• Diana is 35 after stopping treatment. Is pregnancy possible while taking birth control pills, and is conception dangerous? Is the Nuvaring ring safe?


    Many will agree with me when I say that birth control pills have long become our usual assistants in many aspects, so they have been able to find quite wide application in the complex treatment of many women's diseases. Usually fulfilling all their main functions - namely, preventing an unwanted pregnancy for you, they are no less successful in combating increased hair growth on a woman’s face and body and acne, and even really improve the general condition of your skin and nails. Among other things, it is precisely these contraceptive drugs that perfectly regulate women’s less-than-regular menstrual cycles and can even help a woman get pregnant in some specific cases! The most important rule here is to be able to choose the right drug for yourself and, of course, take it according to a regimen strictly established specifically for you, and in an individual consultation with a doctor.

    In general, ideally, any oral contraceptive should be selected for you only based on the results of a special test. Well, or, at least, you need to choose a contraceptive for yourself exclusively together with your gynecologist, and not at all on the advice of your closest friend or from online forums. And if the oral contraceptive is chosen correctly, then believe me, it will not only be as effective as possible, but, of course, it will also be easily tolerated by your body specifically. And multiple ones are quite probable side effects you, of course, will be able to avoid it by extracting from its use only the most useful qualities or properties that are necessary for you.

    One of the most common reasons According to which modern gynecologists try to prescribe oral contraceptives to their patients, we can call female androgenization. After all, it is often this that is the main one in fairly young women. And, of course, in this case, such contraceptive pills as Diane 35 will be able to work quite well. After all, they are precisely intended for those women who observe all the signs of an increased level of male sex hormones.

    Pregnancy onset of drug withdrawal Diana 35

    It should be noted right away that in modern obstetrics and gynecology there is such a difficult concept as “the onset of pregnancy while discontinuing an oral contraceptive” or the so-called “rebound effect” by doctors themselves. Let us note that this is indeed the most frequently used method today, allowing a woman to become pregnant, the main essence of which, first of all, is as follows. A woman who has been unable to get pregnant for a long time takes some kind of oral contraceptive in order to put her ovaries to sleep for a short time and not for long, preventing them from releasing a mature egg. Then this use of oral contraceptive is stopped quite abruptly, and after that, a few rested eggs seem to “get a second wind.” That's exactly how it is in a simple way, perhaps, solve some real-life problems with ovulation, which previously prevented the couple from conceiving their child.

    For many women with a sharply increased production of androgen hormones, doctors often suggest using a drug such as Diane 35 for precisely this purpose. After all, this drug, as a rule, is well tolerated by the body, as many experienced specialists say, and does not harm the female body at all in the future. And, of course, in the absence of any serious problems with the general state of health, pregnancy after discontinuation of Diane 35 can occur literally immediately after the end of its use. This, of course, should also be taken into account by those girls who do not plan to have new children in the near future.

    It must be said that even at the stage of planning your pregnancy, a drug such as Diane 35 can usually be prescribed to you for no more than 3 or maximum 6 months, and it also happens that the drug is prescribed for use in several separate “appointments”. And then, experienced gynecologists advise taking a pause, at least 2 or even 3 months. At the same time, giving your body the opportunity to have a wonderful rest and fully recover, because then it will have to begin the painstaking work of conceiving. The point is that at this very time you should definitely worry about some other (for example, mechanical) contraceptives. It cannot be said that during pregnancy that occurs immediately after abrupt withdrawal of oral contraceptives, the risks of sudden fetal death or miscarriage actually increase, at least that’s what experienced specialists say. And therefore, it would still be better to at least slightly postpone the very moment of such a long-awaited conception.

    Let us remind you that a truly huge number of positive reviews about this drug are confirmed by the mother-in-law and the fact that Diana 35, familiar to many, is truly effective and almost absolutely safe drug. Doctors note that many girls become pregnant already in the third or fourth cycle (although, of course, both earlier and more late pregnancies- also happen) after Diana 35 was completely canceled. However, remember that this drug, of course, cannot be considered a kind of panacea. The drug, believe me, is not omnipotent, and it is not suitable for everyone and, unfortunately, it does not always help. Understand that the female body is so complex, and the problems in it can be so advanced that this drug, of course, may not cope with the situation.

    The occurrence of pregnancy while taking a drug such as Diane 35

    If you are still looking for an answer to the question of whether a full-fledged pregnancy is even possible while taking Diane 35 beforehand, then we hasten to please you with the answer in the affirmative, yes, pregnancy is quite possible, although here some things should be discussed in detail. Modern doctors believe that if the prescribed dosage of the drug is observed as accurately as possible, as well as its regimen and the general rules for taking these pills, the onset of pregnancy against their background is practically impossible, it is possible. So, for example, you should definitely start taking Diane 35 only on the very first day of your period, and take these pills every day, and exactly at the same time (well, plus or minus, of course, within reason) and under no circumstances miss a single appointment! As you understand, in a data breach, in general, simple conditions An unplanned pregnancy by you will definitely be quite possible.

    And if you specifically started taking Diane 35 specifically for contraceptive purposes, then you should remember that after a maximum of one year of such correct and regular use of this drug, you will need to take a short break from taking it for at least two or even three month. Remember, your body must rest from the drug, and the functions of the ovaries must have time to recover during such breaks in taking it. But if any side effects appear from taking this drug, you will need to urgently find some alternative replacement with your doctor.

    If it does happen that you were able to become pregnant while constantly taking an oral contraceptive, then you should immediately stop taking the pills, urgently undergo an ultrasound scan and, of course, seek advice from an experienced, qualified doctor. We just wish you good luck!

    I felt terribly sick.. The cost of drugs in Turkey is much lower.. 3-5 times compared to the prices of drugs in Russia. I bought 6 packs. Diana is 35, I decided to save money :) If the drug suits you, you can contact me, there are 5 packs left. tel:928-34. Expiration date - May 2017, price - 7.00. per package.

    I took Diana 35 for half a year and started having terrible depression, ended up in psychiatry, I can’t recover from depression for 5 years, doctors say it’s all from hormones! Take this drug with caution, it’s not suitable for everyone. And it causes thrombosis!

    It was about the terrible consequences associated with the formation of blood clots that this month a Russian film was released on the Center channel “Contraceptives. Killer business"

    02/20/2013, RIA NOVOSTI

    The French medicines agency ANSM announced on Wednesday that Diane 35 tablets would be completely banned and withdrawn from sale in three months because they could cause blood clots, agency head Dominique Maraninchi told reporters.

    02/20/2013, RIA NOVOSTI

    Earlier, ANSM reported that the national database of pharmaceutical incidents recorded four deaths of French women from venous thrombosis associated with the use of Diane 35 tablets. According to some French medical centers, including the University Hospital of Brest, there may be several dozen deaths in the country. The main purpose of Diane 35 is as a remedy for acne, but in France it is often used as a contraceptive. “This drug has been on the market for 25 years, sold in 120 countries, and in France it is used as a contraceptive, although it is not approved for use as such. A decision needs to be made to stop this dual use,” Maranenki said. He noted that “the manufacturer (Bayer) did not seek permission to use it as a contraceptive.” Maranecki said Diane 35 carries a risk of blood clots, as does “any third- and fourth-generation contraceptive.” According to him, within a week the French authorities must decide whether Diane 35 can be used for its intended purpose (acne treatment), taking into account the risks associated with it.

    Hello! I started drinking Diane-35 on the first day of my period, in general it ends on the 7th day, but it’s already the 8th day, what could it be?

    Olga, this is a blood stain - normal phenomenon during the period of adaptation to hormones. Read further the posts on the forum, a lot has been said about this here. Or here is an article on the topic: http://www.sikirina.tsi.ru/ok-faq-29.phtml

    Please tell me, I took a break from taking Diane 35, I just finished the last pack, and didn’t take it anymore. But after 2 weeks, withdrawal symptoms set in, and in a panic, I decided to continue taking Diana. For 2 weeks, my period did not start (pregnancy is excluded, while taking the drug everything was like clockwork). that is, I started taking it not according to the instructions, because... it was still impossible to figure out what day of my cycle it was. As I understand it, there won’t be any effect until the end of the pack?

    and further. I was prescribed Diane after childbirth and breastfeeding as a contraceptive and medicinal drug, because... I have hyperandrogenism = oily skin, acne, oily scalp, etc. there has been an effect over the years. but not ah. that is, it became better, but the oiliness of the skin, for example, did not go away, and, accordingly, its problem. maybe it just got better. Do I need to see a doctor to prescribe a stronger drug? or will it be dangerous? (yes, taking any oc is not safe)

    Hello, I am 22 years old, and I am not ovulating, the doctor said that I had some kind of hormonal failure and it turns out that the ovaries and uterus are almost the same size, because of this I have not been able to get pregnant for 6 months. I prescribed Diana-35 to drink, will it help?

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    2000–2018 © Olga Iosifovna Sikirina (gynecologist-endocrinologist, Moscow)

    This site is not intended for viewing by persons under 16 years of age! The information published on the site cannot be used for self-treatment without consulting a doctor! Reprinting of copyright texts is possible only if a link to the source is provided. The author of the site is not responsible for the information published by visitors in the “Forum” section.

    What awaits you after Diana 35 is canceled?

    Diane 35 is a hormonal oral contraceptive with an antiandrogenic effect. It is used as a contraceptive and a drug for the treatment of women with androgen-dependent diseases. In medicine, hormonal drugs are prescribed in extreme cases, since they closely interact with the body and can not only cure, but also harm. So you took the course, but what will happen after Diana is 35?

    How to receive hormonal drug affect later life? First, I would like to warn you that you need to discontinue the drug gradually. First, you need to reduce the dosage of the drug, then take it every other day. To stop taking the medication, Diana 35 requires consultation with a specialist.

    After the cancellation of Diana 35, women experience a lot of serious side effects. The most common of them are acne on the face, hair loss, disruption of the monthly cycle, even its cessation, and weight gain. Less common: nervousness, insomnia and cellulite. It should be remembered that after Diana 35 is discontinued, the ovaries begin to work especially hard and the likelihood of getting pregnant increases.

    During the period of stopping hormonal oral contraceptives, if pregnancy occurs, there is a risk of miscarriage. Possible pregnancy failure, fetal pathology, etc. Be careful, try to use other means of contraception.

    Before you start using Diane 35, consult with two, or preferably three, doctors. This is a very serious and powerful medical drug. Hormonal therapy is prescribed only in the presence of serious illnesses. Remember that after canceling Diana 35, unpleasant surprises may await you.

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    Withdrawal syndrome Diana is 35.

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    Review of the oral contraceptive Diane-35, real reviews from women

    Diane-35 is included in the list of oral contraceptive drugs with antiandrogenic characteristics. The spectrum of action of this drug, in addition to the main contraceptive effect, includes a number of others. Diane-35 in most cases is used for elevated levels of male hormones in the body (hyperandrogenism).

    Hyperandrogenism has the following symptoms:

    • cystic and nodular acne on the surface of the face and body;
    • baldness or excessive hair loss and dullness;
    • excess body hair (hirsutism);
    • body hair growth according to the male type, distinctly masculine appearance features (androgenization);

    These indications determine the widespread use of Diane-35 among women. High levels of male hormones in a woman’s body can be one of the causes of infertility. This contraceptive drug, during the withdrawal period after prolonged use, significantly increases the possibility of becoming pregnant.

    Side effects of the drug Diane-35

    This COC has a number of possible side effects, including:

    • weight loss or gain;
    • dizziness, headache;
    • decreased libido;
    • deterioration of vascular capacity, thrombophlebitis;
    • rash on skin.

    If you are in good general health and need to change the type of contraception, you can try single-phase OCs (“Yarina”).

    Reviews of the drug Diane-35

    Reviews from doctors about the use of the drug are positive and lead to its widespread use.

    Reviews from doctors

    In medical practice, COC Diane-35 is actively used for the treatment and prevention of problems such as: heavy menstruation accompanied by pain, hyperandrogenism, impaired cycles, infertility, ovarian cysts.

    But at the same time, many experts do not recommend using this drug to obtain only a contraceptive effect, since it blocks the production of androgens (male hormones) in a woman’s body, which is normally a natural process. Thus, this feature of the drug, in the absence of a need to reduce androgen levels, can disrupt hormonal levels and lead to a number of negative effects.

    Reviews from women about the drug

    The doctor prescribed Diane-35 to me due to problems with hormones, I have been taking it for a year. From positive impressions: the cycle returned to normal, the skin became clearer, the breasts became larger. But taking the pills, I gained 3 kg in weight, which does not come off. Also, the contraceptive has a high price.

    I took it four years ago for two years. After finishing taking the drug, inflammation appeared on the skin, which was not there before or during taking the drug. Two years after stopping the pills, there were interruptions in my cycle. I gained a little weight and cellulite appeared.

    I have been taking these pills as prescribed by a doctor for four years, I am 38 years old, I have two children. I didn’t notice any negative consequences and my cycle was restored.

    I took Diane-35 for 4 years. The skin has noticeably improved, the hair has become less dirty, and the weight has not increased. I leave positive feedback about the drug.

    I used the drug for several years. I didn't feel any side effects. The skin cleared up and the breasts became firmer. It helped well against acne, but the effect persists until you stop taking the pills.

    Diana-35 has been drinking for a year and a half. After stopping taking almost whole year The cycle was restored, a cyst was discovered in the chest, I treated it for six months. It is not possible to get pregnant yet.

    Review: I took the drug for a year. At first there were improvements in the cycle, the skin became pleasant to the touch, I gained a little weight (there was a drawback). After a year of taking it, side effects appeared: nausea almost every day, drowsiness while driving. I had to go to the doctor and change the pills.

    I took Diane-35 for almost 6 months, and after stopping taking it I immediately became pregnant, although I had problems with this before.

    I was prescribed Diane-35 for high testosterone. The cycle goes on like clockwork, but it is still not possible to get pregnant after discontinuation.

    I started taking these pills because of a skin problem. The face cleared up in the fourth month of use. I noticed that you need to take the drug at one specific time every day, otherwise you start to feel nauseous.

    Review: I'm 25 years old. The doctor prescribed the drug to Diana-35 to normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce testosterone levels. I have been taking it for 6 months. In the first two months, my weight increased by 6 kg, and the veins in my legs began to hurt. After quitting smoking, the pain stopped. At first there were mood swings. Menstruation began to appear strictly at the same time, was painless and moderate. During further use, the weight and mood returned to normal, excess hair decreased, the skin cleared, and the hair became less oily. Overall, I liked the drug.

    Review of the drug: I took this contraceptive because I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and increased hair growth. There were also problems with pregnancy. She took Diana-35 for about 3 months and after 8 months, she was finally able to get pregnant and gave birth. I did not find any side effects when taking it.

    Review: I took Diane-35 tablets for two months. I liked the packaging with the days of the week marked for each tablet, it’s convenient to drink. The reason for admission was the need for normalization hormonal levels. Among the negative effects: my breasts became enlarged and began to hurt even more, my weight increased by three kilograms, headaches began, and a tightness in the lower abdomen.

    I have been taking this drug for four years. It turned out to be very effective in terms of contraception and getting rid of acne. The effect appeared already from the second month of use and finally strengthened in the fifth month.

    Review: I have been taking these pills for 10 years, the condition is excellent, I took breaks twice. During periods of drug withdrawal, painful sensations during menstruation and skin rashes returned. Before taking the drug, you must take a blood clotting test. I didn’t notice any changes in weight, my mood returned to normal. The only negative is the high price of the drug.

    I drank Diana-35 intermittently for several years. The hormonal imbalance began to improve. My periods began to arrive on time and their duration decreased, my skin became better, my breasts grew, and the amount of hair on my body decreased. The weight has not changed, but a little cellulite has appeared, which now cannot be corrected.

    I took this contraceptive for 3 months, did not notice any significant improvements in my skin, and my hair growth decreased. The hair on my head became less oily, I gained 2 kg in weight, and my breasts also increased in size. But while taking the pills, excessive tearfulness appeared. I don’t think it’s particularly effective, despite a lot of positive reviews.

    I took Diane-35 for several years. I had increased irritability, gained 5 kg, and now I can’t lose it.

    The doctor prescribed a drug for polycystic disease; she could not get pregnant. At the beginning of the treatment, nausea appeared in the morning and a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and my chest began to hurt.

    I have been taking COCs for a year now and my weight has decreased by 5 kg (I can’t gain it back). There is no improvement in the skin, it remains the same problematic, the breasts have become larger, the appearance of the hair has improved.

    Often, reviews of the drug Diane-35 contain complaints about various side effects. In most cases, they can be characterized as intolerance to this contraceptive: rashes on the skin, attacks of nausea and vomiting, headache. If such symptoms occur, you should stop taking the pills and consult a doctor.

    According to the experience and reviews of doctors, after 4-6 months of using the drug and its subsequent discontinuation, in most cases, pregnancy successfully occurs in women who previously had hormonal problems. But the duration of use to achieve the effect is different for each individual woman. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude the presence of chronic diseases by undergoing appropriate tests from a doctor.

    If the drug is well tolerated, then positive results will not take long to appear and you can continue to use this type of contraception for as long as necessary.

    Diane-35 - official instructions for use

    (information for specialists)

    on medical use of the drug

    Registration number P No. 012240/01

    Each dragee contains:

    Active ingredients: 2 mg of cyproterone acetate and 0.035 mg of ethinyl estradiol.

    Excipients: lactose monohydrate, corn starch, povidone, magnesium stearate, sucrose, povidone, polyethylene glycol (macrogol 6000), calcium carbonate, talc, glycerol, titanium dioxide, iron (II) oxide, mountain glycol wax.

    Round, biconvex, light yellow dragees

    Contraceptive (estrogen + antiandrogen)

    Diane-35 is a low-dose monophasic oral combined estrogen-antiandrogen contraceptive drug.

    The contraceptive effect of Diane-35 is carried out through complementary mechanisms, the most important of which include suppression of ovulation and changes in the properties of cervical secretion, as a result of which it becomes impenetrable to sperm.

    In women taking combined oral contraceptives, menstrual cycle becomes more regular, painful menstruation is less common, the intensity of bleeding decreases, resulting in a reduced risk of iron deficiency anemia. In addition, there is evidence that the risk of developing endometrial and ovarian cancer is reduced.

    While taking Diane-35, the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which plays an important role in the occurrence of acne and seborrhea, decreases. After 3-4 months of therapy, this usually leads to the disappearance of the existing rash. Excessive oiliness in hair and skin disappears even earlier. Hair loss, which often accompanies seborrhea, is also reduced. Diane-35 therapy in women of reproductive age reduces clinical manifestations mild forms of hirsutism (in particular increased growth of facial hair); however, the effect of treatment should be expected only after several months of use. Along with the above-described antiandrogenic effect, cyproterone acetate also has a pronounced gestagenic effect.

    Absorption. When taken orally, cyproterone acetate is completely absorbed over a wide dose range. After oral administration of Diane-35 tablets, the maximum concentration (Cmax) of cyproterone acetate in serum, equal to 15 ng/ml, is achieved after 1.6 hours. The absolute bioavailability of cyproterone acetate is almost complete (88% of the dose). Distribution.

    Cyproterone acetate binds exclusively to serum albumin. Only about 3.5-4% of the total concentration of blood serum is found in free form. The increase in SHPS induced by ethinyl estradiol does not affect the binding of cyproterone acetate to serum proteins. The average apparent volume of distribution is 986±437 l

    Metabolism. Cyproterone acetate is metabolized in two ways, including hydroxylation and conjugation. The main metabolite in human plasma is a 15P-hydroxyl derivative.

    Excretion. Some of the dose is excreted unchanged in bile. Most of the dose is excreted in the form of metabolites in urine or bile in a 1:2 ratio. Metabolites from plasma are eliminated with a half-life of 1.8 days.

    Equilibrium concentration. Since protein binding is not specific, changes in sex steroid binding globulin (SHBG) levels do not affect the pharmacokinetics of cyproterone acetate. During cyclic treatment, the maximum steady-state serum concentration of cyproterone acetate is achieved in the second half of the cycle.

    Absorption. After oral administration, ethinyl estradiol is rapidly and completely absorbed. The maximum concentration (Cmax) in the blood serum, equal to approximately 71 pg/ml, is achieved in 1.6 hours. During absorption and first passage through the liver, ethinyl estradiol is metabolized, resulting in its bioavailability when taken orally averaging about 45%.

    Distribution. Ethinyl estradiol is almost completely (approximately 98%), although nonspecifically, bound by albumin. Ethinyl estradiol induces the synthesis of GSPC. The apparent volume of distribution of ethinyl estradiol is 2.8-8.6 l/kg.

    Metabolism. Ethinyl estradiol undergoes presystemic conjugation, both in the mucosa of the small intestine and in the liver. The main route of metabolism is aromatic hydroxylation. The clearance rate from blood plasma is 2.3-7 ml/min/kg.

    Excretion. The decrease in the concentration of ethinyl estradiol in the blood serum is biphasic; The first phase is characterized by a half-life of about 1 hour, the second - hours. It is not excreted from the body unchanged. Metabolites of ethinyl estradiol are excreted in urine and bile in a ratio of 4:6 with a half-life of about 24 hours.

    Equilibrium concentration. Equilibrium concentration is achieved during the second half of the treatment cycle

    Contraception in women with androgenization phenomena.

    Treatment of androgen-dependent diseases in women, such as acne, especially common forms and forms accompanied by seborrhea, inflammation or nodule formation (papular-pustular acne, nodular-cystic acne); androgenetic alopecia and mild forms of hirsutism.

    Diane-35 should not be used if you have any of the conditions listed below. If any of these conditions develop for the first time while taking the drug, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

    • Thrombosis (venous and arterial) and thromboembolism currently or in history (including deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disorders).
    • Conditions preceding thrombosis (including transient ischemic attacks, angina) currently or in history.
    • History of migraine with focal neurological symptoms
    • Diabetes mellitus with vascular complications.
    • Multiple or severe risk factors for venous or arterial thrombosis, including damage to the heart valves, cardiac arrhythmias, cerebrovascular disease or coronary artery disease; uncontrolled arterial hypertension.
    • Pancreatitis with severe hypertriglyceridemia currently or in history.
    • Severe liver disease (until liver function tests return to normal).
    • Liver tumors (benign or malignant) currently or in history.
    • Identified hormone-dependent malignant diseases (including genital organs or mammary glands) or suspicion of them.
    • Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.
    • Pregnancy or suspicion of it.
    • Breastfeeding period.
    • Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug Diane-35

    If any of the conditions/risk factors listed below currently exist, the potential risks and expected benefits of combined oral contraceptives should be carefully weighed in each individual case:

    • Risk factors for the development of thrombosis and thromboembolism: smoking; thrombosis, myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident at a young age in one of the immediate family; obesity; dyslipoproteinemia (eg, hypertension; migraine; heart valve disease; cardiac arrhythmias, prolonged immobilization, major surgery, major trauma
    • Other diseases in which peripheral circulatory disorders may occur: diabetes mellitus; systemic lupus erythematosus; hemolytic uremic syndrome; Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis; sickle cell anemia; as well as phlebitis of superficial veins
    • Hypertriglyceridemia
    • Liver diseases
    • Diseases that first appeared or worsened during pregnancy or against the background of previous use of sex hormones (for example, jaundice, cholestasis, gallbladder disease, otosclerosis with hearing impairment

    Diane-35 is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If pregnancy is detected while taking Diane-35, the drug should be discontinued immediately. Cyproterone acetate is excreted in milk, so the use of Diane-35 is contraindicated during lactation

    Dragee Diane-35 should be taken orally in the order indicated on the package, every day at approximately the same time, with a small amount of water. Take one tablet per day continuously for 21 days. The next package begins after a 7-day break from taking the pills, during which withdrawal bleeding usually occurs. Bleeding usually begins 2-3 days after taking the last pill and may not stop until you start taking a new package.

    The duration of use depends on the severity of androgenization symptoms, as well as their response to treatment. As a rule, treatment should be continued for several months. With acne and seborrhea, the response usually occurs earlier than with hirsutism or alopecia.

    After the symptoms have subsided, it is recommended to take Diane-35 for at least 3-4 more cycles. If a relapse occurs a few weeks or months after stopping taking the pills, treatment with Diane-35 can be resumed. If signs of androgenization recur after stopping treatment, the possibility of earlier resumption of Diane-35 should be considered.

    • If you have not taken any hormonal contraceptives in the previous month.

    Taking Diane-35 begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle (i.e., on the first day of menstrual bleeding). It is allowed to start taking it at 2-5 menstrual cycles, but in this case it is recommended to additionally use a barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of taking pills from the first package.

  • When switching from other combined oral contraceptives.

    It is preferable to start taking Diane-35 the next day after taking the last active tablet from the previous package, but in no case later next day after the usual 7-day break (for preparations containing 21 tablets).

    When switching from contraceptives containing only gestagens (mini-pills, injectable forms, implant) or from a gestagen-releasing intrauterine contraceptive.

    A woman can switch from the “mini-pill” to Diana-35 on any day (without a break), from an implant or intrauterine contraceptive with gestagen - on the day of its removal, from the injection form - from the day when the next injection would have been given. In all cases, it is necessary to use an additional barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of taking the pill.

  • After an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    A woman can start taking the drug immediately. If this condition is met, the woman does not need additional contraceptive protection.

  • After childbirth or abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is recommended to start taking the drug after childbirth or abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy. If use is started later, it is necessary to use an additional barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of taking the pill. However, if a woman has already been sexually active, pregnancy should be excluded before taking Diane-35 or she must wait until her first menstruation.
  • If the delay in taking the drug is less than 12 hours, contraceptive protection is not reduced. A woman should take a pill as soon as possible, and the next one should be taken at the usual time.

    If the delay in taking the pill is more than 12 hours, contraceptive protection may be reduced. In this case, you can be guided by the following two basic rules:

    The drug should never be interrupted for more than 7 days.

    7 days of continuous administration of the pills are required to achieve adequate suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian regulation.

    Accordingly, the following advice can be given if the delay in taking the pill is more than 12 hours (the interval since the last pill was taken is more than 36 hours):

    First week of taking the drug

    A woman should take the last pill she missed as soon as she remembers (even if this means taking two pills at the same time). The next pill is taken at the usual time. Additionally, a barrier method of contraception (for example, a condom) should be used for the next 7 days. If sexual intercourse took place within a week before missing the pills, the possibility of pregnancy must be taken into account. The more tablets are missed, and the closer they are to a break in taking active substances, the greater the likelihood of pregnancy.

    Second week of taking the drug

    A woman should take the last pill she missed as soon as she remembers (even if this means taking two pills at the same time). The next pill is taken at the usual time.

    Provided that the woman took the pill correctly during the 7 days preceding the first missed pill, there is no need to use additional contraceptive measures. IN otherwise, as well as if you miss two or more tablets, you must additionally use barrier methods of contraception (for example, a condom) for 7 days.

    Third week of taking the drug

    The risk of decreased reliability is inevitable due to the upcoming break in taking the pill.

    A woman must strictly adhere to one of the following two options. Moreover, if in the 7 days preceding the first missed pill, all pills were taken correctly, there is no need to use additional contraceptive methods.

    1. A woman should take the last pill she missed as soon as she remembers (even if this means taking two pills at the same time). The next pill is taken at the usual time, until the pills from the current package run out. The next pack should be started immediately. Withdrawal bleeding is unlikely until the second pack is finished, but spotting and breakthrough bleeding may occur while taking the pill.
    2. A woman can also stop taking pills from the current package. She should then take a break for 7 days, including the day she missed the pills, and then start taking a new pack.

    If a woman misses taking the pill and then does not have withdrawal bleeding during the break from taking the pill, pregnancy must be ruled out.

    If a woman has vomiting or diarrhea within 4 hours of taking active tablets, absorption may not be complete and additional contraceptive measures should be taken. In these cases, you should follow the recommendations when skipping pills.

    Changing the start day of the menstrual cycle

    In order to delay the onset of menstruation, a woman should continue taking pills from the new Diane-35 package immediately after taking all the pills from the previous one, without interruption. The pills from this new package can be taken for as long as the woman wishes (until the package runs out). While taking the drug from the second package, a woman may experience spotting or breakthrough uterine bleeding. You should resume taking Diane-35 from a new pack after the usual 7-day break.

    In order to postpone the start of menstruation to another day of the week, a woman should be advised to shorten the next break in taking the pills by as many days as she wants. The shorter the interval, the higher the risk that she will not have withdrawal bleeding, and will continue to have spotting and breakthrough bleeding while taking the second pack (just as if she wanted to delay the onset of menstruation.

    When taking combined oral contraceptives, irregular bleeding (spotting or breakthrough bleeding) may occur, especially during the first months of use. Other undesirable effects have been observed in women while taking combined oral contraceptives.

    As with other combined oral contraceptives, in rare cases the development of thrombosis and thromboembolism is possible (see also “Special Instructions”).

    No serious adverse events have been reported following overdose. Symptoms that may occur in case of overdose: nausea, vomiting, spotting or metrorrhagia. There is no specific antidote; symptomatic treatment should be carried out.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Interaction of oral contraceptives with other drugs may lead to breakthrough bleeding and/or decreased contraceptive reliability. The following types of interactions have been reported in the literature.

    Effect on hepatic metabolism: the use of drugs that induce liver microsomal enzymes can lead to an increase in the clearance of sex hormones. Such drugs include: phenytoin, barbiturates, primidone, carbamazepine, rifampicin; There are also suggestions for oxcarbazepine, topiramate, felbamate, ritonavir and griseofulvin and products containing St. John's wort.

    Effect on enterohepatic circulation: According to individual studies, some antibiotics (for example, penicillins and tetracyclines) may reduce the enterohepatic circulation of estrogens, thereby lowering the concentration of ethinyl estradiol.

    While taking medications that affect microsomal enzymes, and for 28 days after their discontinuation, you should additionally use a barrier method of contraception.

    While taking antibiotics (such as ampicillins and tetracyclines) and for 7 days after their discontinuation, you should additionally use a barrier method of contraception. If the period of using the barrier method of protection ends later than the pill in the package, you need to move on to the next package of Diane-35 without the usual break in taking the pill. Oral combined contraceptives may affect the metabolism of other drugs (including cyclosporine), which leads to changes in their concentrations in plasma and tissues.

    If any of the conditions/risk factors listed below currently exist, the potential risks and expected benefits of treatment with Diane-35 should be carefully weighed in each individual case and discussed with the woman before she decides to start taking the drug. If any of these conditions or risk factors worsen, intensify, or appear for the first time, a woman should consult her doctor, who may decide whether to discontinue the drug.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system

    There is evidence of an increased incidence of venous and arterial thrombosis and thromboembolism (such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, stroke) when taking combined oral contraceptives.

    The risk of developing venous thromboembolism (VTE) is greatest in the first year of taking such drugs. Estimated incidence of VTE among women taking low-dose oral contraceptives (The risk of thrombosis (venous and/or arterial) and thromboembolism increases:

    • with age
    • in smokers (with increasing number of cigarettes or increasing age, the risk further increases, especially in women over 35 years of age); if there is:
    • family history (i.e., venous or arterial thromboembolism ever in close relatives or parents at a relatively young age); in case of hereditary predisposition, the woman should be examined by an appropriate specialist to decide on the possibility of taking combined oral contraceptives;
    • obesity (body mass index more than 30 kg/m);
    • dyslipoproteinemia;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • migraine;
    • heart valve diseases;
    • atrial fibrillation;
    • prolonged immobilization, major surgery, any leg surgery or major trauma. In these situations, it is advisable to stop using combined oral contraceptives (in the case of planned surgery, at least four weeks before it) and not to resume use for two weeks after the end of immobilization.

    Question about possible role varicose veins veins and superficial thrombophlebitis in the development of venous thromboembolism remains controversial. The increased risk of thromboembolism in the postpartum period should be taken into account. Peripheral circulatory disorders may also occur in diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, hemolytic uremic syndrome, chronic inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis) and sickle cell anemia. An increase in the frequency and severity of migraine during use of combined oral contraceptives (which may precede cerebrovascular events) may be grounds for immediate discontinuation of these drugs. Tumors There have been reports of a slight increase in the risk of developing cervical cancer with long-term use of combined oral contraceptives. The connection with the use of combined oral contraceptives has not been proven. Controversy remains regarding the extent to which these findings are related to screening for cervical pathology or to sexual behavior (lower use of barrier methods of contraception). The most significant risk factor for the development of cervical cancer is persistent papilloma viral infection.

    It was also found that there is a slightly increased relative risk of developing breast cancer diagnosed in women who used combined oral contraceptives. The increased risk gradually disappears within 10 years of stopping these drugs. Its connection with the use of combined oral contraceptives has not been proven. The observed increase in risk may also be a consequence of more early diagnosis breast cancer in women using combined oral contraceptives. Women who have ever used combined oral contraceptives are more likely to early stages breast cancer than in women who have never used them. In rare cases, during the use of combined oral contraceptives, the development of liver tumors has been observed, which in some cases led to life-threatening intra-abdominal bleeding. If severe abdominal pain, liver enlargement, or signs of intra-abdominal bleeding occur, this should be taken into account when making a differential diagnosis.

    Women with hypertriglyceridemia (if there is a family history of this condition) may have an increased risk of developing pancreatitis while taking combined oral contraceptives.

    Although mild increases in blood pressure have been described in many women taking combined oral contraceptives, clinically significant increases have rarely been reported. However, if a persistent, clinically significant increase in blood pressure develops while taking combined oral contraceptives, these drugs should be discontinued and treatment of hypertension should be initiated. Taking combined oral contraceptives can be continued if normal blood pressure values ​​are achieved with antihypertensive therapy.

    The following conditions have been reported to develop or worsen both during pregnancy and while taking combined oral contraceptives, but their relationship with taking combined oral contraceptives has not been proven: jaundice and/or pruritus associated with cholestasis; formation of stones in gallbladder; porphyria; systemic lupus erythematosus; hemolytic uremic syndrome; chorea; herpes during pregnancy; hearing loss associated with otosclerosis. Cases of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis have also been described during the use of combined oral contraceptives.

    Chloasma can sometimes develop, especially in women with a history of chloasma during pregnancy. Women prone to chloasma should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and ultraviolet radiation while taking combined oral contraceptives. Acute or chronic liver dysfunction may require discontinuation of combined oral contraceptives until liver function tests return to normal. Recurrence of cholestatic jaundice, which developed for the first time during pregnancy or previous use of sex hormones, requires discontinuation of combined oral contraceptives.

    Although combined oral contraceptives may have an effect on insulin resistance and glucose tolerance, there is no need to change the therapeutic regimen in patients diabetes mellitus using low-dose combined oral contraceptives (If a woman with hirsutism has had recent or severe symptoms, a differential diagnosis should be made to identify possible reason diseases (androgen-producing tumor, adrenal enzyme deficiency).

    Taking combined oral contraceptives may affect the results of some laboratory tests, including liver, kidney, thyroid, adrenal function, plasma transport protein levels, carbohydrate metabolism, coagulation and fibrinolysis parameters. Changes usually do not go beyond normal values.

    Effect on the menstrual cycle

    While taking combined oral contraceptives, irregular bleeding (spotting or breakthrough bleeding) may occur, especially during the first months of use. Therefore, any irregular bleeding should be assessed only after an adaptation period of approximately three cycles. If irregular bleeding recurs or develops after previous regular cycles, a thorough examination should be performed to exclude malignancy or pregnancy.

    Some women may not develop withdrawal bleeding during a break from taking the tablets. If combined oral contraceptives are taken as directed, the woman is unlikely to be pregnant. However, if combined oral contraceptives have not been taken regularly before or if there are no consecutive withdrawal bleeds, pregnancy should be ruled out before continuing to take the drug.

    Before starting to use the drug Diane-35, a woman is recommended to undergo a thorough general medical and gynecological examination (including examination of the mammary glands and cytological examination of cervical secretions) and exclude pregnancy. In addition, disorders of the blood coagulation system should be excluded.

    In case of long-term use of the drug, it is necessary to conduct control examinations every 6 months.

    A woman should be warned that drugs like Diane-35 do not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases!

    Impact on the ability to drive a car and equipment.

    Dragee. 21 tablets per blister made of PVC and aluminum foil. The blister along with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard box

    At a temperature not higher than 30°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

    5 years. Do not use after expiration date!

    Bayer Schering Pharma AG, produced by Schering GmbH & Co. Productions KG, Germany

    Bayer Schering Pharma AG, manufactured by Schering GmbH & Co. Products KG, Germany

    Döbereinerstrasse 20 DWeimar, Germany

    Additional information can be obtained at: Russia, Moscow, 3rd Rybinskaya st., 18, building 2.

    Diane 35 is a low-hormone birth control pill that can be used as a method of contraception or as a treatment acne, seborrhea, and other diseases accompanied by an increase in the level of androgens (male sex hormones) in the blood.

    ATTENTION: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first consulting your doctor.

    Composition of tablets and packaging

    Diane 35 belongs to the group of monophasic drugs. This means that all tablets (dragées) in the package contain the same dose of hormones. One tablet of Diane 35 contains 35 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 2 mg of cyproterone acetate. Cyproterone acetate, which is part of Diane 35, provides an antiandrogenic effect (fights increased testosterone in the blood).

    One blister contains 21 tablets. One package of Diane 35 contains 3 or 6 blisters.

    Advantages of Diana 35

    Diane 35 has a reliable contraceptive effect, which is achieved mainly by suppressing ovulation in the ovaries. The effect of the drug is reversible, so immediately after stopping Diane 35, pregnancy becomes possible again.

    The oral contraceptive Diane 35 has a powerful antiandrogenic effect, so it can be prescribed for acne, seborrhea, hirsutism (excessive body hair growth), hair loss (androgenetic alopecia).

    This drug can be prescribed in the treatment of infertility due to polycystic ovary syndrome. To achieve the effect, Diane 35 must be taken for 3-6 months. After stopping the pills, the chances of natural ovulation increase significantly.

    While taking these pills, the menstrual cycle is restored, menstruation becomes less painful, and the amount of blood loss during menstruation decreases.

    Rules for admission to Diana 35

    Diana 35 should be taken one tablet per day, regardless of meals (before or after meals), at any convenient time of the day. The incidence of side effects is significantly reduced if you take the tablets in the evening, before bed.

    It is advisable to take the tablets at the same time every day.

    If you have not used any hormonal contraceptives in the past month

    You need to start taking Diana 35 on the first day of the menstrual cycle. The first day of the menstrual cycle is considered the day when the first spotting appears, even if it is not heavy. After you start taking Diane 35, your periods may stop: this is normal and is associated with the start of taking hormones. It is also possible that your periods will not stop, but on the contrary, will drag on for 7-10 days or more. This is also normal.

    Take one Diane 35 tablet once a day for 21 days in a row. After the pack is finished, take a break for 7 days and start a new pack on the eighth day. During a week-long break, menstrual-like bleeding (menstruation) may occur. Your periods may not be as heavy as usual. This is fine.

    When will the contraceptive effect occur?

    If you start taking the pills on the first day of your period, the contraceptive effect occurs immediately. You may no longer use other methods of protection against pregnancy.

    If you take the first pill from the 2nd to the 5th day of your period, the contraceptive effect will occur after 7 days. In this case, Diana 35 needs to use condoms for another 7 days after starting to take it.

    Will the contraceptive effect continue after a week's break?

    Given that correct intake tablets (without gaps and without factors that reduce the effect of OK), the contraceptive effect of Diane 35 is maintained even in a 7-day break between packs.

    How to switch to Diana 35 from other birth control pills?

    If your previous birth control pills contained 21 tablets in a blister pack:

      You can start taking Diane 35 the next day after the last tablet taken of the previous OC, or

      on the eighth day after the end of the previous OK

    If your previous birth control pills contained 28 tablets per blister:

      You can start taking Diane 35 the next day after the last active tablet you took, or

      the next day after drinking 28 tablets of the previous OK

    If you did not manage to start taking Diane 35 within the specified time frame, then you should wait until your next menstruation and take the first tablet on the first day of your period. To avoid unwanted pregnancy before starting to take the tablets, you should use or.

    How to switch to Diana 35 from a vaginal ring or from a hormonal patch?

    You can take the first Diane 35 tablet on the day of removal of the vaginal ring or on the day when you needed to install a new vaginal ring or attach a new patch.

    How to switch to Diana 35 from an intrauterine device (IUD)?

    You need to start taking Diana 35 on the day of removal. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, use condoms for the first 7 days after starting birth control pills.

    How to start taking Diana 35 after an abortion?

    After an abortion on early stages During pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), you need to start taking Diana 35 on the day of the abortion. In this case, the contraceptive effect occurs immediately and additional contraceptives are not needed.

    After an abortion during a pregnancy of 12 weeks or more, you need to start taking Diane 35 on days 21-28 after the abortion (use condoms before starting Diane 35). In this case, the contraceptive effect occurs immediately and additional contraceptives are not needed. If taking the pills was started later, it is recommended to use additional contraception (condoms) for another 7 days after starting to take Diane 35.

    How to start taking Diana 35 after giving birth?

    You can start taking pills on days 21-28 after birth. In this case, the contraceptive effect occurs immediately and additional contraceptives are not needed. If you started taking Diane 35 later, you need to use condoms for another 7 days.

    If after giving birth and before starting to take Diane 35 you had unprotected sexual intercourse, then you first need to rule out pregnancy and only then start taking birth control pills.

    Can Diane be taken by 35 nursing mothers?

    If you are breastfeeding, then taking Diane 35 is contraindicated for you.

    What should I do if I mixed up the order of taking Diana 35?

    All Diane 35 tablets contain the same dose of hormones. If you mixed up the order of taking the pills, but still took one pill a day, then the contraceptive effect remains at the same level. Continue drinking Diane 35 as usual.

    What to do if you miss a Diane 35 tablet?

    A delay of less than 12 hours in taking the next pill is not considered a miss and does not reduce the contraceptive effect. In this case, take the missed tablet as soon as possible and continue taking subsequent tablets at your usual time.

    If you are 12 hours or more late in taking your next pill, the contraceptive effect may be reduced in the next 7 days. To understand what to do in this case, look at which pill you missed:

    From 1 to 14 tablets (first and second weeks of use) : Take the missed tablet as soon as possible, even if you have to take 2 tablets at the same time. Then take the tablets as usual. For another 7 days after skipping, use additional means of protection against pregnancy (for example, condoms).

    From 15 to 21 tablets (third week of use) : There are two possible actions.

    1. Take the missed pill as soon as possible, even if you have to take two pills at the same time. Then take the tablets as usual. If you have not missed a dose in the previous 7 days, you do not need to use additional contraception. If you choose this option, then you need to skip the break: that is, immediately after finishing the current pack, start a new one the next day. Drink the second package to the end and only then take a break.

    2. Throw away the current package of Diana 35 and after 7 days start a new one. This way you will go on break a few days earlier. Be sure to ensure that the break lasts no more than 7 days. Otherwise, the contraceptive effect may be reduced and pregnancy may occur. If you have not had any other absences in the last week, you do not need to use additional contraception.

    What should I do if I missed several Diane 35 tablets?

    If you missed 2 Diana 35 tablets in a row, then the contraceptive effect of the drug may be reduced. Pay attention to the numbers of missed tablets:

    From 1 to 14 (first and second week of admission) : Take two tablets one day and two tablets the next day. Then continue taking the tablets as usual, one per day. For another 7 days after skipping, use additional contraception (for example, condoms).

    From 15 to 21 (third week of admission) : Throw away the current package of Diana 35 and start a new package. You should drink the new package to the end and only then take a 7-day break. If you have not had any other absences in the week before your pass, you do not need to use additional contraception. If you have had other absences in the previous 7 days, then use condoms for another week after the absence.

    If you missed 3 Diana 35 tablets in a row, then throw away the current pack of tablets and start a new one. The new package should be drunk to the end. Use additional contraception for 7 days after missing a dose.

    If you had unprotected sexual intercourse in the previous 7 days before skipping, then there is a risk of pregnancy. In order to exclude possible pregnancy, you can take a pregnancy test 3.5 weeks after your last unprotected intercourse, or take a blood test for hCG 11 days after your last unprotected intercourse.

    If you know what to do in your situation, use additional contraception until you consult with your doctor.

    How to delay your periods with Diane 35?

    If for some reason the arrival of menstruation this month is undesirable for you, you can delay your period by one month. To do this, do not take a 7-day break between packs: immediately after finishing one pack, start a new one the next day.

    In this case, your period most likely will not come. However, you may experience some spotting halfway through the second pack. This is a normal reaction. In this case, continue to take the tablets as usual until the end of the pack.

    What to do if during the break Diana 35 did not get her period?

    If you had any omissions in the last month or had other factors that reduced the effectiveness of Diane 35, then it is better for you not to start a new package of Diane 35 until pregnancy has been ruled out.

    Pregnancy can be excluded by taking the test 3.5 weeks after the last unprotected intercourse, or by taking the test 11 days after the last unprotected intercourse.

    If in the past month you took the pills without skipping, or if you were not sexually active and pregnancy is excluded, then you can continue taking Diane 35, despite the absence of menstruation. If menstruation does not occur after a month, consult a gynecologist. You can read about other reasons for the delay in the article.

    In what cases can the effect of Diane 35 decrease?

    The contraceptive effect of Diane 35 may be reduced if:

    • Missing one or more tablets.
    • Digestive disorders accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea. You can read about what to do in this case in the article.
    • Reception.
    • Reception.

    What if the effect of Diane 35 could be reduced?

    If you suspect that the effect of Diane 35 could be reduced due to certain circumstances, then use additional contraception for another 7 days after exposure to the adverse factor. If this happens in the last week of taking the pills, skip the week's break and start a new pack immediately after finishing the previous one.

    If you don't know what to do in your situation, use condoms during sex until you consult your gynecologist.

    What should you do if you experience spotting or menstruation while taking Diane 35?

    While taking any contraceptive pills, including Diana 35, you may experience spotting in the middle of the cycle (in the middle of the package). This phenomenon is especially common in the first months of taking the pills.

    This discharge is not dangerous and does not threaten your health. Continue to take the tablets as usual, despite the discharge.

    Usually, spotting goes away by the end of the first pack or the beginning of the second pack of tablets. Some women may normally experience discharge during the first 3 months of taking Diane 35.

    How to properly stop taking Diane 35?

    If you decide to stop taking Diane 35 birth control pills, then use the following advice from gynecologists:

      Never stop taking pills halfway through the pack. This can lead to menstrual irregularities or uterine bleeding.

      To properly stop taking Diana 35, finish the current package to the end and after a break, simply do not start a new one.

      Keep in mind that the contraceptive effect of Diane 35 lasts only for the duration of taking this drug. You can get pregnant in the first month after stopping OK. If pregnancy is not desirable for you, start using additional contraception as soon as you stop taking birth control pills.

      If you are planning a pregnancy, start taking it at least 1 month before the expected conception.

    Diane 35 is one of many oral contraceptives with antiandrogenic properties, which, in addition to its contraceptive effect, has several other directions of action. So the drug is most often prescribed to women with manifestations of hyperandrogenism, i.e. who have increased levels of male sex hormones. This disease often manifests itself with the following symptoms:

    If your health is fine and you just decide to switch to another type of contraception, then it is better to choose single-phase OCs, for example "Yarina".

    I must say that I came across a wide variety of reviews on OK Diana 35. Of course, girls write based on their own, often unsuccessful, experience, since few people write about positive experience (due to their happiness), although there are some.

    Diana has 35 reviews from “consumers”.

    More often, girls write that they want to have a child or have already given birth while off the drug. And indeed there is great experience from doctors about working with this drug. After a course of 4-6 months of continuous use of Diane 35, pregnancy occurs after discontinuation. But it happens differently for everyone. Some have to take the drug for more than a year, others just a couple of months to achieve the desired result. In any case, you need to coordinate your treatment with your doctor; he should know all your chronic diseases to decide whether you can use this drug.

    However, girls often write reviews about Diana 35 that they experience side effects. They often describe this as intolerance to the drug, i.e. Nausea, vomiting appears from the first days of use, headaches and skin rashes. In this case, you must stop taking the pills and be sure to consult a specialist.

    If you tolerate this drug well, then rest assured that positive result during its use or after its withdrawal. After all, the main thing is your desire.

    Some women, fearful of becoming pregnant while taking birth control pills, prefer another method of contraception. And in vain. This method of protection is considered the most reliable of all known. Use hormonal agents you can't do it on your own. This distinguishes them from the available condoms, suppositories, creams and the like. To get a prescription for a suitable drug and find out about its effectiveness, you need to consult a doctor.

    Millions of women use birth control pills. If you take the pills correctly, they will be 99% effective and protect against unplanned pregnancy. The hormones included in the drugs can act on a woman’s reproductive system in two ways:

    • increase the level of your own estrogen in the body, due to which the production of follicle-stimulating hormone will be suppressed and, as a result, ovulation will be blocked;
    • thicken cervical mucus, which will prevent the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity and the egg.

    The active substance and its concentration in one pill vary. There are minophasic, biphasic and triphasic contraceptives. Medicines can be high-dose, containing 35-40 mcg of active ingredient or more, medium and low-dose. Monophasic agents are recommended for young nulliparous patients with a stable cycle. Women who have given birth are usually prescribed biphasic or triphasic. Mini-pills are suitable for nursing mothers and patients with reduced fertility.

    Is it possible to conceive a child with oral contraceptives?

    The probability of pregnancy when taking contraceptives tends to zero. However, there is an exception to every rule. At misuse medications, there is still a high chance that they will not work as expected. If contraceptives are prescribed by a doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, then fertilization is unlikely due to their use. As you know, conception requires 3 conditions:

    • ovulation;
    • the ability of sperm to penetrate the egg;
    • good thickness of the endometrium to accept the fertilized egg.

    When using oral contraceptives, ovulation is blocked, the cervical mucus becomes viscous and does not allow sperm to pass through, and the endometrium does not reach a size suitable for pregnancy. However, all drugs are different, so generalizations cannot be made.

    With Diana-35

    When taking Diane-35, a woman’s body receives ethinyl estradiol, which increases estrogen levels, and cyproterone acetate, which enhances the effect of the first substance and has an antiandrogenic effect. It is not possible to become pregnant while taking this contraceptive if you follow the instructions. The drug not only provides reliable protection against unwanted conception, but also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and treats diseases caused by increased levels of androgens.

    With Belara

    The active ingredients of Belara are ethinyl stradiol and chlormadinone acetate. The contraceptive suppresses FSH, LH, testosterone in a woman’s body, blocking follicle maturation and increasing the viscosity of cervical mucus. The medication is a reliable means of protection against unwanted pregnancy from the first cycle of its use. Conception while using COCs is impossible.

    With Klaira

    Klaira is classified as a three-phase combined oral contraceptive. It contains natural rather than synthetic estrogen, which reduces the likelihood of adverse reactions. Statistics show that out of 100 women taking the medication for a year, no more than 1 becomes pregnant. This drug is a highly effective contraceptive.

    When taking birth control pills Yarina

    When using Yarina, ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone enter the woman’s body. The contraceptive is low-dose, monophasic. When used, the menstrual cycle is normalized and eliminated premenstrual syndrome. Thanks to the inhibition of ovulation, the cycle can be regulated, and you don’t have to worry about accidental pregnancy. It is important to use the tablets regularly. If you miss one pill, take Yarina immediately.

    When taking Lindinet 20

    Pregnancy while taking Lindinet 20 is just as unlikely as when using its analogues. This drug has a contraceptive effect and helps in the treatment of diseases caused by increased levels of androgens. By taking Lindinet regularly, you don't have to worry about getting pregnant. The active components of the drug not only suppress ovulation, but also minimize the likelihood of side effects, in particular, weight gain.

    With other oral contraceptives

    Modern pharmacology offers a lot of different drugs that can be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Those that contain more active substance are more effective. These are: Trizeston, Non-ovlon, Triquilar. They are used to treat medical conditions or when other contraceptives are unable to control the cycle.

    Low-dose products are considered the most popular. They protect well against unwanted pregnancy and are prescribed to women different ages, including those giving birth. The most commonly recommended use is Janine, Marvelon, Silhouette, Chloe. Regulon and Regvidon are considered popular - monophasic pills. Novinet tablets are prescribed as an alternative. This medication is popular due to its low price. Taking Novinet, you won’t be able to get pregnant, but at the same time you can save on expensive OCs. In addition to Novinet, Regvidon is considered an inexpensive contraceptive.

    Lactinet contains minimal doses of hormones, so it can be used even during breastfeeding. Such drugs are prescribed to women with reduced fertility. Among patients taking Lactinet, the Pearl index was 0.4. This means that this product is much more effective than its analogues.

    The drug Escapelle belongs to the means emergency contraception. It is used one-time when an unprotected act has taken place. The medication causes changes in the endometrium, which prevents the cell from implanting, and also suppresses ovulation. Pregnancy will not occur against this background, if it has not already occurred. Once implantation has taken place, the medicine is ineffective.

    Factors that reduce the effect of birth control pills

    When vomiting, the effect of OCs decreases

    It is not possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills. This rule works when medications are used correctly. However, in certain situations the risk of conception increases and pregnancy is possible. All factors that reduce the effect of the tablets are described in the instructions. If they occur, it is recommended to follow the algorithm from the annotation or use additional contraceptives in this cycle.

    • If you forgot to take your birth control pill, but 12 hours have not yet passed, you should take it immediately. The next pill is used at the usual time. The quality of contraception does not decrease.
    • If the break between tablets is more than 36 hours, then you still need to take OK. The next pill is taken as planned. The quality of contraception decreases, it is necessary to use additional means.
    • If vomiting begins while taking birth control pills, and 4 hours have not passed since using the drug, then you need to take another dose. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the contraceptive is reduced.
    • Taking some antibiotics may reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive. Each case should be considered individually and, if necessary, additional means should be used.
    • When one tablet is missed for more than a day, there is a risk of menstrual-like bleeding. You should consult your doctor about the possibility of continuing to use the tablets or take a break for 7 days.

    Important! The quality and effectiveness of oral contraceptives may be reduced if the product used is expired.

    Is the Nuvaring ring safe?

    Pregnancy will not occur with the Nuvaring ring. This vaginal product works in a similar way to oral contraceptives. The only difference is that it is inserted into the vagina once every 3 weeks, and the tablets are taken daily. The ring produces hormones that suppress ovulation. Based on the Pearl index values, we can conclude that it is no worse than tablets. The advantage of this drug is that its effectiveness does not decrease in case of vomiting and diarrhea. However, you can still get pregnant with Nuvaring. Unexpected conception occurs if the ring was accidentally removed without the woman noticing. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly check its presence in the vagina.

    How to recognize pregnancy

    Signs of pregnancy do not disappear when taking birth control pills. If conception has taken place for some reason, then after a few weeks the woman will feel the first symptoms. The first thing that should alert you is the absence of menstruation. If bleeding does not start during the 7-day break, then you need to do a test.

    In addition to the absence of critical days, symptoms of pregnancy when taking OCs may be the following: nausea, morning vomiting, distortion of taste, dizziness, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

    Is it dangerous to conceive while taking oral contraceptives?

    According to statistics, if conception took place while using OCs, nothing bad will happen. You should stop using the medicine and consult a doctor. In the first weeks of pregnancy, progesterone deficiency may occur due to the effect of drugs on the ovaries. To support the second phase and preserve the viability of the embryo, progesterone-based drugs, antispasmodics and sedatives are prescribed.

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