• Should pregnant women wear a brace? Compression stockings during pregnancy and childbirth. How to choose a maternity bandage by size


    Main function prenatal bandage– provide support for the abdomen (without squeezing it) and at the same time help the baby take the correct position in the uterus (in particular, the bandage prevents premature descent of the fetus). A rationally designed and properly selected bandage relieves stress from the spine, which helps prevent the occurrence of lower back pain. Supporting the belly expectant mother, the bandage thus prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

    We list the main indications for wearing prenatal bandage:

    • Active lifestyle. This is especially true for pregnant women who are in an upright position for more than 3 hours a day (primarily, of course, for working women).
    • Weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, pelvic floor.
    • Lower back pain, osteochondrosis.
    • The appearance of stretch marks.
    • Repeated pregnancy (with a second pregnancy, the abdominal wall usually stretches more than during the first).
    • Multiple pregnancy.
    • Some types of obstetric pathology (such as threatened miscarriage, excessive enlargement of the uterus).

    Contraindications for use prenatal bandages practically none, but there is no unity among obstetrician-gynecologists on the issue of the advisability and necessity of wearing them. Some doctors strongly recommend that all pregnant women use this benefit of civilization, others are strongly against such “violence against nature,” so “think for yourself, decide for yourself.” In any case, be sure to consult with your doctor - he will take into account the specifics of your pregnancy and your constitution, which is always much more convincing than appeals to any “advanced” theories.

    How to wear a brace correctly for pregnant women

    Typically, bandages are worn from the 4th month of pregnancy: it is during this period that the belly begins to rapidly increase in size and the first stretch marks may appear. Prenatal bandages can be used until last days pregnancy.

    Wearing bandage for 24 hours a day (and even during the entire waking period) is unacceptable. Every 3 hours it is recommended to take a break for at least 30 minutes (unfortunately, women do not always remember this, especially when outside the home - at work, for example).

    The most common 3 options prenatal bandages.

    1. Briefs-bandages with elastic support insert, placed in front under the stomach, and in the back - on the lower back. Because such bandage for pregnant women used as panties, it naturally needs to be washed frequently, which is some inconvenience: to ensure constant support for an enlarged belly, you need to stock up on several bandage panties.
    2. Lace-up bandages. Strictly speaking, this is an “old-regime” domestic version of bandage belts, differing from its imported and more modern Russian counterparts in several very peculiar features. Firstly, they are extremely complex and inconvenient to use, and secondly, they are made of material that has little or no stretch, and therefore does not support the stomach well. To be fair, we will say that the domestic industry has now mastered the production of bandages for pregnant women made of elastic fabric (without lacing - with Velcro) with a good level of support.
    3. Bandage belts. The support belt is worn on underwear, which eliminates the need for frequent washing. Bandage belts are fixed under the abdomen using a Velcro valve. Most models are equipped with not one, but three valves, i.e. In addition to the central one, there are two side joints, which provides additional opportunity to adjust the size of the bandage. You can put on the bandage tape either lying down or standing (it fixes the uterus, but does not put pressure on top). Whereas it is recommended to wear the panty bandage in a horizontal position in order to correctly distribute the pressure of the elastic insert on the abdomen (less in the upper abdomen, more in the lower).

    Modern technologies made it possible to create materials that give the skin the ability to breathe (they are even sometimes called “second skin”). Bandages for pregnant women, manufactured with the addition of such hygroscopic, “breathing” materials, satisfy the most stringent hygienic requirements. Bandages made in the UK and Germany are deservedly popular. In these countries there are small companies specializing exclusively in clothing for mothers - expectant and nursing. These products are quite expensive, but they combine an attractive design and high functional qualities, and also satisfy all medical requirements. Unlike relatively cheap models, available only in the “white” version, expensive branded underwear is available in a rich range of colors - white, black, beige... However, it should be noted that doctors strongly recommend wearing white underwear: in their opinion, whiteness represents is an additional incentive to keep your laundry perfectly clean. Products in the mid-price range include bandages made in Italy and the Baltics, which are very popular in our country. Unfortunately, these models, although very attractive in appearance, sometimes do not fully correspond to their intended purpose, i.e. do not have a very good degree of support.

    In order not to make a mistake with the size maternity bandage, it is best to seek help from a consultant at a specialized store or pharmacy. If you still prefer to do it yourself, keep in mind that the size of the bandage belts corresponds to your pre-pregnancy size (S (42-44), M (46-48) or L (50-52), XL (52-54 ), XXL (56 and above)), and to find out the size of the panty bandage, you should add one more size to the “pre-pregnancy” size. When choosing a bandage belt, it is best to try on several options and settle on the one in which you feel most comfortable.

    Postpartum bandages

    Postpartum bandages not only support the abdomen and hips (the skin and muscles of which naturally temporarily lose their original tone during pregnancy and childbirth), but also relieve stress from the spine, relieving fatigue and back pain.

    Postpartum bandages can be in the form of panties made of elastic fabric or in the form of an elastic band.

    Combined postpartum bandages can be used both before and after childbirth (when used during pregnancy, the wide part of this bandage falls on the back, and the narrow part is fixed under the stomach; after childbirth, the bandage is turned “back to front”: the wide part fits the stomach, the narrow part is fixed on the back).

    If in the case of prenatal bandages There are practically no contraindications to wearing them, then using postpartum bandages is subject to certain restrictions.

    Wearing postpartum bandages not recommended (or should be limited) for certain types of sutures after cesarean section, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney diseases accompanied by swelling, skin and allergic diseases and in some other cases. About postpartum bandage you should consult your doctor. Obstetrician-gynecologist, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of labor, the postpartum period and individual characteristics your body, will decide the admissibility and advisability of using a bandage after childbirth and will help you choose the appropriate model.

    Of course, wearing a postpartum bandage does not eliminate the need for special exercises to maintain abdominal muscle tone. Both can (and should) be combined when doing gymnastics in a bandage.

    Pregnancy for a woman - best time in her life. But not everything goes smoothly: toxicosis, swelling, problems with the spine. All this can cause a lot of inconvenience. To remove some unpleasant symptoms, experts suggest how long to wear this item should be determined by a gynecologist. Of course, it won’t get rid of morning sickness, but it will help with pain in the back, legs, and lower back. Are there any contraindications? How to choose the right model? What to look for when purchasing? We will try to find answers to these questions in the article.

    Do you need a bandage?

    Many experts argue whether it is necessary to purchase a bandage for pregnant women? Leading gynecologists say this is necessary. The issue is especially acute for women who lead active image life, work, play sports.

    Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question: “At what time should I wear a bandage for pregnant women so as not to harm the baby?” You should ask the doctor who is observing you about this. Generally muscle support abdominal cavity needed after the belly begins to actively grow. This process occurs individually for each woman. Many are advised to wear it during the fourth month of pregnancy. It is at this time that the pelvic bones begin to separate, which causes discomfort to the woman. The bandage can prevent stretch marks, which may not go away even after childbirth. In addition, the load on the legs and spine as a whole is reduced.

    Types of bandages

    The question of how long pregnant women need to wear a bandage should be answered by a doctor. Only he can determine and advise the size and model of this product. You can find many options in pharmacies. Many women focus on appearance and make a huge mistake. There are several types of bandages:

      In the form of panties. A special elastic insert is built into the upper part, which provides good support for the growing belly. The advantage is the appearance of the product. It is worn like regular underwear. This is the main disadvantage. Panties need to be washed daily. If you buy a bandage of the wrong quality, the upper elastic part may stretch and no longer support the abdomen.

      Belt. Worn over underwear, under the belly. It is attached using special Velcro and can be adjusted depending on the stage of pregnancy. When purchasing such a product, you must try it on. Choose a belt model with a wide back, otherwise it will slip off.

      Gynecologists advise paying attention to a universal bandage. It is suitable for wearing during pregnancy and after childbirth. Its essence lies in a special belt, which consists of 2 parts. During pregnancy, the hard part is worn on the back, and after childbirth is transferred under the stomach. Thus, by purchasing a similar item once, you will save money.

    Many women use a maternity brace. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can determine for what period of time to wear this or that model. It is not recommended to purchase such products without his consultation.

    If necessary

    There are situations when you cannot do without a bandage. Among them:

      Active lifestyle of a woman.

      Back problems. The presence of diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, neuritis.


      Multiple pregnancy.

      Weak abdominal muscles.

      High water.

      Previously performed abdominal surgeries.

      Threat of premature birth.

      Large fruit.

    In all these cases, the doctor prescribes a bandage for pregnant women. How long to wear it can be determined after a face-to-face consultation, pelvic measurements and clarification

    Are there any contraindications?

    As for contraindications, they also exist. The bandage should not be worn by women whose fetus is not in the position. In these cases, the belt may prevent the baby from turning over.

    To avoid having to do an ultrasound at every doctor’s appointment, you need to choose an experienced gynecologist who could determine the position of the fetus using a special listening tube.

    We put it on correctly so as not to harm the baby

    At a doctor's appointment, you can often hear a question about a bandage for pregnant women: from when and how to wear it? To do this, you need to consult a gynecologist and carefully study the instructions for a particular model.

    The bandage in the form of panties should only be worn while lying down, so as not to harm the baby. Watch the position of your hips. They should be slightly raised. If it is difficult to do this on your own, you can place a pillow or rolled up towel under your back. It is better to wear a bandage over your underwear so as not to have to do daily laundry. This should be done only in the cool season, so as not to overheat the stomach. The elastic insert should reach the navel, not higher, otherwise there may be excessive pressure on the fetus.

    The bandage belt is more comfortable to wear. Put it on different positions: standing and lying down. Before purchasing such a model, it is advisable to have a doctor explain the rules for using the product. It is important that the belt passes under the stomach and at the same time supports it without squeezing it. And from behind he rested on his hips.

    Carefully secure the bandage. There are special fastenings for this. Choose a position that is comfortable and convenient for you. If the belt dangles, it will be of no use.

    When to start wearing a brace for pregnant women, the doctor determines. If you do not experience problems with your back, swelling, and feel great, you will not need it at all.

    We respect the time frames

    To relieve stress on the spine, doctors recommend a brace for pregnant women. The wearing period is determined individually. In any case, the process cannot last more than 4 hours. After the time has passed, you need to take a half-hour break. The main rule is that the bandage should not put pressure. If you don’t feel it, it means you’re wearing it correctly and the size is chosen correctly. At the first sign of discomfort, it must be removed, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences.

    When buying a bandage, carefully read the instructions; it will be better if your doctor demonstrates how to secure it correctly. Not all gynecologists share positive opinions about this product; there have been cases when, after wearing a belt or panties incorrectly, the fetus had to be saved, and the mother had to be taken to the hospital for safekeeping.

    Choosing the right size

    If the doctor has already answered the question about when pregnant women should wear a brace, and you are ready to buy, you need to consider the following nuances:

      It is better to choose the model in advance.

      It is advisable to buy the product at a pharmacy.

      Making a purchase through an online store is risky; you can often find low-quality products and mismatched sizing.

      If possible, it is better to try on the bandage to understand whether it is suitable for you or not.

      Don't be intimidated by the size labels. All products are marked with numbers 60, 65, 70 and so on. By European standards, this means actual sizes: 38, 40, 42.

      Remember, the product must be made of natural fabrics so that the skin can breathe. The presence of metal parts, corset needles and other rigid elements is not allowed.

    For many women, the pressing question is: “At what age can pregnant women wear a bandage?” For each case it will be considered individually. As a rule, gynecologists recommend purchasing and using a bandage starting from the 4th month of pregnancy. Here are some of their tips:

      Buy goods only in specialized stores or pharmacies, where you can try on the selected model.

      Carefully study the material from which the bandage is made.

      It is better to choose a domestic manufacturer. Although the models are not so diverse in terms of design, they are used natural fabrics, and their price is reasonable.

      If you purchase jockstraps, their size should be several times larger than the underwear you are wearing. Please take this into account when purchasing.

      Monitor the condition of the fetus while wearing the bandage. If your child becomes active, remove it immediately. You can put it on again after an hour, not earlier.

      Read the instructions carefully; products must be washed at the correct temperature so as not to damage the properties of the fabric.

      Do not wear the brace while sleeping.

    Drawing conclusions

    Speaking about bandages for pregnant women, you need to remember the main thing:

      Correctly decide on the size and model.

      Wear only after consulting a doctor.

      Do not wear a brace if the baby is in a breech or transverse position.

      Purchase products made only from natural fabrics.

      Do not wear the bandage for more than 3-4 hours.

    Many doctors recommend a brace for pregnant women. When and how to wear these products, the gynecologist determines individually for each woman. The main rule is that it should be convenient and comfortable. It should not squeeze your stomach too much or put pressure on your back. If you don't have spinal pain during pregnancy, you may not need a brace.

    A noticeable increase in the abdomen already from 4 months is often a reason to think about a bandage. Each woman is individual and the issue of abdominal support should be considered based on physical condition, daily activity of the expectant mother, based on the recommendations of the gynecologist.

    As it turned out, obstetricians and gynecologists do not have a common opinion on the advisability of using a bandage. Some doctors are confident in the need for a prenatal bandage, while others talk about its negative impact on the abdominal muscles, which begin to become “lazy” and lose tone. Of course, the final decision whether to wear a bandage during pregnancy is made by the woman herself, unless there are medical prohibitions.

    You should purchase a support device at a pharmacy kiosk or a specialized department, and do not hesitate to ask a sales consultant in detail about the advantages, disadvantages and quality of a particular product. Before the purchase important factor there will be a fitting various models bandages, which will allow you to choose the most comfortable and suitable design. A correctly selected, rational and comfortable bandage during pregnancy relieves the load on the spine and prevents the occurrence of pain syndrome lumbar region, prevents stretch marks.

    How to choose a bandage during pregnancy?

    When choosing a bandage, preference should be given to products made from natural fabrics. The latest developments of hygroscopic, “breathable” materials give the feeling of a “second skin”. Modern technologies meet the highest hygiene requirements. German and English manufacturers have deservedly gained popularity, where there are companies whose profile is mainly clothes for expectant mothers. Naturally, such bandages are expensive, but they are attractive in design, of excellent quality, maximally functional and meet all medical standards. This underwear, in comparison with cheap analogues, is available in a wide range of colors. Doctors recommend not going into variations in the palette and using a bandage during pregnancy in white shades to comply with the rules of personal hygiene. Common cheaper models of Italian and Baltic origin look quite presentable in appearance, but do not fulfill their main function - supporting a growing tummy.

    How to choose a bandage during pregnancy? It is best to seek help from specialists antenatal clinic, pharmacy kiosk or authorized point of sale. It is very important that you feel comfortable and comfortable in the bandage. This is not always possible to achieve from the first try-on, so be patient and choose your ideal size and style.

    When is a bandage needed during pregnancy?

    Active intrauterine growth of the baby begins, as a rule, from 20-24 weeks. There is an increase in the load on the spinal column and stretching of the skin on the abdomen, which may indicate the need to use a bandage.

    The most relevant bandage during pregnancy is for women who take an active lifestyle and spend most of their time standing. The bandage relieves stress from the spine, protects the skin from overstretching, reduces pressure on the vessels of the lower extremities, minimizes or completely eliminates pain caused by compression of the pelvic area and tailbone.

    Cases of muscle weakness in the peritoneal area during repeated/multiple pregnancies are a fact that obliges the use of a bandage to support the child growing inside. Indications for using the bandage will be varicose veins veins, diseases of osteochondrosis, a number of obstetric pathologies, as well as the threat of premature labor.

    How to wear a bandage during pregnancy?

    The most convenient model of a prenatal bandage is the shape of a belt. Among its advantages are: ease of putting on and taking off, size adjustment using Velcro, the presence of an elastic tape that supports the stomach well, does not require removal when visiting the ladies' room.

    For maximum efficiency you need to follow some principles:

    • The bandage is put on in a supine position with a pillow under the soft spot;
    • lie down in a relaxed state for several minutes, allowing the baby to occupy the space at the top of the tummy (this will reduce the pressure on bladder, the feeling of heaviness will go away);
    • secure the bandage tightly (without excessive pressure) with Velcro, having first studied the instructions;
    • roll over onto your side and slowly stand up.

    If the baby in the mother's womb begins to worry after putting on the bandage, it is better to reduce the time of using support underwear, and sometimes even stop using it altogether.

    A bandage during pregnancy in the form of a belt is classified as a combined type. Until the baby is born, it is worn with the wide side back (supporting the back), and after childbirth, the wide part is placed in front to tighten the abdomen.

    The panty-style bandage is not so convenient to use and requires frequent washing. Made from durable rubberized material, panties/shorts cause discomfort when walking and sitting.

    How to wear a bandage during pregnancy?

    In addition to your own feelings, there are certain rules for wearing a bandage. If wearing supportive underwear is your own initiative and not a medical recommendation, then correct use it won't do any harm.

    Basic principles and wearing mode:

    • after three hours of wearing, it is recommended to take half-hour breaks;
    • continuous use of the bandage is possible according to special gynecological prescriptions, if relief of the condition is observed;
    • it is important that the bandage does not exert pressure, but only performs the function of supporting the abdomen;
    • a bandage during pregnancy should not cause discomfort, only a feeling of relief and comfort in any position or movement;
    • It is possible to use the bandage until the end of pregnancy, based on personal feelings and doctor’s recommendations.

    The benefits of a bandage during pregnancy

    The bandage during pregnancy can be worn according to medical indications, which include:

    • pain in the spine;
    • high probability of premature birth/miscarriage;
    • the presence of underdevelopment of the cervix;
    • the fetus has a low position against the background of a weak muscular corset of the peritoneum;
    • there is an area of ​​scarring on the uterus due to a previous cesarean section or other surgical procedure;
    • surgical intervention performed through the peritoneal wall one and a half years or less before conception;
    • neuralgia caused by a pinched nerve in the lumbar back;
    • expecting more than one baby.

    Despite the controversial opinion of obstetricians and gynecologists on the subject of wearing support underwear, the benefits of the bandage during pregnancy are undeniable:

    • facilitates the process of gestation, which is especially required in cases of multiple pregnancies;
    • prevents the feeling of fatigue and pain in the legs;
    • reduces the load on the vertebrae and pelvic area;
    • able to prevent excessive stretching of the abdominal skin (prevent stretch marks);
    • serves as a prophylactic against premature descent of the fetus (ideally this occurs at 38 weeks of gestation);
    • reduces the risk of miscarriage;
    • provides support for insufficient tone of the peritoneal muscles;
    • promotes the correct intrauterine position of the baby.

    The advantages of modern products include the quality of the material, which provides comfort in the hottest summer heat, convenience and ease of use, as well as invisibility under clothing.

    Bandage in the last weeks of pregnancy

    It may be prohibited to use the bandage on last weeks pregnancy (third trimester), if the baby takes the wrong position during the coup (for example, with the buttocks towards the “exit”). Wearing a bandage in in this case will prevent the baby from returning to the correct position before birth.

    In turn, if the baby turns head down from the breech position, then it is better to resume wearing the bandage in order to fix the correct position of the fetus until the moment of labor.

    Be that as it may, listen to the advice of your obstetrician-gynecologist and your inner voice.

    Bandage after pregnancy

    The function of a postpartum bandage is to support the abdomen and hips, relieve fatigue and pain in the spine, and unload the spinal column.

    Bandages used after the baby is born are made in the form of panties with an elastic band or combined type(can also be used before childbirth).

    • A number of restrictions are imposed on the bandage after pregnancy:
    • presence of stitches due to caesarean section;
    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • kidney disease accompanied by severe swelling;
    • skin problems and allergic diseases.

    It is possible to use a bandage during the postpartum period only after consultation with a doctor. Based on the course of the birth process, the characteristics of the female body and recovery period After the baby is born, the gynecologist makes a decision on the admissibility and advisability of a postpartum bandage.

    Most often, in parallel with the use of a bandage during pregnancy and after childbirth, a gymnastic course is prescribed, which brings the muscles and skin to their original tone.

    Typically, a bandage is prescribed at 22-30 weeks. However, the obstetrician-gynecologist can prescribe it later (after the first complaints of lower back pain appear, so as NOT TO REPLACE THE WORK OF YOUR OWN MUSCLES WITH A BANDAGE.


    Let's start with an academic rule - it's better not to experiment with your health! So if all your friends and acquaintances already wore a bandage during your term, this does not mean that you need to follow their example. You should purchase special underwear only when indicated.

    These include:
    - back pain (to reduce the load on the spine, the bandage was
    - threat of miscarriage, underdevelopment of the cervix;
    - low position of the fetus with weak abdominal muscles (the bandage fixes the child higher and does not allow him to fall down prematurely);
    - a scar on the uterus (after a previous cesarean or other gynecological operation); surgery on the abdominal cavity within one and a half years before pregnancy (the bandage prevents the abdomen from hanging over the seam and getting wet);
    -neurological pain caused by pinched nerves in the lumbar spine (without a bandage, the pain in the leg can become so intense that it becomes difficult to walk);
    - twins or triplets (a heavy uterus puts a particularly large load on the spine).

    Without support
    Not everyone needs a bandage. If you do not have the listed indications, if your abdominal muscles are developed and your back does not hurt, then there is no need for a bandage. Most often, tall, slender ladies manage without outside support, but large and short ladies need additional support.
    Other contraindications include skin reactions for products from synthetic materials and breech or transverse presentation of the fetus. The bandage fixes the baby's position, and when malpresentation It will be almost impossible for the child to return, which means the risk of complications and surgical intervention during childbirth increases. Therefore, if after the 24th week of pregnancy the presentation is not cephalic, no matter what the back pain is, a bandage is not prescribed.

    Dressing procedure
    If a bandage is prescribed, pick up right size the doctor helps. To do this, he measures the abdominal circumference in the navel area in a standing position. It is advisable to purchase underwear where you can try it on. This is rarely the case in pharmacies, so it is better to contact maternity clothing stores. A doctor should show you how to put on a bandage, since the illustrations on the packages are not always correct. Often the underwear is worn too high on the model (in this case it can squeeze the fetus). The first time you try on the bandage lying down - it’s easier to feel it. pubic bone. In general, the process of putting it on is reminiscent of wrapping a loincloth - the bandage should go along the lower part of the buttocks, pass entirely under the stomach, resting on the hips, and grab the pubic bone in front. The doctor should also adjust the model so that you feel comfortable, not too tight and not too loose. However, it is worth remembering that as the abdomen grows, it is necessary to adjust the degree of tension.
    After you learn how to properly adjust the ties, you can perform the procedure while standing (after all, you will not always be able to lie down during the day).
    Contrary to popular belief, bandages do not protect against stretch marks. Striae appear primarily due to decreased skin elasticity and hormonal changes. Unfortunately, the bandage cannot influence this.

    Many sports moms are interested in whether it is possible to wear a bandage during fitness classes. It all depends on the condition of the woman herself. If you are used to leading an active lifestyle, have strong abdominal muscles and a healthy back, you may not need a bandage at all. If the doctor recommends wearing a bandage, and you feel comfortable in it during training, then you can play sports in a bandage.
    The lineup
    Bandages are divided into prenatal and postnatal.
    Prenatal bandages are most often made of synthetic materials, but they are also made entirely of cotton - for mothers with sensitive skin. Some manufacturers have up to six sizes.

    Bandage tape It is a dense wide tape made of elastic material with a wide part in the middle and narrower ends. It is adjustable with a fastener (usually Velcro) in the front, and two more on the sides. Some manufacturers have perforated tape - thanks to the holes, the material “breathes” and it is not so hot in the bandage. This model is preferable for back problems, especially if support is not needed throughout the day. The tape can be used both during and after pregnancy. In the first case, the wide part is at the back, in the second, at the front. Panties. The bandage tape runs inside maternity panties (both high, covering the stomach, and low, passing under it). The tape itself is not as wide and dense as in the previous model. There are models with an adjustable clasp between the legs like a bodysuit - this is convenient for those whose thighs become very fat during pregnancy. Such bandages are sometimes trimmed with lace and are quite convenient to put on and take off. But many are confused by their main drawback - they need to be washed daily, like any underwear. Belt. The bandage is reminiscent of high-top maternity panties, with the difference that a thin elastic band runs only from the side of the abdomen. And the model itself is adjustable only from the side. This option is suitable for those for whom it is more important to prevent the baby’s head from drooping, but lumbar support is not so important. For some manufacturers, the fabric insert above the bandage is made of a special “breathable” material with a “second skin” effect.

    Postoperative bandages you can choose based on prenatal volumes. However, it is worth remembering that during pregnancy the hips move apart and do not always quickly return to their place, so you may not be able to guess the size.
    “Regular” ones look like high-top panties with clasps on the sides or both sides of the belly, often with a bottom clasp, like a bodysuit. Most often made of synthetic materials that help compression and provide microcirculation of air. There are also cotton models that help restore the elasticity of the abdominal muscles due to the tight insertion and strong tightening. Some manufacturers have models trimmed with lace.
    Postoperative - special bandages for those who gave birth by cesarean. Very reminiscent wide belt- from the waist and almost to the pubis, with a fastener along the entire width. This type of bandage is softer than a regular postpartum bandage and is designed specifically for wearing after surgery.

    A bandage in the form of a band is preferable for back problems. Especially if support is not needed throughout the day.
    The “belt” model is ideal if you need to secure your baby’s head from drooping. Lumbar support fades into the background.

    If you gave birth yourself, it is advisable to refrain from wearing a bandage. It replaces the work of the abdominal muscles, and they come into shape more slowly. Better help your muscles with exercise.

    How long to walk:
    After the bandage is prescribed, you should wear it until birth, especially for those who spend a lot of time on their feet or lead a sedentary lifestyle. Some doctors recommend not wearing the brace for more than three hours at a time. However, if it fits perfectly, no breaks are needed. If your back starts to hurt only after walking for several hours, you don’t need to wear a brace all the time.

    After cesarean.
    If you gave birth by caesarean section, then you cannot do without additional support (with the exception of a longitudinal suture). You can put on a bandage almost immediately after the operation and walk in it for 40 days. However, it is better to clarify this issue with a specialist in the maternity hospital or antenatal clinic. The doctor will be able to recommend the right model for you.

    – whether you need to wear a bandage, how to put it on correctly, why it is needed, and so on.

    But we usually think about the bandage later, when the gynecologist had already told us that it needed to be used. WITH male point The bandage is not needed for vision, it compresses the blood vessels, the blood supply to the baby worsens, which reduces his mobility. But all this is the point of view of men; they observe their wife’s pregnancy from the outside and cannot simply physically feel what a woman feels.

    But for medical reasons, a pregnant woman needs a bandage to reduce the load on the spine if she moves a lot or often, does not sit still, suffers from back pain, or feels tired. The bandage is recommended to be worn by women who are afraid of stretch marks on their stomach and want to prevent their appearance.

    If you are in active movement walk a lot and you don’t have the opportunity to slow down, then the bandage will help you get rid of discomfort in the back and lumbosacral area.

    A prenatal bandage corset is needed, as some doctors believe, to fix the baby in the correct position when he lowered his head into the mother’s pelvis before giving birth, so that he does not roll over back onto his butt. Other doctors believe that if the child lies in the pelvic position, that is, he lies with his bottom down, then the bandage needs to be put on, the child will still take the head, correct position, then there will be no need to do a caesarean section.

    As reviews from women who have used the bandage and practice show, these two points of view are correct, but neither of them can be 100% correct for all expectant mothers. Some had births without complications, while others had to have a cesarean section, or give birth “butt first.” Everything here is individual, here you yourself will feel what will be best for your baby and for you.

    Some pregnant women use a bandage so that later they do not have to worry that their umbilical cord will supposedly “fall out”, so that they do not have unpleasant sensations when they are on the recent months lean forward when cleaning the apartment, with a bandage they feel more confident and calm. Bandages are also recommended to be worn in the 2nd, 3rd pregnancy, the skin on the abdomen is stretched, it is necessary that after childbirth there are as few stretch marks as possible.

    If there is a risk of miscarriage, low position of the placenta, polyhydramnios, uterine scar, multiple pregnancy, or a very large fetus, then, as prescribed by the doctor, they may be prescribed to wear a bandage.

    You need to start wearing a bandage from 4 or 5 months of pregnancy. You can't wear a bandage all the time. It must be removed when a pregnant woman goes to bed. Also, every 2 or 3 hours you need to remove the bandage, at least for half an hour, the child may become ill from insufficient blood supply, and this means the removal of waste substances, air, and food.

    Imagine being locked in your mother's belly and using a bandage to restrict movement around her. Is it really unpleasant? And the baby wants to move, and he needs good blood flow.

    Bandages for pregnant women are sold in pharmacies and stores that sell clothes for pregnant women. Wide choose Such devices can be found in pharmacies at maternity hospitals. Bandages are available according to the stage of pregnancy: prenatal, postpartum, mixed.

    The bandage comes in the form of a belt or corset that supports the lower abdomen. It can be worn in any position, sitting, standing, lying down, the wider part is secured on the back with Velcro, the narrower part is secured under the stomach. The bandage comes in the form of panties and is worn while lying down. If a pregnant woman often goes to the toilet, then it would be more practical to wear a bandage belt.

    Correct bandage should not squeeze the child, because the mother does not want to give birth to a disabled child. The bandage should only gently and gently support the abdomen, and not put pressure on it.

    When buying a bandage, do not hesitate to try on different sizes and model options and choose the option that is comfortable for you, according to this principle, the size of your panties before pregnancy, plus one more size.

    The bandage should be worn over your underwear for hygienic purposes, to make you feel comfortable and also to extend the period of its wear.

    Now we know why a pregnant woman needs a bandage. As for postpartum bandages, you need to consult a doctor; sometimes after childbirth they do more harm than good. After operation caesarean section It is strictly forbidden to wear a bandage.

    Video. bandages for pregnant women

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