• A pulling sensation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Not physiological reasons. Why does my stomach hurt late in pregnancy?


    During pregnancy, abdominal pain always causes concern for the expectant mother. Even if they are insignificant, the woman perceives them as a threat to the health of her unborn child. Unpleasant sensations of varying strength may be evidence of changes natural to pregnancy, but they may also be the first symptom of an ongoing pathological process that cannot be ignored.

    There are pains of different nature: acute and sudden, aching, cramping, stabbing or constant, chronic. For diagnosis, it is important to determine the location of discomfort and pain.

    Causes of pain in the first half of pregnancy

    On early stages During pregnancy, pain localized in the lower abdomen can be divided into physiological and pathological. In the first case, unpleasant sensations are caused by natural changes during which the entire body undergoes restructuring. Such sensations are not dangerous. In addition, they are often minor, do not get worse over time and do not cause great physical discomfort.

    Very often, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman experiences abdominal pain, as during menstruation. Often, the expectant mother does not even pay attention to them, believing that menstruation will begin in a day or two. This is especially true for those who suffer. In fact, this discomfort is caused by the implementation ovum into the endometrium.

    There are other reasons:

    • hormonal changes in the body;
    • excess progesterone levels;
    • ligament sprain;
    • increased sensitivity of the mother's body to errors in nutrition;
    • changes in the center of gravity of the body.

    There may be more serious causes of pathology:

    Ectopic pregnancy


    The umbilical hernia itself does not cause pain. The danger is the risk of pinching. This pathology can cause stabbing and cutting pain in the lower abdomen and navel area, vomiting, nausea, and heartburn. If you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor.


    Painful sensations that occur in the lower abdomen when walking can be caused by inflammation of the symphysis pubis (symphysitis). It is caused by softening of the pelvic bones under the influence of hormones. Because of this, discomfort in the perineal area and a characteristic duck gait are noted. While walking, pain often occurs due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are aggravated due to increased pressure on them.

    Premature birth

    Nagging pain localized in the lower abdomen - main sign(28-38 weeks of gestation).

    Other signs include:

    • feeling of heaviness, “stone” stomach;
    • aching pain in the lower back, sacrum;
    • brown or watery vaginal discharge;
    • feeling of pressure on the perineum;
    • leakage of amniotic fluid;
    • indigestion.

    The cause of pain may be dangerous pathology– premature. The condition is one of the most severe complications that threaten the life of the fetus and require immediate attention. medical care.

    What are training contractions?

    Mild tugging sensations at 38 weeks of pregnancy are an indicator that the body is intensively preparing for childbirth. They are called harbingers of childbirth. These also include:

    • prolapse of the abdomen;
    • slow fetal movements;
    • increased pain in the lower back;
    • stopping weight gain;
    • mucous discharge from the vagina, sometimes streaked with blood;
    • separation of the mucus plug;
    • increased fatigue, unstable emotional state.

    The pain may be cramping in nature. Sometimes they are perceived by women, especially first-time mothers, as the beginning of labor pains. In gynecology they are usually called. They are less painful, non-cyclical and do not tend to increase. Training contractions should not be a cause for concern, but they do mean that a woman should be mentally prepared for the start of labor.

    38-39 weeks of pregnancy is the period when the baby is fully formed and viable. Labor activity can start at any moment.

    What to do?

    In case of severe cramping attacks in the first trimester, complicated by bleeding and fainting, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, since there is a very high probability of an incipient miscarriage or.

    To reduce unpleasant symptoms caused by toxicosis, the following rules must be followed:

    • stick to small meals 5-6 times a day;
    • eat light plant foods, lean meats, fruits, vegetables;
    • exclude smoked, spicy, fried foods from the diet;
    • provide the pregnant woman with plenty of fluids to protect against dehydration (unsweetened tea, dried fruit compote, chamomile infusion, rosehip infusion);
    • do not lie down immediately after eating and do not eat at night.

    To prevent toxicosis in the morning, before getting out of bed, you need to eat a handful of nuts, crackers or crackers. Ginger, from which teas are prepared or its root added to salads or cereals, helps reduce attacks of nausea.

    Every expectant mother should remember that painkillers can temporarily eliminate painful discomfort, but not cure the disease that is its cause.

    Pains caused by stomach and other internal diseases will be overcome after treatment of the disease that caused them. For accurate diagnosis it is prescribed general tests, ultrasound and computed tomography.

    If you have minor abdominal discomfort that is not caused by chronic or acute diseases, you can improve your condition by following these tips:

    1. Take a warm bath or shower regularly. The water should not be very hot.
    2. Periodically go to bed to rest, listening to light music, meditating.
    3. Drink plenty of fluids, especially if you are prone to swelling.
    4. Take leisurely walks in places where there are no crowds of people. Stay on fresh air supplies the placenta and other organs with oxygen, accelerates the elimination of waste and toxins.
    5. Do yoga, fitball exercises.
    6. Avoid stressful situations, physical and moral tension, and unjustified worries.
    7. Follow a diet that supports intestinal microflora, prevents dehydration, and relieves swelling.
    8. Visit your gynecologist regularly and follow all his instructions and recommendations.
    9. Fight constipation: drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, eat foods rich in fiber, exercise physical exercise. Taking laxatives, especially without consulting a doctor, is not advisable.
    10. Monitor your blood pressure and consult a doctor if it spikes.
    11. To ease the condition during training contractions, you can lie on your left side, placing a pillow under your stomach, take a knee-elbow position for a few minutes, inhale deeply, counting to four, and exhale, counting to six. The same exercises in the future will alleviate the condition during childbirth.

    Many expectant mothers may feel a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen in the initial stages of pregnancy. In some ways they are similar to mild pain before the onset of menstruation. Below, pain may occur already at the very early stages pregnancy. Quite often women can confuse this feeling with premenstrual syndrome.

    Sometimes bleeding may accompany the painful sensations. They are not abundant and may be reddish or Brown. If a girl does not know that she is pregnant, then she may think that she has started her period.

    During pregnancy, other symptoms occur that are also similar to PMS symptoms– nausea, breast tenderness, odor aversion, irritability, change in appetite. You should know that a clear sign pregnancy there is a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.

    If the nagging pain is severe enough, and the pregnancy is more than two weeks old, then you should consult a doctor. During pregnancy, any painful sensations should be taken into account. It is better to consult a doctor once again and make sure that nothing threatens the pregnancy, than to blame yourself later for inaction.

    Nagging pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Is this normal?

    For what reasons can a woman have a tight lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy and how should she respond to this condition? If the pain is not severe and there is no bleeding, then this condition is considered absolutely normal and in this case there is no need to worry. Blood circulation increases in the uterus as the fetus develops in it. This process does not cause severe pain. To get rid of pain, you need to take a no-shpa tablet and try to relax.

    Doctors say that the first three months of pregnancy are the most dangerous. The majority of miscarriages occur during this period. Very often the cause of spontaneous abortion cannot be determined. Pregnancy for women is completely different. Some try to take care of themselves, do not do any heavy physical work and end up losing children, while others do hard work and as a result give birth to healthy children.

    When should you see a doctor?

    • If painful sensations are accompanied bloody discharge, and it doesn’t matter what color they are. In some cases they may be pinkish, and in some cases they may be pale, brown, and so on. In this case, you must urgently call ambulance. To prevent the pregnancy from being interrupted, you do not need to turn a blind eye to such symptoms, but need to react urgently. Bloody discharge with severe pain may indicate a disruption in the course of pregnancy, for example, placental abruption. If you contact a medical facility in a timely manner, this process can be established; doctors prescribe the pregnant woman to take the necessary medications. A frozen pregnancy can also manifest itself in a similar way.
    • If the pain is increasing. If you have pain, you take a painkiller (preferably no-shpu) and lie down to rest, but after a while the pain does not subside and your stomach continues to pull. This is an alarming signal, as it may indicate. You need to call an ambulance, and while waiting for it, take a comfortable position and try to relax.
    • If pain is felt in a certain area of ​​the abdomen (right or left). To dispel fears and anxieties, it is better in this case to do.
    • If the pain is constant and intense. The situation is considered normal when a woman feels a tugging slight pain, and it only causes her a little discomfort. A woman can do her own thing. And if the pain is intense, very distracting and causes severe discomfort, then you need to seek advice from a specialist. If a woman suspects that she is pregnant, but has not yet seen a gynecologist, then intense pain may indicate pregnancy. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, this condition can cause a rupture. fallopian tube and severe bleeding. In some cases, the outcome can be fatal.
    • Along with nagging pain there is vomiting and. Symptoms may occur with appendicitis. If the doctor confirms this diagnosis, then the pregnant woman undergoes surgery, without causing any harm to the health of the mother and child. If nausea and vomiting occur due to toxicosis, then the doctor selects a special diet for the woman.

    Sometimes the lower abdomen in the later stages of pregnancy can feel tight for very harmless reasons - it could be bloating, constipation, flatulence. But there are enough dangerous reasons which cause abdominal pain. There is no need to ignore them; they require urgent attention to a specialist.

    Such reasons include:

    • Sprain. During pregnancy, a number of changes occur in a woman's body. Such changes include sprain of the round ligament. This process is accompanied by aching pain in this area. The pain may radiate to the right side of the pelvis. The ligaments are strained due to the increase in the size of the uterus. The round ligament can spasm, and this process is accompanied by pain. To reduce discomfort, you can lie down and relax. It is important to know that you need to lie on the side that does not hurt.
    • Premature birth. We can talk about premature birth if the uterus begins to be active before thirty-seven weeks. This process is accompanied by nagging and cramping pain in the lower abdomen. The pain may be localized in the lower back. In some cases, there may be bloody discharge. The cervix begins to actively dilate; when it dilates completely, labor begins. To stop this process, you need to urgently go to the hospital.
    • Appendicitis. Inflammation of appendicitis can occur at any time, including during pregnancy. Don't hesitate. The later you go to a medical facility, the more difficult appendicitis will be.
    • Divergence of the pubic symphase or dysfunction of the symphysis pubis. This condition is accompanied by pain of varying degrees of intensity in the center of the pelvis.
    • Adhesions, intestinal obstruction, genitourinary infections. These conditions can also provoke nagging abdominal pain in late pregnancy.

    What should you do if you have nagging pain during pregnancy?

    If you have a nagging pain in the lower abdomen and there are additional symptoms (which were listed above), then you need to do the following:

    • Lie down, relax, calm down and raise your legs up.
    • Make an appointment with your doctor. If the pain is severe and you cannot get to the hospital on your own, then call an ambulance.

    Also, during the period of bearing a baby, you should adhere to some rules:

    • Try to lead healthy image life. You need to eat right, your diet should contain a lot of fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of those foods that provoke severe gas formation (such foods contain a lot of fiber).
    • Spend as much time as possible outdoors, move more.
    • There is no need to overexert yourself. Work should be alternated with rest. Also, you should not do work that requires raising your hands for a long time (for example, hanging laundry), as this may affect the condition of the pregnant woman.
    • If any painful sensations arise, you should lie down, relax and raise your legs on the pillow.

    In any case, if pain occurs during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. It will be better this way anyway. If the pain does not stop for a long period of time and is also accompanied by bloody discharge, then in this case you need to call an ambulance.

    The period of gestation for a woman is associated with enormous responsibility. She is now responsible not only for herself, but also for the new life that has arisen. Fears, doubts, and stress often lead to a worsening of the condition.

    If the lower abdomen feels tight during early pregnancy, the cause may be ordinary anxiety. Often, such discomfort becomes a signal of pathological conditions. After all, the first trimester is the most dangerous, so it is so important to understand your own feelings in order to see a doctor in time.

    Physiological changes

    The natural process, in which the lower abdomen can pull, occurs 7-10 days after conception. This is due to the attachment of the amniotic egg to the walls of the uterus. Accompanied by slight discomfort, spotting of blood is possible, small blood vessels of the endometrium depart. During this period, the woman has no idea about her condition; the onset of pregnancy can be shown by a basal temperature chart. And the bleeding is so small that it does not exceed a couple of drops.

    During the first month, similar sensations may periodically occur due to changes in hormonal levels. With each passing week, the amount of progesterone increases rapidly, the uterus loses tone, and a woman may mistake it for the beginning of menstruation. If the expectant mother knows about her new status, and the discomfort is regular, she needs to urgently seek medical help.

    The entire gestation period is associated with changes in work digestive system. Bloating, flatulence, intestinal disorders are frequent companions in the first months. Toxicosis is often added, causing cramps in the lower abdomen. Walking, getting enough sleep and eating small meals will help ease the condition.

    Frozen pregnancy

    The threat of miscarriage remains throughout the first trimester. The reason may be various factorswrong image life, bad habits, previous abortions, previous infections, work failures internal organs, in particular endocrine system. The body rejects the embryo, the uterus begins to contract as during menstruation, and the endometrium is excreted along with the amniotic egg.

    If bleeding occurs, hospitalization is necessary. If the abortion has already occurred, the doctor must make sure that there are no embryo particles left in the uterine cavity. If necessary, scraping is carried out. A woman needs to go recovery period and only then plan a new conception.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    A dangerous diagnosis for the health and life of the mother. If you ignore the signs and do not go to the hospital, the consequences can be dire. The statistics are inexorable; this is one of the main causes of disorders of the reproductive system, which leads to infertility.

    After conception, the amniotic egg is not fixed in the uterus, where the embryo should form and grow. It remains in the fallopian tube and begins to gradually increase in size, leading to rupture in the future. This is associated with pulling sensations, often turning into pain. If an ectopic pregnancy is detected in time, sad scenarios can be avoided by minimizing the consequences.


    • it not only pulls in the lower abdomen, it also radiates in the lower back;
    • sensations of pressure in the genitals, anus;
    • after conception, bloody or brown discharge regularly appears;
    • fainting, nausea, sudden surges in blood pressure.

    The earlier the pathology is detected, the better the prognosis for the woman’s further rehabilitation. Except surgical intervention, today there are methods of conservative treatment.

    Threat of interruption

    Paying attention to your own health can only reduce the risk, but not eliminate it. The reason for the danger of pregnancy lies in the lifestyle of the expectant mother, or will not depend at all on her actions. Even if a woman is at rest for the first 10 weeks, this will not protect her from spontaneous abortion.

    Causes of placental abruption:

    • gene mutation of the embryo;
    • pathologies of the reproductive system;
    • artificial insemination;
    • the presence of several embryos;
    • infections and chronic diseases internal organs.

    If nagging spasms gradually turn into pain and are accompanied by bleeding, you should urgently call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you can take antispasmodics (No-shpu or its analogue Drotaverine), take a lying position while waiting for the paramedic. In some cases, the pregnancy can be maintained; additional tests and studies are carried out within the hospital walls to prescribe appropriate drug therapy.

    Pathologies of the corpus luteum

    Temporary duties of protecting and nourishing the embryo until the formation of the placenta are performed by the corpus luteum. His task is to ensure normal hormonal background to weaken female immunity, and, consequently, preserve the viability of the child. If in the early stages the lower abdomen feels a little tight during pregnancy, this may be a signal of problems with its functioning. A corpus luteum cyst usually does not cause discomfort to expectant mothers; the accumulation of fluid and increase in size do not interfere with the organ’s ability to perform its natural tasks.

    • restrictions on physical activity;
    • temporary cessation of sexual activity;
    • gentle bed rest.

    Diseases of internal organs

    Pulling sensations may not necessarily be associated with the reproductive system and the formation of the child. Under the influence of hormones, chronic diseases of the excretory system worsen. Also, this is one of the signals of appendicitis that requires immediate surgical intervention. In any case, consultation with a gynecologist, therapist, and other specialized specialists is necessary.

    Pain in the lower abdomen is not a reason to panic; significant natural changes occur in the body. But it’s still worth seeking advice at the first discomfort. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the phenomenon after appropriate diagnosis and research.

    When there is a tug in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, it makes you worry expectant mother. Of course, such pain can be a sign of some kind of pregnancy pathology: low placentation, fetal presentation, and others. Or it may be that pain in the lower abdomen is just a symptom of pregnancy. The child grows, changes occur in the mother’s body - this can become a sign of minor pain.

    In this article we will look at the reasons that can cause pain in a pregnant woman.

    Reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight during pregnancy

    First of all, you need to pay attention to the period at which pain in the lower abdomen occurred. In early and late pregnancy, the reasons may be different.

    Such reasons can be divided into: those related to pregnancy and the child, unrelated (pain and pathologies of the stomach, appendicitis...).

    • Pain during the first months of pregnancy may be normal. The fact is that nagging pain is a sign of pregnancy, which is explained by the appearance of a new organism. A woman’s body is restructuring, preparing to become a mother, which is the reason for the appearance of nagging pain. But you should not ignore such pain, it is better to consult a doctor (just in case).
    • Pain in the lower abdomen can be a consequence of poor nutrition, indigestion and increased gas formation.
    • Physical activity and overwork can also cause pain.
    • The appearance of pain can be explained by old problems with the organs of the genitourinary system and ovaries.

    Causes of pain in the lower abdomen in late pregnancy may be different.

    • Pressure of the uterus on the intestines (due to fetal growth).
    • Sprain of the ligaments that support the uterus. Such pain can occur with sudden movements, sneezing and changing positions.
    • Exacerbation of diseases such as intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, pancreatitis.
    • Problems related to gynecology.
    • Risk of miscarriage. At the same time, the pain is aching and radiates to the lower back (the nature resembles contractions). As a rule, such pain does not stop and may be accompanied by bleeding. But you shouldn't be too upset. In such situations, you will be put on safekeeping.

    However, if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms, consult a doctor. It’s better to play it safe by checking the baby’s condition and how he’s developing.

    What should you be wary of when experiencing pain during pregnancy:

    • Continuous pain.
    • Intense pain that is constant. These pains do not allow me to live normally, constantly making themselves felt. These symptoms may be a sign ectopic pregnancy. Contact your doctor to rule out this diagnosis (the diagnosis can be made using ultrasound).
    • Pain accompanied by bleeding.
    • Brown discharge may also be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
    • If the pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting or fever.

    What to do?

    When you feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen, characterized by additional symptoms (listed in the chapter above), you should do the following:

    • Lie down, calm down and raise your legs up.
    • Go to an appointment with your therapist (if you can go yourself - the pain does not cause severe discomfort).

    Call an ambulance if the pain is severe (with blood). Such symptoms may threaten premature birth.

    In addition, you must follow some rules during pregnancy:

    • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Eat right by including more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Eat less foods that cause excessive gas (containing fiber).
    • Move more and get some fresh air.
    • Don’t overexert yourself, you don’t need to spend hours washing the floors, hanging clothes and curtains (raising your arms high is not what a pregnant woman needs).
    • If you have any pain, you need to lie down and relax, raising your legs on a pillow.

    In general, regardless of the nature of pain during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor. If the pain is constant (does not stop) and is accompanied by bloody discharge, call an ambulance.


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