimps.

    It can be decorated in an original way as a composition in a basket or decorative box. If you've picked enough a large number of fruits, then you should think about creating a frame. It will provide a denser shape to the product and prevent its components from falling out.

    How to do

    When you have already decided on the set for the bouquet, you can start making it. It is better to select several master classes in advance and study all the key points in detail. All necessary materials and tools can be purchased at specialized florist stores.

    From fruits

    Fruits for a bouquet should be purchased exclusively fresh, without visible defects and not frozen. They must keep their shape. If there are small leaves, as is the case with strawberries, then they should also have good view. To make a bouquet you will need:

    • fruits and berries (apples, grapes, pears, lime);
    • long wooden skewers;
    • scissors;
    • tight rope;
    • wrapping;
    • decorative elements as desired.
    1. First, wash the fruit thoroughly and dry it.
    2. Then take a wooden skewer and place each individual fruit on it.

    3. Place all the skewers one by one. Some of them can be placed higher or lower, which will add additional volume to the bouquet.
    4. Then tie it tightly with a rope at the base.

    5. Using scissors, carefully align the tips of the skewers to the same level.

    6. Wrap design decorative paper. Add ribbon if desired. The bouquet is ready!

    With flowers

    Bouquets combined with flowers are also very popular. They are created according to the same principle. In this case, flowers should be selected in the appropriate size. They should not cover the fruit. It is also worth remembering that many flowers have a strong odor, which can lead to headaches. This should definitely be taken into account when choosing them. The best option will become:

    • roses;
    • chamomile;
    • chrysanthemums;
    • carnations;
    • small sprigs of hydrangea.

    To further strengthen the flower stem, you can also wrap it around a wooden skewer and secure it with floral tape.

    From vegetables

    Vegetables can also be an excellent alternative to fruits. In a bouquet they look no less original. They can also be combined with flowers and other decorative elements. To create such a bouquet you will need:

    • vegetables and fruits (broccoli, sweet peppers of different colors, a head of garlic, green apples, grapes, dill, cauliflower);
    • wooden skewers;
    • tape;
    • tight rope;
    • scissors;
    • wrapping paper and decorative elements.

    When all the materials and tools are prepared, you can start creating a bouquet.

    1. We wash and dry vegetables and fruits.
    2. We string them one by one on wooden skewers. For added convenience, broccoli and cauliflower can be divided into several inflorescences. Their size should approximately correspond to the size of apples. We wrap the skewers with tape.
    3. We assemble the skewers, moving in a spiral. Secure with a tight rope.
    4. We decorate the resulting structure with wrapping paper and decorative elements.

    On a frame

    If you decide to use a large number of fruits or vegetables in combination with flowers, then it is better to play it safe and make a metal frame for this design. He will provide perfect shape bouquet and will not allow its components to fall out. Its creation will not take much time and effort. To make a bouquet on a frame you will need:

    • selected fruits or vegetables;
    • metal wire;
    • flowers;
    • wooden skewers;
    • tight rope;
    • green tape;
    • wire cutters and pliers;
    • wrapping;
    • decorative elements.

    Now you can get to work.

    1. Make a frame with a round handle from wire. Remove unnecessary parts using wire cutters or pliers.
    2. Wash fruits and vegetables and dry. Attach them tightly to wooden skewers.
    3. Remove the lower branches and leaves from the flowers. If desired, their stems can also be strengthened with skewers and tape.
    4. Then start assembling the bouquet in the frame.
    5. Align all the skewers to the same length and secure them with thick rope.
    6. Add wrapping paper and decorative elements.

    In the form of a basket

    In addition to frames, you can also use decorative baskets when creating bouquets. They come in different sizes and shapes. You can place flowers and decorative elements in them. To create such a composition you will need:

    • decorative basket of any size;
    • a set of any fruits and vegetables;
    • tape;
    • scissors;
    • wooden skewers;
    • polystyrene foam or floral sponge;
    • decorative elements;
    • wrapping paper.

    When all materials and tools are prepared, you can begin to work.

    1. Place foam or floral sponge in the bottom of your basket. For convenience, the material can be divided into several parts.
    2. Wash fruits and vegetables and dry.
    3. Attach them to wooden skewers and wrap tape around her leg.
    4. Now you can place the prepared fruits and vegetables into the base. For more variety, place them at different levels and at different angles.
    5. The remaining gaps between the sticks can be decorated with herbs. For example, mint or basil.
    6. Add wrapping paper to the edges of the basket to hide them and place the prepared decorative elements. The basket is ready.

    In a vase

    Fruits and vegetables cut using special molds or knives look no less original in bouquets or compositions. It is more convenient to place them not in a bouquet, but in a composition, for example, in a vase. To create it you will need:

    Stages of work.

    1. Wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly and dry.
    2. Place a head of Chinese cabbage in the vase so that it fills the entire space. If you took a large enough container, you can cut the cabbage into two parts for convenience.

    3. Peel the fruit and use molds to shape it the required form. Using a round knife, cut out the centers.
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